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Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computation, Management & Nanotechnology

(ICN-2011), September 23-25, 2011

PAPR of OFDM System using selective mapping

technique withQPSK and DQPSK
V. B. Malode1,. B. P. Patil2
Department of Electronics, Jawaharlal Nehru.Engineering.College., N-6 CIDCO, Aurangabad,
Marathwada Mitra Mandal,.Engineering college, lohagaon, Pune,

ABSTRACT: has 0.5db lower PAPR reduced than common SLM and
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is also reduced a computational burden more largely. In our
multi-carrier transmission scheme for fourth generation paper proposed Modified SLM method using the standard
wireless communication. The major drawback of OFDM is arrays of linear block codes and DQPSK. In earlier
high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) of the transmitted paper[8] used same method and QPSK whereas we have
signal. In this paper, we are going to see the PAPR of OFDM
used DQPSK , our method has shown better performance
that to use different modulation scheme. To reduce PAPR by
probabilistic method. Modified selective mapping technique in PAPR reduction.
using the standard arrays of linear block codes. Selective II. THE PAPR OF OFDM SYSTEM
mapping technique used DQPSK it gives better performance The PAPR of OFDM is defined as the ratio
of PAPR than basic OFDM. Combination of DQPSK with between the maximum power and the average power, The
SLM does not need equalization and channel estimation. So PAPR of the OFDM signal X(t) is defined as
that it does not only reduces the complexity at receiver but 2
also it reduces PAPR of OFDM signal. Ppeak max[ xn ]
Paverage E[ xn ]
Index Terms: OFDM, SLM, PAPR, LBC, QPSK,
DQPSK Where xn = An OFDM signal after IFFT (Inverse Fast
Fourier transform) E[.] = Expectation operator, it is an
OFDM is very efficient technique for high-speed
average power.
data transmission used in mobile communication,
PAPR measure in complementary cumulative distribution
broadband applications in hot-zones, Digital terrestrial
function (CCDF). The cumulative distribution function
mobile communication, Digital Audio Broadcasting
(CDF) of the signal is
(DAB), Digital Video Broadcasting terrestrial(DVB-T),
wireless asynchronous transfer mode (WATM), F(z)= 1-exp(-z) (2)
Modem/ADSL.[1,2]. An OFDM based transmission If there are N sub carriers in an OFDM system and all the
scheme which is suitable for robust transmission in fast sampling values are complete independence, the CDF to
fading environments, where a reliable channel estimate is describe the PAPR of an OFDM system is
impossible or very difficult to obtain. Robust transmission P(PAPR > z) = 1-(1-e-z )N (3 )
problem to solve that to use a modulation scheme. But
OFDM is having major drawback of a high Peak-to- III. SLM TECHNIQUE
Average Power ratio(PAPR)[3,4].In[5] the sub-block Selective mapping (SLM) method is a PAPR
coding scheme for reducing the PAPR of OFDM has low reduction technique. [7,9,12] In SLM actual transmit signal
complexity and is found that more than 3db reduction in lowest PAPR is selected from a set of different signals
PAPR can be achieved when the code rate is .The which all represents the same information. PAPR reduction
Hadamard transform scheme [6] is to reduce the is achieved by multiplying independent phase sequences to
autocorrelation of the input sequence to reduce the PAPR the original data.SLM takes advantageous the PAPR of an
problem and it requires no side information to be OFDM signal is very sensitive to phase shifts in the
transmitted to the receiver. But in [7] this paper proposed frequency domain data. Block diagram of SLM Technique
new SLM method which rotates the phase of input data is shown in Fig.1
after IFFT by using Walsh Hadamard Code. This method


Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computation, Management & Nanotechnology
(ICN-2011), September 23-25, 2011

Fig. 1: Block Diagram of OFDM transmitter with the

Conventional SLM Technique
Lets define data stream after serial to parallel conversion
as X=[X0, X1--------,XN-1]T. Then the OFDM data block is Fig 2 Theoretical PAPR of OFDM system and SLM system
multiplied element by element with phase sequences
( ) Fig 2 shows the theoretical CCDF curve as a function
. So each input Xn(u) can be defined as of PAPR distribution when SLM method used for N=64 ,
equation D=2m ,m=0,1,-------,7. It is seen that with a increase in
IFFT ( X n Bn
(u ) (u )
Xn ) ...(4) value of D ,the theoretical PAPR value gets smaller and
smaller. SLM method improves the PAPR distribution as
Frequency domain subcarrier can be written as compared to basic OFDM system. The increase in the
number of OFDM signal frames D will raise the
[ x0
(u ) (u ) (u ) (u ) T
Xn .x1 ,.........xN 2 ] ....(5) computational complexity but we get benefit of small
Where n = 0, 1, 2-------N-1,and u=0,1,2..U to make the improvement of PAPR reduction performance.
U phase rotated OFDM data blocks. All U phase rotated
OFDM data blocks represented the same information as the
unmodified OFDM data block provided that the phase
sequence is known. [11]

