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The Effects of Short-Term Propofol and

Dexmedetomidine on Lung Mechanics, Histology, and

Biological Markers in Experimental Obesity
Luciana Boavista Barros Heil, MD,* Cntia L. Santos, PhD,* Raquel S. Santos, PhD,*
Cynthia S. Samary, PhD,* Vinicius C. M. Cavalcanti, MD, MSc,* Mariana M. P. N. Arajo, MD,*
Hananda Poggio, PhD,* Lgia de A. Maia, PhD,* Isis Hara Trevenzoli, PhD, Paolo Pelosi, MD, FERS,
Fatima C. Fernandes, MD, PhD, Nivaldo R. Villela, MD, PhD, Pedro L. Silva, PhD,* and
Patricia R. M. Rocco, MD, PhD*

BACKGROUND: Administering anesthetics to the obese population requires caution because of

a variety of reasons including possible interactions with the inflammatory process observed in
obese patients. Propofol and dexmedetomidine have protective effects on pulmonary function
and are widely used in short- and long-term sedation, particularly in intensive care unit settings
in lean and obese subjects. However, the functional and biological effects of these drugs in
obesity require further elucidation. In a model of diet-induced obesity, we compared the short-
term effects of dexmedetomidine versus propofol on lung mechanics and histology, as well as
biological markers of inflammation and oxidative stress modulation in obesity.
METHODS: Wistar rats (n = 56) were randomly fed a standard diet (lean) or experimental diet
(obese) for 12 weeks. After this period, obese animals received sodium thiopental intraperito-
neally and were randomly allocated into 4 subgroups: (1) nonventilated (n = 4) for molecular
biology analysis only (control); (2) sodium thiopental (n = 8); (3) propofol (n = 8); and (4) dex-
medetomidine (n = 8), which received continuous IV administration of the corresponding agents
and were mechanically ventilated (tidal volume = 6 mL/kg body weight, fraction of inspired
oxygen = 0.4, positive end-expiratory pressure = 3 cm H2O) for 1 hour.
RESULTS: Compared with lean animals, obese rats did not present increased body weight but had
higher total body and trunk fat percentages, airway resistance, and interleukin-6 levels in the lung
tissue (P = 0.02, P = 0.0027, and P = 0.01, respectively). In obese rats, propofol, but not dexme-
detomidine, yielded increased airway resistance, bronchoconstriction index (P = 0.016, P = 0.02,
respectively), tumor necrosis factor-, and interleukin-6 levels, as well as lower levels of nuclear fac-
tor-erythroid 2related factor-2 and glutathione peroxidase (P = 0.001, Bonferroni-corrected t test).
CONCLUSIONS: In this model of diet-induced obesity, a 1-hour propofol infusion yielded increased
airway resistance, atelectasis, and lung inflammation, with depletion of antioxidative enzymes.
However, unlike sodium thiopental and propofol, short-term infusion of dexmedetomidine had no
impact on lung morphofunctional and biological variables. (Anesth Analg 2016;122:101523)

besity is increasing and is one of our most important which may lead to major adverse events when obese indi-
health issues. This metabolic disorder is commonly viduals undergo surgical procedures. Anesthetics may
associated with increased systemic inflammation,1,2 influence immune function and the inflammatory process,
requiring caution when choosing these agents. Propofol
From the *Laboratory of Pulmonary Investigation, Carlos Chagas Filho (PRO) and dexmedetomidine (DEX) have a favorable phar-
Biophysics Institute, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil; Department of Surgical and Sciences, Federal University of Rio
macokinetic profile for anesthesia and sedation and are used
de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Faculty of Medicine, Laboratory of for surgical procedures and long-term sedation in inten-
Experimental Surgery, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, sive care units in the obese population.35 In lean animals,
Brazil; Laboratory of Molecular Endocrinology, Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Department of Surgical Sciences and PRO decreases airway resistance and lung inflammation
Integrated Diagnostics, IRCCS AOU San Martino-IST, University of Genoa, in experimental acute lung injury induced by endotoxin,6,7
Genoa, Italy; and Division of Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery, State ischemiareperfusion,8 or oleic acid.9 Similarly, in lean
University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
human subjects, PRO improves lung mechanics,10 reduces
Accepted for publication November 3, 2015.
inflammation,11 and modulates oxidative stress.12 Likewise,
Funding: Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development
(CNPq), Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation (FAPERJ), Coordination for DEX has shown beneficial effects on lung mechanics,13
the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), and Department inflammation,14,15 and oxidative stress16 in lean animals and
of Science and Technology (DECIT)/Ministry of Health.
humans. Conversely, in septic patients with intraabdominal
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
hypertension, PRO, but not DEX , increased tumor necrosis
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of
factor (TNF)- and interleukin (IL)-6 levels.17 However, the
this article on the journals website (www.anesthesia-analgesia.org). impact of these anesthetic/sedative agents on obese popula-
Reprints will not be available from the authors. tions during short-term procedures is not well established.
Address correspondence to Patricia R. M. Rocco, MD, PhD, Laboratory of In this study, we hypothesized that both PRO and DEX
Pulmonary Investigation, Carlos Chagas Filho Biophysics Institute, Federal infusion would decrease lung inflammation in obese pop-
University of Rio de Janeiro, Sl G01-014, Ilha do Fundo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
Brazil 21941. Address e-mail to prmrocco@gmail.com. ulations. For this purpose, we compared the short-term
Copyright 2015 International Anesthesia Research Society effects of DEX versus PRO on lung mechanics and histol-
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001114 ogy, as well as biological markers related to inflammation

