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without permission in writing from the publisher.

Henderson Enterprises, Inc

New York, NY

ISSN 1553-6289

Vol. 1 December Early January


Printed in the United States of America


What Actors Need to Know!
Issues are continually updated before each new publication, with information provided by the
agencies themselves. We also receive help from SAG/AFTRA, Equity, ATA and NATR periodic lists and
updates. Information is also received from the appraisals of casting people and comments about the,
NEW YORK AGENCIES, received by our Information Service from the agencies' clients.

All agency listings are as accurate and completely detailed as possible. As new agencies open,
other agencies close relocate or experience staff changes, etc. For these reasons, issues of NEW YORK
AGENCIES are not to be considered, nor are they represented by us to be completely up to date beyond a
short time span. They are however, updated prior to each new issue and periodically throughout each
month as new changes occur.

Each issue also contains expert information and career guidance articles provided by this editors
friend and noted "career-building" author Lawrence Parke, designed to benefit our readers by
empowering both working actors and new talent with career details not provided as completely or as
candidly in any other publications.

Our hope is that this publication will help you more easily locate the agencies likely to be most
receptive and ideal for you. Help our readers choose wisely, avoid unproductive and unpleasant
experiences, save time and money by avoiding future mailings and phone calls with outdated information.
And last but not least to help you progress more swiftly in your career.

Helping Actors since 1983
Mailing Labels 13 Lists $7 - $19
Personal Managers Directory $15
Secrets of Successful Actors $15
Casting Directors Guide $10

By phone or in person with

Author of
Whether your career has stalled or youre just getting started as an actor
in New York. I will help you create a workable, effective business plan utilizing the most
available up-to-date information.


Drama Book Shop (Books & Labels)

Barnes & Noble (East 86th St.) (Books only)
Barnes & Noble (Union Square) (Books only)
Actors Connection (Books only)
Weist-Barron (Books only)





Latest Agency Openings, Closings, Office Location Moves

What Some Agents Are Currently Seeking
Agents Representing Special Talent Categories
Continually Updated Details For All Franchised Agencies

Our coding and symbol system is designed for quick checking!


This publication obtains its information directly from the agencies and additional Industry Publications. Follow up calls
are made to those Agencies we have questions about.

The Agency Departments of SAG/AFTRA, EQUITY, ATA and NATR inform us of new franchises so we can quickly
obtain new agencies' complete information for publication. Because today's newcomers seeking agents are tomorrows
working actors and like working readers, need ''career" information from the start. In every issue we publish a Feature
Article and other information that we feel are timely and important for all our readers throughout their careers.

1900 Broadway 5 Fl.
New York, NY 10023
212-944-1030 Main/212-863-4270 Television Dept./212-827-1553 Theatrical Dept.









"Your excellent publication helped me so much!"

Catherine Crier is an American journalist and author of A
Deadly Game and The Case Against Lawyers. Catherine, is
also a former World News Tonight substitute anchor and
former anchor on Court TVs Catherine Crier Live.

CLICK, SUBMIT, WAIT.....................AND WHINE!
The Actor's Effort to be seen in Cyberspace
or How NOT to Have Fun Looking for a Job in the 21st Century
by Mari Lyn Henry, Sue Porter Henderson and Brian Vermeire

Years ago during my life as a casting director, the submission plan was simpler.
The now defunct Ross Reports was the main resource for finding a casting office and
sending a photo and a resume with a cover letter (hand written), placing them in a 9 x 12 manila mailer
and hoping for a phone call from the office. You didn't have to POUND the pavement and wear out the
shoe leather anymore. Perhaps the phone did ring with an appointment for an interview leading to an
audition. If that didn't happen in two weeks what next? The proverbial PHOTO postcard was sent as a
friendly reminder with subtext Remember Me? Oh well, those were the days, the days when a casting
director's nightmare might have been death by suffocation from the enormous amount of 8 x 10's that
never got opened falling from the ceiling. Postcards remain the NORM as a means of keeping agents
etc. aware of your progress and most recent work!
I wrote a poem that was published in Back Stage 20 years ago about What
Actors Will Do to Get A Foot in the Door!

Balloons, Gift Baskets,

Tricks and Treats,
Candy, Cakes, Cookies,
All Kinds of Sweets,
Pieces of Puzzles,
A Token, a Ring,
Chests without Shirts,
A Telegram they sing.
Soapboxes, Matchbooks,
Pens, Pencils, and Pads,
Button, Cartoons,
Magnets, Back Stage Ads.
Champagne and Wine Glasses
Sent by the Score...
What Actors Will Do To Get a Foot in the Door!

According to my friend and colleague, Sue Porter Henderson, publisher of this invaluable
resource, an actor can and does waste an entire day submitting for projects that may or may not exist.
Any casting director could get 1,000 electronic submissions a day for any role that is posted on the
Internet's principal casting websites. Truthfully both casting directors and talent agents do not welcome
unsolicited e-submissions from actors. They ignore them. One of the major reasons for the wait is that
novice actors will submit for any and all parts whether they apply to their type or not. This is akin to
going to an open call which has specific requirements for the part, e.g. beautiful ingnue in the early 20s
with blonde hair and blue eyes, a young Grace Kelly for a role on a prime time episodic series. The line
starts early in the morning and women in their 40s with red hair, mostly character types get there first. So
now you get the idea about indiscriminate click and submit.

You have to reassess your promotional materials. Does your current photo do you justice? Does
your photo suggest to the casting director that you are the physical description in the breakdown? That
you are the age range? That the experience on your resume lists impressive credits and training? That in
essence, you are READY for the job? If you are only going down the electronic path in your career, the
outcome is bleak.

What you have done is eliminated the very core of how to get work---networking,
taking classes where you have interaction with other actors, working on your craft and
doing selected not mass mailings. Letting these same casting directors and the agents
know when you are working no matter whereshowcases of new plays, independent
films, student films, starting your own company to develop new works and perhaps writing
material that will be performed some day as a one person show.

You have to be active and out there, not sitting at a keyboard all day with no direction. And
remember your TALENT will never be ignored.

Brian Vermeire and Kristina Hughes founded HoldonLog.com and PerformerTrack.com over ten
years ago and created organizational software to help actors literally run their own business. Recently
Brian wrote a piece about the topic of quick fixes and e-submissions and called it Performers: Get Off
the Slots. Think of a casino. A majority of the folks in a casino are slumped behind a jackpot machine
pulling the lever hoping with each pull that the next one will make them rich. A slot machine is easy to
do. Just sit there, pull the lever, get 3 7s in a row and BAM JACKPOT! However, we know the usual
outcome is
that they will walk away broke and frustrated.

There are a TON of self-submission websites out there that promise that you will
be seen by the right people. It's so easysimply click, submit for a project, audition, get cast and you
are a star....NOT! You really have to have a strategy. It takes WORK TO WIN. The Entertainment
Industry is a Relationship Business. This is not a Click & Submit Business. There is no magic bullet
to becoming a successful performer but if you win at the Relationship Building table, you will win
bigger and faster than if you were with the rest playing the slots by clicking and submitting everyday.

Taking control of your career away from the computer will open your eyes to opportunities that
you can create for yourself. As Milton Berle once said, If opportunity isn't knocking, build a door.

Mari Lyn Henry, Sue Porter Henderson and Brian Vermeire


Are you ready for your close-up?

The statistics are still appalling. There are so many union members, so few jobs. Competition is
fierce. Open calls posted on Back Stage or on union bulletin boards attract hordes of hopefuls who line up
on the street hours before the session begins. When a noted film director had an open call on a bitterly
cold February day, it is estimated that 5,000 actors (some of whom had slept out on the street the night
before) turned out for their big break.
Nevertheless, actors will not be dissuaded from trying their luck in the big Apple or seeking their
glory in Tinsel town.
So many actors choose to be ignorant about the business aspect of the profession.
It may have seemed romantic in the opera La Boheme to live in a cold water garret, sacrificing everything
for art. That was an opera set in the 19th century. Today in the 21st century there is really no excuse for
seeking a career in acting without enough money saved to survive during the orientation. Actors must
consider themselves entrepreneurs, self-appointed commanders of their own Enterprise. They have to
know how to package themselves, promote their talent, organize their home office, understand the
appropriate protocols for interviews, impression management and keeping a daily journal of their
business days, notating who they met and honestly evaluating the experience.
AND they have to continue training to keep in physical, mental and emotional shape, stay alert to the
unexpected and unpredictable occurrences in the biz, and NEVER stop seeking ways to improve self-
awareness and confidence.

Years ago actors found work by literally pounding the pavement, snail mailing their headshots
and resumes to agents offices and those few casting directors who were just emerging as the experts who
could spot talent and open doors. Actors then were able to leave their pix in a box outside of the office
hoping an assistant would see their potential and call them for a meeting. Now agents will only see you
by appointment; casting directors will only see you through referrals. Cold submissions are rarely
successful. For security reasons there is no admission without an invitation. So the Internet, Electronic
submissions, YouTube auditions, and the Smartphone have become the new normal of doing business.
However the very first step is still sending via snail mail, an 8x10 color headshot, resume, and cover letter
to your selected agents, casting directors and personal managers. If they are interested you will be
The chance to get employed by a self-submission on the Internet is perhaps one in a million. So
stop clicking, submitting and waiting. Thou shall not WHINE if you are prepared for that CHANCE when
you get a response from an agents or a casting directors office. Are you ready for that close-up, for that
monologue in the office, to tape a scene on YouTube? Will you clutch, freeze, let anxiety overwhelm
you? When actors are uncomfortable, nervous or frightened they cant have a successful audition because
they have blocked their creative energy.
Some professional guidelines are outlined in Sue Porter Hendersons valuable agents directory
and casting directors guide. I also must underscore the necessity to know about acting and vocal coaches
and have a list of at least five of them to call when needed. Have your professional wardrobe ready to
wear with solid colors, polished shoes, proper fit, and minimal accessories. If you are in an ongoing class,
work on the audition material there and get creative guidance from the teacher. Look rested when you
make your entrance, have a positive attitude, enjoy the experience, dont think about a callback, be in the
The road to success is strewn with frustration, naysayers, sacrifice, feelings of failure and
rejection. But if this is the career you passionately want, work hard, embrace your nerves, feel your power
and love every minute of the journey.
Oscar winner Mercedes Reuhl remembers the time in her early career when she had no concept of
how much talent she had. I believed in myself fiercely when I was receiving encouragement from Uta
Hagen and felt I was proceeding gracefully but these ill winds of rejection had thrown me way off
course. And she was packing her bags to return home when that eleventh hour call came from a
playwright who wanted her for a role. The rest is history.

Mari Lyn Henry, co-author, How to Be a Working Actor (5 editions)






Whether you've suddenly become fairly well known throughout the industry with a television series
or a frustratingly slower inching upward in roles and billing, or are still in the "working actor" stage, the
real "career-breakthrough" starring will come without warning! And you'll never know that's what they'll
be for you till they're in theatres or on television. Brad Pitt couldn't have expected his sudden top stardom
with his third film. John Travolta couldn't have known that his 4th film "Saturday Night Fever" would put
him on top suddenly and couldn't have anticipated his sudden "comeback" years later. Jack Nicholson was
amusedly shocked when "Easy Rider" (his 16th low-budget) did it for him.

But there are many more modest "break-through" starring roles along the way. See the words "Be
Prepared" above? A producer waited as long as they could, while the agent couldn't find Jim. It turned
out that he was in his van on the way to Atlantic City licking his wounds about losing a different role....
without telling his agent! After waiting as long as possible for his agent to find him, they had to cast
another actor! Always be ready and available! That could happen any time! Some actors are prepared
and know what to do. Some aren't. You'll never know when the first really "Big" break is coming.
Always communicate with your agent!

When that big break, "Starring", comes suddenly, if it's a motion picture, there'll still be a long
waiting period for the release, openings in theatres and trade and daily paper reviews, a waiting period
that seems endless! When the film finally opens nationwide there will be many reviews that may or may
not think you deserve high praise. You did the role, got the best billing available and probably many
weeks of decent salary. But it can mean little, both
during the "waiting for release" period and when you're praised, unless you've known ahead of time how
to exploit it or have a manager exploiting it during that waiting period and (still better) have invested in a
publicist as soon as you are cast in that plum role. An unbelievable amount of publicity, in all print media
at least, can be gotten day in and day out by a good publicist while you're still working in that film!
Without a publicist, you can do that big role and when it's finished slip back to where you were before.

