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Spicy, Warm Herbs that Release the Exterior

Ma Huang Spicy LU *Raises blood pressure, CNS stimulant

Bitter UB ~ Induces sweating & releases the exterior strong diaphoretic. Patterns of WC exterior excess (Yangming
Ephedra Stem
Warm cold damage) w/ chills, fever, headache, absence of sweat, tight & floating pulse.
Ephedrae Herba
~ Disseminates & facilitates LU qi, calms wheezing & stops cough cough & wheezing due to WC
obstructing LU. Encourages LU qi to flow more freely & directs it down.
~ Promotes urination & reduces edema floating edema esp. good for edema w/ exterior condition
**Best for promoting urination & reducing edema**
Gui Zhi Spicy HT *Contraindicated during pregnancy, monorrhagia
Sweet LU ~ *Harmonizes & balances Ying & Wei goes to muscle level, for when cold gets stuck there
Cinnamon Twig
Warm UB ~ Warms & unblocks channels, collaterals & vessels (in extremities) wind-cold-damp Bi
Cinnamon Ramulus
~ Warms the Yang & transforms thin mucous - lack of transformation of fluids due to Yang Def. w/ edema &
urinary dysfunction or dizziness & palpitations.
~ Assists the HT Yang & unblocks the Yang Qi of chest enhances HT & LU functions, tonifies HT Yang,
treats deficiency palpitations
**Best for: Headache, chills, slight sweats, & chest Bi syndrome**
Zi Su Ye Spicy LU ~ Releases exterior & disperses cold wind-cold w/ fever, chills, headache, congestion, cough, stifling
Aromatic SP sensation in chest.
Purple Perilla Leaf
Warm ~ Promotes movement of Qi & expands the chest nausea, vomiting, poor appetite. Auxillary herb to
Perillae Folium
invigorate the blood.
~ In Pregnancy - treats morning sickness & restless fetus
~ Resolves seafood poisoning any food poisoning stops symptoms
**Zi Su Ye has all of the following functions Reduces seafood poisoning, opens the chest, calms the
fetus. DOES NOT promote urination**
Zi Su Geng Spicy LU *in Regulate Qi category, doesnt release exterior, has ordering & regulating function
Sweet SP ~ Expands the chest & benefits diaphragm LU & ST Qi stag (chest & abdomen)w/ focal distention or
Purple Perilla Stem
Sl. warm ST stifling
sensation that may lead to abdominal & hypochondriac distention & pain, regulates downward conduction &
stimulates peristalsis
~ Calms fetus & stops vomiting - *stops Braxton-Hicks contractions
Jing Jie Spicy LU ~ Releases exterior & dispels wind - *WH or WC, also carbuncles, boils when they first erupt, esp when w/
Sl. warm LV chills & fever
Schizonepeta Stem
~ Vents rashes & alleviates itching initial stage of measles & pruritic skin eruptions
Or Bud
~ Stops bleeding hemostatic must be blackened/burned; auxiliary herb for hemorrhage, blood in stools or
uterine bleeding.
Fang Feng Spicy UB *Regulates or rebalances surface pores, restores balance *can open OR close pores
Sweet LV ~ Releases exterior & expels wind - *WH or WC headache, chills, body aches due to WC
Saposhnikovia Root
Sl. warm SP ~ Expels wind dampness & alleviates pain exterior WD painful obstruction - Bi, arthritis pain
Saposhnikovia Radix
~ Expels wind & relieves spasms internal wind (LV), tetany, trembling of hands & feet. Also for Intestinal
wind due to imbalance between SP & LV w/ recurrent, painful diarrhea w/ bright blood in the stool. Also
guard against wind
**Best for cough, fever, chills, phlegm, stuffy nose, & tetanus (internal wind)**
Qiang Huo Spicy UB *guiding herb to shoulders, neck, occiput, head - **Occipital HA**
Bitter KD ~ Releases exterior & disperses cold WC stiff neck, achy shldrs, upper back, occiput; chills, fever,
Notopterygium Root
Aromatic headache, body aches & pains. Good when accompanied by dampness w/ joint pain, feeling of heaviness,
Notopterygii Rhizoma
sleepiness, pain in occipital region.
~ Unblocks painful obstruction (Bi) & alleviates pain WCD Bi, esp upper limbs & back, joint pain, arthritis
**Guides Qi to Taiyang (SI, UB) & Du used freq for this neck, shldrs, upper back, occiput
**Guides Qi to Taiyang & Du channels, & so it can be used to treat occipital HA & upper body pain**
Gao Ben Spicy UB *has affinity for the head reaches vertex great for headache, not used to rel. surface **Vertex HA**
Warm DU ~ Discharges exterior conditions & disperses cold - *esp chronic headaches & nasal congestion, also acute
Ligusticum Root
*Vertex/crown headache, or linked w/ teeth & jaw
Ligustici Rhizoma
~ Dispels wind, overcomes dampness, and A.P. WCD Bi, acute lower back pain from WC both ends of
also for dampness affecting digestive system
**Good for vertex HA from wind-cold**
Bai Zhi Spicy LU **WC frontal headaches**
Warm ST ~ Expels wind, eliminates dampness, unblocks nasal passages, & A.P. WC or WH, best for sinus &
Angelica Root
SP nasal
Angelica dahuricae
passages, acute or chronic, but better for chronic sinusitis. WC w/ headache. Supraorbital pain, congestion, &
~ Reduces swelling & expels pus - *very good at early stages of superficial sores & carbuncles. If not yet
suppurated, it will reduce the swelling. If pus has already formed or the sore has ulcerated, it will help
discharge the pus.
~ Expels dampness & alleviates discharge vaginal discharge due to cold-damp in lower jiao, also from
damp-heat if combines properly
**Good for frontal HA from wind-cold**
Xi Xin Spicy LU *very penetrating into dense stagnation like a sharpened spear - **NEVER use alone***
Warm HT **Shaoyin HA**
Thin Spicy
KD *small doses for short time can kill you if used alone - *problematic unresolved joint pain, sinusitis
Chinese wild ginger
~ Disperses cold & releases exterior not direct diaphoretic, good assisting when very damp or cold.
Asari Radix/Rhizoma
Headache, neck & upper back pain
~ Dispels wind, disperses cold, & relieves pain pain due to wind &/or cold anywhere, but particularly
**Max dose:
headache, Bi, abdominal pain, or toothache.
0.3 1.0 Qian
~ Warms the LU & transforms thin mucous cold invasion in LU cough & Qi surging upwards
1 3 Grams
~ *very strong for nasal & sinus congestion for cough & qi that surges up, fullness in chest w/ continuous
cough. Cough w/ copious watery sputum.
~ Unblocks & facilitates the orifices various types of nasal congestion, oral pathology, some types of loss
consciousness which impair the clear orifices of the head
Sheng Jiang Spicy LU ~ Releases the exterior & disperses cold good & fast acting diaphoretic primary WC herb
Sl. warm SP ~ Warms the middle jiao & alleviates vomiting cold in ST, esp. w/ vomiting
Fresh Ginger
ST ~ Warms LU & stops cough esp tickly cough acute WC, chronic LU disorders
Zingiberis Rhizoma
~ Resolves toxicity for overdose of certain herbs (Fu Zi, Ban Xia) or sea-food poisoning
** Increases peristalsis & downward movement of ST Qi
**Sheng Jiang has all of the following functions EXCEPT Releases swelling & expels pus**
Cong Bai Spicy LU ~ Releases the exterior & induces sweating WC, esp very early stages
Warm ST ~ Disperses cold & unblocks the Yang for either abdominal pain & distention or nasal congestion due to
Scallion (large)
blockage of Yang Qi by cold.
Alii fistulosi Bulbus
~ Resolves toxicity & disperses clumps topically for sores & abscesses (as poultice)
Xiang Ru Spicy LU **esp appropriate during hot summer months harmonizes SP & transforms dampness
Aromatic ST ~ Induces sweating & releases the exterior WC exposure in summer, esp. when accompanied by
Moslae Herba
Sl. warm dampness
w/ chills & fever, headache, absence of sweat, body aches, abdominal pain, vomiting, & diarrhea
~ Promotes urination & reduces swelling for edema & urinary difficulty, esp. when associated w/ exterior
**Releases the exterior, transforms dampness, promotes urination & good for treating summer heat**
Cang Er Zi Sweet LU ~ Disperses wind & dampness & opens the nasal passages - **really good for sinusis & nasal
Bitter passages shrinks & relieves puffiness, swelling & inflammation
Xanthium Fruit
Warm ~ Disperses wind & dispels dampness WD Bi joint pain, swelling, inflammation, itching skin
**Best for opening nasal passages. Cang Er Zi & Xin Yi Hua**
Xin Yi Hua Spicy LU ** Reduces blood pressure, antifungal very drying
Warm ST ~ Expels WC & unblocks the nasal passages strongly opens nasal passages & expels WC
Magnolia Flower
*acute sinusitis; for nasal obstruction & congestion, nasal discharge, lack of smell, sinus problems, or related
headache. Primarily for WC but can be used for any nasal or sinus condition if combined properly.

