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The measurement of viscosity of alloysa review of methods, data and models

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2005 Meas. Sci. Technol. 16 354


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Meas. Sci. Technol. 16 (2005) 354362 doi:10.1088/0957-0233/16/2/005

The measurement of viscosity of alloysa

review of methods, data and models
R F Brooks, A T Dinsdale and P N Quested
NPL Materials Centre, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, TW11 0LW, UK

Received 9 August 2004, in final form 8 November 2004

Published 19 January 2005
Online at stacks.iop.org/MST/16/354

Values of the viscosities of liquid metals are important in the prediction of
fluid flow in many metallurgical manufacturing processes. This paper
describes a number of methods used to measure the viscosity of liquid
metals, including capillary, oscillating vessel, rotational bob or crucible,
oscillating plate, draining vessel, levitation using the damping of surface
oscillations and acoustic methods. A number of models used to estimate
viscosity for elements, the temperature dependence of viscosity, and
viscosity of multicomponent systems are also given, including the Andrade
equation, Arrhenius equation, Hildebrands free volume theory, Chhabra
models, Moelwyn-Hughes model and thermodynamic models. The scatter
of data available in the literature are highlighted by comparing two reviews
of data for elements.
Keywords: viscosity, liquid metals, elements, alloys, models, estimation of
viscosity, measurement methods
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Measurement of viscosity of liquid metals modified Poiseuille equation or HagenPoiseuille equation as

Values of the viscosities of liquid metals are important in the r 4 ght mV
prediction of fluid flow in many metallurgical manufacturing = (1)
8V (l + nr) 8(l + nr)t
processes. There are a large number of methods to measure
the viscosity of liquids, but those suitable for liquid metals where r and l are the radius and length of the capillary,
are limited by the low viscosities of metals (of the order of respectively, h is the effective height of the column of liquid,
1 mPa s), their chemical reactivity and generally high melting is the liquid density, V is the volume discharged in time t, and m
points. Proposed methods include: capillary, oscillating and n are constants which can be determined experimentally.
vessel, rotational bob or crucible, oscillating plate, draining gh may be replaced by P, the pressure drop along the
vessel, levitation using the damping of surface oscillations and capillary, and nr is called the end correction, and corrects
acoustic methods. However, despite the number of possible for surface tension effects as the liquid is expelled from
methods, there are few data available for pure metals, and even the capillary. For liquid metals, with their relatively high
less for alloys, and literature values can show a high degree of densities, the second term, which corrects for kinetic energy,
scatter. is particularly important. An example of a capillary viscometer
is given in figure 1.
This technique is often used as a relative, rather than
1.1. Capillary method absolute, method, as the experimental procedures are simple,
and any errors incidental to the measurement of dimensions
The capillary rheometer is generally thought to be the best
are thereby avoided. For a viscometer in which r, l, h and
method for the measurement of the viscosity of liquids [1]
V are fixed, equation (1) reduces to
and is based upon the time for a finite volume of liquid to
flow through a narrow bore tube under a given pressure. The C2
= C1 t (2)
relation between viscosity and efflux time is given by the t

0957-0233/05/020354+09$30.00 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK 354

The measurement of viscosity of alloys

sensor wires

Gas Inlet
(O2 free)
known volume of liquid
alumina seal
capillary tube Coupling

Torsion Wire
3 zone furnace
cone to stop surface Temperature
tension effects Controlled
catch pot (30C)

water cooled sealed end piece

Figure 1. Diagram of a capillary viscometer.

