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Which is bigger, a lake or an ocean? an ocean The largest ocean in the world is The Pacific Ocean

Which country has the most people? China The country famous for Samba dance is Brazil

The longest river in the world is the Nile The nick name for New York City is Big Apple

The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest In which ocean is Hawaii? the Pacific Ocean

The volcano Vesuvius is located in Italy


What is the missing word? My sister works _ _ a bank. R: at/in What is the missing word? _ _ _ are you from? . R: Where

What is the missing word? I am tired. I want to go to _ _ _ . R: bed Report the next sentence: Please, pass me your black notebook.

What is the missing word? My grandmother is ninety years _ _ _ . R: old What is the plural form of this noun: Mouse. R: mice

The opposite of in front of


What sport is played at Wimbledon? tennis Rafael Nadal is a _________ player. tennis

In which country were the 2008 Olympic Games held? China Who won the UEFA champions league in 2001? Barcelona

Which country won the 1998 FIFA World Cup football tournament? France Which team won the 2003 Formula One car racing championship? Ferrari


What movie series stars Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Matt Damon? The Ocean's Movies

Who plays Gordon (the Police Commissioner) in The Dark Knight? Gary Oldman

Who does the voice of Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story 1,2 and 3? Tim Allen

Who is the director of Star Wars? George Lucas

Who is the director of the movie Pulp Fiction? Quentin Tarantino

Who is the director of Titanic? James Cameron


Who painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo Da vinci Who is the famous Colombian painter who painted Masacre en Colombia?
Fernando Botero
Who invented the famous drink Coca-cola? John Pemberton
Who painted the creation of adam in the Sistine Chapel Ceiling ?
Who painted The Scream? Edward Munch Michelangelo

Who invented the light bulb? Tomas Edison


One quarter is? 15 minutes/ 25 cents West is the opposite direction to? East

Name an instrument made of wood. A guitar/ a violin What are poodles and dalmations? Dogs

Where are your lips? Around your mouth/ behind your nose When you turn on the radio, you can ? listen to music

Ham is meat from? A pig

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