Spicy, Cool Herbs that Release the Exterior

Bo He Spicy LU **contains an active compound that relaxes the esophageal sphincter
~ Disperses WH, clears & benefits the head, eyes, & throat WH w/ fever, cough, headache, red eyes,
Aromatic LV
Field Mind
Cool sore
~ Vents rashes for early stages of rashes (such as measles)
~ **Allows constrained LV Qi to flow freely - *2nd best herb for LV Qi Stag pressure in chest or flanks,
emotional instability, & gynecological problems.
~ Expels turbid filth summertime exposure to unclean Qi gastric disturbance w/ abd. pain, vomiting,
thick, greasy, yellow tongue fur.
**Can treat all these: wind heat w/ fever & cough, wind heat w/ sore throat & HA, LV Qi Stag. w/ pressure in chest
& flanks. CANT treat Qi Deficiency w/ sweats**
Niu Bang Zi Spicy LU ~ Disperses WH & benefits the throat - **very good for throat sore, scratchy beginning of WH; WH w/ fever,
Bitter ST cough, sore, red, swollen throat
Great Burdock Fruit
Cold ~ Resolves toxicity & vents rashes red swellings, carbuncles, erythemas, mumps, acute febrile
maculopapular rashes, early stages measles, incomplete expression of rash. Also rashes due to WH.
~ Moistens the intestines helps to facilitate bowel movements; for WH w/ constipation.
**NOT useful for wind-cold nasal congestion & sinus HA** **Clears WH & benefits the throat**
Chan Tui Sweet LU **VERY good at opening the tiniest microcirculation in the capillaries in skin, eyes - *very good for eyes
Salty LV ~ Disperses wind & clears heat esp. good for laryngitis & loss of voice loss of voice & swollen sore throat
Cicada Molting
Sl. cold ~ Vents rashes early stages hives, wind rash, measles
~Clears the eyes & removes superficial visual obstruction - **one of top 5 herbs for eyes WH eye
*Caution in
red, painful, & swollen eyes, blurry vision
~ Stops spasms & extinguishes wind childhood febrile diseases w/ convulsions, spasms, delirium, or night
terrors - Auxiliary herb for treating tetanus
Sang Ye Sweet LU **esp good for eyes best at moistening the eyes
Bitter LV ~ Gently disperses & scatters WH WH w/ fever, headache, sore throat, coughing
Mulberry Leaf
Cold ~ Calms the LV & clears the eyes for eye problems from excess LV heat, WH, or Yin Def. Also vertigo due to
LV Yang rising. Red, sore, dry or painful eyes, or spots in front of eyes.
~ Clears LU and moistens dryness - moistens LU & thins phlegm; for LU dryness w/ cough, dry mouth or LU
heat w/ thick, yellow sputum
**Best for clearing the LV & brightening the eyes: Ju Hua & Sang Ye**
Ju Hua Sweet LU **powerfully lowers blood pressure!! one of top 3 herbs for hypertension *can ascend or descend, drain or tonify
Bitter LV ~ Disperses wind & clears heat WH patterns, from common cold or warm pathogen disease w/ fever &
Sl. cold headache.
~ Calms LV & clears the eyes red, swollen, dry &/or painful eyes from WH in LV channel or LV Yang Rising.
Spots in front of eyes, blurry vision, dizziness due to LV & KD Yin Def.
~ Calms the LV & extinguishes wind dizziness, headache, deafness due to LV Yang rising
**Best for clearing the LV & brightening the eyes. Ju Hua & Sang Ye**
Man Jing Zi Bitter UB **eases pain & constraint in the face around & behind the eyes - **dont combine w/ Shi Gao
Spicy LV ~ Disperses wind & clears heat WH esp. when major complaint is headache or eye pain
Vitex Fruit
Cool ST ~ Clears & benefits the head & eyes LV channel WH manifesting as excessive tearing, red, painful, or
eyes, or spots in front of eyes.
Dan Dou Chi Sweet LU ~ Releases the exterior *either WH or WC. Also Yin Def. w/ superimposed exterior disorders. gentle good
Sl. bitter ST for weak, yin deficient patient (elderly) w/ exterior condition
Cold ~ **Eliminates irritability irritability, restlessness, stifling sensation in chest, insomnia following febrile disorder
**Releases either hot or cold exterior conditions, & can alleviate irritability from exterior heat disease**
Fu Ping Spicy UB **really strong diaphoretic strongest in spicy, cool category can be used alone for surface releasing
Cold LU ~ Induces sweating & releases the exterior exterior heat w/ head & body aches & no sweating. Strong
diaphoretic sometimes used alone for this.
~ Vents rashes & stops itching - *cold equivalent to Jing Jie measles or other rashes, wind rash.
~ Promotes urination & reduces swelling - *like Ma Huang hot superficial edema in upper body w/ diff.
Mu Zei Sweet LV ~ Disperses WH, clears the eyes, & reduces superficial visual obstruction WH affecting eyes causing
Bitter LU redness, pain, swelling, cloudiness, blurred vision, pterygium, or excessive tearing.
Horse Tail
Neutral GB ~ Clears heat & stops bleeding auxiliary herb for blood in stools or hemorrhoids not a hemostatic.
*Caution Pregnanc
Ge Gen Spicy SP **nourishes fluids alleviates thirst by raising ST fluids, treats diarrhea
Sweet ST ~ Discharges exterior conditions & releases the muscles exterior disorders lodged in muscles causing
Kudzu Root
Cool fever, headache, stiff or tight upper back & neck.
~ Relieves heat & generates fluids for irritability & thirst from ext. contracted heat or wasting & thirsting w/
internal heat.
~ Vents & discharges measles
~ Raises the Yang & stops diarrhea - ***best function diarrhea or dysentery due to heat. Also diarrhea from
SP Deficiency when combined properly
~ Treats symptoms of hypertension headache, dizziness, tinnitus (only symptoms, not cause)
**Best for relieving stiff or tight muscles in the upper back & neck**
Chai Hu Spicy LV ****best at all its functions
Bitter GB ~ Resolves Shaoyang disorder & reduces fever alternating chills & fever, bitter taste, flank pain, irritability,
Radix Bupleuri
Cool PC vomiting, stifling sensation in chest.
Kindling of Barbarian
~ Spreads LV Qi & relieves constraint - ***#1 herb for spreading & smoothing LV Qi dizziness, vertigo, chest
& flank pain, emotional instability, or menstrual problems. Also disharmony between LV & SP w/ epigastric &
flank pain, stifling sensation in chest, abdominal bloating, nausea & indigestion
~ Raises & lifts the clear Yang of the ST & GB organ prolapse hemorrhoids, dropping/sagging, vaginal
discharge, bleeding or exhaustion.
**Best for alternating chills & fever w/ bitter oral taste, vomiting, chest tightness & flank pain associated w/
Shaoyang stage of externally contracted disorders**
Sheng Ma Spicy LI ~ Raises Yang & lifts what has sunken - *also Chai Hu SP Qi not raising properly shortness of breath,
Sweet LU fatigue, prolapse --- ** most common use of Sheng Ma; also messenger/guides other herbs upward.
Raising Hemp
Sl. cold SP ~ Clears heat & relieve toxicity fire toxins in upper or superficial aspects of body. Sore teeth, swollen or
painful gums, ulcerated lips or gums, canker sores, painful & swollen throat, sores, maculae from warm-heat
~ Discharges exterior & vents rashes particularly measles
**Best for raising Yang Qi when there is organ prolapse Chai Hu & Sheng Ma**
Herbs that Clear Heat & Drain Fire
Shi Gao Spicy LU **primary herb for extreme heat/fire (& Zhi Mu) traditionally most potent for lowering fever
~ Clear heat & drains fire high fever w/o chills, irritability, intense thirst, profuse sweat, big flooding pulse, etc.
Sweet ST
Very cold Excess in Qi level of the 4 levels of disease, or the Yangming channel stage.
Stone Paste
~ Clears excess heat from LU cough & wheezing w/ fever & thick, viscous sputum
~ Clears blazing ST fire headache, toothache, swollen, painful gums, excessive appetite
~ For eczema, burns, ulcerated sores - **most common use external application mixed w/ salve great for
eczema, esp. on the palms
**Which is NOT Shi Gaos major clinical indication? Afternoon fever, steaming bone fever, dry cough**
Zhi Mu Bitter LU ~ Clears heat & drains fire high fever, irritability, thirst, rapid, flooding pulse in patterns of heat from excess in
Sweet ST LU & ST. Also for cough due to heat in LU w/ expectoration of thick, yellow sputum.
Anemarrhena Root
Cold KD ~ Enriches the Yin & moistens dryness Yin Def. heat exhaustion & def. of LU & KD Yin night sweats,
steaming bone disorder, irritability, afternoon or low-grade fevers, heat in 5 centers, bleeding gums. Also KD
heat signs such as spermatorrhea, nocturnal emission, & abnormally elevated sex drive.
~ Generates fluids & clears heat - **general function oral ulcerations & inflammation due to yin deficiency,
wasting & thirsting (dry heat conditions)
~ Ameliorates the dryness of tonifying or warming substances balancing herb
**Which would be best for high fever, thirst, cough w/ yellow sputum, vomiting, heat Lin syndrome? Zhi Mu**
**Is bitter & cold. Clears heat & drains fire, also nourishes Yin, moistens dry conditions. Can be used to treat
both excess & def. heat. Enters LU, ST, KD channels**
(Shan) Zhi Bitter HT **can take heat out of all 3 Jiaos & the Blood, great at all its functions
Cold LU ~ Drains heat & eliminates irritability (Dan Dou Chi & this herb are 2 best herbs for clearing constrained
Zi ST stifling heat in interior causing irritability); heat patterns w/ fever, irritability, restlessness, stifling sensation in the
Gardenia Seed chest, insomnia, delirious speech
~ Clear heat & resolves dampness painful urinary dribbling due to damp-heat in the lower jiao; damp-heat &
SJ constrained LV & GB w/ jaundice; damp-heat in GB & SJ channels of the face, affecting the nose & eyes, or
causing sores in the mouth or facial region. (wont damage fluids or aggravate Yin Def)
~ Cools the blood & resolves toxicity heat in blood w/ nosebleed, blood in vomit, stools, urine (charred herb)
~ Reduces swelling & moves blood stasis due to trauma powdered & applied externally (egg white/
**Name a clearing heat herb that specifically eliminates irritability, cools blood, & is used for treating epistaxis,
hematuria, & hematemesis (nosebleed, blood in urine, vomiting blood) Zhi Zi**
Dan Zhu Ye Sweet HT ~ Clears heat & eliminates irritability heat patterns w/ irritability & thirst. Mouth sores, swollen, painful gums
Bland SI from heat in HT or ST channels.
Bland Bamboo leaf
Cold ST ~ Promotes urination & clears DH mild diuretic. rough, scanty, painful urination. Esp. good for heat in SI w/
irritability & dark-red tip of tongue.
Xia Ku Cao Spicy GB **very good at lowering blood pressure one of top 5 herbs for strictly symptomatic issues of hbp
Bitter LV ~ Clears LV Fire & brightens eyes red, painful, or swollen eyes, headache, dizziness. Eye pain that
Cold increases
in the evening due to LV Def
~ **Clears heat & dissipates nodules really powerful any neck lump or nodule scrofula, lipoma, swollen
glands, goiter due to phlegm-fire. Inguinal nodules & in other parts of body
~ Recently used for hypertension esp. w/ LV fire or ascendant Yang.
Lian Zi Xin V. bitter HT **best herb for addressing HT Fire
Cold PC ~ Drains HT fire heat in PC w/ mental confusion or delirium. Also insomnia or irritability due to HT fire.
Lotus Seed Heart
~ Stops bleeding & binds the Essence as powder for vomiting of blood or spermathorrhea
Lu Gen Sweet LU ~ Clears heat & generates fluids high fever, irritability, thirst. Esp. good when accompanied w/ rebellious qi.
Cold ST ~ Clears heat & promotes urination dark, scanty urine or blood in urine, esp. good when accompanied by
Reed Rhizome
irritability & thirst.
~ Encourages rashes to surface not a common use
Tian Hua Bitter LU **has suppressing effect on HCG - contraindicated during Pregnancy can induce abortion; **can treat Cancer
Sl. sweet ST ~ Drains heat & generates fluids heat injuring fluids thirst & irritability, thirst from Yin Def., wasting &
Fen Cold thirsting
Heavenly Flower Cough w/ thick sputum or blood-streaked sputum.
Powder ~ Clears & drains LU heat, transforms phlegm & moistens LU dryness phlegm-heat above diaphragm
~ Resolves toxicity & expels pus hot toxic carbuncles & sores. *Breast abscess. Internal & topically
Jue Ming Zi Bitter LV ~ Clears the LV & the eyes red, swollen, & painful eyes from heat or wind-heat in LV channel.
Sweet LI Photosensitivity,
Cassia Seeds
Salty KD night blindness, & insidious loss of vision w/o visible physical changes to the eye.
~ Calms the LV & anchors errant Yang headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, hypertension, migraines
Sl. cold
*lowers blood pressure
~ Moistens the intestines & unblocks the bowels dry, infrequent stools, chronic constipation, hard, dry
~ Recently used to prevent atherosclerosis lowers blood pressure & serum cholesterol
**Clears LV heat, benefits eyes, & lowers hypertension**
Qing Xian Zi Sweet LV ~ Clears WH, drains LV fire, & improves vision overt eye problems caused by WH or excess LV states
Sl. cold ~ **Recently used for hypertension associated w/ LV Yang rising mildly lowers blood pressure slower
Celosia Seeds
than Ju Hua and milder than Jue Ming Zi
~ Can dilate the pupils clears excess & relaxes the pupil allowing it to dilate normally
Mi Meng Sweet LV ~ Clears the LV, brightens the eyes, & reduces superficial visual obstruction red, swollen, painful eyes,
Sl. cool excessive tearing, superficial visual obstruction, sensitivity to light. Excess or Def. problems.
Baddleia fl. Bud
Gu Jing Cao Sweet LV **taken over time gives one the eyes of the dragon
Neutral ST ~ Disperses WH, brightens the eyes, & eliminates superficial visual obstruction lightweight, gentle,
Grain Essence Grass
for eyes gently disperses pressure, tightness, constraint softening, cooling affect
**Gu Jing Cao is usually used for: Treating blurry vision & to brighten the eyes**

