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Dear Pravin Gordhan

It gives me no pleasure to write this open letter, but the time for transparency is now.

Mr Gordhan, you were Finance Minister of this country for over six of the last eight
years, yet take no responsibility for this countrys economic performance in that time.
It is always somebody elses fault.

While you were in charge at Treasury, starting in 2009, the South Africa economy
flatlined, unemployment rose from 21% to 27% and national debt increased from 31%
to a record 51%. These are the facts and history will judge you on them.

You have used various state bodies such as the FIC and the Reserve Bank to try and
destroy me and my business colleagues with no proof of misconduct. Yet you accuse
us of state capture.

You had no shame in wasting taxpayers money on your recent legal action, which
everybody knew was a waste of time and taxpayers money and which you lost. If
you had any conscience you would pay those costs back personally, but you never

It has long been rumoured that you own shares in various large South African
companies, especially financial services, an area where you have consistently blocked
a state bank and more competition. Yet you made no public disclosure of your holdings
or noted the potential for conflicts of interest with your decision-making.
All of my bank accounts have been closed by your friends in the banking
industry. Likely with your support. Anybody can see that you are in bed with them,
rather than on the side of hard-working South African citizens.

Let us deal with some key facts that the media has published but chooses largely to

The Competition Commission charges monopoly businesses regularly in this

country. Nothing ever happens to them. Instead they become part of "Save SA"

The banks are charged with currency rigging and instead get immunity if they help
the investigation

ABSA still owes billions of Rand in interest from its previous corruption

British American Tobacco is involved in a spying scandal in South Africa

African Bank was declared bankrupt, peoples money was eaten. Then
shareholders with government money restart the same bank and all debts are forgiven

Construction companies are found guilty of billions of Rand of fraud at the FIFA
World Cup their bank accounts remain open

The Integrated Financial Management System scandal occurred on your watch

You released your Chief Procurement Officer Kenneth Brown and arranged a job for
him at Standard Bank as Public Sector Head
Why are their bank accounts still open? Why are you not calling for inquiries and
prosecutions? Yet you ignore all of this and persecute me and my business partners.

there were no conclusive findings in the state capture report

A Hawks investigation against me and Gupta family came up with no wrong doing

The ANC invited all whistle blowers to report against me and my business
colleagues which came up with nothing

And still you say we are corrupt and others are clean.

You are a conspiracy theorist who failed as a Minister of this great country. You
grandstand in Parliament and embarrass this country. Do you not think that the people
of this country can see what you are doing?

People are innocent until proven guilty. I challenge you take me to Court if you think
you have a case.

Also, you never, ever, want to acknowledge this, but the Gupta family and I have
consistently welcomed a Judicial Commission of Inquiry into all state capture.
I, and the Gupta family, pledged 15 months ago to exit our South African investments
to make sure the jobs of our fellow South Africans are protected. It has taken a while,
but we have done it. You criticise this sale, as you dont care about jobs for ordinary
people, and if it doesnt fit you and your political agenda.

How do you sleep at night? Does putting over 7,500 South Africans out of work even
bother you?

You even criticised the new Mining Charter, which was created for the benefit of
ordinary South Africans. You will always protect your friends in big business over the
ordinary man.

The youth of this country that is desperate for hope and a chance to succeed, will
eventually see you exposed for what you are.

I am selling my shares to be able to focus my time on clearing my name. At this point

I would advise you to refrain from further public statements which could affect the
current sales and my reputation. I reserve my rights to pursue legal action for the
harm you are causing.

Yours sincerely


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