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Propofol Versus Dexmedetomidine in Obesity

and oxidative stress modulation in a model of diet-induced was assessed by evaluation of pupil diameter, position, and
obesity. response to light; position of the nictitating membrane; and
movement in response to tail stimulation. The experiments
METHODS were started when responses to a noise stimulus (handclap),
This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee as well as whisker stimulation and tail clamp response,
of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Health Science were absent. A 14-gauge cannula was used for tracheos-
Centre (CEUA-CCS-019). All animals received humane care tomy, and a fluid-filled tube was inserted in the esophagus
in compliance with the Principles of Laboratory Animal Care for esophageal pressure measurements. A polyethylene
formulated by the National Society for Medical Research catheter (PE-50) was inserted into the right carotid artery
and the United States National Academy of Sciences Guide for blood sampling and monitoring of mean arterial blood
for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. pressure (MAP). THIO, PRO, and DEX animals lungs were
mechanically ventilated (Servo-i, Maquet, Solna, Sweden)
Animal Preparation and Experimental Protocol with the following variables: tidal volume (VT) = 6 mL/kg
Only clinically healthy male animals were selected for inclu- actual body weight, respiratory rate = 80 breaths/min ,
sion in the study. Fifty-six male Wistar rats (age, 4 weeks; fraction of inspired oxygen (Fio2) = 1.0, and positive end-
weight, 100150 g) were randomly assigned to 2 groups: expiratory pressure (PEEP) = 0 cm H2O zero end-expiratory
(1) lean (n = 28), where animals received a conventional pressure (ZEEP) during the first 5 minutes to evaluate the
diet (commercial rodent chow, Purina, So Paulo, Brazil) effects of obesity on lung function without the interference
for 12 weeks; and (2) obese group ([Ob] n = 28), in which of mechanical ventilation. Blood (300 L) was drawn into
animals received the experimental diet for the same period. a heparinized syringe to determine arterial oxygen partial
The experimental diet was developed by supplementation pressure (Pao2), arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide
of the conventional diet with a tablet, a confectionery prod- (Paco2), and arterial pH (pHa; Radiometer ABL80 FLEX,
uct made from sweetened condensed milk (Supplemental Copenhagen NV, Denmark). Heart rate, MAP, and rec-
Digital Content 1, Supplemental Table 1, http://links.lww. tal temperature were continuously recorded (Networked
com/AA/B340). To control the environment and reduce Multiparameter Veterinary Monitor LifeWindow 6000V;
potential spread of infectious agents, 3 animals from each Digicare Animal Health, Boynton Beach, FL; baseline
group were housed in a microisolator cage (filter tops). ZEEP). Body temperature was maintained at 37.5C 1C
All animals were maintained without physical activities, by using a heating blanket. Fio2 was then adjusted to 0.4,
on a 12:12 h lightdark cycle, under controlled tempera- PEEP was increased to 3 cm H2O, and functional data were
ture conditions, and had unrestricted access to food and further measured (baseline PEEP). For 1 hour, the anesthe-
