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Patterns of larval amphibian distribution along a

wetland hydroperiod gradient
Kimberly J. Babbitt, Matthew J. Baber, and Tracy L. Tarr

Abstract: We investigated the response of pond-breeding amphibian assemblages to wetland hydroperiod and associ-
ated predator changes (invertebrates (abundance and richness) and fish (presence/absence)) in relatively undisturbed
landscapes in southern New Hampshire, U.S.A. We sampled 42 wetlands for larval amphibians in 14 spatial blocks
(each with a short-, intermediate-, and permanent-hydroperiod wetland) in 1998 and 1999. Assemblages in short-
hydroperiod wetlands (<4 months) were depauperate (4 species only) compared with intermediate-hydroperiod (non-
permanent but >4 months) and permanent wetlands, which included 7 and 9 species, respectively. Total amphibian
abundance did not vary among hydroperiod categories. Species distributions along the hydrological gradient also dif-
fered. Rana sylvatica dominated wetlands with short and intermediate hydroperiods, whereas Rana catesbeiana, Bufo
americanus, Rana clamitans, and Pseudacris crucifer dominated in those with a longer hydroperiod. Among permanent
wetlands, amphibian species richness and abundance did not differ with respect to the presence of predatory fish, al-
though there were species-compositional differences. Amphibian species richness and abundance were positively corre-
lated with the abundance and richness of predatory invertebrates, suggesting that both amphibian and macroinvertebrate
predator assemblages may be responding similarly to differences in wetland characteristics (e.g., dissolved oxygen con-
centration). Overall, our results indicate that wetland hydroperiod has an important influence on amphibian distribution
and should be incorporated into regulations and legislation designed to protect biologically diverse isolated wetlands.
Rsum : Nous avons examin la raction dun peuplement damphibiens, qui se reproduisent dans des tangs,
lhydropriode de terres humides et aux changements associs dans la faune des prdateurs ((abondance et richesse)
des invertbrs et (prsence/absence) des poissons) dans des paysages relativement peu perturbs du sud du New
Hampshire, .-U. Nous avons chantillonn les larves damphibiens dans 42 terres humides dans 14 blocs spatiaux
(comprenant chacun une terre humide hydropriode courte, une hydropriode intermdiaire et une hydropriode
permanente) en 1998 et 1999. Les peuplements des terres humides hydropriode courte (<4 mois de mise en eau) ont
une faune rduite (seulement 4 espces) en comparaison des terres humides hydropriode intermdiaire (non perma-
nente, mais avec >4 mois de mise en eau) ou permanente qui contiennent respectivement 7 et 9 espces. Labondance
totale des amphibiens ne varie pas en fonction de lhydropriode, mais la rpartition des espces change le long du
gradient hydrologique. Rana sylvatica domine dans les terres humides hydropriodes courte et intermdiaire, alors
que Rana catesbeiana, Bufo americanus, Rana clamitans et Pseudacris crucifer le font dans les terres humides hy-
dropriode plus longue. Dans les terres humides permanentes, la richesse spcifique et labondance des amphibiens ne
sont pas affectes par la prsence de poissons prdateurs, bien quil y ait des diffrences dans la composition des esp-
ces. La richesse spcifique et labondance des amphibiens sont en corrlation positive avec labondance et la richesse
des macroinvertbrs prdateurs, ce qui laisse croire que les peuplements damphibiens et de macroinvertbrs prda-
teurs ragissent tous deux de faon similaire des diffrences dans les caractristiques des terres humides (e.g.,
concentration de loxygne dissous). Dans leur ensemble, nos rsultats dmontrent que lhydropriode des terres humi-
des a une influence considrable sur la rpartition des amphibiens et que cette variable devrait tre incorpore dans les
rglements et les lois qui visent protger les terres humides isoles forte diversit biologique.

[Traduit par la Rdaction] Babbitt et al. 1552

Introduction ian species use these habitats for mating, oviposition, and
larval growth and development (Semlitsch et al. 1996). Wet-
In freshwater lentic habitats, the hydrological gradient land hydroperiod can have a particularly strong influence on
ranges from ephemeral pools to permanent ponds and lakes, amphibian assemblages (Pechmann et al. 1989; Semlitsch et
and has long been recognized as a major influence on the al. 1996; Skelly 1997). This is largely attributed to species-
abundance and distribution of organisms. Numerous amphib- specific differences in the time available to complete larval

Received 2 January 2003. Accepted 15 July 2003. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at http://cjz.nrc.ca on
29 September 2003.
K.J. Babbitt,1 M.J. Baber, and T.L. Tarr.2 Department of Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire, 226 James Hall,
Durham, NH 03824, U.S.A.
Corresponding author (e-mail: kbabbitt@cisunix.unh.edu).
Present address: NH Soil Consultants, Inc., Newmarket, NH 03857, U.S.A.