Herbs that Clear Heat & Cool the Blood

Shui Niu Salty HT ~ Clears heat, resolves fire toxicity, & cools the blood for VERY high fever affecting Ying or Blood levels.
Cold LV Erythema, purpura, nosebleed, vomiting blood, or convulsions & delirium
Jiao ST ~ Clears heat & arrests tremors heat in ying or blood unremitting high fever, loss of consciousness, delirium,
Water Buffalo Horn convulsions, or manic behavior.
*Resolves toxic rashes & sores, stops bleeding due to heat in blood, same functions as Xi Jiao but requires
larger dosage than Xi Jiao
Xi Jiao Bitter HT Same functions as above very small dosage of 1-2 grams
Salty LV *not used anymore, but very important traditionally
Rhino Horn
Sl. Cold ST **NOT one of Xi Jiaos functions Clears heat from Qi level. Does clear heat from Blood level, cools blood &
relieves fire toxicity, & stops tremors**
Sheng Di Sweet HT ~ Clears heat & cools blood heat in Ying level causing very high fever, thirst, & scarlet tongue. Also
Bitter KD hemorrhage due to heat entering Blood level.
Cold LV *rebalances & restores glycogen levels in LV reduces enlarged LV, balances & improves LV function
Fresh Earth Yellow
~ **Nourishes the Yin & generates fluids Yin Def w/ heat (best herb for this) injury to fluids, dry mouth,
continuious low-grade fever, constipation. Also throat pain associated w/ Yin Def. & wasting & thirsting.
~ **Cools HT Fire one of only 3 herbs that do this (Sheng Di Huang, Lian Zi Xin, Huang Lian) insomnia,
dream dist. Sleep, irritability, restlessness, agitation due to heat & fire in HT
**Main function of Shen Di Huang Moistens Yin, generates fluids, clears heat, & cools blood**
Xuan Shen Sl. salty KD **enriches Yin, moistens dryness, drains fire, resolves toxicity, softens hardness, transforms phlegm-heat
Sweet LU ~ Clears heat & cools blood heat in Blood level causing bleeding, fever, dry mouth, & a purplish tongue.
Dark/black Root
Bitter ST ~ **Nourishes the Yin doesnt really nourish fluids but has more of a sedating affect mildly moistening
good for irritability & constipation
*CI w/ Li Lu Cold
~ **Softens hardness & dissipates nodules neck lumps due to phlegm-fire, severe throat pain & swelling.
~ Resolves fire & toxins sores, boils, infected bites mild toxin clearing
**Xuan Shen is contraindicated in SP & ST Def. Cold & Li Lu**
Mu Dan Pi Spicy HT **Cools heat from Excess or Deficiency (also Di Gu Pi) **caution or dont use in pregnancy, menorrhagia
Bitter LV ~Clears heat & cools blood heat in Blood level. Nosebleed, blood in sputum or vomit, subcutaneous bleeding.
Peony Root Bark
Sl. cold KD Also for frequent & profuse menstruation due to heat in the blood.
~ Invigorates blood & dispels stasis w/o injuring Yin LV blood stasis w/ amenorrhea, abdominal masses,
*CI in Pregnancy
lumps, or bruises due to trauma.
~Clears fire/heat from deficiency Yin Def heat steaming bone disorder, particularly after a warm-heat
pathogen disease. Fever at night w/ coolness in the morning. Best when there is no sweating.
~ Clears ascending LV Fire headache, eye pain, flank pain, flushing & dysmenorrhea. Mildly lower blood
~ Drains pus & reduces swelling topically for firm non-draining sores, or internally for Intestinal abscess.
**Which is common function to both Mu Dan Pi & Chi Shao? Cools blood, invigorates blood, & dispels bl. stasis**
Zi Cao Sweet HT ~ Clears heat, cools blood, & resolves fire toxicity while venting rashes encourages rashes to surface,
Cold LV also
Purple Herb
encourages complete expression of rash. Fire toxin w/ very dark purple rashes. Moistens Intestines & promotes
urination, used when rashes are accompanied by constipation or urinary dysfunction.
~ Clears DH from the skin - **a skin herb topically for DH skin lesions or vaginal itching, also for burns.
**Zi Cao is most often used for: treating measles, eczema & burns skin conditions**
Chi Shao Sour LV **caution w/ pregnancy late 30s early 40s w/ history of miscarriage
Bitter SP ~ Invigorates blood & dispels stasis (also Mu Dan Pi) dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdominal pain, & fixed
Red Peony Root
Sl. cold abdominal masses. Also for swelling & pain associated w/ trauma & early stages of abscess & boils.
**Sour nature astringes, gathers & holds, shrink swelling & inflammation
~ Clears heat & cools blood heat entering Blood level w/ fever, purple tongue, maculae, & bleeding due to
chaotic movement of hot blood. Also for gynecological problems associated w/ hot blood.
Qing Hao Bitter KD **high dose has slightly psychoactive affect
Cold LV ~ Clears summer-heat especially for summerheat w/ low fever, headache, dizziness, & stifling sensation in
Chinese Wormwood
GB chest
~ Clears heat/fever from deficiency fevers from blood def. or as a result of a febrile disease. Esp. useful
steaing bone patterns are marked by no sweating.
~ Checks malarial disorder & resolves heat for alternating chills & fever of malarial disorders
~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding purpuric rashes or nosebleed dur to heat in the blood
Di Gu Pi Sweet LU **special function night sweats, eliminates heat from both Excess & Deficiency in blood (also Mu Dan Pi)
Bland LV ~ Cools blood & reduces steaming specifically drains KD Fire, eliminates lurking heat, & clears heat from the
Earth Bone Skin
Cold KD bones. For night sweats, steaming bone disorder w/ sweating, chronic low-grade fever, irritability, & thirst. Also
for floating fire in the KD channel marked by toothache.
~ Clears & drains LU heat LU heat w/ wheezing or cough (seldom used for this)
~ As a wash for various types of itching including genital itching
Bai Wei Bitter LU **Great for all types of Yin Def. heat fevers doesnt injure fluids or blood
Salty ST ~ Clears heat & cools blood heat entering Ying or Blood levels, Yin Def. fever, persistent summer-time fever in
Swallowwort Root
Cold KD children, postpartum fever, & lingering fever as result of warm-heat pathogen disease that injures blood or yin.
Most commonly used for postpartum fever & during the recovery stage of a febrile disease.
~ Cools blood & promotes urination UTI hot or painful bloody urinary dribbling, esp. before or after childbirth
~ Resolves toxicity & treats sores toxic sores, swollen & painful throat, & snakebite. Internal & topical use.
**Which is in the clearing Yin Def. Heat category? Bai Wei, Di Gu Pi, Xuan Shen**
Yin Chai Hu Sweet LV **for generalized Yin Deficiency heat
Sl. cold ST ~ Causes heat from Deficiency to recede for fire from Yin Def. w/ steaming bone disorder, or any Yin Def.
Stellaria Root
~ Clears heat & reduces childhood nutritional impairment fever, thirst, & irritability associated w/ childhood
nutritional impairment due to accumulation of heat.