What's lucky for still low salaried "working actors" is that, the higher the first season salary
demanded for one or two top stars, the less that's left for the other regular cast members and in the end
there isn't much budget left, so those "working actors" with the most modest established salaries will be
given their best chances, often simply for budget reasons. Whether in one performing medium or another,
such "sudden stardom" is fairly common, but more usual is that with someone creating a sudden miracle
for you after a lot of increasingly good roles, your work is broadly known and respected. Your agent calls
frequently to tell you that you've been "set" for roles without interviews, most often important roles that
appear throughout total scripts, each with the potential of some form of "guest starring" for television and
at least "featured" billing for motion pictures. If productions and casting people observe that you're really
"in demand" everywhere and rising swiftly there'll be many "offers" to your agent. Any one of those
offers can be a big break through moment for you if it's skillfully exploited. If you don't have a manager
and or a publicist to do that exploiting, those opportunities will slip quietly past, one after another.
Some "big breaks" may not seem of much importance when offered: One of the opportunities a
good agent or manager will consider in this stage because they know what it can become, but not
necessarily jump to accept for you, is one of the "recurring character" roles that are either introduced in
new series pilots or are added mid season, as many are. The frequency of being seen by the public in
many if not all of the series episodes would be enough, because of the promotion and visibility that
frequency offers (especially if its worth "guest starring" billing each time), but a good manager and a
publicist, or a career supporting agent also knows that if the character attracts some attention it often
becomes a series regular role, under series contract, with some form of special billing and a decent salary
at the start of the second season if not sooner. Either or all of those team members know how to promote
that kind of role into a series regular. Short of a series starring role from the start, its one of the quickest
manners of obtaining broad public and industry visibility and probably a billing boost.

"Recurring" roles of all ages and types are most often added mid season, when something is
envisioned as being needed for more appeal, more atmosphere, more local color, some comic relief or
whatever. You, as well as your agent and or manager, should continually concentrate your promotion
efforts on the casting and other production staff members of current television series that you feel you'd
be right for.

"Recurring" roles have one drawback. If you're brought in increasingly often, you're too often
unavailable for other starring roles when your agent is called regarding your availability. To avoid being
"laid aside for a while" by other productions, the best agent, when those "Recurring" calls come will ask
to have the scripts delivered to you quickly so you can decide and let the agent get back to them quickly.
That indication of respect for your choices and the fact that you require the privilege is in its own way
excellent promotion with those who call. Recurring roles aren't "contract" roles and if an actor is
sufficiently valued by the production he or she is forgiven for being "unavailable" because of a choice
starring role elsewhere. Whether film, television or theatre is involved, with your agent and manager
always stressing it, is that the role and billing are what matter to you. Of course the role first, but
"Separate Card, Main Titles" should always be at least asked for television guest appearances and at least
billing position requested for film. No less than "Share Card, Main Titles" should be accepted. If they
want you badly enough, even if at first they say it's not possible, it can be arranged.


This is when many actors consider this questionable step. Temptations come over lunches with
friends when their agents are with them. Agents proselytize all the time. Your friends' agent knows the
kind of commissions you're producing for your current agent and would like to have those commissions
coming to their office instead.

Although a new agent may really believe they can help you achieve a bigger career leap swiftly, he
or she might fail because of not knowing the structure on which the upward progress thus far has been
based. There may be too many details not known about you, about your special talents, special qualities,
special contacts and especially deals already in early development. Salary and billing boost requests of the
new agent are often suddenly ridiculous, because the new agent is anxious to fulfill his or her promises.
You might simply not work at all for a while. If you do decide to leave an agency, do it gracefully. Have a
reason that doesn't hurt the feelings of the agent you're leaving. An agency you leave without good
feelings can hurt you! Unless a top, top agency comes to you with a firm offer depending upon your
signing with them, usually a television series starring role or motion picture they are "packaging", stick
with your current agent who's brought you this far. If their series or film really needs you, you'll be cast
without changing agents.
There have been cases where a top agent at one of the giants signed a "new star" because he was
beginning to steal top roles from one of their own male stars. Their reason for stealing him away with one
project was to reduce his threat to their other client!


When a series salary and other starring roles are assured of becoming continuous into the foreseeable
future, a Business Manager can be obtained for a modest annual retainer fee if the contract or
understanding includes the agreement that expenses for special services "as needed" throughout the year
will be paid in addition. Business Managers can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars (or in these
days more likely millions!) from your burgeoning income! And as fan mail begins and grows, you must
have a Secretary to handle that mail and pick up all phone calls and refer them to the appropriate
members of your team. If becoming a public celebrity of any noteworthiness, you should never pick up
your own phone. There are so many details in this new career level that other people can and should
handle more expertly for you. Doing it yourself will distract from your concentration on preparation of
your performances.


If you have yet to do something, are doing something, or have just done something that's
newsworthy for newspaper, magazine or on air publicizing, preparing your own publicity release is
simple, if you have perfect grammar and punctuation. If you don't have those, don't even try it. To
prepare a release follow the following steps.

(1) At top left, print "From:" with a company name, an address below it, and below that, "Contact:" and a
name and phone number. No date.
(2) Drop down a few lines and at the right margin print in capital letters,


(3) Drop down a couple of lines, centered, print in capital letters (no

underlining) just a few words that encapsulate the story.

(4) Drop down two or three lines again and begin your first paragraph. Double space the story, keep left
and right margins one inch wide. That first paragraph must tell in the fewest words possible, the whole
story. WHO (you) is doing or just did WHAT (the "story" in just a few to the point words), WHEN and
WHERE. Editors scan that first paragraph swiftly to decide whether it's for them. If the total story isn't

condensed in that first paragraph's brief and attention grabbing wording, the release is thrown away

(5) A following paragraph (or two at the most) should contain the elaborating details. WHY the item is
newsworthy will challenge your mental resources. Something about it must be one of the following: a
big break, something obviously of broad human interest, or amusing, or of personal (maybe comic)
disaster nature or something that applies to the individual Editor's special field. A following paragraph
(or two at the most) should contain the elaborating details. WHY the item is newsworthy will challenge
your mental resources. Something about it must be one of the following: a big break, something
obviously of broad human interest, or amusing, or of personal (maybe comic) disaster nature or
something that applies to the individual Editor's special field.

(6) Name names of others involved, recognized name, mention the producer, the star, the director, even a
studio or theatre name, will grab attention and may cause the item to be printed. Those names are
currently more newsworthy than your own may still be.

(7) At the bottom of the first page, if there are more than one, two spaces down from the last line, in the
center, print "---1---" if an additional page is necessary, at the bottom of the second page print "---2---",
at the end of the release, drop down two lines and print "---3---".

(8) To send a theatre production photo with any other cast member in it, get permission from that other
person and also from the theatre before mailing the release. The same applies for any photo of any actual
performance in any medium.

Since the story is about you, behind the release include a Photo of yourself, with a narrow "caption" strip
with your name on it, use double sided tape and tape it at the bottom. Be sure to tape the top of the
caption to the back of the photo bottom, not the front, so the total photo can be printed.




I work with several different agents for commercials, industrials and print including Abrams Artists,
Prestige, Bella, Rick Miller and Ramona's Models and Talent. It's because of Sue Hendersons help and
advice that I continue to do well in this, ever changing industry. It is also why I continue to recommend
my fellow actors both experienced and new to seek your advice and services. Thank you, Sue!

Abby Ross (Working Actor)

Everything started for me after I met with Sue Henderson, with her guidance and advice, I signed with
a major commercial agent within two months and began freelancing with several film and television
agents on a regular basis. Casting Directors regularly call me directly. I have been a principal in Sprint,
Chevy, Cheerios, IKEA, MasterCard, and several major print jobs. I have also appeared as a principal in,
Wall Street 2, 30 Rock, Gravity and Boardwalk Empire.

Tom Morrissey, (Working Actor)

Sue Henderson gave me the inside track on reaching current and important casting directors in the
NYC area. At first, I thought it was monotonous but she said to stick with it because they will get to
know you! So I post carded casting directors every time I got a principal gig and it worked BIG TIME!
Thats how I booked the pivotal supporting role of Lou Gold in The Fighter.

Ted Arcidi (Working Actor)

Its part of an actors homework and investment in your brand, no matter what level you are at to know
whos casting what. Agents and CD's tend to move around and Henderson Publications give you a birds-
eye view of the playing field. It also focuses my energy on where it needs to be and the perfect fit for
my goals. Do what you need to do, but I find in my conversations I know whos been doing their
homework. Thanks for doing the hard work Sue; you are my rock star!

Shawn Michael
Co-Star "Blue Bloods" CBS

Thank you so much for your label service! I booked a major role as Tommy for Luc Bessons
Malovita (Robert DeNiro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Tommy Lee Jones), which took me to France for a month
of filming! Im convinced that the recent heads-up postcard to Mackey Sandrich Casting prompted
them to bring me in. Like you saidYou get in their face with credits and you get called in.

Ted Arcidi (Working Actor)

Josh Pultz

Why would I want an Agent?

It's very difficult to pursue a professional career in New York without having an agent
on your team. Agents provide so much more to their clients than just scheduling appointments
and negotiating contracts. Agents must work hand in hand with actors to discuss career goals
and formulate a strategy that will be the most successful. Its about meeting the people that
you don't know and that don't know you--the people that make THE DECISION THAT WILL

Do I need extensive training before contacting an Agent?

Training is extremely important and is a huge factor in the one's success. Whether you
attend an established training program like those at Julliard and Yale or you study at one of the
many acting studios here in NYC, continuing to work on your craft, develop new skills, find
new audition monologues and explore yourself as an artist will go far in your pursuits Just as
you have to invest yourself in this business and in an agent, an agent makes an investment in
you. To an agent, a well-trained actor is a good investment. Having training from a well
known graduate acting program is a very attractive investment for an agent. Your four years in
an undergraduate program and/or three years in a graduate program will give you many
invaluable experiences including numerous roles in college productions, access to the
institutions alumni, and most importantly a show-case at the end of your program. That
showcase is a sure fire way to get an agent.
How will I know if an Agent is right for me?
When I sign a client I hope and expect that they will be my client for years to come. This
is why your personal relationship is very important when deciding on an agent. When I sit
down to meet with a potential client I think of it less as a meeting and more as a casual
conversation between two people. You'll sometimes see and speak with your agent more than
most members of your family, so a comfort level when speaking with each other and
interacting is extremely important. You also need to do your homework. Know what type
of agency you're interested in. Do you want an agency with a commercial department? Do you
prefer a smaller office to a larger one? Does an office specialize in developing new talent or is
it a power house musical theatre office? All of this will require research on your part. It's also
good, especially when going into a meeting, to know about the agent you are meeting with and
about their office. Pick up a copy of the New York Agencies book, talk to friends who are or
know people who are represented by that agent, chat with casting director friends. Taking an
active interest will not only help you make an informed decision but will also give you more
ammunition in conversation and the fact that you took time to do some research will show
through and impress a potential agent.
What do Agents look for in the talent they represent?
Its all about the complete package and what you are going to be able to offer to that
agent and to the business. Talent is, of course, key. You can be the nicest and most business
savvy person ever but if you dont have the goods to back it up the former traits seem
insignificant. I want to represent someone who is realistic about where they are in their
career, what roles they can/will play and someone who has a clear vision of what kind of
projects they want to be doing.
Do Agents recommend audition centers for seeking representation?
Like I said, for agents it is all about your work and that means an agent needs to see
you in action. Audition centers are the perfect medium for this to happen. It can also be the
perfect venue in which to have all your business questions answered and to get a feel for a
specific agent, learn some more about their office and get feed back about your monologue
or song selection. I also sometimes recommend audition centers to my own clients for the
purposes of meeting casting directors, they dont yet know.

