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23 3 Vol. 23 No.


: 1000- 0240( 2001) 03- 0218- 07

Review and Prospect of the Studies of Ground

Freezing Technology in China
( )
M a Wei( )
( S tate Key L aborat ory of Fr oze n S oil E ngineeri ng , CARE ERI , CAS , L anzhou Gansu 730000, Chi na )

Abstract: T he met hod of ar tificial gr ound freezing will be used ex tensiv ely w ith the incr ease of underground
construction. Gr eat attention has being paid to the research and its application. T he developments of ground
freezing research in China ar e reviewed here. T he state- o-
f ar t and prospect of ground freezing research are ana-
ly zed.
Key words: China; rev iew and prospect; ground freezing
CLC number: P642. 14 Document code: A

sides, it has also been used in ot her underground en-

1 INT RODU CT ION gineering, for ex ample Beijing and Shang hai Sub-
w ays 3 . T he art if icial ground f reezing technolog y has
Wit h a furt her development of society and econo- been developed quickly and a group of hig h level
my, cont inuous g row th of population and relative ranks of research, desig n and construct ion have been
lessening of space, to ex ploit underspace have been est ablished in China and predict ed t hat t he method
one of import ant means w hich mankind ex pand space w ill play g reat er role in underground engineering.
for existence. Experts predicted t hat the 21st cent ury
is a cent ury of const ruct ing underground engineering.
Because t he art if icial ground f reezing method is
unlimited basically by support ing range and depth, 2. 1 Review of history
and can prevent eff ect ively the gushed w ater and de- From processes of the ground freezing research in
f orm at ion of neig hboring soil body in construction, it China, it can be divided int o t hree st ages:
w ill be one of m ain means t o complete t he under- T he first st ag e, start ed in 1970s ago is charac-
g round engineering. Af ter t he art if icial g round freez- terized by quot ing, st udy ing and applying. At t his
ing t echnolog y w as applied successfully in China in st age, the art if icial ground freezing method w as ap-
1955, it has passed more 40 years history and 392
plied mainly in shallow alluvium and the frozen soil
mines have used t he artificial ground freezing w all, w hich can be considered as an elast ic medium.
met hod , including 111 mines in Anhui, Huainan So, all calculation of design is based on m echanics of
and Huaibei. F reezing dept h of 19 m ines has ex ceed- elasticity .
ed 300 m, w ith t he maximum depth of 435 m 2 . Be

Recei ved date: 2000- 12-19; Modi fied date: 2001-04- 18

Foundation Item: T he N at ional N at ural S cience Foundat ion of China ( 49771024)
Biography: M a Wei ( 1963 ) , male, t he Hui nationalit y, born in T ianshui of G ansu Province, graduat ed from D ept . of M at hematics and M e-
chanics, Lanzhou U niversity, received t he degree of M aster in LIGG , professor, engaging in t he researches of froz en soil mechan ics
and engineering. E-mail: maw ei@ ns. lzb. ac. cn
3 : 219

