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Muskets & Tomahawks: QRS Reactions

No. of figs in unit (excl off) 1-3 4+

Spotting Type of dice 1D3 1D6
Open 8 12 18 24 48 72 96 120 Regulars Indians Irregulars Militia
Light cover 4 6 8 12 18 24 36 48 Provincals Civilian
<=0 Rout Rout Rout Rout
Dense cov 1 2 4 6 8 12 18 24
1 Flight Flight Flight
Modifiers for the target situation 2 Recoil Flight
Has black powder marker +2 3 Recoil
Mounted, in a boat or is artillery +1 4 None Recoil
Indian or irregular -1 5 None Recoil
Has hidden movement marker -2 6 None None
Modifiers for weather & terrain (*Mutually exclusive) Officer within 6 +1
LOS crosses 6+ of dense cover -1 6 or more figs in unit +1
Rain * -1 Dawn or dusk* -2 In firing line +1
Darkness or mist* -3 Fog* -5 Natives entirely in cover +1
Casualties lost to: Black powder within 4. -1
Movement Firing line, or Artillery
Regular infantry, Grenadiers, Colonial Militia 4 Lost 3+ casualties from shooting, or -2
Light infantry, Chasseurs, Marines, Jager 5 Testing due to Morale Card
Rangers, Canadian Militia, Indians 6 No LOS to unit causing Test -1
Cavalry 8 Unit reduced to single figure -1
Artillery 1 per crew, max 5, or 8 limbered Rout: Unit disperses & is removed. p22.
Officers: Same as troop type Flight: 1 move facing away. If melee 4+ kills ea fig.
Difficult terrain -2 except Scouts, cav -5
Recoil: 1 move back. If melee 5+ kills ea fig.
Very difficult terrain -3, Scouts -2, cav -7
Obstacles, doors, windows -2 except Scouts Shooting
Up or down stairs -3 Range Lethy Special rules
Musket 24 3+ B/powder 1 mark
Basic Troop stats Carbine 16 3+ B/powder 1 mark
Shoot Agro Def Bow 24 5+ -1 to kill over 12
Regular Officer 5+ 3+ 4+ Thrown 6 4+ 1 shot, move & shoot
Regular infantry, Marines 5+ 4+ 4+ Pistol 8 3+ 1 shot (+1 in melee)
Light Inf, Rangers, Chasseurs, 4+ 4+ 4+ Rifle 72 3+ B/powder 2 marks
Jagers Grenade 8 2+ p29
Grenadiers 5+ 3+ 4+ Swivel 72 3+ B/powder 2 marks
Indian chief 4+ 3+ 3+ Lt Art 96 3+ B/powder 1 mark
Indians 4+ 3+ 4+ Hvy Art 140 2+ B/powder 2 marks
Torries, American militia 5+ 5+ 4+ To hit: Shooting stat for unit modified by:
Militia Officer 4+ 3+ 4+ Long range over 12 (art 24) -1
Colonial Militia, Local Militia 5+ 5+ 5+
Not applied when shooting at Firing Line
Canadian Militia, Local Leader 4+ 4+ 4+
Extreme range over 24 (art 48) -2
Cavalry 4+ 4+ 4+
Fast target moved 8 or more -1
Artillery, riflemen 4+ 5+ 5+
Pivoted to shoot -1
Target in light cover: Natives/others -2/-1
Melee Target in dense cover -2
Agro stat is the dice to hit for each fig in contact
Target in heavy cover -2
+1 for rear attack
Firing line (6+ figs in open) shooting +1
Defense stat is the save for each hit
Point blank 4 or less +1
+1 if defending obstacle
Large target (cavalry or boat) +1
Firing Line Bayonet Charge:
Target tests Reaction before melee.
Rifle +1
Loser: Side with most casualties tests Reaction. To kill: Lethality stat above, modified by:
Tied: (Equal casualties or passed Reaction): Fight again. Over half range of BP weapon, or bow -1
Winner: Throw 4+/5+ to kill ea fig in Flight/Recoil. Target in heavy cover -1
May consolidate 2 but not within 1 of an enemy.
By Jim Gandy campcromwell@netspace.net.au 18 August 2013
Muskets & Tomahawks: Flight 21 Raid 57
Forward Boys card 9, 10 Rain 27
Index French army 47 Random events 38, 60
