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edx cybersecurity fundamentals unit 1 26 trminos GwonnyWong

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Cybersecurity protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of

computing devices, networks, hard software, and data
and information through procedures, products, and

Penetration Testers hired hackers to find exploits and vulnerabilities in


T or F: insiders can do T
far greater damage
than outsiders can

Bug Bounty Programs rewards hackers for finding and fixing security issues

According to Bruce Fail

Schneier, the security
mindset involves
thinking about how
things can be made to:

True or False: To False

participate in a
company's bug bounty
program, you have to
be an employee of
that company.

IoT internet of things, devices of homes across the world

The Dyn DDoS Internet of things devices

(Distributed Denial of
Service) attack, which
brought down
hundreds of websites,
was caused by:

If you have no Yes

personal or valuable
information on your
computers at home,
are you still a target for

Careers in Security researcher, penetration tester, security architect


MICE, motivation of money, ideology, compromise/coercion, ego/extortion

espionage against

Max Kilger, MEECES, money, ego, entertainment, cause, entrance, status

motivation of hacker

Which type of a hacker White hat

would a penetration
tester be?

Which of these Yahoo!

company breaches
affected the most

Which of the following Excellus BCBS

breaches has the
potential for the
greatest long lasting
effect on customers?

True or False: Integrity True

attacks could cast
doubt into what is real
and what is fake.

What type of malware ransomware

locks and encrypts

True or False: False

Information Security is
a subset of

What is always going Humans

to be the weakest link
of any cybersecurity

Which type of hacking social engineering

does not involve any

How do the growth attack sophistication is growing more quickly

rates of attack
sophistication and
intruder technical
knowledge compare?

Why is the MySpace people reuse passwords

hack still relevant

True or False: true

Cybersecurity involves
protecting data while it
is in transit, while it is
being processed, and
when it is at rest.

Which two breaches target, home depot

started when a third-
party's credentials
were compromised?
(Select two)

The first hack of the opened a microsoft word document

Ukraine Power Grid
started when an

If integrity hacks the amount of time hackers can lurk into a network
become prevalent, a undetected
direct result could be
an increase in:

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