Can. J. Zool. 81: 15391552 (2003) doi: 10.1139/Z03-131 2003 NRC Canada

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development (desiccation stress), and the fact that predators semblage of many aquatic taxa is well recognized (Wellborn
are also influenced by these hydrological processes (Wood- et al. 1996), few empirical studies have actually been con-
ward 1983; Skelly 1996). ducted to examine patterns of amphibian species distribution
General models predict a unimodal pattern of species across the gradient of ephemeral to permanent wetlands (see
richness for assemblages of larval amphibians and aquatic Collins and Wilbur 1979; Snodgrass et al. 2000a). Our goal
invertebrates, with a peak in ponds with intermediate hydro- in conducting this study is to improve our current under-
periods (Wilbur 1987; Wellborn et al. 1996). This hypothesis standing of the local-scale processes that influence amphib-
is supported by field studies of species richness of both ian species distributions along the hydrological gradient, and
larval amphibians and invertebrates (Heyer et al. 1975; thus complement recent efforts to predict assemblage struc-
Wilbur 1984; Snodgrass et al. 2000a, 2000b). In ephemeral ture from processes operating at landscape and regional
wetlands, low species richness is attributed to the increased scales (Hecnar and MCloskey 1996; Knutson et al. 1999;
likelihood of desiccation and, thus, the exclusion of amphib- Lehtinen et al. 1999). Together, such studies serve to in-
ians with slow rates of development. In permanent wetlands, crease the ability of biologists to predict amphibian distri-
low species richness is primarily attributed to the high abun- bution and abundance, and thus optimize conservation
dance and diversity of predators, which may be avoided by management.
some breeding amphibians. Thus, amphibian species rich-
ness may be maximized at intermediate positions along the
hydrological gradient, because both desiccation and preda-
tion risks are relatively low. Study area
Amphibians that breed in permanent habitats tend to have Field research was conducted in public and privately
a prolonged larval period but are able to coexist with preda- owned wetlands at 14 sites in southern New Hampshire
tors, owing to the possession of defensive mechanisms, in- (Fig. 1). Wetlands were predominantly surrounded by
cluding attaining a large body size (Travis et al. 1985; closed-canopy secondary growth (>50 years old) oakpine
Richards and Bull 1990), behavioral changes such as reduc- forest. Dominant tree species included white pine (Pinus
ing activity (Lawler 1989; Skelly and Werner 1990) or strobus), red maple (Acer rubrum), red oak (Quercus rubra),
selecting microhabitat (Hews 1995), use of structurally com- and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). Following Skelly
plex habitats (Babbitt and Jordan 1996; Babbitt and Tanner (1996), we classified wetlands as short, intermediate, or long
1997), and toxicity and unpalatability (Brodie and Formano- in hydroperiod. Short-hydroperiod wetlands (<4 months
wicz 1983). In contrast, amphibians that breed in temporary after ice out, drying in MayJuly) were generally small
aquatic habitats develop rapidly but generally lack or have (0.053 0.0143 ha; mean SE). Buttonbush (Cephalanthus
diminished antipredator defenses. Larval amphibian assem- occidentalis) was common in most vernal pools, and these
blages found in temporary aquatic environments, therefore, wetlands often had downed logs, shrubs, and leaf litter as
are often distinct from those that utilize permanent aquatic vegetative structure with little to no emergent or floating
habitats. vegetation. Intermediate-hydroperiod wetlands (>4 months
Predators are known to be a major cause of mortality for after ice out, drying in late July September (n = 10) or
amphibian larvae (Calef 1973; Smith 1983). Fish are partic- only in dry years (n = 4); 0.27 0.081 ha) were similar in
ularly efficient predators of larval amphibians and often vegetation to short-hydroperiod wetlands; however, a few
cause the local extirpation of species (Bradford et al. 1993; (4 of 14) did have emergent or floating vegetation. This veg-
Hecnar and MCloskey 1997; Smith et al. 1999). While fish etation consisted primarily of waterlily (Nuphar variegata),
are typically more voracious amphibian predators than inver- three-way sedge (Dulichium arundinaceum), rattlesnake grass
tebrates or other amphibians (e.g., adult newts), they are (Glyceria sp.), and bladderwort (Utricularia sp.). Most long-
generally excluded from wetlands that dry periodically (an- hydroperiod wetlands (i.e., permanent wetlands) were large
nually or semiannually), whereas non-fish predators range (2.52 0.974 ha) and appeared to have more vegetative di-
broadly across the hydrological gradient (Wellborn et al. versity than short- or intermediate-period wetlands. All but
1996). Nevertheless, predation pressure by non-fish preda- two long-hydroperiod wetlands had abundant woody debris
tors may be lower in wetlands with short hydroperiods, ow- and well-developed aquatic-plant assemblages. Common
ing to the inability of some species to colonize or complete plants found in permanent wetlands included bur-reed (Spar-
their larval development in such habitats (Woodward 1983; ganium sp.), coontail (Ceratophyllum sp.), milfoil (Myrio-
Skelly 1996). phyllum sp.), pondweed (Potamogeton sp.), cattail (Typha
Our objective was to investigate how amphibian assem- sp.), arrowhead (Sagittaria sp.), waterlily (Nymphaea and
blages respond to changes in wetland hydroperiod and Nuphar sp.), bladderwort, watershield (Brasenia schreberi),
aquatic predators (specifically invertebrates and fish) in pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), and three-way sedge.
southern New Hampshire, U.S.A. Furthermore, we examined Finally, short-hydroperiod wetlands were also likely to have
the influence of other potential abiotic correlates (e.g., wet- relatively high canopy cover, whereas intermediate- and
land size, depth, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen concen- long-hydroperiod wetlands generally had open canopies.
tration, and temperature) on amphibian assemblages. We
predicted that amphibian assemblages would vary along the Site selection
hydrological gradient predominantly as a result of species- Fourteen permanent wetlands in southern New Hampshire
specific development-rate limitations and changes in predator were selected from National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps
species richness, abundance, and composition. Although the using a stratified random approach, with the constraint that
importance of hydroperiod in influencing the structure of as- the surrounding landscape must consist of relatively undis-
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Fig. 1. Locations of study sites. At least one short-, one intermediate-, and one long-hydroperiod wetland was sampled in each cluster
(). Scale is 1 : 2 500 000 (modified from U.S. Geological Survey, map collection, PerryCastaneda Library, University of Texas).

