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1 Srie do Ensino Mdio

Reading and comprehension
The simple present tense (Md. 2)
The present continuous tense (Md. 3)
Personal pronouns (Md. 5)
Reflexive and emphasing pronouns (Md. 6)
The simple future tense (Md. 8)
Time clauses (Md. 9)
Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns (Md. 11)
The simple past tense (Md. 13)
The past continuous tense (Md. 14)
The past perfect (Md. 16)


Son, your mother and I think that you are now old enough to get your own drink of water.

01 Do que se trata a charge? (Responda em portugus)

02 Qual o diferente sentido que os verbos em destaque do s frases? Quais so esses tempos verbais?
Son, you are always bothering us. Leave us alone!
Son, you bothered us. Leave us alone!

03 Marque a alternativa que melhor completa a frase.

Dont go in there now. She ___________.
a) sleep d) is sleeping
b) was sleeping e) to sleep
c) sleeps

04 Marque a alternativa que melhor completa a frase.

The earth ________ round the sun.
a) turn
b) is going
c) go
d) goes
e) is turning

05 Assinale V para as alternativas gramaticalmente corretas e F para as alternativas gramaticalmente incorretas.
1 ( ). Embora seja possvel o uso de their, everybody, somebody, nobody etc. so normalmente considerados
femininos, tendo, portanto, her como possessivo correspondente.
2 ( ). A construo a/an + substantivo + possessive pronoun equivale a one + of + possessive adjective +
substantivo. Indica um substantivo dentre vrios possudos.
(Eg. Hes one of my old friends. = He is an old friend of mine.)
3 ( ). Os possessive adjectives tm a funo de modificar um substantivo. Devem, portanto, preceder um substantivo.
4 ( ). Os possessive pronouns no so seguidos de substantivo; eles o substituem.

06 Marque a alternativa que melhor completa a frase.

I said to Peter, Dont ask anyones help. Do it __________.
a) myself d) yourself
b) himself e) itself
c) ourselves

07 Assinale V para as alternativas gramaticalmente corretas e F para as alternativas gramaticalmente incorretas.

1( ). Shall I turn on the air conditioning?
2( ). They will discuss the subject at the meeting.
3( ). Since the beginning of the month Im planning a party. I will invite a lot of people.
4( ). The sky is cloudy. I think it will rain.

08 Marque a alternativa que melhor completa a frase.

As soon as he ______ in the party, we ______ away.

a) will arrive will go d) arrives will go

b) arrives - go e) to arrive will go
c) arrived go

09 Assinale V para as alternativas gramaticalmente corretas e F para as alternativas gramaticalmente incorretas.

1( ). Look! The cat is eating food but the dogs arent eating his.
2( ). Man has his will - but woman has her way.
3( ). My girlfriend usually remembers my birthday, but I usually forget ours.
4( ). I cant find my pen. Lend me yours please.

Childhood passion

When I was a little boy, I had a passion for maps. I looked for hours at South America or Africa or Australia, and lost
myself in all the glories of exploration.
At that time, there were many blank spaces on the earth, and when I saw one that looked particularly inviting on a map, I
put my finger on it and said, When I grow up, I will go there. The North Pole was one of these places, I remember. Well, I
havent been there yet, and will not try now. The glamours gone.

10 The author of the text:

a) still has a passion for maps and the glamour they represent.
b) used to put his finger on all blank spaces of the map and intended to explore them some day.
c) intends to travel to the North Pole to accomplish one of his childhoods dreams.
d) hasnt been to many places on earth when he was a child, but will soon visit them now that hes an adult.
e) has lost interest in something that used to be his passion in his childhood.

11 Marque a alternativa que melhor completa a frase.

I ____________ as soon as the bell ______________.

a) leave, ring
b) leaves, rings
c) left, ring
d) will leave, will ring
e) will leave, rings

12 Reescreva a frase que est no presente simples para o passado simples.

He is a man that doesnt like to travel because he doesnt want to leave his family.

13 Flexione os verbos abaixo no passado simples:

hang to kill someone by putting a rope around someone's neck and leaving them in a high position without any support -

shut -


plan -

know -

14 Marque a alternativa que melhor completa a frase.

When he saw her, he ___________ to cry.
a) begins
b) begun
c) is beginning
d) began
e) was begin

15 Qual o diferente sentido que os verbos flexionados no past continuous e simple past produzem em cada uma das
sentenas? Explique essa diferena.

While he was crying, she was laughing.

My mother was cooking, when my father got home.

16 Assinale a alternativa gramaticalmente incorreta.

a) I am understading it now.
b) Does Helen know it?
c) Do all birds fly high?
d) The sun does not rise in the West.
e) Mary washes her hair everyday.

17 Marque a alternativa que melhor completa a frase.

Scientists tested people who _________ through the same tests many years ago.
a) gone
b) go
c) went
d) had gone
e) were going

18 Assinale V para as alternativas gramaticalmente corretas e F para as alternativas gramaticalmente incorretas.

My parents had left before I arrived.

1 ( ). Na frase o verbo em destaque (had left) pode ser substitudo apenas pelo passado simples (left), sem alterao de
sentido, j que trata de duas aes que aconteceram no passado.
2 ( ). A traduo para essa frase Meus pais saram antes do que eu cheguei.
3 ( ). Na sentena o passado perfeito faz-se necessrio porque h uma ao que ocorreu antes de outra ao tambm
4 ( ). O passado perfeito formado por had + particpio passado do verbo principal, por isso a forma had left correta.

The king of the jungle

The lion was stalking through the jungle looking for trouble. He grabbed a passing tiger and asked, Who is the
king of the jungle?
You are, O mighty lion, answered the tiger.
The lion grabbed a bear and asked, Who is boss of the jungle?
You, O mighty lion, answered the bear.
Next the lion met an elephant and asked, Who is boss of the jungle?
The elephant grabbed him with his trunk, whirled him around and threw him up against a tree, leaving him
bleeding. The lion got up feebly and said, Just because you dont know the answer is no reason for you to get so rough.

19 Assinale a alternativa que resume melhor a mensagem do texto.

a) A violncia jamais deve ser empregada.
b) preciso insistir em nossos argumentos para que todos acabem aceitando o nosso ponto de vista.
c) Para provar a nossa fora, basta acreditarmos que somos os mais fortes.
d) Todos ns somos suficientemente fortes para vencer qualquer obstculo.
e) O mais forte no aquele que afirma a sua fora, mas aquele que a demonstra.

20 In the end of the story:

a) the lion changed his mind and admitted the elephant was the real boss of the jungle.
b) the elephant acknowledged the lions superiority.
c) the lion showed his physical advantage over the elephant.
d) the lion, though hurt and bleeding, still regarded himself as the king of the jungle.
e) the elephant showed he was really physically inferior to the lion.

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