After applying the SLM technique, the complex

envelope of the transmitted OFDM signal becomes
N 1
x(t )
x e
n 0
j 2nft
, 0 t NT (6)
where = , NT is the duration of an OFDM data Fig 3: Compare cumulative probability of OFDM and SLM

block. Output data of the lowest PAPR is selected to System
transmit. PAPR reduction effect will be better as the copy
block number U is increased. SLM method effectively MATLAB provides a function to calculates the
reduces PAPR without any signal distortion. But it has normal cumulative distribution function (CDF). It
higher system complexity and computational burden. This determines the CDF of the normal distribution parameters
complexity can less by reducing the number of IFFT block mean and standard deviation of PAPR. In fig3 we have
[ 7,8, 9,13]. considered conslm1(conventional selective mapping1) for
The probability that the PAPR of an OFDM frame D=8, conslm2 D=16, conslm3 D=32. Fig 3 Compares the
exceeds a certain threshold z is given in formula (3).Now cumulative probability of OFDM and SLM system and
we assume that the D is statistically independent OFDM finding the values of mean and variance of PAPR for
frames represent the same information. The probability OFDM and SLM system. It has been seen that mean and
of PAPR larger than a threshold z can be written as variance value of PAPR for SLM system is less with
P(PAPR > z) = 1-(1-e-z )N ) D ..( 7) increase in the value of D. Reduction performance of
PAPR in SLM system is better than basic OFDM system.
Table1: Mean and Variance of PAPR


Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computation, Management & Nanotechnology
(ICN-2011), September 23-25, 2011

No of subcarriers : 900
FFT Size : 64
Coding Technique : Linear block codes
Error correcting : Extended Hamming Code
Modulation : QPSK/DQPSK
Constellation Mapping : 256
: Z U V W
2 2 2
Decision Criteria

Fig.6a: PAPR of basic QPSK-OFDM system

Fig4: Flow chart of Conventional SLM


Fig.6b: PAPR of basic DQPSK-OFDM system
Simulation is carried out in MATLAB for QPSK-OFDM,
DQPSK-OFDM with and without SLM & modified SLM

Fig. 5: Block Diagram of Modified SLM Technique

The main purpose of the modified SLM technique is to

reduce PAPR and IFFT block. There is only one IFFT
block at transmitter if the sequence which is the lowest
PAPR can be find out by a decision algorithm before
Parameters used for simulation: Fig. 7a: PAPR of QPSK-OFDM system with Conventional SLM.


Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computation, Management & Nanotechnology
(ICN-2011), September 23-25, 2011

. technique is main focus of this paper. Combination of

Maximum PAPR in dB DQPSK with SLM not only reduces the complexity at
System receiver but also it reduces PAPR of OFDM signal.
11 10 A modified selective mapping technique is proposed
(Without SLM)
Conventional in this paper to improve the performance of the OFDM
7.8 7.5 system with respective PAPR. This scheme requires only
one IFFT block at the transmitter. Used DQPSK will
reduce the complexity at the receiver. Results of simulation
of SLM technique show that the PAPR reduction of OFDM
system, which further results in high performance of
wireless communication. Modern digital signal processing
techniques to use this system to improve the reliability of
the communications link.
With the rising demand for efficient frequency
spectrum utilization, OFDM proves valuable to next-
generation communication systems. In future we extend
into MIMO OFDM, Co-optimization of MIMO and OFDM
modules, Reduction of power consumption for MIMO-
OFDM system, Multiple access OFDM (OFDMA) in
Interference cancellation, Receiver structure, Uplink.
Fig. 7b: PAPR of DQPSK-OFDM system with Conventional SLM. REFERENCES
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Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computation, Management & Nanotechnology
(ICN-2011), September 23-25, 2011

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