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Alhamdulillahirabbilalamiin, first of all the writer would like to express

her great praise and thanks be to the presence of Allah SWT for all of the

unlimited blessing and great giving with comfortable and strength to the writer so

that can finish and complete this skripsi with the tittle The difference of physics

problem solving skills between causal reasoning and analogy reasoning model

based on ethnosains of the tenth grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Palu as the

requirement in order to obtain a degree at strata one (S1) on Physics Education

Study Program, Mathematics and Science Education Department, Teacher

Training and Education Faculty, Tadulako University. Always hope peace and

invocation giving to our prophet Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, his family, and his

friends and also all of us. Amiin.

The writer conscious that on the process to finish this skripsi can not lose

from a lot of help, guidance and support from many people in my Life. With the

humbleness, the writer wanna give appreciate and say great thanks to my beloved

parents, my father is Chalid Annas and my mother is Nining Carlia Ningsih for

their love, smile, prayer, support and sincere immolation, these make the writer

strong to encounter many difficulties. It is the love evidence from the writer to

them. Beside them, the writer wanna say thanks to my beloved family for the

support and beautiful togetherness. Hopefully Allah SWT reciprocate each every

tiring given and also always is given by blessing and Hidayah in world and also

eternity. Amin Ya Rabbalalamin.

Then, the writer would like to expresses her thank and appreciation to

many people as follows:

1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Basir, S.E, M.S as Rector of the Tadulako


2. Dr. H. Gazali Lembah M.Pd as Dean of the Teacher Training and Education

Faculty Tadulako University

3. Dr. Samsurizal M. Sulaeman as the Dean assistant I, Nursehang Thamrin,

S.Pd., M.Ed as Dean assistant II, and Jamaluddin, S.Pd., M.Si. as Dean

assistant III of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty Tadulako


4. The Head of Department and Secretary of the Mathematics and Science

Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Tadulako


5. Dr. Muslimin, M.Si and Nurjannah, S.Pd, M.Pd as the Chairperson and

Secretary of the Physics Education Study Program, Mathematics and Science

Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty Tadulako


6. The supervisor Drs. Kamaluddin, M.Si and Co-supervisor Nurjannah, S.Pd,

M.Pd. The writer would like to thank for their suggestions, revisions,

motivate, and nice guidance during the consultation of built research proposal

and to complete this skripsi.

7. The writer also expresses her thanks to Dr. I Komang Werdhiana, M.Si and

Drs. Syamsu, M.Si. as reviewers I and II for their comments, suggestions and


8. All of the lecturers of Physics Education Study Program, who have given

wonderful experience with a great knowledge during study time.

9. Mr. and Mrs. Teacher staff within the Physics Education Study Program,

Mathematics and Science Education Department, Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Tadulako University.

10. All of the staff administration of FKIP Tadulako University.

11. Zulfikar Is Paudi, S.Pd., M.Si as the Principal of SMAN 1 Palu. All of the

staff teacher and administrators who have given permission and help smooth

the research.

12. Ketut Alit Adi Untara, S.Pd., and Nurwahidin, S.Pd thank you very much for

their guidance given to the author during a research. All of the students at X

SSN-1 and X SSN-3 grade of SMAN 1 Palu thanks for your attention and

good collaboration.

13. All my big family : My beloved younger sister Nisa Rohimah and my

beloved younger brother Taufik Rahman (thanks for their motivations,

suggestions, and understanding, hopefully Allah SWT will make us good

persons). My closed brother Utunz (Asep nurjaman), Abotz (Aldi Novian), a

Lukman, thanks for big support, motivation and nice togetherness since child

until now. For all my big family that are too numerous to mention their names

who have given pray and motivation.

14. My closed friends : Aan, Hilda, Juli, Linda, Dewi, Leni, Tria, Triani (the

kindest friends when the writer passed senior high school level at SMAN 1

Garut), Ana, Ayu, Mardi, Asmin, Femi (the finest friends when the writer

passed senior high school level at SMAN 3 Palu) thanks for all of my nice

unforgettable memory.

15. My best friends : Rina, Janet, Adi, Takim, Syarif and Muchlis thanks for their

friendship in the motivation, and cooperation, hopefully we will be together

in the future. Yuliana S.Pairunan, Supe, Awir, Dafi, Fani, Evi. Thanks for all

of their pray and motivation.

16. My beloved friends in the Physics education study program, 2008 academic

year, Mira, Ratih, Yati, Ece, Rika, Dian, Fauzan, Gita, Ita, Nyoman, Maya,

Udin, Titin, Cima, Amar, Ratna, Mute, Niluh, Ayu, Danti, Dolly, Erni, Dwi,

Cua, Salam, Dayat, Defri, Agus, Zuleha, Nurul, Zaidah who always be my

side to support, pray, encourage, and love in happy or sad time.

17. Senior graduate physics, Rizky Ilmianih, S.Pd., Fahruddin M.Lahamma,

S.Pd., Guanawan Manangkari S.Pd., Sri Dewi, S.Pd., Luluk Irawati S.Pd.,

Miftah Hasbi, S.Pd., Efrat,S.Pd., Muhammad Wahyudi, S.Pd, Ayuningsih

S.Pd, Trismawati, S.Pd and all of senior that cant be mention one by one for

their valuable motivation, suggestion and guidance during studying at

Tadulako University.

18. All other my junior in Physics education study program, 2009 to 2011

academic year who cannot be mention one by one that give the writer the

color full life during college, but especially for Dika, Yoyo, Kiki, Endang,

Yusuf, Ramlan, Heni, Tiar, Au, Lail, Hariawan, Febi 09, Ahmad 10, Yuli 10,

Ibon 10, Wildan 10, Rika 10, Muli 10, Nurgan 10. thanks for help and


19. My organizations friend at HIMAFI, HMJ, UKPM, LPM Universitas, thanks

for friendship and togetherness. And Also PPLT PPGMIPABI 2012s friends

at SMPN 1 Palu, thanks for friendship and togetherness. They are the writers

new family, togetherness in a special memory in my life.

20. My Nice Spirit, Fandi Surya Wirawan, thanks for his loyalty, motivation,

attention, advice, pray, the beautiful togetherness that dont care about the

distance. Much more than thanks for his love, smile, laugh, tears and

happiness that always be valuable moments in my life.

21. All of people who have assisted the writer in preparing this skripsi.

Finally, the writer hopes this skripsi can give something useful to all of us

and wish that all helps and guidance can get ridho by Allah SWT. Amin ya rabbal


Palu, August 2012


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