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i AMATHEATIES oy COMPLEX NUMBERS Third Bditien cerns ato © A.NICOLAIDES 1990, 1995, 2007 [First Published in Great Britain 1991 by Private Aeademic & Scientific Studies Limited IT A-BT2OHIN-S THIRD EDITION 2007 This book és copyright under the Berne Convention, Allrights are eserves. Apart as permitted uncer the Copyright Ac, 1956, 0 partof this publication may he reprodised, ‘stored i a retrieval system, of transmited in any form of by say means, elecionic, electrical, mechanic photocopying, recording er etherwise, withaat the prkor permission of the phic er. Titles by the same auth Revised and Enhanced L. Algebra. GCEALevel ISBN-L3 978+ STN684-82-6 611-95 2. Trigonometry. GCEALevel ISBN=13 97HN-NAIONL-BTI IL-8 3. Complex Number. GCE A Level ISBNGI3 TS<1-8726NI2=5 £9403 4, Differential Caleabus and Applications, GCE.A Level ISBN=130TS+1-A7204974> £05 ‘artesian and Polar Curve Shetching, GCE A Level ISBN-13 97S-1-872986-63-5 £9.05. 6. Coondinate Geometry iatwo Dimensions. GCE A Level ISBN=13978-1-872681-68-0 £9.95 T. Integral Calealuscand Applications. GCEA Level ISBNGI$ 9781-8 5 5. Vectors in tw and threedimersions. GCEAlLevel ISDN-13 9T8-1-87266-15-8 £9-85, ° Deterainants and Matsiees. GCE A Levet ISBN-13 978-1-872684-16-1 19-95 10, Probsbilties, GCE A Level ISBNeI3 S7RL=872684 THB 18695 This hook inctudes the full solstions IL, Saceess in Pare Mathematics: The compleic works of HCE A Level, (1-9 shove inclasive) ISBN 978-1 SIS £30.95, 12, Electrical & Electronic Principles. First year Degree Level ISBN-I3. 978-1-B72584-98-7 £16.95 13978 26-7 £19-95 jgher Ther Thind Edition. ISD AI he books have answers an a CD is atuxtied with FULL SOLUTIONS of ll the exetvises seta the et of the Book. 3. COMPLEX NUMBERS CONTENTS 1.__ Definition ofa Complex Number 1 2.__ Plotting a Complex Numbersin an Argand Diagram 3 ‘The Sum and Difference of two Complex Numbers 6 A. Determines the product of two Compley Numbers In the Quadeatte fori 8 S._Defines the Conjugate of 1 Complet Number 10 6 Determines the Quotient of two Comples Numbers. 12 7._Defines the Modus and Argument of Complex Nombers “4 B._Converls the Cartesian form x 47 (nto polar form 15 9.__Multipies and divides Comples Numbers using the polar form, 18 10,_Defines the Exponential form of a Complex Number 12. Proof of De Moire's Theorem by induction and otherwise 26 13._Expands.cot n#, sin nf and tan a where n isuny positive integer 28 14. Application of De Molare's Theorem 15.__Relates Hyperbolic and ‘Trigonometrt Functions 4 16. a 1 a» 18, * 19, Complex farm of «circle and stexight Ine st 20, ‘Transformations from a Z-Plane tos) W-Plane empoinig 55 2 Miseellanens tes 22. Additional Examples with Solutions won Mullipte choice questions 777 Recapitulation or summary * msec ok Badex Bull Solutions cps Definition of a Complex Number A comps number is a namiber which i wot seal. The ajiate Root of ins de, al a, JT fs a explo number because there is no real nomiter whist san ‘ltipicd by itself i onder t give the answer of —L ‘The square wots of four. VT, however, ate equal £2 whiel are rel mummbers, because 2x 2= 400 Caat Let us now examine the quadrats equation which has 3 sepative dicerimiramt= Da B= Ae square root Aiseriminani the quantity under the Solne the guadrati egeation a? 4 e-E1 = 8, cE 4 _ 14 v3 the roots are eomple: bat the sum of the andthe prodiact ofthe mars, arB = 1 oats 0B ‘The disctiminant fs negative. and therefore in the set of ‘eal ouinbers the above equatbon Tas no setation. Leonhard EULERY and Kua) FriediSch GAUSS* have fetendes the set of real numbers so tat quaratic ‘ations with negative discriminant can he solved, + Leonhard EULER was 4 Swiss mathematician boro ‘99 15th April 1707 in Mase and ied on 18th Septembe 1288 in St, Petersburg ** Kaul Friedrich GAUSS was a German mathematician tborm ot 20th April 1777 in Brunswick and died on 23nd in Gottingen. te was ceputd to by one of oe greie albedo in Gaeup The set of real numbers was extended tothe set of omples srs that these of real node i a proper tebscto the set camplee umber Matkemticans subsite’ VT by the later snd Eenginoesssubtiuied Y=T by the tele j, The letter 1 isthe fitter ofthe Pench tr “inaginair™ whigh rps ino English means “imaginay" Engineers tse the j notation sn vider o avid eonfion withthe Feuer “1 for “interite™ (wish means “caren in reach un be writen as Y=3 = V3YTED = Vi in the pao ofthe above quadratic equation, therefore “These foots ate comple, which are make ap of to somporenis the ret tear 43) ang 3, Sana, ‘and the invginary terms WG “a a Si means that positive y-axis (imaginary axis) and fi Sis represented along the negative y-avis imaginary aie The following worked excimples will illustrate the significance of a complex number and the ne sisceirinat. 2 GCE Aleve WonKED EXAMPLE ‘Determine whether the straight ine graph y = x-+ 3s a tangent or intersects the pa Solution 1 son Jing the simultaneous equations in x = send y= et Awehave oe bbe Ie =O or esr 9 SO. THie dissriwinantof this equation ts negative, ~ dae = 48)? —(0)094 ‘is implies that the straight tine eter touches the Solving the quadratic equation, we have thatthe mots 33 3 which are complex Wonxen Exanmur 2 ‘Write down the following gaosbors in conaplex member i ti) 3-3 iiiy 4-7 ti) = Solution 2 (i) SB = VBVTT = VB (iy -3- J=3=-3- Vr fill) 4 ay Exercises 1 1, Weite the folBowing in complex number notation: » =e (iti) VE tix) S=T6 Ww) Jo wi Lo (i) <1 V3 (silly 54 =F. 2. Determine whether the following quonratic equa tions have real or complex roots @3e-et1=0 oi -0 (iy Sep Ie pS =O (i) marth wt emeereo. 2. Find the complex moot of the quadratic equations in (2) shove, and ebserve the relationship between the 4, Determine whether the faltowing graphs Gy Bey pL Cand at ip 2 = ay and et = ty ii)? Say ands y= 3 (iy O-PS Landy = ae Plotting Complex Numbers in an The Quadratic or Cartesian Form Jean Robert ARGAND was a Swiss mutheraatician tom in Genesa in 1768 url did in Pais im 1822. He smployed eorples numbers A9 show tht all algebraic equations have woos, Cartesian Form of a Complex Number fore of @ complex number is Z =< + yt where Z # any comples number and x snl y ane real numbers, 9 € 3, cares The seal part off Z is denoted by Re 2 = x and the imaginary part of @ is denoted by Im Z = y ReZa5 ImZey Rene DESCARTES was o French phitosopher and mathematician barn on March 31st 1356 at La Haye Towraine anldicd on Febreary 11th, 1650 in Stoskhole, He is fama for his eoendinate geometry or catecian geometry Complex numberscan be representedina diagram called “The Argand Diagram” which i an extremely useful sisgram in understanding complex nembers There are wo cartesian aves he x-axis which isthe real tox and the y-anis whieh & Uke imaginary akis. These ‘ovo perpendicular axes intetsect at a point ©. which is salle the origi Fis. S40 iostanes the Aegan iagrany Argand Diagram Fly. 3411 Cartesian axes Argand diagram. Wouxko EXAMPLE 3 (2) Plot the following numbers inn Argand diagram: ozs cn Gy 2p = Bas fy 223-41 (9 Z— 864i 4i (0 Zio = 442. b) Express the sboxe numbers fa coordinate set foer ‘rin ordered pas 4m GCE Aleve Solution 3 2) Wisnotedthatsomeofthenumbersarezealandsome sao complex, Uvually if Z isenanplen number