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InControl Admin Guide

Version 6.0


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0


1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 6

2 Users................................................................................................................ 6

2.1 Roles.............................................................................................................................................. 8

2.1.1 Creating a New Role.............................................................................................................. 9

2.1.2 Assigning Permissions to a Role ............................................................................................ 9

2.1.3 Editing a Role ...................................................................................................................... 10

2.1.4 Deleting a Role .................................................................................................................... 10

2.2 Role Groups................................................................................................................................. 11

2.2.1 Creating a New Group......................................................................................................... 11

2.2.2 Assigning Users to a Group ................................................................................................. 12

2.2.3 Linking a Role to a Group .................................................................................................... 12

2.2.4 Editing a Group ................................................................................................................... 13

2.2.5 Deleting a Group ................................................................................................................. 13

2.3 Users ........................................................................................................................................... 14

2.3.1 Adding a New User.............................................................................................................. 14

2.3.2 Editing a User ...................................................................................................................... 16

2.3.3 Deleting a User.................................................................................................................... 18

2.4 Teams .......................................................................................................................................... 19

2.4.1 Creating a Team .................................................................................................................. 19

2.4.2 Assigning Users to a Team .................................................................................................. 19

2.4.3 Editing a Team..................................................................................................................... 20

2.4.4 Deleting a Team .................................................................................................................. 21

3 Assignments .................................................................................................. 21

3.1 Assignments Overview................................................................................................................ 21

3.2 Manage Assignments .................................................................................................................. 22

3.2.1 Assign .................................................................................................................................. 23 Import Job Pane .............................................................................................................. 24

3.2.2 Assignment Actions............................................................................................................. 25

3.2.3 Creating Assignment Folders .............................................................................................. 27

3.2.4 Number of Documents Assigned ........................................................................................ 28


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3.2.5 Teams or Users.................................................................................................................... 29

3.2.6 Tag Profile ........................................................................................................................... 30

3.2.7 Assignment Jobs.................................................................................................................. 31

3.2.8 Reassign Documents ........................................................................................................... 31 Reassign by Folder .......................................................................................................... 33 Reassign By User ............................................................................................................. 33 Reassignment Actions ..................................................................................................... 34 Reassignment Folders ..................................................................................................... 34

3.2.9 Unassign .............................................................................................................................. 34

3.3 Renaming Assignment Folders.................................................................................................... 36

3.4 Assignment Jobs.......................................................................................................................... 37

3.5 Assignment Notifications ............................................................................................................ 38

4 Fields ............................................................................................................. 40

4.1 Field Profiles................................................................................................................................ 40

4.1.1 The Default Field Profile...................................................................................................... 40

4.1.2 Creating a New Field Profile................................................................................................ 41

4.1.3 Assigning a Field Profile to a Team ..................................................................................... 41

4.1.4 Adding Fields to a Field Profile............................................................................................ 42

4.1.5 Changing the Order of Fields .............................................................................................. 43

4.1.6 Editing a Field Profile .......................................................................................................... 43

4.1.7 Deleting a Field Profile ........................................................................................................ 44

4.2 Manage Fields ............................................................................................................................. 44

4.2.1 Updating Field Properties ................................................................................................... 44 Fields-Pick Lists & Drop Downs ....................................................................................... 47

5 Tags ............................................................................................................... 48

5.1 Tags Overview ............................................................................................................................. 48

5.1.1 Tags ..................................................................................................................................... 48

5.2 Tag Profiles.................................................................................................................................. 49

5.2.1 Adding a New Tag Profile .................................................................................................... 50

5.2.2 Editing a Tag Profile ............................................................................................................ 52

5.2.3 Deleting a Tag Profile .......................................................................................................... 53


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5.2.4 Profile Order........................................................................................................................ 53

5.3 The Tag Editor ............................................................................................................................. 54

5.3.1 Creating a Tag Set ............................................................................................................... 54

5.3.2 Tag Set Types ...................................................................................................................... 56

5.3.3 Editing a Tag Set .................................................................................................................. 57

5.3.4 Deleting a Tag Set ............................................................................................................... 58

5.3.5 Creating Tags....................................................................................................................... 58

5.3.6 Editing a Tag ........................................................................................................................ 59

5.3.7 Deleting a Tag...................................................................................................................... 60

5.4 The Tag Form .............................................................................................................................. 60

5.4.1 Creating a Pane ................................................................................................................... 60

5.4.2 Adding Tags ......................................................................................................................... 61

5.4.3 Adding Fields ....................................................................................................................... 62

5.5 Tag Profile Attributes .................................................................................................................. 63

5.5.1 Tag Set and Field Attributes ................................................................................................ 63 Selection Required .......................................................................................................... 64

5.5.2 Tag Attributes...................................................................................................................... 64 Reviewed Status.............................................................................................................. 64 Is Default ......................................................................................................................... 65

6 Redactions ..................................................................................................... 67

6.1 Redactions Overview .................................................................................................................. 67

6.1.1 Redaction Setup .................................................................................................................. 67

6.2 Redaction Profiles ....................................................................................................................... 68

6.2.1 Adding a New Redaction Profile ......................................................................................... 68

6.2.2 Editing a Redaction Profile .................................................................................................. 70

6.2.3 Deleting a Redaction Profile ............................................................................................... 70

6.2.4 Profile Order........................................................................................................................ 71

6.3 The Redaction Text Editor........................................................................................................... 71

6.3.1 Creating Redaction Text ...................................................................................................... 71

6.3.2 Editing Redaction Text ........................................................................................................ 73

6.3.3 Deleting Redaction Text ...................................................................................................... 74


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

6.4 Redaction Text in Profile ............................................................................................................. 74

6.4.1 Adding Redaction Text to Profile ........................................................................................ 74

7 Wordlists ....................................................................................................... 75

7.1 Persistent Highlighting ................................................................................................................ 75

7.2 Hit Reports .................................................................................................................................. 76

7.2.1 Creating a Hit Report .......................................................................................................... 77

8 Loading Documents ....................................................................................... 81

8.1 Creating Document Loading Jobs................................................................................................ 81

8.1.1 Selecting Documents to be Loaded .................................................................................... 81

8.1.2 Numbering Loaded Documents .......................................................................................... 84

8.1.3 Metadata Fields to be Extracted ......................................................................................... 86

8.2 Running/Editing a Document Loading Job .................................................................................. 88

8.2.1 Starting a Document Loading Job ....................................................................................... 88

9 Indexing ......................................................................................................... 89

10 Production ..................................................................................................... 91

11 Settings .......................................................................................................... 91

11.1 General........................................................................................................................................ 92

11.2 Default User Options................................................................................................................... 93

11.3 Export .......................................................................................................................................... 94

11.4 Project Management .................................................................................................................. 94

11.5 Concept Clustering ...................................................................................................................... 94

11.6 Near Duplicates........................................................................................................................... 95

11.7 Email Threads.............................................................................................................................. 96

11.8 Branding ...................................................................................................................................... 96

11.9 Batch Update Service .................................................................................................................. 96

11.10 System Settings ..................................................................................................................... 100

12 Assisted Review ........................................................................................... 100


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

1 Introduction
This document discusses the Admin portion of Reveals InControl software. It outlines how to
manage users, assignments, fields, tags, and overall project settings which are part of InControls
Admin tab. It also details various parts of the Review tab which relate to overall project

The Admin tab provides the tools to accomplish a majority of the tasks that an administrator must
perform. When the Admin tab is selected, the Admin menu bar is shown immediately below the
Admin tab. The Admin menu bar contains the items: Users, Assignments, Fields, Tags, Wordlists,
Indexing, Production, and Settings. Each of these menu items are discussed in the following

2 Users

A user account is what individuals use to access InControl. Through a single account, one user may
be granted access to multiple InControl projects. To access an InControl project, a user is given a
user name and a password, which are used to log into InControl through a web browser.

