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1. Introduction
2. Task specification
3. Objective
4. Acknowledgement
5. Part 1
6. Part 2
7. Part 3
8. Further explanation
9. Conclusion
10. Reflection

Integration is the inverse process to differentiation. So instead of

multiplying by the index and reducing the index by one, we
increase the index by one and divide by the new index. For

example, becomes .
The appears because the derivative of any constant term is
C is called the (arbitrary) constant of integration. Its value can
be found when appropriate additional information is provided, and
this gives a particular integral.
The rule for integration is

provided .

This can also be written in the form

provided .

In general or
Upon completion of the Additional Mathematics project work 2017, I am able to
gain valuable experiences based on the following objectives.

- Apply and adapt a variety of problem solving strategies to solve routine

and non-routine problems.
- Experience classroom environment which are challenging, interesting
and meaningful and hence, improve thinking skills.
- Experience classroom where knowledge and skills are applied in
meaningful in solving real-lives problem.
- Experience classroom environment where expressing ones
mathematical thinking reasoning and communication are highly
encouraged and expected.
- Experience a classroom environment that stimulates and enhance
effective reading.
- Acquire effective mathematical communication through oral and writing
and to use the language of mathematical to express mathematical ideas
correctly and precisely.
- Prepare ourselves to be independent learners but also to collaborate, to
cooperate and to share knowledge in engaging a healthy environment.
- Use technology especially the ICT appropriately and effectively.
- Realize the importance and the beauty of Mathematics.

We are expected to submit the project within the duration given. Failure
to submit the written report will result in us ineligible to receive the

First of all, I would like to thank my Additional Mathematics subject teacher, Mrs.
Lim Chui Chui for giving me the opportunity to learn more about this subject
through the duration of this project. She has been extremely helpful and generous
while I was doing this project and she was willing to provide relevant information
and guidance throughout the process of completing this project.
Besides that, I would also like to thank both my parents who sacrificed their time
and effort to help me complete this project as well as to support me financially.
They also gave me both mental and emotional support that keeps me going
through troubled times.
Other than that, I would also like to thank the Minister of Education, YB Dato Seri
Mahdzir Bin Khalid for giving us students the chance to apply knowledge and skills
learnt to good use through this project. This could help students learn how to
appreciate the beauty of Additional Mathematics thus see it from a different
Also, I would like to deliver my thanks to all my fellow friends who were willing to
give their unwavering support and assistance to me in times of need. They had
kindly shared information and helped me out whenever I came across any kinds of
technical difficulties.
Finally, I would also like thank all those who helped me throughout the duration of
this project. Without them, I would not have successfully completed this project in
the provided time.

Part 1
Question 1: importance of integration
In mathematics, an integral assigns numbers to functions in a way that can
describe displacement, area, volume, and other concepts that arise by combining
infinitesimal data.
Integrals appear in many practical situations. If a swimming pool is rectangular
with a flat bottom, then from its length, width, and depth we can easily determine
the volume of water it can contain (to fill it), the area of its surface (to cover it),
and the length of its edge (to rope it). But if it is oval with a rounded bottom, all of
these quantities call for integrals. Practical approximations may suffice for such
trivial examples, but precision engineering (of any discipline) requires exact and
rigorous values for these elements.
To start off, consider the curve y = f(x) between x = 0 and x = 1 with f(x) = x (see
figure). We ask:
and call this (yet unknown) area the (definite) integral of f. The notation for this
integral will be

As a first approximation, look at the unit square given by the sides x = 0 to x = 1

and y = f(0) = 0 and y = f(1) = 1. Its area is exactly 1. As it is, the true value of the
integral must be somewhat less than 1. Decreasing the width of the
approximation rectangles and increasing the number of rectangles shall give a
better result; so cross the interval in five steps, using the approximation points 0,
1/5, 2/5, and so on to 1. Fit a box for each step using the right end height of each
curve piece, thus 1/5, 2/5, and so on to 1 = 1. Summing the areas of these
rectangles, we get a better approximation for the sought integral, namely
We are taking a sum of finitely many function values of f, multiplied with the
differences of two subsequent approximation points. We can easily see that the
approximation is still too large. Using more steps produces a closer approximation,
but will never be exact: replacing the 5 subintervals by twelve in the same way,
but with the left end height of each piece, we will get an approximate value for
the area of 0.6203, which is too small. The key idea is the transition from adding
finitely many differences of approximation points multiplied by their respective
function values to using infinitely many fine, or infinitesimal steps.
Question 2: uses of integration in different fields
Integration is being widely used in different field. In engineering field, integration
is used to develop better navigation system. Apart from that, engineers use
integral calculus for building skyscrapers, and bridges. The Petronas Towers in
Kuala Lumpur experience high forces due to winds. Integration was used to design
the building for strength. The Sydney Opera House is a very unusual design based
on slices out of a ball. Many differential equations (one type of integration) were
solved In the design of this building. Integration also been used in robotic
manufacturing to make sure robotic part will work in given command. Apart for
manufacturing, electrical and computer engineers used integration for design a
computer system. In term of automotive engineering, engineers use integrals to
improve the safety of vehicles. In biological field, integral calculus is been used to
study the interaction of different species within an eco-system. Other than that,
the concentration of drugs in a living organism can only be answered with integral
calculus. As for backbones, integration plays major roles to measure the length of
the backbones and skulls. In microbiology, integration is used for measuring
growth rate of bacteria and certain species of viruses.

