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Geologic, topographic and climatic controls in

landslide hazard assessment using GIS
modeling: A case study of...

Article in Quaternary International July 2013

DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.11.027


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6 authors, including:

Riheb Hadji
Ferhat Abbas University of Setif


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Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237

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Geologic, topographic and climatic controls in landslide hazard

assessment using GIS modeling: A case study of Souk Ahras
region, NE Algeria
Riheb Hadji a, *, Abd errahmane Boumazbeur b, Yacine Limani a, Mustapha Baghem a,
Abd el Madjid Chouabi c, Abdeslem Demdoum a
Farhat Abbas University, Setif, Algeria
Chieckh Larbi Tebessi University, Tebessa, Algeria
Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Landslides are the most common hazard in mountainous regions of northeast Algeria. In this study,
Available online 3 December 2012 landslide hazard zonation of Souk Ahras province was carried out using a Raster based GIS and statistical
processing. Landslide locations were dened from interpretation of aerial photographs and eld surveys.
Rotational, planar and complex landslides were identied. To reveal the controlling factors of landslides,
a temporal distribution of 603 recognized landslides (1981 2011) is compared with the monthly
precipitation variation, indicating a strong correlation between precipitation and landslide occurrence.
The correlation between landslide and lithology, slope angle, and elevation shows the same results.
Tabular data, maps and satellite images were collected, processed, and constructed into a spatial
database in a GIS platform. The factors that inuence landslide occurrence, such as slope angle, slope
exposition and elevation were derived from the DEM; Lithology, soil deposits and faults were digitalized
from the geologic maps; roads, streams and timber were extracted from Landsat image; precipitation
was krigged from pluviometric measurement dataset. Different classes of thematic layers were assigned.
A corresponding rating value as attribute information and an attribute map was generated for each data
layer in the GIS. Landslide hazard areas were assessed and mapped using the landslide occurrence and
permanent factor maps, by applying a probabilistic method with a logistic regression approach. The
results of the analysis were veried using landslides location map, compared with the probability
model. The resulting map can be used to mitigate this hazard, and to plan land use and urbanization.
2012 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Various methods of analysis have been proposed by many

authors for landslide hazard assessment (Schuster and Fleming,
Landslides are considered among the most hazardous natural 1986; Brabb and Harrod, 1989; Brabb, 1991; Einstein, 1997; Fell
phenomena that affect humans and their physical environment. and Hartford, 1997; Leroi, 1997; Guzzetti, 2000; Schuster and
In addition to property damage, they cause tragic human losses Highland, 2001), including quantitative techniques with direct
everywhere in the world (Fell, 1994; Zillman, 1999; Glade et al., calculation of slope stability (Hansen, 1984; Hansen and Franks,
2005). Einstein (1988) stated that when conditions involve 1991), and qualitative techniques with probabilistic, statistical
predisposition to triggering factors, landslides can become or deterministic approaches. The most suitable technique for
extremely disastrous. The growing anxiety concerning this landslide hazard analysis is still under debate (Carrara, 1998). The
hazard has pushed further and deeper investigations in this eld. same discussion is observed concerning the mode of selecting
and combining the independent variables.
Applying the deterministic model to large scale slope stability
* Corresponding author. Department of Earth Sciences, Farhat Abbas University, zonation research may not be easy. Because of the difculties in
Setif, Algeria. acquisition, control and processing of large spatial datasets, it is
E-mail addresses: hadjirihab@yahoo.fr (R. Hadji), boumezbeura@yahoo.fr
a more suitable method for an individual site (Zhou et al., 2003).
(A.errahmane Boumazbeur), limaniyacine@yahoo.fr (Y. Limani), mustapha-19@
hotmail.fr (M. Baghem), mchouabbi@yahoo.fr (A.elM. Chouabi), slimdem@
Therefore, this research adopts probabilistic applications for slope
yahoo.fr (A. Demdoum). failure modeling using GIS (Mastere et al., 2009). This statistical