How can a trained actor get a MP/TV Agent?
In New York these days there really is no such thing as a MP/TV Agent. New York
is, without question, a Theatre town. We have eight episodic TV shows shooting here and a
smattering of Feature Film work, but a walk through Times Square makes it very clear that
Theatre is the bread and butter of New York based talent Agencies. Broadway, Off
Broadway and Regional Theatre are the basis for Professional Acting Careers in New York
and the roots of many MP/TV names on the West Coast are here as well. Do not make the
decision to obtain training and become an actor on the notion of vaulting to Stardom on
Network Television or becoming the next Julia Roberts overnight. It is all about creating a
solid foundation of work on your resume that can aid you in reaching the next level in your
career. Telling an Agent in NY, that you are only interested in film and television is, more
often than not, a turnoff.
How has the Actor/Agent relationship changed over the past few years?
Communication and the way Actors and Agents communicate has changed very
dramatically in recent years. Developments in technology, like the use on-line sources to
send clients audition materials and appointment information and the ease and speed of e-
mail as a communication tool, has diminished the need for office visits and face-to-face
contact. That is why I encourage clients to stop by from time to time and why basic and
unimportant conversations transpire via e-mail. E-mail is useful for disseminating
information that does not require a telephone call. Agents are also more closely examining
their clients career paths and Actors have to reconsider the types of projects that interest
them. The need for work weeks as they relate to Health Insurance and the surge of star
driven casting, both in Theatre and recent television projects means more clients pursuing
the Independent film market and regional theatre.
What is required by me once an Agent decides to represent me?
Agents all like different things from their clients. For me, having clear
communication with my clients, is the important component. No need to call me to ask if,
anything is going on. Trust that if an agent has something to speak to you about, you will
get a call. However, if there is a project that you are interested in, if you are experiencing
some frustrations either with the business or in your Agent relationship or if you have some
business or even a personal matter to discuss call or e-mail me. I work with my clients and
other Agents in my office as a member of a team and communication with all of the
members of that team is vital. I like my clients to be proactive and well connected. Meet as
many industry people as you possibly can, know whats going on in the business an keep
you ear to the ground. So much of what goes on in this business comes first through the
Actor grape vine. Cast replacements, readings and workshops sometimes happen under
the radar of an Agent. Thats where you come in. Of course there are also the basics. Agents
want their clients to be prepared, go to auditions prepared, be accessible (that means letting
me know when you are out of town or booked out on a commercial), deliver headshots in a
timely fashion when asked and I cant say it enough, communicate.

This is a standard section in each edition. The information is obtained directly from the
agents themselves and should apply for a while. All agents are looking for ethnically
ambiguous talent.

ABOUT ARTISTS AGENCY seeks strong leading men, women and character types for television, film and
theatre also dancers.

ABRAMS ARTISTS Mark Turner seeks experienced Hosts and Young types 20-25 yrs. old. Tracey Goldblum
is seeking trained commercial types, all ages and ethnicities.

ACCESS TALENT, INC. wants Voice-Over Tapes from Union and Non-Union People 18 and Older.

THE AGENCY GROUP seeks comedians, musicians and authors.

ANDREADIS TALENT AGENCY is seeking Attractive Young Soap Opera AND Bi-lingual Types.

ATLAS TALENT AGENCY is seeking on-camera commercial talent.

BLOC AGENCY is seeking Dancers, Choreographers and All Types for All Areas.

JUDY BOALS, INC. is seeking on and Off-Broadway Working Actors, also Ethnics. No Children.

BOOKING ENTERTAINMENT.COM seeks comedians, singers, musicians, film and television actors.

MARY ANNE CLARO AGENCY (Philadelphia) wants Kids and Teens (Union Members), from 10 yrs. old
and up.

CARSON KOLKER AGENCY seeking men and women, all types, all areas.

CLEAR TALENT GROUP is seeking experienced Actors 18+, all types and ethnicities.

CESD INC. Seeking Seniors, Blue Collar, Children, Dancers. New Legit. Dept. for all types.

FLAUNT MODEL MANAGEMENT Seeking Shoe Models Size 6 & 7, Experienced Models, Female, Sizes 14
to 22, also Seniors, 50 Plus and Ethnic Actors, M/F, from 30 Up. Also Adult Commercial types. Especially
seeking Asian and Hispanic talent.

JIM FLYNN AGENCY wants Experienced Musical Theatre Performers and Actors. No Children.

FUNNYFACE TODAY looking for commercial and commercial print actors.

GARBER TALENT AGENCY is now seeking Dancers all areas and Actors who dance.

HARDEN-CURTIS AGENCY is seeking strong leading men, 18 yrs. and older.

HENDERSON/HOGAN AGENCY is now seeking All Ages and Types.

JORDAN, GILL & DORNBAUM is now seeking Children, Actors 18+ and Hip or Edgy types for

KAZARIAN, MEASURES, RUSKIN & ASSOC. seeks Established Actors Union Member Singers,
Choreographers, Variety People and Musicians.

CHARLES KERIN AND ASSOCIATES is seeking experienced actors for film, theatre and television.

THE KRASNY OFFICE needs musical theatre artists.

MCDONALD / SELZNICK is now seeking Dancers all areas.

MODELS ON THE MOVE will now consider Both Union & Non-Union and Children. Still considering
Mature Ethnic Males/Females; Native Americans.

PLAZA 7 (NY) is seeking trained actors, age 18+, all types, all ethnicities and VO talent.

STEWART TALENT NY seeking commercial talent.

TAYLOR ROYALL (Baltimore) is seeking ages 18+ for all areas. No Children.

HANNS WOLTERS now wants Asians (M/F) & French (M/F) 40 & Above, Portuguese (M/F) who speak
Portuguese and German talent. Especially seeking Brazilian talent.

ANN WRIGHT REP. is seeking young talent, 18+ for all areas including VO.

Although most of the following agencies represent other types of talents as well, they maintain
special lists of the talents indicated or in fact specialize exclusively in those types. This list is
provided to help actors and others find more quickly the agents that may be especially inter-
ested to receive their submissions. Also, there's an obvious benefit for new people especially to
be with or at least known for freelancing calls by an agency that's customarily first called by
Casting for small, beginning role suggestions of people the Casting Offices don't yet know who
have some of these special skills.
All Ethnicities (All agents, casting directors and managers are in need of ETHNIC TALENTS)
Unlike Hollywood, no agencies here specialize in single Ethnicities. But those with medium Commercial, Modeling and
Print Departments maintain large lists of most Ethnic Groups.
Athletes & Sports Celebrities
Don Buchwald ICM WMA
Frontier Carson Kolker Org.
Bands & Musical Groups
Associated Booking
Character Types
Hanns Wolters FunnyFace Today
Abrams Artists Carson/Adler Carson Kolker Org. Mary Anne Claro Agency CESD Fresh Faces Frontier
Innovative Artists Jordan, Gill & Dornbaum Meredith Model Models On The Move Fifi Oscard Talent Works
Don Buchwald Paradigm
Club Acts & Variety
Bethel Carry Co. Innovative Models on The Move WMA
About Artists (Renee Glicker) Abrams Artists Artists Grp. E. Bethel Don Buchwald Carry Co. Frontier Gersh
Agency Headline Talent ICM Innovative Radioactive Talent House WMA Agency for the Performing Arts
Composers & Songwriters
Associated Booking Kerin & Associates Radioactive Talent Talent House
Dancers & Choreographers
About Artists Agency Bret Adams Bethel Bloc Inc. Carson Org. (Under 30) Clear Talent Group DDO
DGRW Garber Talent Hartig/Hilepo Kerin & Associates Nouvelle Professional Artists CESD The Mine
Designers (Scenic)
Disc Jockeys
ICM WMA Radioactive
All Agencies
Hosts(Talk Show), etc.
Abrams Artists Atlas Don Buchwald CESD ICM WMA Professional Artists Radioactive Headline Talent
Industrial & Trade Shows
Atlas Talent Agency CESD Ingber & Assoc. Nouvelle Ann Steele
Internationals Speaking Native Tongues
Ginger Dicce Hanns Wolters
Models (additional agencies / managers are available from www.nyactingagents.com)
High Fashion CESD Meredith Models on the Move Nouvelle Fifi Oscard

Beauty Arcieri & Assoc. CESD Meredith Nouvelle Fifi Oscard Innovative Don Buchwald
Musical Artists
About Artists Agency Bret Adams Associated Booking Bethel DGRW Lally Talent Paradigm Entertainment
Ann Steele Talent House WMA The Mine Agency for the Performing Arts Jim Flynn Agency Group Ltd.
Agency Group Booking Entertainment Universal Attractions
Musical Directors & Conductors
Bret Adams DGRW Agency Group Ltd.
News & Anchors
Abrams Artists N. S. Bienstock ICM WMA Professional Artists Radioactive Talent
Personal Appearances
Physically Challenged, Handicapped, Disabled
Abrams Artists Andreadis Bethel Carry Co. ICM Hanns Wolters
Most Agencies representing Models also represent for Print Advertising
Soap Opera Talents (for work in LA)
Frontier Innovative Artists Meg Pantera Paradigm Ann Steele Talent Reps Abrams Artists
Andreadis Talent WMA
Abrams Artists Bret Adams Andreadis Talent Carson/Adler Carson Kolker Org. CESD Dulcina Eisen
Frontier Hartig/Hilepo Henderson/Hogan Innovative Artists Jordan, Gill & Dornbaum Meredith Meg Pantera
Variety Performers
Bret Adams Bethel Carry Co. Kerin & Associates ICM Innovative Artists WMA Brad Simon Org.
Access Talent, Inc. Abrams Artists Andreadis Atlas Talent Agency CED
Writers (Listed for those seeking Agencies with both Talent And Literary Departments)
Abrams Artists Bret Adams Artists Agcy Artists Grp. East Judy Boals, Inc. Don Buchwald DGRW Gersh
Agcy Harden/Curtis Innovative Artists ICM Kerin & Associates Fifi Oscard Talent Rep's Phoenix Artists
Paradigm William Morris / Endeavor Talent Agency

Talent Agencies open, close and relocate their offices. Staff members are added, or depart to join other
agencies or open their own. Some glossy-cover publications must go to press too far ahead of their issue month,
therefore contain none of the end of the previous month's and none of the current month's early weeks' changes until
their next issue. Our new issues are published the last day or each month for the coming month, and we revise listings
with late-breaking changes during the month as we reprint for bookstores' reorders.
Some publications lists continually omit a number of agencies for their own reasons (we do not include Model
Mgmt. Companies in this publication. They are in our Personal Managers Directory & Models Mailing Labels on
our website www.nyactingagents.com). Even the Union lists, issued once a month or even less often, may not contain
the latest changes. Use this publication for the latest information available.
Our publication and Hendersons mailing labels are usually very dependable. But for explicit details of the
agencies, their current staff names, their different departments, the areas for which they represent, information about
their longevity and industry history, and what talents they're currently seeking. We strongly recommend this
publication, as many other industry people and publications do.
Most mailing lists printed in hard or soft cover books will be woefully out of date because they sit on store
shelves for long periods. Some are already out of date when printed due to manufacturing time spans. This publication
is self published to make more frequent update revisions possible.


Actors normally can't be represented for professional Theatre, Film or Television employments by agencies
that are not franchised by the applicable performance unions. AEA (for professional legitimate theatre), SAG/AFTRA
(for all filmed performance, whether motion picture or television programming) (for taped or live performance, radio
and recording fields). At this time, SAG/AFTRA members may be represented by currently non-franchised agents
(until a new Franchise Agreement is negotiated and becomes effective). SAG/AFTRA Franchised agents can make no
charge of clients beyond the 10% commission.
If an agent requires Photography by a Specific Photographer as a condition of representation, notify the
Agency Dept. of one or more of the unions if you're a member. If you're not yet a member of one or more of the
unions, simply look for another agent, also inform us, NEW YORK AGENCIES 212-472-2292. If you're subjected to
Inappropriate Office Behavior in an Agency Interview whether sexual or otherwise, again, file a full report with the
union offices if a union member; if not a union member, report the occurrence in letter form to our Actor Information
Service, to help us protect other actors from the same experience. If the behavior is aggravated, report the occurrence to
the Vice Officers of the Police Department of the City or Borough in which the incident occurred, again also reporting
it in writing to our Actor Information Service. If a talent agency asks for Money Up Front as a condition of signing
you, or for any purpose after signing you. That agency is in violation of the franchising unions' regulations. Even if not
a union member and therefore the union's Agency Dept. can't act officially on your complaint, it would be noted by
them and if other similar complaints are received by them it's possible that action might be taken by the one or more
Agency Depts. to investigate and stop such practices.


The following individual listings of the agencies are described below. Our quick-check symbol (X) clearly indicates
Openings, Closings, Moves, and where Staff Changes have occurred. The changes simply appear in the listings. So
many of those changes occur continually throughout the agency arena, therefore we re-code each month. Almost all
agencies would eventually be coded if not. We do make those changes quickly in the listings, as we get them from the
agencies throughout each month and they're updated in the next subsequent reprinting for bookstores.

