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36 Think teenagers, think couch potatoes eating pizzas out of the box oF munching Op burgers? Think again hecause there's a new teenager in town and he's on a chocolate coated mission! Louis Bamett runs a rapidlv-arowina chocolate empire which counts among its customers the British supermarket chains Waitrose and Sainsbury's, as well as upmarket department stores in London, New York and as far away as Moscow. All this and Louis is stil only eighteen BBut things werent always mnat easy. Despite an IQ of 132, Louis dropped out of school when he was only eleven, frustrated and disheartened. ‘it was temibly diffcult for him,’ his mother Mary explains. "His handwriting was really bad and he struggled with speling.' The problem was that Louis was, in his own words, ‘dyslexic, dyspraxic ‘and dyscalculc’. Nothing the school system had to offer made any sense to him. So, with thehelp ofhis parents anda specialised tutor, Louis sel abuul @ vuvational-based, home-study programme concentrating on the thing that he loved most: chocolate. "Id akwaye boon intriquod by i,’ eaye Louie, who bought his first Belgian chocolates wth his own pocket money when he was anly nina Ry the time ha was thitean ha had already created his own line of specialist chocoletes, a sample of which he sent to Waitrose head otic. it was sighily bizarre," admits Waitrose chocolate buyer, Greg Sehringer. ‘One day a package arrived in reception addressed to the confectionary buyer. It spent a day or 0 in the post room betore ting its way to me Dut as ‘900 2s | saw the product, | thought it was great. So we laranged (0 wet Louis anu he antived here a few days ne 23 later — with his parents. We didn't expect that.’ But don’t Reading Multiple choice (Part 1) > CB page 50 DD You are going to read an article about a ‘teenager who runs his own choculate-making business. Read the text once quickly and choose the best title. With e Atal help fron ny frends nt for cho. late but no head for figures Chocolate millionaire turns eigh en the answer (A, B, Cor D) which you think fits best according to the text. think this is a case of pushy parents, Sehringer says. Louis {id the taking, The product Louis sent to Waitrose was a box made of chocolate. ‘One Christmas | decided to make some chocolates for my family and frends to send as presents bout when | looked into packaging | ound that it was more fexnensiva than tha choclate inside. So | thought, ‘Why not make a chocolate box to put the chocolates in?” He then gained a qualification in chocolate making from the prestigious Zurich-based Callebaut Academy, the youngest person ever to do so. They in fact snonsored the rest of his chocolate: making education. His grandparents also helped out, lending him the money for a special chocolate temperature-requiating machin. Once he had al, Louis wars off and runing. By the ayy of sixteen mee he was selling chocolates to luxury department stores in both the UK and tho United Statoe. Hic company, callod Chokolt because this is how Louls as a dyslexic spells ‘chocolate, was very much an the map. Louis calls himself an ethical chocolatier and includes pictures of endangered species on the packaging of his new range of palm oil-free chocolate bars, a percentage of the sales of which go to animal charities. Waitrose ordered 100,000 boxes of the bars in 2007 and Louis then had to move production from his parents’ garage to a factory in the north of England. Louis stillives with his parents, both cof whorn work for his business, as does his gitfriend Sally, who is his PA. There have been a few problems findina the right staff, though, because some people are reluctant to take orders from a teenager. ‘As for dealing with the interest from the press and becoming a chocolate maker to the rich and famous, Louis is undaunted. ‘What we've done so far is ‘monumental, he says, ‘but | Gort wari 1 loses contto oF the business.’ In fact, Louis is already thinking about how he can use the attention he ia gotting to encourage young people to get into cooking. 1 2 3 Ey Read the text again. ror questions 1-8, choose What does the author of the text think about teenagers! A They are lazy and eat pootly. B_ They dont have much money. They avoid doing the washing-up. D_Ihey are not all the same. Why did Louis Barnett leave school? A. He wasn't very bright. B Theteachers didn't understand him, CC Hehad special problems, D Hekept falling spelling tests. How did Louis’ parents react to his problems? A They were very worried about their son. B They understood his needs. © They paid a private teacher to help him D They blamed the schoo! system for his failure. What does that in line 33 refer to? That they would receive a package in the post: B_ Ihat they would actually meet Lou's. That Louis would be with his parents D_ That Louis would arrive late. What was so special about the sample Louis sent to, Waitiuse? A You could eat the whole thing Bit was less expensive than ather prnduicts Itwas something no one else had thought of D He had made it to give 1 his family 54 present. What does the phrase offand running in line 48 mean? A trying two escape B competing in a race © moving quickly D. progressing well Why did Louis stop making his chocolates in his parents’ garage? ‘A The demand for his chocolates had grown. B_ He wanted to make chocolates using ethical principles. © He found it difficult to work with his parents. D_ He wanted to move in with his girlfriend. How does Louis feel about his company? ‘A He is proud oft but would not like anyone else to unit. B_ He would like 10 specialise in making chocolates for celebrities. © He is worried that it might be getting out of control D He thinks itis not getting enough attention, ‘Complete sentences 1-7 with the underlined words in the text. Sometimes you need to change the form of the word. 1 Iwas __.to lend my sister my car. Last time she drove it she had an accident 2) Wewent toareally.___ restaurant where not a single thing on the menu cost less than €30. 3. tm reading a really. detective novel at the ‘moment, just carft work Out who the kiler i. 4) The prospect of getting up at4 aim, to get to the aitport seemed rather 5 Wewere,__..tohear the good news about his successful hospital treatment 6 Dont be so !Phoning up every day to see if you've got the job might make them decide to give it to someone else, 7. She had hoped to be able to sail around the world but couldn'tfind a Vocabulary phrasal verbs with turn > CB page 5! Underline the correct preposition to complete the sentences. 1 Iget completely turned up/offa restaurant if tls not dean 2. Thad so much to do that | turned out/down the chance to go out with friends. 3 She was so angry that her dinner was undercooked that she turned in/on the poor waitress. 4 My parents had ne idea | was going to see them - just tumed offup. 5 My birthday party turned down/out to be the hest evening ever! 6 | was tured off/awny fine the restaurant on Saturday night because it was full Rewrite the underlined part of the sentences Using the words in brackets, 1. Somany friends came ta the pany that we had to go and buy extra food. (up), 2. | tefuised the offer of a job as a waitress as | preferred to workin at office. (down) 3. Myson got really upset when the other children got angry with him for no reason. (an) 4 Iwanted to go to the concert but | was refused entry because | didnt have a ticket (away) 37

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