Clear Heat & Drain Damp

Huang Qin Bitter LU **well tolerated by SP, ST
Cold ST ~ Clears heat & dries dampness for DH in ST or Intestines w/ diarrhea or dysenteric disorder, damp-warmth
Scutellaria Root
GB w/ fever, stifling sensation in chest, & thirst w/ inability to drink; or for DH in lower jiao w/ painful urinary
dribbling. Auxiliary herb for DH jaundice.
**Upper Jiao LI
~ Clears heat & resolves toxicity, esp. in the upper jiao high fever, irritability, thirst, cough, &
of thick, yellow sputum, or hot sores & swellings. Can be applied topically or taken internally.
~ Clears heat & stops bleeding for internal heat from Excess causing blood to move chaotically. Vomiting
or coughing blood, nosebleed, blood in stool.
~ Clears heat & calms fetus pacifies the Womb when fetus is restless or kicking excessively due to heat
~ Sedates ascendant LV Yang headache, irritability, red eyes, flushed face, bitter taste in mouth
**Often used to clear damp-heat from the upper Jiao, also can stabilize/ calm the fetus**
Huang Lian Bitter HT ~ Clears heat & drains dampness DH in ST or Intestines w/ diarrhea or dysenteric disorder. Also for
Cold LI vomiting
Coptis Rhizome
LV &/or acid regurgitation from ST heat. **Primary herb for dysentery**
~ Drains fire & resolves fire toxicity high fever, irritability, disorientation, delirium, red tongue, rapid & full
**Middle Jiao ST
pulse. Also from heat from excess w/ toxicity w/ painful red eyes & sore throat, boils, carbuncles, abscesses
& everywhere
~ Clears heat & stops bleeding (sl. charred) nosebleed, blood in urine, stool, or vomit
~ Clears heat topically red & painful eyes & ulcerations of tongue & mouth
~ **Clears HT Fire VERY good at this, as good as Lian Zi Xin & Sheng Di Huang
**Bitter & Cold property & is often used to treat dysentery due to middle Jiao damp-heat, carbuncles due to heat
toxicity, irritability & delirium due to HT Fire**
Huang Bai Bitter KD **primarily for reproductive system & UB lower jiao
Cold UB ~ Drains DH, particularly from the lower jiao thick, yellow vaginal discharge, foul-smelling diarrhea,
Phellodendron Bark
dysenteric disorder. Hot leg qi w/ red, swollen, & painful knees, legs, feet. Also for DH jaundice.
*used as a guiding herb to reproductive & urinary system
**Lower Jiao
~ Drains KD Fire (also Zhi Mu) steaming bone disorder, night sweats, afternoon fevers & sweating,
w/ nocturnal emission & spermatorrhea.
~ Drains fire & resolves fire toxins fire toxin-generated sores & damp lesions of the skin.
**Best to treat: jaundice, eczema, dysentery, pain & swelling in the feet & knees, painful urination (heat Lin),
nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea due to damp-heat in Lower Jiao**
Long Dan Bitter GB **drains fire & Excess from LV & GB, **eliminates lower burner DH, extremely bitter!!
Cold LV ~ Drains DH from LV & GB (channels & organs) - **primary herb for this** - DH in upper part of GB channel
Cao w/ red, swollen, sore throat & eyes, swollen & painful ears, sudden deafness. Also DH in LV or GB channels
Gentian Root ST
(esp. lower part) w/ jaundice, pain, swelling, or dampness in genital area, foul-smelling vaginal discharge
dragons GB herb & itching.
~ Drains & pacifies excess LV Fire LV Fire blazing up w/ headache or red eyes. Also for LV wind w/ fever,
spasms, convulsions, or flank pain.
***Damages the way the LV nourishes the blood if taken too long
**NOT contraindicated in pregnancy (Mu Dan Pi, Xi Jiao, Tian Hua Fen are**
**Best for: jaundice, itching in vaginal area, leukorrhea, convulsion & flank pain, bitter taste in mouth, red painful
swollen eyes & sudden deafness**
Ku Shen Bitter UB *esp good for external application. *bitterness can reverse ST Qi direction & cause vomiting or nausea
Cold HT ~ Clears heat & dries dampness DH in lower jiao leading to jaundice, dysenteric disorder, vaginal discharge,
Sophora Root
LV & sores.
bitter root
~ Clears heat & promotes urination DH in SI, painful urinary dribbling, & hot edema.
~ Disperses wind, kills parasites & stops itching topically as a wash damp toxin skin lesions or
*CI w/ Li Lu ST infestations w/ chronic itching, seepage, & bleeding. Also for genital itching & vaginal discharge.
SI **Ku Shen treats all EXCEPT Diarrhea due to SP & ST Def. Cold** - treats jaundice, diarrhea due to damp
heat, itching sores, skin lesions due to parasites, hot edema, painful edema, urination dysfunction**
Qin Pi Bitter GB **Astringent quality stops discharge & loss special function unique in category
Cold LI ~ Clears heat, resolves toxicity, & dries dampness diarrhea, dysenteric disorder, vaginal discharge from
Ash Root Bark
Astringent LV DH
~ Drains LV Fire & benefits the eyes LV heat affecting the eyes redness, swelling, pain, or superficial
visual obstrucions.
~ Disperses wind-dampness painful obstruction primarily Hot Bi
~ Calms wheezing & stops coughs wheezing & coughs due to LU heat
Hu Huang Bitter LV ~ *Clears heat from Deficiency for Yin Def. w/ heat signs
Cold ST ~ Clears heat & reduces childhood nutritional impairment appropriate when accompanied by abdominal
Lian distention, afternoon fevers, & dysenteric diarrhea
Huang Lian of the LI
~ Drains DH for DH dysenteric disorder or sores
Barbarians **Hu Huang Lian can treat all Deficient heat, tidal fever, steaming bone fever, childhood nutritional impairment,
DH in ST w/ dysentery & hemorrhoids. CANT treat Heat in LU, cough**

Clear Heat Toxin

Niu Huang Bitter HT ~ Clears heat & relieves toxicity delirium or coma, wind-stroke, convulsions, seizures. Skin infections,
Cold LV enlarged glands, mouth ulcers, tongue ulcers
GB stone of cow
Sweet ~ Reduces swelling & benefits the throat red, painful, swollen throat
~ Opens the orifices & controls convulsions high fever due to heat in LV wind-stroke, seizures, coma
*CI in Pregnancy
**lowers blood pressure, helps asthma
**Is bitter, sweet, & cool, enters LV & HT meridians. Its functions are to open the orifice, awaken the spirit &
vaporize phlegm, also extinguish LV wind & stops tremors. Used to treat stroke, convulsions & epilepsy**
Jin Yin Hua Sweet LI ~ Clears heat & resolves toxicity hot, painful sores & swellings in various stages, esp. of the breast, throat,
Cold LU or eyes. Also for Intestinal abscess.
ST ~ *Vents & disperses externally contracted WH early stages of warm-heat pathogen w/ fever, slight
to wind, sore throat, headache. Also for externally contracted summer-heat.
~ Clears DH from the lower jiao DH dysenteric disorder or painful urinary dribbling.
**Jin Yin Hua & Lian Qiao are often used together, but they have different properties; which is correct?
Lian Qiao clears HT heat to treat irritability & delirium, but Jin Yin Hua does not**
**NOT contraindicated in Pregnancy Ma Chi Xian, She Gan, Niu Huang ARE contraindicated in pregnancy**
Ren Dong Sweet LI ~ Clears heat & resolves toxicity for a variety of sores & skin eruptions
cold LU ~ Dispels wind-dampness, soothes sinews, & unblocks the channels & collaterals
Teng ~ Cools the blood used as an adjunct for hot abdominal pain due to inflammation, heat in the blood leading to
Honeysuckle Vine ST
early periods or excessive bleeding, or for breast inflammation such as mastitis.
Lian Qiao Bitter HT *bitterness drains fire, coldness cools heat, lightweight moves pathogens outward & vents heat
Sl. spicy LU ~ Cleras heat & resolves toxicity for externally contracted WH w/ pronounced fever, slight chills, sore throat,
Forsythia Fruit
Cool GB & headache.
~ Reduces abscesses & dissipates clumps for toxic clumps such as external sores, internal abscesses,
scrofula, or throat painful obstruction
~ Clears HT & alleviates irritability pacifies Shen & clears HT heat
Da Qing Ye Bitter HT *Bensky says salty. **entire plant is powerfully anti-viral. Can use internally & externally. Can steam & breathe
Salty LU ~ Clears heat & resolves fire toxicity for any warm-heat pathogen or epidemic febrile outbreak. Esp. good for
Isatis Leaf
V. cold ST epidemic toxin or any severe febrile disease that affects people regardless of constitution, such as severe
contagious diseases. May be used for fire toxin anywhere in body, esp in throat & LU. Mouth ulcers & throat
painful obstruction.
**CAN NOT treat breast abscess/mastitis** - Pu Gong Yin, Zi Hua Di Ding, Lou Lu all can treat breast abscess**
Qing Dai Salty LV **made from Da Qing Ye.
Cold LU ~ Clears heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, & reduces maculae for maculae due to heat entering the
Indigo Naturalis
ST blood level or other forms of warm toxin. Can be used alone for bleeding, esp. from nose.
~ Clears heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, & reduces swelling blazing heat leading to a swollen &
painful throat, sores in mouth, mumps. Also used externally.
~ Drains LV Fire, dispels summer-heat, & extinguishes wind to stop tremors convulsions, red eyes, sore
throat, & other manifestations of heat, esp. summer-heat, affecting the LV
~ Clears LV Fire, drains LU heat, & cools the blood cough & chest pain from LV fire accosting the LU
**Nature of Qing Dai is Salty & Cold**
Ban Lan Bitter HT ~ Drains heat, resolves fire toxicity, cools the blood, & benefits the throat warm-heat pathogen diseases,
Cold LU warm epidemic disorders, mumps, & painful, swollen throat conditions. Also for DH jaundice.
Gen ST **All can treat poisonous snakebite Zi Hua Di Ding, Chuan Xin Liang, Sao Xiu.
Da Qing Ye Root CAN NOT treat snakebite Ban Lan Gen**
Pu Gong Ying Bitter LV ~ Reduces abscesses & dissipates nodules internal abscesses & external sores, particularly if firm & hard.
Dandelion Sweet ST Esp. good for breast & Intestinal abscesses. Internal & topical use.
Cold ~ Clears the LV & clears the eyes redness & swelling of eyes. Can be used alone for this.
~ Clears heat, resolves dampness, & unblocks painful urinary dribbling for DH jaundice & painful urinary
Zi Hua Di Spicy HT **esp good for deep-rooted sores & red swellings
Bitter LV ~ Clears heat & resolves toxicity for reducing hot swellings, esp. for red, swollen eyes; swollen, painful throat
Ding & ears, mumps, & snakebite.
Violet Cold
~ Clears hot sores internally & topically (usually fresh) for sores & abscesses, esp. of the head & back
**Has an affinity for the skin**
Zao Xiu Bitter LV ~ Clears heat-toxin & reduces abscesses enlarged glands, breast abscess, insect bites, snake bites
Sl. cold ~ Extinguishes wind & stops convulsions LV Wind internal wind seizures, convulsions
Chong Lou Sl. toxic **Commonly used to treat Cancer
Qi Ye Yi Zhi Hua **Contraindicated in Pregnancy b/c toxic
Scratch Rest *Toxic reaction is nausea, vomiting, & severe headache
Bai Jiang Cao Spicy LI ~ Clears heat, resolves toxicity, & expels pus either internal fire toxin disorders, such as Intestinal abscess,
Rotten Sauce Herb Bitter LV or
Patrinia Sl. cold ST fire toxin surface sores & swellings. Internal or topical use.
~ Dispels blood stasis & stops pain for pain & obstruction associated w/ heat-induced blood stasis, esp. in
*Caution the abdomen & chest. Also for postpartum pain, & more recently for post-operative pain.
Pregnancy ~ **If you use a large dose, the bodys white blood cells will decrease temporarily can make u dizzy & feel sick
** Can promote the growth of LV cells & slows down the degeneration of the LV
Yu Xing Cao Spicy LU ~ Clears heat & toxin, reduces swellings & abscesses for LU abscess or LU heat cough w/ expectoration of
Cool LI thick, yellowish green sputum. Used both internally & topically for toxic sores.
Fish Smell Herb
~ Drains damp-heat & promotes urination for LI damp-heat diarrhea or DH in lower jiao w/ painful urinary
**A patient comes in w/ LU abscess & is coughing up pus & blood. Which is most suitable Lian Qiao, Da Qing
Ye, Sao Xiu or Yu Xing Cao Yu Xing Cao**
Chuan Xin Lian V. bitter LU ~ Clears heat & resolves fire toxicity for a wide variety of heat disorders heat in LU, throat, & urinary tract.
penetrate HT lotus Cold LI Fire toxin on skin such as sores & carbuncles. Applied topically for snakebite fresh form.
ST ~ Clears heat, dries dampness, & stops diarrhea DH dysenteric disorder, hot painful urinary dribbling, &
eczema (applied topically as an ointment)
Bai Hua She Bitter LV *traditionally for snakebite
Sweet ST ~ Clears heat, strongly resolves fire toxicity, & reduces abscesses Intestinal abscess, toxic sores,
She Cao ulcerations, & swellings. Also for snakebite & a variety of Cancers. Used internally & topically
White flower snake Cold LI
~ Clears heat & facilitates resolution of dampness by promoting urination for hot painful urinary dribbling
tongue herb &
*Caution DH jaundice.
Bai Tou Weng Bitter LV ~ Clears heat & resolves fire toxicity primarily for dysenteric disorders, esp. those due to DH in ST or
white haired man Cold LI Intestines
Ya Dan Zi Bitter LI **Highly Toxic may cause vomiting, abd. pain, diarrhea, loose stools not decocted b/c absorbed too quickly
Cold LV ~ Treats dysenteric disorders chronic or recurring dysenteric disorders. Important for chronic cold stagnation
Toxic dysenteric disorders that wax & wane, or alternating hard & soft stools. Esp. useful for amebic dysentery.
~ Treats intermittent fever & chills malarial disordrs.
~ Used topically for warts & corns as a paste or ointment
~ Recently used for Cancers, specifically of the colon or breast
**Often used externally to treat warts & corns**
Ma Chi Xian Sour LI ~ Resolves fire toxicity & cools the blood for DH or fire toxin dysenteric disorder. Also for bloody or hot
Cold LV painful urinary dribbling. Primarily used for bacillary dysentery w/ incomplete bowel movements.
horse teeth veg.
~ Clears DH & treats sores fire toxin carbuncles or sores, red & white vaginal discharge. Topically & internally.
Often fresh variety is used.
*CI in Pregnancy
~ Used as an antidote for pain & swelling of wasp stings & snakebite
~ Stops bleeding & unblocks painful urinary dribbling (Lin) uterine bleeding (esp. postpartum), painful
bloody urinary dribbling, & hot painful urinary dribbling.
**A patient comes in w/ heat dysentery & blood in stools, but the pharmacy is out of Bai Tou Weng. What would
you like to use for replacing? Ma Chi Xian**
Hong Teng Bitter LI ~ Clears heat, resolves toxicity, reduces abscesses, & stops pain for Intestinal abscess & skin lesions w/
Neutral LV heat, swelling & pain.
Red Vine
~ Invigorates the blood & disperses stasis for trauma, dysmenorrhea, & joint pain
Tu Fu Ling Sweet LV ~ Resolves toxicity & eliminates dampness for joint pain, turbid & painful urination, or DH jaundice
Bland ST ~ Clears DH from the skin recurrent ulcers or other hot skin lesions.
earth hidden med.
Neutral **NOT beneficial to the throat like She Gan, Shan Dou Gen & Ma Bo**