water. Food intake was measured every 3 days, and body sia requirements were adjusted to ensure a similar level
weight gain was measured once a week. The general char- of anesthesia in all groups based on maintenance of MAP
acteristics associated with obesity, such as progression of >70 mm Hg. At the end of the experimental protocol (1
food intake (grams per week), energy intake (kilocalories hour), animals were killed by exsanguination, and the
per week), final body weight (FBW; grams), nasalanal lungs were then removed. The exsanguination technique of
length (centimeters), and FBW/length (grams per centime- euthanasia does not interfere with lung histology or with
ter), were evaluated and did not differ between lean and biological markers of inflammation (Supplemental Digital
Ob groups (Supplemental Digital Content 1, Supplemental Content 2, Supplemental Figure 1, http://links.lww.com/
Table 2, http://links.lww.com/AA/B340). After 12 weeks, AA/B334). All experiments were replicated 3 times.
animals from the Ob groups received sodium thiopental
([THIO]Thiopentax, Cristlia, Itapira, So Paulo, Brazil) Body Composition Measurements In VivoDual-
intraperitoneally (50 mg/kg) before undergoing any other Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
procedures. The level of sedation was evaluated by the After 11 weeks of feeding (1 week before the anesthetic pro-
response to light touch with a fingertip to the rats whiskers tocol), dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry19 measurements
(0 = awake, fully responsive to surroundings, 1 = not respon- were performed in a Lunar DXA 200368 GE scanner (GE
sive to surroundings, rapid response to whisker stimula- Healthcare, Lunar, WI) using specific software (encore 2008
tion, 2 = slow response, and 3 = unresponsive to whisker version 12.20, GE Healthcare) on rats anesthetized by intra-
stimulation).18 Animals were then placed and kept in the peritoneal injection of a 2:1 solution of ketamine hydrochlo-
supine position throughout the experiment. The tail vein ride (50 mg/mL ketamine, Cristlia) and 20 mg/mL xylazine
was cannulated with a 24-gauge catheter, and Ob animals hydrochloride (Rompun Bayer, Animal Health, So Paulo,
were randomly allocated into 4 subgroups: (1) nonven- So Paulo, Brazil). Evaluation was performed in a blind
tilated (NV) group (n = 4) for molecular biology analy- fashion, because the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry tech-
sis only (control); (2) THIO group ( n = 8); 3); PROgroup nician was unaware of the experimental protocol. Total fat
( n = 8); and (4) DEX group (n = 8). In the THIO, PRO, and DEX (% body weight) and trunk fat (% visceral fat) were measured
groups, continuous IV administration of sodium THIO (5 in each animal. All body composition measurements were
mg/kg/h), PRO (Propovan, Cristlia; 100200 g/kg/min obtained by one of the authors, blinded to group assignment.
for 10 min until an adequate depth of anesthesia was
achieved, followed by 75100 g/kg/min), or DEX Data Acquisition and Processing
(Precedex, Hospira, Lake Forest, IL; 1 g/kg/min bolus Airflow, volume, and airway and esophageal pressures
over 10 minutes, followed by 0.5 g/kg/h for maintenance) were measured. Airway pressure (Paw) was measured with
were administered, respectively. The plane of anesthesia a SCIREQ differential pressure transducer (UT-PDP-75,