turbed forested habitat. The areas surrounding each of the 14 stitute Inc. 1999). The maximum area of small wetlands not
study-site wetlands were ground-surveyed from April to identified on NWI maps was measured with a meter tape.
early June 1998 for smaller, seasonally inundated wetlands, We sampled larval amphibians and predacious inverte-
which generally failed to show up on NWI maps. Several of brates using a 30 cm 45 cm dip net. Standardized (approx-
these wetlands were selected at each of the 14 permanent imately 1 m2) dip-net sweeps were conducted to obtain relative
wetland study sites, resulting in a cluster of study wetlands species densities (herein species abundance) for each wet-
with short, intermediate, and permanent hydroperiods. Once land. Dip-netting is a standard technique used to sample
hydroperiod was verified for each wetland (wetlands were both amphibian and invertebrate assemblages in lentic habi-
checked for standing water monthly), we dropped excess tats (Heyer et al. 1994). A minimum of 5, 10, and 15 dip-net
wetlands from our study so that a total of 42 wetlands sweeps were taken in each microhabitat in short-, intermedi-
(1 short-hydroperiod, 1 intermediate-hydroperiod, and 1 per- ate-, and long-hydroperiod wetlands, respectively. These
manent wetland in each of the 14 clusters) were selected for sweep numbers were based on a preliminary survey in which
continued sampling. Each wetland cluster was treated as a we quantified the sweeps required to obtain no new inverte-
block for statistical analyses. brate genera or amphibian species in wetlands with different
hydroperiods. Because water at study sites was generally
clear, we determined fish presence through visual surveys
Sampling methods (i.e., walking the shoreline looking for nesting centrarchids)
We sampled each wetland for predaceous aquatic inverte- in addition to dip-net captures. Fish collected from dip-net
brates and amphibian larvae four times during the summers sweeps were identified and released. The purpose of fish
of 1998 and 1999. In 1998, we sampled wetlands from sampling was to detect the presence of predatory fish; we
17 June to 24 July and from 26 August to 20 September. In did not attempt to quantify fish abundance. Fish-presence es-
1999, we sampled wetlands from 24 May to 11 June and timates were considered robust because wetlands categorized
from 26 July to 3 August. Sampling time periods were dic- as fishless in 1998 were also found to be fishless in 1999.
tated by preliminary sampling and accounted for temporal Moreover, a subsequent study (M.J. Baber and K.J. Babbitt,
differences in breeding activity among species and ensured unpublished data) confirmed that these wetlands contained
that all species breeding in wetlands were captured (breed- no predatory fish, although an additional predatory fish spe-
ing events began later in 1998 than in 1999). Wetlands cies was recorded in one of the wetlands that contained
within a cluster were sampled within a 2-day period to avoid predatory fish in this study.
temporal effects. Wetlands and surrounding upland areas Four coarsely defined microhabitats were identified to ac-
were characterized by determining the numerically dominant count for species-specific distribution among microhabitats
vegetation during site selection and at the end of sampling in (Heyer et al. 1994). Microhabitats included shallow non-
1999 using standard references (Petrides 1986; Gleason and vegetated areas, shallow vegetated areas, deep nonvegetated
Cronquist 1995). These were qualitative habitat descriptions areas, and deep vegetated areas. Preliminary sampling re-
and were not designed for statistical analyses. The size of vealed that vegetation zones often changed to deep-water
large wetlands was determined from digitized NWI maps us- plant assemblages (e.g., B. shreberi, Nuphar sp., Nymphaea
ing ArcInfo software (Environmental Systems Research In- sp.) at a depth of approximately 0.6 m. Therefore, we
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defined deep water as 0.6 m and shallow water as <0.6 m axes even after recommended detrending and rescaling
in depth. Depth was measured at the deepest point within (Minchin 1987). The lack of fit between matrices (stress)
each wetland at the time of sampling. Vegetated areas in- is measured by a loss function that the procedure minimizes.
cluded aquatic submerged and emergent vegatation and We started the NMDS analyses with six ordination axes,
shrubs (e.g., C. occidentalis), or floating plants. Non- then later eliminated axes that had a small incremental
vegetated areas were either totally devoid of any living reduction in stress. Two ordination axes were sufficient
plants or were very sparsely vegetated (as described in to achieve low values of stress. Subsequently, 10 two-
Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). dimensional ordinations were performed using 100 iterations
In the field, all specimens were preserved in 10% buffered each. The ordination with the lowest final stress (0.191) was
formalin. Invertebrates were transferred to 70% ethanol in selected for use in further statistical analyses in this study.
the laboratory and identified to the generic level (except Ordinations with stress levels <0.2 are considered interpret-
Trichoptera larvae, which were identified to order only) us- able (Clarke 1993).
ing standard identification keys (Walker 1958; Peckarsky et We used varimax rotation based on maximizing the rela-
al. 1990; Merritt and Cummins 1996) and reference samples tionship between axis 1 and hydroperiod, which showed the
from the University of New Hampshire invertebrate collec- strongest relationship to ordination space. Furthermore, to
tion. Only invertebrates known to prey on vertebrates (am- test whether larval amphibian assemblages varied among
phibians or fish) were considered (reviewed in McCormick hydroperiod categories, we performed one-way ANOVAs
and Polis 1982). In the case of Dytiscidae, only genera with on NMDS axis 1 and axis 2 scores. Bonferroni pairwise
adults >4 mm in length were included because smaller gen- comparisons were used to test for differences in larval
era are likely to be ineffective predators. Amphibians were amphibian assemblages between hydroperiod groups (short,
identified to the species level using standard larva-identification intermediate, and long).
keys (Orton 1939; Altig 1970; Travis 1981). We used generalized linear models (GLMs; McCullagh
Prior to dip-netting, pH, conductivity (S), water tempera- and Nelder 1989) to determine the relative influence of
ture (C), and dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L) were hydroperiod and concomitant changes in abiotic and biotic
recorded at three random locations in each microhabitat at characteristics (invertebrate abundance and richness, and
each site, between the approximate hours of 0900 and 1500, the presence/absence of fish) on larval amphibian species
using an Orion model 230A pH meter and a YSI model 85 richness, total abundance, and species abundances. These
conductivity meter. These abiotic parameters were measured models present a major advantage over classical multiple re-
to determine which of these variables were correlated with gression approaches in that they integrate data from different
hydroperiod and could thereby potentially influence compo- statistical distributions with the appropriate modeling of sta-
sition and abundance of predators and amphibian larvae. tistical error (e.g., normal as in multiple regression, binomial
for presence/absence data, ordinal for classes of abundance,
Statistical analyses Poisson or negative binomial for species or individual
Total counts for each amphibian species and invertebrate counts). The response variables larval amphibian species
genus captured in each wetland were divided by the number richness and larval amphibian abundance were fitted assum-
of dip-net sweeps taken in each wetland. This yielded an av- ing a normal error and identity link (equivalent to a multiple
erage number of specimens per sweep (i.e., abundance based linear regression), whereas species abundances were best
on catch per unit effort) for each year, and both years com- represented by a Poisson regression and logarithmic-link
bined, which could be compared across hydroperiod types. function (McCullagh and Nelder 1989). To determine the
Sample sizes differed in the two years for short-hydroperiod most appropriate subset of combinations of explanatory vari-
wetlands (n = 14 and 8), owing to drier conditions in 1999 ables we used a subjective approach (Collet 1994). We ob-
(six short-hydroperiod wetlands dried before the first sam- served changes in deviance (explained variance) when fitting
pling in 1999). We performed Spearmans rank correlations single variables, and the change in deviance was tested by a
on abiotic factors (wetland size, pH, conductivity, dissolved 2 test (McCullagh and Nelder 1989). Only variables that
oxygen concentration, depth, and temperature) to determine were significant (p < 0.05) were retained in the final model.
if these variables covaried with respect to hydroperiod. Wa- Moreover, to avoid collinearity, when variables where
ter-chemistry data from 1999 were not analyzed because of strongly correlated (>0.7; Table 1), only the variable with
the low number of complete blocks the greatest change in deviance was used.
To examine the relationships among larval amphibian as- We conducted repeated-measure ANOVAs to determine if
semblages, hydroperiod, and concomitant changes in abiotic amphibian richness and abundance differed between years or
and biotic (predator) characteristics, we used nonmetric varied among hydroperiod categories between years. We
multidimensional scaling (NMDS), with the Bray and Curtis performed Students t tests to determine if amphibian or in-
(1957) dissimilarity metric on a wetland variable by wetland vertebrate richness, amphibian abundance, or species abun-
site matrix overlaid on a larval amphibian species density by dances were influence by the presence of fish in long-
wetland site matrix. This analysis is an ordination method hydroperiod wetlands. NMDS was conducted using the ordi-
based on ranked distances and is well suited to data that are nation software PC-ORD (McCune and Mefford 1997). All
nonnormal or are on an arbitrary or otherwise questionable other statistical procedures were analyzed using SAS (ver-
scale (McCune and Mefford 1997). Furthermore, axes are sion 8; SAS Institute Inc. 2001). Where necessary, data were
independent and do not result in the complex curvilinear dis- transformed to improve normality, and Bonferroni adjust-
tortions that often appear in hierarchical correspondence ments were made to account for multiple testing.