As an InControl Administrator, one of your basic tasks will be creating and modifying user accounts.
This is done through the Admin tab, where Users, Teams, Role Groups, and Roles are used to
manage user information and permissions. At the outset of a project, a list of users and their basic
information is loaded into the system, and default Groups and Roles are created. The
Administrator then takes on the responsibility of adding new Roles, Groups, Teams, and Users as
needed, and adjusting or updating their associated attributes as a project progresses.

Groups, Roles, and Permissions

The main purpose of InControl Groups and Roles is to establish appropriate permissions for users.
Groups and Roles are similar in concept, but have practical differences that must be understood.
The relationship between Users, Groups, and Roles can be described as follows:

Roles are entities to which specific permissions are assigned.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Groups are entities to which individual Users are assigned.
Groups and Roles are linked together, thereby granting Users with the desired permissions.

Furthermore, it can be said that:

Every User can belong to only one Group at a given time and a Group may contain multiple
Roles and Groups are linked in a one-to-one manner, meaning that a Role must be linked to
one and only one Group, and a Group must be linked to one and only one Role. For this
reason, a Role and its corresponding Group are typically given names that are similar or


Teams are used to control the content that the Users can access: Field Profiles, Tag Profiles,
Work Folder Access, and Assignments.
Unlike Roles, Users can be placed into multiple Teams, depending on the desired workflow.

Upon project creation, four default Roles and corresponding Role Groups are created. They are:

1. Administrator
2. Reviewer
3. Power Reviewer
4. Client Administrator

These default Roles have pre-defined permissions assigned to them. For more information about
permissions, see Section 2.1.2.

It is generally recommended that further customization be performed in four phases:

Modify or add
Modify or add Modify or add Modify or add
Roles Users Users to Teams
Role Groups

All four phases utilize the Users menu item, shown below as an underlined link on the Admin
menu bar.

InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

As shown above, the left-hand pane provides links through which Users, Teams, Groups, and Roles
are managed. These links open windows in the right-hand pane allowing various tasks to be
performed. The remainder of Section 2 discusses each of the above illustrated phases in the order


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

2.1 Roles
Upon clicking the Roles link in the left-hand pane, you will be presented with the Manage Roles
screen. It is a list containing all Roles currently available in the project.

During initial project setup, only the four default Roles discussed above are created, but more
may be added as described below.

2.1.1 Creating a New Role

To create a new Role, click the Add New Role link and give the Role a unique name. A
description of the Role is recommended, but not required.

After entering the unique name and optional description, just click Add Role. In order
to use the Role, you now must assign permissions to the Role.

2.1.2 Assigning Permissions to a Role
Permissions are assigned to a Role by clicking the Roles Assign Permissions link on the
Manage Roles screen. Upon clicking this link, you are presented with a list of all
available permissions for the project. The name of the Role you are working with is
displayed at the top of the window, and its current permissions are highlighted and

Important: When this window first opens, permissions that are currently assigned to
the Role in question will be checked, as shown below.

InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Through these permissions, access to specific areas of InControl can be blocked, or
individual views and actions may be controlled, allowing you to restrict access to
sensitive data within the project.

2.1.3 Editing a Role
The name or description of a Role can be changed by clicking the Roles Edit link on the
Manage Roles screen.

2.1.4 Deleting a Role
You can delete a Role from a project by clicking on the Roles Delete link next in the
Manage Roles screen. Note that all permissions assigned to the Role must be
unassigned before the Role can be deleted. Also, a Role must be disconnected from its
Group before it can be deleted. This is done through the Group link in the left-hand
pane, as discussed in Section 2.2.3.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

2.2 Role Groups
Upon clicking the Role Groups link in the left-hand pane, you are presented with the Manage
Groups screen.

The Manage Groups screen shows the Role Groups currently available in the project, and it is
also where new Groups are created and existing Groups can be edited or deleted. This screen is
also where you must link a newly created Group to its corresponding Role, as well as Users are
assigned to a Role.

2.2.1 Creating a New Group
New Groups are created by clicking the Add New Group link in the Manage Groups
screen. Before creating a new Group, you should create a new Role to which it can be
linked (Section 2.1.1.) It is recommended to name your newly created Group the same
as your newly created role. A Group description is recommended, but not required.

After entering a name and optional description, click the Add Group button, or click
Cancel to exit without creating a new Group.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

2.2.2 Assigning Users to a Group

You can assign users to a Group by clicking the Assign Users link in the Manage
Groups screen. A window will open displaying a list of all of users currently available
within a project.

Select the desired users for your Group and click Assign Users or click Cancel to exit.

Important: When this window first opens, users that are currently assigned to the
Group in question will be checked and highlighted, as shown above. Clicking on a users
name (rather than directly in a checkbox) will check that user and uncheck all other
users. If this happens unintentionally, simply click Cancel to exit without making any

It must also be understood that users cannot be assigned to more than one Group at a
time. Hence, assigning a user in this window will automatically un-assign them from any
previously assigned Group.

2.2.3 Linking a Role to a Group
Now that your new Group has users, the next step is to link the Group to a Role, thereby
granting permissions to the Groups users. This is done by clicking the Link to Role link
in the Manage Groups screen. You are presented with a list of Roles available in the

Select the desired Role and click the Link button, or click Cancel to exit without
making a link.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

2.2.4 Editing a Group
Clicking a Groups Edit link in the Manage Groups screen will allow you to change the
name or description of a Group.

Make your changes and click Update to save them, or Cancel to exit without saving.

2.2.5 Deleting a Group
A Group can be deleted by clicking its Delete link in the Manage Groups screen.

Note that all users assigned to a Group must be removed before the Group can be
deleted. Also, the Group must be unassigned from its Role before deletion can be

2.3 Users
As described above, basic user information is entered into the system at the creation of a project.
However, if additional users must be added, or if existing users need their information updated,
the Users link in the left-hand pane can be used to access the User Information screen, which is
simply a list of all users and their associated details.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

The list can be sorted alphabetically/numerically by clicking on column headings. Below the list is
a navigation bar that allows you to quickly move through the list. You can navigate from page to
page by using the forward and back arrows at the left side of the bar, or you can enter a page
number into the Page field in the middle of the bar and click Go. By default there are 10 users
displayed per screen, but you can change that by entering a value into the Page Size field and
clicking Change. At the right side of the bar, the total number of users is shown.

2.3.1 Adding a New User
To add a new user, click the Add link at the top of the User information
screen. The Create User form opens.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

When creating new User Names, it is best to use an easy to remember format such as
first initial followed by last name. User Names must also be unique, so after typing in a
desired User Name, click the Check Availability button to verify that it does not already

Continue entering in the rest of the new users information. Required information is
marked with a red asterisk. This includes First Name, Last Name, Password, Email
Address, Phone Number, Language, User Type, and Group Name.

You must enter a password to allow the user to log in for the first time, at which point
they will automatically be prompted to change their password. Passwords must contain
both upper and lower case letters, and a number, a special character, and they must be
at least 6 characters in length.

If Include Address is checked, then additional fields of Address Type, AddressLine1,
Country, City, State, and Zip Code will also be required.

In this screen you can also choose whether to add the user as a Project Management
Contact. Doing so will place the users name in drop-downs of various sections in the
Project Manager tab.