1040-6182/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237 225

method analyzes the relationship between landslide occurrence et al., 2010, 2012), but a comprehensive investigation of the
and related factors, and suggests weighing and hazard index and susceptibility to landslide phenomena has not been performed
predicts landslide hazard for the study area. The 603 identied and previously. Fig. 1 shows some landslides in Souk Ahras province.
classied landslides approved for statistical treatment affect similar Over the last three decades, the largest number of recorded
geological and geomorphological units, under the same hydrolog landslides in one year is 119 events (2003). These incidents lead to
ical and climatic conditions. blockage or damage to the main highway which connects Souk
This study concerns the Souk Ahras area, where rapid urban Ahras to the neighboring provinces of Tebessa and Annaba.
ization, deforestation, slope conditions, drainage pattern, clayey Highway RN16 was completely impassible for trafc for almost
and marly formations, tectonic setting and high precipitation are two weeks. Several dwellings were also seriously affected. The
the main factors, which control landslide hazard distribution. This estimated cost of the damages related to this phenomenon
area is historically threatened by slope failure phenomena (Hadji throughout Souk Ahras province is estimated at V490 million.
This situation has been taken seriously by the local authorities,
as it is a real challenge to development and communication. A
regional landslide hazard analysis and management is becoming
an important task for ofcials and city planners. This study aims
to assess the state of land stability and the resulting potential
hazard throughout the study area in order to undertake the
appropriate mitigation measures. To this end, a landslide hazard
analysis was carried out by using landslide inventory, coupled
with geological, geomorphological environmental and historical
datasets, in a GIS environment. The resulting landslide hazard
zoning map serves as a valuable tool for land management and
Based on 603 landslides events between 1981 and 2011, the
monthly distributions of recognized landslides are established
and compared with the monthly variation of precipitation. The
damages caused by landslides increase with the mean monthly
precipitation, indicating a strong correlation. The correlation
between landslide occurrence and geological formations, slope
angle, and terrain elevations also shows a good dependence.
Mass movement, which includes landslides, is dened by
Cruden (1991) as, the movement of a mass of rocks, earth or
debris down a slope. Mass movements can be classied accord
ing to their morphology and their geometry as well as their
kinematics and dynamics (Millis, 1981; Gervreau et al., 1992).
Most of these instabilities do not evolve regularly in time, often
showing slow phases of evolution with the appearance of stability.
However, sometimes they move with a perceptible acceleration
(Flageollet et al., 1999). Landslides can remain stable for years, and
may be activated abruptly in the case of seismic loading or in
response to anthropogenic activity such as road or urban
construction. They may be activated under the affect of water
during rainy periods (Campy and Macaire, 2003).
A hazard is dened as, the probability of occurrence of
a potentially undesirable phenomenon in a given area and during
a given time (Guzzetti et al., 1999). A landslide hazard is identi
ed as a set of conditions with a potential for causing an unde
sirable consequence. In prediction of the behavior of future

Fig. 1. a: Landslide in Zaarouria Township in January 2008 (36,2271 N; 07,9605 E). b:

Landslide in 1999, involving a total of 2,000,000 m3 of sliding mass (36,2731 N;
07,9997 E). c: Landslide occurred in 2003 outside the urban perimeter (36,2379 N;
07,9597 E). Fig. 2. Methodological owchart of landslides hazard analysis.
226 R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237

Fig. 3. Geographical location of the study area.

landslides, the denition integrates temporal concepts, volume, 2005; Raetzo and Loup, 2009). The necessary data for mapping
repetitiveness, and location. The hazard is characterized by its landslide hazards are gathered into ve groups: landslide inven
intensity, probability, and susceptibility (Hansen, 1984; Carrara tory, topography, geology and sediment, land use, and hydrography
et al., 1991; Hutchinson, 1995; Cardinali et al., 2001; Guzzetti, (Soeters and Van Westen, 1996).