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Table 1. Spearmans rank correlations of independent variables recorded for each wetland.
Wetland Max. water
size Hydroperiod IAB ISR pH Conductivity Temp. DOC depth
Wetland size 1.00
Hydroperiod 0.78 1.00
IAB 0.63 0.65 1.00
ISR 0.84 0.77 0.71 1.00
pH 0.26 0.38 0.01 0.16 1.00
Conductivity 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.09 0.26 1.00
Temp. 0.43 0.53 0.40 0.46 0.05 0.11 1.00
DOC 0.36 0.56 0.42 0.45 0.16 0.18 0.53 1.00
Depth 0.82 0.87 0.55 0.81 0.43 0.03 0.45 0.67 1.00
Note: Correlations >0.70 were considered collinear. IAB, invertebrate abundance; ISR, invertebrate species richness; DOC, dis-
solved oxygen concentration. Numbers in boldface type denote strong correlations (>0.7).

Fig. 2. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) scores based on a larval amphibian abundance (number/m2) by wetland site ma-
trix. R2 cutoff = 0.2. Short hydroperiod is <4 months, intermediate hydroperiod is >4 months (nonpermanent), and long hydroperiod
denotes permanent wetlands. Depth refers to maximum wetland depth and DOC is dissolved oxygen concentration. NMDS scores var-
ied significantly among hydroperiod categories for axis 1 (F[2] = 38.4, p < 0.0001) but not axis 2 (F[2] = 1.42, p = 0.24).

