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Resident Short Review

Adenomyoepithelioma of the Breast

A Brief Diagnostic Review
Ji Yoon Yoon, MD; Dhananjay Chitale, MD

 Adenomyoepithelioma of the breast is an uncommon reports, only 4 comprehensive series studies2,3,6,7 have been
tumor characterized by dual differentiation into luminal reported. Although most AMEs have been benign, sporadic
cells and myoepithelial cells. A spectrum of histologic malignant AMEs with distant metastases have also been
patterns is observed among these tumors and even in reported.2,79 Recognition of this entity, accurate diagnosis,
different areas of individual tumors. These lesions can be and knowledge of the expected behavior are important in
diagnostically challenging, especially when a core needle guiding the most appropriate patient management.
biopsy is performed, because of the heterogeneity of
adenomyoepitheliomas. Recognition of the biphasic cellu- CLINICAL FEATURES
lar elements and the characteristic overall architecture of Patient age ranged from 22 to 92 years (mean age, 59
the tumors in combination with immunohistochemistry are years) in one series of study.6 Nearly all of the affected
essential to establish the correct diagnosis. Although most patients have been women, although rare cases have been
tumors have a benign clinical course, local recurrences, reported in men.10 Patients usually present with a solitary,
malignant transformations, and distant metastases have palpable nodule,6 and the duration of symptoms varies from
been reported. All the reported malignant adenomyoepi- several weeks to several months.2 The tumors are usually
theliomas with metastases have shown significant cytolog- located in a peripheral portion of the breast,3 although the
ic atypia and brisk mitotic rates. Therefore, adequate lesions have been found centrally or near the areola.2,11
sampling of the tumor to identify these features is Tenderness and serous nipple discharge have been found
necessary. A complete excision with adequate margins infrequently.2 On mammography, AME appears as a round
would lower the chance of local recurrence or potential or lobulated, dense, mostly circumscribed mass, sometimes
for metastasis. with partially indistinct margins.12 Calcifications and cystic
(Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2013;137:725729; doi: 10.5858/ appearance are not typical findings.13