2.3.2 Editing a User
If you need to update information for an existing user, locate them in the User
information screen and click their Edit link. The Edit User window opens.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Here you can change any attribute for a user, with the exception of User Name or
password. If a user needs a new User Name for any reason, a new account must be
created and the old account deleted. Passwords can be reset by the user or the
database administrator.

To modify a users attributes, simply make the changes and press the Update button at
the bottom of the screen.

Note that in this screen you can change the users Group assignment using the Group
Name field.

Disabling a User

The Enable User checkbox is checked by default. Unchecking this box will disable the
user for all InControl projects. Note that it does not matter which project you, the
Administrator, are currently logged into when you uncheck the box.

If instead you wish to disable a user for just one specific project, this can be
accomplished by logging into that project and deleting the user as described in Section
2.3.3. In short, disabling a user can be considered a global change, while deleting a user
can be thought of as merely removing a users access to the current project.

Password Resetting

The Edit User screen also provides a Reset Password button. If a users password
must be reset for any reason, just click the Reset Password button and the user will be
forced to input a new password the next time they log in.

The user will attempt to login in with their last-known good password and they will be
greeted with the message, Your Password has been reset by admin. Click here to
change password.

Clicking the link will open the Change Password window.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

To see the password constraints, the user can hover over the informational button next
to the New Password text box.

The password constraints are as follows:

Must be at least 6 characters in length
Can only be re-used after 5 iterations
Must contain at least 1 numeric character
Must contain a special character
Must contain at least 1 uppercase character
Must contain at least 1 lowercase character

2.3.3 Deleting a User
If you wish to remove a users access to a project, first make sure you are logged into
the desired project yourself, then locate the user in the User information screen and
click their Delete link. You will be prompted to confirm the action.

As noted above, if you wish to remove a users access to any and all InControl projects,
you should disable the user as described in Section 2.3.2.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

2.4 Teams
Teams can be created in order to group users for assignments, Work Folders, field profiles, or tag
profiles. Upon clicking the Teams link in the left-hand pane, you will be presented with the
Manage Teams screen. It is a list containing all Teams currently available in the project.

2.4.1 Creating a Team
New Teams are created by clicking the Add link in the Manage Teams screen. Users
can be added to multiple teams. Give your newly created Team a unique name that is
easily identified. A Group description is recommended, but not required.

2.4.2 Assigning Users to a Team
You can assign users to a Team by clicking the Assign Users link in the Manage Teams
screen. A window will open displaying a list of all of users currently available within a


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Select the desired users for your Team and click Save or click Cancel to exit.

Important: When this window first opens, users that are currently assigned to the Team
in question will be checked and highlighted, as shown above. Clicking on a users name
(rather than directly in a checkbox) will check that user and uncheck all other users. If
this happens unintentionally, simply click Cancel to exit without making any changes.

It must also be understood that users can be assigned to more than one Team at a time.

2.4.3 Editing a Team
Clicking a Teams Edit link in the Manage Teams screen will allow you to change the
name or description of a Team.

Make your changes and click Update to save them, or Cancel to exit without saving.

2.4.4 Deleting a Team
A Team can be deleted by clicking its Delete link in the Manage Teams screen.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3 Assignments
Assigning documents is the practice of dividing up sets of documents to be reviewed by multiple
users in a controlled manner. InControl has many assignment-related features, and their utilization
can be very beneficial when managing document review.

One such assignment-related feature is the My Assignments folder. Each user has a My
Assignments folder which contains all assignment sub-folders. Within each sub-folder there are
dynamic folders for Reviewed and Not Reviewed items, helping the user to keep track of their
progress. Similarly, the InControl Reports tab has a number of reports related to assignment
progress, allowing review administrators to easily track overall progress.

To maximize the advantage provided by these features, InControls Assignments must be utilized.

3.1 Assignments Overview
When using Assignments, documents are grouped and placed into assignment folders. These
folders are named with a prefix and incremented with a zero-padded naming convention
(example, Review00001, Review00002, etc.) Next, the folders are assigned to reviewers (users) or
groups of users (teams).

A document can only be assigned to one person at a time. To move a document from one folder
to another or one person to another is called reassigning.

Within InControl, assignments and reassignments are created in the Assignments menu item
under the Admin tab. Clicking Assignments will open a screen featuring two tabs along the far
left edge of the screen labeled Manage Assignments and Reassign Documents.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3.2 Manage Assignments
Manage Assignments can be used to learn more about the documents loaded into your InControl
database. Use it to batch documents into assignment folders and to assign documents to

Click the Manage Assignments tab to display the Import Job pane on the left and the
Assignment area on the right.

There are three types of assignment jobs: Assign, Reassign, and Unassign. The first step
is to assign documents. This is done through the Import Job Pane.

3.2.1 Assign
Assign allows you to create initial batches of documents and assign them to reviewers.
It is the default tab when you enter the assignment area or click Manage Assignments.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0 Import Job Pane
While in Assign, the Import Job pane (shown above at the left) displays all of the
import jobs (document loads) performed for the project to date. Imports are
listed in load order and named for the database load file used to load the
documents. Use this area to learn more about the documents loaded into the
system and to assign documents from specific import jobs. The numbers in
parentheses after each job denote the number of documents assigned and the
total number of documents loaded per job.

Import Detail

The Import Detail appears when you hover over an import job in the pane. This
can be used to learn more about the documents in the import job. The following
attributes are displayed:

Import Job Name The name of the database load file used to load the

Batch The batch information found in BATCHID field for the documents.

Document Range The control or bates number range found in the BEGDOC
and ENDDOC fields.

Custodian The custodian information found in the CUSTODIAN field for the


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

To the right of each attribute infers that all attributes have the numbers, while Loaded
and Range attributes do not have the numbers.

3.2.2 Assignment Actions
To begin assigning documents, click the checkbox of one or more load files in the Import
Job Pane. With the Assign Documents tab highlighted at the top of the right-hand
pane, you will see a drop-down of assignment actions next to the text Assign
Documents by. These are used to make assignments based on specific attributes. You
can you make assignment by:

Document Assigns documents in BEGDOC order. Family members are
automatically kept together.

Batch Assigns documents in BEGDOC order for the selected batches. Batches
are groups of documents grouped by the BATCHID field data. Common data
loaded to the BATCHID field is data like Volume Number. Family members are
automatically kept together if they are found within the selected batches.

Custodian Assigns documents in BEGDOC order for the selected custodians.
Family members are automatically kept together if they are found within the
selected custodians. This does not group by Custodian.

Thread Assigns entire email thread and their family members.

Search Assigns search results in BEGDOC order. Family members are only
included if they are part of the search result.

Once you select an assignment action, you will be prompted for further information if

InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

necessary. For example, if you choose Custodian you will be prompted to select specific
custodians by name. To calculate the total number of documents remaining to be
assigned for the selected custodians, click Tally Documents.

Assigning documents by Search is very similar to InControls regular Search function. To
display the total number of documents available according to your results, click the Tally


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3.2.3 Creating Assignment Folders
Before you can assign documents to reviewers, the documents must be placed into
assignment folders. This is done in the Assignment area by specifying the assignment
folder prefix and the amount of documents you would like for each folder.

To do this, click the Create/Select button.

A Create Assignment Folder window opens. Select a radio button to use either a new
folder or an existing folder. If you choose a new folder, enter the desired prefix for the
folder name. InControl will automatically add a 5 digit padded number starting at 1, or
it will pick up where you left off and increment the folder names accordingly.

If you want to create multiple folders and place a limit on the number of documents in
each folder, enter the maximum desired quantity in the Limit assignment count to
field. In most instances the quantity of documents in each of the resulting folders will
either match exactly or be slightly lower than this amount.