Results curred in 20 of the 42 wetlands sampled (48%), with an

abundance of 0.48 0.2/m2. The least common species were
Description of the amphibian assemblages R. palustris and B. americanus, which were each found in
Nine amphibian species totaling 2918 individuals were only 4 of the 42 wetlands, and the least abundant species
collected during 1998 and 1999. Species richness was 2.7 was R. palustris, which attained an abundance of only
0.29 (mean SE) and ranged from 0 to 7 species per wet- 0.007 0.005/m2.
land. Larval amphibian abundance in wetlands was 1.04
0.24/m2 and ranged from 0 to 15.6/m2. Species collected Factors influencing amphibian assemblages
were the red-spotted newt (Notophthalmus viridescens), spot- NMDS revealed ecologically interpretable patterns of as-
ted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), wood frog (Rana syl- semblage structure (Fig. 2). NMDS axis 1 accounted for
vatica), green frog (Rana clamitans), bullfrog (Rana cates- 23.0% of the variation in amphibian-assemblage structure
beiana), pickerel frog (Rana palustris), American toad (Bufo and separated out amphibian assemblages primarily on the
americanus), spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer), and gray basis of hydroperiod (which was strongly correlated with
treefrog (Hyla versicolor). The most common (frequently depth, wetland size, and invertebrate richness (>0.7);
occurring) and abundant species was R. sylvatica, which oc- Tables 1, 2) and dissolved oxygen concentration. Long-

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Table 2. Abiotic factors (mean SE) recorded for wetlands with short (<4 months), intermediate (>4 months; nonper-
manent), and long (permanently inundated) hydroperiods.
Abiotic variable Short hydroperiod Intermediate hydroperiod Long hydroperiod
Area (ha) 0.0530.014 a 0.270.078 b 2.530.972 c
pH 5.10.21 a 5.20.17 a 5.70.19 b
Conductivity (S) 288175 6829 189121
Temperature (C) 19.10.9 a 19.71.0 a 22.50.8 b
Dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L) 2.30.49 a 2.10.30 a 4.40.54 b
Depth (cm) 121.9 a 232.8 b 668.0 c
Note: Water-chemistry data were not analyzed in 1999, owing to low block numbers. Values followed by a different letter are signifi-
cantly different, based on statistical pairwise comparisons.

Fig. 3. Larval amphibian species richness (A) and abundance (B) in short- (<4 months), intermediate- (>4 months; nonpermanent), and
long-hydroperiod (permanently inundated) wetlands sampled during 1998 and 1999.

hydroperiod wetlands were dominated by R. catesbeiana and fewer amphibian species and lower amphibian species abun-
R. clamitans and generally contained more species and dances.
higher species abundances. Conversely, short-hydroperiod NMDS axis 1 scores varied among hydroperiod categories
wetlands were dominated by R. sylvatica and contained few (F[2] = 38.4, p < 0.0001). Amphibian assemblages in long-
species. hydroperiod wetlands differed significantly from those in
NMDS axis 2 accounted for 18.6% of the variation in short- (p < 0.0001) and intermediate-hydroperiod (p < 0.0001)
amphibian-assemblage structure and separated out amphib- wetlands, whereas larval amphibian assemblages in short-
ian assemblages on the basis of invertebrate abundance and intermediate-hydroperiod wetlands did not vary signifi-
(which was strongly correlated with invertebrate genus rich- cantly. NMDS axis 1 scores did not differ with respect to the
ness (0.71), herein referred to as invertebrate abundance/ blocking factor (F[2,13] = 0.45, p = 0.38), indicating that
genus richness). Wetlands with high invertebrate abundance/ amphibian-assemblage structure was not significantly influ-
richness contained more species and higher abundances of enced by the spatial position of the study sites. NMDS axis
R. sylvatica, H. versicolor, B. americanus, and P. crucifer, 2 scores did not differ significantly with respect to hydro-
whereas wetlands with low invertebrate abundance contained period (F[2] = 1.42, p = 0.24) or the blocking variable

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Table 3. Relationship between dependent (amphibian) and independent variables (abiotic and bi-
otic characteristics) in study wetlands.
Dependent variable Independent variable 2 p
Amphibian species richness Hydroperiod 12.52 0.0004*
Invertebrate abundance 7.86 0.005*
Amphibian abundance Invertebrate abundance 8.33 0.0039*
Rana catesbeiana Invertebrate abundance 4.48 0.034
Rana clamitans Hydroperiod 3.98 0.046
Invertebrate abundance 5.7 0.017
Rana palustris Insufficient occurrence
Rana sylvatica Hydroperiod 5.50 0.019
Bufo americanus Hydroperiod 5.96 0.0146
Invertebrate abundance 30.01 <0.0001*
Pseudacris crucifer Invertebrate abundance 36.2 <0.0001*
Hyla versicolor Invertebrate abundance 21.8 <0.0001*
Notophthalmus viridescens Hydroperiod 8.25 0.0041*
Invertebrate abundance 3.79 0.0514
Ambystoma maculatum Invertebrate abundance 3.2 0.074
Note: Analyses were based on GLMs using SAS Institute Inc. (2001).
*Significance after Bonferroni adjustments.