Fig. 4. Synthetic stratigraphic column of the Mellegue Mountains (David, 1956).

R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237 227

2. Material and methods tributaries, Laghdir and Echaref. Souk Ahras region is characterized
by a continental moderate climate. During the three last decades,
GIS technologies can provide an ideal platform for the integra the annual mean precipitation was about 763.27 mm. The effective
tion of the various datasets, their analysis, their combination and evapotranspiration represents 81.68%. Runoff is about 25.2% and
their mapping along a study area. It permits the modeling of several the inltration is about 18.32% of precipitation. Winter and spring
layers of information related to geology, geomorphology, mass are the rainiest seasons. Souk Ahras, Zaarouria and Taoura Town
movements, land use, and environment. They are used according to ships, together, had a population of 186,760 inhabitants in 2011
specic criteria, to dene a Boolean model which leads to the (ONS, 2012).
production of a landslide hazard map. Marine, evaporitic and continental sedimentary formations of
The collection of datasets from previous studies, internal Carboniferous to Holocene age are exposed in the study area (Fig. 4)
reports, landslide survey folders, aerial photographs, satellite (Vila, 1980; Kazi, 1986; Chevenine et al., 1989). The topography is
imagery, DTM, maps, and pluviometric data allow the editing of the asymmetric with a dominant SW slope. The altitude decreases
study project database using GIS software (Arcgis 9.3 by ESRI). The regularly towards the SW. In the Taoura area, the structure is an
adopted method leads to the inclusion and validation of a large anticline trending NEeSW, draining a complex hydrographic
amount of data collected through six years of eldwork. This network (Fig. 5). Two major structural directions characterize the
indirect hazard mapping methodology involves a statistical deter region: NEeSW, marked by Triassic extrusions; and NWeSE to
mination of the variable combinations that have led to landslide WNWeESE, subsequent to post Miocene distensive collapse
occurrence in the past (Chau et al., 2003; Van Westen et al., 2003). (Rouvier, 1990) (Fig. 6). The topographic model shows two prefer
Probability using Logistic regression is very signicant in this ential directions of ow: one toward the east, following the fold
statistical analysis (Mastere, 2011). geometry; the other towards the north, according to the general
The method involves three steps: landslide inventory and topographic slope (Fig. 7).
mapping; preparation of terrain factors maps; and analysis of the
relation between landslide distribution and terrain factors maps
(Guzzetti et al., 2005). Landslide inventory has been conducted 4. Analysis of study area slope failures
from stereoscopic interpretation of aerial photographs, GPS and
inclinometer measurements, eld surveys during 2005e2011, and The Landslide inventory maps provide fundamental informa
the analysis of various reports and internal database of provincial tion on location and size of landslides that is necessary in the
and municipal ofces. The landslide identication map was divided assessment of slope stability, showing all recognized slope failures
into grids with 100 m2 size cells. A total of 603 landslide data were
identied within the grids. The cumulative number of landslides
within each cell was summed, and contour lines were drawn based
on the number of landslides within each cell. The potential runout
is estimated by a stereoscopic comparison of multiage aerial
Terrain parameter maps were obtained from various sources of
data. The lithological map and the fault map were digitalized from
an assembly of 5 existing geologic maps (1:50,000). In order to
obtain the slope, exposure and elevation maps, a DTM was used. In
order to obtain the precipitation map, a raster based DEM has been
built by applying kriging interpolation of residual precipitation
values computed using multiple regression statistical analysis in
GIS software. Drainage network, land use and road network maps
were obtained directly from a recent Landsat TM image. Buffer
analysis was applied to classify landslide event distances from
roads, faults and stream networks. According to the availability of
data, many more layers could also be added to such hazard analysis.
On the basis of the statistical analysis of the assumed or expected
importance of factors in landslide processes, each parameter was
ranked and weighted on individual maps.
The spatial analysis of the approved factors for the modeling
(Fig. 2) began with the establishment of a landslide inventory
contour line map and several individual permanent factor maps.
After the combination of all permanent factor maps into one indi
vidual causal factor map, these two maps were combined. A
combined factor analysis was conducted, and the results portrayed
in a 10  10 m resolution map showing the landslide hazard
distribution through the study area (Donati and Turrini, 2002;
Esmali and Ahmadi, 2003; Ayenew and Barbieri, 2005).