Laser Beam

where the values of Cl and C2 are easily evaluated using Diode Array
viscosity standard reference samples, but are constants equal
to Thermocouple

r 4 gh mV Water Cooled
C1 = , C2 = . (3) Section (Cold)
8V (l + nr) 8(l + nr)
In determining the viscosities of metallic liquids by the
capillary method, an especially fine and long-bore tube (in
general, r < 0.150.2 mm, l > 7080 mm) is needed so as to Suspension Rod
satisfy the condition of a low Reynolds number for ensuring
laminar flow. This in turn requires a furnace with a similarly Alumina Enclosure
long and uniform hot zone. Blockage of the capillary by
bubbles or oxide inclusions is a common problem, particularly Container
with aluminium alloys, and due to materials problems a
temperature limit of about 1200 C is often imposed, but metals Furnace
such bismuth have been successfully measured [1].

1.2. Oscillating vessel viscometer

Figure 2. Diagram of the NPL oscillating viscometer.
Most measurements of the viscosity of metals use some form of
oscillating vessel viscometer. A liquid contained in a vessel, alumina crucible (105 mm long by 14 mm internal diameter),
normally a cylinder, is set in motion about a vertical axis which is screwed into a molybdenum lid and suspension rod
and the motion is damped by frictional energy absorption and and suspended on a torsion wire. A rotary solenoid is used to
dissipation within the liquid. The viscosity is determined impart oscillatory motion to the crucible, and an optical pointer
from the decrement and time period of the motion. The with a diode array is used to measure the time constant and
main advantages of the method are that the time period and decrement of the system. The sample is heated by a two-zone
decrement are easily measured and the amount of liquid is furnace. These authors claim an uncertainty of measurement
relatively small, which allows stable temperature profiles to of 9% within a 95% confidence limit. A major contribution
be attained. One of the major difficulties is relating the to the uncertainty is the extrapolation of the dimensions of the
measured parameters to the viscosity through the second-order crucible and the height of liquid at high temperatures.
differential equation for the motion of an oscillating system For a right circular cylinder that is infinitely long
and there are a number of mathematical treatments appearing containing a fluid the equation of motion of the damped
to yield different results [26] with the same experimental cylinder is
data. Since this is the most commonly used method it will be
discussed in more detail below. I0 (d2 /dt 2 ) + L(d/dt) + f = 0. (4)
Figure 2 shows the experimental arrangement for an I0 is the moment of inertia of empty cup and suspension,
oscillating vessel viscometer and details of this particular t is the time, f the force constant of the torsion wire, is
design are given in [7]. The sample is contained within an the angle of displacement of any small segment of the fluid

R F Brooks et al

from its equilibrium position. L is a function of the density

and viscosity of the fluid; the internal radius of crucible and
height of liquid expressions for L are determined by solving the
NavierStokes equations for the motion of the liquid within the
vessel (neglecting nonlinear terms). The working formulae for
the oscillating cup viscometer reviewed by Iida and Guthrie
[1] are from Knappworst [2], Shvidkovskiy [3] and Roscoe
[4]. The majority of measurements made by this method have
used the analysis by Roscoe, mainly for reasons of simplicity
of presentation of the working formulae of that reference and
following other workers in the liquid metals field. A more
complete model of oscillating cup viscometers was described
by Kestin and Newell [5] and Beckwith and Newell [8]. The
resulting working equations were not stated explicitly in the
early references and required some further analysis for their
derivation. These have been adopted by chemical engineers
and it has been suggested [9, 10] that the BeckwithNewell
model is more accurate and comprehensive than that of Roscoe
and should therefore be adopted for future analysis.

1.2.1. The Roscoe analysis. Roscoe [4] describes the Figure 3. Reproduced from Beckwith and Newell [8], showing
derivation of the necessary formulae for determining viscosity region of interest 8 < 0 < 23, 68 < 0 < 200 to be within the large
from oscillatory spherical and cylindrical viscometers. The cup regime.
decay of the oscillations was determined from
    these values for the NPL design correspond to the large cup
R3H 1 1R 3 4 R 1 regime.
I = (t) 2 1+ a0 +
2 4H 2 H p The corresponding operating equation due to Beckwith,
3 9R a2 63 45 R a4 in the form of Brockner et al [6], is
+ + (5)  
8 4 H 2p 2 128 64 H 4p 4 H R 4 1 B Cq
A(p q) 2 + 3 = 2( o /) (9)
where 2I x x x
  12   12 where
(1 + 2 ) + 1 1 + 2 1 R 16 R 3 9R
a0 = (1 ) (1 + ) A=4+ , B =6+ , C= + ,
2 2 H H 2 H
3 3 1 to  1