then, (i) Refercing to Fig, 34/2, Zy is wholly real ane is three units along the positive x-axis, iy Za 48 wholly zeal nepalive wa {is two units along the (iy) Zy = 344, is made as follows: three tunis along the real pasitive a-axis and four luits along the iniaginary positive y-axis completing the parallelogram, the diagonal aivesthe vector Zs, (vy Similarly 2 = 34%, three units along the real positive s-axis, and four wits along the segative Imaginary y-axis, the diagonal of the parallelogram gives te vector Z (©) Zs = 34 4#, three unite along the negative teal x-axis and four anits along the positive yeanis thus forming a parallelogram whose ‘iagonal is the vector Zs. (i) Similaly Zp = —3 — AF iy plone, (oil) Z> Bs wholly imaginary, which is dee ues slong the postive imaginary axis. (0) 25 16 abso wholly imaginary, whieh is 80 ‘unis along the negative imaginary ats x) Zo = 5-4 IF five wots alone the positive r-anisand one unit along the positive 2s ithe diagonal of the paralistogram. Fig. 34/2 Complex numbers plosted en an GY Zo S41 fou units along the egative real exis and tro nits along. the positive y-auis: completing the parallelogram given the dingonal which isthe veetae Zo Allie sbove nembersare vectors thats they have ‘apnitude and Jiteetion, ‘oy ithe reference line for measuring angles ‘The postive angles are taken anticlockwise fromm oe and the negative angles are faken clockwise rom sin the ut mies ciel fn Uigonorncty. 9) ci (2,0) cio 4) or 4) ore) oO, vily 0.3) (lis (0-2) or 6.1) Bred The eooedtinales of the point C are (3,49, that its Uhree units slong the x-acis and four unite along the y-axis, (OC represents the complex number 2. The Powers of ¢ ‘Worxen Exanrs Represent the following complex nuinlees in an Argan liggran: oF we Solution 4 Z = Ais soprescnted along the postive wavs I the Sector Z = His otated in an anticlockwise direction of 90°, the west is 1this is Obtained by merely mei ing the unas vector hy 1 Similty ifthe vector | malipliedby again it esuksinvector/?o" 1 if—1 is multiplied by ‘it becomes ~ for andthe vectors now in the negative imaginany anim and i 0) x f= ot =U ‘weare hack iathe osiginal tection, the positive x1 Thecefore, by multiplying a veetor by 4, the vector bs rotated dough 66" in-an anticlockwise dicection with origin Complex suimbers are vectors. they have magnieude and direction, (0 # =F, this is obtained by dividing 5 by 4, give ing ene complete revolution aud lesving 1 asthe remainder, which is ferther rotated by 97 and i? fs along the postive imaginary axis Gi) P = 4. this is obtained by dividing 9 by 4. giving two comple revohiiansand tof a rvolaion (ii) (* =F ahisicobuined by dissing 25by 4, giving six complete revoletions leaving | as ahe remain der, Le, futher 90° in anainieldekweise dteetion Gv) 08 22 #? = 4. this obtained by dividing 31 by 4y giving T complete revolutions, having 3 05 the remainder, ie. 390" = 270" inananticlockwise Siretion (iy 11 — 4, this ie obtained by diviging 1985 by 4, ving 496 complete revolutions andone yearter of a revolution be un anticlockwise direction. LU iestates the abone complex mambers, Fig. 313 The powers of fy ees =I Exercises 2 )_ Express te following points of coordinates inthe ‘complet number Foe Aa 48) 2.5) tng Complex Numbers in Argand Diagram me 5 iy C10.6) lis) BE. oy £13) on F-9 Wi, G00) (ii) Hea.) by fon) wae Exprecs the following complex numbers in the form of points of coordinates: fz 3a Gy =3-41 (iis 2 = 3448 lis) 2-3-4 Oo) =3 (a) 2 = baat (0 Zine 7 (ah Zi) 23-28 trib Zio 0 — 97 (silly Z)5 = eos + Using, ‘where isan acute angle, 4. Plot the complex aumbers i (3) in an Argand dfogram 1 The square moto (1 i donot by the leer? te f= V=T. Explain the meaning off ith the ad of saa Argand diagram at hence simplify the following interns of. oF 4B Gy ie 5. A-complex number is a vectr. Explsin clearly the meaning of vector by illustrating in an Argan agra The Sum and Difference of Two ing the sum acd “There are two methods of dete dlifferense of tw complex tumbers, the algehrie ‘cthod and the geophieal method, wsing the Argand Determising anit gilferenee of the complex ‘bors algebvaeally “ Danby sad i shen the sum = (tnt Sts i+ sd the ifort HE tui) bs 0) Sly) tore “The rel terms are ded or yubicactedancltbe imaginary rns are ade oF subtracted separately Wonken Exaurie S [Represeat the following complex numbers ia an Aegsid sdingram, and find their stim apd difference: Zatti and = +N Solution 5 The complex oumbers Z, and Z: are plotted in un “Argan diagram in Fig. 304 The resullantofthe two vectors Z) and Z2 isobuinedby 1 the parallelogram 2a BE Gs the eseltan Byte = ste tayasee Bata s4ui Complex Numbers Fig. 3-04 The sun and difference of complex numbers san Argan diagram. Todetermineshe difference of the two complex rumberss OC is projected inthe opposite dicction OC! = — ‘Worken Exanrnn 6 Find the sum and difernce of two comptex numbers By = 2+Si and 2; = F2i (i algebraically, ond ip graphically Solution 6 (242 =045)4042 SQFH+(t I =5+7 Zo t= 045-0420 = 34 (SO = 1 ‘The real terms are added or subtracted and the imaginary trias are added oF subtracted separately ii) 2, and Zp are plied in Fig, 3408 in the Argand iggram, From the diagram, 2) +73 = 5-471 and 2) ~ 2) = —1-+ W which agree with the above results, To devermine the aim ad dliference of complex nam bers Fig. 3 Exercises 3 M2 = 2434, 22 2 34 termine the folloaing Jgcbrseally, expressing th Dy AH 8 complex eumbers inthe Fore a + bi 6) 2422 i) 21+ 20 ‘Tae Sum and Difference of Two Complex Numbers se 7 (ii 22425 iy a2 0 2-2 Ww) Hy = 3 wil) 22) +925 vt. 4 iv 2-32) (3) 845 = 24) (xh 2) 1 $2 (i) IERe Z =v and Im 2 — », write down the Value of Z. fii) I Re Z = ~Buund Im Z = 5S, write doven the value of Z. (Gi) I Re Za andim 2 = are any complex numbers then (2) +20" = 2+ Ze. RUZ, sah 8 Rand 2, = 2 ~ abi, determine the real valves of a and F such that 2) = aks 4, Determine she complex mumbers which verify the equation Z = 2° Wr 4 anal thot 2173+ tne any two complex numbers, sow 17 ie rod 6, Determine the geal numbers 6 Determines the Quotient of Two Let Z be the quotica of two complex oumbers goon wy 1s required to exprexsthe comple number ine form ‘Mtulriplying numerator and denominator of equation (F) DByrthe conjugste of x: + st, tiely x: — sof, we have po bb onl ware tn +i 2 and [Note tha the quantity inthe denominators after uu plying by the conjugate is always positive, C= + 9°) WORKED EX 13 ay tapes 2) = LS and Sin the form e + be ana tind 24222 nt 2 s+ bb and find 243 ad Complex Numbers Solution 8 aa) (S 7 N9# iat “Gx Geass tas tas BI 38v “TORS ~ 1035, Exercises 6 st Prove that 1 Las IZ = e+ vi where.r and vare non zero mamas, find the cartesian equation in order that 2 is iF the Foam FB 3. Gite thot 2 = 145 aot AB find Z inthe form a + 6%, where and Pare rea, mines the Quotient af Two Complex Numbers =m 13 4. Find the seal numbers and v given that S344 uw 5, Pind the ral numbers x and y given that Los. stu . see 6, Bspressin the forma bi, 2, 2 Simplify wun ease Hue Giy U8 Ray 8, Find he eal numbers.» and y such that QDs + O43 HIE. 9, Prove that (3,4) is one root oF the equation 22 = 67 + 25 = Vand find the ether ro 7 Defines the Modulus and Argument of Complex Numbers by arg Z and areas the sometimes is ealled “the mplituds of the complex number “The an js measured with zeference to the positive Fig, 3408 Modalus and argument of a complex number 8 Converts the Cartesian Form x + yi r(cos 0+ fin 8) und view versa Zaxdoi ja VeF ter oe Zmtan Zane and fromm ig. $US cas = Sand sing = 2 Zax ty = rcose ti rsind 2 = rieos-4 Fin} 680 + isin@ may be ablvevisted &o 20 of cis, the fommcr is an engineee’s notation and Use later that of mathematician 2 rB=r ctxt = reoosd + sind) Won rue) Finlths modal, numbers wmenisaf the following complex iy 2 nz land aytate these comple auenbers in an Anand Aispram. Solution 9 n= 44d the modulus of is writen a (al into Polar Form ‘The argument of 2 isthe angle & since tan & = : any 2 = = tan? = 53° Tas" = 58” Hy = SBUB = Soon 5°84 Fin S38, a= Jour ea 4 : Iso — tan! $ = 10 — 5a By = SMO S2 = 5 feos 196" SY 4 Fin 126 SY) w=-3-41 1 = Yak say 4 . Bmp Zs =O) = 18 + ee" S = pa 4 38 -t Since tan 3 i we cancel the negative signs ney = 4, which implies that = 53° 8, which is not comet. Zy = SARE H = Ses T9984 isin 739" Rp for fy = Sc a20 2" t= 3—41 6m ce EA level Wis hoter therefore to evaluate 0; and ase the Argun stingrem 0 find he canet angle: a= Fare tan! Y= 340° aug 24 04 = 3607 — tan! F = 360" 538 4 Since nas = = By = SOLED = 50s 306° 52/4 (sin 06° 527 or By me 2aSRUB The modeli are $ and the arguments of the angles of the complex numbers are show 0.0, 03, €, an are measured with ax as a reference in an antclockwive Fig. 6/9 Mosel and Arguments acomplen suaders Principal values —7 << x ig. 3479 shows the four complex numbers Zi. Zz Za. sand 2d Fig. 309(0),Fig. 39(b). Fig. 3-L9% ch. and Fig. 49(d show these com plex numbers separately for simplici [Nowe that gos 0-+#sin@ is writen as 28 whichis a very ‘eful sotation For abbreviation cas! — isin Is writen as =! 06 I, Remenitercos(—2) = cast which isan even function sin(—B) = —sin 0 which isin eed anstion therefore (ULrepresents 90 |-/sin0 i shorand and “W represent sos — /sin 0 ia shorthand, or Gat zu by a r a ay hy a © o Fig. 3-19 Moduli al Arguments of complex semen: @ 202360 ‘Worked ExaMri 10 Find he modsliandurguments ofthe following complex saves =4i an wae il) 2) and express each complex number in polar for Solution 10 3-4 ay [sai wn 7 (au Converts the Cartesian Form x + yiinto Polar Form =m 17 360" a Alternatively fia (3) 15— 207 ~ 36-48 sea Mubiplying namerstor and denorninator by the conjugate (5 3 ie” 15 n= einV(n) Ge) 56 arg 2) = 1804 n- 13S 2 = 18 * taa' 3 = tan" 25 11 3 = 68 30°46) or +20" 00387 aT OS87{co8 139° 48 — isin 39°48") ‘iy Bott 2s ai saa 12s) aH Sra! cae sys = -59' 8! — 180-58 28 (cos 13 44! 4 Fsin 74) There are ow methods infin =i seta (a) Either we find the modulus of he aumenstor and divide by the modulus of the denominator. the modules ofa quotient, sachs Z) = (b) oF by cationatising the eypression by multipty= Ing the numerator sn enorainatr by the com jugate of the Genoa The puspase of this i to obiain areal quaatiy in the denorinator. To find, however, the arg entot there ae ale The first method is to find the arguments of the numerator and denominator of he indi- vidual complex numbers and subizact tt of the denominator from the numerator. This ic proved Tater it Chapter 10. The segment of 2) is 6 — Aye that I the agument of (3 = i) minus the argument of 4 The secon method, although more siraighilue ward. results in tedious ealeultions, 9 Multiplies and Divides Complex Numbers Using the Polar Form “The cartesian or quadetic forma of complex aumnbers is useful inadding or subtreting complex numbers, where theteal putea cither added orsubiracledand heimag: nary puss ave ehher added or subwrected “The polar form is extremely useful in multiplying aed dividing cortex aubers where the meduli are either rwliplied or divided aad theie arguments ate either aalied or subinicted, 2) = AL ar pousoy ta sino ry B= nyioos ty $40 05) z rgd = rina(oosth +4 sinds3(e08; + fine) Fy (080), Fé sie) cos Fi siN|D Wounen EXaMeLe tL [Multiply and vid the somaplex numbers M=3 BS and = 5 ae Solution 1 Bye By (BS (SEAS) 18/38 4S = ISI or 1538 [35° — (a8 oot, ‘Geometric Representation of Complex Numbers (2) The Sum and Difference of Two Complex Numbers Let rector O74, and OF runsbers Z; and 2. 3 present te eomplee vn io Fig. S100 Fig. 4/10 The sum and difference of two complex nambers To fin th sum of the vectors OF, an OP, the paralslogram i eonttracted at shown, hence the result isthe diginal OP = 7 +7) = OF + a hich ithe sem, Mualtiplies and Distdee Complex Numbers Using the Patar Form = 19 To Find the dlfference of the vectors OP, and OF: rirarrensr(o08ey +1 sine )ieosty +H slats) looses + é sim, = Meosld) + Oat ite 4 i stat, #0 +9) Picos nb + isin) HQ) == 8 Therefore (cos + Fsin )" = cosnd + Find Wa isa negative integer pain = (eon 4 Fina! (cos ising Team bane but (casi +1 sin and) (cos m8 — J sin m0) therefore 1 Seosvat = i sine eosin = ésin mt = cust m0) + sin ad (6080+ Fine)" = cos ~ Fin mo, Theretow. fa isa postive or negative iteger.there only ose value of feos 0-44 sind)" and hievalae is conn sina. Wn isa fraction, ie putin = 7 where 9. Integers and is positive Inthis ease, {e080 fin)" has rnany waltes. To show that there areg value at (os 5 ince (Oss0 + Hsin) is a value of (coxa + sts 2a)" = eo seinen Also cas p04 isin pod = (ease 4 iain)? Therefore, [a (e) + une) tone rane 1 follows that cos 20 + ésin Ze is a value of ae 4 (cos0)+ (sin )5 by the definition of a! The theorem is therefore proved for all cational values of (cose +esinay! = [(eos +7 sine?" Proof of De Moivre’s Theorem om 37 sn has thoeeigeg distinet rots 20s pé) + i sit nO) wcos(2o42t0) +ésin(204-260) where #9, 12s = #94 istakemto (e040 4 13i00 The principal value of (cos becos 204 ésin 20. oaly fa 202 a “The root whose vector is nearest 10 the pasitive als sealed “the principal oot a ey Te cube seats of uaity Ie A he principal root is Z). which is the 13 Expands cos n@, sinn@ and tanné, where x is any positive integer inno = costo (tee teu.) Ke bit = A tale Lala = Dh mer taty aye ale Dorm BET a be Js sO + Esindh)? {ep Simplify SOM FESO » Spl Ta +P eoas Solution 15 ina = aes atm ~ 1a dhe os cx030 4151039 = 0 = cov aU 4 Ftan 09! = (008! — 30808 = cost si + (Boost sino — sin! oy Expands event, sin30_ eo sing ~ sino tga = 2S = Sonne Gos30 ~ cae Scone w ‘) eso(1-3 sine — Bano (tH) (Gost 4 sin ey" = cose + sina De Moivre's theorem, (eos + sin O85 = os$0-+ isin 52 sind and tan nd, where n Keay positive integer sm 29 (080) + sina)? (sind: + Fe0s03)" feordy 4 Fina Geos ti Fieosts = fe08 8h, +4 sin 30) (cor Hy Hi sina = Leos(30) +4) + i int 3 + 42) 14 Application of De Moivre’s Theorem “To express sind, cus? sin ad und cos n0 in teres of Z shore (eos 4 tsin oy = cos(=i) b isin(=0) = cost =F sinBh 1 0 47 sin — (sos — isin?) = Zi sin 2 ~ J = 608 4 F sin — (oon? ~ i sin) = 2 sin (cone 4 Isinno (6050 — Fsin0}" = cosK0 ~ isin eB sind — (enn =i inn) Wonken EXAMPLE 16 Find send fn the Solution 16 Since da +b)" = a? + 3a%h + Sab? +08 sustite t o=Zanlb=s z 1 — 6 sina 0 = sin30 « in 30+ Pin 1 3 = Yloos ar snap 4 Zeon sina). Wonrken Exar 17 Express (a) sin3o (6) cos 30 in tram of enc termsof sino a Solution 17 (con +4 sino$ (6043044 sin.30 wring De Moivre’s theorem. Also (coed sina can he expanded using Bisomiat theorem. (eos + ising)? : : 3x2 : = cas 3H e05* 0 ind SS ca si 0 Bx2x Is + 22S1P sin! 0 using Binomial oxpunsion ex 0+ Asin 30 = eos! 04-37 00 Osin = 3 sin® 0 e080 i sin? 0. [Eaquating eal and imaginary terms cas W = costo — Ssin?acostl 9 — S00 tk — eos") sin M0 = 3e0¢ W sind — isin? Ml = sin? oy-sing = sin? sind = 3sind — 4sino Wow Enpress (a) sin@ in terms of sind and (0) 60850 in rm of ens, Solution 18. (con 4 Fsin Oy" = cos 50-4 sia'30 by De Mei ‘Theorem [Expanding by the Binomial theorem Application of De Moivre's Theorem = 31 Ke040 | fsino)” = cos"0 | Seos* i sina a soko SRE? scasint Tete dx Sxteaeaxl sia? xe axaxs cant sin 39 = cos 0 + Sees" a¥aine — Weostosin?o = feo Osim! 04-5 6088 int 841 in, quate real an glory terms eos? @sin? @ + Seosesin’ @ 50 = cuss = con? 0 = Wess? att — cox) “# Se030( ~ eas cos a= eos} 0 + Wen? a Weta 4 Seosro + Scox0 Soe! sin = 160620 sin = 3(1 = sin? wy sine 10(1 = sin? sin 0 + an = (S~ 1Dsin? 4 Sin! 0) int =10sin! & + 103inS 0 + sink loain e+ Sin Saino = 10.in? #4 Lin 0 4 sin sin $0 = $ sin O — 10 sin? = losin’ @ + [sin’ + 6 sin? [aso = Sein (oan 2m ce EA level Wonken EXaueue 19 ‘Using De Moivre’ thoosem, stow tt Hin 40 = door Pind — Soose sin? @ and ca 40 = ewe Geos! sin? @ + int aoa hencetan se = arse where t = can, ® 3a ence ind the values tan % and tan = insurd forms. 8 * Solution 19 46080 +H sin ey! = 605-4046 sin 40 = ont +l oos* sind Leds pein? + SP costasin®o tre bx 3x2 PES cose sin’ Tears be dered Txtxanat me ‘equating eval and imaginary terms ose = cos! 0 GeosZ@sinto taint 0 ease sin — deose sia Soo — Geos" O xin! + sin 0 slividing numerator and denominator by eon! @ duane ~ sen" nie - T= Gun 0 + tan tering = uns(2) = Hae Therefore the denodinator must he zero =o eto oe EVE ‘Therefore, there ae four solutions foe? is ‘There ave four solutions fore ite = 32. 3 The negative solutions are omited since tan Em Aton 2 un 21 soy wey 1 = Ja~ J. sirog op oth ides ah 2a where = 2.6 = Tthortone squaring wp born sides bet Mg. Unereforetan 2 = V3 Exercises 12, 13 & 14 1. Simplity cos — Fein g © Gaapy Fsin28 Gi) (cone ~ Fino)? ess Pisin 0) (1 +6080 +1 sino 2. WZ = 6080+ sine expressin tems of ward 1 tin 2- " z 1 te re 1 wr-d 3. Write dawn the square rst of (i) 50830 +4 sin30 i) sind 4 #coso ww = az inthe form Tez snd + sin0,cxprem [PEE ' Pee a+ti feo<0es Gi) <0 22m, 6.00580, sin 5. Express cos? 8, sin 8, cos 6 sl im erms of multiple angles 6. Write do the cube ruts of (i) cos30 = Fins ai =i ii) sin — eo, 7. Weite down the rw9bs of wat «iy Zt Application of De Moivre’e Theorem am 33 ‘Simplify (cos & Fimo)" 4 (eae | fina) [Express sin 32, sind, sin 50, and cos. 6084. eos, in terms of single angles. Simplify (cae + Fain Aeon + fin 8) (cos isin C/A BHC = incl. in the forma +40, the the roots of the equa jon Z"= 1 24h = [Express the square roots of —2 im the form sb (a7), where « and b ure real number. Fine the roots of the complex equations @-1=0 fi) Baise Gi) B4i=0 (wy B41=0 15 Relates Hyperbolic and Trigonometric Hyperbolic Functions te Circular Functions oP coe bind ol con Find. By the definition of cosh = —F* corhig = te cond +i sine} cond — isin eoahii) = er By the definidon of sinh x = cote sinhiGO) = Fie) wwe have that “wy we have chat eno @ sink {Fromm the expansion sine = hat M Functions or? OY sino =p ino = =1(o4% multiplying bot sides by —/, we have ~F sini” From the expansion, eos = 1 = have coi = The right hand side of this equution is eosh 0 therefore [coshie) = eostt®) volt Similarly we can show the irculae functions to hyp bolic funetions cast = coset coshdt sinha Cireular Functions to Hyperbolic Functions Is regi show that sin = = si ‘The expansion of te series of sinh coy’ | ao’ sot oe ‘The tight hand isthe expansion of sn therefore 7 inbii0) 45) iis required to show that cas 0 = cosh “The capansion of the geics oF comh i oy? went cosh 4 but coro = |= hers [c= corny] 6) rho io? os Qtr Te roguieed to show that in The expansion of sin fo = (49) ® and the expansion of sit 0+ + smaltiplying both sides by i, then SnGO) = Fatah) 0) The last expression to show is eos 10 = each Relates Hyperbolic and Trigonometsie Functions =m 35 costa shovefore [ently = enehi) 8) WORKED EXAMPLE 20 ‘Show that sin(x 49) = sin.x cosh y 4 #eusx sinh y Solution 20 Using the addon theorem aie by) Ssinccosy 4 siayeose wehave sinie +f) = sinxeusiy + indy soma buteoséy = cosh y and sins = sinh y, thea Wonxeo Pxanrur 21 vote (ping +1? (ie) cost = i) sant = 9° in the format 4 Solution 21 Sint 4 ink 42427) = sin 24 = sini cost Ysinh Loosb | = BU.AISH S83) = 3.68 isin | and oor 7 = cosh I therefore (63F which is purely imag inary xa int i oot a wene[! 4 PS" = cost al OED. 3 cos(n4) = cost = 0.658 therefore cost = £)* = =0.654 which is purely real 6m CO EA level i) singh — ay = sings — 4) sinc w+) sin. 2) = aa(4 29) = 2 cook 2 ~ felah con? =1,90013.182) = #13 627)K—0.415) = MAIO E81 = 3424151 WORKED ExAMeLe 22 Find an expression for tan x + 9c show that Solution 22 sine #9 tae re tun euniy ance 449) = Tan ny siniy isin y was wana eis conky fone ft 1=7aan enh ran 3+ 4 anh we 48 + T= Fean Seanhd 0.1435 + 70.999) THF 0.1425)0.999) 0.1425 + 10.999 Ter oe 9.0006 + 11.0193 = 2ODO= LOIN? 01006 + § 0.999 TB lani3-+ #4) = 0.006 +4 0.999 = 1 Exercises 15 |. State the relationships oF hyperbolic Functions in terms of circular or tigonometric funetons 2, Skate the relationships of circular or rigonomsttic Functions in torms of hyperbolic Functions 3, Gvahute the fo plex rum bor! wing hyperbolic functions of com- {i cosh (6) cosh) (ii) cosh 26 (iv) sina (9) siab(~1) 44. Expand the following compound angles (i) caste 499 (iy Slots tig fin) singe =i). ‘5. Expand the follow (i) Sinbce + is) ) coshe — fy) 6, Express the following: () sint2-¥ i eoshel - 1) (ii) tombe 488) (is) sled = ay (>) tant 8a) inthe fons a 4 bi 16 The logarithm of a Negative Number paz = 1 by the definition of a ogaritym, = cose sh ising se then Zs ie Let log (3) by defiaition «t= rithons on both sides, HAI) = 3 taking logs og (3) = tog.(3-1) = lope 34 log,(-1) = In 4 ix og.(=3) = log, 34 é = 1.000 + (3.14159. The Iogarithm of a negative sumber is 4 complex umber which may be expretied in quadetic, polar or exponential IN = la|X| bie in| IF + flan = Vln AYP + 2e where = ta wwbere Nis negative aumber inn) of sector In (re") = lar + Ine! 0) toe ii) bog. = Solution 23 (i) Te find tg, 4 can be weiner as | sil) = ) Ind $= In sinv2tine? = ‘Wonnep Exarue 24 Express In 24 tne fourm a + th FA Solution 24 it Wis VP + OF = v5 aig W = bean! a” we A level Bats iy VB. gin = InvS ear +n ty \ win eH 2H8N 8H eek ! + ost+ 42s. Wonxeo Es ‘Find the principal value of Solution 25 Let W = thing ops. on bth sie tose tas ¢ ha % arinet Wonxen F Evaluate 3! cornet 49 three desimal places, Solution 26 Let Z=¥ tn Ins = 11.099 By definition e!