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San Francisco, Bay Area danieltanders@gmail.

(650) 400-3085 Daniel Anderson github.com/dandersonstack
peared.io linkedin.com/in/dandersonstack

Technical Skills
Frameworks: | React, Angular, Backbone, Express, D3, PostGresql, MySql, MongoDB, Rails ActiveRecord
Libraries: | Passport, Redux, JQuery, Ajax, BlueBird (Promises), Mocha, Chai, BootStrap, Flexbox
Languages: | Javascript (ES6), Html, CSS, Java, Python, SQL, C, Ruby, Bash
Tools: | Git, Heroku, AWS, Pivotal Tracker, Travis CI + Code Climate, WebPack, CRON, Knex, Grunt

Software Engineering Experience

OpenEd.com, Associate Ruby Developer San Jose, CA | 2016-2017
Cleaned & optimized scripts comparing SF & Postgres data resolving db performance and logic issues
Rebuilt subscription trackers with SQL & Ruby leading to a 25% reduction in content provider expenses
Implemented document upload, storage & parsing with S3, Paperclip & CF for MLA (Machine Learning)
Built account hierarchy with SalesForce and Ruby Scripts to organize 200K customer accounts

Auction.com/TenX, Software Developer Intern Belmont, CA | 2015

Created Google Map Embedding Macros with VBA and Excel to simplify and expedite report generation

ERNGlobal, Software Developer Intern Palo Alto, CA | 2013

Automated deployment process (~8x per day) with Shell Script to improve speed (~10X) & reliability

Software Engineering Projects

Peared.io, Full Stack
Designed pair programming app using React, Express, & Socket.io to promote code collaboration
Implemented session page with CodeMirror & BootStrap to support the pair programming process
Created dashboard with Redux and BootStrap to monitor and manage sessions, friends, and prompts
Developed skill based matching engine with Javascript to optimize pairing and deliver aligned prompts

Mad-Maps, Full Stack/Backend/DevOps

Designed db infrastructure with Pg-Promise and Postgres to bring down the overall query count by 6x
Automated deployment pipeline with Heroku and Heroku CI to improve speed of team development

Twitter Personality Analysis, Full Stack

Created an API to parse tweets using Axios, Express, and Javascript, to pull and organize Twitter Data
Analyzed twitter personalities with a Watson instance to confirm or reject hypothesized traits and values

Engineers w/o Borders Volunteer Sign Up, Full Stack Developer

Created a registration form with RnR and Javascript to enable volunteers to submit team applications
Achieved 90% test coverage with Code Climate and Rspec to ensure site reliability

Hack Reactor, Advanced Software Engineering Immersive Program San Francisco, CA | 2017
UC Berkeley, B.A. Major in Cognitive Science, Minor in Computer Science Berkeley, CA | 2016
Data structures, machine structures, UI/UX, AI, software engineering, discrete math, feature detection,
vision analysis, & natural language processing

Personal Info:
I am passionate for both the hard and soft sciences and I have an interest in studying how people think, learn,
and remember. I am looking for a team where I can help others and learn from others.

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