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Copyright 2015 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
SCIREQ, Montreal, Canada). The changes in esophageal kit (Bioclin, Belo Horizonte, Brazil) was used to measure
pressure (Pes), which reflect changes in chest wall pres- total triglycerides and total cholesterol in accordance with
sure, were measured with a 30-cm long water-filled catheter manufacturer recommendations. Serum insulin and leptin
(PE205) with side holes at the tip connected to a SCIREQ dif- were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ferential pressure transducer (UT-PL-400, SCIREQ). The cath- using commercial kits (EDM, Millipore, Corporation, MA).
eter was passed into the stomach and then slowly returned The assay sensitivity was 0.1 ng/dL for rat insulin and 0.08
into the esophagus. Its proper positioning was assessed using ng/dL for leptin, and the intraassay coefficients of varia-
the occlusion test.20 Values were continuously recorded using tion were <3% and <10%, respectively. All metabolic and
LabView-based software (National Instruments, Austin, TX). hormonal analyses were performed by one of the authors,
All signals were filtered (100 Hz), amplified in a 4-channel blinded to group assignment.
conditioner (SC-24; SCIREQ) and sampled at 200 Hz with
a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (National Instruments). Biological Markers of Proinflammatory and
Static lung elastance (Est,L) and airway resistance (Raw) were Oxidative Stress Activity in Lung and Adipose
measured by the end-inflation occlusion method and com- Tissue
puted offline using a routine written in MATLAB (version Quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain
R2007a; The Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA).16 All analyses reaction (PCR) was performed to measure biological markers
were performed in a blinded manner, i.e., the observer was associated with inflammation (TNF- and IL-6) and oxida-
unaware of the experimental protocol. tive stress (nuclear factor erythroid 2-derived factor-2 [Nrf2],
catalase [CAT], and glutathione peroxidase [GPx]) in the lung
Postmortem Analysis tissue and IL-6 in the adipose tissue. Acidic ribosomal phos-
Heparin (1000 IU) was injected into the tail vein, the trachea phoprotein P0 (36B4) was used as a housekeeping gene.23
clamped at PEEP 3 cm H2O, and blood aspirated through Central slices of right lung and visceral adipose tissue were
the arterial line for further analysis, yielding a massive cut, collected in cryotubes, quick frozen by immersion in liquid
hypovolemia that quickly killed the animals. Lungs were nitrogen, and stored at 80C. Total RNA was extracted from
prepared for histological and molecular biology analysis. frozen tissues using the Quantitec Reverse Transcription total
The retroperitoneal, epididymal, and inguinal adipose tis- RNA Isolation System (Qiagen Corporation, Valencia, CA),
sue compartments were dissected and weighed. Visceral following manufacturer recommendations. RNA concentra-
adiposity was estimated by the sum of retroperitoneal and tion was measured by spectrophotometry in a Nanodrop
epididymal depot mass and subcutaneous adiposity by the ND-1000 system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Wilmington, DE).
inguinal depot mass. First-strand complementary DNA was synthesized from
total RNA using the GoTaq 2-STEP RT-Quantitative PCR
Lung Histology System (Promega Corporation, Fitchburg, WI). The primers
Lungs were removed en bloc at PEEP = 3 cm H2O in all (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) used for gene amplification are
groups. Lung tissue samples were taken longitudinally from listed in Supplemental Digital Content 1, Supplemental Table
the central zone of the left lung. Sections (4 m thick) were 3 (http://links.lww.com/AA/B340). Relative mRNA levels
stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Lung morphometric were measured with a SYBR green detection system in an
analysis was performed using an integrating eyepiece with ABI 7500 Real-Time PCR system (Applied Biosystems, Foster
a coherent system consisting of a grid with 100 points and 50 City, CA). Samples were measured in triplicate. Relative
lines of known length coupled to a conventional light micro- gene expression was calculated as a ratio of the average gene
scope (OlympusBX51, Olympus Latin America Inc., So expression levels compared with the reference gene (36B4)
Paulo, SP, Brazil). The volume fractions of the lung occupied using the 2,Ct method, where Ct = Ct (reference gene)
by collapsed alveoli (alveoli with rough or plicate walls), Ct (target gene) and expressed as fold changes relative to
hyperinflated structures (alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, or NV animals (Ob NV) before the start of anesthesia protocols.
alveoli wider than 120 m), and normal pulmonary areas Lung biological analyses were performed in a blinded fash-
(those not exhibiting overdistended or plicate walls) were ion by one of the authors.
determined by the point-counting technique at a magnifica-
tion of 200 across 10 random, noncoincident microscopic Statistical Analyses
fields.21 Four intraparenchymatous airways from each ani- The sample size calculation for testing the primary hypoth-
mal were viewed at a magnification of 400. The number of esis was based on the decrease in lung inflammation as
points (NP) falling on the airway lumen and the number of measured by mRNA expression of IL-6 after DEX infusion
intercepts (NI) of the lines with epithelial basal membrane in endotoxin-induced shock in rats. The mean (SD) of IL-6
were counted. Because the NI of the lines with the epithelial mRNA expression was 1 (0.64) in lean animals and 300 (240)
basal membrane is proportional to the airway area, the mag- in animals subjected to endotoxin-induced shock.14
nitude of bronchoconstriction (contraction index) was com- Accordingly, adjusting the error probability to 5%
puted as contraction index = NI/NP.22 Lung morphometric and the statistical power to 95%, we obtained a sample size
analysis was performed in a blinded fashion. of 8 animals per group. This sample size would provide
the appropriate power (1 = 0.95) to identify significant
Metabolic and Hormonal Analysis ( = 0.05) differences in IL-6 gene expression, consider-
Serum was separated by centrifugation at 5000 rpm for ing an effect size d = 1.76, a 2-sided test, and a sample size
10 minutes and stored at 80C. An enzymatic colorimetric ratio = 1 (G*Power, University of Dsseldorf, Germany).