¥ = 2 = cos 1.099 +4 sia 1.099 2 50.484440801 ¥ = 0484440801 Exercises 16 1. Deteemine the complex number representing log(~2), showing the Relog(—2) = 0.201 and the Inn logl—29 = 1.364 2. IFN is anegative mummber show that Irony = lls NP + [a (vfanaies foo) e where @ = tant = isi 5, Determine the fotlawing ee 4. Show that # © 0.208 8. Determine the Following: conse fi) In. 4 Gi) Watt = inthe form a ¢ bi 6, Evaluate th following complex rumors: ov wa 17 The Roots of Equations Determines the cube roots of unity To finda Alwermatively 2° == 0 est zat The cube s0ots of amity are Found as flow or= (neat) Remember 60-44 sin, and since the power i ‘ational, we ad (4 the = ate z= 1(2ix)! where 2 a and Z9 = cus + sin “The cube roots of unity ae | as befor, Fig. 31/13 The cube mors of unity, Fig, 3-11 represents these este in an Argand diagram The 10 fools appearas a onjsgate par ‘Woaken EXanrLe 27 Fuctorive 2+ 1 = 0 ima linear and two qualratic factors, 40 = CCEA level Solution 27 ‘To express Pig. 3/14 Tw express =f inthe (orn ya in cond + isind — 1 = cos E+ isin SE (fg +20) : ae 2-f"-% =2Z008 io 5 Boze T +0 " ie ine factor 2+ 1, and he quadratic fates ate 2 = AE x a Bm wes + band 2 ~ 22008 41 Finel the five roots of the Z* 4-1 = 0, and plot them on am Acgand diageam, const? 4 fin 54 AIG! = cor 126" 4 Fin Solution 28 Beino BAX = coe ME sin BAD” = AYE = 605 198" + sin 19 p= AME = co 2 isin 220° = i 0. The moduli of 2 Dy 2s, 2u.Zs are egal. The ats ‘complex numbers are 4°, 126°, M2", 198°, 270" respectively in the range O° = 0 = 360 ments of these ‘The magnitude ofall uheae vectors are unity. wel Uhere+ fore a circ e with rains equa tunity is drawn and the angles are measuiced feom te cefexeace in an atic Took whe directs If, however, the angles are gisen as 3 = argZ = =, ‘er te complex numbers are as follows: By = cos 58 bin SH 2 = cos 126" + sin 126 2 = cos 18" — ssn tS 24 = cos 161° —dsin 162 SALVIS and Fig. 3.116 show respectively, the posi tive angles and the principal valucs seapectvely Eig. 3-V/16 Principal values of the complex aumabers. inthe range TAU" = 8 = 180", 2°47 Determine the principal value of (1+ (1? and its other wes, Solution 29 Lazai+i izi= V3 where b= ‘Thr ther woless cum be eapromed oa Wi [eos (v9 Lasdor where k here are five values inal ‘Woukeo Exameue 30 Solve (= 1 = 2 Solution 30 “Teking he nM rot on eoeh side ether izzy 3) where = 0.1.2 since the mth mots of nity re cos AF + in 28% 2(1 cos rin kx uiptying each side by the sin free kx resin = sia 4 geos sa)» fa +4!) ‘whore f= 0.1.2, | WonkeD EXAMPLE IL ‘Given that 2443 is. root of the polynomial equation DZ) = 0, where PLZ) = 29824122 4 212 8, factorie F(Z) into Linear andl quadratic factors with real ccoeficents [Find the other 3 roots of the equation PLZ) = Solution 31 Z = 2 ALI}. cince thic is w wot of PLZ), then Reis) 24 3= pz aa 2-nfet se ere HUI HZ 4 = y1z=26 sz? oz" = Ae base 4 mz 36 2 424 162 12 = 162 = 8 f12~ s12 = 18 Dividing PY) by 2-13, itgives azero remainder iti eoen above. This of cowrae isnot required entirely. Peay 423th (2) 4 (4 42? HO4 FIZ H4— Ue) =OtKen Sa eH + ‘This ic rather diftcut; since the linear facts have real cootficients we try simple real nambers Leaz= Pubs 1-347421~26=0 Uetefore 2 — 1 isa fason bez Pla 2) oo (22) = a2) + 12 6+ 24+ 2h an 2 orefore 2 4+ 2 fs another factor (Ze ey= ee -Z+2Z-2 paz sg 48 4e-2z'— sz 4128 4212-26 242 ae = 42? 40724 NZ —26 nse — ar? 82 Bee BZ = 25) sz Dividing PLZ) by 22 therefore PUD) AL = EFM = AZ + =O Bm4e + B=0 VES 416 ren. Since 2 13 #5 a woot, then the conjugate of 2413. 2-13 is another root, ut since PRZ) has 100 7E8 IE thas alo its conjugate since the eveflicients af D2) are real. (Z~ 2= 13) and (Z 2443) ae bowh factorsof PLZ) (2-213) = (2-949 = Baz ‘which cam be found much quisker, Dividing P(Z) by 2 = 42 413, in gives 22 = which factories easily io (2 — I) and (Z + 2 Zz Therefore, PLZ) Nz az 4183 Wou wr Solve the squats [2)_ B+ 2A +S -2Z-i5=0 4) Solution 32 Let Z = 7 One root oF he exuation #1) is therefore Tei) 22 4 aH + Say 152 ~ dis facto Sie DPA AIS a) To find the uber Ww rats lat 28+ 2-2 (5 1DZ~ 15 ZIM + ae» Dati ¢he i iat ib SD ta 2 4b tape — ib, Equting eoeficiets The Heeots af “The thtee roots of the polynomial are Saree Wouwep BAAMPLE 33 Findthe ootsof the quadkatic equation 224248 = Z; aad Z) and find their sum and prac Find ee (26) and tm (23") Solution 33 Solving this quod z “The roots ate Bye 2ei2 Ea then the sum and product ofthe motsane 2) + 2 and Z;2; = 8 respectively, nbe found Te modull of Z1 and Z [da] = VEER = v2, ‘The arguments of Z, and Z; eam ako be found, awa as! sm ce EA level Re(zhi=0 m @# coy =0 = 2! coos de isinda) = 2 Im ui ‘Therefore the eal part of 24, namely Re (26) 3 zero, sand the imaginary part of 7%. namely Im (7) is 72% Wonkeb Exanrue The roots of a polynomial ae Z = —3, Z = 3-1, and Z =3++6.Determine the polynornialsqvation, Solution 34 The factors of the polynomial equation ane (7 + 3, (2-341) and (Z — 3 — 1, therefore the polynomiat equation willbe (243E = 34E= 3-H =0 a from which we deduce Uist Z-+3= 0, 2-341 =0 aad 2-3-4 Our Z = 3, Z = 3-lundZ = 346, Multiplying oat equation (19 (ZHI WZ=IHMUZ Yd sia [lea +i]=0 4 -ez+ot be = 2) 92 402432719249 =0 er 2) -az3- 82 430=0, Ivisobserved thatthe polynomial equation at real coef ficients since the roots appeat in conjugate pits. WonkeD Exaunue 35 Now ty the following question The ots oF 4 cubie equation fo Z are as follows: Za1,Z=3aidand Z = 3464 Dewermine the cetion, Solution 35 (2-1). (2-341. 2 ‘ofthe Bacto in ul to er, #4) = 0. the prod (2) W234 1a) 3) +16] SEF 67435) wn fe-s = Po. 3sz- 2462-28 =e M238 is quite easy toformlate the complex polynomial realcveticiems, ‘Workeb EXAMPLE 36 [Now iy Wo think How you ate going 10 solve the poly nomial 2° ~ 322 ~ 872+ 30 = 9 showing that one 9k is Z = 34, in other words, given one complex roo Find the oer wo F998 Solution 36 ‘The problem isagain easy, but this time the technique fs different Koowing that Z = 3=1, thon anathce otis = 344i, theconjagateot Z — 3~ i, sineethe polynomial hoe real ooificents, we know thatthe roots appear in conja pairs Therefore the 0 fools are Z = 3—¥ on Z or theie Factors are (Z— 3-4 dpand (2 = 3— 1), aah Moliplying (2 3-44.12 =3~8) =W2-H40 WZ-H-01 =2-38 412 2 -6z 400, Hence ta find the third root we divided the given poly- nomisl £ = 322 = 824 30=0by 2 02 + 10, at 292+ ie 3 Bee 2-62? +102 azi- 82430 az? 197 430 0 Therefore, the ols of the polynomial equation are 2-3, Z = 3 Fad Z = 3-47 anithe factors a0 3+H1z= 3-1) a2-32-8z +050. Wonken Exaneun 3 Now try ad solve the following problem: HZ = 3414 sarvotof theequation 2 —7224-3tZ— 25 = 0. Fina tho oder raat, Solution 37 ince Z = 3+ (isa root of the potyoomial equation Zim 72 + MZ = 28= Oanother roots he conjugate of A= 84 ia, namely Z = Si, The factorsot Z and (Z— 2448), S+idand 7 sta The product ofthese factors sre gual 9 zenosince cath Is equal to zero, being the root ofthe polyamal (Z=3- yz = 3410 2 Oer 2 67 9 16 oz +25 “To find the thd root, we divi quatre aston, ‘he polynomial by the pwr gar! 4280 462-25 Therefore the thnee roots ofthe polynomial are Z = 1 7 = 34 f4 and Z 3-44, andthe polynomial san be expaessed Dow + a1z-25 2 (ZW 3-4yZ—-34 HO (Z= nz? 62 425 Quadratic equations cam easily be Foemed with real cnet: ficients, knowing the complet nuber and ofcourse the ceonjugate complex member ean be wiiten down The Heeots af 0) IZ is conjugate is 2 = 4 et ne—t Bo Paxty ‘The sequited quadratic equation is (0) WZ = =1 = 2, 6 conjupaw is Z = = 102 snd the saadratic eq ation can be found by writing, ‘dawn the Factors and multiplying chem out EHV HN EL iD WZ es aiz+y =) HARPER fey 2 = 3 + 17 dee ‘with rea ene beris Z ne the quatatie equation ns. The conjugate complex rum= MZ45-I(Z 454i =0 B+ i7z +0 Psw2+n $1024 =o, One roct ofthe quadeaie equations: @ei-0 aa-0 (iy Berz4ss0 e-14e) iy 2192474 (2=-s- are sown adjacent to each equation, find the otbes roel, ‘The answersare quite easy NOW, for wasn Gi) med i) Z=—3 +7) Woaxeo Exaurie 38 Find the five roots of 29 — 32 = 0, and write down the Tinear and qualratic factors oF this equation with real eveflicients 46 = CCEA level Solution 38 Domo Z=2 (1p! 2 (eosdia +i sin2kay! a2 whee §= 0.4182. ar tn ant za2 fe ane 4zcos = 44) <0, cos Again we observed thot the roots appr in eonjugae ‘Baits singe the coettciente of Z° — 32 — are wel WORKED EXAMDLE SP M2 = S412. 