= 1  2  3 (6) = , p = 1 2  + (1 + 2 ) 2 2 ,
2 8 16 t
  12   12 1 1
1 + 2 + 1 1 + 2 1 q= , x = R(2/(t)) 2
a2 = + 2p
2 2
where to is the oscillation period and 2o is the logarithmic
 1 2 1 decrement for the empty cup. The other quantities are as
=1+ +  3 (7)
2 8 16 defined in the previous section.
2 12  3 5
a4 = a2 /(1 +  ) = 1 + 2 3 (8) 1.2.3. Numerical comparisons. Comparing the treatments
2 8 16
with a typical set of NPL measurement data for iron, the
and corrected Roscoe equation (2.5) gives 6.047 mPa, while the
p = (/t) 2 R. corresponding value calculated using the BeckwithNewell
analysis (3.2) yields 6.044 mPa. For the aluminium data, the
In (11), R is the cylinder radius, H the height of the liquid viscosity results for the Roscoe and BeckwithNewell analyses
within it, I the moment of inertia of the suspension, 2 are 0.949 mPa s and 0.954 mPa s, respectively. The difference
the logarithmic decrement between consecutive swings, the between the results for aluminium is about 0.5% and that for
fluid density, the viscosity and t is the period of oscillation. steel very much less.
In his review of the equations Ferriss [9] found that (12)
was printed incorrectly in the original paper, and should be 1.2.4. Possible errors. Comparison of the oscillating
read as (3/2), as given above. viscometer with the capillary viscometer reveals some
differences. Iida and Guthrie [1] suggest the end effect is
1.2.2. The Beckwith, Kestin and Newell analysis. The inadequately weighted in the Roscoe treatment and should
analysis due to Kestin and Newell [5] and Beckwith and also include the effect of the liquid meniscus on the height
Newell [8] identifies the small, intermediate and large cup of liquid, suggesting that a correction factor, , is introduced
regimes according to the magnitude of certain dimensionless into the (uncorrected) formula of 1 0.04. Various studies
parameters (figure 3). Ferriss et al [9] have shown that [1, 1114] have suggested that wetting of the crucible may also

The measurement of viscosity of alloys

Viscous Resistance = 3 DV(1+3/16Re) sine wave

power amplifier generator
h = viscosity
D = diameter of sphere
V = velocity of movement
Re = VD / leaf spring

platinum suspension wire laser

displacement voltmeter
alumina tube

alumina cap

platinum sphere computer

platinum crucible

oscillating plate

Figure 4. Diagram of a counterbalanced sphere viscometer.