3. General setting

The study zone has an area of approximately 465 km2. It is

located in the middle of Souk Ahras province in northern Algeria
(35 590 31.0500 to 36190 09.3400 N; 7 520 06.5300 to 8 120 03.4200 E;
Fig. 3). It is drained by the main Medjerda wadi and its two Fig. 5. Stream network of the study area.
228 R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237

Fig. 6. Geological cross section of the study area (363604100N, 75003800E; and 355900800N, 80303600E).

triggered by a single event, or the cumulative effects of many 2003). A diachronic classication of landslides occurrence by
events over a given period of measurement (Guzzetti et al., 2000). interpreting multiple sets of aerial photographs of different ages
Location using aerial photography allows the examination of large will portray landslides visible over time (Mastere et al., 2010,
surfaces of terrain in a relatively short time (Brardinoni et al., 2011). This allows a probability analysis, and a multi temporal

Fig. 7. Hypsometric map of the study area. Fig. 8. Informative map of landslides phenomena in the study area.
R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237 229

inventory map can be prepared (Schiefer and Gilbert, 2007). Field falls. There are only some sparsely, isolated, small and supercial
surveying is a paramount operation for the reliability of the phenomena of this type, which therefore have been neglected by
investigation. It can provide insight into how different factors have this study. All the work carried out through the study area by
contributed to failures. The database contains information on the different consultancy rms such as DTP (2005) and LTPE (2006e
typology, distributions, structure, type of movement, depth, date 2010) conrms these observations. The collected archive data
of occurrence, age, degree of activity and the local controlling conrmed that the area suffered similar landslides in historical and
factors of the landslides (Guzzetti et al., 2000). The evidence for recent times. The landslide inventory is of great interest in
the existence of landslides is generally removed by erosion, recording the perceptible indices of the supervening conditions,
growth of vegetation and human activity, and with time landslide environmental parameters, triggering factors and hazardous
boundaries become fuzzy, making it difcult to map the landslide elements (Einstein, 1997). After grouping, the number of landslide
precisely. clusters at each cell location was counted and stored for later
Many systems have been proposed for the classication of analysis.
landslides (Varnes, 1978; Hutchinson, 1988; EPOCH, 1993; Dikau Using GPS measurement, inclinometer and eld recognition, an
et al., 1996). After extensive geomorphological eld surveys analysis of landslide locations with respect to slope determined
across the study area and according to the classication of Martin that from 5 slope, landslides begin to appear, and their occurrence
(2006), three main landslide typologies can be recognized and becomes more pronounced with increasing slope. Sixty nine
included in the landslide inventory: rotational landslides; planar percent of all historical landslide locations are located in slopes
landslides; and complex landslides, characterized by a mass higher than 30 (Fig. 9a). The same eld measurements indicate
displacement on one or more recognizable curved or planar that sixty six percent of historical landslides occurred at altitude
surfaces. They are mainly developed along the slopes bordering greater than 800 m (Fig. 9b). Sixty one percent of all historical
Triassic outcrops as well as marl and clayey formations. The landslide locations are within 100 m of the drainage network
unstable masses show a spoon shape, with lengths usually longer (Fig. 9c).
than widths. Despite the fact that the dataset for this study is of Fifty two percent of all historical landslide locations are within
acceptable condence, the very small events (volume of less than 150 m of roads and railways. An analysis of landslide locations
5 m3) are omitted from the inventory. Therefore, only the signi compared to the lithology determined that 62% of landslides occur
cant landslides (volume of more than 5 m3) are used in establishing in the clayey, marly formations and Triassic outcrops (Fig. 9d).
the landslide inventory map (Fig. 8). Among 603 recognized slope However, there are no strong correlations between landslides and
failures, no signicant movements correspond to mudows or rock wooded surfaces, or slope aspect.