During the second stage betw een 1970 s and Zhu Yuanlin et al st udied t he t ensile behav ior of
1980 , t he mining areas have ex tensively developed in st rengt h and creep in frozen soils. Li Hong sheng et
14~ 16
Huaibei, Yanzhou, Datong and H uainan et c. Because al . successfully carried out t he f ract ure tests of
of increase of f reezing depth, the t hickness of freezing f rozen soil and found t he quant it at ive relat ions among
w all w as designed very large, about 6 ~ 10 m or f ract ure toughness, t emperat ure, water contents,
more. In order to reduce t he designing t hickness of loading rate. T hrough uniax ial creep tests of frozen
freezing w all, the aim of t his st age is t o est ablish ba- soils under vary ing st resses, it is found t hat the creep
sic elast ic theory. How ever, the decrease of t hickness of frozen soil under varying stresses can be obtained
of f reezing wall by subject ive idea alw ays resulted in f rom the creep behavior under st resses by overlapping
decreasing of whole strengt h and st ability of freezing principles, and put forw ard the creep failure time cr-i
w all and caused engineering failure 4 . terion and t he unified creep model of frozen
17~ 19
T hird stage st art ed in t he beginning of 1980 s. soil . T he ex periment al study on the creep of
Because of arising of t he eng ineering failure, scient ific f rozen soil under varying t emperat ure w as firstly car-
w orkers recognized t hat it can not solve freezing eng-
i ried out . Under sine- varying t emperat ure, the creep
neering problems in deep alluvium by using the simple of f rozen soil can be macroscopically est imated by a
elast ic t heory or elastoplastic theory. Accordingly, a creep at an equivalent t emperat ure, t he equivalent
large scale research of engineering measurement in t emperat ures is far less than t he max imum tem pera-
sit u, paramet ers, physical modeling test and comput- ture corresponding to t he sine- varying tem perature
er analysis w ere systemat ically carried out and a group and lit tle higher than t he average t emperat ure 20 .
of high level research achievement s has been ob- For meet ing t he needs of engineering design, t he
t ained. behaviors of strengt h and creep under dy nam ic load
2. 2 Study of mechanical properties of frozen soils w ere studied systemat ically, and obt ained t he quant-i
Before t he 1970s, the data of all t hermal phys-
i t at ive relat ions among modulus of elasticit y, fatigue
cal paramet ers applied in t he freezing engineering st rengt h, failure st rain, minimum st rain rat e, t em-
21~ 27
w ere obt ained f rom overseas. Until arising new prob- perature, f requency and st rain rate and put for-
lems in t he freezing sinking eng ineering of Huainan w ard a creep model under t riaxial dynamic load 28 .
mining area, w e had carried out systemat ical st udies T he ex perimental st udy on impact and torsion of
of the t herm al physical and mechanical behaviors of f rozen soil w ere carried out for the first t ime, and
alluvial soils. A published book Engineering behavior some im port ant result s have been obtained 29~ 33 .
of f rozen wall in artificial freezing sinking ref lects t he Study on sub- microst ruct ure and microstructure
classical work and has been used ext ensively by de- of frozen soils during deformat ion process is one of
signing inst itut ions. important met hods to bring to mechanics mechanism
Aft er that , w e have carried out detailed st udies of frozen soils. In recent years, P u Yibin et
34~ 36 37~ 39
of st at ic, dynamics and m icro st ructure chang e under al . , Wu Ziw ang et al . , Ma Wei et
40~ 43 44, 45
loading around mechanical problems of f rozen soils. al . , Zhang Changqing et al . , Shen
A strengt h and creep behavior of frozen soil is Zhongyan et al . 46 , and Guo L i et al . 47
one of import ant propert ies. Based on a large amount and analyzed the changes of sub- microst ruct ure and
of tests, we put forw ard the st ress- st rain relat ion dia- microstructure during t he process of creep of frozen
g rams of frozen soils , t he met hod of t ime analogy soils by using Comput er T om graphy ( CT ) and Scan-
to determine long term strengt h of f rozen soils 6 , the ning Elect ronic Microscope and obtained a series of
7, 8
failure criterion of frozen soil creep , the parabolic important result s. Based on analysis of microstructure
9, 10
yield crit erion of frozen soil st reng th , t he equa- during creep, Miao T iande et al . 48, 49 put f orw ard
t ions of synthet ically def orm at ion of frozen soil 11 t he const it ut ive relation, yield criterion, t hree- d-i
et c. T hrough tensile t est s, Shen Zhongyan et al . , 12 mensional equat ion of damag e evolut ion and equat ion
220 23