(F[2,13] = 0.33, p = 0.57). Thus, the effect of invertebrate fish (Fig. 5C). Most notably, A. maculatum and R. sylvatica
abundance on amphibian assemblages was similar among were not found in permanent wetlands with fish. Rana
hydroperiod categories and was not influenced by the spatial catesbeiana was positively associated with fish presence (t =
position of study sites. 3.45, p = 0.042), whereas B. americanus (t = 6.49, p = 0.01)
Amphibian species richness was positively influenced by and H. versicolor (t = 4.11, p = 0.033) were negatively asso-
hydroperiod ([2,41] = 12.52, p = 0.0047) (Fig. 3A). ciated with fish presence; however, with Bonferroni adjust-
Bonferroni pairwise comparisons indicated that species rich- ments these results were not significant.
ness was significantly lower in short-hydroperiod than in Larval amphibian species richness, total abundance, and
long-hydroperiod wetlands (p < 0.0001). Amphibian species abundance of most species were correlated with predatory
richness was also higher in intermediate- than in short- invertebrate abundance / genus richness. Amphibian species
2 2
hydroperiod wetlands, although this difference was not sig- richness ([41] = 12.5, p = 0.0004) and abundance ([41] =
nificant after Bonferroni adjustments (p = 0.029). Species 8.3, p = 0.0039) were positively correlated with invertebrate
richness did not differ significantly between intermediate- abundance / genus richness (Table 3). For 3 of the 9 amphib-
and long-hydroperiod wetlands. Species richness increased ian species (B. americanus, P. crucifer, and H. versicolor)
from 1.3 0.29 in short-hydroperiod wetlands to 3.9 0.45 this correlation was significant, and for 3 others (R. cates-
in long-hydroperiod wetlands. Total amphibian abundance beiana, R. clamitans, and N. viridescens) the relationship
(Table 3) did not vary significantly among hydroperiod cate- was strong but not significant (Table 3).
gories, although it was highest in intermediate-hydroperiod
wetlands (Fig. 3B). Relative abundances of larval amphibi- Assemblage differences between years
ans varied among hydroperiod categories (Figs. 4A, 4B) and Nonpermanent wetlands had shorter hydroperiods in 1999
abundances of most amphibian species were significantly in- than in 1998, owing to less rainfall in 1999, and this resulted
fluenced by hydroperiod (Table 3). Rana catesbeiana, in amphibian-assemblage differences between years. Am-
R. clamitans, B. americanus, and N. viridescens were influ- phibian species richness was significantly lower (F[1] =
enced positively by hydroperiod, whereas R. sylvatica was 17.65, p < 0.0001) in 1999 (1.5 0.22) than in 1998 (2.3
negatively influenced by hydroperiod. Ambystoma macula- 0.27) (Fig. 6A), although amphibian abundance did not dif-
tum attained higher abundance in wetlands with intermediate fer (F[1] = 1.04, p = 0.31) (Fig. 6B). The interaction between
hydroperiods. Rana palustris abundance was not signifi- year and hydroperiod was not significant for either species
cantly influenced by hydroperiod, despite the fact that it was richness (F[1,2] = 0.63, p = 0.54) or abundance (F[1,2] = 2.34,
found only in long-hydroperiod wetlands. The nonsignificant p = 0.54), suggesting that variation in species richness and
result was due to the small sample size for this species. abundance among hydoperiod categories was not influenced
Fish occurred in 9 of 14 long-hydroperiod wetlands. Pred- by year. In 1998, 3 species (R. sylvatica, P. crucifer, and
atory species caught or observed while dip-netting included A. maculatum) were found in short-hydroperiod wetlands,
the bullhead catfish (Ameiurus sp.), pickerel (Esox sp.), and 7 species (P. crucifer, H. versicolor, R. sylvatica, R. clamitans,
sunfish (Lepomis sp.). Although both amphibian species N. viridescens, B. americanus, and A. maculatum) in
richness and abundance were numerically lower in wetlands intermediate-hydroperiod wetlands, and 8 species (all but
with fish, the differences were not significant (t = 1.78, p = R. sylvatica) in long-hydroperiod wetlands. In 1999, only
0.17 (Fig. 5A), and t = 2.44, p = 0.11 (Fig. 5B), respec- 1 species (R. sylvatica) was found in short-hydroperiod
tively). Several species were influenced by the presence of wetlands, 6 species (P. crucifer, H. versicolor, R. sylvatica,

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Fig. 4. (A) Relative abundances of species in short- (<4 months), intermediate- (>4 months; nonpermanent), and long-hydroperiod (per-
manently inundated) wetlands sampled during 1998 and 1999 (Amac, Ambystoma maculatum; Nvir, Notophthalmus viridescens; Hver,
Hyla versicolor; Pcru, Pseudacris crucifer; Bame, Bufo americanus; Rsyl, Rana sylvatica; Rpal, Rana palustris; Rcla, Rana clamitans;
Rcat, Rana catesbeiana). (B) Relative abundance of each species with respect to wetland hydroperiod.

R. clamitans, N. viridescens, and A. maculatum) in dance in long-hydroperiod wetlands (48%), despite being
intermediate-wetlands, and 8 species (all but R. sylvatica) in present in only two of these wetlands (Fig. 7B).
long-hydroperiod wetlands.
There were no significant differences in the abundance of Discussion
any species between years, although relative abundances of
species in each hydroperiod category differed (Fig. 7). In Our goal was to better understand the relative influence of
1998, R. sylvatica attained the highest relative abundance hydroperiod and associated changes in predator composition
(79%) in short-hydroperiod wetlands, B. americanus and and abundance on larval amphibian assemblages. We were
P. crucifer larvae had the highest relative abundance (26% able to achieve this goal by selecting relatively undisturbed
and 22%, respectively) in intermediate-hydroperiod wet- wetlands and successfully factoring out spatial differences
lands, and R. catesbeiana larvae had the highest relative attributed to landscape characteristics (i.e., we spatially
abundance (31%) in long-hydroperiod wetlands (Fig. 7A). In blocked our study sites).
1999, R. sylvatica larvae (99%) dominated short-hydroperiod Hydroperiod was the most important variable influencing
wetlands, whereas R. sylvatica (77%) and P. crucifer (17%) amphibian assemblages in this study. Long-hydroperiod wet-
larvae were most abundant in intermediate-hydroperiod lands contained 2 species that bred exclusively in these habi-
wetlands. Bufo americanus larvae attained the highest abun- tats (R. catesbeiana and R. palustris), and the most abundant

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Fig. 5. Larval amphibian species richness (A), abundance (number/m2) (B), and individual species abundances (number/m2) (C) in
wetlands with and without predatory fish. Wetlands were sampled during 1998 and 1999.

