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were made for the known contributions to the ceric re- calculated from the G(Oz) originating from the radia-
duction. Corrections in the observed G(Ce+3) in- tion-induced decomposition of nitrate ion in enriched
cluded reduction of ceric ions by molecular and radical oxygen-18 HzO-NaK08 solutions. This correlation
radiolysis products, ttnd the reduction of the G(H2) supports the over-all decomposition as N 0 3 - ~ - t
caused by the scavenging action of the nitrate ion for +
xo2- '/z 02.
hydrogen atoms. Isolation of a G(Ce+3) directly pro- Acknowledgment.-The author wishes to thank W.
portional to the N a S 0 3concentration was accomplished Et. Ragland and co-workers of the Mass Spectrometer
after these corrections were made. Excellent correla- Special Samples Laboratory for the mass spectrographic
tion was obtained between the isolated G(Ce f3) which analyses upon which the interpretation presented de-
is directly proportional to the NaN03 concentration, pends. He also wishes to thank J. w. Boyle, C. J.
the stoichiometrically equivalent G(Ce+3) as deduced Hochanadel, H. W. Kohn, and P. S. Rudolph for their
from the G(O2) measured in Ce+4-0.4 M HzSOpXaS03 critical evaluation of this work and their suggestions in
solutions, and the stoichiometrically equivalent G(Ce+3) the preparation of the manuscript.


Department of Chemical Engineering, and the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Received December 26, 1961

A fundamental assumption implicit in the analysis of a diaphragm diffusion cell is that the sole resistance
to transport resides in the porous glass disk, through which the solute moves by molecular diffusion. This paper
presents an experimental examination of the resistance to mass transfer in the fluid regions adjacent to either
side of the porous disk. The presence of an external mass transfer resistance has been observed by others who
have recommended that all diffusion measurements be conducted a t stirring speeds greater than an empirically
determined value where the cell constant becomes independent of the stirring rate. However, the external
mass transfer coefficients depend not only on the stirring speed, but also upon the viscosity and diffusivity of
the solute-solvent system as well. There is no justification for assuming that operation above the critical speed
found for the calibration fluid will eliminate the external mass transfer resistance in a system of larger viscosity
and small diffusivity. Both free- and forced-convection mass transfer characteristics of a vertical diaphragm
cell were investigated and the results correlated in terms of stirrer speed and the fluid properties. The data
indicate that operation above a critical speed is appropriate for a number of common systems but that significant
errors can arise for systems of high viscosity and lop; diffusivity and that for high reproducibility and accuracy,
cells stirred by free convection alone should not be employed.

Introduction mass transfer resistance in a system of larger viscosity

h fundamental simplification implicit in the analysis and smaller diffusivity, e.g., solute dodecane in tetra-
of a diaphragm diffusion cell is the hypothesis that the decane at 15". Therefore, the free-and forced-convection
sole resistance to transport resides in the porous glass mass transfer characteristics of the vertical diaphragm
disk, through which the solute moves by molecular dif- cell, shown in Fig. 1, were investigated and the results
fusion. More precisely, this model involves two inde- correlated in terms of stirrer speed and fluid properties.
pendent assumptions: first, that there is no bulk con- Experimental
vective flow through the pores of the disk, and second, Apparatus.-Ace Glass E porosity disks were employed in a
that the resistance to mass transfer in the fluid regions vertical position. The diaphragms were 5.0 cm. in diameter, 0.5
adjacent to either side of the disk is negligible. This cm. thick, and with a nominal pore size range between 3 and 8
paper presents an experimental examination of the p . The cell compartments were each approximately 125 cc.
in volume and were stirred with 1-in. long Teflon-covered bar
second assumption. Bulk convection through the pores magnets. The cells were calibrated with 0.2 AT HCI using the
has been observed,2but mill not be considered here. data of Stokes28 as reference diffusion coefficients. Densities
The presence of an external convection mass transfer were measured with a Westphal balance, and were reproducible
resistance has been observed by Stokesza and Lewis3 to 3~0.2%. Viscosities were measured with an Oswald visco-
as an increase in the cell constant with the rotational simeter calibrated with distilled water and were reproducible to
3Z0.5y0. All data were taken a t 25.0 f 0.1". The four stirring
speed of stirring bars in the two compartments. Above speeds obtainable with the equipment were measured with a
a certain speed, the cell constant becomes independent stroboscope. For additional details of the equipment and
of stirring rate and these workers recommend that all experimental procedure, see ref. 4.
diffusion measurements be conducted at speeds greater Effect of Fluid Properties and Stirring Speed.-So-
than the empirical determined critical value. However, lute transfer from one compartment of the cell to the
the external mass transfer coefficients depend not only other occurs in the following sequence: (a) convective
on the stirrer speed, but upon the viscosity and dif- transfer through the boundary layer on the disk in the
fusivity of the solute-solvent system as well. There is compartment containing the concentrated solution;
no justification for assuming that operation above t,he (b) molecular diffusion through the sintered glass disk;
critical speed found for the calibration fluid (generally (e) convective transfer through the boundarylayer on the
0.1 N KC1 in water at 25") will eliminate the external disk in the compartment containing the dilute solutions.
(1) Brnonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. Assuming pseudo steady-state operation, the mass
(2) (a) R. H. Stokes, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 72,768 (1950); (b) A. Emaneel
and D. R. Olander, J . C h e m Eno. Data, 8,31 (1963). transfer rate is given by eq. 1
(3) J. B. Lewio. J . A p p l . Chem. (London), I , 218 (1955). (4) J . T, Holmes, USAEC Report UCRL-9145 (1960).
GROIINll where
p= -+-
i) 2D/kA + Z/Af (4)