The following symbol appears before agencies' titles, for quick locating of new information for mailing list or
follow-up purposes. Agencies' new information will bear the following graphic symbol:



It's important that actors be informed about the specific franchises held by the agencies, to judge the either
limited or vast ranges of agencies' operations; also judge, where they may exist, the sometimes wide abysses
between what some agencies claim to handle and what they're franchised to handle officially (Agencies
handling Musical and Variety aren't required to be franchised).Some Franchised Agencies may employ Non-
Franchised Agents. Actors should inquire within each individual Agency.


ATA and/or indicate members these two franchised organizations.
S/A means SAG/ AFTRA franchised
E means Equity franchised
W means Writers Guild of America franchised
P means Producers Guild of America franchised
D means Directors Guild of America representation
PKG means franchise to Package Film, Television & Theatre
V indicates handling Variety Artists / No franchise required
M indicates handling Musical Artists / No franchise required
Those letters, immediately following agencies' titles i.e., HOBBS TALENT AGENCY S/A, E, WPD 95
River St., Island City 00207 (800-243-2667) indicate that the Hobbs Agency is franchised by SAG/AFTRA with the
contract for motion pictures and television that is filmed, and represent for Commercials, Modeling, Print and Voice-
Over, or taped television, radio and recorded performances. Is also franchised by E (Equity) for legitimate theatre and is
franchised to represent WPD (Writers, Producers and Directors). If a V appears, the agency represents Variety Talent
(Club Acts, Magicians, etc); needs no AGVA franchise and an M shows the agency represents Musicians, Musical,
Concert and Recording Artists, etc., but needs no AGMA or AFM franchise.
Where an agency specializes in one representation more than others it may also handle, that specialization is
shown in bold print, also listed in the specializing categories on pages 15 and 16.
We think you'll find these identifying items helpful, and we're happy to do the continuously time taking work
every month to provide them in an always up-dated and accurate manner toward giving our readers as much information
as we can in quick find form.


In the following General Listings, agencies franchised by SAG/AFTRA and not affiliated with either NATR or ATA
are identified with an "S/A" following their titles. Those franchised by AEA are identified with an "E". Those agencies
also representing Writers, franchised by WGA are identified with a W. If they also represent Directors and Producers,
WPD follows their company name. If they are also franchised for and conduct Packaging of Productions, PKG
appears. If they prominently represent Musical Artists, an M will appear. To indicate prominent representation of
Variety Performers, a V appears. No union member can do any non-union work!

X 9MUSE S/A Pending, E
356 Broadway #2 New York, NY 10013
646-801-6873 info@9muse.org
Michael Imbimbo is the agent and they represent actors for theatre, musical theatre, commercials,
film and television. All types are considered.

X About Artists Agency, Inc. S/A, NATR, E

1650 Broadway Ste. 1406 New York, NY 10019
212-581-1857 aboutartists@aol.com
Renee Glicker (owner/agent) and her staff, known and respected industry-wide, represent actors and
dancers in the areas of television, film, theater and musical theater. The agency was established in 1998.
About Artists clients have a strong presence on Broadway, in National Tours and Regional Theater,
Episodic Television and Feature Films. Joe Kokofsky and Corinne Andrews are junior agents. The agency
seeks all types and ethnicities, 17 and up. All submissions (union and non-union) must be by MAIL ONLY
no phone calls and no drop-ins.

X Abrams Artists S/A, E, ATA, D, W, NATR

275 7th Ave. 26 fl. New York, NY 10001
646-486-4600 www.abramsartists.com vincent.devito@abramsartists.com
Harry Abrams (Owner/Pres.), one of the great agents for years, heads this top bi-coastal Talent and Literary
Agency, a leading, influential agency with prestigious staffs on both coasts, which represents many top,
well established and upcoming talents for MP/TV, theatre, commercials, VO, talk show hosting and variety.
Harry Abrams, Neal Altman (Sr. V. P.) and Robert Attermann (V. P.), Paul Reisman, Samantha Stoller,
Richard Fisher and Danielle DeLawder handle adult MP/TV and Theatre. Victoria Kress and Katie
Chambers handle children for MP/TV and Theatre. Bonnie Shumofsky is Head of children's commercials,
Janie Pillet is also in the childrens dept. Billy Serow, Jonathan Saul, Jessica Felrice, Jennifer Brown and
James Murray handle VO and radio commercials. Tracey-Lynn Goldblum (V. P.) and Alison Quartin
handle adult commercials. Mark Turner handles host talents, MC's, news and talk show personalities. Joe
Thompson handles print. Beth Blickers, Charles Kopelman, Sarah Douglas, Ron Gwiazda, Steve Ross, and
Amy Wagner handle the Literary Dept. Vincent DeVito and Michele Abut handle business affairs. Agency
considers MAILED submissions and demo tapes from VO people.

Access Talent, Inc S/A

171 Madison Ave.. Ste. 910 New York, NY 10016
212-684-7795 www.accesstalent.com
Charles Cowing and Linda Weaver are Owners and agents at this VO Only agency. Melissa McGee is
another agent here. This team of experienced, industry respected agents was the VO Department at J.
Michael Bloom & Associates for thirteen years! They'll consider VO tapes and CD's submitted BY MAIL
from both SAG and AFTRA Members and non-union people (18 and Older), by referral only. This agency
was assured of recognition and industry position the minute it opened and has continued its top position.
Marge Tate handles talent payment.

X Across The Board Talent Agency S/A, E

1515 Broadway 11 Fl. New York, NY 10036
Leo Fernandez (Owner/Agent) is accepting young adults thru seniors, all types for film, television and

Bret Adams S/A, E, ATA, NATR, W
448 W. 44 St. New York, NY 10036
212-765-5630 bretadamsltd@bretadamsltd.net
This long established, top agency, formed in 1971 represents mostly adult (very few young adult and
teenage) actors, writers, directors, variety and musical artists, dancers, choreographers, musical directors,
designers, below the line artists, for MP/TV, equity and literary. Agents here are Bruce Ostler (Partner)
(writers & directors), Mark Orsini (literary), Margi Rountree (Partner) (MP/TV and theatre), Ken Melamed
(Partner) and Michael Golden (MP/TV and theatre) rep actors. Interviews are by appointment only. They
don't handle talent for commercials or VO and don't handle children. MAIL material and request an
interview. No phone calls!

X Affinity Artists Agency S/A, E, D, W

67 West St. #32 4 Fl. Brooklyn, NY 11222
646-626-7500 info@affinityartists.com
Lynne Grossman represents teens and young adults. Drew Miller handles commercials and print, Candice
Kreinbrink handles film & TV, (They do not represent children). Submit via MAIL ONLY.

Agency Group Ltd. Pending

142 W. 57 St. 6 Fl. New York, NY 10019
212-581-3100 www.theagencygroup.com
Steve Martin (NY Pres.) they represent all areas for musical artists world wide. This agency also represents
comedians, authors and sports personalities.

X Agency for the Performing Arts S/A, ATA, E, W, D

135 W. 50 St. 17 Fl. New York, NY 10020
212-687-0092 www.apa-agency.com
Marcus Levy and Andrew Russell handle comedy talent. Andrew Buck handles musical artists. Usually
work with established talent only. Interviews are by appointment only. SUBMIT VIA MAIL.

AMA Talent Agency S/A, E

93 Old York Road Ste. 1515 Jenkintown, PA 19046
215-885-7711 info@amatalentagency.com
Mary Lennon (Print Director) and Roe Lennon (Commercial Talent Director). This is a full service agency
accepting headshots and resumes for all types including children age 4 yrs and up to senior citizens. All
ethnicities. Accepting both union and non-union talent. They represent talent for commercial print, web,
fashion runway, VO, industrials, film and commercial television in NY, PA, NJ. MAIL SUBMISSIONS
ONLY, include phone and address. Photos are not returned.

Andreadis Talent Agency S/A, NATR, E, ATA

119 W. 57 St. Ste. 711 New York, NY 10019
212-315-0303 andreadis@verizon.net
Barbara Andreadis, a former actress turned agent, opened her own agency in 1983. She represents a limited
and select list of stars, series people, all ages, all types and ethnicities of acting, commercial talents for
MP/TV and theatre. Barbara usually has several clients on Broadway, in episodics, soap operas and in
films. She will consider both union and non-union talents, but mostly signs clients from industry referrals.
She also works with freelance talents. No phone calls or drop-ins and no VO tapes unless requested. She is
especially receptive to young soap opera and bilingual actors. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY.

Arcieri & Associates S/A
305 Madison Ave. Ste. 2315 New York, NY 10165
212-286-1700 www.arcieritalent.com talent@arcieritalent.com
Steven Arcieri, Katie Bucco and Diana Lote are the agents here, representing actors, commercial actors,
VO artists. They will consider photos and resumes and VO demos. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY. No
personal drop offs or phone inquiries. Primarily a voice work agency.

Artists Agency, Inc. S/A, W, P, D, PKG

230 W. 55 St. Ste. 29D New York, NY 10019
Although primarily a Literary Agency, representing writers, directors, producers and packaging. Also book
authors (no screenwriters). Represents a small number of stars and well established talent. The agents in
this important agency are Jonathan Russo and Barry Weiner. They consider talent by referral only and
seldom if ever work with freelance talent.

Artists Entertainment Agency S/A, NATR

165 W. 46 St. Ste. 1114 New York, NY 10036
212-869-7093 info@artistsentertainment.net
Annette Paparella and Mary Haggerty (Owners / Agents). Dara Selbert is a junior agent. Actors needed for
radio and television commercials. Also VO talent needed. Union and non-union. No phone calls or visits.
No children. SUBMIT BY MAIL.

Artists Group East S/A, E

1650 Broadway Ste. 1105 New York, NY 10019
Robert Malcolm (Partner and talent agent) is here in NY. The agency represents mostly starring, well
established, mostly adult and a few young adult acting and comedy talents, for MP/TV and theatre. They
seldom if ever work with freelance talents. They don't encourage submissions, receiving new clients almost
exclusively by industry referrals. No phone calls or visits to the office without interview appointment

Associated Booking S/A, E, M

535 W. 23 St. 10-A New York, NY 10011
212-874-2400 www.associatedbooking.com musicbiz@mindspring.com
Oscar Cohen (President / Agent) handles musical and recording artists for MP/TV and theatre work. They
don't handle acting talent. They also handle musical artists, singers, musical groups, bands, songwriters and
composers. Those talent may either call or write to request appointments or invite him to see talent work in
performances. Lisa Cohen handles marketing. DO NOT SUBMIT DEMOS UNLESS REQUESTED.

Atlas Talent S/A, NATR

15 E. 32 St. 6 fl. New York, NY 10016
212-730-4500 www.atlastalent.com
Agents here are John Hossenlopp, Lisa Marber-Rich, Jonn Wasser (Partners & Promo). Michael Guy
handles commercials and VO. Timothy Walsh handles hosting and assists with VO. Noah Suchoff and
Meredith McKeon joined the on-camera dept. Atlas opened it's doors in 1999 with the mission to
revolutionize the commercial agency experience. They represent the strongest client roster across the
country in the commercial, promotional, broadcast, trailer, documentary, animation and childrens
programming areas. They will consider photo and resume SUBMISSIONS BY MAIL ONLY. No personal
drop offs and no phone calls, please.

X Avalon Artists Group NY S/A, E
242 W. 30 St. #903 New York, NY 10001
212-868-3200 /323-692-1700 bernadette@avalonartists.com craig@avalonartists.com
Accepting new talent for all areas including print. This is a bi-coastal agency. Craig Holzberg is the owner.
Melinda Brown is the commercial & print agent in NY, Bernadette McBrinn represents Youth and Legit.
talent. BMG Models is a Division of Avalon Artists. (bmgnewyork@gmail.com).

X BRS Gage Group S/A, NATR, ATA, E

1650 Broadway Ste. 1410 New York, NY 10019
212-757-0098 / 212-541-5250
Mark Redanty, David Shaul and Martin Gage (Owners), Mark Redanty, Charles Bodner, Phil Adelman,
Steven Unger and Erika Karnell all handle film, television and theatre. Kristin Lavo is a junior agent They
do not represent children, only young adults to seniors. They do not represent talent for commercials. The
agency represents an impressive list of stars, established film, television and theatre, adult and young adult
actors. It has built film and television starring careers for many discovered on Broadway and in off and off
off Broadway. Only talent with credits need to SUBMIT BY MAIL. Don't phone or visit.