2 = -3— 14, and 2 = ~2 ore three roots of a polynomial of degrse five with teal coe sions. determing the polynern Solution 39 Since Z = $+ 412, then the conjugate wvet is 7 =S=112.andsince Z = =3=#4,then the conjugare root ie Z = —3 + 14, The polynomial is determined as follows Since the mots are now giver as: 2-2 Za-3-id Pashil2 22-3418 Zas-id ‘Thess form the facto (eB IES 4 ZS —H1) Bedi easeiayao wry [ea ne]fiern Pe wey [2 -we+254 1] [2262-40416] =0 (et) (2! 102" = 9872 +62" oe slog +2577 — 2507 4 42257=0 (ZA (EE AZ + VT? 4 T6AZ + 4225) 0 Bart 4 137? 4 1642? 4 4nsz 4224 = 82" + 26Nz" + 19282 + 5850= 0 Baws 4 1oaag® + s7saz 44490 ‘Wornrp ExaMriic 40 Fad the four roots of the eation a! 8i8+ Mz? ne +65 0 slven thatone wat is 2 Solution 40 Thesum ofthe outset pty 46 op ysis 65.Sincea = ‘given has real eoetciens Band their product hen f= 2-44 since the irs because the polynomial ‘Thesum ofthese roots arear+ f op DQ+o=4e1 and ther proda 6s 4a y= "213, Therefore y+ 5 = 8 3 Thus y! — sy 13 = solving this qua 24i3anl5= 2-73, Exercises 17 1. Represent in the Argan diagratn i) The-eute roots off Li) The fost sooes of (iid The th roots of 32 Gs) Theeube ror of 8 2 Soke (i) (24h =0 oy (Ze nhs(Z- =o 2 SoneiZ + == 2)" 44. Wins down the fifth roots of <1 and show that co Epes =f 5.2? = 10, show that ix) fr) Br cos = tes eos 4 cos = 10. The Heeots af W274 1 = 0.show = ae. Sr 7 T Finglihe six roots of 2°=27".44 = Sandshe prod ‘ct of three quadratle factors with real coefficients, Gand henss the ronte of 8. Find the roots of 26 — 1 Bro+e4zel Factorise Z* 61 Show that (2" 242" =i) 2-2 cond 41 Hence, find the rots athe equation P42 SE 1=0 and illustrate these roots in an Arpad diagram. 30m CC EA level “This isa crete with gente 210. 1) and eds» = APP: = as = 2 “The locus i the major are of the ciele shown in the sliogram PPPs, Fig, 3 P ig, I:4/21 The focus is past of acivce The major partof neice ei, = 1), WORKED ExaMeue tt [Determine the lneus of Z given by the equation oS) -t ‘a the sketch it carefully on an Argand diagram. Solution 44 2y=-Itiand 2; = -2 w(Z ee ake +1410 — Dane 2 +i) = © al ty = Dh =a ; rely vet FF Tate ihe tangent on boil sides: y pty ————=T 1 tantan-! = tanta oS 0G) erat wants: ony sen | wat De syoetay—zoay-yaeatzey—y Pb sbdy—Bedded Wtf -tbo- 1 =1t8s0 wtaeoo rat "This is the locus which is a civele centre (2, 1) and Fig. 222 shows this locus, Locus is part ofa circ, The major part of sho cireke«(—2. 1, = 1 Deseribe the loves of Z given that z-2, where 2) and #2 are fixed complex numbers andl & is 8 positive constant. Equation (I) represents citer & straight ine or ciel HEA = 1, the point Z is equidistant from the points 24 ‘on the perpendicular iseetne ane! Zs andl thereface ofthe Hie joining these points Com from the points Zy na [2 =z where = 1 ely, any point Z on this bisector is equitintar ind theeetore |Z = Za] = Wonken Exar 4 Deserine the loeusof Z given that |Z — Zyl = [2 Z3 orld ~ (34H = |Z ~ 14 FD) where Zi = and Zz = 1-412, the fixed complox nuriers Solution 45 The point 2 is equidistanc from the points Zy and Zs which are represented by PL and Py 50 OP) and OP are the voetons 25 and Zs, Bi) = |2- Fig. L123 shows these pois |2 Substint webare yg Zab iy and 2) = 3404, Z: Leb iv— GO Fip [ebay 3. JDDG onde fe and sqearing ep both sides, 6r 494 yt By +16 = tnerefore, the fowus [P= 3] is a straight line ig. EUR, AGS) Fig 5123 The locus of |Z ~ & fe x rsight line © 4) = [2 — 11+ 2. The losis 5. Pyand Ps ate fixed point Therefore, Z 8a variahe pint gan the straight wy = S whichis the perpendicular bisector of the joining the ficed points Py and Py Lock me 51 whore is greatershan Tyan Zand Z2 are fixed complex nambers thea the equation repeesens aciecle A point which mover tha the mati of is distances from two ied points an Ps consan isthe cts ta cick wi vespectto hich 2y nd 2s se soos goin. ThindeverbesanApalloniscie tind P Pe are wo ited peintsand Pisa moving variable point soc that the ratio 72s constant te lous ef Pisa ree #, Piscivided internally ot. A and extemal at inthe Biven ati SF since {PA and PB ave the intemal aan extern bisectors ofthe angle PPPs, ence the angle APR is a right angle nnd therefore les on the cesles whose diameter is AB. ‘This citoe is ealled “the citele of Apollonius’ tS in Wo Fig. 244 The cite of Apology and Pte fixed Pia varie pint sucha 5 conta Wounteo EXAMPLE 46 t-% Describe the focus of Z give that 27 wwhore Zi = 2464 and Zz-= Spi and b= 2 zat w i7=0F78) 2-2 +0/=212- B +i ‘Tae numerator of equation (1) represents the distance betwee the point Z and the fined polit (2+) o€ (2, 1) andthe denominator represents be distance betweea the point Zand the point (3 +14) oF (3,49 32m EA level Te distance of Z from 2.1) x therefore ewe the dis sce Z from the point (3, 4), since & = 2 THis lovus isan Apollonius cree with a vente sha ies falside the Line olniag the points Py(2. 1) aad Ps 3, 0. Fig. 34725. eis lr 2) 4-9 Fie t= Bhi ond ‘squating up and expanding aerate “ ntl Hh Gros = Bye I 34 = De by= 329 +4 100= 5 = se 43)? — 200 — oy $98 wort So 7 10)? _ 100 stem s-f) -Pto-w-s4+ Fe om, 225 _ 265 eae _ 325285 vi Tv, 1 Po rains of W828 atone (28) r = focus of 7 such that |2— 21 The boas 2 wh shat |F Zy=24h22=3+ ams ‘Worken Eaamrnn 47 ‘Thecomplecaumbers Zp, Zz.and 2; ace representedon an Argand disgeam by the pais PF, Ps and Ps respee- Lively, Hz, = 1442:5 54 andy = 3447. 4, ae represent all these complex aumbers eo an Argand diagram. Determine the mols snd argument of Solution 47 watti OP; represen 2 OP: represents 2: OP, represcars 2) = PsP, represents the vector yn BB HTH NA 26 2D) represen the vector Zp 2 a=S4 2-0 DAE Ten tet bi zy 21) _|2486 ~All” | ser OEE vw va 2) ang Zs — Z9) — aria — 2) fe argl2 + 16) = arptd +) tn Botan = the angle which Py Py mies withthe hortzaatat the angle which PP, makes with the horizon ta = theungle AP Py. Exercises 18 LP represen the complex number Z, Find the fact wy izi=s oi z= sin 1244 dis) [22-1 = 3 Lock me 53, () 2-2-4124 (vi) areZ = 0 (comider 2 = 5-449). What are the least ane prestest values of the fotlowing: iz i ase iy eA AE 1a Gin (zie z= 98 (i ee i Zag 3 Wea Zea sk (Use the module notation dae to Weierstrass to ‘exprcse thatthe point P which represents th com plex suber Z Ties (iv Inside the Je with centre (8,9) andra (Gi) On the cise with centre (a,b) and aan & iy Outside the ieee with cemtre (1.0), rads 1 Ans.(i) |Z = 819) <7 w 2-0 -ivi =e ai) (ZN > 1 Sketch the Incas inthe Ar representing Z, where jz [ze 10d diagram ofthe point 1 P represents thecomplex number Zon an AX Aram, id the cartesian equation of the locas of P ten |Z! be Zaid =e Fig. 31/27 Transformation. W- plane. The locus of @ isacinte e(0,0) amd = 2 Fig. 412GandFig. 