Figure 5. Diagram of an oscillating plate viscometer.
be important, and that if the metal does not wet the crucible
it may slip during the oscillation and thus provide greater derived [23, 24]:
damping. The aspect ratio of the sample may be important in  2
both these assessments, and further work is required to justify RM 2 fa E a
= 1 = Ko (11)
modification of the (Roscoe) equation. f A2 fE
where is the density, Ea and E are the amplitudes of
1.3. Falling body or counterbalanced sphere viscometer oscillation in air and the liquid respectively, fa and f are the
frequency of the oscillation in air and the liquid, A is the area
In this method a body (normally a sphere) is either allowed
of the plate and RM is the real component of the mechanical
to drop due to gravity or dragged upwards through the liquid.
impedance. The assumptions of the method are:
This can be achieved with the apparatus shown in figure 4.
The viscosity is calculated using Stokes law: 1. The liquid is a Newtonian fluid.
2. Turbulent flow does not occur.
2gr (k liq )
= (10) 3. There is no slippage between the plate and the fluid.
9S 4. The size of the oscillating plate must be larger than one
where g is the gravitational constant, r is the radius of the wavelength of the oscillation wave and is planar.
sphere, k and liq are the density of the sphere and the liquid 5. The end effects of the plate on damping of the amplitude
respectively and S is the velocity of descent or ascent of the are negligible.
sphere. It is normal to correct for the expansion of the ball [15] 6. The size of the vessel is large enough that the effects of
and the diameter of the ball should be less than 1/10 of the the waves reflected from the walls are negligible.
diameter of the crucible [16]. This is not an absolute method
requiring an apparatus constant to be derived from calibration It has been shown that the resonant frequency in air and
curves with liquids of known viscosity. The method was in liquid can be considered to be the same for all practical
successfully demonstrated by Endell et al [17, 18] for slag purposes so that
and glasses by the time taken to pull a ball from a melt at a  2
RM 2 Ea
constant measured force. = 1 = K. (12)
f A2 E
Hara et al [19] used the counterbalance sphere of Pt 2
20% Rh to determine the viscosity of an oxide system in air, = f RM
is the damping factor and K = (Ea /E) 1
but for melts with a low viscosity (Reynolds number Re < is determined experimentally using viscosity reference
0.1) Stokes law does not hold and a modified equation must materials. Recent comparisons [25] of this technique with the
be used [19]. Although the counterbalanced sphere reduces rotating cylinder method, for slag systems, have shown good
the experimental difficulties associated with the falling body agreement, typically within 7% [20]. Although in theory
method in a dense, opaque liquid metal, the authors have found a simple method, for low viscosity metals a thin oscillating
no reference on its use for metals. plate of large area must be vibrated slowly within the liquid.
As far as the authors are aware, this method has not been used
1.4. Oscillating plate method to measure the viscosity of liquid metals.

This method [2022], shown in figure 5, relies on vibrating

1.5. Rotating cylinder
a flat plate in a liquid with a constant driving force. The
amplitude of motion will be dependent on the viscosity of the For the rotating cylinder technique the torque on a cylinder
liquid. The amplitude of the plate oscillations is measured in rotated in a liquid is related to the viscosity of the fluid.
air and in the liquid and the following relationships have been Viscometers of this type consist of two concentric cylinders,

R F Brooks et al

Viscometer head transducer coil

core holder
articulated load cell
Mo spindle
x-y stage
reference rod
sample (for expansion)
Mo bob
furnace spiked disk
Mo crucible sample
rotary disk

servomotor lifting mechanism

Figure 6. Diagram of a rotating bob viscometer.