The Bethel Agency S/A, E

P. O. Box 21043 Park West Sta. New York, NY 10025
Lewis R. Chambers (Owner/Agent), formed this agency in 1967. In 1981 he began representing acting
talent at this agency and he still represents some writers, but mostly acting talent (ages 18 and up), well
established, but usually also a few newer actors for MP/TV, theatre, soaps, commercials, industrials and
broadcasting on a signed basis. They sometimes work with free lance talent. He also represents some
comedians, musical theatre artists, musicians, recording artists, variety people, dancers and directors.
Interviews by appointment only, following SUBMISSION of talents' material BY MAIL. No phone calls or
personal drop offs of materials. The agency plans to open its branch office in Orlando, Florida in the near

X N. S. Bienstock Inc. S/A

250 W. 57 St. # 333 New York, NY 10107
212-765-3040 www.nsbienstock.com nsb@nsbtalent.com
Richard Leibner, is the President of "The News Agency and Much More" which represents on air,
production and executive talent in network and local news, as well as syndicated and reality based
television. Agents are Carole Cooper, Peter Goldberg, George Hitzlik, Adam Leibner, Steve Sadicario,
Rick Ramage, Adam Block, Jennifer Campanile and JL Stermer. Steven DeVall is the Host programming
agent. For more information, go to www.nsbienstock.com. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY. Absolutely no
personal drop offs.

Bloc NY S/A, E
630 9th Ave. Ste. 702 New York, NY 10036
212-924-6200 info@blocnyc.com www.nyc.blocagency.com
Brendan Filuk and Laney Filuk (Owners) from LA. Fatima Wilson is the agent for commercials and Jim
Daly handles MP/TV. Maegan Mishico is a junior agent. The Dance & Choreography Dept. represents
professionals only, for commercials, music videos, musical theatre and industrials. No visits, interviews by
appointment only. They consider headshot, resume SUBMISSION BY MAIL ONLY.

Judy Boals, Inc. S/A, E, W, NATR
307 W. 38 St. Ste. 812 New York, NY 10018
212-500-1424 info@judyboals.com jenna@judyboals.com
A combined Talent and Literary Agency, equally involved in representing both. Judy Boals represents a
select list of writers, playwrights, directors, composers, book authors and mostly adult actors (no children),
for literary, theatre, voice-over and MP/TV. She considers SUBMISSIONS BY MAIL ONLY. She's
currently seeking on and off Broadway working actors (without agents) as well as ethnic actors. Ann Kelly
and Jenna Winnett are also agents here.

X Booking Entertainment.com S/A Pending

275 Madison Ave. 6 Fl. New York, NY 10016
212-645-0555 agents@bookingentertainment.com
Steve Einzig is founder/agent representing comedians, speakers, newscasters, singers, musicians,
film and television actors and sports personalities.

Broadway Alley / Talent Bank S/A, E

928 Broadway # 506 New York, NY 10010
212-951-7344 broadwayalley@gmail.com
Anthony Schiano (Owner/Agent), representing commercial, print and vo talent. All types and all ages.

X Don Buchwald & Associates Inc/Fortitude S/A, E, W, ATA

10 E. 44 St. 5 fl. New York, NY 10017
212-867-1070 www.buchwald.com
Don Buchwald has headed this top prestige office since opening it about 20 years ago after early experience
at Abrams-Rubaloff and other agencies. The LA Office is headed by Tim Angle. They represent stars,
recognizable faces, other top actors, comedians, screenwriters, producers, directors, sports personalities and
top VO people for MP/TV, theatre, literary and variety. Don over sees all representation areas. Agents here
in New York include Ricki Olshan (VP, MP/TV, theatre), Robyn Stecher (VP / Head, Commercials Dept.).
Commercial and VO agents NY are David Elliott, Robyn Starr, Michael Raymen, and Katherine Ryan.
Theatre, MP/TV agents in NY are Joanne Nici, Jonathan Mason, David Lewis, Kevin McEleney. Pamela
Goldman and Leslie Zaslower handles kids. William Rodriguez handles personal appearances. Robert
Slavin and Robin Steinfeld handle promos. Stephanie Bellarosa handles print. They maintain 100-200 top
clients and do not work with freelance talent. Tony Burton handles NY broadcasting & hosting. Eric
Winchel is the sports agent.

Carlton, Goddard & Freer Talent S/A, E, NATR

3 Columbus Circle #1624 New York, NY 10019
212-520-1023 www.cgftalent.com submissions@cgftalent.com
Joel Carlton, Michael Goddard and Christopher Freer are Owners / Agents in this office. They represent
MP/TV and Theatre, all types, 18 yrs. to Seniors. Submit via mail or e-mail.

Carry Company S/A, E, W

20 W. 20 St. 2 fl. New York, NY 10011
212-768-2793 sharon@carrycompany.com
Sharon Carry (Owner / Agent), they represent talent in MP/TV, theatre and commercials. Sharon opened
this agency in 1991. She represents adults, young adults, children, writers and comedy talent, maintaining a
list of approximately 25 signed clients. DO NOT SUBMIT AT THIS TIME. Unsolicited tapes are not
accepted. No phone calls or drop offs. Their office in LA is CARRY COMPANY: 3875 Wilshire Blvd.
#402 Los Angeles, CA 90010

Carson Adler Agency, Inc. S/A, NATR, E
250 W. 57 St. Ste. 2030 New York, NY 10107
212-307-1882 www.carsonadler.com
Agents Nancy Carson (Owner), Bonnie Deroski and Shirley Faison, representing children, teens and young
adults up to early 20's, All types and ethnicities, for theatre, MP/TV and commercials. They have young
clients in series, film and television roles. Nancy is a warm and caring agent. She was with Jan J. for a time
then formed Carson/Adler with the late Marion Adler in 1982. Bonnie handles commercials. Shirley
handles both children and young adults. They consider union and non-union talent, STRICTLY BY MAIL.
Snapshots are okay.

X Carson Kolker Organization, Ltd S/A, E, NATR

419 Park Ave. South Ste. 606 New York, NY 10016
Opened since 1992. Barry Kolker (Owner / Agent) represents babies, through seniors, including twins for
theatre, MP/TV, commercials and dance. Hyascar Vizcaino, is Barry's associate in the Legit. Dept., they
consider submissions from both union and non-union talent and do open all mail. (Sister agency About

X About Face Talent

212-221-1518 aboutfacetalent@yahoo.com
Agent Alice Skiba runs About Face and is assisted by Abby Berger. The agency hires for commercials,
print, vo, industrials and hosting. They consider submissions from both union and non-union talent and do
open all mail. (Sister agency Carson / Kolker Org.) SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY.

Mary Anne Claro Agency, Inc. S/A, E

8600 West Chester Pike #202 Upper Darby, PA 19082
484-452-6434 rocco1513@aol.com www.clarotalent.com
Mary Anne Claro (Pres. / Agent) and Ray Claro (Head of the Children's Div.). Their agency has been
established 27 years, representing all ages, types and ethnicities, including union and non-union talent from
New York to Virginia. Representing all areas. At this time seeking SAG, AFTRA and AEA members, kids
& teens (from 3 yrs. up). SUBMIT VIA MAIL DVDs, headshots and resumes. If the agency is interested
they will contact you. All types, All ethnicities, for MP/TV, radio.

Clear Talent Group S/A, E, NATR, ATA

325 W. 38 St. #1203 New York, NY 10018
212-840-4100 www.cleartalentgroup.com
Jamie Harris is the agent, (Director of Operations in NY), of this bicoastal agency, representing actors of all
ages, types and ethnicities, choreographers and dancers for MP/TV, theatre and commercials. No children.
Jamie will consider MAILED SUBMISSIONS. No phone inquiries or drop-ins without appointment. Justin
Busch and Julianna Lichtman are the agents for MP/TV. Chase Renouf is a junior agent.

CornerStone Talent Agency S/A, E, NATR

37 W. 20 St. Ste. 1107 New York, NY 10011
Steven Stone (Pres. / Agent). Shannon Kelly is his associate. Mark Schlegel is the other agent. Steven was
Robert Duva's assistant at the Gersh Agency NY and an agent at Duva-Flack Assoc. Inc. He's representing
adult and young adult theatre and musical theatre talent for MP/TV. Accepts 8x10's BY MAIL ONLY. No

Creative Artists Agency S/A, E, ATA, W, D
405 Lexington Ave. 19 Fl. New York, NY 10174
212-277-9000 www.caa.com
Accepting all types and ethnicities. Teens through adults for MP/TV, commercial and print work. They
represents actors, broadcasters, musicians, recording artists, singers and spokespersons. They also have a
Literary Dept. Their LA office is one of the largest, "star studded" agencies. SUBMISSIONS BY MAIL
ONLY. Industry only referrals.

Cunningham, Escott, Slevin & Doherty S/A, ATA, NATR, E

257 Park Ave. South Ste. 900 New York, NY 10010
212-477-1666 info@cesdtalent.com www.cesdtalent.com
This top, most prestigious agency for commercials, VO, modeling, print, beauty and youth, represents on
both coasts many stars and celebrities as well as mixed levels lists in all departments. Here, the agency is
headed by Ken Slevin (Pres.) OC dept. is Kirsten Walther (commercials & hosting), Maura Maloney and
Lakey Wolff (commercials & dance). Jessie Blackhall and Jill R. Borst handle beauty and celebrities. VO is
headed by Billy Collura, Tom Celia and Anita Reilly. Promos, trailer narrations and hosting are headed by
Donna Mancino. Nate Zeitz handles imaging for radio and television. They represent all ethnicities. The
youth department (212-477-6622) agents are Vanessa Gracia and Kerri Krilla who handle MP/TV,
commercials, VO and the youth print dept. Adult print dept. (212-477-3838) is headed by Eddie
Charshafian. Nick Reisch also handles hosting. Their LA office is at 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 130,
in LA (310-475-2111). All agents are tops in the agency's offices on both coasts. They work with freelance
talent on occasion and now handle Dance for all areas. MAIL photo and resume. Send VO and mp3 files to
nyvoices@cesd-talent.com. Legit. Dept. is headed by Mitchell Gossett, other Legit. Agents are David
Doan, Erin Grush (Adults) and Mallory Tucker (Youth).

X DDO Artists Agency S/A, E

224 W 4 St. #200 New York, NY 10014
212-379-6314 www.ddoagency.com nyc@ddoagency.com
Jerry Kallarakkal is the agent here and reps. all areas. They handle talent for theatre, dance, film, television
and commercials. All ethnicities. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY.

Ginger Dicce Talent Agency S/A, E

POB 6674 New York, NY 10150
Ginger Dicce (Owner / Agent), represents all ages, types and ethnicities for commercials, films, soaps, VO
and industrials. She interviews by appointment only, from MAILED photos and resumes. No tapes or CDs
accepted at this time.

The Docherty Agency S/A

109 Market St. 3 fl. Pittsburgh, PA 15222
412-765-1400 pittsburgh@dochertyagency.com www.dochertyagency.com
Debra Docherty (Owner / Agent), represents actors of all ages, all areas from infant to seniors, all types and
ethnicities, including talent with disabilities, for MP/TV, commercials, VO, infomercials, CD-Roms,
iinteractive and non-broadcast. She also represents models (5'9" and Up). Kelly Nesbitt is an agent in this
office. Gretchen Thompson is the agent at their Cleveland office, 2044 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115.

Kathy Donahues Models & Actors LLC Pending, License #BWOO46300

383 Kings Hwy. North #B5 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
856-482-9113 kathydonahueagency@comcast.net
Kathy Donahue and Kathy Feast, represent babies and all ages, for all areas. SUBMIT VIA MAIL.

X Douglas, Gorman, Rothacker & Wilhelm, Inc. (DGRW) S/A, NATR, E
1501 Broadway Ste. 703 New York, NY 10036
212-382-2000 info@dgrwinc.com
This leading agency opened in 1988 with the coming together of its founders, including current Agency
Head Jim Wilhelm. The other agents are Josh Pultz and Kate Santa. Nicole Wichinsky is a junior
agent.They represent mostly stars and well established actors, musical artists, conductors, choreographers,
directors and designers for theatre. Now signing some clients (very selectively) to represent them for
commercials and VO. No children or freelance talent. They have affiliations on the west coast with
prestigious LA agencies. Photos, resumes for acting talent BY MAIL ONLY. No phone inquiries or
personal drop offs.