3-027 show thepaths on the Z-plane ‘nd the Wplane espestively “The path om the Z-plane is a stright Tine x = 3 and the eorresporeling path on the W-plane is» eivele with i senlie atthe origin aad radios 5 Therefore, the straight line x = 3 alisplayed om the Zeplone is rsnsfoemedinlacicircle inthe W-plane, if and W ave related by the expression = 3 and given condition that = 3 forall values of » Wouxed Exaneue SO Points P aad en Zextvaw W-plane reepectvely ven shat _Z and Ware connected by sent the complex numbers te inthe Z-plane ana tke W = 7 sind tha the Locus of is the satis fia the cartesian equation of the cus of Q and sketch the lows of @ on an Argan diagra Solution 50 Starting with the expression relating % ond W wo 2t ih ‘ten we Set ettwnn) ecto) cpitt ~beetoshl Lester wo betie= blte-F0+ 0) ‘The locus of Pi the avs, thats, » = 0 wo eben teat ST eat ‘ wert" ear and Equating real and imaginary terms — Pat {Us ceauincl to eliminate « fom these equations Savaring up both sides of the equations obtain aa ‘equation coanocting w a 2 F wa wate ory, ‘The straight line [7 =O} which i the w-asés ic eam Formed 2 Weplane if W and Z ane ae related by the expression, w= 2 saneesnl zi wo a cine ont The locus af Q Sew circle sith conte at the origin and radius unity. The Z:pkine and Wplane tock are shown In Fig. 18 and Fig, 3-129 respectively Locus 7 Fig. 31028 The locus i the «-acis, y=. ‘Transformations froma Z-Plane to 2 W-Plane Employing Complex Numbers =m 57 WePLANE Fig. 3/39 Traasformation. The laces isa circle a ee = | withe(9.Opand r= | Wonke Ext SL inthe Wsplane Zi Fivew hat W = S—. Find a Given Fy Find of the cite [Z| © in the Z: plane, Iusrate the 2 Tost in separate Argand diagrams, Solution S51 w Fay wire z iy them stiv-d_ stig s-10+h yeas YEO Sh Tue pe PAE ble on CE GHIF PHO eo Dee Tt ee utod w ett =D 12) 23, TTT = Seine |e bid = VST 8 J citi Tras! Tsay ing el aad ioaginay eres 8 x » “Tem ce Ts onder ts ind the relationship connecting wand v we require to eliminnte-+ rely orn (1) 2d (2) From equations (1) and 0) to? 16 or? + Hou” — 40+ 16 40 — Tir | = Owhlch is the equation ofacicle oS) fees 5 3 ‘The coordinates ofthe entre e(2.0) ands = 2 the 3 raclius. ‘The Z-plane and W-plane loci are shown in Fig. 415 and Fig. 34731 ZPLANE Fig, 3-130 The hos i acne (0, 00, W-PLANE The locus ica cielo Gord Wonxen Pxaurur 52 Gives th Ww = 24-4. Bad theta of the circle Z| = 2 i the Z-plane. Uiusiaxe the 2 baci in separate Argan diagrams, in the We plane Solution 52 izi= UZ Seti these hi) Vee SD i cincle with conte the origin an rai “The locas i ilusiated in the Argamd diagram of Fig. $2 Jo.) ZPLANE (2 ig. 3-482 The Z-plane iss che! Squaring up both of these quunsites (2) gO ‘Thecircle de the Z-plane has aradins of Zand the centre ise(0,0),thisistransformedtothe H' plane asanellise. = 4 the Toes in the W-plane Fig. 3133 illustrates this point WLAN (3) Find the image onthe Wplane ofthe cicles i Z| = 1 ‘nc i) | 2) = S under the function W = 2+ 5. ‘Transformations froma Z-Plane to 2 W-Plane Employing Complex Numbers =m 50 Solution 53 (2) = Beet brigin at unity rai = Laciecle with centre atthe PLANE, aut) cmc Awe Dion!) Fig. 34/34 The locus is cine fiom A.t0 8 te ©. {W-PLANE Fig 3-135 Transformation, The Josus isa straight Tine fom A 10 B10 C «i Referring to Fig. 34/4 and Fig. 34/38 wherein the Zeplane the cite is tramformedo the skaight ine of the Wplane, when A moves to I, that is. = when x= Tanda = 0 whea x = 0.40 B, then fiom #9 C. that when «= 0,41 = Osan when f= — Ioan = —2 then it moves feom C to D, that is when «= 0,1 = Oand whet a = 2.x = 1 Theretore, Z travels cound the itcle one. fom A oC via Wand back again to A via B 8 clecle coated at the Soret tl wez+t z wevtdy um way wed ond v= By ve wnt ee * 0 y & ‘The transformation is illustrated in Fig, 3-036 and Fig. 3.1857 ZANE Fig. 4/36 The lous iss circle, © (©, Ov and PLANE Fig, A197 The trans foomation is ilustated on the W-plan. Wit ap eltipse Wonken Exan Mf Z and W represent points P and @ in the Argand ram and |2| = Uy arg Z steadily increases from —> to +, deserbe the corresponding motion of @ if waz Solution 54 Za cosdtisind and 25 = (cond + isind)) ghagnh sts’ ovo oi For cash position of Pe thers are 3 positions of © (01, Qs. Os) which mave continously lng the cirsle Z|. anmtickeckwise 2} moves from 06 5. andatto se time. Qz moves fama = 5 tod = and Qy moves from ¢= =n 90 = Exercises 20 HZ and W represent complex numbers two pains F and Q respectively and [ZI = 1, P moves so thatary Z steadily increases from — 102. Deserite the coeresponding motion of @ whoa wa 2z 43 ns. Circle €03,0) 6 = 29 2 Wertz os. Cirle (2,0) = was ans. (4) = 3. ewice circle} [ans |Z) 21, Semen cit S.W= 2} (Ans. Two sembcirctes of Zi = 12 6, Wom 22 4.27 (Ant. Canbinid displaced by T unit 7, W= 2+ 1! [Ass Rigbt loop of emisete os 20 to the Ket} 1 @ 6 cy) By tint eliminating Z;. find te complex embers Z), 2; that sathly the simsliane ous equation (be —azy = 3-12 Aaa Am 4H Show thatthe Incusof Z defined hy the eg 224Q-D240+0E> ‘secre, =0 Find the complex sumer corresponding to its centre, nl his rai Show. in the Argand. dingram, the tines Aetined by the following equations wzen=) auzen=b Im (y= 1 Find the camplex aumuber corresponding to iheir point oF inersection, expressing it bovk jn Cartesian and polar form, Ams. 1(0) Zim demi, dee De, o) aba re ssfont (©) £a244 Show that the rots oF ehe equation sat 1023 evsa((B)] we sz4t 0 are =u 21 Miscellaneous 3. De Moisre's theorem states that (oon 0-4 fain) = court Fain WO. Prove this theorem when a isa positive integers, Shaw that (e080 tino? p Soe sin costsa 39) cose + lees oF * ~ sintdo + 3g) (eno + dint wy cos 41 sin ta A.) Show thatany complet number 2 ‘canbe expressedin polar form Z ting), stiy (e080 Hence prove that. for any two complex ra bers Zi. Zp 12)2,) = ab (23 +3, —vE EL and when Z1 (b) Find the catenins equation for the locus of points satisfying Um (2°) = ~2, () Sletch the segion In the Aepand plane ‘easlosed by paris ofthe (ollowing Foxe los [qj =z 41 = Law Zo. atte ‘and whose points have a positive imaginary put Agen) (bys we nw. cr fSnei8'9s* wor fs “tn yee 1 @ By asing the result Wat (050-4 Fin aye = 08 (0) + sin (nO) or herwise, show that tam — 1002 8 tang = Teun ane (i) Obwsin the roots of the equation ## — 409 — 61° —41+ 1 = 0 giving youranswer correct vestwo decimal plies (ii) Given that, isnot an imeger muliple ot show that sone tan (a + 2) tn(a-+ 2) stan (1488) = test te Ans i) 11.25", $6.28°, 101,28", 146.98", 150.20, 1:50, -303, ~0.67. 