Ma Bo Spicy LU *best for throat disorders due to WH

Neutral ~ Clears the LU, resolves fire toxicity, & improves the condition of the throat fire toxin affecting the throat
horse extend
causing pain, swelling & loss of voice. Also cough due to LU heat.
~ Stops bleeding both internally & topically to stop bleeding, most often in the mouth or on lips, also for
gums associated w/ frostbite
Shan Dou Bitter LI ~ Clears heat, resolves fire toxicity, & improves the condition of the throat for swollen, painful throat.
v. cold LU Can
Gen be used alone, both internally & as a gargle.
Mountain bean root ~ Clears heat, resolves fire toxicity, & disperses swellings abscesses & other toxic sores. Also Cancers,
of the throat & LU
**treats Cancer LU, throat, uterus
She Gan Bitter LU *#1 herb for sore throat
Cold ~ Clears heat, resolves toxicity, & improves the condition of the throat swelling & pain of throat due to fire
shoot offensive
excess, fire toxin, or phlegm-heat obstruction. Sometimes used alone for sore throat.
~ Transforms phlegm & clears the LU cough & wheezing w/ phlegm obstruction. Strong effect on phlegm.
*Mostly CI in
**CAN NOT treat heat type painful urination, sometimes w/ blood (Heat Lin ; Blood syndromes / UTI)**
Pu Gong Yin, Yu Xing Cao, Ma Chi Xian CAN**
Lou Lu Bitter LI ~ Clears heat, resolves toxicity, & reduces sores & swellings for early stages of sores & abscesses when
Salty ST they are red, swollen, & painful. Esp. useful for swelling & pain in breast area
leaking reed
Cold ~ *Causes milk to descend to encourage lactation, esp. when there are signs of heat. Shouldnt be used for
insufficient lactation due to deficiency.
*CI in Pregnancy
~ *Recently used for LV Cancer
Lu Dou Sweet HT ~ Clears summer-heat for summer-heat patterns w/ irritability & fever, esp. when thirst in great. Used as a tea
Cool ST in summer to prevent summer-heat.
Mung Bean
~ Clears heat & resolves toxicity for toxic sores & swellings.
~ Antidote for poisoning due to Zhi Fu Zi or fava beans
**Used as an antidote to Fu Zi & Ba Dou, & is also a good summer food** **can not treat abscess**
Qing Hao Bitter KD ~ Clears summer-heat esp. summer-heat w/ low fever, headache, dizziness, & stifling sensation in chest
Cold LV ~ Clears fever from Deficiency fevers from either blood deficiency or as a result of febrile disease. Esp.
Sweet Wormwood
GB useful
when steaming bone patterns are marked by an absence of sweating.
~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding rashes or nosebleed due to heat in blood
~ Checks malarial disorders & resolves heat for alternating chills & fever of malarial disorder
**All of these can treat abscesses Jin Yin Hua, Hong Ten, Pu Gong Ying, Zi Hua Di Ding, Yu Xing Cao, Bai
Jiang Cao. These CAN NOT treat abscesses Lu Dou, Qing Hao**
**Best for clearing summer heat & Def. heat; also it can cool the blood & treat malaria**
Xiong Dan Bitter GB ~ Clears heat from the HT & LV & stops spasms childhood convulsions, epilepsy, eclampsia from blazing
Cold HT LV Fire. Also for delirium associated w/ extensive burns as well as jaundice.
Bear GB
LV ~ Clears heat & resolves toxicity for hot, toxic lesions, including sores & carbuncles, burning hemorrhoids, &
sore throat. Applied topically to alleviate pain.
~ Clears & drains LV heat & benefits the eyes severe cases of red, painful, & swollen eyes as well as mild
visual obstruction. Topical & internal use.
~ Clears heat & eliminates childhood nutritional impairment primarily when marked by heat
Chang Shan Bitter HT *Highly Toxic overdose dizziness, vomiting, palpitations, diarrhea, blood in stools, cardiac arrhythmia, etc.
Spicy LV ~ Checks malarial disorder kills parasites which cause malaria
frequent mountain
Cold LU ~ Induces vomiting to expel phlegm for phlegm collecting in the chest.
*CI in Pregnancy
Downward Draining Purgatives
Da Huang Bitter HT ~abdominal
Drains heat, purges accumulation & opens bowels for high fever, profuse sweating, thirst, constipation,
Big Yellow Cold LI
LV distention & pain, delirium, yellow tongue fur & full pulse. Either Intestinal Heat or as Yangming organ stage disease.
**(add last 5 minutes of decocting)
*Caution in ST
~ Drains Fire for fire from Excess leading to intense fever, sore throat, hot, swollen & painful eyes, or fire toxin sores
due to heat excess obstructing the blood level. Particularly useful when accompanied w/ constipation.
~ Clears heat, transforms dampness, & promotes urination for damp-heat leading to edema, jaundice, painful
urinary dribbling, acute hot dysenteric disorders.
~ Drains heat from the blood for blood in stool from bleeding hemorrhoids or heat accumulating in the Intestines.
for vomiting blood or nosebleed w/ constipation. Can be powdered & used orally for bleeding from upper digestive tract.
**Important b/c it can stop bleeding w/p causing blood stasis.
~ Invigorates the blood & dispels blood stasis for amenorrhea, fixed abdominal masses, fixed pain due to blood
stasis. Also blood stasis from traumatic injury or Intestinal abscess. Important for both recent & long-term blood stasis
b/c it can eliminate blood stasis outside the vessels via the bowels & clear heat that often develops from stasis.
Used internally & externally.
**lowers blood pressure, cholesterol. **used to treat Cancer
**For Purgative use add to decoction last 5 minutes. Becomes blood mover if cooked normal length of
**A female patient comes in w/ amenorrhea, high fever, thirst, sore throat, constipation, abd distention & pain, & blood
in the stools. She has also been diagnosed w/ intestinal abscess. Her tongue has yellow fur & her pulse is full. **
Mang Spicy ST ~ Purges accumulation & guides out stagnation often used w/ Da Huang for constipation. For heat in ST &
Bitter LI Intestines w/ constipation. Moistens dryness & softens hardness.
Xiao Salty **Softens hardness & breaks dry stool into smaller pieces must have hard stool to use.
Mirabilite ~ Clears heat & reduces swelling external use dissolve in water then apply topically. For red, swollen, painful
v. cold
Glaubers salt eyes,
(Sodium Sulfate painful swollen ulcerated mouth or throat, red swollen skin lesions including breast problems. Can be used alone for
Mineral) early stages of breast abscess before it has supporated. **Also helps promote lactation**
*CI Pregnancy ~ Clears heat & drains fire variety of problems associated w/ heat in LU &/or ST. Esp. useful for accumulation such
as phlegm-heat obstructing the collaterals.
**not decocted w/ other herbs add to decoction after done cooking dissolved into decoction
**Contraindicated in Pregnancy. ** Can clear excess heat in ST & intestines, moistens dryness & softens hardness to be
used to treat constipation, & this herb is usually dissolved into the decoction**
Fan Xie Sweet LI ~ Drains downward & guides out stagnation internal heat constipation works slowly take before going to bed.
Bitter For constipation due to heat accumulation in Intestines. Can be used for both acute & chronic problems. Often used
Ye Cold alone.
Foreign purgative **Please name a taste that you would NOT expect to find in purging herbs Sour b/c it astringes, stops discharge & loss*
*CI Pregnancy
Lu Hui Bitter LI *not decocted used in powder or pill form in tiny amounts 1-2 grams
Cold LV ~ Drains fire & opens bowels/ guides out accumulation constipation w/ heat red eyes, dizziness, headache,
Aloe Vera
ST irritability. Constipation, dizziness, red eyes, irritability due to heat accumulation. Esp. for hot constipation w/
exuberant HT & LV fire w/ irritability, restlessness, & insomnia. Also used for chronic constipation
*CI Pregnancy
~ Clears heat & cools LV LV Fire bad headache, irritability, anger, convulsions. Epigastric discomfort, dizziness,
headache, tinnitus, irritability, constipation, & fever due to abundant heat in LV channel.
~ Kills parasites & strengthens ST traditionally for roundworm w/ headache. Childhood nutritional impairment, esp.
when due to roundworm. Also used for tinea.