species were R. catesbeiana, R. clamitans, B. americanus, of even the fastest developing species may not occur in
and P. crucifer. Intermediate-hydroperiod wetlands were im- short-hydroperiod wetlands during dry years; 6 of the 14
portant for A. maculatum, contained high abundances of short-hydroperiod study wetlands dried before mid-May (the
R. sylvatica, and were suitable breeding habitats for most first sampling period) in 1999.
amphibians. Furthermore, intermediate-hydroperiod wetlands Species richness was significantly lower in short-
are important breeding habitat for the blue-spotted salaman- hydroperiod wetlands (<4 months) than in intermediate- and
der (Ambystoma laterale), which occurs in the region but is long-hydroperiod wetlands. Only 4 amphibian species were
not common in the study area and was not recorded. Short- found in these wetlands, whereas intermediate- and long-
hydroperiod wetlands were most important for R. sylvatica, hydroperiod wetlands contained 7 and 9 species, respec-
which breeds in spring when competitors and predators are tively. Moreover, total abundance was higher in intermediate-
relatively few and the species is able to reach metamorpho- hydroperiod wetlands, although this difference was not
sis in as little as 68 weeks (Hopey and Petranka 1994). statistically significant. Empirical evidence suggests that
Nevertheless, it is also important to note that metamorphosis amphibian species richness is often highest at intermediate

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Fig. 6. Differences in larval amphibian species richness (A) and larval amphibian abundance (B) between 1998 (a wet year) and 1999
(a dry year).

periods along the hydrological gradient (Heyer et al. 1975; proportion of species in this study (7 of 9 recorded) are
Wilbur 1984; Snodgrass et al. 2000a, 2000b). Intermediate- known to coexist with predatory fish.
hydroperiod wetlands may have higher amphibian species
richness than either ephemeral or permanent wetlands be- Predatory fish
cause they are inundated long enough to permit metamor- Neither amphibian species richness nor abundance in per-
phosis for most species, but short enough to prevent manent wetlands was significantly influenced by the pres-
colonization by predatory fish (Wellborn et al. 1996). This ence of predatory fish, although both parameters were
trend was not evident in our study. We did not find a signifi- numerically lower in wetlands containing fish. In addition,
cant difference in species richness between intermediate- of the 9 amphibian species captured during this study, all but
hydroperiod and permanent wetlands, and overall we found 2 (R. sylvatica and A. maculatum) occurred in wetlands con-
an increase in species richness across the hydrological gradi- taining predatory fish. Ambystoma laterale (not captured in
ent. We attribute this to the ability of longer hydroperiod this study) is also known to avoid permanent wetlands con-
wetlands to accommodate species with lengthy development taining predatory fish. Abundances of H. versicolor and
(e.g., R. clamitans and R. catesbeiana), and to the increased B. americanus were lower in wetlands with predatory fish.
depth in long-hydroperiod wetlands that allows some species Conversely, the abundance of R. catesbeiana tadpoles tended
to overwinter without freezing. Moreover, compared with to be higher in such wetlands and this was possibly due to
other regions (e.g., the southeastern United States), a large reduced competition from other larval amphibians (Werner

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Fig. 7. Relative abundance of amphibian species in short- (<4 months), intermediate- (>4 months; nonpermanent), and long-
hydroperiod (permanently inundated) wetlands in 1998 (a wet year) (A) and 1999 (a dry year) (B). See Fig. 4 for species abbrevia-

and McPeek 1994) coupled with antipredator defenses (e.g., contain a higher proportion of species (e.g., treefrogs, Hyla
toxic skin; Kats et al. 1988). spp.) whose larvae are vulnerable to predatory fish (Kats et
In contrast to our findings, other studies have demon- al. 1988; Smith et al. 1999; Baber 2001). Alternatively, be-
strated a negative correlation between the presence of preda- cause our study included only 14 permanent wetlands and
tory fish and amphibian-assemblage parameters (e.g., Heyer because we measured only fish presence, we may have
et al. 1975; Hayes and Jennings 1986; Hecnar and lacked the statistical power to uncover more subtle effects
MCloskey 1997). Hecnar and MCloskey (1997) found a and we were unable to examine possible relationships be-
negative correlation between the presence of predatory fish tween predatory-fish abundance and patterns of larval am-
and larval amphibian species richness in southwestern phibian assemblages. Nevertheless, our results suggest that
Ontario, Canada. Similarly, M.J. Baber, K.J. Babbitt, F. Jor- there was no dramatic impact of predatory fish on larval am-
dan, H.L. Jelks, and W.H. Kitchens (unpublished manu- phibian species richness in permanent wetlands in this study,
script) reported that only 4 of the 12 native anuran species in although predatory fish seemingly contribute to variation in
southern Florida occur in permanent wetlands containing species composition and abundance among permanent
predatory fish. Variation among regions in the effect of pred- wetlands.
atory fish on amphibian species richness may depend largely
on the predator and prey species pool (Hecnar and Predatory invertebrates
MCloskey 1997). Perhaps most importantly, the northern The richness and the abundance of several amphibian spe-
New England amphibian species pool includes a high pro- cies were positively correlated with invertebrate richness and
portion of species known to utilize permanent wetlands with total invertebrate abundance. Specifically, wetlands with low
predatory fish, whereas other regions (e.g., the southeast) amphibian species richness and abundance also had depaup-