12. Inthe Argund diagram the two distinct eicley with equations a aje— ne to =0 am EE ajhnunt + b2= 0 intersect at the pins A and B. (6) Find the equation of the ine AB in the form an +o Z+b=0. ww that a necessary and suticent condition for the uingents to the ro cieles at A 10 be perpendicular isa + fay = By + Ann az ta Zh 0. Given that 2; = 3-4 (2and Zp = 4— 43. (6) find ZZ; and 2, each in te form \evity that [23221 = 12111221 7 A wen ke Ann er Si ‘Migeellaneaus = 63 Using De Moivee's Theorem for (e080 44 0)? or otherwise, prove that ante +ranSe ane uanse = = ltent@ + Slane Prove that tan is a cut of the equation fap - ae Af 1 = 0 and find the other cools fm a, Ans tain 20 where 8 = 5,9, 18 (a) Write down the modulus and argommentaf he complex number Hj Hence, or otherwise, express (1)? inthe fon e-+4y, where x and y are veal embers (b) Steteh. on an Areand diagram, dhe Tocus riven by Z= 2 A(24 ib whese bisa Sketch om the same diagram, the locus given by Z = =3 + ya(—1 +02), where ye isa parameter Find by calculation the valuots) of Z atthe point(s) where these loci imerseut Ans tar VE = 7 wy Z= 2 Write down the som of the geometric weries Z 4 Bb ZA Deduce by puting 2 = of? in your resul, or eave: otherwise hat sin ig EDO shan = sin@sin 204, sin 2 pain b+ 8 Shave, geometrically oretherwite, that fr sll coe plex nurnbers Z and W IZ + WHIZ + 1m Stite the selutianship betweets aig Z aad agg Wi ths equality sign hos (The point P represents the eamplox murnbex Z inthe Arganddlagram Gives that Z varies Go) SE aeVT- 820, CWE, paws we 23, Solvetheequation Z* = Sand show the ties wots ton am Argun diagram, Find the non-real roots 21 aint Z3-of the equation (26) = 824 IF expressing ther in bes tesian and pola form Merce (a) show that | 21 = ) enclose 2} + 23. rave hat Despina VB = Booed + coh Tevet where a fea trots are the goats af the equation (72 = 6 SB +1)" and capex) =e! Aes. 21 2 = 13 Na q2vF 32, 24 (a) Show that the roots of the equation Z* = 1 ate 1, and 0? where of = =: Express dhe complex number 5+ 17 i the form Aw + Boo? where A and Wate real, and sve the walues of A and Bin sued form, Ginen that 2 = cos + Fin, neon "£1" = Deosnt. Hence prove that cos 80 = 1écos5 d~ 2008! + Sos 25, Write down in potarform. the five roots ofthe equa tion 29 = 1, Show thal, when these five ots are poted on ana Apgand diagrarn, they form the ver Soe sees ofa regular pentagon of area 3 sin By vombining appropriate poirs wf these 100, prove tha For # = [. (22st) e-1 6 ‘Migeetlaneaus =m 65 (Uso this result to deduce dl are the roots ofthe equation 42 (a) Verify that a) = 1 = 43 is a root of the equation Pie+s0-=0. By considering the cvetficient of Z in the ‘xuation, or otherwise, fin the second root Find the modulus and argument of ft when mond Boa (bh) Gy Show that the locus of points ia the ‘Atgand plane satisfying the eqeation PLE bDZ +2 = Vise Sirs. {401 Bind the complex numbers cortespond- ing t the pints where the locus 2° + 21427 + 48 = Oerossenthetmag- inary ass, (ix Show thatthe locus 22° +27? ~ 15 = Odes nol crust the eal ans Amita) a2 = 1442 Al = Surg = yO CHI Drs ST th) 1202 + 16)2 = 48.9 otipse Giventhato = cos + isin write down the mclulusand argument ofa ands'-Plotihe poinis represented by wander’ onan Arganddbigram, nd prose tha they form the vertices of an isosceles triangle, Write dow the valu of of the goomeuis series 1th a® tal tu + Obl sd bate Si the su Fine the valee of (or 40 )to4 4 hd ob (et 4 w+ 0 4 (a + es8H(o-+08), and hence find the cubic equati, wit integer eosficiats, whose roots ate fos bus) fo pan G+ wi). 6 mC 28 x EA level Solve the equation: 22 (4-2 4.9447 = [giving the rots inthe forma +28, witharand break Notice that the roots are not complet conjugates of cach she. Let (c) bea polynomial in.x with ool coeficients, and let a be a complex root of the equation ps) =O. Show that, the conjugate ofr i also moat of this cqzation. How do you reconcile this result with your answer tothe rt pat ofthe question? Ans. Zi = =n =1403 Find the modules and argument af the complex "a conte 8 Show, hee mts ai he i rpcting ine ra dng wc round ciecl, ancl write down the radivsand cene ol the cle, Ans. 1. ~ ta C.D. = By writing 2eose ‘sind, snd plying De Moivrs’s theorem, show that . *[eote we (Bt cose = 3) Eat J] 3 ans Shove that if Z stistes heeqeation (a) 2°— 7244 122 = 1 = 0 hes it also atisties b) (Z 4 =i)" Dy solving (by. fie the roots of the equation (a, and use these to Bnd the wales of 2h, 23 sor Ey cor? cor? and # Zeot? Z cot? cot? Zeot? cot Ans. = oot ent? 2 co? Zor? =, 32, Let Z = Ising = ¥e0s). Expross oll dhe values of 24 jn the form pe". Show that they forma the Sertices of asquare in the Argand diagram. What is the length ofthe side of this seuane? edit ene Ans. 2he 5-98, selti-oerilt, ghe-opsront 25 tbe sie ofthe square. 3). Let Z and W be eamplex m rmoclalus and argument otherwne, shaw that (7) - w ubers. By using the ms of Zand W, of Zz 7 Dedese tif Z = tan(u +), whste we and» are real. then Z = tanta ~ #0 Show further thst sinh 2 avd + cosh De Im Z= Finally show that fu = 2 and + js allowed to vary, the locus of Z in the Argon dag siecle whose cen ofthe circle Bh, Express 6+ 85)(T He down (6 —£5)47 ~ 2) ina siesta form. Hence Fad the prime foctrs of 32° +475 Jn the foe a & 2b. Welle am. 32 FT, 32 8 38, Indicate on an Argand diagram the repion in whisk Z hes, given that bat 36 n 58. ». l2-G+ns3 aa wet -1 +A By asing De Moivre'stheorerm, erotherwine, show hut ago = STE? ee Tea Hence show that — +24) Prove thatthe equation 2° — 3422 ~ (9.44) — f= Ohasasolution Z = 3-4/2. Hence solve the equation completely given thatone ofthe othor root i oo Ans, 2=3442.-24i.-1 22-1) Given that Z = i +2 show that Hence. of ye the W-plane is the mays: under the transforsaation Zn! w= BE oft circle (x = 1] = 1 inthe Z plane Aas. Fina the modulus and the argument of each of the roots of the equation 2° + 33 = 0, Hence express 2! ~ 22? +42? ~ 82 + LO ashe product oro (guaratie factors of the form 22 — a2 cox +b, where a ara @ ae rea ‘Therootsof the quadratic equation 2°44 pZ4q = 0 wie tp fund dA, Find the somplex nymibers p and y. is given shot 144 isalsoa soot of he equation 224 (4-224 S410 = 0 where ata Pare real, Detestmine the values of a ana. Ais p= S41, on 4 ont. Sketch the cele C with Cartesian equation «2 + (5 DP 1 The point P oprecenting the nom zero somples mumbsr 2; lies om. Express 2 tors of the argument of Z 4 ‘Migeellaneaus == 67 Giventhat 2’ = 4, tindihe modules andangement of 2 interms ofa. ‘Shove that whatever the pos the point # lime, Use ea of P onthecirele Ties on a sertain sepresonting 2 of which ist be determined, Anse = 4, 2. Given tht 2 = 4 (one wien) ard W = ah write dawn the modutus and argued of each the flloning 1 wo 4 2 win & ans) 6 Tm on & 16. Show in separate diagrams the reghons of she Z plane in which each of the following ineqeal tie i sauistieds aw 01249) tires dh 4a nese 5.) 6 ter nie 1) 8. (6) 0 10. chy wy) eae fe Le@ 12. (ab HL pcm 13. @ becky nr is 16 tab 17. 18. (by 18. fo) 20. (dy 2h thy 22 (ah agi arg 22 28 (by 2. (a 7 28.13) te at a pelt — pt ska a to * costnt 4 k2un) + Tsin(ad ¢2nz) where — ay, fg) 0. (sh isan ineger. Ht 82 (by Im iva fraction m ©, there are q distinct values of 33 ia BL dh 2°, corresponding Wo = 01.2... we "8 3. Answers Exercise 1 Lowy iy Gi 2 tin ai oy WH wo 4 (vi) 1-3 wai) <3 417 Complex 18) Complex Gi) Real ie) Complex « ‘Complex @ pie ti) Se iy rs) “ 4) 0,0 (Gi) Do wot intersect, din hts 5 Low Ga «io ivy wh 288 ein OF (vii a eae fis) op Gi 9) Gain 3.4) iy 8 ©) (0.3) fi OV) bs) (9 O7) (air (3. -2) (sili) (e080, sino) 0 = GC EA level 2. Graphs ae ai = Gye wr Exercise 3 Lo asta (iy 2-8 (iy 1 Gynins W648 (iy 7 (iy 89 (ity 84a diy -10 118 oy 6-11 Ga nas Oath (iy 348 sai) a ~ tb SOF, HII Ae Sc 1S (by 5-4. Exercise 4 ko aa Gin tae iy -1-448 Go iTti9 fo 10 oo THA28 (si) a? — BL a2ub (si) cose + + sin (a+ 9) ais) oo) a0 Bo ess vayama si Exercise 5 1 93a Exercises 7,8 & 9 ‘40 Gy tn aE ie 3 wat on a2 att one wot ty VRE

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