AC, and Act are the differences in the concentration be-

tween the two compartments initially and a t time t, re-
spectively. p is the experimentally determined cell con-
stant. Above the critical stirring speed, Z/Af >> 2D/
kA, and eq. 4 reduces to the standard expression for the
cell constant. The factor 2D/kA accounts for the ex-
ternal mass transfer resistance due to the laminar fluid
layers on the diaphragm cell.
Evaluation of the Mass Transfer Coefficients.-The
mass transfer coefficients required in eq. 4 have been
measured by electrochemical limiting-current experi-
\MAGNETIC /- ments in a half-cell identical with one side of the appara-
tus shown in Fig. 1. This system is shown schemat-
Fig. 1.-The diaphragm cell. ically in Fig. 2. Wilke, et u Z . , ~ , ~ have shown that limit-
ing current experiments in copper sulfate and silver per-
chlorate solutions were diffusion controlled, and thus
1 provided direct measure of the mass transfer charac-
teristics of the electrolytic cell. The rate of deposition
CURRENT of copper is given by
N = k(C
(5) - Ci) = (1 - T) I/xS
C - Ci is the concentration difference between the bulk
CATHODE liquid phase and the electrode surface, and for this
POLARIZATION case is equal to C. T is the transference number for
copper, I the limiting current, x the valence of the cat-


ion, and 5 the faraday. Limiting currents were meas-
ured in solutions whose viscosity and diffusivity were
varied by the addition of glycerol. The mass transfer
coefficients computed from equation 5 were correlated
by the dimensionless relation
Nu = 0.050Re0.7gSc3~38 (6)

c where N u is the mass transfer Kusselt number, kd/D,

Re a modified Reynolds number, n d 2 / v , and Sc the
Schmidt group, v/D. d is the length of the stirrer bar,
n, the stirrer speed, and v the kinematic viscosity. The
2 CAPILLARY length parameter used in the Nusselt and Reynolds
TUBE numbers has been arbitrarily taken as the stirrer bar
Pig. 2.-Electrochemical half-cell. length. Since this is not the only dimension of sig-
nificance in the system, nor was d varied in this study,
N = kA(C1 - CJ = DAf/Z (Ci, - C2J = its use in forming the dimensionless groups of eq. 6 must
kA(C* - c2> (1) be regarded solely QS a matter of convenience in correla-
tion. Figure 3 presents a plot of eq. 6 and the data
where N is the molar transfer rate of the solute, 1: the from which it was obtained. Several free convection
external mass transfer coefficieqt (assumed the same on experiments (no stirring) mere performed in the same
both sides of the disk) in cm./sec., A the gross area of electrolytic half-cell. The resulting mass transfer CO-
the disk, D the diffusion coeficient, and A/Z the ef- efficients for the three solutions listed in Table I were
fective area-to-length ratio of the pores in the disk. correlated by
Concefitrations involved are: C1,in the bulk of com-
partment one; C1, the edge of the diaphragm in com- Nuf = 0.57 [Xc.Gr] (7)
partment one; Cz,a t the edge of the diaphragm in com-
partment two; C2 in the bulk of compartment tmo. A where Nu =k r / D and Gr is the Grashoff number,
material balance for each compartment yields [r3g(,, - is the radius of the disk, and P
- pi the density differencebetween the bulk and the elec-
trode surface. Equation 7 agrees well with the relation
proposed by Wilke, et for natural convection mass
transfer from a free vertioal wall, except that their con-
where V1 and Va are the volumes of the two compart- stant was 0.66. The difference can be attributed to the
ments and t the time. Combining eq. 1 and 2 and inte- (5) C.R. Wilke, C. W. Tobias, and M. Eiseqberg, Chem. Enu. Progr., 49,
grating 633 (1953).
(6) C. R. Wilke, M, Eisonberg, and C. W. Tobias, J . Electrochem. Sac.
In (ACO/AC~)= PDt (3) 100, 513 (1953).
CELL 1471