Fig. 9. a: Percentage of landslides in relation to slope growing. b: Percentage of landslides in relation to elevation. c: Percentage of landslides in relation to stream network
proximity. d: Percentage of landslides in relation with lithology.
230 R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237

5. Predictor variables

Lithology is a very important factor that can predispose

terrain to landslide events (Martinez, 2003). The study area is
represented in ve original geologic maps (1:50,000) scanned
and geo referenced according to the WGS84 geodetic system and
UTM, 32 North projections. The lithological map (Fig. 10) was
drawn after the digitalization of each geological formation
exposure, including attributes such as facies name, lithology, age,
symbol, and colour. According to eld and laboratory testing
results as well as the analysis of previous reports (LTPE, Geo
conseil, Taghaste Engineering, DTP), the marls, clays and Triassic
outcrops are the most susceptible to landslides when they are
water saturated, because of their low internal friction and weak
cohesion. Tectonic discontinuities were digitalized in a separate
layer (Fig. 11). Because of their low density in the study area,

Fig. 11. Tectonic faults map of the study area.

tectonic discontinuities have been incorporated into the

modeling based on their proximity to landslides. The likelihood
of a mass wasting event increases as the distance to the fault
Based on various eld measurements, three slope classes were
identied: i) gentle slopes with angle lower than 15 , usually
stable; ii) those having a slope between 15 and 30 are less stable,
and start to manifest instabilities; iii) slopes exceeding 30 present
clear indices of instability. The slope map was then constructed
using these three classes [0 , 15 ], ]15 , 30 ], ]30 , 90 ] (Fig. 12).
The slope exposure map (Fig. 13) was also constructed as it
reveals the least sunny slopes, consequently less exposed to evap
oration. Moisture can reduce the strength of the soil and make the
area more susceptible to landslides.
Fig. 10. Digitalized lithological map of the study area. 1 Gray limestone, marls, The study area ranges between 462 m and 1098 m asl. The
dolostone; 2 Marl to marly limestone; 4 Clayey marl, gray marly limestone; 6
Marls and gray clayey marls; 7 Marls with rare marly limestone; 8 11 Sandstone,
likelihood of a landslide increases with relative elevation of
marl, clay; 12 Travertine; 13 White chalky limestone, marly limestone and gray a location (Kelarestaghi, 2003). The three morphometric causal
marls; 14, 17, 45 Quartz sandstone with reddish patinas and gray clay; 15, 28, 33 factors (slope angle, slope exposure and altitude) were extracted
Trissic facies composed of Gypsum, clay; 16 Marls; 18 Alternation of marl and from the DEM (Fig. 14), which was derived from the photogram
sandstone; 19 Greenish clay; 20 Conglomerates, sandstones, clay; 21, 35, 49 Clay
metric processing of aerial images.
and Marl; 22 Continental and red sandstone; 23 Limestone crust; 25 Micaceous
sandstone and claystone; 27 clay; 29 Reef facies; 30 Limestone, calcareous Precipitation has been widely considered as the main temporal
sandstone, marly-limestone; 31 marls, Sandstones, conglomerates; 32, 37 Marly landslide triggering factor for landslide hazard assessments (Van
limestone; 34, 36, 50 Limestone; 40, 46 Marl and marly limestone; 41 Limestone Westen, 2000; Fell et al., 2008). In order to visualize the precipi
crust; 43 Conglomerates, sandstone, clays, marls, limestone; 47 Bituminous tation distribution throughout the study area, a contour map was
limestone, black marly-limestone; 51 Siltstones, clayey marl, sandstone; 52 Clayey
limestone; 53 Limestone with Thin intercalated marl; 54 Clay, marl and glauconitic
produced (Fig. 15) by considering data gathered from 16 stations
sandstone; 3, 5, 24, 26, 38, 39, 42, 44, 48 Soil deposit as: Alluvial deposits, Scree, located within and outside the study area. The amount of precipi
Breccias blocks, sands, silts, gravels. tation for each elementary surface is computed using multiple
R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237 231

