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Hello Guys

First of all Thanks for downloading the eBook!

I am poster 'samsexy98' and have a few things to share with you :)

Free eBooks & Tutorials


1. Anybody is free to share/repost my books but must include this NFO file (I hope
you guys have atleast that much respect for me) :)


2. Do not download my books if I you think it breaks the Law of Copyright. Buy the
book instead.


3. If you like my work & want something to do for me then you can help me in the
following ways:

a. Promote my site www.PlentyofeBooks.net

b. Buy a Premium account at MegaShare.com
c. Donate Me through my website mentioned in point "a" :)


4. Please do not mail me with book requests as I only share selected books which I
think majority of the people like to have or finds interesting.


Free Desktop Wallpapers

I even upload Quality Desktop Wallpapers.

If you want you can download them as well from www.plentyofwallpapers.blogspot.com
(Long url huh..!!!) XD


With Best Regards

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