Please note, however, that since most assignments must keep certain documents
together such as family members and threads there will be times when the resulting
quantity in a folder will exceed your desired maximum. For example, if a family group
originates from a zip file with 4,000 family members, a limit of 500 items per folder will
still result in a single folder containing all 4,000 documents, due simply to the family
member status of the documents.

Click Submit to create the assignment folder(s), or click Cancel to exit.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3.2.4 Number of Documents Assigned
In the field for Assign this many documents, enter the quantity of documents you wish
to assign, and choose whether you want assign that quantity to an assignment pool,
each user, or a total across users.

Assignment Pool (Self-Assign)
Selecting assignment pool will assign the documents to a pool which users have access
to rather than directly to the users.

To Each User
To each user will assign the amount specified to each user.

Total will assign the amount overall and attempt to evenly divide up the total amongst
the users.

3.2.5 Teams or Users
The Select Team or Select Users section is where you indicate which teams or users
should receive documents directly or for self-assign. Select Teams for when you want
entire Teams to receive the documents for assignment. Select Users for when you want
to choose individual users. Select the checkboxes as desired.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3.2.6 Tag Profile
Every assignment must be associated to a tag profile. This will control the assignment
review progress (reviewed and not reviewed status of the documents).

To associate a Tag Profile to an assignment select the Tag Profile from the Tag Profile
dropdown before submitting. If later you need to change the associated profile you
may do so in the Assignment Jobs screen by clicking the Status dropdown\Details.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3.2.7 Assignment Jobs
When you create an assignment, you will be requested to enter a Job Name and the
system then submits as a job, rather than tying up your computer. This allows you to
do other things while the software batches and assigns your documents.

To see the status of your job, click the Assignment Jobs tab.

3.2.8 Reassign Documents
Once documents are assigned, they can be re-assigned to a different user via the Reassign
Documents tab in Manage Assignments.

When selecting documents to reassign, you have two options:

Reassign by Folder will allow you to reassign from one or more specific assignment
folders or user assignments.

Reassign by User will reassign documents currently assigned to a specific person.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0 Reassign by Folder
Select the Reassign by Folder radio button to reassign by assignment folder. In
Reassign by Folder, the assignment folders are organized by prefix, user, and
folder name. To reassign a prefix, user, or folder simply place a mark in the
checkbox next to its name.

Any documents assigned to the pool and not assigned yet to a specific person will
be in the *Unassigned user category. Reassign By User
Selecting this radio button will allow you to choose one or more specific users
from which to reassign. Place a checkmark next to one or more users.

Any documents assigned to the pool and not assigned yet to a specific person will
be in the *Unassigned user category. Reassignment Actions
In reassignment, you can perform the same actions found in the Manage
Assignment tab. This allows you to reassign with flexibility.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0 Reassignment Folders
When reassigning, you may keep documents in their current assignment folders
or move them to new folders. To keep documents in their existing folders, select
Use Current. This will enable you to move documents from one assignee to
another, but maintain the existing folder name.

To create a new set of folders with a new prefix, select New. Select Existing if
you would like to continue with an existing prefix.

The rest of the Reassignment process is carried out in the same manner as
original assignment, described in Section 3.2.

3.2.9 Unassign
In Manage Assignments, you not only have the ability to assign and reassign, but also to
unassign. To unassign documents, click the Unassign button at the top of the right-
hand pane. Options here are similar to reassign. Existing assignment folders are
grouped by folder and by user.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Unassigning will remove the documents from the folder/user selected and place them
back to unassigned status. To assign them you would next click Assign Documents.
Unassigning does not delete the assignment folder, but empty folders will not be visible
from the assignment area or in reviewers My Assignments.

3.3 Renaming Assignment Folders
Assignment folder prefixes can be changed after an assignment has been made. To rename

1. Go to Reassign Documents.
2. Select the Reassign by Folder radio button to expand the tree.
3. Right mouse click on the folder prefix.
4. Select Rename. The Rename Assignment Folder pop-up will appear.
5. Enter the New Folder Name prefix
6. Click Submit.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3.4 Assignment Jobs

In addition to information on your assignment jobs status, this screen will track and display the
assignment job specifications. Jobs appear in the order of creation, with the last job submitted on top.

Once you are ready to create the folders and assign, click the Submit button.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3.5 Assignment Notifications
Assignment notifications can be used to activate and setup notifications to reviewers and
administrators regarding new assignments and assignment progress.

Activate Notifications should be checked if you would like to turn on notifications. This
will result in reviewers receiving notifications when they receive assignments.

Notify when Reviewers Assignments are Compete will result administrators listed in
Users to Alert receiving notifications when users complete their assignments.

The setting Alert when a reviewer has less than X documents will alert the
administrators when the number left to review for a reviewer is lower than the number


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

4 Fields
InControls Document List and Review window fields can be modified or altogether hidden from
users of a given Team. To make such changes, go to Fields within the Admin tab. Here you will be
able to create Field Profiles and assign them to Teams. Field Profiles allow you to control which
fields a Team can see, whether those fields will be displayed with their original field name or a
customized field name, and whether those fields will be editable or not.

Upon clicking Fields you will be presented with a left-hand pane showing two links named Field
Profiles and Manage Fields. Field profiles is used to setup and modify field security. Manage Fields
is used to change field display names and behavior in the review window Fields area.

4.1 Field Profiles
When Field Profiles is selected (highlighted blue) you will see the Field Profile Information window
at the right. This is where you can create and modify Field Profiles.

4.1.1 The Default Field Profile
When a project is first created, a Default Field Profile is automatically created to include a set of
standard fields available in the database. This Field Profile will be assigned to all users unless a
different profile is explicitly assigned (as performed in Section 4.3). The Default Field Profile is
denoted by a checkmark in the Is Default column.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

A project may only have one Default Field Profile, and clients can specify at project creation
which fields should be present in the Default Field Profile.

4.1.2 Creating a New Field Profile
New Field Profiles are added to a project by clicking the Add Field Profile link. Enter a unique
name for the new Field Profile.

After entering the unique name and optional description, click the Add button. To exit without
creating a new Field Profile, click Cancel.

4.1.3 Assigning a Field Profile to a Team
Initially, all Teams are assigned the Default Field Profile. You can assign a different Field Profile
to a Team by clicking on that Field Profiles Assign Teams link. A window will open to display a
list of all Teams currently available in the project.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Mark the checkboxes as desired. This is a multi-select window, allowing you to assign the Field
Profile to multiple Teams in one step. Be aware, however, that a Team cannot be assigned to
multiple Field Profiles at a time, so assigning to a Team in this window will automatically un-
assign any other Field Profile from the Team or Teams selected.

Click the Assign button, or click Cancel to exit without assigning to a Team. If an admin would
like a user to have access to multiple field profiles, then they can create a team, add the user(s)
to that team and then assign the user(s) to multiple teams, and then assigning that team to the
field profile, thereby giving them access to multiple field profiles.

4.1.4 Adding Fields to a Field Profile
You can choose which fields to include in a Field Profile by clicking on its Assign Fields link.

You will be presented with a list of all fields in the database. Each field contains metadata or
coded information associated with the documents.

To make a field visible to users, place a checkmark in the Included column and in the Initially
Visible column, and then click Assign.

To remove a field from a profile, uncheck the Included column and click Assign. You may add
and remove multiple fields from the profile at the same time. Just check and uncheck the rows
as desired and click Assign to save changes.


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Please note that the Initially Visible column must be checked if you want users to see the field
in their Document List by default. Alternatively, there may be times when you want users to be
able to access a field and make it visible for themselves, if they choose but you wish for the
field to remain hidden until a user chooses to make it visible for themselves. In such a case,
simply make the Initially Visible column unchecked and the Included checked. This will give
users the ability to turn on the fields visibility via the Fields menu in the Review tab.