M yoepithelial cells are present in the normal mammary

duct system and are often prominent in benign
lesions, such as usual ductal hyperplasia, sclerosing adeno-
The size of AME ranges from 0.3 cm to 7 cm, with an
average size of 2.5 cm.2,6 The tumors have been described as
round to lobulated, well circumscribed or discrete, and
sis, and intraductal papilloma.1 Tumors largely or entirely firm.2,3 Multinodular or papillary configurations and focal
composed of myoepithelial cells have also been reported.2 cystic changes have also been described.6,14,15 The recurrent
Adenomyoepithelioma (AME), a biphasic neoplastic pro- tumors had irregular borders and ranged from 2 cm to 6
liferation of luminal and myoepithelial cells, was first cm.7 The cut surface reveals pink-white to gray-tan tissue
described by Hamperl1 in 1970. As Hamperl noted, this with focal to diffuse translucency.2,7 Hemorrhage and focal
tumor may display a heterogeneous pattern because of the necrosis have also been reported.3,5,16
variable proliferation of epithelial and myoepithelial cells.
Papillary architecture is seen in most tumors, and therefore, MICROSCOPIC PATHOLOGY
AME is considered to be a variant of intraductal papilloma.3 AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
Striking morphologic heterogeneity, such as papillary con- The AME tumor has a biphasic nature, composed of
figuration or multinodularity, especially in a limited biopsy cuboidal to columnar, epithelial-lined tubules surrounded
sample,46 may not be appreciated, which may lead to by myoepithelial cells.6 A spectrum of histologic patterns,
erroneous diagnoses of carcinoma.3 So far, other than case however, has been observed among various examples of
these tumors and even in different areas of individual
tumors.3 These variations were based on the distribution of
Accepted for publication June 20, 2012. proliferating glandular and myoepithelial cells, the extent of
From the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, spindle or polygonal configuration of myoepithelial cells,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. the prominence of papillary component, and the degree of
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or fibrosis.3
companies described in this article.
Reprints: Ji Yoon Yoon, MD, Department of Pathology and Three variants of AMEs were described by Tavassoli.2 The
Laboratory Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 W Grand Blvd, first variant is the tubular pattern, which is characterized by
Detroit, MI 48202 (e-mail: jyoon1@hfhs.org). a balanced proliferation of rounded tubules, as well as
Arch Pathol Lab MedVol 137, May 2013 Adenomyoepithelioma of the BreastYoon & Chitale 725
unusually prominent and hyperplastic myoepithelial cells. uniformity of reactivity.7,17,20 Most of the luminal epithelial
The second variant is the spindle cell type, which is cells are S100, but some reports have noted strong
composed of a predominantly spindled myoepithelial cell expression in the luminal epithelial cells. In these cases, its
proliferation admixed with a few columnar, epithelial-lined diagnostic utility as a myoepithelial marker may be
tubules. Finally, the third variant exhibits a lobular pattern limited.17,2224 The myoepithelial-specific antibodies display
composed of solid nests of myoepithelial cells proliferating various cross-reactivity patterns and variable protein ex-
around compressed tubules; the solid nests of tumor are pression, especially in the neoplastic myoepithelial cells
then surrounded by fibrous connective tissue septa of compared with their normal counterparts.17,20 Therefore, a
varying thicknesses.2 panel-based approach of 2 or more markers should be used
Most AMEs have papillary configuration and, therefore, to minimize the chance of failure in detecting the
have been considered a variant of intraductal papilloma by myoepithelial cells.17,20
some authors or a morphologic evolution from intraductal Proliferative indices of Ki-67 immunostaining are present
papilloma (Figure 1, A).3,7,17 Myoepithelial cells forming in both compartments of the tumor but may be higher in the
nests or sheets frequently display a spindle to myoid myoepithelial cells than it is in the ductal cells.25 Immuno-
appearance at places with clear cytoplasm. This solid stain for estrogen is either negative or weakly positive in a
proliferation may displace, compress, or obliterate the patchy pattern.12 Progesterone receptor and ERBB2 (for-
epithelial gland, resulting in a zone nearly devoid of glands merly Her2/neu) have, however, been consistently reported
(Figure 1, B and C).2,3,6 These areas, if pronounced, may lead to be negative in all the published studies.3,12
to a differential diagnosis of myoepithelioma. The myoid
areas may exhibit myoepithelial cells with pink to ampho- DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
philic cytoplasm or a plasmacytoid appearance with dense, Most AMEs appear to represent variants of intraductal
hyaline-like, glassy eosinophilic cytoplasm and eccentric
papilloma.3 The differentiation of papilloma with prominent
nuclei (Figure 1, D).2,12,17 Myxochondroid matrices produced
myoepithelial cells from AMEs can be made based on
by the myoepithelial cells may also be noted, as seen in
architecture, pattern, and degree of myoepithelial prolifer-
pleomorphic adenomas (Figure 1, E).6,12 Dense, collagenous,
ation.6 Those cases with only myoepithelial cells lining the
hyaline-like matrix materials can be seen in thick basement
papillae and forming the basal layer below the epithelial
membranes.18 Epithelial cells tend to have hyperchromatic
elements and without nests, nodules, or an increased
nuclei and dense eosinophilic to amphophilic cytoplasm,
proportion of myoepithelial cells are categorized as papil-
when compared with myoepithelial cells.17 Apocrine meta-
lomas with prominent myoepithelial cells.6 Myoepithelial
plasia of epithelial cell component, as well as squamous and
sebaceous metaplasia may be variably present.2,17,19 Atypical cell markers highlight the presence of prominent myoepi-
features, including increased mitotic activity, cytologic thelial cells within the papillae and at the periphery.20 When
atypia with nuclear pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli, the stroma associated with papillary lesions are sclerotic or
hyperchromasia, and necrosis, if observed, are usually exuberant, nuclear stains, such as p63 and maspin, should
associated with cases that either recurred or had a malignant be included in a myoepithelial marker panel to avoid cross-
clinical outcome (Figure 1, F).2,7,9 reactivity with myofibroblasts within the sclerotic stroma.20
The interplay between epithelial and myoepithelial cell A diagnosis of AME is favored if myoepithelial proliferation
elements is highlighted by immunohistochemical staining is extensive and involves the lesion diffusely.12 Nipple
with antibodies specific for these 2 components. The adenoma may mimic AME, but the presence of florid ductal
cytoplasm of epithelial cells uniformly reacts with antibodies hyperplasia and the pseudoinfiltrative pattern of stromal
to cytokeratins, such as cytokeratin AE1/3 (Figure 2, A and sclerosis entrapping glandular epithelium without an
B), CAM 5.2, or CK7.6,7 The luminal surfaces of the entrapped fibrous tissue or supporting fibrovascular cores
glandular cells are positive for the epithelial membrane are useful features to help differentiate the former.6 Clear
antigen.17 Polygonal and spindle myoepithelial cells are not cell carcinoma may also mimic AMEs, but that may be
reactive to epithelial membrane antigen and are often only differentiated by the presence of both epithelial and
subtly reactive or weakly reactive to cytokeratin AE1/3.6,7 myoepithelial cell types, and confirmed with immunohisto-
The myoepithelial component is highlighted by p63, smooth chemical stains, if necessary.6 Metaplastic tumors associated
muscle myosin heavy chains, CK5, CD10, calponin, actin, with papilloma are also included in the differential
and S100.6,7,17,20 McLaren et al6 reported that p63 produced diagnoses.26 The rarest adenosis variant of AME has an
the best results with consistent, intense nuclear staining infiltrative growth pattern that resembles microglandular
(Figure 2, C), whereas some studies have reported adenosis. Microglandular adenosis is characterized by an
discontinuous staining patterns.20 The distribution and absence of myoepithelial layer and S100 positivity.17
intensity of staining for anti-actin antibodies is heteroge- When the tumor predominantly displays a spindle cell
neous, more conspicuous in spindle cells than in clear component, it may morphologically be mistaken for a myoid
polygonal cells. However, no reactivity to actin is seen in hamartoma or leiomyoma.2 Strong reactivity for S100 and
epithelial cells.17 p63, and minimal staining for actin and cytokeratin in AME
Smooth muscle myosinheavy chain is the most sensitive are helpful in differentiating the 2 lesions.2,17 Myoid
marker, which is easier to interpret than smooth muscle hamartomas also strongly express CD34, unlike AME,
actin and muscle-specific actin because of its low cross- which is negative. Lesions composed exclusively of benign
reactivity with myofibroblasts.17,20,21 Calponin is also highly myoepithelial cells suggest a diagnosis of myoepithelio-
sensitive for detecting myoepithelial cells with cytoplasmic ma.1,2,17 Thorough sampling of the tumor to identify the
staining (Figure 2, D), but calponin myofibroblasts can be luminal epithelial component would help separate AMEs
detected in up to 74% of breast proliferations by light, from myoepithelioma.
patchy staining patterns.20 S100 was expressed in virtually Some areas of an AME may resemble adenoid cystic
all of the myoepithelial cells, with variable intensity and carcinoma of the breast, but that has infiltrative borders and
726 Arch Pathol Lab MedVol 137, May 2013 Adenomyoepithelioma of the BreastYoon & Chitale
Figure 1. A, Adenomyoepithelioma with intraductal papillary configuration. B, Myoepithelial cells with clear cytoplasm. C, Adenomyoepithelioma
with spindle cell features. D, Myoepithelial cells with plasmacytoid appearance. E, Myxochondroid background matrix. F, Atypical feature of
adenomyoepithelioma; increased mitotic activity (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifications 3100 [A and F], 3400 [B through D], and 3200 [E]).