Game sequence 10 Range check 16
Action sequence 12 Game size 36 Reaction & waterways 26
Actions 12 German mercenaries 45 Reaction in melee 20
Activation card 10 Grenades 29 Reaction results 21
Activation cards 9 Guerrilla talent 34 Reaction test 21
Aggressiveness characteristic 8 Heavy artillery 31 Reaction to shooting 18
American continental army 51 Heavy cover target 17 Reactions 21
Artillery movement 30 Heavy cover 24 Rear attack 21
Artillery reaction 31 Hidden movement 13 Recoil 21
Artillery reloading 31 High ground 24 Reload action 12
Artillery shooting 30 Impossible shooting 18 Reload 18
Artillery 30 Indian nations 54 Rifles 29
Attacks in melee 20 Lances 29 Roll to hit 17
Auxiliaries trait 32 Large target 17 Roll to kill 18
Black powder weapons 28 Lethality 28 Rout 21
Boats 26, 40 Light cover target 17 Sabres 28
Bows 28 Light cover 24 Savages trait 33
British army 41 Light troops trait 33 Scenario generator 36
Building a force 39 Line of fire 16 Scenary set-up 36
Buildings destroying 25 Line of sight & terrain 24 Scouting mission 57
Buildings moving to & within 25 Line of sight 12 Scouts trait 32
Buildings setting on fire 25 Long range shooting 17 Sharpshooter trait 32
Buildings & shooting 24 Marksmanship characteristic 8 Shoot action 12
Buildings 24 Melee & obstacles 21 Shooting & boats 26
Carbines 28 Melee & reaction 21 Shooting & reaction 21
Card deck 38 Melee & waterways 26 Shooting & reloading 16
Casualties in melee 20 Melee resolution 20 Shooting in rain 27
Casualty removal 18 Melee 20 Shooting modifiers 17
Cavalry & difficult terrain 23 Morale card 21 Side plots 38, 58
Cavalry dismounted 32 Morale cards 9, 11 Slaughter 57
Cavalry movement 32 Morale class & reaction 22 Snow storm 27
Cavalry shooting 32 Move action 12 Snow 27
Cavalry trait 32 Movement characteristic 8 Special circumstances reaction 21
Civilians 55, 56 Moving a unit 12 Spotting 15
Combatants 39 Multiple combats 20 Start the game 38
Cover 24 Muskets 28 Strong wind 27
Defence characteristic 8 Natives trait 33 Swimming 26
Defence in melee 20 Night fighting 27 Swivel gun 29
Defence objective 56 Night movement 27 Tactician talent 34
Dense cover target 17 Night reaction 27 Targets with different modifiers 17
Dense cover 24 Night shooting 27 Terrain & movement 23
Designate target to shoot 16 No cards to draw 11 Terrain 22
Determination talent 34 Objectives 56 Thrown weapons 28
Difficult terrain 23 Objectives 36 Tomahawks (thrown weapons) 28
Disembarking from boats 26 Obstacles & area terrain 24 Traits characteristic 8
Dummy markers 14 Obstacles & line of sight 24 Traits 32
Elite trait 32 Obstacles & melee 21 Units characteristic 8
Embarking on boats 26 Obstacles 23 Unpredictable talent 34
End of melee 20 Officer natural talents 34 Very difficult terrain 23
Engagement objective 57 Officer talents 34, 35, 38 Vigilance 11
Engaging in melee 13 Officers & reaction 34 War theatre 36
Event cards 9, 11 Officers & shooting 34 Waterways & boats 26
Facing 12 Officers 34 Weaponry 28
Fast target 17 One shot weapons 29 Weather setup 36
Fervour talent 34 Pistols 28 Weather 21, 27
Firing line & melee 33 Pivot 17
Firing line & shooting 33 Planning 11
Firing line trait 32 Point blank 17
Firing lines & reaction 33 Protection objective 56

By Jim Gandy campcromwell@netspace.net.au 18 August 2013

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