i.e. a bob and a crucible. The viscosity is determined Figure 7. Spiked parallel plate creep/rotational viscometer.
from measurements of the torque generated on the rotor arm
of the rotating cylinder. When rotating the cylinder at a
range, 107 to 104 Pa s, and a rotating plate method for the lower
constant speed the viscosity can be obtained from the following
range. The plate acts in the same way as the rotating cylinder,
  with a large surface area to obtain the necessary sensitivity. It
1 1 M is claimed that because the principles and mechanism of this
= 2 (13)
r12 r0 8 4 nh viscometer are simple, the absolute values of sample viscosity
where M is the torque, n is the number of revolutions per can be determined, at least to the right order, without any
second, r1 is the radius of the bob, r0 is the radius of the calibration using standard reference samples. There are no
crucible, and h is the height of the bob. The theory is applicable reports of it being used on liquid metals.
to infinitely long cylinders and it is normal to calibrate the
system with reference materials using the equation 1.6. Industrial viscometers
= G = S/n (14) Several simple viscometers have been developed for on
where S is the scale deflection and G is the apparatus constant. plant determination of slag viscosities and quality assurance
This is the most common method for the measurement exercises, but these have not been used for liquid metals.
of slag viscosity and for several practical reasons it is more Examples are the Herty viscometer [29] where the viscosity
customary to rotate the bob rather than the crucible. A typical is determined by the length of the slag ribbon formed, and
rotating bob apparatus is shown in figure 6. Probably the most the Krabiell immersion viscometer [30, 31]. In recent years
important reason is that the rotating bob viscometer is based the inclined plane method has been investigated in more
upon readily available and cheap commercial instruments. It detail [32]. In this method a molten slag is poured from a
is also easier to centre the bob, but the viscosity range is less crucible onto an inclined steel plate plane with a V section.
than for a rotating crucible instrument. It is critical that the bob The viscosity can be related to the length of the slag ribbon
rotates axisimetrically and concentrically within the sample. obtained. Mills et al [32] claim that measurement uncertainties
Any instability due to rotation speed or alignment will increase of 15%, for slags with viscosities in the range of 0.1 to
the apparent viscosity. Nakashima et al [26] show a modern 1 Pa s, are possible. The oscillating plate method has also
example of a rotating crucible method. been proposed as an in situ measurement.
In order to obtain the necessary sensitivity to measure
the low viscosity of liquid metals the clearance between the 1.7. Draining vessel method
stationary and rotating parts has to be made very small, and
it is difficult to maintain the system coaxially. In spite of the It is common for comparative measurements of viscosity to be
experimental difficulties the rotating bob technique has been made for oils and slurries in industrial applications by use of
used to measure the viscosity of aluminium and its alloys [27]. a flow cup, where the time taken for a volume of sample to
An adaptation of this method has been developed as part flow through a small orifice in the bottom of a cup is measured
of a spiked parallel plate creep/rotational viscometer [28], and viscosity is derived from look-up tables. Roach et al [33]
shown in figure 7. This elegant design to measure a wide range have derived equations to adapt this method for liquid metals,
of viscosities from about 1012 to 101 Pa s has been successfully and to provide values of viscosity, surface tension and density.
demonstrated with various glasses to a temperature of 1200 C. The apparatus is shown in figure 8. The values for aluminium
The instrument combines an indentation method for the highest are lower than usually quoted, but the method is robust and
viscosities, a creep parallel plate method for the intermediate experiments simple to perform.

The measurement of viscosity of alloys

PdCuSi shape oscillations at 950 C

induction coil

amplitude [a.u.]
h 570


Q r0 stopper
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time [s]

load cell Figure 9. Damping of shape oscillations at 950 C.

Figure 8. Diagram of a draining vessel viscometer. material has a low viscosity and unphysically high results
for the viscosity were obtained, indicating turbulent flows in
1.8. Oscillating (levitated) drop method the sample. During the MSL-1 Spacelab mission STS-83,
the same experiment was carried out on the highly viscous
The oscillating drop method is widely used for surface tension eutectic system Pd78Cu6Si16 [38]. The values agree well with
measurements of liquid, levitated samples. It is based on the one set of previously published data for the viscosity of this
fact that the frequencies of the surface oscillations of a liquid alloy near the melting point, although there is debate as to the
drop are related to the surface tension by Rayleighs formula true viscosity of this system. More recently Wunderlecht et al
[34]; for earthbound levitation, his formula must be corrected [39] have carried out measurements on parabolic and sounding
as proposed by Cummings and Blackburn [35]. For a viscous rocket flights, on the nickel based superalloy CMSX-4 which
drop, these oscillations are damped due to the viscosity of the show reasonable agreement with terrestrial measurements of
liquid. Therefore, it is, in principle, also possible to determine the same alloy using an oscillating cylinder method.
the viscosity from the damping. The damping constant  is
given by
1.9. Damping of an acoustic wave
20 R
= (15) The viscosity of a liquid can be measured by measuring the
3 m
where R and m are radius and mass of the droplet, respectively, damping of an acoustic wave. There is one example for the
and is the viscosity. In order to apply the above formula, the measurement of aluminium [40] and some alloys, using hole
following conditions must be satisfied: theory to interpret the results.

