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Running Head: Organizational Interventions

Organizational Interventions

Rachael Brown

BUS370: Organizational Development (BWJ1724A)

Instructor: Kilburn Fulton

July 10, 2017

Organizational Interventions

Organizational Interventions

The change process in organizations requires different interventions to address the

prevailing situations. The interventions are meant to provide the best solution to an organization

without harming the future of the organization. These interventions depend with the prevailing

situations and the available resources as well as the management decisions of the organization. It

is crucial to understand these interventions in order to have the best fit for an organization. Two

of the most use intervention is the collaborative intervention and the empowerment interventions.

These approaches are similar to each other but also differ on some issues.

Empowerment intervention is a unique approach, which requires the organization to

develop the capacities and skills of the employee to handle the challenges they are facing. The

development should also be accompanied by availing the necessary resources that are required

by an employee to undertake the task assigned to them. Empowerment also requires that the

employees be given the opportunities to make their contributions to the organization. The

managers have to acknowledge the skills, expertise, and the talents ion their employees as well

as acknowledge that these employees have the competencies to make decision on their own

individual capacities[ CITATION Saf16 \l 1033 ].

Empowerment is required when the organization in in the process of making radical

changes that will require a new set of skills and expertise. It is also important when the

organization is offering very close interactions with the customers where the employees are

required to make quick and informed decision on behalf of the organization[ CITATION Wei16 \l
Organizational Interventions

1033 ]. It is also crucial when the final decisions are to be made by the individual employee or

the group.

On its part, the collaborative intervention requires the organization to work together as

one team in the learning and change process. The organization will work together in teams

comprising members from different departments. It may also require collaboration with the other

internal and external stakeholders to learn about the problem at hand[CITATION ANG12 \l

1033 ]. The involved teams are able to move forward and gain an in-depth understanding of the

situation and the challenges facing them by learning a combing the knowledge from each

stakeholder. The solution to the problem is arrived at by working together in the analysis is the

alternatives and the best implementation methods[CITATION Lus08 \l 1033 ]. Collaborative

interventions work best when the organization is relying on group planning and when the

partnerships with other stakeholders are required.

Both empowerment and collaboration requires a form of partnerships to deal with the

challenges. Management has to work together with the employees in the empowerment process

and allow them to make decisions. In collaborative interventions, the employees and the

organization have to work together to seek solutions to the issues facing the organization.

However, the outcomes of these two interventions are different. In empowerment intervention,

the employees are left to make decisions on their own and have a long term affect Om their

individual competencies and skills. The organization is able to achieve the desirable long-term

impact by focusing on the development of the individual employees. On the other hand,

collaborative interventions are only for a short time and may not have a long-term impact on the

individual capacities of the employees.

Organizational Interventions


Angel-Sveda, A. (2012). Organizational change. basic theoretical approaches. Public

Administration & Social Policies Review, 2(9), 74-81.

Luscher, L. S., & Lewis, M. W. (2008). Organizational change and managerial sensemaking:

working through paradox. Academy of Management Journal, 51(2), 221240.

Paynevandy, S. G. (2016). The role of empowerment in Organization Development.

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource

Management, 3(5), 9-16.

Weiss, J. W. (2016). Organizational Change (2 ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

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