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"Spiritual exercises can develop an inner organ of perception called the qalb or 'heart'.
Divine light enters a person through the qalb. The qalb is the first of the lataif.

Literally latifa (Arab. sing. of lataif) means delicate, subtle, penetrating. In Sufism the lataif
are organs of higher perception and subtle energy. They are not located physically in the body. Their
activation leads to higher psycho-physical stages. Naqshbandis consider five lataif. Other orders
consider six or only two lataif.

It was in the Prophet's 'heart' that Jibrail placed the Qoran on the Night of Power in a cave
on Mount Hira in 610 A.D. When Jibrail first opened Muhammad's 'heart', Muhammad felt as if he
were suffocating, as if he were about to die.

Development of the qalb should lead to a state of perpetual awareness, even while asleep or
dreaming. A hadith relates that the Prophet once told the Companions: "My eyes sleep, but not my
'heart'. Sleep is confined to my eyes. It does not affect the consciousness of my 'heart'." Zikr
exercises not leading to a transfusion of subtle energy of the practitioner's being are quite

...Development of the 'heart' and further transformation of one's self can be achieved through
muraqaba or concentration of the disciple on the Presence of a saint in order to benefit from his
vibrations. When the saint has left his physical body muraqaba can be practiced an his grave.

Tawajjuh happens when a saint with his psychic powers actively assists a disciple to realize
a higher stage."

M.A. Lichtenberg Ziarat

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