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erate predatory-invertebrate assemblages, whereas wetlands least 4 continuous months to meet the habitat requirements
with species-rich and abundant amphibian assemblages sup- for most pond-breeding amphibians.
ported species-rich and abundant invertebrate assemblages. It must be noted that wetlands with hydroperiods
This suggests that species-rich and abundant predatory in- >4 months are still ecologically and functionally important
vertebrate assemblages do not lower amphibian species rich- components of a the landscape. These wetlands are impor-
ness or necessarily lead to low amphibian abundances. tant breeding sites for R. sylvatica and P. crucifer and may
Rather, invertebrates and amphibians may be responding support unique invertebrate assemblages and provide critical
similarly to differences in abiotic or productivity-related fac- habitat for some species (e.g., fairy shrimp, Eubranchipus
tors. spp.). Moreover, seasonally inundated wetlands have hydro-
Variation in amphibian assemblages among wetlands has periods that vary among years, and wetlands that typically
been attributed to the degree of canopy cover (Werner and have hydroperiods >4 months may support more species-rich
Glennemeier 1999; Skelly et al. 1999, 2002). Wetlands com- assemblages during extremely wet years. Finally, these
pletely enclosed by canopy may have lower dissolved oxy- wetlands serve as stepping stones for dispersing amphibians,
gen concentrations, less algal food because of lower light and thus contribute to metapopulation dynamics (Hanski and
levels, and cooler water, all of which may limit growth and Gilpin 1991; Gibbs 1993).
prevent metamorphosis before drying events occur (Werner Based on the above, when landowners and agencies at-
and Glennemeier 1999; Skelly et al. 2002). For example, tempt to manage woodlands for pond-breeding amphibians,
Skelly et al. (1999) suggested that forest canopy closure lim- the presence of ponds should not be used as a single predic-
ited the breeding of H. versicolor (and other species) to tor. Our results demonstrate that hydroperiod strongly influ-
open-canopy wetlands, which tend to be intermediate and ences larval amphibian assemblage parameters, particularly
long in hydroperiod. Clearly, further field and experimental species richness and composition. Protective measures de-
studies are necessary to determine the underlying cause of signed to retain a diversity of wetlands that span the hydro-
the complementary richness/abundance patterns of amphib- logical gradient are therefore necessary to ensure the long-
ian larvae and aquatic insect predators. term persistence of amphibian biodiversity. Other factors
such as wetland density, upland-habitat suitability, and land-
Conservation implications scape connectivity are also important (Semlitsch 2000). We
There is considerable interest among conservation biolo- recommend that attempts be made to broadly classify ponds
gists in modifying existing wetland regulations to ensure with respect to hydroperiod because such efforts may ulti-
better protection of amphibians and associated organisms. mately minimize the negative impacts of development on lo-
Current regulations do not adequately protect the breeding cal and regional amphibian species richness.
habitat of many amphibian species, and may fail to protect Our results suggest that, all else being equal, modifying
nonbreeding habitat (surrounding upland areas). Federal and wetlands with hydroperiods <4 months may have less impact
state regulations designed to protect isolated wetlands of on amphibian species richness than modifying seasonally in-
high conservation value are largely based on wetland size, undated wetlands with longer hydroperiods. We expect that
although three states in New England (Massachusetts, New our conclusions will apply to the northeastern United States
Hampshire, and Connecticut) regulate the filling of isolated and southeastern Canada. However, this scenario is unlikely
depressions that contain surface water for at least 2 continu- to apply universally, and, in a specific region, is largely de-
ous months during spring and summer (Colburn 1995; pendent on the number and proportion of species that are
Donahue 1995; Tappan 1997; Paton and Crouch 2002). Nev- able to rapidly develop to metamorphosis (which is typically
ertheless, several researchers have recently pointed out the higher in warmer climates) and the impact of predatory fish
limited practical use of using wetland size as a basis for wet- on larval amphibian assemblages. For example, wetlands in
land protection (Semlitsch and Bodie 1998; Snodgrass et al. Florida with hydroperiods less than 4 months may contain a
2000a, 2000b; Paton and Crouch 2002). relatively high proportion of the regional species pool be-
Based on the relationship between larval amphibian as- cause most species are able to reach metamorphosis in less
semblages and hydroperiod in this study, hydroperiod is than 4 months (Babbitt and Tanner 2000). Efforts to broadly
likely a better indicator of amphibian species richness and classify wetland hydroperiods will also enable conservation
probably amphibian productivity (the successful develop- planners to minimize impacts on relatively underrepresented
ment of metamorphs) than wetland size. Although we did wetland types. For example, in regions where ephemeral
find that wetland hydroperiod and size were strongly and ponds are rare, alternative development projects that modify
positively correlated in this study, hydroperiod had a stron- wetland(s) with longer hydroperiods may be less damaging
ger influence on larval amphibian assemblage structure overall. This may hold true in many regions where mitiga-
than did wetland size. Intermediate- and long-hydroperiod tion efforts are essentially substituting seasonal wetlands for
wetlands had higher species richness than short-hydroperiod permanent water bodies (Pechmann et al. 2001).
(<4 months) wetlands, which were relatively depauperate.
From the standpoint of amphibian conservation, this high- Acknowledgments
lights the importance of differentiating between ephemeral
wetlands (classified as short-hydroperiod wetlands in this Funding for this project was provided by the New Hamp-
study) and wetlands with hydroperiods >4 months (classified shire Fish and Game Department, the New Hampshire De-
as intermediate-hydroperiod wetlands in this study). Simi- partment of Environmental Services, the Environmental
larly, Paton and Crouch (2002) concluded that amphibian Protection Agency, and the University of New Hampshire
species in southern Rhode Island require hydroperiods of at Graduate School. We sincerely thank S. Callaghan, B. Wright,

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2003 NRC Canada

September 19, 2003 1:14:05 PM

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