4.1.5 Changing the Order of Fields
You can change order of fields displayed during Review by clicking on the profiles Order Fields

Select a field and then drag up and down to the desired position to change the order of the fields.

4.1.6 Editing a Field Profile
To edit the name or description of a Field Profile, click the Edit link from the Field Profile
Information window. A window opens allowing you to make the desired changes.

Click Update to save changes, or Cancel to exit.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

4.1.7 Deleting a Field Profile
You can delete a Field Profile from a project by clicking the Delete link in the Field Profile
Information window.

4.2 Manage Fields
Manage fields is used to change a fields display name in the document list and review window, as
well as change a fields attributes in the coding form. For example, manage fields can be used to
make a field updateable and associate the field to a value list. Fields are managed at the profile
level, so you are able to control attributes at a team level.

4.2.1 Updating Field Properties
Select the Manage Fields link in the left-hand pane and you will be able to change the properties
of your fields. These properties are described in detail below.

To edit a field, begin by using the drop-down as pictured below to select the Field Profile
containing the field you wish to edit.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Next, select the field you wish to edit from the drop-down immediately to the right of the Field
Profile drop-down. Clicking on a field will bring up the currently saved properties of the field.

Each field has the following properties:

Name is the field name that is stored in the database. It cannot be updated.

Description allows the Administrator to type in a more detailed description of the
specified field.

Field Display Names is the column header in the Document List. You can edit the Display
Names, allowing for multiple languages, by clicking on the language you would like to
have the field displayed in, and then click the pencil and paper icon to bring up the edit
window. The languages available are only those listed in the dropdown.

Effective Data Type allows the Administrator to change the how data is displayed within
the tool. This is most common in dealing with date fields. This can also be used to set a
field to work with a drop-down list.

Display Lines allows the Administrator to you now have the ability to set the number of
display lines for a field. Once the number of display lines are configured for a field in
Manage Fields, the new setting will take effect everywhere that field is used.

List Type allows the Administrator to select from the different types of lists, as well as
determine if the list can be Appendable or not.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Linked List is available for fields that have List or Multi-List as their effective data type.
Here you can select a list to associate with the field and control what list is used in the

Max Field Length is the value for how many characters can fit within a field. This can only
be edited within the Ops Center.

Multi-Value is for fields containing multiple values within the field. This can only be
edited within the Ops Center.

Initially Visible is a Boolean value that determines whether a field will be visible to a user
when they first log in to the system.

Required is a Boolean value that determines whether the field is required in the

Updateable allows the Administrator to allow a field to be editable in the review module.
This can be used to allow document coding directly within Reveal. There are required and
system fields that cannot be set to updateable. Administrators should carefully consider
making a field editable as it will allow users to directly alter the data in the database. It is
strongly encouraged that only custom or user-added fields be allowed to be edited.

Sortable is a Boolean value that determines whether the field will appear in the Sort
menu within the Review tab.

Is Document Number Field allows the Administrator to allow field to be displayed in the
Production Database Update screen and for use as a key field in image loading.

Allow Tally is available for fields that can be included in the field Summary. Here you can
select whether or not the field will be displayed as one of the fields when using a
Summary filter on the Folder View of the Review tab. Fields-Pick Lists & Drop Downs
InControl allows you to associate automatically generated or manually created
value lists to fields.

To associate a list go to Admin\Fields\Manage Fields and select the Field profile
and Field you would like associate the list to.

1. Users will not be able to edit the field unless the field is made Updateable.
As a first step, change Updateable to Yes.
2. Select the Effective Data Type Lists. The list will become a pick-list if the field
is a multi-value field or a dropdown if the field is a single value field.
3. Select the type of list you would like: Automatic or Managed.
a. An automatic list will be created based on the values in the field.
This is a good choice if you want the list to contain only data in the
field or appended by a reviewer during coding.
b. A managed list is a list that youve created in advance and will

InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

manage in the Operations Center by loading values from fields, text
files, and\or manual entry.
4. If youve selected Managed list, select the list name in Linked List.
5. If users should be allowed to append, change Appendable to Yes.
6. Click save to save.

5 Tags
Tags are used to categorize documents and track review progress. Determining which tags to use
and how they are to be organized will depend on the type of project or review being performed. To
provide flexibility, InControls Admin tab has a Tags area, where you can create multiple Tag
Profiles and grant access to them.

5.1 Tags Overview

5.1.1 Tags
Tag Setup is organized into 4 areas:

Tag Profiles: Profiles are associated to users and user teams, and associated to tag forms.
Tag Form: Area used to configure the tags and fields, as well as set any profile level
options such as review status, tag defaults, and required status.
Fields: Using drag-and-drop, administrator can drag any fields the associated users have
access to into the tag form.
Tag Set Editor: Used to create, edit, and organize tags. All tags are part of a tag set (tag
field). Each tag set can be mutually exclusive, multi-select, or tree type.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Tag Setup Workflow

It is recommended that you follow the workflow below when setting up tags:

1. Create Tag Profile
2. Create Tags
3. Build Tag Form
4. Set Tag Attributes in Form

5.2 Tag Profiles
A tag profile is needed to build a tag form, give users access to tags, and track review progress.
Each tag profile is associated to a set of users and\or user teams. Each user can have access to
more than one tag profile. When using a profile, users will see and use the set of tags associated
to it. Tag options like review status, required tags, and default tags are all set at the profile level.

The first step in setting up tags is to create a tag profile. To do this, click on the Admin tab and
then click the Tags menu item. This will open to the Tag Profile tab by default.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5.2.1 Adding a New Tag Profile
To add a new tag profile:

1. Click the Add New Tag Profile Button

2. The Add Profile box will pop-up. Type in the Profile Name


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3. Click Add to give Teams and Users access to the profile

4. The Select Teams and Users Box will appear. Select the Users and\or Teams you
would like to have access the tag profile and click Save.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5. Click Create to Create the Tag Profile.

6. The Tag Profile will be added to the tag profile list.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5.2.2 Editing a Tag Profile
To edit a tag profile:

1. Select the Tag Profile

2. Click the Edit Button or Right-Click and Select Edit

3. Make your changes

4. Click Update

5.2.3 Deleting a Tag Profile
To Delete a Tag Profile:

1. Select the Tag Profile

2. Click the Edit Button or Right-Click and Select Delete.

3. The Confirmation Message will appear. Click Yes to Confirm Delete. No to Cancel.

5.2.4 Profile Order
The order of the profiles influences the order in which they will appear in users profile
dropdowns and which profile is the default when they initially begin using the software.

You can use drag-drop to order the profiles:


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5.3 The Tag Editor
Once youve created your profile you are ready to add Tags to the database. You do this in the
Tag Editor. Adding items to the tag editor does not give users access, but it prepares the tag data
for Tag Profile setup.

5.3.1 Creating a Tag Set
A tag set is a tag field which stores your tags, and it is also reflected in the database as a
field that can be displayed in the Document List Grid. The Tag Set name will appear as a
label for the tags in the review window and will be the column name when the tags are
viewed in the Document List Grid.