Fig. 12. Slope classes map of the study area. Fig. 13. Aspect map of the study area.

regression (Charabi et al., 2002; Quenol, 2002; Madelin and study area is served by two national highways, one railway, and
Beltrand, 2005). The kriging of residual elds from the regression many departmental roads (Fig. 19). The intermittent ow regime
allows the combination of the regression equation and the inter of hydrologic network and gullies encompasses erosive and
polated residues in order to obtain a spatial representation of saturation processes, increasing the pore water pressure that
pluviometric zones (Laborde, 1997). This map deals with that causes landslide phenomena in areas adjacent to drainage chan
established for North Algeria (ANRH, 1993; Mouhous, 1997; nels. This process is reinforced during periods of high
Mebarki, 2005). precipitation.
Landslide activity reaches its maximum during and just after
rainy events. During the winters of 2002e2003 and 2008e2009, 6. Hazard assessment
precipitation attained respectively the values of 1226 mm and
1176 mm, and hundreds of landslides of various types and sizes In landslide hazard assessment, it is assumed that future land
were triggered. They caused severe damage to roads, dwellings, and slides will likely occur under the same conditions that have
public facilities. Data of landslide frequency and precipitation produced past ones. Hence the conditions and processes which
events from late autumn to early spring (for a period of thirty years) cause landslides should be determined and their relative impor
show a close relationship between precipitation and landslides tance to landslide occurrence should be assigned a rate reecting
(Fig. 16). An inter annual comparison between the two phenomena their contribution (Varnes, 1984). Five categories reecting 12
shows a return period of almost ve years (Fig. 17). layers of factors with 31 classes of parameters were mapped for the
Land use and land cover have an important role in slope study area, with calculation of the spatial distribution of landslides
stabilization through different mechanisms taking place at the inventoried in relation to different causative factors. To generate
root system of the vegetation. Additionally, areas with little or no this correlation between each predictive variables layers and
vegetative land cover and degraded areas are more predisposed landslides inventory layer, spatial analysis is used for raster
to landslides (Gomes et al., 2005). The wooded surfaces of the calculation.
study area are dominated by a low density of cork and pine trees, They are two types of relationships between causal factors and
mostly in a deteriorated state (Fig. 18). Development of human landslides. For attributes such as distance from faults, roads and
activities such as cutting and lling along roads is capable of hydrographic network, when the correlation between those causal
altering slope form and groundwater conditions. These conditions factor and landslides is negative, the likelihood of a landslide
may signicantly increase the degree of landslide hazard. The increases as the value of the causal factor decreases. For attributes
232 R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237

Fig. 14. The digital terrain model of the study area. Fig. 15. Inter-annual average precipitation map of the study area.

Fig. 16. The monthly average precipitation and the landslide events percentage in the study area (in 30 years of recording).
R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237 233

Fig. 17. Cumulative landslides event over 30 years of recording.

Fig. 18. Distribution forest map of the study area. Fig. 19. Road network of the study area.
234 R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237

