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Date: ___________

I. Objectives:
Cognitive: Visualized addition of dissimilar fractions without and with regrouping

Values: Peace and harmony

II. Learning Content

Skills: Visualized addition of dissimilar fractions without and with regrouping
References: BEC PELC II B 1.2
Enfolding Mathematics V
Materials: flashcards, game boards for square deal, fraction chart, strips

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill on adding similar fractions will be flashed to the class. The pupils give the correct
2. Motivation:
Can we mix oil with water? Why?
Similarly, we cannot just put together dissimilar fractions, can we?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
Strategy: Modeling

Using a problem opener

Mother has one whole cake. First she sliced 1/3 and then 1/6 if the cake. What part of the
cake did she slice?
i. 1
3 6
Ask: What parts of the cake had been sliced off? What was the total part of the cake that was
sliced off?
1 1
3 6

2. Practice Exercises
Use diagrams or fractions regions to add the following.
1. 2 + 1 = 3. 2 + 5 = 5. 5 + 1 =
3 4 3 9 8 2

2. 2 + 1 = 4. 3 + 1 =
6 3 8 4

3. Generalization:
How can we add fractions if they are dissimilar? (We make them similar)
IV. Evaluation:
Complete the diagrams by shading them correctly showing the given addition statements.
Rename the answers if needed.

V. Assignment
Find the sum
1. 11 + 5 = 3. 2 + 7 = 5. 5 + 1 =
12 6 3 8 6 5

2. 1 + 3 = 4. 7 + 3 =
4 5 10 4
Date: ___________

I. Objectives:
Cognitive: Add dissimilar fraction

Values: Obedience

II. Learning Content

Skills: Adding dissimilar fractions
References: BEC PELC II B 1.3
Enfolding Mathematics V
Materials: flashcards, concrete objects

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation
Drill on finding the LCM of some given numbers.
Strategy: Relay game
a. Divide the class into 2 (boys and girls). One representative from each group stands at he
back of the room.
b. Teacher flashes card with 2 to 3 written numbers. (Be sure numbers are manageable by
the pupils)
c. Pupils give the LCM orally6 and pupil who gives the 1st correct answer gets the point.
d. The game continues until all the 10 participants from each group have participated.
e. The group having the most points wins the game.

B. Developmental Activities:
a. Presentation:
Problem opener through cut outs (drawing picture of a circular pizza)
Faith ate 3/6 of a pizza. Mark ate 2/ 12 of the same pizza. How many parts of the pizza did
they eat in all?
1. What is asked?
2. What are given?
3. What kind of fractions are 3/6 and 2/12?
4. What operation is, needed to solve the problem?
5. Can we easily add 3/6 and 1/12? Why?
6. How can we add them? (Rename 3/6 into a fraction similar to 1/12)
7. Lets solve the problem.

2. Practice Exercises
Find the sum

1) 9/16 2) 16/20 3) 14/24 4) 5/8 5) 7/10

+ 4/8 + 2/10 + 6/16 + 4/6 + 2/20

3. Generalization:
How do we add dissimilar fractions?
In adding dissimilar fractions, find the LCD first. Then rename them to similar fractions. Add
as in adding similar fractions and reduce answer to lowest terms.
IV. Evaluation:
Rename these fractions as similar fractions. Add then express the sum in lowest term if possible

1. 2 + 3 = 3. 1 + 3 = 5. 5 + 1 =
8 4 4 6 8 4

2. 2 + 1 = 4. 6 + 1 =
8 2 10 2

V. Assignment
Find the sum and if necessary reduce the answer in its simplest form.

1. 3 + 4 = 3. 6 + 7 = 5. 5 + 10 =
6 10 15 10 9 15

2. 8 + 5= 4. 2 + 3 =
12 9 10 4

Date: ___________

I. Objectives:
Cognitive: Add dissimilar fraction and whole number

Values: Industry

II. Learning Content

Skills: Adding the dissimilar fractions and whole numbers
References: BEC PELC II B 1.4
Enfolding Mathematics V
Materials: fraction cards, fraction strips, cut-outs

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation
Drill on giving the LCD of given fractions
4 , 2 4 , 2 4 , 2
5 3 5 3 5 3

2. Motivation:
Who among you have tasted sweet tamarind candies? Do you have an idea what
ingredients they have?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
Strategy: Modeling Paper Folding
Use a problem Opener
Last week, Mr. Sanchez worked three days in his vegetable garden. He worked 1/3 hour
en the first day, 3/6 hour on the second day and 2 hours on the third day. How long did he
work in all?
1. Do as in strategy l-numbers 1 and 2 you may further as: What good trait do you think has
Mr. Sanchez for having a vegetable garden at home? How can such garden help in
sustaining a family's day to day expenses? What other benefits can you get for
maintaining such garden at home?
2. Divide the class in-groups. Give each group circular cutouts of uniform sizes.
3. Focus their attention on the number sentence they have written on the board.
4. Let your represent each addend using the circular cut-outs
5. Lead the pupils to notice that the fractions have ' different denominators and are therefore
unlike fractions.