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Propofol Versus Dexmedetomidine in Obesity

Random allocation was performed by simple random- AA/B341). Likewise, blood gas analyses were comparable
ization using computer-generated sequence. To characterize among Ob groups at baseline ZEEP (Supplemental Digital
the model of obesity, data from lean animals were com- Content 1, Supplemental Table 8, http://links.lww.com/
pared with those obtained for Ob rats using the Student AA/B340). Furthermore, Est,L and Raw were also similar in
t test. Concerning the effects of sodium THIO, PRO, or DEX all groups at baseline PEEP (Supplemental Digital Content
in Ob rats, different variables were compared using 1-way 1, Supplemental Table 9, http://links.lww.com/AA/B340).
analysis of variance followed by the Bonferroni post hoc test. After 1 hour of drug infusion and mechanical ventila-
For molecular biology analyses, Student t tests with P val- tion, Est,L did not differ across groups administered dif-
ues adjusted for multiple comparisons (n = 3, * = 0.0167, * ferent agents (THIO: 1.9 0.7; PRO: 2.3 0.5; DEX: 2.1
Bonferroni-adjusted test) were performed among the 3 drugs 0.3). Conversely, Ob PRO animals demonstrated a higher
versus NV animals. We used Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Raw compared with Ob THIO (P = 0.001) and Ob DEX
Lilliefors correction and Levene median test to assess normal- (P = 0.016) animals (Lilliefors correction, P = 0.854; Levene
ity and the equality of variance, respectively, to all of the anal- median test, P = 0.732; Fig.2). After drug infusion, alveo-
ysis of variance residuals, with all P values 0.17. Parametric lar collapse was greater in Ob PRO animals compared with
data were expressed as mean (SD) and nonparametric data as Ob DEX animals, and the bronchoconstriction index was
median (interquartile range). All tests were performed using higher in Ob PRO animals compared with Ob THIO and
GraphPad Prism version 5.00 (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, Ob DEX animals (P = 0.04; all P 0.17 for Lilliefors cor-
CA). Significance was established at P < 0.05. rection and Levene median test; Table1). Figure3 depicts
light micrographs of representative animals in each group,
RESULTS clearly showing a reduction in airway diameter in the Ob
All animals survived the 12-week dietary intervention PRO group.
period and the anesthetic experimental protocol.
Biological Markers Associated with Inflammation
Comparison Between Lean and Obese Animals and Oxidative Stress After Propofol or
Body and trunk fat percentages were higher in Ob ani- Dexmedetomidine Administration in Obese Rats
mal groups compared with lean animals (Supplemental Figures 4 and 5 show the expression of markers associated
Digital Content 1, Supplemental Table 4, http://links.lww. with inflammation and oxidative stress, respectively, in the
com/AA/B340). Furthermore, Ob animal groups showed Ob groups. PRO led to higher mRNA expression of IL-6
higher triglyceride, total cholesterol, insulin, and leptin lev- and TNF- and lower expression of GPx, an antioxidative
els (Supplemental Digital Content 1, Supplemental Table enzyme, than in the NV group (Figs. 4 and 5). Regarding
5, http://links.lww.com/AA/B340). Although no differ- modulation of oxidative stress, the THIO group exhibited
ences were observed in general characteristics, such as body lower mRNA expression of Nrf2 and CAT compared with
weight (Supplemental Digital Content 1, Supplemental Table NV group (Fig. 5). Unlike PRO and THIO, DEX infusion did
2, http://links.lww.com/AA/B340), adipose tissue com- not modify the biological variables related to inflammation
partments normalized by FBW were significantly greater in and oxidative stress modulation (Figs. 4 and 5).
Ob compared with lean animals (P = 0.0001) (Supplemental
Digital Content 1, Supplemental Table 6, http://links.lww. DISCUSSION
com/AA/B340). Est,L did not differ significantly between In our model of diet-induced obesity, a 1-hour PRO infusion
lean and Ob animals (P = 0.17). Raw was higher in Ob animal yielded increased airway resistance, atelectasis, and lung
groups compared with lean animals (P = 0.0027). Alveolar inflammation with depletion of antioxidative enzymes. As
collapse was greater in Ob animal groups than in lean rats a short-term infusion, DEX had no impact on lung mechani-
(Supplemental Digital Content 1, Supplemental Table 7, cal and histology, as well as biological variables, unlike
http://links.lww.com/AA/B340). In addition, mRNA sodium THIO and PRO.
expression of IL-6 in lung and adipose tissues was higher
in Ob animal groups than in lean animals (P = 0.01; Fig. 1). Relevance of the Diet-Induced Obesity Model
We developed a model of obesity that features increased
Effects of Sodium Thiopental, Propofol, and total body fat content, central adiposity, and a metabolic
Dexmedetomidine in Obese Rats profile such as increased leptinemia, insulinemia, and dys-
No differences were observed in MAP (Supplemental Digital lipidemia,24 yet did not increase body weight compared with
Content 3, Supplemental Figure 2, http://links.lww.com/ lean animals. Furthermore, our model featured increased