To create a tag set:

1. Click the Add button.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

2. Type in the Tag Set Name.

3. Select the Tag Set Type.

4. Click Create.

This will add the tag set to the Tag Editor.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5.3.2 Tag Set Types

InControl has three Tag Set Types:

1. Multi-Select

a. Checkboxes

b. Allow for users to select multiple

c. Some or all can be added to a tag profile

2. Mutually Exclusive

a. Radio Buttons

b. Only one can be selected

c. All must be added to a tag profile

3. Tree


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

a. Multi-Level Checkboxes

b. Multiple can be selected

c. Some or all can be added to a tag profile

d. Supports recursive option

5.3.3 Editing a Tag Set

To edit a Tag Set:

1. Select the Tag Set
2. Click the Edit Button or Right-Click and Select Edit.

3. Make your changes.
a. You can change the tag sets name.
b. Only certain tag type changes are allowed.
i. You can change Radio button tags to Multi-Select.
ii. You cannot change Multi-Select to Radio.
iii. You can change Multi-Select to Tree.
iv. You cannot change Tree to Multi-Select.

4. Click Update.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5.3.4 Deleting a Tag Set
To delete a tag set from the Editor and All Tag Profiles:
1. Select the Tag Set
2. Click the Delete Button or Right-Click and Select Delete.

3. The confirmation box will pop-up. Select Yes.

Note: You will not be able to delete a Tag Set if it is in use. An in use Tag Set is one
that contains at least one tag which has been applied to a document. To delete an
in use Tag Set you will need to first un-tag all documents which have its tag(s).

5.3.5 Creating Tags
To create a tag and add it to a tag set:

1. Select the Tag Set youd like to add the tag to

2. Right-Click on the Tag Set Name or Click the Add Button. Specify desired tag


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3. Give your tag a name and click Create.

4. You can change the order of your tags as long as theyve not been added to a tag
profile. To do this use drag drop. The order viewed in Tag Editor is the order which
will be displayed in all Tag metadata columns.

5.3.6 Editing a Tag
To edit a tag:

1. Select the tag.
2. Click Edit Button or Right-Click and Select Edit

3. Make your change.
4. Click Update.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5.3.7 Deleting a Tag
To delete a Tag:

1. Select the Tag
2. Click the Delete Button or Right-Click and Select Delete

3. The Confirmation pop-up will appear. Click Yes.

5.4 The Tag Form
Once youve created the profile and tags you are ready to build the Profiles Tag Form. The first
step is to create a Pane for the tags.

5.4.1 Creating a Pane
To create a Tag Pane:

1. Select the Profile you would like to add the pane to.
2. Click Add or Right-Click in the Form area and select Add

3. The Add Pane box will appear. Give the Pane a name and click Create.


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4. The Pane will be added to the Profile.

5.4.2 Adding Tags
Once youve added a Pane to the Profile youll be able to Add Tag Sets to it.

To add a Tag Set to a Pane:

1. Select the Profile containing the pane.

2. Select the Tag Set.
3. Drag the Tag Set over to the Pane.

4. If there are any tags you do not want in the Pane right-click on them in the pane and
select remove to remove them. This is only allowed with Multi-Select and Tree tags.
5. You can drag-drop Tag Sets and Tags to Change the order of then in the Profile.
6. You can also modify Tag Set Structure by placing Children Tag Sets under Parent
Tags. For example, in the Screenshot below there is a Privileged Tag under a
Responsive Tag. Selection of a sub-tag will also select the super-tag.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5.4.3 Adding Fields
You can also add Fields to Tag Profiles. When you add users to a Tag Profile, the list of
fields available to those users per their Field Profile(s) will display in the Field List.

To Add Fields to a Tag Profile:

1. Make sure the users have the field you would like to add in their Field Profile.
2. If you would like the Fields to be Editable, make sure they are updateable in the
users Field Profile.
3. Select the Tag Profile in the Tags area.
4. Select the Field you would like to Add.
5. Drag the field to the location you would like it to appear in the Tag Profile.


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5.5 Tag Profile Attributes
Once youve added your Panes, Tags, and Fields to your Tag Profile you can begin to set tag set,
tag, and field attributes.

5.5.1 Tag Set and Field Attributes
There is one attribute you set at the Tag Set Level and Field Level in a profile. It is the
Selection Required attribute, also referred to as the Is Required field attribute. You
set this if you would like to force users to apply tags or fields while reviewing. If a tag
(or field) is not applied, the user will get this message like this when they try to go to the
next document:

 Selection Required
To make a tag set or field required:

1. Select the applicable Profile.
2. Right-Click on the Tag Set Name in the Profile.

3. Click Selection Required if you are editing a Tag Set. Click Is Required if
editing a Field.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

4. This will update the Tag Set or field requirements for all instances of the
object in the profile.

5.5.2 Tag Attributes
There are two Attributes set at the Tag Level. They are Reviewed Status and Is Default. Reviewed Status
In most document reviews, tags are used not only to categorize documents, but
also to determine the review status of a document. For example, in a review
for responsiveness, all documents with either a Non-Responsive or a
Responsive tag are considered reviewed and review complete.

To enable accurate tracking of review progress, InControl provides a Reviewed
Status tag attributes in each Tag Profile. Documents containing a tag with this
attribute while using the applicable profile are considered to be reviewed.
Having this attribute will place the document in Reviewed assignment sub-
folders and also causes a document to be counted as reviewed in assignment
view folders and review progress reports.

It is possible for a tag to be considered Reviewed Status for one profile and not
for another as this is set at the Profile Level. This allows you to setup reviewing
for multiple levels of review. For example, Level 1 could be a Responsiveness
review and Level 2 could be a review for Privilege.

To make a Tag Reviewed Status:

1. Select the applicable profile. Ex. Level 1.
2. Right-click on an instance of the Tag in the Tag Form. Ex. Responsive.
3. Select Edit.
4. Click the Reviewed Status checkbox.

5. Click Update.

This will update every instance of the tag in the Tag Profile requiring that at
least one be updated before the user moves to the next document. Is Default
You can make a tag within a tag set the default by setting it to Is Default. This
will not apply the tag to the document, but will select it by default. This allows
a user to reduce mouse clicks by having the tag already selected for them.

InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

This may be desirable when a majority of the documents will receive a tag and
removing\changing it will take less time than adding it overall.

For example, if the document collection was not narrowed previous to limit
the number of Non-Responsive documents, a Mutually Exclusive tag set for
Responsiveness used to review client documents, may have the Non-
Responsive tag selected by default because a majority of documents will be
deemed non-responsive and this will reduce clicking (review) time.

To make a tag the Default:

1. Defaults are profile specific. First, select the profile.
2. Defaults are Tag specific. Second, select the Tag you would like to make
the default.
3. Right-Click and Select Edit or Click the Edit Button.

4. Select Is Default


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5. Click Update.
Note: Users will need to set their Enable Default option to use this feature.

6 Redactions

Redactions are used to cover up text or parts of documents prior to production. To provide
flexibility, InControls Admin tab has a Redactions area, where you can create multiple Redaction
Profiles and grant access to them. In the Redactions section, Administrators can create multiple
redaction sets with customizable language to be placed on the redacted area of the document.

6.1 Redactions Overview

6.1.1 Redaction Setup
Redaction Setup is organized into 3 areas:

Redaction Profiles: Profiles are associated to users and user teams, and associated to
redaction text.
Redaction Text in Profile: Area used to configure the redaction text and assign associated
text to be made available to a redaction profile.
Redaction Text Editor: Used to create, edit, and organize redaction text. Redaction text
size and font can be edited in this area.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Redaction Setup Workflow

It is recommended that you follow the workflow below when setting up redactions:

1. Create Redaction Profile
2. Create Redaction Text
3. Build Redaction Text In Profile

6.2 Redaction Profiles
A redaction profile is needed to give users access to various redaction text. Each redaction profile
is associated to a set of users and\or user teams. Each user can have access to more than one
redaction profile. When using a profile, users will see and use the redaction text associated to it.

The first step in setting up redactions is to create a redaction profile. To do this, click on the
Admin tab, click the Redactions menu item.