2. Practice Exercises
Find the sum. Express answer in simplest form if possible
1) 4 + 6 + 2 + 3 3) 2 + 1 + 2 + 9 5) 8 + 6 + 3 + 4
3 4 8 2 8 6

2) 5 + 3 + 15 4) 10 + 6 + 1
10 6 12 3
3. Generalization:
How do we add dissimilar fractions and whole numbers?
- Change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions then add following the rules in adding
similar fractions
Add the whole numbers
- Express the answer in lowest tem of possible

IV. Evaluation:
Find the sum. Express the answer in lowest term of possible

1) 7 + 12 + 3 + 2 = 3) 9 + 3 + 7 + 11 = 5) 15 + 9 + 3 =
10 6 15 6 14 8

2) 9+5 +4 = 4) 6+7+ 4 +3 =
12 8 20 8

V. Assignment
Find the sum: Write the answer in the lowest term if possible

1) 8 + 10 + 2 + 4 = 3) 8 +3+6+4 = 5) 18 + 6 + 4 =
12 9 10 8 15 10

2) 6 +2 +7+2+3 = 4) 12 + 2 + 7 + 3 =
4 9 10 6

Date: ___________

I. Objectives:
Cognitive: Add whole numbers and mixed forms

Values: Spending Time Wisely

II. Learning Content

Skills: Adding whole numbers and mixed forms
References: BEC PELC II B 1.5
Enfolding Mathematics V
Materials: cut-outs, cardboard/cartolina, pair of scissors

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation
Drill on changing fractions to simplest form
2. Review on adding mixed forms and similar fractions.

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
Strategy: Cut-it-Out (Modeling)
1. The class will be divided into groups of five members.
2. Pupils will cut figures (whole and fractions) from the cartolina.
3. After cutting figures, pupils will construct problem exercise using the cutouts
4. The groups will exchange each others work and do the excises.

2. Practice Exercises
Add the following

1) 4 + 2 7 = 3) 5 + 5 3 = 5) 9 + 3 4 =
8 4 5

2) 5 + 10 1 = 4) 7 5 + 3 =
2 6

3. Generalization:
What kind of numbers did we add today?
How do we add mixed forms and whole numbers?

IV. Evaluation:
Add the following.

1) 6 + 3 1 = 3) 9+1 2 = 5) 6 + 4 =
10 3 7

2) 4 +5 = 4) 18 + 5 3 =
5 8
V. Assignment
Think of an addition statement that would give the following as the answer.
(Guess and check)

1. ______ + ______ = 11 3

2. ______ + ______ = 16 5

3. ______ + ______ = 9 4

4. ______ + ______ = 16 7

5. ______ + ______ = 13 5

Date: ___________

I. Objectives:
Cognitive: Add a mixed form and a dissimilar fraction

Values: Thoughtfulness

II. Learning Content

Skills: Adding of Mixed Form and Dissimilar Fraction
References: BEC PELC II B 1.6
Enfolding Mathematics V
Materials: fraction cards, cut-outs, number line model

II. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation.
Drill on adding similar fractions.
2. Review on giving LCD of 2 or more fractions

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
Strategy: Developing a concept Using Models
Using a Problem Opener
1. Do as in Strategy I - numbers 1 and 2
2. You may ask further: What kind of children do you think are Tina and Ayen? Why is it
important to remember our old folks? What are other ways of showing our love and
concern for them?
3. Post this activity:
a. Represent 1 112 and 3f4 = N by actually putting together 1 1/2 and 3f4 (Guide the
pupils in cutting and pasting the parts together as shown)
b. What value did get for N as shown by the models? (2 1/4 )
4. Using the cut-outs, let the pupils discover the rule in" adding a mixed form and a fraction
by asking some leading questions such as: What did we do with the pair of dissimilar
fractions before we did addition? (change / rename them into similar fractions)
5. Provide more exercises.

2. Practice Exercises
Find the sum

1) 9 1 + 4 2) 4 3 + 1 3) 2 1 + 2
3 4 6 3 4 6

4) 5 2 + 1 5) 1 3 + 3
10 4 4 8

3. Generalization:
How do we add a mixed form and dissimilar fractions?
First rename the fractions into similar fractions. Add as we do with similar fractions.
Express the answer in simplest form if possible.
IV. Evaluation:
Add. Reduce answer to simplest form.

1) 6 2 + 1 = 2) 8 5 + 1 = 3) 2 1 + 2 =
3 6 10 4 4 6

4) 10 5 + 3 = 5) 7 7 + 2 =
8 6 10 5

V. Assignment
Find the sum.

1) 3 2 + 1 = 2) 9 4 + 3 = 3) 17 3 + 3 =
7 3 16 4 6 8

4) 4 8 + 3 = 5) 7 + 1 + 3 =
10 4 12 8

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