Figure 1. Interleukin (IL)-6 gene expression

in (A) lung and (B) adipose tissue in animals
exposed to standard diet (lean) and experi-
mental diet to induce obesity (Ob) and not
exposed to anesthetic agents (nonventilated
[NV]). Relative gene expression was expressed
as fold change relative to the respective lean
NV group. Data are presented as mean (SD)
of n = 4 animals/group. Comparisons among
groups were performed using Student t test.
*P = 0.01 versus lean NV.

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Copyright 2015 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Effects of Propofol and Dexmedetomidine on
Lung Mechanics and Histology
PRO increased Raw compared with sodium THIO and
DEX in Ob animals, in contrast to what has been observed
in in vitro studies,28 animals without obesity,29 and lean
humans.30 PRO can trigger bronchospasm during anes-
thetic induction, which is associated with the effects of
metabisulfite preservative on neurally mediated and
direct airway smooth muscle-induced bronchoconstric-
tion.31 In Ob animals, the release of proinflammatory
Figure 2. Airway resistance (Raw) at 1 hour. Obese animals received mediators produced in adipose tissue contributes to
sodium thiopental (THIO), propofol (PRO), or dexmedetomidine a state of systemic and lung inflammation,25 which, in
(DEX). Data are presented as mean (SD) of n = 8 animals/group. association with PRO or its preservative, may exacerbate
Comparisons among groups were performed using 1-way analysis of
variance followed by Bonferroni post hoc test.
airway obstruction.32 The exact mechanism of broncho-
constriction induced by PRO (2,6-diisopropylphenol) or
its excipients is not completely understood and might
Table 1.Lung Morphometry in Obese Animals include activation of tracheobronchial irritant receptors
Variables THIO PRO DEX and stimulation of a cholinergic reflex33 or nonallergic
Normal (%) 75.5 6.5 65.9 14.2 78.8 8.2 bronchospasm.34 In our study, the PRO used (produced
Collapse (%) 24.5 6.1 34.1 14.2 21.2 8.2* by Cristlia) did not contain EDTA or sodium metabi-
Bronchoconstriction 2.8 0.3* 3.1 0.3 2.8 0.2*
sulfite, but the following additives were listed: soybean
oil, egg lecithin, glycerol, oleic acid, sodium hydroxide,
Values are mean (SD) of 8 rats/group. All values were computed in 10
random, noncoincident microscopic fields per rat. Normal: volume fraction
and water. These cannot be excluded as factors leading to
of the lung occupied by normal alveoli. Collapse: volume fraction of the lung worsening of airway resistance.
occupied by collapsed alveoli. Obese animals were randomized to receive
sodium THIO, PRO, or DEX for 1 h. Comparisons across Ob groups were
performed using 1-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post hoc test. Inflammation and Oxidative Stress After
ANOVA = analysis of variance; DEX = dexmedetomidine; Ob = obese; Propofol and Dexmedetomidine Administration
PRO = propofol; THIO = thiopental.
*P < 0.05 compared with Ob PRO. in Obesity
The proinflammatory cytokines, TNF-2 and IL-6,25,35
expression of IL-6 in lung and adipose tissues, suggesting exert important roles in the immune mechanisms linked
systemic inflammation associated with obesity.25 to obesity. TNF- is important concerning the expansion
of adipose tissue mass through macrophage recruitment
Experimental Protocol and is implicated in induction of airway hyperresponsive-
At the start of the experimental protocol, sodium THIO ness.36 IL-6, important in the regulation of inflammatory
was administered in all groups to prevent discomfort asso- and immune responses,35 is considered a marker of vis-
ciated with surgical manipulation. In addition, sodium ceral adiposity.37 Nrf2 regulates antioxidant defenses that
THIO does not affect baseline airway tone,26 lung mechan- protect against inflammation by inhibiting oxidative tis-
ics, or histology.16,26 A protective ventilatory strategy was sue injury.38 GPx acts as a reducing system for H2O2 and
used to discard possible biological effects associated with detoxifies several toxic peroxides, preventing lipid per-
mechanical ventilation, which may yield confounding oxidation.39 CAT catalyzes H2O2 dismutation and protects
results. Infusion rates of sodium THIO, PRO, and DEX cells against the harmful effects of H2O2.40 After confirm-
were based on experimental studies that reported negli- ing lung and systemic inflammation in our obesity model
gible effects of these agents on hemodynamic variables in by measuring IL-6 expression, we normalized molecular
rats6,14,16 when given for 1 hour. Although the initial bolus biology analyses by a NV (Ob NV) group. IL-6 and TNF-
dose of DEX is considered high compared with that rec- expressions were higher in Ob PRO compared with NV
ommended for humans, animals reached an adequate animals, which may have been because of the interac-
anesthesia level not observed with lower doses, without tion between increased leptin levels and PRO exposure.
autonomic derangements or cardiovascular compromise. In our study, the higher levels of leptin may have con-
Because obesity may affect drug metabolism, depth of tributed to the release of proinflammatory mediators
anesthesia and hemodynamic variables were strictly through epithelial cells, airway smooth muscle cells, and
controlled. macrophages,41 which express the leptin receptor. PRO
and its intralipid diluent considerably depress neutrophil
Choice of Anesthetic Agent chemotaxis42 and function at 50%.43 We hypothesize that
There has been controversy concerning the optimal seda- by decreasing neutrophil function, these cells (epithelial
tive/anesthetic agent for use in short-term procedures in cells, airway smooth muscle cells, and macrophages) may
the obese population.3,5,27 PRO and DEX have been used activate the nuclear factor-B pathway to keep the neutro-
because they have favorable pharmacokinetic proper- phil activity requirement in the setting of obesity. DEX did
ties, allow easy titration of sedation/anesthesia and not affect the expression of IL-6 and TNF-, and subjects
maintenance of steady-state drug levels, and yield rapid responses to it resembled those to sodium THIO. These
recovery.27 findings stand in contrast to what has been reported in