use of a circular rather than a square surface, as demon- 70 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 8 8

strated in the Appendix.

TABLE I o S c : 2,520


Solution I I1 111 30 - S c = 62,486
H 8 0 4 concn. (moles/l.) 1.495 0.745 1.143
cuSOc concn. (moles/l.) 0.259 0.380 0.587 20
Glycerol concn. (moles/
1.) 0.00 5.90 3.10
Density (g./cc.) 1.124 1.205 1.177 m
Viscosity (cp.) 1.457 9.310 4.093
D X 105 (cm.z/sec.) 0.513 0.122 0.234
Schmidt number (Sc) 2316 62,360 12,800 7.
Grashoff number ( G r ) 2.48 X lo6 8.67 X lo4 7.88 X 106
Nusselt number (IYU) 154 161 182 5
Nu/(Sc 0,556 0.592 0.574
Effect of the External Mass Transfer on the Cell Con-
stant.-Assuming the mass transfer behavior from a
copper surface to be identical with that for the glass disk,
eq. 6 and 7 permit the mass transfer coefficient k , and
hence the group 2 D / k A , to be evaluated for any solute-
3t I
2 3
I ! I
1 1 1
20 30 50

solvent system. Altlhough the absolute values of the Re x 10.

correction factors are limited to the particular geometry Fig. 3.-Forced convection mass transfer correlation.
of cell used in this study, the relative magnitudes of
2DllcA and Z/A and the variation of 2 D / k A with fluid
properties should be comparable in any diaphragm cell
(vertical or horizontal) of this General type.
The magnitudes of 2 D / k A for a variety of solute-sol-
vent systems and at several stitring speeds are presented
in Table 11. These figures should be compared to the
230 x 10-3 C M . - ~
Correction Z D / k A , om.- X 103
(Free n = 220 n = 350
Solvent Solute convection) r.p.m. r.p.m.
Water 0 . 1 N KC1 8.8 1.1 0.70
Water 0 . 2 N HC1 16.0 1.3 .85
Hexane Toluene .. 1.1 .77
Cyclohexane Toluene .. 1.2 .76
Decane Toluene .. 1.4 .80 Fig. 4.--l)ittgram of the conversion of a plate mass transfer
Tetradecane Toluene .. 1.5 .01 coefficient to that from a disk.

value of Z/A = 230 >: em.-* for a typical diffusion average difference (fourth column) is 6.4%, which coin-
cell (computed from the cell constant a t high stirring pares well with the 6.8y0 decrease predicted from the
speeds). Although the forced convection correction mass traiisfer coefficient given by eq. 7. The observed
factor varied by as much as 40% with the fluid proper- variations from cell to cell are believed t o be due to ran-
ties, it never amounted to more than 0.5% of l/A a t the dom mechanical vibrations in the apparatus. For
stirring speeds considered. Moreover, the sum 2 D / k A comparison, Stokes2a found a 6.0% difference between
+ VA, which is involved in the assumed constmcy of stirred and unstirred cell constants for 0.1 N HC1.
.(3, varied by less than (3.2% with fluid properties. Since I11
the precision of the experimental method usually does EFIECT OF STIRRING SPEED UPON THE CELL C U S S T A N T FOR
not warrant correctiom of this order of magnitude, it V.4RIOUS DIAPHR~GXR
can be concluded that provided the critical stirring Cell constant, p, om.-% x 10%
speed is approached the cell constants obtained from n = O
KC1 measurements will be applicable to most other sol- Cell no. (Tree convection) n = 350 r.p.m. % 1)iBertance
vent-solute systems. For free convection, on the other 12 2.21 2.33 5 2
hand, 2 D / k A is not negligible compared to Z/A. Table 13 2.44 2.66 8.3
I1 indicates that there should be 3.8% decrease in the 14 2.27 2.45 7.3
unstirred cell constant for 0.1 N KC1 calibration and 25 1.85 1.94 4.6
6.8TGfor 0.2 N HCl. ,4iiother study of forced convection effects was re-
To verify the predicted effect of free and forced con- cently presented by Peterson and Gregor for an ion-
vection for HC1, the cell constants for four diaphragms exchange membrane system. Although their data are
were measured without stirring and with stirring at 350 (7) Rf. A. Peterson and H. P. Gregor, J . Electrochem. Soc., 106, 1051
r.p.m. These results are presented in Table 111. The (1959).
1472 R. A. BONHAM,