Dulcina Eisen Associates S/A, E

154 E. 61 St. New York, NY 10065
Dulcina Eisen (Owner) and Barry P. Katz are agents here. They represent adult actors, young adults (no
children), all types and ethnicities, for MP/TV, theatre, also directors for theatre. They consider both union
and non-union talent. Submissions are considered only with industry recommendation or when performing
locally. No phone calls or personal drop offs.

Emerging Talent S/A, E

840 N. Wood Ave. Linden, NJ 07036
908-925-0707 emergingtalentny@aol.com
Albert Bramante (Owner / Agent) representing all types, all ages for MP/TV, theatre, commercials VO and
print. Currently seeking trained actors and models.SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY. No phone calls or visits.

X Expecting Models East S/A

470 W. 7 St. New York, NY 10014
212-473-5152 www.expectingmodels.com
Liza Elliott Ramirez and Eric Ramirez are the Owners / Agents. They represent expectant models, actors
and their families and children through 5 yrs old.

Expressions Modeling & Talent Agency, Inc. S/A, E

40 Lloyd Ave. #103 Malvern, PA 19355
484-318-8776 info@expressionsmodels.com www.expressionsmodels.com
Dianna Juliano (Owner/Agent) oversees all areas of this leading agency that has been in operation for more
then a dozen years. Greer Lange is the other agent here. The agency represents models, actors and dancers.
All ethnicities, all ages (including children and Infants). VO talent for MP/TV, commercials, modeling (all
areas, including fashion, runway, editorial) and print, industrials and promos. SUBMIT photo, resume,
composites, zed cards etc. BY MAIL ONLY. Please no drop-ins without appointment.

Flaunt Model Management S/A

35 W. 35 St. Ste. 901 New York, NY 10001
212-679-9011 flaunt@flauntmodels.com
Gene Roseman (Pres. / Agent) of this agency franchised in 1996, specializes in models, all types, teens thru
seniors. All ethnicities, for all areas except VO. Winnie Riheldafser is the talent coordinator. Leah Cohen is
the head booker. At this time they're especially seeking older ethnic actors (30 yrs. up), shoe models size 6
and 7, very pretty models, sizes 14-22 and experienced fit and parts models. Send composites or headshots

Jim Flynn Agency S/A, E
225 W. 23 St. #5P New York, NY 10011
Jim Flynn represents a select list of mostly adult actors (no children) for theatre and MP/TV. He will
consider SUBMISSIONS BY MAIL ONLY. Jim is currently seeking actors with strong credits and musical
theatre performers with legitimate experience. Don't phone or drop-in.

Fresh Faces Agency, Inc. S/A, E

2911 Carnation Ave. Baldwin, NY 11510-4402
516-223-0034 ffagent@aol.com
Aggie Gold represents all ages, all types and all ethnicities, from 5 yrs. up, for MP/TV and theatre.
Especially children and young adults. Interviews are by appointment only. SUBMIT BY MAIL and include
SASE for response.

Mary Therese Friel LLC Pending

1251 Pittsford Mendon Road Mendon, NY 14506
585-624-5510 www.mtfmodels.com
Accepting talent for commercials, film and television for all ages. Also handles print and runway models.

Friedman West Agency NON-UNION

119 W. 72 St. #299 New York, NY 10023
Suzy Friedman represents all types and ages for non-union work, including VO.

Frontier Booking International S/A, E

1560 Broadway Ste. 512 New York, NY 10036
212-221-0220 www.frontierbooking.com
Opened in 1979 to represent musical talent, including several musical stars. Its office added MP/TV and
theatre in 1984, handling several young MP/TV stars, comedians and VO talent in its list of young
performers up to early 30's, teenagers, children and babies. All types and all ethnicities for MP/TV, theatre,
soaps, commercials, VO and hosts. John Shea handles MP/TV and is head of commercials. Heather Finn
handles commercials and VO. They occasionally work with freelance talent. Photos, resumes accepted BY
MAIL ONLY. No phone calls or drop-ins.

FunnyFace Today NON-UNION

381 Park Ave. So. 8 fl. New York, NY 10016
212-686-4343 fft@fftmodels.com
Well known in the Commercial Print arena for years. Agents here are Charlie Winfield, Doris Stinga,
Fabiola Osorio and Lavina Gonzalez. They represent for commercials, commercial print, all types and all

Garber Talent Agency S/A, E

521 5th Ave. 17 fl. New York, NY 10175
Opened in early 1996, headed by Karen S. Garber. Representing actors, all ages, all types (except children).
All ethnicities, dancers and choreographers. She represents only signed, established acting talent clients for
MP/TV, theatre and commercials. Will consider union talent with background exclusively and never works
with freelance talent. Interviews are by appointment only. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY! Mail without return
address will not be opened. No phone calls or drop offs.

Generation TV S/A, E
20 W. 20 St. Ste. 1008 New York, NY 10011
646-230-9491 info@generationmm.com
Patricia Fleischer (Owner), represents children (babies and up), teens and young adults (up to 21 yrs. old)
for MP/TV, commercials and VO. Dina Torre is the other agent here. This Agency handles MP/TV, theatre
and print. This is a liked and highly respected childrens agency. Children can submit snapshots. SUBMIT
BY MAIL ONLY. No phone calls or drop-ins without appointment.

Gersh Agency New York, Inc. S/A, E, NATR, W, ATA

41 Madison Ave. 33 fl. New York, NY 10010
212-997-1818 www.gershagency.com
The Gersh Agency has been one of the top of the line talent agencies on both coasts for many years. In
association with the LA office, it represents top talent, stars, established talent, top writers, directors,
producers and many top comedy stars and standup comedians for theatre, MP/TV, literary and below the
line. Here in New York, the Talent Coordinator is Scott Swiontek and the other talent agents are Randi
Goldstein, Kyetay Beckner, Samantha Chalk, Jason Gutman, Stephen Hirsh, Lindsay Porter, Rhonda Price,
Mira Young, Valery McKeon and Joe Veltre. The DGA / Literary Dept. is Scott Yoselow, Joyce Ketay,
Phyllis Wender and Seth Glewen. Nick Carr is Office Mgr. They represent few new comers, but do make a
point of checking out reportedly top performances off off Broadway and at comedy clubs. Interviews are by
appointment only. No phone call inquires or drop-ins. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY.

X Glitter Talent Agency S/A

400 60 St. West New York, NJ 07093
201-758-7272 hilda@glittertalent.com
Hilda Morfi is owner/agent at this full service YOUTH Agency.

Gotham Talent Agency S/A, E, NATR

570 7th Ave. Ste. 1001 New York, NY 10018
212-944-8898 submissions@gothamtalentagency.com
Cynthia Katz, the agent at this agency, represents talent for MP/TV & Commercials, ages 16 & up.

X Harden-Curtis Associates S/A, E, NATR

214 W. 29 St. #1203 New York, NY 10001
212-977-8502 www.hardencurtis.com
Nancy Curtis and Mary Harden are the Owners and Agency Heads. Other agents are Diane Riley, Michael
Kirsten and Scott Edwards. This agency represents mostly adult acting talent (no children) and writers for
theatre and MP/TV. No commercials or VO. They will consider submissions of photos and resumes from
acting talent and query letters from writers with SASE for response. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY. No drop-

Hartig-Hilepo Agency, Ltd. S/A, E, NATR

54 W. 21 St. Ste. 610 New York, NY 10010
212-929-1772 info@hartighilepo.com
Paul Hilepo (Owner / Agent), representing adult, young adult and teenage actors (no children) of all types
and ethnicities, comedians and dancers, for theatre and MP/TV. The other agents here are Liz Rosier, Peter
Sanfillippo. They will consider MAILED SUBMISSIONS from both union and non-union talent. They
work with freelance talent as well. Interviews are by appointment only. They will consider all submissions
at this time. No personal drop offs. No phone calls.

Eileen Haves Talent Representative S/A, NATR, E
P. O. Box 677 New York, NY 10028
Eileen Haves, a long time popular agent, has opened her own office. She represents adults and young adults
for commercials, industrials and VO. SUBMIT 8X10's BY MAIL ONLY.

X Headline Talent ATA

250 Greenwich St. 46 Fl. New York, NY 10007
212-257-6110 www.headlinetalent.net erica@headlinetalent.net
Erica Bines (Director of Theatrical Dept.) and Lisa Lawrence (Film & TV). Ben Jordon is a junior agent
here. Accepting actors for film, TV, theatre, comedians, hosts, teens and young adults. Contact via MAIL
ONLY. Especially seeking ethnic actors.

X Henderson/Hogan Agency S/A, E

850 7th Ave. Ste. 1003 New York, NY 10019
212-765-5190 hendersonhogan@gmail.com
Alex Butler and Chad Pisetsky maintain 150+ signed adult clients, for MP/TV, commercials and theatre. It
would be an exception for this agency to work with any freelance talent. Interviews are by appointment
only. No personal drop offs or telephone inquiries. This agency represents clients 16 yrs. up.

X Ingber & Associates S/A, E, NATR

1140 Broadway Ste. 907 New York, NY 10001
Carole R. Ingber came from a casting background, worked in Hollywood with Vicki Rosenberg in the early
'80s, then with J. Michael Bloom and SEM&M and for a time heading the Commercial Dept. for Susan
Smith & Associates, then opened this agency in 1993. She represents 200-250 signed clients. Adults and
young adults (no children). Primarily for commercials, VO and industrials. She also works with freelance
talent. Sam Catapano is a commercial agent here. Photos and resumes accepted BY MAIL ONLY. Audition
tapes/cds and VO demos are not returned. Sam Catapano is a new agent here. No phone inquiries. At this
time especially seeking VO talent 20 yrs. and up.

Innovative Artists S/A, E, ATA

235 Park Ave. South 10 fl. New York, NY 10003
212-253-6900 www.innovativeartists.com
This is the prestigious NY office of the LA parent agency. The office here opened in 1991.Talent agents
include Gary Gersh, Allison Levy, Lisa Lieberman, Brian Davidson, Ken Lee, Katie McGrath and Bill
Veloric. Michael Shera, Marla Haut and Liz Klausner (commercials). Barbara Coleman, Halle Nadia and
Jamie Misher handle (young talent on-camera). Nipa Parikh, Ross Haime, Scott Kenyon, Maury DiMauro
and Christen Whitelaw are the beauty department agents. Debra Sherry, Allan Duncan, Eileen Schellhorn
are VO agents. Shari Hoffman handles VO promos and Jim Oliver handles comedy. They represent acting
stars and top players almost exclusively for theatre, MP/TV, commercials, VO, broadcast and beauty. They
also represent some top established co-starring players. Absolutely no visits or phone calls. SUBMIT BY

International Creative Management S/A, E, W, D, V, ATA
730 5th Ave. 3 fl. New York, NY 10019
212-556-5600 www.icmtalent.com
This mammoth agency, one of the three largest, with offices in NY, LA and London, represents stars and
celebrities in many fields, including acting talent, musical artists, commercial and VO talent, top directors,
writers, producers, comedians, newscasters, hosts, sports celebrities, etc. Amanda Urban heads the Lit.
Dept. other literary agents are Richard Abate, Lisa Bankoff, Kristine Dahl, Mitch Douglas, Sloan Harris,
Jennifer Joel, Heather Schroder, Amy Williams. Sean Liebowitz is a Jr. agent. This agency is mostly for
celebrity talent. When the time is right, it will find you. NY AGENCY EXECUTIVES are Boaty
Boatwright (theatre, motion pictures), Bonnie Bernstein (film), Adam Schweitzer (theatre, motion pictures),
Joshua Pearl (motion pictures).

International Artists Group Inc. S/A

8 Spruce St. #15F New York, NY 10038
786-277-6108 meris007@hotmail.com
Meris Zittman (President), specializes in the Latin market with focus on Hispanic talent, all areas and ages.
Accepts headshot and resume via MAIL ONLY. No phone calls and no drop-in's. Interviews are by
appointment only.

Jordan, Gill & Dornbaum Talent Agency, Inc. S/A, E, NATR

1133 Broadway Ste. 623 New York, NY 10010
212-463-8455 www.jgdtalent.com
Robin Dornbaum and Jeffrey J. Gill (Owners), representing young talent (children, teens and young adults
up to age 30), for commercials. Jan Jarrett (formerly Jan J. Agency) handles MP/TV and theatre. Robin was
with Marje Fields and later Joe Jordon Agency before partnering with Jeffrey Gill to buy the current agency
in 1990. David McDermott focuses on "edgy type" actors, dancers and other unique types. It is now one of
the leading children's agencies, representing approximately 125 signed clients. Including many recognized
faces and well established kids and young people. Interviews are by appointment only. No drop-ins or
phone inquiries. They are currently seeking dancers and actors with special skills. MAIL ONLY.