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Propofol Versus Dexmedetomidine in Obesity

Figure 3. Representative photomicrographs of airways and lung parenchyma in obese (Ob) animals treated with sodium thiopental (THIO) (A),
propofol (PRO) (B), or dexmedetomidine (DEX) (C). Note the presence of airway constriction (arrow) and alveolar collapse (asterisk) in Ob PRO
group. Hematoxylin-eosin staining. Original magnification 400. Bars = 100 m.

Figure 4. Expression of biological markers associated with inflammation: (A) interleukin (IL)-6 and (B) tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-. Relative
gene expression was calculated as a ratio of the average gene expression levels compared with the reference gene (36B4) and expressed as
fold change relative to nonventilated (NV) animals. Obese animals were treated with sodium thiopental (THIO), propofol (PRO), or dexmedeto-
midine (DEX) for 1 hour. Values are depicted as box plots (median, interquartile range, and minimum and maximum). Comparisons among
groups were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and corrected by Bonferroni procedure.

experimental sepsis14,15 and in clinical studies44 in which stress because of the association between PRO and obesity
DEX inhibited inflammation because of its sympatholytic may be explained by higher leptin levels in Ob animals,
effects, resulting in downregulation of proinflammatory because leptin is directly related to increased oxidative
cytokines.45 stress in different tissues and cells in response to inflam-
GPx activity is decreased in obese compared with non- matory stress.48
obese subjects.46 PRO reduced GPx expression, which was
not affected by DEX and sodium THIO. This is in contrast Limitations
to previous reports, because the PRO structure contains a This study has some limitations: (1) The effects of PRO
phenolic hydroxyl group, important for free radical scav- on different models of lung inflammation differ accord-
enging activities and considered a peroxynitrite-mediated ing to dose.6,49 In our study, results were based on an
oxidative stress scavenger in healthy subjects, with estab- adequate level of anesthesia and hemodynamics, rather
lished antioxidant properties.47 The increased oxidative than the dose in Ob animals. No study has evaluated the