Downward Draining Moist Laxatives

Huo Ma Ren Sweet LI ~ postpartum,
Nourishes & Moistens intestines for constipation in the elderly, in the aftermath of a febrile disease,
& in cases of blood deficiency
Hemp Seed Neutral SP
ST **Nourishes Yin mildly tonifies the Yin & primarily used in cases of yin def. w/ constipation
~ Clears heat & promotes healing of sores topically or orally. Sores & ulcerations.
**NOT contraindicated in pregnancy**
Yu Li Ren Spicy LI ~ Moistens intestines & unblocks bowels for constipation due to qi stagnation in Intestines.
Bitter SI J. Su - very gentle & nourishing, good for deficiency type constipation
Cherry Pit
Sweet SP ~ Promotes urination & reduces edema leg qi or edema w/ urinary difficulty & constipation.
J. Su - urinary difficulties w/ water retention, pre-menstrual water retention
*Caution Neutral
**Which group of herbs has moist laxative function, & to be used to treat constipation due to Yin & Blood Def. in
elderly, weak & chronic patients Huo Ma Ren, Yu Li Ren**
**Can lubricate intestines & promote urination, is used to treat constipation & edema**

Downward Draining Harsh Expellants * all Contraindicated during Pregnancy & for weak patients
Qian Niu Zi Bitter KD ~ Drains water & promotes urination for edema & ascited from stagnation of pathogenic water or dampness.
Spicy LI Esp. suitable herb as it expels water through both urine & stool & can be used alone for this.
Morning glory seeds
Cold LU ~ Drives out phlegm & thin mucous cough, wheezing, & a sensation of fullness in the chest & abdomen due
Sl. toxic SI
thin mucous obstructing the LU.
~ Unblocks the bowels & removes accumulation constipation due to accumulation of stagnation of damp-
or food stagnation in the ST & Intestines. Dosage is less then for previous function.
~ Expels intestinal parasites & reduces stagnation for roundworm or tapeworm infestations & food
Gan Sui Bitter KD ~ Drains water downward & drives out thin mucous for draining severe accumulation of fluid in the chest &
Sweet LI abdomen. Also for generalized edema, facial edema, & abdominal distention. A violent, cathartic herb that
Cold LU causes water to pass anally
~ Drives out phlegm for seizures from wind-phlegm or withdrawal-mania from recalcitrant phlegm congealing
& clumping.
~ Clears heat & reduces swelling topically as powder mixed w/ water. For swollen, painful, nodular skin
due to damp-heat. Best for early stages.
Da Ji Bitter KD *very spicy & bitter makes throat hurt as if a weapon is poking your throat
Spicy LI ~ Drains water downward & drives out thin mucous for moderate accumulation of fluids in chest & flanks w/
Big Weapon
Cold SP labored breathing, dull pain in lateral aspect of chest, spitting thick sputum, thick & greasy tongue fur.
J Su causes frequent watery stools to remove fluid a lot like Gan Sui
Sl. Toxic
~ Reduces swelling & dissipates nodules topically for red, swollen, painful, toxic sores or scrofula.
Yuan Hua Bitter KD ~ Drains water downward & drives out thin mucous used as harsh cathartic & a diuretic for accumulation of
Spicy LI fluids in the chest & abdomen & thin mucous in the flanks.
Flower Plant
Warm LU J. Su causes watery stools for thoracic & abdominal water retention
Also called Da Du
~ Dispels phlegm & stops coughing coughing & wheezing. Chronic bronchitis w/ dampness & cold. Can be
= Fish Toxin Toxic
taken alone w/ sugar.
~ Kills parasites used topically to kill tinea.
Ba Dou Spicy ST **whole plant very toxic reaction is abd. pain, diarrhea, **lowers blood pressure, can cause loss of consciousness
Hot LI ~ Warmly unblocks & vigorously purges for severe cold accumulation in the interior leading to constipation &
a place bean
Toxic LU abdominal fullness, distention, & pain.
~ Drives out water & reduces edema ascites chest & abd. water retention
~ Breaks up clogged phlegm & improves the condition of the throat for phlegm clogging the throat &
difficult breathing, wheezing & severe fullness & distention in the chest & diaphragm. Also for phlegm veiling the
sensory orifices.
~ Promotes healing of abscesses & ulcers topically for abscesses that have supporated but not yet ulcerated,
to accelerate the ulcerating process. Also for severe ulcers.
**oily part shouldnt be taken internally must remove oil first
**Which herb is a seed w/ strong toxic? It should be used in extremely small dosage & only for an emergency
situation Ba Dou**
Shang Lu Bitter UB ~ Drives out water through the urethra & anus for edema associated w/ excess w/ severe constipation &
Cold KD urinary difficulty.
on road
Toxic LI ~ Reduces sores & carbuncles topically for hot-type sores.
**can lower blood pressure causing loss of consciousness
**Toxic reaction intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, muscle spasms, difficult speech

Dispel Wind-Dampness
Du Huo Bitter KD ~ Dispels wind-damp & A.P. wind-cold-damp Bi, esp in low back & knees. Pain, numbness, weakness
Spicy UB ~ Disperses wind-cold-damp & releases the exterior spicy, warm. For WC no sweating, more chills than
Warm fever. Body aches & pains. Secondary action not very strong. Exterior WC together w/ dampness.
Angelica Root
~ Also used for Shaoyin stage headache & toothache
single alive
**used for treating pain in the lower body & lower extremities due to wind-dampness more than Qing Huo (Jiao)**
Qin Jiao Bitter GB ~ Expels wind-dampness & soothes the sinews & collaterals very strong pain herb. For Wind-Damp Bi &
Spicy LV cramping, esp. in the extremities. Can be used for acute or chronic, cold or hot disorders b/c sl. cold particularly
Large Gentian
Sl. cold ST suitable for Hot Bi.
~ Clears heat from Deficiency Yin Deficiency low-grade fever, steaming bone disorder, night sweats, red
tongue w/ less or no fur.
~ Resolves jaundice & reduces dampness jaundice due to damp-heat, esp. in acute cases & in infants.
~ Moistens the intestines & unblocks the bowels for dry constipation. Commonly used to counteract drying
qualities of other herbs that dispel wind-damp.
**Most effective in category for relaxing sinews & clearing deficiency heat (steaming bone fever)**
Wei Ling Spicy UB ~ Dispels wind-dampness, unblocks channels, & A.P. esp. good for Wind Bi, b/c it both releases the exterior
Salty &
Xian Warm promotes movement of Qi in the channels. Can be taken alone as a powder w/ warm wine for pain in low back &
Clematis Root legs.
power magic ~ Softens & transforms fish bones for fish bones lodged in throat salty softens hardness. Ineffective for
immortal deeply lodged or relatively large bones.
~ Used for focal distention & accumulation in the middle jiao b/c it reduces phlegm & pathogenic water
**Most effective to soften & transform fish bones**
Hai Tong Pi Bitter LV ~ Dispels wind-dampness, unblocks the channels & collaterals for wind-damp Bi, esp. where there is
Erythrina Bark Spicy SP soreness & pain in the lower back & knee, or spasms of the extremities. Can be used for hot or cold b/c neutral.
Neutral KD ~ Promotes urination & reduces edema for superficial edema due to dampness. Cold-damp or damp-heat
~ Treating itching skin lesions used topically for scabies & other skin lesions as a wash
~ Used as a gargle for toothache due to dental cavities
Mu Gua Sour LV ~ Relaxes the sinews & unblocks the channels for Damp Bi in the extremities, esp. w/ severe cramping pain,
Quince Fruit Warm SP weakness in the lower back & lower extremities. One of the better herbs for relaxing the sinews.
~ Harmonizes ST & transforms dampness abd. pain, spasms, & cramping of the calves, edema of leg due to
qi. Esp. useful for disharmony between the LV & SP leading to leg problems. Vomiting, nausea.
~ Reduces food stagnation for indigestion. Similar to Shan Zha, but not commonly used.
**Relaxes the sinews & opens channels, harmonizes the ST & transforms dampness, used to treat wind-damp Bi
symptoms, abd. pain, edema, spasm & cramping pain of the calf muscles**
Can Sha Sweet LV ~ Dispels wind & eliminates dampness for wind-damp Bi esp. damp. Itchy rashes due to wind-damp. Can
Spicy SP use externally heat it up w/ dry heat.
Silkworm Feces
Warm ST ~ Harmonizes the ST & transforms turbid dampness internal obstruction from turbid damp w/ vomiting,
diarrhea, cramps, abd. pain, borborygmus, & spasms of the calf muscles. Bad vomiting, bad nausea causing
dehydration causing muscle cramps & spasms. Internal & external use.
~ As an external wash for itchy skin wind related itchy skin.
Sang Zhi Bitter LV ~ Dispels wind, unblocks channels & collaterals, & benefits the joints - **upper limb warm wind-damp Bi.
Neutral Very
Mulberry Twig
good for aches & pain related to the upper limb elbow, shoulder, arm, wrist, finger major use is heat condition.
~ Promotes urination & reduces edema dampness in joints causing aches & pain, puffy/pitting edema,
Wu Jia Pi Spicy KD ~ Dispels wind-damp & strengthens the sinews & bones tonifies LV & KD for chronic deficiency of LV & KD
Bitter LV creating weak & soft sinews & bones. Aches & pain (wind-cold-damp Bi). Esp. useful when the smooth flow of Qi
Warm is obstructed. Really good for the elderly. Helps heal bone fractures.
Root Bark
~ Transforms dampness, promotes urination, & reduces edema urinary difficulty, edema, & cold-damp leg qi
**A senior patient has a job that requires prolonged periods of standing. Over a period of time, she has developed
lower back pain, knee pain, & difficulty urination. The diagnosis for her is edema due to wind-cold-damp & leg qi.
Use Wu Jia Pi for this** contains potent adaptogens***
Xi Xian Cao Bitter KD ~ Dispels wind-damp & unblocks channels & collaterals wind-damp Bi w/ pain in joints. Commonly used for
Siegesbeckia Cold LV spasms & cramps in the extremities, numbness in extremities, weak legs, including weakness as a side-effect of
pig plant herb wind-stroke.
~ Clears heat & pacifies LV for LV Yang Rising w/ headache & dizziness, flushed face, tinnitus
~ Clears & transforms damp-heat for damp-heat sores/skin lesions, itching, wind-damp rash, or other itching.
External & internal use wash, bath, soak.
~ Also used for hypertension - ***lowers blood pressure *** used in stroke treatment, hypertension
**A patient has a history of hypertension for 5 yrs. Recently, he gets some Bi syndrome such as joint pain,
numbness in extremities, hemiplegia & itchiness of skin due to wind-damp-heat. Xi Xian Cao is most effective**
Luo Shi Bitter LV ~ Dispels wind-dampness & unblocks collaterals for wind-damp Bi & spasms of sinews. Esp. for heat related
Sl. cold pain.
Teng (spicy) ~ Cools the blood & reduces swelling for red, hot, & painful abscesses & other toxic sores. Also for plum bit qi
Star Jasmine
painful obstruction of the throat.
Hai Feng Spicy LV ~ Dispels wind-dampness & unblocks channels & collaterals for wind-cold-damp Bi w/ stiff joints, lower back
Bitter pain, sore knees, & cramping of muscles & sinews. Also for pain from trauma.
Kadsure Pepper sl. war
Qian Nian Spicy KD Thousand years healthy & strong
Bitter LV ~ Dispels wind-dampness & strengthens sinews & bones wind-cold-damp Bi w/ pain, spasms, or numbness,
Warm either perceived superficially or deeply (sinews or bones). Also suitable for weakness or softness in sinews &
bones b/c it strengthens sinews & bones. Widely used in the elderly, both external as a wash & internal
~ Strengthens sinews & bones LV & KD Deficiency esp. for elderly w. degeneration condition aches & pain,
numbness, body pain

