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Square (cuadrado): Elmers got a square mind (Elmer tiene una

mente cuadrada)
Round (redondo): Lets discuss it in a round table (Discutmoslo en
una mesa redonda)
Hollow (vaco): Shes such a hollow person! (Ella es una persona tan
Big (grande): I live in a very big house (Vivo en una casa muy
Small (pequeo): I bought a very small phone (Compr un telfono
muy pequeo)
Heavy (pesado): Thats one heavy book (Qu libro tan pesado)
Light (liviano): Lets eat something light (Comamos algo liviano)
Solid (slido): I only see a solid brick wall (nicamente veo una
slida pared de ladrillos)
Tall (alto): My dads very tall in comparison (My padre es muy alto
en comparacin)
1) Bill Gates is THE RICHEST man in the world (Bill Gates es el
hombre ms rico del mundo)
2) Fernando is THE TALLEST student in the school (Fernando es el
alumno ms alto de la escuela.)
3) Acer has THE MOST EXPENSIVE prices in computer equipmet
(Acer tiene los precios ms caros en equipo de cmputo)
4) Orlando Bloom is THE MOST HANDSOME actor in Hollywood
(Orlando Bloom es el actor ms guapo de Hollywood)
5) Jennifer Aniston is THE PRETTIEST wife Brad Pitt has had (Jennifer
Aniston es la esposa ms bonita que ha tenido Brad Pitt)
6) Oxford Press has THE BEST books (Oxford tiene los mejores libros)
7) Diana is THE FUNNIEST girl in the class (Diana es la chica mas
graciosa de la clase)
8) The nile river is THE LONGEST river in the world (El rio Nilo es el
rio ms largo del mundo)
9) I am THE MOST BEAUTIFUL girl of all (Yo soy la chica ms bonita
de todas)
10) America is THE WORST soccer team in Mexico(America es el peor
equipo de ftbol de Mexico)



1. This pencil is blue. (Este lpiz es azul.)

2. This is my favorite ice-cream. (Este es mi helado favorite)

3. This apple is sweet. (Esta manzana es dulce.)

4. This car is broken. (Este auto est averiado.)

5. This door is narrow. (Esta puerta es angosta.)

6. I dont know what this is. (No s qu es esto.

7. This is a marble table. (Esta es una mesa de mrmol)

8. I want to wear this dress. (Quiero usar este vestido.)

9. This is the restaurant I told you about. (Este es el restaurant del que te

10.This is the last day of the week. (Este es el ltimo da de la semana.)


He washes his car. (l lava su automvil)

She is in her bedroom. (Ella est en su habitacin)
She has finished her work. (Ella ha terminado su trabajo)
I painted my house last weekend. (Yo pint mi casa el fin de semana
He worked in his garden yesterday. (l trabajo en su jardn ayer)
He waits for you outside of your office. (l te espera afuera de tu
My dog wags its tail when he see me. (Mi perro mueve la cola cuando
me ve)
I forgot to bring my jacket. (Olvid mi chaqueta)
Does she work for your uncle? (Ella trabaja para tu to?)
Mr. Green works with my uncle. (El seor Green trabaja para mi to)

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