Question 3: what I have learnt in class

Integration, chapter 3 on first glance may look very complicated, but it was one of
the challenging and interesting topics. In this chapter, first I have learnt the
relationship between differentiation and integration. Then I have learnt about
area under curve and area in between the two curves. Answer is by integration.
Other than that, I have also learnt the skills of finding volume of solid of

Part 2
Question 1

24cm 74cm

Question 2

6 2
y= x + 24


-38 0 38

Question 3
Surface area of dining table
=2 ( x + 24 ) dx+76 (24)


6 x3
=2 361 3
( ) + 24 x

[ ] 38 +5624


=2 [( 2
361 ) (
( 38 )3 +24 ( 38 )
(38 )3 +24 (38 ) )]

=2(1216) + 5624
=8056 cm2

Part 3
Question 1
(a) Traditional Method

Because the melon is symmetrical, we can work out the volume of one half
of the melon, and then double our answer. The radii for the slices for one
half of a particular watermelon are found from measurement (use the
ellipse formula) to be:
0, 4.7, 6.3, 7.4, 8, 8.4, 8.5

The approximate volume for one half of the melon using slices 2cm thick
would be:
V half = [ 4.7 2+ 6.32+7.4 2 +82 +8.4 2+ 8.52 2 = 2031.93

So the volume for the whole watermelon is about

2031.93 x 2 = 4063.86 cm 3

(b) Integration Method

We are the melon is an ellipsoid. We need to find the equation of the cross
sectional ellipse with major axis 24cm and minor axis 17cm.
We use the formula (from the section on ellipses):
x2 y2
+ =1
a2 b2

Where a is half the length of the major axis and b is half the length of the
minor axis. For the volume formula, we will need the expression for y 2
and it is easier to solve for this now (before substituting our and b).
2 2
x y
+ 2 =1
12 8.5

y 2=72.25 1
144 )
Using this, we can now find the volume using integration. (Once again we
find the volume for half and then double it at the end).

= 72.25() dx



= 72.25 x
144 ( 3 ) ]

[( )]
3 3
= 72.25 ( 12 )
432 )(
(12 )

= 1156

=3632.152 cm 3
The volume calculated by using integration method is lower than traditional
method because in traditional method, the shape is considered a circle but
not an ellipse. This proves that integration method is more accurate.

Question 2(a):

3632.152 m l =3.632152 l =3.632.152kg

Given 1 kg of watermelon will produce 500 ml of juice,

3.632152 500= 1816.076 ml

Question 2(b):
Assume the price of 1 kg of watermelon costs RM3.50.

The price for 3.632152 kg of watermelon costs RM12.712532

60% profit= RM12.712532 x 1.6= RM20.34
The selling price for 1 liter of juice


Question 2(c)

Year 2016=RM13.08
Year 2017=RM14.388
Year 2018=RM15.8268
Year 2019=RM17.40948
Year 2020=RM19.150428
The selling price for 1 liter of juice in year 2020 is RM 19.15
Further Exploration
2 2 1
Y y=
x +


2 2
3.5 y=

V 1= y dx
3.5 2


= [ ] 25 2

=3.142 ([ ][ ])
25 25
( 10 )2 ( 3.5 )2
4 4

=548.44 cm3
25 5
V 2= y dx
4 2 2

[ 25 2 5
y y
2 ]4

=3.142 ([ 25
( 10 )2 ( 10 )
25 2 5
(4 ) (4 )
2 ])
=510 cm3
Total material=548.44-510=38.44 cm3
After doing research, answering question, drawing graph, making conjecture,
conclusion and some problem solving, I realize that Additional Mathematics is
very important in daily life.
About this project, overall, is quite joyful and interesting because I need to plan it
carefully and systematic because it is about my future. In fact, the further
exploration is a good session because it can open my mind about linear law.
In a nutshell, I can apply the concept and skills that I had in solving problems in
Additional Mathematics, I think this project is very beneficial for all students.
While I was conducting this project, I found a lot of information that is very useful
in our daily life. It has caught my attention that learning additional mathematics
really brings out many benefits.
Apart from that, I learned some moral values by conducting this project. This
project had taught me to be responsible on the works that are given to me. I also
learned to be more disciplined in terms of how I managed my time. For example, I
was given a month to complete this project and pass up to my teacher just in
time. Besides that, this project encourages students to work together and share
their knowledge with each other. It also improves their thinking skills and
promotes effective mathematical communication.
On the other hand, this project made me feel more confident towards
accomplishing challenging assignments and not to give up easily when I face
problems. It is utterly relieving and satisfying to solve a problem and to get the
answers filled. It is as if I was finding gold beneath all the debris.
Last but not least, I propose that this project should be continued in years to come
because it brings a lot of advantage to the students and also tests the students
understanding in additional mathematics.
Task Specification
All the form 5 students who took the Additional Mathematics subject were
required to do this project. The Additional Mathematics Project Work 2017 is
about integration. In the first part of the question, I had to discuss the importance
of integration, state the uses of integration in different fields and explain what I
have learned about integration in my class.
For part two, I had to sketch a simple plan of a table and label the necessary
measurements. After that, I have to form an equation of the curve side of the
table. Then, I have to find the surface area of the table.
For part three, I had to find the volume of an ellipse shaped watermelon by two
different ways, which is the historical method and the integration method. Last
but not least, I had to find how much watermelon juice I can get, determine its
selling price for 1liter of juice and find the selling price for 1 liter of juice in the
year 2020 with 60% profit.
Additional mathematics
Project work 2017



Class: 5S2
I/C: 001002-12-0095
No.Angka Giliran:

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