Hu Gu Spicy LV ~ Dispels wind, takes care of pain, strengthens sinews & bones wind-damp Bi. Atrophied & weak lower
Tiger Bone back
Salty KD & legs. Often used when the pain of Bi is not fixed in one place, & there are spasms of the legs & difficulty moving
the joints.
Bai Hua She Sweet LV ~ Powerfully unblocks channels & extinguishes wind chronic wind-damp w/ numbness & weakness of limbs
White pattern Salty &
Snake Warm cramping of sinews. Used for stubborn cases. More advanced, chronic, painful cases. Stroke patients, Bells
~ Dispels wind from the skin chronic itchy skin.
~ Dispels wind from the sinews & settles jitteriness & convulsions muscle spasms, seizures, tremors,
**Good for treating Bi symptoms, facial paralysis, limb numbness, hemiplegia (wind-stroke), rashes & tetanus.
Bai Hua She & Wu Shao She**

Wu Shao She Sweet LV ~ same as Bai Hua She, but not as strong & not toxic & neutral
Black striped Salty SP **Good for treating Bi symptoms, facial paralysis, limb numbness, hemiplegia (wind-stroke), rashes & tetanus**
Snake Neutral
She Tui Sweet LV **very much a wind herb used for skin issues
Salty ~ Dispels wind & stops spasms for skin lesions/itchiness due to wind, childhood convulsions, seizures.
Snake Skin slough
neutral ~ Removes superficial visual obstruction as a wash and as powder taken internally
*Caution or contraindicated in Pregnancy all snake products
Song Jie Bitter LV ~ Dispels wind, dries dampness, & stops pain wind-damp Bi w/ pain & soreness in the joints. Used when
Warm dampness &/or Cold predominate. Also for pain from trauma.
pine join
Fang Ji Bitter UB **Han Fang Ji is better at Promoting urination & Reducing Edema
Spicy SP **Guang Fang Ji is better at expelling wind treating aches & pain
Protects Earth
Cold KD ~ Expels wind-damp & unblocks meridians aches & pains general blockage. Better in cases w/ Heat.
~ Promotes urination & reduces edema pitting edema
Sang Ji Bitter KD ~ Tonifies LV & KD, strengthens sinews & bones aches & pain, degenerative conditions. Treats Excess &
Sweet LV Def.
Neutral at the same time. Insufficiency of LV & KD Yin w/ soreness & pain in the lower back & legs, joint problems,
numbness, & weakness & atrophy of sinews & bones. W/ or w/o wind-dampness.
Grows on Mulberry
~ expels wind-damp
~ Nourishes Blood & calms the Womb for restless fetus or uterine bleeding during pregnancy.
*also promotes lactation.
~ Nourishes the blood & benefits the skin & hair general health maintenance. For dry, scaly skin due to
deficiency. Adds luster to hair, treats hair loss, pre-mature grey hair.

Drain Dampness
Fu Ling Sweet HT ~ Promotes urination & leaches out dampness for difficult urination, diarrhea, edema due to stagnation of
Bland SP fluids or dampness. Also for scanty urine due to damp-heat (UTI). Very neutral & bland dries damp but not
Hidden Medicine
Neutral KD too harsh or strong.
fungus on pine tree
~ Strengthens SP & harmonizes the middle jiao for SP Def. w/ dampness, loss of appetite, diarrhea,
roots (Song Jie) LU
epigastric distention. Diarrhea, leukorrhea.
~Strengthens SP & transforms phlegm SP Def. w/ thin mucus in which phlegm moves upward causing
palpitations, headache, dizziness, & thick, greasy tongue fur. All kinds of phlegm related conditions.
~ Quiets the HT & calms the spirit pacifies Shen. For palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness due to either
SP or HT def. or internal obstruction of turbid phlegm.
**Fu Ling quiets the HT & calms the spirit, Zhu Ling does not. **Taste & temp of Fu Ling = sweet, bland, neutral**
Zhu Ling Sweet SP ~ Promotes urination & leaches out dampness problems caused by stagnation of dampness edema, scanty
Bland KD urine, leukorrhea, turbid painful urinary dribbling, jaundice, diarrhea. Also painful urinary dribbling in pregnancy
Fungus on Oak
Sl. cool UB **Successful w/ Yin Def. patients w/ dampness Zhu Ling Tang**
Tree root
Hua Shi Sweet ST ~ Clears heat & facilitates the resolution of dampness hot painful urinary dribbling or any condition w/ dark,
Bland UB painful, burning & scanty urine. Also damp-heat causing diarrhea. Expels damp-heat through the urine. Also
Cold treats heat in Qi level w/ dampness manifesting as unremitting fever, heaviness of body, thirst, yellow tongue fur.
slippery rock
*Absorbs dampness topically damp skin lesions, blisters, oozing lesions.
~ Clears summer-heat & facilitates the resolution of dampness -
Yi Yi Ren Sweet LU ~ Facilitates the resolution of dampness & strengthens the SP edema, diarrhea, leg qi, painful urinary
Bland SP dribbling,
Barley Seeds
Sl. cold ST damp-warmth. Treats both the root & manifestations of these disorders. Can tonify SP poor appetite, edema,
diarrhea, profuse leukorrhea.
~ Facilitates the resolution of dampness & unblocks Bi wind-damp, damp, heat Bi. Esp good for increasing
joint mobility & reducing spasms in chronic cases.
~ Clears heat & expels pus for soft, postulated carbuncles, LU or Intestinal abscess pneumonia, appendicitis.
**Strengthens SP & stops diarrhea, clears heat & expels pus, in addition it is also a good food**
Dong Gui Zi Sweet LU ~ Clears heat, expels phlegm, & promotes the discharge of pus heat that has collected in the LU or
Cold ST Intestines,
Winter Melon Seed
LI LU Heat w/ thick yellow sputum. Also damp-heat w/ phlegm obstruction in the upper or lower jiao LU or Intestinal
abscess pneumonia, appendicitis.
~ Clears heat & drains dampness esp useful in treating damp-heat leukorrhea.
Mu Tong Bitter UB ~ Promotes urination & unblocks painful urinary dribbling for painful urinary dribbling w/ damp-heat in the UB,
Sl. cold HT rough, painful urination. UTI Lin (painful urinary disorder). Edema, ascites.
wood open
SI ~ Promotes urination & drains heat from HT via the SI clears HT Fire guides fire down & out through the
~ Promotes lactation & unblocks the blood vessels for insufficient lactation from Excess blocking channels.
Also sometimes for amenorrhea, pain & stiffness of the joints (unblocks Bi) heat & damp obstruction causing
aches & pain. **contraindicated during pregnancy**
Tong Cao Sweet LU ~ Promotes urination & clears heat for damp-heat urinary dribbling. Usually a helper. Milder than Mu Tong.
Bland ST *Prevents over-draining & damaging Yin dehydration can happen w/ use of Mu Tong, but not Tong Cao.
open herb
Sl. cold ~ Promotes lactation in cases where it is insufficient or absent opens channels to allow milk to come out.
Rice paper plant
Much safer than Mu Tong & almost tasteless.
**Contraindicated during pregnancy, popular for women who are breastfeeding**
Deng Xin Cao Sweet HT ~ Promotes urination & unblocks painful urinary dribbling for hot painful urinary dribbling or other heat
Rush Pith Bland LU disorders w/ dark, scanty urine. Lin syndrome, UTI. Damp-heat blockage mild cases.
oil lantern HT herb Sl. cold SI ~ Clears HT & directs Fire downward moves HT heat down into the SI & out through the urine. For Mild HT
Childhood sleep disorders accompanied by dark scanty urine, irritability, esp at night can be used alone for this.
Also for adults w/ insomnia or restless sleep due to lack of communication between HT & KD (HT Fire & KD Yin def.
**Best for promoting urination, leaching out dampness as well as clearing heat from HT channel; used to treat
Re Lin w/ irritable, insomnia due to HT & KD disharmony**
Qu Mai Bitter UB ~ Clears damp-heat, promotes urination, & unblocks painful urinary dribbling any type of painful urinary
Cold HT dribbling, esp painful bloody urinary dribbling. Blood in urine.
SI ~ Breaks up blood stasis auxiliary herb for amenorrhea due to blood stasis.
Street Wheat
*CI Pregnancy
Di Fu Zi Sweet UB ~ Clears damp-heat & promotes urination for painful urinary dribbling due to damp-heat accumulating in UB w/
Bitter KD dark, burning, scanty urine. Damp-Heat Lin.
Earth Skin Seed
Cold ~ Expels dampness & stops itching internal & external use for damp skin disorders & other dermatological
Kochia Fruit
problems where itching is a major symptom. Eczema, scabies. Damp-heat in external genitals.
**All these herbs can clear damp heat from LV/GB to treat jaundice (Yin Chen Hao, Jin Qian Cao, Chi Xiao
Dou) except Di Fu Zi. More effective for treating skin disease**
Bian Xu Bitter UB ~ Clears damp-heat from UB, promotes urination, & unblocks painful urinary dribbling for damp-heat Lin.
Sl. cold ~ Expels parasites & stops itching for damp skin lesions w/ itching, including tinea, intestinal parasites such as
tapeworm, hookworm, & pinworm. Roundworm. Used as a wash for itching genital area, eczema.
**Functions of Bian Xu: promotes urination, reduces swelling, kills parasites & stops itchiness**
Shi Wei Bitter UB ~ Clears damp-heat & unblocks painful urinary dribbling (Lin) **for stone Lin, damp-heat Lin, bloody urine
Sweet LU ~ Clears heat & stops bleeding for blood in urine from stones, bleeding due to chaotic movement of hot blood,
Pyrrosia Leaf
Sl. cold esp in cases of vomiting blood, uterine bleeding, & painful bloody urinary dribbling
rock animal skin
~ Clears LU, expels phlegm, & stops cough LU heat cough & wheezing, thick yellow sputum, bronchitis.
Che Qian Zi Sweet UB ~ Clears heat, promotes urination & unblocks Lin for Lin, blocked UB, damp-heat in UB, all types of water
wagon in front Cold KD retention everywhere, anywhere edema, swollen joints
seed LV ~ Drains dampness & solidifies stools for loose stools from dampness. Eliminates damp through urination &
stools become better formed.
*Caution ~ Cools LV & clears eyes excess LV painful, red, swollen eyes. LV Blood Def dry, blurred vision, sensitive to
Pregnanc wind. Can help both Excess & Def. eye problems
~ Transforms phlegm & stops coughing cough w/ lots of sputum stops cough, dissolves phlegm
**Used to treat edema. Lin syndromes & diarrhea due to damp heat, & it is good for clearing LV & benefiting eyes**
Dong Kui Zi Sweet UB ~ Clears heat, promotes urination & unblocks Lin similar to Che Qian Zi, but has more oil & is very slippery.
Winter Vegetable Cold LI ~ Promotes lactation opens blocked channels for stagnation related insufficient lactation
Seed SI ~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels helps moisten intestines constipation due to insufficient
fluids in the Intestines.
*Caution **Should be used to treat difficulty of urination (dysuria), constipation w/ dry stool**
Pregnanc **Contraindicated during pregnancy**
Bi Xie Bitter UB ~ Separates pure from turbid resolves turbid dampness in lower jiao causing cloudy urine or leukorrhea. Can be
Neutral LV used for Deficiency or damp-heat. *cloudy Lin, *Leukorrhea
ST ~ Expels wind-dampness, relaxes sinews, & unblocks collaterals for wind-damp or damp-heat Bi w/ low-
Fish-poison Yam
pain, numbness or stiffness of lower extremities, muscle spasms. Mild effect.
~ Clears damp-heat from the skin for damp-heat skin lesions eczema, pustular sores.
**For promoting urination & draining heat from the UB in Lin Syndromes, it is the primary herb used to resolve turbid
dampness in the Lower Jiao, such as Cloudy urine or leukorrhea**
Chi Xiao Dou Sweet HT ~ Promotes urination & reduces edema abdominal swelling & fullness due to edema, urinary difficulty, leg qi
Red / Adzuki Beans Sour SI edema. Directs Qi down & relieves edema by causing the water or dampness to be drained from the body.
~ Facilitates the resolution of dampness & heat for mild cases of jaundice due to damp-heat. Often use for
Neutral children.
~ Disperses blood stasis, reduces swelling & reduces fire toxicity for sores, carbuncles, furuncles.
**Is also a food to be used to treat edema & ascites due to nephritis, cirrhosis, & nutritional impairment. Also used
to treat hot sores**
Ze Xie Sweet KD ~ Promotes urination & leaches out dampness for stagnation associated w/ dampness w/ difficult urination,
Bland UB edema, painful urinary dribbling, diarrhea, dizziness. Esp good when there is damp-heat in lower jiao.
Water Plantain
Cold ~ Settles ministerial fire in the KD by draining damp-heat from the lower jiao (Drains KD Fire) for KD Yin
Selective Drains
Will not over-drain the Yin, can cool KD system & extinguish Fire. For spermatorrhea due to lower burner
damp-heat disturbing the ministerial fire of the KD.
**Promotes urination, leaches out Dampness & drains KD Fire, used to treat dizziness, tinnitus**
Yin Chen Hao Bitter LV ~ Clears heat, resolves dampness, & reduces jaundice *the principle herb for treating jaundice due to either
Virgate Wormwood Sl. cold SP damp-heat or cold-dampness.
GB ~ Clears heat & facilitates the resolution of dampness for damp sores, wind rashes, other skin diseases, esp
those affecting the lower parts of the body. Can be used along as an external wash
**Best for treating Lin syndromes, esp for Re Lin & Shi Lin. Also it can treat cough & wheezing due to LU Heat.**
Jin Qian Cao Sweet UB ~ Promotes urination, unblocks painful urinary dribbling, & expels urinary tract stones - **Main herb for
Lysimachia Salty GB Stones in urinary tract KD, bladder, GB stones. Stone Lin. Can be used alone in large doses for this.
Good money herb Sl. cold KD ~ Clears damp-heat in LV & GB & expels gallstones for jaundice &/or red, swollen eyes due to damp-heat as
well as gallstones
~ Resolves toxicity & swelling for snakebite, abscess, & traumatic injury. Fresh herb applied locally.