a characteristic cribriform architecture in most cases. The absence of the 2 types of mucins and the presence of
myoepithelial cells of an adenoid cystic carcinoma tend to be apocrine epithelia.6 Pleomorphic adenomas have features
smaller, more hyperchromatic, and basaloid appearing and that overlap with AMEs, but a hyaline matrix with
have much less cytoplasm than do those of an AME.12 In chondroid areas and distinct encapsulation are more
addition, adenoid cystic carcinoma may be excluded by the prominent in pleomorphic adenoma.6,12,17
Arch Pathol Lab MedVol 137, May 2013 Adenomyoepithelioma of the BreastYoon & Chitale 727
Figure 2. A, Adenomyoepithelioma with corresponding cytokeratin AE1/AE3 immunostain (B) demonstrating strong staining of epithelial elements
and weak staining of myoepithelial cells. C, p63 immunostain, demonstrating nuclear staining of myoepithelial components. D, Calponin,
demonstrating cytoplasmic staining of myoepithelial components (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 3200 [A]; original magnification 3200
[B]; original magnifications 3400 [C] and D).

The diagnosis of AME on a needle core biopsy can be excision.2,7,27 In the Tavossoli2 study, most tumors with
challenging because of morphologic heterogeneity. In recurrence were of the tubular type of lesions, extending
limited biopsy material, the sampled tissue may even be into, and blending with, the adjacent normal ducts. The
mistaken for invasive carcinoma, especially in tumors that recurrent lesions lacked an aggressive morphologic appear-
have compact glandular structures with clear cell epithelioid ance or noticeable mitotic activity.2 The recurrent tumor
myoepithelial proliferation.35,17 The presence of regularly with a lobulated variant displayed only cytologic atypia and
spaced, rounded or ovoid glands; unidirectional streaming had an increased mitotic activity with 8/10 high-power fields
of the glands; and prominent clear cell or spindle cell (as compared with 3/10 high-power fields in the original
myoepithelium are some morphologic clues to the diagnosis tumor).2 Cytologic atypia and mitotic rates were found to be
of AME.4 Immunostains for myoepithelial markers, espe- variable in other studies.7 Peripheral intraductal extension,
cially p63, are useful for highlighting the abundant incomplete excision, and variable cytologic atypia may be
myoepithelial components.4 Atypical features, such as linked to local recurrence.2,3,7
pronounced nuclear pleomorphism, mitotic activity, necro- Although most AMEs are benign, malignant transforma-
sis, invasive growth, and the overgrowth of 1 of the 2 tions of tumors have been reported in the literature.2,79,13,28
components of the lesion may not be evident in the needle Because of the biphasic nature of the tumor, carcinomas may
core biopsy. Therefore, excisional biopsy is recommended to arise from ductal epithelial cells, myoepithelial cells, or
rule out a carcinoma arising in an AME.4 both.9,29,30 A myoepithelial carcinoma arising in an adeno-
myoepithelioma with a high Ki-67 labeling index in
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