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Minutes of RVACG Board of Directors July 8, 2017

The July 8, 2017 meeting of the RVACG Board of Directors was called to order by President McVay at
10:25 in the library of the Spring Green Community Church Library..
Present: McVay, Schneider, McCarville Koller,
Absent; D. Miller, Anderson, B. Miller
Schneider made the motion to establish a quorum. McVay second. Motion passed.
Schneider made the motion to approve the minutes from the June 10 and the June 17 meetings of the
Board of Directors. McVay second. Motion passed.
No Public Comment.
Presidents Report:
President McVay reported that all the trees had been heeled into the recently plowed plot. He reported
that the trees would be cut back in late August to encourage growth. He also reported that once the
dripline is laid he would plant the trees in rows and they would be transplanted to their permanent
location in the fall or spring.
McVay reported that a gardener had used Roundup on his vegetable plot. McVay notified the gardener
that Roundup was not to be used on vegetables and that using Roundup is against the organic practices of
the Gardens.
McVay reported that the SWOFT project of the Garden needs to do individual 3 test tastes of the potatoes
and tomatoes as they ripen. 3 test tastes are needed because of the early, midseason, and late season
varieties planted in the SWOFT test plot.
There was no Vice Presidents report.
Secretarys Report.
Schneider reported that she had met with Village of Spring Green President Eugene Hausner to walk the
land and discuss the dilemma of the bike path and the trees. Hausner told her that the village had to
renegotiate the location of the snowmobile trail due to the fencing of the dump. A suggestion was made
that the snowmobile trail be directed down the bike path rather than snaking through the west end of the
property so that future gardens would not be in its path. The bike path and the location of the trees was
discussed. Hausner will contact Paul Kardatzke, Village architect, to determine where trees could be
place so that they were out of the way of the equipment when the bike path is reconstructed. Hausner also
mentioned that he would discuss the bike path with the planning commission.
Schneider reported that Phil Manske with Thrivent Financial in Dodgeville contacted her about
sponsoring a fundraiser for the Gardens to be held on October 15 at the Riverside. The Board needs to
pick a need for which the money would be used. Schneider recommended that McCarville contact
Treasurers Report.
McCarville reported that as of July 7, there was a balance of $179.73 in the checking account. She
reported that a donation of $800 was received for payment for the lawn mower for the Garden. She
reported a deposit of $243.12 from the June Brat Stand. Expenses for the month were a check for the
lawn mower and a check for $85.61 for brat stand supplies.
Minutes of RVACG Board of Directors July 8, 2017

McCarville reported that the June Brat stand expenses were $85.61. She reported that Prems Meats did
not charge the fee for the hut and gas. She also reported that she has received a gift card of $250 from
Thrivant Financial to help with costs for future Brat stands and other expenses.
McCarville reported that she continues to work on the Kettle Moraine Garden Club grant. She needs to
measure plots and to get some information from Duane Miller to complete the application which is due
August 1.
Old Business.
McVay reported that he has been in contact with the researchers who work at the West Madison
Agricultural Research Station (WMARS) about the Saturday August 19th Board of Directors field trip. It
is estimated that the tour of the research station would take about an hour. The tour of Julie Dawsons
research project on the Seed to Table Collaboration would take up to 90 minutes. The tour of the
vineyard and discussion would be about an hour. After discussion, visits to the Allen Centennial
Gardens, and the UW-Madison Botanical Garden and Greenhouses were eliminated from this trip.
Schneider made the motion to limit the agenda for the day to the West Madison Agricultural Research
Station (WMARS) on Saturday August 19 and to make final plans for lunch and transportation at the next
Board meeting. Koller second. Motion passed.
New Business.
McVay reported that Derrick and Janet Gee wanted to donate their unused deer fence/netting to the
Gardens to use on the orchard. Schneider made the motion to accept the deer netting. Koller second.
Motion passed.
McVay opened the discussion on revising the RVACG governance procedures. He noted that the
discussion over several months may lead to either altering, revising or continuing the procedures as they
are. Schneider mentioned that communication seems to be a problem. Also discussed were busy work
schedules prohibiting work getting done. McVay would contact Becki Miller to see if she would act as co
or assistant groundskeeper to help Duane Miller especially with scheduling, and communication.
Directors were told to be observant and evaluate the pros and cons of our existing governance procedures.
Further discussion would occur at future meetings.
Discussion on reincorporating the surrounding farmland for the 2018 growing season included several
There is a waiting list of gardeners for the 2018 season requiring additional plots if all gardeners return.
There was an issue with crop spray drift that damaged plants in existing plots this season.
The landscaping of the bike path and planting trees could be planned and maintained more easily.
Additional costs and work responsibilities would include mowing and the cost of seeding the property.
Jerome Sprecher has volunteered to till new plots.
The location of a future grape arbor was also discussed with Koller stating he only had a small part of
the materials needed for the grape support system.
Fertilization of the property needs to happen prior to the 2018 season. There was a suggestion of
Pecks spreading chicken manure on the property this fall.

Schneider made the motion to reclaim the property to the north boundary and as far west as the retention
pond with grass to be sown on the bare ground for 2018 and to reclaim the 47 feet on the southern edge of
the property with grass sown for the 2019 growing season. Koller second. Motion carried. Schneider
Minutes of RVACG Board of Directors July 8, 2017

will contact Village President Hausner. Schneider reminded the Board that the Village may decide to ask
for the return of the whole property for the 2018 season.
Open Forum.
Schneider will continue talking to Village via Gene Hausner about the property and Paul Kardatzke about
the bike path. She will ask the Village to contact the Sprechers about the return of the property and
request a copy of the letter the Village sends to them.
Schneider mentioned the Spring Green Garden Tour scheduled for July 22. She volunteered to be at the
Gardens to answer questions.
McCarville will seek volunteers to work the Brat Stand at Prems Meats on Saturday July 22.
Schneider made the motion to adjourn until the next scheduled meeting on Saturday, August 12, 2017
starting at 10:00 a.m. in the library at Spring Green Community Church. McCarville second. Motion
passed. Meeting adjourned at 1:25 pm.

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