such as lithology, sediment, elevation, slope angle, exposure, has been linearly assigned from 0 to 100 m distance from the
precipitation, past events and potential runout, when the correla streams. Measurements showed that the landslide events are
tion between those causal factors and landslides is positive, the distributed less than 150 m from roads. Weight within this buffer
likelihood of a landslide increases as the value of the causal factor has been linearly allocated from 0 to 150 m. Areas beyond this
increases. There seems a strong correlation between landslide buffer have been regarded as without hazard. The same reasoning
occurrence and clayey and marly formation or Triassic outcrops, is noted from the tectonic discontinuities. Concerning land use, it is
showing that landslides occurrences are strongly dependent on the known that trees help to stabilize the slope, but because of their
geological formation (Evans et al., 1999) (Fig. 20a). The same poor state, the correlation between landslides and forest cover is
observation is noted about sedimentary deposits. not evident. The number and the intensity of landslides increase to
The study area is dominated by an elevation range between 462 the north, in agreement with the increase of precipitation. There is
and 1098 m. There is a good correlation between this parameter a good spatiotemporal correlation between precipitation and
and landslide events (Fig. 20b). The relative exposures of slopes are landslides events. Landslides are triggered preferentially on the
oriented in every direction, with no correlation between this last same surface where they occurred in the past, increasing the
parameter and landslides. The slope classication indicated that predisposition near these locations.
the greatest proportion of landslides (413) was distributed in the All the data are prepared and transformed to the same digital
steepest slope class [30 e90 ] (Fig. 20c). According to the eld format, and their correlation with landslide events is expressed in
measurements, the landslide events are dominantly distributed weight and hazard index (Chau et al., 2004). Among various
less than 100 m from drainage networks. Weight within this buffer statistical techniques for data processing of geographical informa
tion, the logistic regression approach was chosen to produce
a hazard map. A best t between the presence or absence of
a landslide (dependent variable) and a set of possible causal fac
tors (independent variables) was established on the basis of
a maximum likelihood criterion, yielding an estimation of regres
sion coefcients that are representative of the relationship between
the factors and the phenomena.
On the basis of the relationship between the mapped
phenomena and causal factors, weights (Wi) were proposed for
each layer, so that the more inuential the factor, the higher its
weight. Using the collected landslide data, all layer raster maps
were normalized with respect to landslide occurrence. Values
have been established such that the maximum value possible for
the Hazard Index (Hji) for each layer has been scaled to 1 (Evans
et al., 1999). To yield the subclasses hazard index, the total
number of landslides for each class was normalized to this
maximum value. To generate the landslide hazard map, the stan
dardized causal factors distribution maps were combined by
multiplying, for each layer, its corresponding weight (Wi) by the
hazard index (Hji) for each elementary subclass and then,
summing the results. This summation is dividing by the overall
weight of the layers retained for the computation. This can be
illustrated by the following formula:

f x$ j 1 Wj $Hji x
Hazard P12
j 1 Wj

with f(x) is a lter function related to slope angle; when the slope
angle is lower than 5 , then f(x) 0.
Several models using different combinations of reference
categories for the categorical variables were calibrated and eval
uated. The stability of the model was tested by producing six
logistic regression models using 75% of the sample for calibration
and the remaining 25% for validation. For different possible
combinations of a diagnostic, a Receiver Operating Characteristic
curve test is used for the calibration and validation. Datasets of
these models provide different values area under the curve (AUC),
standard errors (SE) and condence intervals (CI). The comparison
between the six combinations selected the model with the
highest area under the ROC curve analysis (0.957) for editing the
landslide hazard map of study area. The approved model is indi
Fig. 20. a: Landslides distribution according to the ratio of clayey, marly facies. b:
cated in Table 1. All the independent variables were included in
Landslides distribution according to their elevation (m). c: Landslides distribution the full model for the calibration and validation of the logistic
according to their slope angle (degree). regression model.
R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237 235

Table 1
Weightings and hazard indexes for layers input attributes.

