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Oz's Two-Day Wonder Cleanse

To help your body run better, all it takes is six meals and eight snacks made from some
deliciously purifying ingredients.
By Dr. Mehmet Oz

Photo: Ruven Afanador




On talk shows and in magazines, I often hear celebrities championing cleanses. But when they
say "cleanse" and I say "cleanse," we're usually talking about two very different things.
Celebrities use the word to refer to so-called detox diets that promise to help you shed 20
pounds in two weeks. These rapid weight loss regimens can deprive you of crucial nutrients
and calories, forcing your body into starvation mode. You do lose weight, but as your
metabolism slows, the pounds eventually creep back.

When I say "cleanse," I mean it in the sense of true cleaninga strategy that helps your body
rid itself of toxins. We're exposed to harmful substances all the time; they're in our diet
(pesticides, microbes, and mercury, to name a few) and the very air we breathe (think
disinfectants, deodorizers, and the gasses released by fresh paint). Fortunately, we have an
excellent system in place to handle those toxins: Enzymes throughout the body are
continuously breaking them down and helping to flush them out. My 48-hour detox works by
optimizing that system. It involves eating whole foods that are packed with nutrients believed
to boost the activity of the enzymes and nourish the body's most important detoxifying
organsthe liver, the lungs, the kidneys, and the colonso they can do their jobs better and
more efficiently.

The first time I did this cleanse, I noticed that its effects aren't just physical. I believe there is
a spiritual aspect as well. Afterward I felt a sense of peace that I didn't have before. If you'd
like to see for yourself, eat according to my meal plan for two days. (If you're on regular
medication, check with your doctor first.) I recommend repeating the cleanse three or four
times a year, or whenever you're feeling bloated or sluggish. I promise it will rejuvenate
youfrom the inside out.

Breakfast: Quinoa with Prunes

Start the day with a bowl of this healthy whole grain. Quinoa contains all nine essential amino
acids, making it a complete protein. (Not many cleanses incorporate protein, which can be
problematic; if you're not consuming enough amino acids, your body will begin mining them
from your muscle tissue. Muscle loss is, unfortunately, one way that detox dieters lose
weight.) Quinoa also provides fiber to bulk up stool, and phosphorus to help stimulate bowel
movements. The prunes deliver even more fiber, plus sorbitol, a sugar alcohol with a laxative

Lunch: Revitalizing Fruit Smoothie

Here's proof that a cleanse can taste fantastic. Blueberries provide antioxidants to neutralize
cell-damaging free radicals and contain quercetin, a pigment that may increase the number of
enzymes in the liver. The banana's vitamin B6 helps recharge detoxifying enzymes
throughout the body, and ground flaxseed or chia seeds supply additional fiber for healthy
elimination (as well as brain-nourishing omega-3s).

In ambele zile de weekend:

la micul dejun: un bol de quinoa (proteine complete si fibre) cu prune uscate (sunt laxative,
dar si pline de fibre);

la pranz: un smoothie revitalizant de afine, banane si seminte chia (inhiba apetitul);

la cina: supa de legume (fenicul, patrunjel, usturoi, ciuperci, piper cayenne), o parte cu
varza murata (probiotice), o parte cu mere feliate (o ultima doza de fibre).

Iar pentru cei cu adevarat fanatici in ale detoxifiereii, recomand ca gustare intre mese, suc de
ananas cu varza kale si anghinare. Recomandari suplimentare: cat mai multa apa, 7-8 ore de
somn pe noapte, nu manca dupa ora 7 seara, dar inainte de culcare bea un ceai de papadie cu
efect diuretic demonstrat.

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