of long term st reng th in f rozen soils and t heoretically 2. 3. 3. 1 Study of engineering measurement in
realized simultaneous describing phenomena of st ruc- situ
t ure st reng thening and softening of frozen soil creep Around more t han tw enty shifts in H uainan,
for t he f irst t ime. Yanzhou and Huaibei mining areas, w e carried out
T he mechanical parameters obtained by conven- study of displacement , st ress and temperature etc
t ional methods of soil mechanics only adapt shallow measurem ent in sit u, and obt ained t he relat ion among
alluvium. F or the st udy of deep alluv ium , some new radial def orm at ion, t unneling height and t ime, t he
met hods need to be used. At the beginning of the relation among freezing pressure, depth and soils
56, 57
1990s, t he St at e Key L aboratory of F rozen Soil Eng-
i et c . A lot of achievements have been adopt ed
neering syst ematically studied the st rengt h charact er- by t he designing st andard.
ist ics of f rozen soils under high conf ining pressure and 2. 3. 3. 2 Study of modeling t ests
obtained a series of new research achievement s w hich It is one of im port ant met hods of the f reezing
are not diff erent f rom t hat of t he convent ional met h- w all study t o use physical modeling test based on ana-
50, 51
ods of soil mechanics , suggesting t hat t he con- logue theory. Aft er t he 1990s, w e beg an study of
vent ional t est results did not adapt to evaluate the st a- modeling t ests. By using large modeling t est st and of
58, 59
bility of deep frozen w all. So, as a new research d-
i shaft, Cui Guangx in et al . studied t he rela-
rect ion- mechanics of frozen soil in deep alluv ium , t ions among radial deformation of freezing w all, out-
w e are carrying out the research works at present. side load, t unneling height, freezing t emperat ure,
2. 3 Study of the freezing wall t ime, deformat ion of freezing tube, st ress and thick-
2. 3. 1 Outside load of t he f reezing w all ness of freezing wall et c. and g ave the relat ion of
So far, t he out side load w as considered as a func- f reezing w all t hickness vs. various factors.
t ion of horizontal eart h pressure, namely P = kH , Meanwhile, Wu Ziw ang et al . 60, 61
, Yu
and ot her loads, for exam ple f rost- heav ing force and Chuhou et al . also carried out t he st udy of indoor
sel-f weig ht etc. , w ere not considered. It should be modeling t ests of the freezing w all and obtained a se-
noticed t hat frost- heaving force and sel- f w eight are ries of important research achievements.
import ant fact ors w hich affect stabilit y of t he freezing Besides t he modeling tests of t he f reezing shaf t,
w all, but t he research in this respect st ill is not car- Huainan Universit y of M ining Indust ry ( 1994) and
ried out . State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Eng ineering
2. 3. 2 T emperature f ield in t he freezing w all ( 1996) carried out respect ively t he modeling t ests of
T emperat ure field is an import ant index t o det er- st raight f reezing w all by using f reezing met hod of salt
m ine average strengt h and t hickness of t he freezing solution and liquid nitrogen, and probed into possibi-l
w all. From t he 1950s, scientists in China carried out ity for support ing of deep base pit in base of soft soil
laborat ory and field research by using modeling test s, by using the freezing met hod. T his laid a good foun-
comput er analysis and measurement of f ields etc. and dation of t heory for applying the f reezing method t o
52~ 55
obtained a series of research achievements . So t he support ing of deep base pit in cit y.
far, t he result s can be sat isf ied w it h t he needs of en- But it should not ice t hat the w ork in t his respect
g ineering , t hus the research in this respect has been is not enough regardless of research depth or amount,
treated coldly in recent years. and need furt her study.
2. 3. 3 Study of t he f reezing w all 2. 3. 3. 3 Study of numerical simulat ion
Aft er t he 1970s, because of arising of engineer- Com put er development provides an advantag eous
ing f ailures, large- scale study of eng ineering measure- condition for t he numerical simulation. So, from t he
ment in situ, modeling t est s and computer analysis end of 70 s, a lot of scholars beg an to devote to t he
and so on w ere carried out and obt ained a series of im- study of temperature and st ress fields of the f reezing
port ant research achievement s. w all by the numerical simulat ion and obt ained some
3 : 221