The liquid drop must be spherical.

The oscillations must persist undisturbed for a time, 2. Viscosity data for elements
t = 1/ .
There are several compendia of viscosity of elements in the
There must be no additional damping mechanism present.
literature, and each shows scatter in measured values. It is
It is often thought that none of these conditions is met likely that as well as differences in experimental technique,
in terrestrial experiments; the sample is deformed, and values are dependent on the purity of the sample. To illustrate
there is an overlap of self-excited oscillations, making the the expected values for common elements found in commercial
decay of one single excitation hard to detect. Also, the alloys table 1 lists data from two compendia [41, 42], listing the
electromagnetic fields necessary for earthbound levitation viscosity at the melting point and the temperature dependence
inevitably induce turbulent fluid flows inside the sample which in the Arrhenius form
lead to additional damping, although Rhim et al [36] and
(T ) = o exp(E/RT ). (16)
Ishikawa et al [37] have published measurements of refractory
metals made terrestrially using this method and electrostatic E is the activation energy for viscous flow and o is the pre-
levitation. Under microgravity conditions, the fields are exponential viscosity, which are both constants. T is the
much weaker, and a laminar fluid flow can be expected, at temperature in K, R is the gas constant = 8.3144 J mol1 K1.
least for sufficiently viscous materials. In microgravity an Table 1 lists the values for the two compendia for some
electromagnetic positioning field is used, with a separate relevant elements. Clearly there are discrepancies between
heating coil. A pulse of power initiates the oscillations the values and this again reflects the difficulty of obtaining
which are monitored with a video camera. The temperature accurate data. In the Iida and Shiraishi [41] compendium
is recorded with a pyrometer. Image analysis is used to some elements are not quoted whereas Battezati and Greer
obtain the frequency and decay of the oscillations as shown in [42] make clear that the values for some refractory elements
figure 9. Microgravity experiments utilizing the oscillating (e.g. Cr) are uncertain and in other cases large discrepancies
drop technique were carried out on liquid gold in 1994. This in the values exist in the literature (e.g. Mn).

R F Brooks et al

Table 1. Data for the viscosity of relevant elements drawn from two compendia [41, 42].
Melting point (Tm) o E (Tm) [2]
Element Tm ( C) (mPa s) (mPa s) (kJ mol1) (kg m3)

Al 660 1.38 0.257 13.08 2380

1.30 0.149 16.5
4.38 0.529 23.85
Cu 1083 8000
4.0 0.301 30.5
Fe 1535 6.93 0.315 46.5 7030
5.5 0.370 41.4
Mg 650 1590
1.25 0.025 30.5

Mn 1244 5760
5 0.121.02 2046.5
Si 1414 2530
0.8 0.060.12 2736
Zn 419 3.50 0.527 10.91 6580
3.85 0.413 12.7
4.27 0.589 20.34
Ag 960 9300
3.88 0.453 22.2
Cr 1905 6290
5.7 1.7 1014 185

Ni 1455 7900
4.9 0.166 50.2
1.87 0.467 5.83
Sn 231 6980
1.85 0.538 5.4
Ti 1725 2.2 0.034 68 4130