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Figure 5. Expression of biological markers
associated with oxidative stress: (A) gluta-
thione peroxidase (GPx), (B) nuclear factor
erythroid-2 related factor 2 (Nrf2), and (C)
catalase. Relative gene expression was
calculated as a ratio of the average gene
expression levels compared with the refer-
ence gene (36B4) and expressed as fold
change relative to the obese (Ob), non-
anesthetized, nonventilated (NV) group.
Ob animals were treated with sodium
thiopental (THIO), propofol (PRO), or dex-
medetomidine (DEX) for 1 hour. Values are
depicted as box plots (median, interquar-
tile range, and minimum and maximum).
Comparisons among groups were per-
formed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and
corrected by Bonferroni procedure.

dose adjustment of PRO or DEX in obese rats. Analysis of had no impact on lung morphofunctional and biological
a progressive drug dose response or plasma concentra- variables. E
tion at the effect site should be better evaluated in future
research. (2) All Ob animals lungs were ventilated with DISCLOSURES
VT = 6 mL/kg actual body weight, PEEP = 3 cm H2O, and Name: Luciana Boavista Barros Heil, MD.
no recruitment maneuvers. In animal species, although Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
lean body mass or species-specific adjusted body weight study, collect the data, analyze the data, and prepare the manuscript.
may be appropriate variables, additional studies to deter- Attestation: Luciana Boavista Barros Heil approved the final
mine excess lean body mass associated with adiposity in manuscript, attests to the integrity of the original data and the
small animals would help define body weightadjusted analysis reported in this manuscript, and is the archival author.
dosing strategies.50 In this study, VT was set according to Name: Cntia L. Santos, PhD.
actual body weight, because body weight did not differ Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct
between lean and Ob animals and there is no validated the study, collect the data, analyze the data, and prepare the
body mass index for rats. The PEEP level was set based
Attestation: Cntia L. Santos approved the final manuscript
on the pilot studies in Ob animals; however, we cannot
and attests to the integrity of the original data and the analysis
exclude that different results could have been obtained
reported in this manuscript.
at higher or lower PEEP levels and/or with associated Name: Raquel S. Santos, PhD.
recruitment maneuvers. (3) Our results cannot be directly Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
extrapolated to the clinical setting or other obesity mod- study, collect the data, and analyze the data.
els. (4) Observation time was relatively short (1 hour of Attestation: Raquel S. Santos approved the final manuscript
anesthetic infusion); however, a longer time course may and attests to the integrity of the original data and the analysis
result in confounding data because of fluid requirement to reported in this manuscript.
maintain MAP at adequate levels, which affects inflamma- Name: Cynthia S. Samary, PhD.
tory markers. (5) We focused on specific inflammatory and Contribution: This author helped design the study, conduct the
oxidative stress mediators involved in obesity-associated study, and collect the data.
systemic inflammation. Another study is required to detail Attestation: Cynthia S. Samary approved the final manuscript
the mechanisms associated with individual gene activa- and attests to the integrity of the original data and the analysis
tion and the possible mechanisms of action of PRO in the reported in this manuscript.
setting of obesity. Name: Vinicius C. M. Cavalcanti, MD, MSc.
Before a clinical study is undertaken to evaluate the role Contribution: This author helped conduct the study and collect
the data.
of PRO in obese patients, further experimental studies are
Attestation: Vinicius C. M. Cavalcanti approved the final man-
required to clarify the interactions between PRO and hyper-
uscript and attests to the integrity of the original data and the
leptinemia or adipocytokines in obesity.
analysis reported in this manuscript.
Name: Mariana M. P. N. Arajo, MD.
CONCLUSIONS Contribution: This author helped conduct the study and collect
In a model of diet-induced obesity, a 1-hour PRO infusion the data.
yielded increased airway resistance, atelectasis, and lung Attestation: Mariana M. P. N. Arajo approved the final manu-
inflammation, with depletion of antioxidative enzymes. script and attests to the integrity of the original data and the
Unlike sodium THIO and PRO, short-term infusion of DEX analysis reported in this manuscript.

April 2016 Volume 122 Number 4 www.anesthesia-analgesia.org 1021

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