6.2.1 Adding a New Redaction Profile
To add a new redaction profile:

1. Click the Add New Redaction Profile Button

2. The Add Profile box will pop-up. Type in the Profile Name


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3. Click Add to give Teams and Users access to the profile

4. The Select Teams and Users Box will appear. Select the Users and\or Teams you
would like to have access the redaction profile and click Save.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5. Click Create to Create the Redaction Profile.

6. The Tag Profile will be added to the tag profile list.

6.2.2 Editing a Redaction Profile
To edit a redaction profile:

1. Select the Redaction Profile

2. Click the Edit Button or Right-Click and Select Edit

3. Make your changes

4. Click Update

6.2.3 Deleting a Redaction Profile
To Delete a Redaction Profile:

1. Select the Redaction Profile

2. Right-Click and Select Delete or Click the Delete Button


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3. The Confirmation Message will appear. Click Yes to Confirm Delete. No to Cancel.

6.2.4 Profile Order
The order of the profiles influences the order in which they will appear in users profile
dropdowns and which profile is the default when they initially begin using the software.

You can use drag-drop to order the profiles:

6.3 The Redaction Text Editor
Once youve created your profile you are ready to add Redaction Text to the database. You do
this in the Redaction Text Editor. Adding items to the redaction text editor does not give users
access, but it prepares the redaction text for Redaction Profile setup.

6.3.1 Creating Redaction Text
Redaction Text is used when redacting documents within the Document Review
window. Users can select the text to place on the redaction, provided they have access
to the associated Redaction Profile.

To create a redaction text:

1. Click the Add button.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

2. Type in the Redaction Text.

3. Type in a Description (optional).

4. Select the Font and Font Size


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5. Click Save.

This will add the redaction text to the Redaction Text Editor.

6.3.2 Editing Redaction Text
To edit a Redaction Text:

1. Select the Redaction Text
2. Click the Edit Button or Right-Click and Select Edit.

3. Make your changes.
4. Click Save.

6.3.3 Deleting Redaction Text
To delete redaction text from the Editor and All Redaction Profiles:
4. Select the Redaction Text
5. Click the Delete Button or Right-Click and Select Delete.

6. The confirmation box will pop-up. Select Yes.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

6.4 Redaction Text in Profile
Once youve created the profile and redaction text, you are ready to build the Redaction Text in
Profile Form.

6.4.1 Adding Redaction Text to Profile
To add redaction text to a profile:

1. Select the Profile you would like to add the redaction text to.
2. Click Add or Right-Click in the Form area and select Add
3. Select the Redaction Text.
4. Drag the Redaction Text over to the Redaction in Profile box.

5. If there is any text you do not want in the Profile, right-click on them and select
Delete to remove them.
6. You can drag-drop Redaction Text to change the order of then in the Profile.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

7 Wordlists

Wordlists are lists of words or phrases you would like highlighted when users look at documents
which contain them. These are often also called Persistent Highlights or Persistent Hits. They are
very similar to search hits in that they are highlighted and you can go from one hit to the next or
previous. Administrators can also create Search Term Hit Reports in order to identify hit frequency
of search terms and folder the results.

7.1 Persistent Highlighting
To add or edit wordlists, select Wordlists in the Admin tab.

Add a new wordlist by clicking Add while in the Highlights screen.

Add your wordlist name, terms, select your color, and click Add. We support single terms or
phrases. Do not put phrases in quotes. We do not support operators. Separate your terms or
phrases with a comma.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Next, give users access to use the wordlist by assigning their Team. Click assign on the wordlists
row. This will give you the assign Teams pop-up window. Select the Team which should have
access and then click assign button to give them access.

Note: Users will need to log out and back in before they have access.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

7.2 Hit Reports
Hit Reports allow administrators to create and folder results of a list of search terms.

7.2.1 Creating a Hit Report
To add or edit wordlists, select Wordlists and Hit Reports in the Admin tab.

1. Click the New Job button on the Hit Reports screen.

2. The Create Hit Report window will pop up.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

3. Type a Job Name. This is required in order to create a Hit Report.

4. Select a Report Type from the drop-down menu. You can select to create a Report, or to
create a Report and Folder the results. The results will be foldered in the Work Folders
area by Search Term.

5. If you select Report and Folder, you must then select a Root Folder in order to folder the
results in the Work Folders area. Click the ellipses in order to select or create the root
folder for the Search Hit results.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

6. Select the root folder and click OK. You can also create a new folder by right-clicking on
the Work Folder and going through the process of creating a Work Folder.

7. Select the search type: Body Only, Metadata Only, or Both.

8. Enter the search terms, each term on a separate line. Each line will be run as a separate
search. Click Create in order to create the Hit Report Job.


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9. Select Start from the drop-down menu to start the Hit Report job. It may take several
minutes to complete the report depending on the complexity of the searches, the number
of documents being searched, number of terms, etc.

10. Once the job completes, there will be a green check in the Status column. In order, to see
the results, select View Results from the drop-down menu.

11. The results screen provides:
a. Doc Hit Count the number of documents that contain the search term
b. Family Count the number of documents when family members are included in
the Search Results
c. Uniqueness the number of unique documents with the search term hit
d. Inclusiveness the percentage of documents that contain the search term as
compared to the entire document count of the database
e. Total Hits the number of times a search terms hits across all documents


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12. Click the Export button in order to export out an Excel file containing the Hit Report
results. If the Report and Folder option was selected, the resultant documents will be
placed in Work Folders that are named by their corresponding search term.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

8 Loading Documents
Loading can be used to load and index small amount of native documents directly into the web
tool without the necessity of a load file or using the Ops Center. Document loading jobs should be
limited to 100 documents or less per job. Larger document loads should be loaded using the Ops

8.1 Creating Document Loading Jobs
A list of all of the document loading jobs appear in the Loading area of the Admin tab. Users can
filter the various categories using the drop-down menu.

8.1.1 Selecting Documents to be Loaded
To add a new or edit new document loading jobs, select Loading in the Admin tab.

1. Click New Job on the Document Loading screen.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

2. The Loader Job Setup screen will pop-up.

3. Type a Job Name in the box. This is required in order to create a Document Loading Job.

4. Click the green Add button to add the documents to be loaded.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

5. The Upload Files screen will popup. You can select the documents to be loaded or Drag
and Drop the files onto the loading screen.

* Allowed Extensions: zip, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pps, pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, tif, tiff, bmp,
csv, rtf, txt, msg, mht, eml, htm, html, png, snp

6. The files will be processed and added to the queue to be uploaded. The green circle next to
the file name indicates that the file is ready to be loaded. Individual files can be removed
by clicking the Remove button. Once you have all files in the list, click Save.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

7. If you would like to delete files from the list of files to loaded, select the files , and then
click the red X to delete.

8.1.2 Numbering Loaded Documents
The selected documents will be numbered sequentially and can be numbered with a new
numbering sequence or with a continuation of an existing numbering scheme.

8. Click the Numbering tab on the Loader Job Setup screen.

9. For a new numbering scheme, select New Sequence from the drop-down.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

10. Type the desired prefix and/or suffix for the numbering scheme and select whether a
Space, Hyphen, or Underscore should be used. If neither a Prefix or Suffix is selected, the
documents will just receive a number beginning with the number in Start Number box.
Select the Number of Digits to be used from the drop-down box.

11. Once loaded, the Begin Number field will automatically be populated. You do have the
option to populate additional Begin Number fields if desired. This option gives the user the
ability to populate additional, optional fields with the same values that will be placed in the
default numbering fields.