X Kazarian, Measures, Ruskin & Associates S/A, E, ATA

110 W. 40 St. #2506 New York, NY 10036
212-582-7572 www.kmrtalent.com
Cynthia Kazarian and Mark Measures (Owners), Jed Abrahams (Theatrical Head & agent). Sasha Passero
handles film & television. They represent actors and actresses 16 yrs. old and over for MP/TV and theatre.
SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY. No phone calls or visits.

Los Angeles address: 11969 Ventura Blvd. 3 Fl. Box 7409 Studio City, CA. 91604. 818-769-9111

X Charles Kerin & Associates S/A, E

155 E. 55 St. Ste. 5D New York, NY 10022
212-838-7373 ckaoffice@nyc.rr.com
Charles Kerin (Owner), with agents Ronald Ross and Norman Meranus handle a very select number of
actors, writers and directors for theatre, MP/TV. They accept late teens and older.They sometimes work
with freelance talent with a possible signing in mind. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY. Interviews are by
appointment only. No phone call inquiries or drop-ins.

The Krasny Office, Inc. S/A, E
1501 Broadway Ste. 1507 New York, NY 10036
This important, highly respected agency was opened by Gary Krasny (Owner) in 1991 after he had worked
for other agencies since the mid 80's. From the start, he has handled a client list of primarily top established
talent and working actors. Currently he and agent Lynne Jebens handle approximately 80-100 legitimate
theatre and MP/TV talent. Gary handles mostly adults and young adults (no talent under 18yrs. old) for
commercials. Mikey Nagy reps. musical theatre. They represent all types and ethnicities. SUBMIT BY
MAIL ONLY. No drop in or phone inquiries.

Lally Talent Agency S/A, NATR, E

630 9th Ave. Ste. 800 New York, NY 10036
Dale R. Lally and Stephen Laviska (Partners) are the agents here, representing a select list of usually about
50-60 starring, costarring and featured theatre and film players. Also musical talent for theatre and MP/TV.
They do not represent VO or print talent. Dale opened his agency in 1992 after working as an agent for
other companies. Stephen became a partner later. They're reported as being willing to consider all Strictly
MAILED SUBMISSIONS and if interested, personally calling people to set interviews. They represent
signed clients exclusively and freelance only for brief "dating" periods. They request you SUBMIT ONLY
BY MAIL, no phone inquiries and no personal visits. Barry Axelrod is the assistant.

Greer Lange Talent Agency S/A, E

860 1st Ave. #7B King of Prussia, PA 19406
610-747-0300 info@greerlange.com
Jeffrey Pincus (Owner). Daniel Agosta is an agent here. They represent adult talent only, for PA, NY,
Baltimore and DC. They accept both model and acting talent. All types and ethnicities, hand and body part
models, narrators and spokespersons, for MP/TV, commercials, VO, modeling, print, infomercials,
industrials, promotions, CD-ROMs and interactive. No phone calls or drop in without appointment. Talent
must be willing and able to work in the Philadelphia area as well as in New York. For Open Call info, visit
the "About Us" section of their website.

Leading Artists, Inc. NATR, S/A, E

145 W. 45 St. Ste. 1000 New York, NY 10036
Agency founder Monty Silver retired from the agency business in 2003 and arranged for the transfer of the
agency to longtime senior agent Dianne Busch. Michael Kelly Boone and Diana Doussant are the other
agents. Mike Francis is a junior agent.The agency continues representing an always excellent list of
approximately 80-90 individuals including stars and well established, recognized talent. Also some newer
adult and young adult actors (no children) for theatre, MP/TV. They continue their close alliance with sister
agency SMS Talent, Inc. located in LA, owned by Donna Massetti and Marilyn Szatmary. Submissions
should not be sent unsolicited. No phone inquiries.

Lisa Lax Agency PENDING

304 Park Ave. South 11 Fl. New York, NY 10010
646-648-0138 lisa@lisalaxagency.com
Lisa is the Agent / Owner with an office here (NY) also in Memphis, TN. (901-246-8249). She represents
all types for film and television. At present they are seeking adults only for films in NY.

The Luedtke Agency S/A, E, W, V, ATA
1674 Broadway Ste. 7A New York, NY 10019
Penny Luedtke is the (Owner / Agent), representing adults and young adults, all ages, all types and all
ethnicities for MP/TV, theatre and literary. No children. Alaina Feehan is an associate here.

MSF Talent Inc. S/A, NATR

1350 6th Ave. 2 Fl. New York, NY 10019
347-702-1488 talent@msf-talentagency.com
Marion Falk is the Owner/Agent representing actors and children, all ages, all types for all areas. Submit via
McCullough Models, Inc. S/A
8 S. Hanover Ave. Atlantic City, NJ 08402-2615
609-822-2222 acnjmodels@aol.com
Georgene and Bill McCullough handle adult models, all ethnicities (Women 5'7" or taller, Men 6'1" or
taller), also theatrical and commercial talent, including senior citizens, athletes and dancers for
commercials, MP/TV, modeling, print, industrials and promos. MAIL SUBMISSIONS. No drop-ins
without appointment.

X McDonald / Selznick Associates S/A, E, ATA

1375 Broadway #1000 New York, NY 10018
646-237-6928 www.msaagency.com lucille@msaagency.com
Lucille DiCampli is the senior agent. They represent all areas of dance.

Meredith Models East S/A

767 Frederick Ct. Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Ingrid Schmerling (Owner and Booking Agent for models) represents models, actors, adults, teenagers and
children. All types, ages and ethnicities, for fashion and commercial print modeling, non-union
commercials and industrials. You MUST MAIL all photos, resumes and composites. Do not phone or drop
in without an appointment.

Metropolis Artists Agency S/A, E

208 E 30 St. 2 fl. New York, NY 10016
212-779-0814 metropolisartists@gmail.com
Mariusz Bargielski (Agent/Owner), handles actors for Film, TV, Theatre and Commercials. They do not
represent children. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY.

Rick Miller Agency Inc. S/A, E

POB 2340 New York, NY 10021
212-242-8783 www.rickmilleragencyinc.com
This agency is a top commercial print agency and has been for sometime. Their primary focus at present is
on commercials. No Children.

Models On The Move S/A
1200 Route 70, Barclay Towers PO Box 4037 Ste. 6 Ground Fl. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
856-667-1060(NJ) / 212-946-1347(NY) lucyking37@earthlink.net
Owner / Agency Director Lucille King represents actors, commercial talent, models, VO talent, athletes,
broadcasters and dancers. All ages from babies to mature adults. All types and ethnicities, union and non-
union talent. Also models, club entertainers, musical artists, foreign speaking children and adults for All
areas of representation, stage, MP/TV, soaps, commercials, commercial print and music videos. Send
several head shots and resumes and or comp cards. They will accept VO and video tapes. Send sase for
response. Talent must MAIL SUBMISSIONS. Interviews by appointment only. All talent must be willing
to travel for auditions. Print models should send comp cards.

William Morris / Endeavor Agency LLC S/A, E, W, D, ATA

1325 Ave. of the Americas 15 fl. New York, NY 10019
212-586-5100 www.wme.com
This agency, with offices throughout world capitals, boasting many of the entertainment world's top agents,
represents international celebrities and the creme de la creme of artists in all departments. All clients are
through top industry referrals only. DO NOT contact unless referred. NY agency executive, Randi Michel
(motion pictures), David Kalodner (theatre), Jim Griffin (tv), Jeff Googel (commercials). Endeavor Talent
is now part of the Wm. Morris Agency.

Nicolosi & Co. Inc. S/A, NATR, E

150 W. 25 St. Ste. 1200 New York, NY 10001
212-633-1010 jnicolosi@nicolosi-co.com
A prestigious agency headed by Jeanne Nicolosi, who after 20 years as an agent handles a very highly
respected adult list here. David Cash and Jeremy Leiner are the other agents here. They represent a signed
list of approximately 100 well established actors, all types and ethnicities, for MP/TV and theatre. Jeanne's
agency is an aggressive extremely well liked boutique agency with very strong west coast ties.

Nouvelle Talent Marketing & Events Inc. S/A, E

302A W. 12 St. Ste. 237 New York, NY 10014
212-645-0940 annakatoni@aol.com
Toni Sipka (Pres.) is the agent at this multi city organization with offices in Chicago (where it began), LA,
Las Vegas and opened here in 1989. It represents a signed list of adult and young adult (21-50 yrs. old)
acting and modeling talent. Accepting all types, all ethnicities, also sports personalities, dancers for trade
shows and industrials. Toni, who heads this office, has 30 years of experience as an agent. In addition to
their signed clients, they also work with freelance talent. MAIL photos and resumes requesting interview.
No drop ins! Now seeking ages 23 & up.

Their new division is Soho Promotions Inc. www.soho200.com

X Fifi Oscard Agency, Inc. S/A, E, W, D

1440 Broadway 23 fl. New York, NY 10018
212-764-1100 agency@fifioscard.com
Peter Sawyer and Carmen LaVia are Vice Presidents, active in all areas. The agency's staff of respected,
experienced agents include Francis Del Duca (theatrical). The agency usually maintains a client list of
approximately 200; represents stars, many recognizable faces and well established adults and young adults.
All ages, types and ethnicities for MP/TV and theatre. Also writers, book authors, playwrights, directors
and producers. This agency has well earned "clout" in all areas. No drop ins without an appointment. No
phone inquiries. Actors should MAIL photos, resumes. Writers send query letters and literary bio.

X Meg Pantera The Agency Inc. S/A, E
138 W. 15 St. 1 fl. New York, NY 10011
212-219-9330 www.megpanteratheagency.com theagencysubmissions@gmail.com
Meg Pantera represents actors, male and female, all ages 17 yrs. old and up and all ethnicities, for theatre,
MP/TV and soaps. She attends Showcases and personally considers all submissions. SUBMIT BY MAIL
ONLY. No phone calls, please.

X Paradigm Agency S/A, E, ATA, D, W

360 Park Ave. So. 16 fl. New York, NY 10010
212-897-6400 www.paradigmagency.com
This is the NY office of one of the west coast's most swiftly advanced and most prestigious agencies, which
several years ago resulted from the merging of four top agencies. Paradigm represents mostly starring and
recognized acting talent. Also commercial, VO and modeling talent. Here in NY Clifford Stevens, Sarah
Fargo, Richard Schmenner, Tim Sage, Scott Metzger, Christopher Highland and Fred Hashagen handle
theatre and MP/TV. Erin Castellanos is also an agent in this dept. Doug Kesten and Stacye Mayer handle
commercials. Jeb Bernstein, Olivia Catt and Matthew Smith handle VO. Matthew Ambrosia, Joe O'Brien
handle promos. Ellen Gilbert and Rachael Altman rep. children for film & television. They consider photo
and resume submissions by MAIL ONLY. Do not deliver personally. William Craver, Laura Nolan, Jason
Yarn, Lucy Stille, Jack Tantleff, Jonathan Mills, Alyssa Reuben and Mark Armstrong make up the Literary

Phoenix Artists Inc. S/A, E, NATR, ATA

330 W. 38 St. #607 New York, NY 10018
212-586-9110 phoenixartistsinc@gmail.com
Partners Gary Epstein, Randi Ross and are the agents at this prestigious NY agency. They handle theatre
and MP/TV. Their list is usually about 100 actors, adults and young adults. All types and ethnicities. Also
writers, book authors and directors. They rarely work with freelance talent. Submit by MAIL ONLY. No
phone calls.

X Plaza 7 S/A, E
1350 6th Ave. #386 New York, NY 10019
646-688-2705 ffg@plaza7talent.com
234 Mall Blvd. Atrium #110 King of Prussia, PA 19406
610-337-2693 www.plaza7talent.com
Francesca Francois-Grimaldi (managing partner/agent)(NY) for MP/TV. Kim Walsh (Commercials & VO),
Sharon Parker & RJ Murphy (MP/TV/Comedy), Karen Parks (MP/TV/Theatre), Jodie Stiller (Children) are
the other NY agents. Linda Wisch is Agency Director here (PA), representing models and actors. All ages
(including children from 6 mos. to seniors). All types, all ethnicities, commercial and VO talents. Also
talent with disabilities for MP/TV, commercials, VO, modeling, infomercials, television programs, promos
and industrials. Cassia Valuikas is the other agent. Their specialty in voice talent has a great, 25 year
reputation and their hand and parts modeling department is equally exceptional. They accept VO demo
tapes, but do not return them. They are continuously receptive to VO talent with credits. They interview by
appointment only. Call for an appointment. At this time they are welcoming SUBMISSIONS BY MAIL
ONLY from actors, all ages, especially hispanic and asian talent.

