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Error Correction (Phrase Replacement)_18aug17

Directions (Q. 1- 10): In each of the following sentences four words or phrases
have been underlined. Only one underlined part in each sentence is not
accepted in standard English. Identify that part and mark its number 1, 2, 3 or
4 in your answers.

1. Cargo traffic at major ports, commercial vehicle sales, cement output and
steel consumption are leads in upturn that point to a more broad-based
1) are leading an upturn that
2) are leads an upturn which
3) was leading a upturn its
4) is leading at upturn of the
5) No correction required
2. Customers would either have to save more to meet long-term targets or hold
cash to avoid its adverse effects, assuming that banks brave themselves to
pass on the burden.
1) itselfs to pass on the burden
2) themselves to the pass on the burden
3) themself to pass in the burden
4) themselves to pass of the burdens
5) No correction required.
3. For everyone undertaking a road journey, the risks of a fatal accidents
has been rising steadily: absolute fatalities in 2014 showed a 6 per cent
average annual growth rate compared to 1970 figures.
1) the risk of a fatal accident has
2) to the risk of a fatal accident has
3) the risks for a fatal accident has
4) the risk of an fatal accidents have
5) No correction required
4. BJP will do well to extend an olive branch to opposition parties, so Parliament can focus
on important legislation at hand and get some work done.
1) BJP would do well to extend an
2) BJP wont do well to extend a
3) BJP would do well extend an
4) BJP would do well to extended a
5) No correction required
5. The same lesson holds true for India. A hospitable environment has provided an
economic boost to states and city which has been welcoming.
1) to state and cities which have been
2) to states and cities which has
3) to states and cities which have been
4) to states and cities which had
5) No correction Required
6. Tinkering with the level of public debt and interest rates is at best temporary economic
1) debt and interest rates of the
2) debt and interest rates are
3) debt and interest rates of
4) debt or interest rates
5) No correction Required
7. If India-Nepal relations are not to tidy, Beijing-Kathmandu ties are rich in their
affirmation of high principle.
1) relations are too never tidy
2) relations are never too tidy
3) relations were never too tidy
4) relations is never too the tidy
5) No correction Required
8. There is no two views on the need to move towards a pensioned society.
1) are no two views at
2) are no two views in
3) are no two views on
4) is no two views on the
5) No correction Required
9. Whatever its chances, these rebel outfits are counterproductive for the alliance, negating
its primary purpose of consolidating the anti-Congress vote.
1) Whatever their chances of
2) Whatever of the its chances
3) Whatever their chances
4) Whatever the chances of their
5) No correction Required
10. There has also been some impact to the jumps in the state government borrowing even
without the Uday bonds.
1) from the jump in the states
2) from the jump in state
3) to the jump in state
4) from jump in the state
5) No correction required

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