12. To number using an existing sequence, select Next Number from the Numbering drop-
down menu. Then select the numbering sequence that you would like to continue from the
Loading Job drop-down menu. The next number of a previous Document Loading Job will
automatically be populated.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

**InControl will only extract one level of attachments. For multi-level family groupings,
(example: nested e-mail attachments) only the first level attachment will be extracted.

8.1.3 Metadata Fields to be Extracted
Metadata fields can be extracted from the native files during the loading/indexing process.

**The fields to be populated during the loading process are all the available fields that we are
able to extract. The fields will only be populated if there is metadata to be extracted from the
native file. The fields should be mapped accordingly in the Ops Center prior to loading.

13. Click the Data tab on the Loader Job Setup screen.

14. Type a Batch ID in the box. This is required for every document loading job. You can also
select the Custodian from the drop-down or type in a new Custodian. You can also add a
Source if desired.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

15. Select the fields that you would like to extract from the native files. If the native files
metadata contains a value for the field, the document loader will populate the database
with the associated value.

16. Once all tabs are completed, click Save to create the document load job.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

8.2 Running/Editing a Document Loading Job
Once document loading jobs have been created, you can run or edit the job prior to running. You
also have the option to view the details of prior jobs that have been completed.

8.2.1 Starting a Document Loading Job
To start or edit a created document loading job, select Loading in the Admin tab.

1. Click Start on the drop-down menu next to the Document Loading Job while on the
Document Loading screen.

2. Click Yes on the Confirmation screen.

3. The checkmark indicates that the job is completed successfully.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

9 Indexing
Indexing can be used to see the status of indexing after documents have been deleted from the

Documents which have been deleted will first be listed in the Pending Delete area as the software
waits for the next index window. Next, documents are grouped into an Index Job and progress on
the actual re-indexing and removal of them from the index can be seen in Jobs In Progress area.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

10 Production

Production is used to number and stamp documents, as well as export documents from InControl.
Find additional information on production in the InControl Production Guide.

11 Settings
The Settings area of the Admin tab provides tools which allow you to customize the behavior of
various InControl features.

These customizable features are grouped into the following categories: General, Default User
Options, Export, Project Management, Concept Clustering, Near Duplicates, Email Threads,
Branding, and Batch Update Service. Upon clicking Settings in the Admin menu bar, you will be
presented with a left-hand pane containing a link for each of these categories.

Each category is discussed in detail below.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

11.1 General
The General area stores basic settings related to document folders, and image creation. It also
includes duplicate, near duplicate, family group, and email thread handling settings.

Duplicate, Near Duplicate, Thread, and Family Group Handling enable you to set what a user
sees while in their My Assignments and viewing related documents such as duplicates, near
duplicates, threads, or family members.

Show within all batches assigned to the User only will only show related items assigned
to the user.

Show across the entire database (all users) will show all related items, regardless of
who they are assigned to.

Recursive Document Folders controls the behavior of the Document Folders under the
Documents folder in Folder View. While this option is checked the parent folders will contain
documents found in child sub-folders. When unchecked the parent folders will contain
documents only if they were specifically placed in the parent folder at folder build.

For example:


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Folder path = Bob Smith\Laptop

Example 1, document is in Bob Smith\Laptop and recursive is on. Document will show in both
Bob Smith and Laptop.

Example 2, document is in Bob Smith\Laptop and recursive is off. Document will show only in

Enable Image on the Fly, Print Imaging, and Production Imaging controls whether or not images
can be created using the image viewer, print & bulk print, and production. If images are created
during printing or production these are temporary and only utilized in that print or production

Private Notes Allowed changes the Notes area in the review window so that it is only Private and
notes are not shared across users.

Allow Document Folder Searching. This will allow Document Folders to be search in the Search
area and it can have a performance impact if there are too many folders present.

11.2 Default User Options
Administrators can control default user options overall from the Admin tab. By editing default
settings, administrators can globally set the options for all users instead of having to individually
change the options per user.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

11.3 Export
The drop down menus in this section allow you to choose which document types are created and
exported in the Media, Specifications, Party, Chain of Custody, Contacts and Deliverables sections
of the Project Manager tab. Depending on the document type being exported, you may choose
Microsoft Excel (2003 or 2007), Microsoft Word (2003 or 2007), or Adobe PDF.

11.4 Project Management
This allows you to carry over project information, including Project Intake, Project Specifications,
and Production Specifications from an existing case into the current case.

11.5 Concept Clustering
This area is used to enable Concept Clustering, making the clustering area visible to users.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

If youve integrated InControl with Content Analyst is also used to indicate which type of clustering
you would like to use: Reveal Document Clustering or Content Analyst Concept Clustering.

11.6 Near Duplicates
This area is used by the Administrator to enable the Near Duplicates pane within the document
review window.

Once near duplicates have been identified using the Operations Center, you must enable and set to
Near Duplicate Jaccard (Similarity) in Admin/Settings/Near Duplicates to view Reveal Near


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

11.7 Email Threads
This area is used to enable the Email Threads pane within the Document Review window.

11.8 Branding
This area allows you to change the color scheme and logos associated with a project. The Logo
Prefix refers to the name of the images files located in the default directory.

You can pick a color using the color palette, or they can input the hexadecimal value directly into
the input box. This will change the color of the header bar for the project.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

11.9 Batch Update Service
A batch is an otherwise unrelated collection of transactions scheduled to be executed. A
transaction is any action that causes either stored data or indexed data to be created, updated, or
deleted. An index is the stored extracted text and metadata for each document within a project.

Multiple transactions are combined into a batch and then that batch executes against the index.

Batch Update Service is used to control how and when batches will be created and how and when
indexes for the project will be run.

Batch Update Service has a status area that reports on current jobs being run, the last batch
created, and last index update.

Batch Update Service also gives you control over when and how often the database will be


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

Batch Update Service Enabled controls whether the two acts of Batching and Indexing will be
enabled. If either service is disabled, a manual update of all transactions must be run in order for
updated values to be returned to the user.

Include Weekends allows the Batch Update Service to run between the hours of 00:01AM on
Saturday morning and 11:59PM on Sunday night.

Enable Batching allows InControl to combine multiple transactions into a single batch to be run
against the index at a scheduled interval.

There are a number of system settings that affect how the batches are run and how they interact
with the operating system. You can select what time of day the batching process will run using
Time Range to Create Batches.

Select Continuously to have batches created at regular intervals throughout the day, or you can
restrict the time when the batches can be created by using the time range boxes.


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

You can select what time of day the indexing process will run using Time Range to Perform Index

Select Continuously to have the Index run at regular intervals throughout the day, or restrict the
time when the Index can execute using the time range boxes.

You can also adjust how often batches are created using Create Batches Every. The smallest
allowable value is 15 minutes, and it can be adjusted in one minute increments up to a maximum
of 60 minutes.

Days to Save Processed Batches allows you to control how long the batch file detail can be
accessed in InControls Indexing Status tab within the Review area.

Priority allows you to control service priority at an operating system level. Increasing the Priority
will cause the updater service to run at a higher priority at the expense of other services on the
machine, including other services affecting InControls performance. Levels are Normal, Above
Normal, and Highest.

Priority Bump Delay allows the Administrator to put a timer on the start of the updated priority
for the Batch Process Updater. The minimum value is 10 minutes and the maximum value is 120


InControl Admin Guide Version 6.0

11.10 System Settings
System Settings displays the current version of InControl that is running. You can reload the
settings by hitting the Reload System Settings button. It may be necessary to reload the system
settings in the event the settings are changed within the Ops Center.

12 Assisted Review
InControl now has a fully integrated Assisted Review module. For more information, please contact
your Reveal representative.


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