3. Models for viscosity of metals parameters. Chhabra investigated three common models:
Arrhenius, Andrade and the Hildebrand fluidity equation, and
The following section presents some of the models that compared them against experimental data.
are used to describe the viscosity of the elements and
multicomponent systems. The list is not comprehensive
3.1.3. Arrhenius equation. The Arrhenius equation is the
and we have not included molecular models or relationships
one most frequently used to represent data on viscosity:
between liquid diffusion coefficients and viscosity such as the
StokesEinstein equation. = A exp(E/RT ). (18)
T is the temperature in K, A is the pre-exponential factor, R
3.1. Elements
is the gas constant and E is the activation energy for viscous
3.1.1. Andrade equation for viscosity at melting point. This flow.
model [43] is based upon the supposition that the characteristic Chhabra et al [44] derive values for A and E from various
vibration frequencies in the liquid (L ) and solid (S ) near the experimental data for Ag, Al, Au, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Ca, Cu, Fe,
melting point are equal using the fact that the specific heats of Ga, Ge, Hg, In, K, Li, Mg, Na, Ni, Pb, Pu, Rb, Sb, Sn, Tl
liquid and solid metals at their melting point are similar. and Zn.
(Tm ) = CA {Tm A}1/2 /V 2/3 . (17)
Andrade showed that CA is approximately a constant for 3.1.4. Andrade treatment. The equation by Andrade [43]
pure metal melts and estimated a value of 1.65 107 described above underestimates the temperature dependence
(J K1 mol1/3 )1/2 with A = atomic weight and V = molar of viscosity, and so Andrade suggested that the viscosity was
volume at Tm. lowered by the loss of local molecular orientational order but
Battezati and Greer [42] have tested Andrades equation there is a discussion whether this is a tenable argument [41].
and note several exceptions to the predicted value of CA due Andrade gave an equation in the form
to: the reliability of available data for some elements; the (T ) = C1 / 1/3 exp(C2 /T ) (19)
formation of associates in elements such as selenium; and the
anomalous behaviour of semiconductors in the solid and in where C1 and C2 are constants and is the specific volume.
the liquid. This is similar to the Arrhenius equation [42, 44].
Hirai [46] modified the Andrade equation based upon
3.1.2. Temperature dependence of viscosity of the elements. characteristic frequency of vibration to give
There are a large number of equations that have been derived (Tm ) = 1.7 107 2/3 Tm 1/2 M 1/6 (Pa s) (20)
to describe the viscosity as a function of temperature for
pure liquids. (See Chhabra and Seth [44] and Beyer and where is the density, M is the atomic weight. Using
Ring [45].) These frequently involve two or three adjustable a compendium of data [47] he derived the following

The measurement of viscosity of alloys

relationships for the viscosity of the elements: at two temperatures there was a maximum difference of 8%
= A exp(E/RT ) (21) between the predicted and measured values.
where 3.2.3. Thermodynamic models [4648]. There have been
A = {1.7 107 2/3 Tm 1/2 M 1/6 }/A exp(E/RTm ) attempts to model viscosity using thermodynamic concepts
and [48, 55, 56]. Kucharski [55, 56] developed two models: one
based upon rate theory to describe multicomponent mixtures
E = 2.65 Tm 1.27 .
where all the parameters have physical meaning and another
Although the expressions describe the viscosity of the elements model predicting multicomponent mixtures from knowledge
well and have formed the basis of the unary data for at least of thermodynamic properties, densities and viscosities for the
one model [48] extension of these equations to alloys has not limiting binaries. She tested this for a AgCuAu system. Du
met with success. Sichen et al [48] used an absolute reaction rate theory and were
able to reproduce the viscosity of some binary compositions
3.1.5. Hildebrands free volume theory. The principle of this well.
model [49] is that fluid flow is governed by the extent of the
free space available: Acknowledgments
1/ = = B{(V V0 )/V0 }. (22)
This work formed part of the Measurements for
V is the atomic volume, V0 is the intrinsic volume where flow Processability Programme of the UKs Department of Trade
is stopped, B is a characteristic constant. Both B and V0 are and Industry.
considered constants independent of temperature.
3.1.6. Chhabra model. Mehrota [50] developed a model
based on the viscosity values of organic liquids following [1] Iida T and Guthrie R I L 1988 The Physical Properties of
modifications of equations by Walther [51]: Liquid Metals (Oxford: Clarendon) (ISBN 0-19-856394-9)
[2] Knappworst A 1952 A new method of high temperature
log( + 0.8) = 10 b1T b2 . (23) viscometry by the method of oscillating hollow bodies
A strong correlation was shown between b1 and b2 for light and Z. Phys. Chem. 200 81
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