Price Group LLC S/A, E

33 W. 19 St. 4 Fl. New York, NY 10011
212-725-1980 thepricegrouptalentagency@gmail.com
Lisa Price, handles talent for all areas. Lisa represents union talent only. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY. No
calls or drop-ins.

Professional Artists S/A, E, W
321 W. 44 St. Ste. 605 New York, NY 10036
212-247-8770 agents@professionalartists.net
Sheldon Lubliner, a former producer, then an agent from the early 1980's on, and Marilynn Scott Murphy, a
former actress, are Owners / Agents at this respected agency. Ashley Williams Landay is the agent for
MP/TV. They represent a top list of usually about 100, including many stars, well established talent, adult
and young adult acting talent. All types and ethnicities, also hosts, writers, directors and choreographers.
MAILED photos, resumes are considered and if interested the agents will call for interview. No personal
delivery of materials or phone inquiries.

X Pyramid Entertainment S/A

377 Rector Place #21A New York, NY 10280
Sal Michaels and Seth Cohen are the owners/agents at this full service ADULT Agency.

RadioActive Talent Inc. S/A

243 5th Ave. #505 New York, NY 10016
Doesn't want phone listed. www.radiotv.com www.myspace.com/radiofreeny
Kenjamin Franklin (Owner / Agency Head) represents many specialized areas, TV hosts, news anchors,
disc jockeys, lecturers, singers, songwriters and comics for commercials, animation voices, jingle writers
also acting talent for commercials and industrials. CD's, DVD's, photos and resumes accepted BY MAIL
ONLY. DO NOT CALL and no drop offs.

X Ramonas Model and Talent LLC Pending

15 Park Ave. #310 Rutherford, NJ 07070
646-330-4507 www.ramonatalent.com
Ramona Pitera and Janine Cerny represent young adults-seniors for commercials, VO, print and hosting.

Reinhard Talent Agency S/A, E

2021 Arch St. Ste. 400 Philadelphia, PA 19103
215-567-2000 www.reinhardagency.com
Virginia Doyle (Owner), Olivia Hoff represents actors, all types and ages, including children, all ethnicities,
commercial talent, VO people and models of all types for MP/TV, theatre, commercials, VO. Jenna Adams
and Lauren Giarrocco primarily handle modeling, print, runway and make up artists. They represent both
union and non-union talent. Submit by MAIL ONLY. Do not phone or drop in.

The Roster Agency S/A, E, NATR

247 W. 38 St 10 fl. New York, NY 10018
212-725-8459 info@therosteragency.com
Michael W. Rodriguez is the owner and agent. He handles MP/TV and theatre. All types, all areas, no
children. SUBMIT via MAIL ONLY.

Taylor Royall, Inc. S/A

6247 Falls Rd. Baltimore, MD 21209
410-828-1280 www.taylorroyall.com
Scott Goodhue (Pres. / Agent) handles actors, all ages, all types, all ethnicities and models (but no longer
handle children) for MP/TV, commercials, VO, modeling, industrials, infomercials, promos etc. They've
been in business for over 30 years, serving the Baltimore / Washington and Virginia region. They represent
both union and non-union talent.

SW Artists E
676-A 9th Ave. Box 164 New York, NY 10036
646-246-8853 www.sw-artists.com www.sheplinwinikartists.com sw.artists@yahoo.com
Sue Winik (Owner/Agent). Margaret Emory handles the commercial division and assists in other areas.
They represent union and non-union for all areas. No children. All submissions are to be by MAIL only.

X Brad Simon Organization Inc. Pending

155 W. 46 St. 5 Fl. New York, NY 10036
212-730-2132 info@bsoinc.com
Brad & Barbara Simon (owners), Ethan Schwartz (agent), represents theatre, musical theatre,
comedians, variety acts and dancers.

Ann Steele Agency S/A, NATR, E

330 W. 42 St. 18 fl. New York, NY 10036
212-629-9112 ragtimeann@aol.com
Ann Steele Co-Founder and Manager of Niederlitz & Steele, started Jason Alexander and others, is the
agent here, representing adult actors, musical theatre talent, actor musicians, for theatre and MP/TV. She
represents signed clients only. Does not work with freelance talent. Only members of at least one union
should submit. A nice, very well known and respected lady! They accept all submissions by referral only.
Please don't call and don't send tapes or CDs.

X Stephanie Talent & Entertainment Inc. S/A

109 Miln St. Cranford, NJ 07016
Stephanie Field is owner/agent at this full service agency and represents all ages.

Stewart Talent New York S/A, E

318 W 53 St. Ste. 201 New York, NY 10019
212-315-5505 www.stewarttalent.com submissions.newyork.legit@stewarttalent.com
Donald Birge, the agent here spent 10+ years with Kerin-Goldberg Associates, before opening the NY
office of Stewart Talent, one of Chicago's oldest and largest talent agencies. He is joined by Kara
Vokmann, Steve Maihack and Scott Tanzer. Tim Marshall and Marla Weber Green handle VO. They
handle all areas, MP/TV and theatre. Phil Cassese and Amanda Nyman, handle the Commercial Div.
8X10's by MAIL ONLY. They attend Showcases.

Stone-Manners-Salners Agency S/A, E

900 Broadway Ste. 910 New York, NY 10003
212-505-1400 smsinfo@smsagency.com
Tim Stone heads up the NY office of this popular and respected bi-coastal agency which represents a strong
list of actors, all ages, types and ethnicities, for theatre, MP/TV. Ben Sands is is an agent here and
Samantha Huff is an associate. SUBMIT BY MAIL ONLY.

Take 3 Talent / Product Model Mgmt. S/A, E
555 8th Ave. #710 New York, NY 10018
646-289-3915 / 212-563-6444 www.productmodelmgmt.com info@take3talent.com
Alyson Gaspin, handles commercials and print talent for all types including children. Stephanie Clarke
handles adults for MP/TV and Eddie Rabon handles their new theatre division. Dariana Sub and Nathan
Stolldorf handle print for children, Tracey Jackson handles adult print for PMM. Natasha Matallana handles
children for T3T.

Talent Network Agency S/A

419 Park Ave. South 12 fl. New York, NY 10016
Maureen Langan, the agent, represents actors / actresses, commercial talent, models from 16 yrs. and older
for MP/TV and commercials. They will consider both union and non-union talent, all ethnicities. They
accept submissions BY MAIL ONLY. Please no phone calls or drop-ins.

Talent Representatives, Inc. S/A, E, W, NATR

1040 1st Ave. #307 New York, NY 10022
212-752-1835 honey@talentreps.net
Honey Raider handles an impressive list of established adult and young adult actors (no children) for
MP/TV and theatre. They also represent writers, directors and producers (usually 20-30) for more personal,
hands-on representation. Performing talent, MAIL photo and resume for talent consideration. Writers with
referrals only should MAIL query letters. No unsolicited manuscripts are accepted. No phone inquiries or
personal drop offs.

TalentWorks, Inc. S/A, E, ATA

505 8th Ave. #603 New York, NY 10018
212-889-0800 www.talentworksny.com
The New York office of this highly respected bi-coastal agency. which represents adults, young adults and
now children in a new Youth Dept. also represents many stars and top acting and modeling talents. Adults
and late teens only, for MP/TV and theatre. Harry Gold is a partner and heads the LA office in Burbank and
handles theatrical adults. The two offices usually handle about 400 signed clients altogether. MP/TV and
theatre agents are Danielle Ippolito, Kyle Bosley and Jay Kane. Submit photos, resumes and demos by
MAIL ONLY. No phone inquiries or office drop off of materials.

The Talent Group, Inc. S/A

2820 Smallman St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222
412-471-8011(PA) / 216-622-8011(OH) www.talentgroup.com
Richard Kohn, Stephen Black (Partners / Agents), Rebecca DiNapoli and Steven Shakoski are additional
agents. This agency is "full service", handling actors all ages, types and ethnicities, models, VO people for
MP/TV, commercials, print, industrials, promos etc. Mr. Kohn told us that the agency handles a lot of VO
talent. Now they've opened THE TALENT GROUP in Cleveland, Ohio. Richard Kohn heads that office,
handling actors, all ages, types and ethnicities, models, VO people, for MP/TV, commercials, modeling,
print and industrials.

The Talent House S/A, E, NATR

325 W. 38 St. Ste. 605 New York, NY 10018
212-957-5220 assistant@talenthousenyc.com
Peter Kaiser and Daniel Prather are the agents. The agency is representing adult actors and actresses for
theatre, musical theatre and MP/TV. No unsolicited e-mails, faxes or phone calls. Submit photo, resume by

X The Talent Mine S/A, E, ATA, NATR
420 Lexington Ave. #628 New York, NY 10170
212-612-3200 talent@the-mine.com
David Crombie (owner / agent), Dustin Flores, Paula Poeta and Haley Holmes are the agents for MP/TV,
theatre, soaps, industrials and advertising. Patrick Mediate is a junior agent. SUBMIT photo, resume via E-
MAIL OR MAIL ONLY. Do not phone, fax or visit. Interviews are by appointment only.

United Talent Agency S/A, E, D, W

888 7th Ave. 9 Fl. New York, NY 10106
212-659-2600 www.unitedtalent.com
Represents all types for all areas. Accepts industry referrals only.

X Universal Attractions & Media Artists Grp. S/A

15 W. 36 St. 8 fl. New York, NY 10001
212-582-7575 www.universalattractions.com
Jeff Epstein and Jeff Allen are the agents. They represent musical artists. Roger Paul represents acting

Wolf Talent Group S/A, E

165 W. 46 St. Ste. 910 New York, NY 10036
Teresa Wolf is the (Owner / Agent) of this prestigious agency, well known for Theatre. Frankie Moran is
the agent for Film & TV. Milly Millhauser is the new junior agent. They're welcoming experienced adult
theatre talent submissions for consideration. They also have an LA office.

Hanns Wolters International, Inc. S/A, E

501 5th Ave. #2112A New York, NY 10017
212-714-0100 917-495-5887 hannsw@aol.com www.hannswolters.com www.german-
Oliver Mahrdt (Sr. Agt./Pres.)(US rep. for German films/US & Canada) now heads this long established
agency. He was previously a partner with Hanns. The agency specializes in casting of off beat, non
mainstream looking character types and foreign talent for MP/TV, commercials, theatre and has a VO dept.
that specializes in all foreign languages. Also represents writers, producers, directors, variety and novelty
acts from all over the world. It is well known in Europe and Asia as well as the U.S. No models or children.
MAIL photo, resume and especially mention any foreign language. Currently seeking Brazilian talent.

Ann Wright Representatives S/A, E, W

165 W. 46 St. New York, NY 10036
212-764-6770 annwrightreps@gmail.com
Ann Wright and Dan Wright has a long, distinguished career as head of their own Talent Agency. The other
agent here is Susan Wright who handles all areas. They occasionally work with freelance talent. Interviews
are by appointment only. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE BY MAIL, with sase. NO PHONE INQUIRIES
OR DROP OFFS. They consider all submissions ages 18 Up, all types, all ethnicities. They're especially
seeking young talent, 18-25 yrs. old, also VO people.


Editors Note

Unfortunately scams have been involved in our industry for years and will in all
likelihood continue to be. In todays economy especially, the number of scams has increased
significantly, not only in the tri-state area but throughout major cities in the US.
The intelligent actor should always be aware that the only time any up front money
should be paid is for training and to have your picture and resume on your agents website.

The investment we have discovered that fully explains and provides the best information
to help actors avoid scams is the DVDs available on our website. View the free previews at
www.nyactingagents.com, or www.hendersonenterprises.com

Remember that it is your career and your responsibility to protect yourself and insure that
you are not victimized by a waste of time and money scam. If it sounds too good to be true, it
probably is! The most expensive is not necessarily the best; you should always check everything
out and ask around before investing your hard earned money and valuable time!

The Actors Journey Project (DVD Sets)

Adults and Kids

First time in the history of the Entertainment Industry

Over 100 industry Professionals have come together
for the Actors Journey Project to explain every aspect
and facet of an actors involvement in the
Motion Picture and Television Industries.


For a New York business plan

Contact Sue Henderson directly!



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