Class Hazard index

Category Layer (j) Weighting (Wj) Class (Ci)
No (i) (Hji)
1 < 600 m 0.04
2 Elevation 0.5 600-800 m 0.48
3 > 800 m 1.00
4 <15 0.10
5 Terrain Slope angle 2.0 15-30 0.36
6 > 30 1.00
7 N, NE, NW 1.00
8 0.5 E, W, Flat 0.50
9 S, SE, SW 0.00
6-7-15-28-33-16-19- 1.00
2- 4- 8- 9- 10- 11- 0.48
11 18- 25- 31-32- 37-
Lithology 1.0
40-46- 52- 53-54
1-12-13-14- 17-45- 0.21
12 Geology 20-22-23-29-30-34-
36- 50-41-43-47-51
Yes : 3- 5- 24- 26- 1.00
Soil deposit 1.0 38- 39- 42- 44- 48
14 No 0.00
15 1.0 (buffer Yes 1.00
16 =100 m) No 0.00
17 Past events 2.0 Number per 100 m2 N/4
18 Landslide Potential Yes 1.00
19 runout No 0.00
20 > 850 mm 850/850
21 750 mm 750/850
22 650 mm 650/850
Precipitation 1.0
23 550 mm 550/850
24 450 mm 450/850
25 350 mm 350/850
26 Stream 1,0 (buffer Yes 1.00
27 network =100m) No 0.00
28 Roads 1,0 (buffer Yes 1.00
29 network =150m) No 0.00
Land use
30 Yes 1.00
Forest 0,50
31 No 0.00
Geo processing
O Hazard
T assessment
A if the slope angle < 5, than (x) = 0
Mapping Calibration and Four classes of Hazard
Final result mapping Nil Low Moderate High

With the respect to the logistic regression model, the appli 7. Discussions and conclusion
cation of the computing formula on the entire study area gives
a broad range of hazard levels, which were graded into four Landslides are the most disturbing natural hazard in the
classes of intensity levels. These four classes are an approximation mountainous lands of northeast Algeria (Demdoum et al., 2011;
of the spatial distribution of landslide hazard over the study area Djerbal and Melbouci, 2012). Based on eldwork, landslide data
(Fig. 21). The classes dened in this study are high, moderate, low, records and inuential factors analysis, areas susceptive to this
and nil, as used in both Switzerland and France (MATE/METL, hazard can be identied. To evaluate the intensity and the
1999; Loat and Zimmermann, 2004). However, other hierarchies distribution of landslides hazard over the study area, this
where more than four classes can be used (Panizza et al., 2004; research used a statistical analysis, based on a probabilistic
Sorriso Valvo, 2005). model, with particular reference to past events and physical
236 R. Hadji et al. / Quaternary International 302 (2013) 224 237

(16.79%) and high hazard (4.52%). The distribution of landslide

hazard probability shows that the highest hazard is concentrated
through the northern side of the study area, at Souk Ahras city,
surrounded by the Djebel Beni Salah and Djbel Ouled Moumen
mountains. Given the locations of high and moderate hazards,
many areas planned for future extensions are exposed to high
hazards, although no active phenomena were noted in the past. To
validate the developed probability map, the distribution of land
slides in the most affected year for strong events (2003), was used
for comparison. Most of the landslides occurred in areas indicated
as high and moderate areas in landslide hazard maps, showing 79%
agreement between the model results and the landslides used for
the validation.
Landslide hazard maps are very useful to take appropriate
decisions and subsequent measures for landslide prevention and
mitigation. They allow action before emergency events happen, to
plan for their occurrence when possible, and to minimize their
potential effects. They are capable in assisting management and
decisions for future infrastructure planning and development.
For an exhaustive study, it is preferable to integrate the landslide
magnitude dataset with other factors or parameters such as
groundwater uctuation and geotechnical characteristics. It is also
possible to assess the vulnerability of the territory and landslide
risk. The database of this GIS contains a large amount of datasets,
and respectable basic themes, which can be used in other studies.
This research can be focused, or improved with other types of
methodological approaches.


The authors are thankful to the editor and the anonymous

reviewers for their valuable suggestions. We also thank the staff of
the Setif University (Algeria). Special thanks to Mr. Abd Errahmane
Boumazbeur for his scientic help.

Fig. 21. Landslide hazard map of the study area.

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