results. But because of problem of paramet ers, so f ar Shengyang subw ay , base pit of st orehouse in H ainaer
it st ill can not get anyw here. We know t hat t he m e- ( 1975) , precipitat ing tank in Nant ong nearby build-
chanical parameters of frozen soils change w it h t he in- ing ( 1981) , Shang hai subw ay etc. engineering also
crease of dept h. So t he st udy of numerical simulation used t he art ificial ground f reezing met hod, and have
is very diff icult t o obtain t he generally accepted obt ained rather good ef fect. Now lot scholars in Ch-i
achievement s. Some scholars try to use the method of na are carrying out the study and prepare of the f reez-
reversal analysis t o inquire into the paramet ers, but ing t echnolog y for apply ing the freezing method to t he
because t he abundance of parameters and t he f luctua- support ing of deep base pit in cit y 1 .
t ion of reversal value, there is st ill not signif icant
breakt hrough .
2. 4 Effects of the freezing wall on underground
structure In areas of East China, M iddle China, North
2. 4. 1 F reezing pressure China and Nort heast , t here ex ist in the considerable
T he pressure of well wall applied by the freezing t hick alluv ium . In t hese areas, the f reezing t echnolo-
w all is called the f reezing pressure. It is a resultant of gy is one of main methods to construct the under-
forces w hich include the f rost- heaving force, the ex- ground engineering. As for construction of high or
panding force of clay and t he f orce that prevent the superhigh buildings and mult-i stored basement or ot h-
freezing w all from deformation. T he measurement in er underground buildings, it is very diff icult t o sup-
sit u showed t hat t he freezing pressure relat ed wit h port pit w all composed of loose soil layer or silt layer.
soil, depth, temperature, t hickness, st rength, tun- It seems very import ant t o use the f reezing met hod.
neling height and ex posure t ime etc. , and it s size is Meanwhile, Wit h a f urt her development of societ y
almost equal t o the eart h pressure 56 . It is one of and economy , cont inuous grow th of populat ion and
main outside load for design of the w ell wall. But so relative lessening of space, to exploit underspace have
far our study only remains at t he measurement in been one of import ant means which m ankind expand
sit u. space for ex ist ence. Experts predict ed t hat 21st cen-
2. 4. 2 Additional stress during t hawing of frozen tury is a century of const ruct ing underground eng-i
soil neering. Based on t his, the freezing technology also
T he measurement in sit u f ound that during has stronger compet ing f orce. So, in China, t he
thaw ing of f rozen soil, because of cont ract ing of f reezing technolog y w ill have w ider market . T o meet
frozen soil volume, sett lement of soil layer w ill cause great challeng e in future, w e must still carry out t he
a vertical addit ional stress for t he outside w ell w all follow ing study:
and t he st ress increases w it h increase of dept h . ( 1) Accurate and syst em at ic st udy on physical
M eanw hile, the indoor tests also f ound this phe- and mechanical param eters of f rozen and thaw ed
nom enon . But because of t he st ress do not lead to soils, especially change of the paramet ers vs. depth;
large engineering accident, t he addit ional st ress st ill ( 2) Evaluat ion on st rength and st ability of f reez-
does not arouse ext ensive more not ice of engineering ing soil st ruct ures at uneven t emperat ure fields;
circles. ( 3) T o develop large- scale sof tw are syst em of
2. 5 Application of other underground engineering numerical imit at ion and t o conduct det ect ing and fore-
In China, besides applicat ion of mining shaft , cast for t he art ificial g round freezing eng ineering ;
the artificial ground freezing met hods w ere also ap- ( 4) T o carry out st udy of indoor modeling t est s
plied to ot her underground engineering. At beginning and to analyses and verif y t he model of numerical ca-l
of t he 1970s, Beijing subw ay engineering applied the culation;
art if icial ground freezing met hod that freezing lengt h ( 5) T o carry out measurement in situ of the art-i
is 90m and vert ical dept h is 28m. After t hat t ime, ficial ground freezing engineering and further to verif y
222 23

the model of numerical calculat ion; 10 Shen Zhongyan, Wu Ziw ang, Zhang Jiayi, e t al . T riaxial st rength
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