in qualitative agreement with the current study, they 2 ( -

~ pi)pavg~~~
are not complete enough to be expressed in the general C = 0.660
terms of eq. 6 and are therefore limited to the electro-
lytic solutions they investigated. Assume that this relation applies to the local mass
Conclusion transfer coefficient on the segment of the circular plate
The data presented here indicate that cell constants shown in Fig. 4. This assumption implies that the
obtained from calibration with dilute KC1 or HC1 a t parameter I is the height of the plate, that the above
stirring speeds in the neighborhood of the critical speed correlation applies to rectangles as well as squares, and
will remain constant for most other solute-solvent sys- the width of the rectangle is not significant.
tems of interest. However, if highly porous diaphragms The average mass transfer coefficient for a circular
or fluid systems of high viscosity and low diffusivity are disk of radius v is then
employed, then the external mass transfer resistance
may be an appreciable fraction of the resistance of the
glass disk. In this case, use of the correction factor
sa L,dA
C sa 1-I4 dA
2D/kA is required for precise measurements.
For high reproducibility and accuracy, cells stirred From Fig. 4, 1 = 2r sin ( 6 / 2 ) , x = r cos ( 6 / 2 ) , and dA =
by free convection alone should not be employed. I dx = -r2 sin2( 8 / 2 ) de. Inserting this into the integral
However, when somewhat lower accuracy is allowable,
it may be convenient experimentally to employ a free
convection cell and estimate the mass transfer effects by
the methods suggested above. when r(n) denotes the complete y function of n.
Appendix Inserting the expression for C, the disk mass transfer
The free convection mass transfer correlation for coefficient correlation can be written as
square plates Z cm. on a side is5e6
NU - = (0.886)(0.66) [Gr XC]~
k,l D
NU = - = 0.66[Gr XC]~
where Gr is based upon the disk radius T.
where k , is the mass transfer coefficient for a square Thus, the varying height of the disk surface reduces
plate, Xc is the Schmidt number, and the Gr is the Gras- the average mass transfer coefficient from that which
hoff number. For fixed values of the physical proper- would exist for a plate of uniform height r by a factor of
ties and the density riving force, k , - Cz-/4 where C is 0.886. The combined constant in the above expression
the constant is 0.58, which is very close to that observed (eq. 7).


Department of Chemistrg, Indiana Uniuersity,Bloomington,Indiana
Received December 26,1962

The quantum theory of electron scattering from molecules in the gas phase is developed. Expressions which
include the effects of chemical binding are presented and the intensity averages to be expected for various types
of experiments are discussed in terms of the theory. The quantum mechanical average over the rotational
states of the molecule is shown to be reducible t o the classical method of averaging rotational motion except in
the case of extremely high energy resolution of the scattered electrons.

The scattering cross section of fast electrons exciting that of the final state is I), the incident wave vector is
a molecule from an initial state i to a final state f is given
by the formula2
$ and is the scattered wave vector. The intensity of
electrons observed by a diffraction experiment is the sum
of l i f over all initial and final states of the molecule
rif = IgfI < + ILifl+f > < +f /Li,*l+ >//iii (1.1)
where according to the first Born approximation, L is
given as
Lif = (-exp[iktr]/4~) J u(<,
- .. . *. , 6) x -..
where w is the Boltzmann factor of the
-+ initial state i.
exp[i(ki - kf).;] drs (1.2)
Using the approximation /kfj = /kiI3 which is valid
with the interaction potential U(<, . . . ., G). The as long as the energy of the incident electron is large
wave function of the initial state of the molecule is J., compared with the loss of energy and as long as ex-
(1) Contribution Number 1109 from the Chemical Laboratories of Indiana tremely small scattering angles are not considered, the
University . summation over final states can be carried out siniply by
(2) L. Schiff, Quantum Abechanics, McGrarP-Hill Book Co., Inc., New
York, N. Y., 1955, p. 206. (3) P. M. Morse, Physik. 2..83, 443 (1932).

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