Aromatic Herbs that Transform Damp

Huo Xiang Spicy LU ~ Aromatically transforms dampness, releases the exterior, & dispels summer-heat for dampness
obstructing the middle jiao as well as summer-heat dampness & damp-warmth. Very aromatic Qi is very
Sl. warm SP
ST dynamic & moves strongly & quickly. Abdominal fullness, reduced appetite, change of BM, fatigue,
Bean Aroma
~ Harmonizes the middle jiao & stops vomiting for nausea or vomiting due to dampness in middle jiao.
Also for other types of vomiting, morning sickness when combined. Diarrhea, loose stools, nausea, vomiting,
~ Treats dermatosis affecting either the hands or feet
Pei Lan Spicy SP ~ Aromatically transforms dampness, awakens the SP & regulates the middle for dampness
Neutral ST obstructing
the middle Jiao. Stifling sensation in chest, poor appetite, nausea, white moist tongue fur. Doesnt cause
dryness b/c neutral can also be used for damp-heat in SP channel w/ sweet, sticky taste in mouth,
excessive saliva,& bad breath.
~ Transforms dampness & releases summer-heat exterior summer-heat dampness w/ nausea. Similar
Huo Xiang are a pair & often used together. **Huo Xiang is very good for treating blocked nose & Pei Lan
isnt, but is good at treating foul breath. Chills, fever, chest fullness, abd. fullness, no appetite, BM change,
**Best for Cold condition due to Summer-heat & dampness. Such symptoms as fever, aversion to cold, abd.
distention, vomiting & diarrhea Huo Xiang, Pei Lan**
Hou Po Bitter LI ~ Promotes the movement of qi in the middle jiao & resolves stagnation for qi stag. affecting SP & ST,
Spicy LU food stagnation w/ chest &/or abd. distention & fullness. Important herb for reducing & eliminating distention &
Magnolia Bark
Warm SP fullness & can be used whenever these symptoms occur due to qi stagnation. J. Su plum pit qi,
*Caution Pregnancy ST
~ Promotes the movement of qi downward, dries dampness, & transforms phlegm dampness &
obstructing middle jiao. Distention, fullness, nausea, diarrhea, turbid greasy tongue fur.
~ Directs Qi downward, reduces phlegm, & calms wheezing cough, wheezing due to phlegm clogging
**In aromatic herbs that transforms Dampness, is also used for food stagnation**
Cang Zhu Spicy SP ~ Strongly dries dampness & strengthens the SP dampness obstructing middle jiao, blocking
Bitter ST transportive
Atractylodes Rhizome
Warm function of SP. reduced appetite, diarrhea, epigastric distention & pressure, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, thick
greasy tongue fur.
~ Induces sweating & dispels wind-dampness for exterior conditions due to wind-cold-damp as well as
wind-dampness. Chills, fever, headache, body aches, nasal congestion.
~ Clears dampness from the lower jiao leg qi, atrophy disorder, vaginal discharge, swollen, sore joints.
Very effective at drying dampness. Can be used for damp-heat if combined w/ clear heat herbs.
~ Improves the vision night blindness, diminished vision w/ rough sensation in eyes. Dry eyes, poor vision.
** A patient has epigastric distention, nausea & vomiting, body soreness w/o sweating, back & knee pain due to
Wind Cold. Which is most effective? Cang Zhu**
Cao Dou Kou Spicy SP ~ Dries dampness & warms the middle cold-dampness of SP & ST w/ fullness, distention, & pain in
Warm ST epigastrum & abdomen w/ vomiting & diarrhea.
Aromatic **Treats rebellious ST Qi due to cold vomiting, hiccups, nausea, pale tongue, slow pulse, watery vomit.
Galangal seeds
Also heaviness, loss of appetite**
Cao Guo Spicy SP ~ Strongly dries dampness & dispels cold for cold-dampness obstructing SP & ST w/ epigastric &
Warm ST abdominal distention, fullness, & pain w/ vomiting & diarrhea & very greasy tongue fur. Poor digestion, poor
Tsoko Fruit
appetite, loose stools.
Medicine Fruit
~ Checks malarial disorders alternating chills & fever esp when due to cold-damp or turbid dampness.
Headache, body aches, fever, alternating chills & fever.
~ Dissolves stagnation & distention indigestion due to meat stagnation. Focal distention & nausea due to
cold from deficiency of SP & ST.
**Which herb that is spicy & warm in property, enters ST & SP is used to treat damp-cold obstruction in the
middle jiao & Malaria Cao Guo**
Sha Ren Spicy SP ~ Promotes the movement of qi, transforms dampness & strengthens the SP for qi stag. affecting the
Warm ST SP
Amomum Fruit
Aromatic & ST or symptoms of obstruction by dampness. Distention & pain in the epigastrum & abdomen, lack of
Grains of paradise
appetite, vomiting, & diarrhea.
~ Warms the middle & stops diarrhea for diarrhea from SP cold. Deficiency cold of SP or Excess cold in
abdominal pain that likes pressure if Def, likes pressure if Excess.
~ Calms the fetus morning sickness due to restless fetus. **particularly good for restless fetus caused by
Qi Stagnation b/c Sha Ren moves Qi. Very gentle & safe.
**Which is used to calm the fetus Sha Ren**

Warm the Interior & Expel Cold

Fu Zi Spicy HT ~ Revives the Yang & rescues from rebellion/collapse for devastated Yang w/ abundant Cold. Diarrhea w/
Hot undigested food, chills, cold extremities, fain or almost imperceptible pulse. Often happens after severe
Toxic SP vomiting, diarrhea, or sweating. Assists HT Yang & unblocks the vessels to improve circulation, & tonifies KD
touch child
Yang to augment the fire & avoid loss of primal Yang. Cloudy unclear mind, loss of consciousness.
~ Warms the fire & assists the Yang for weakness or deficiency of HT, SP, or KD Yang. Interior cold &
*CI Pregnancy
insufficient yang. Early morning diarrhea, impotence, infertility, irreg. menstruation, miscarriage, freq. urination
~ Disperses cold, warms the channels & A.P. for wind-cold-damp Bi, esp. when cold predominates. Also
cold blocking organs, channels, sinews, bones, blood vessels, or for Yin flat abscesses.
**NOT function of Fu Zi clear heat, dry dampness, & regulate Qi**
Gan Jiang Spicy HT ~ Warms the middle & expels cold for warming SP & ST for excess due to externally-contracted cold, also
Hot LU for cold from Deficiency due to insufficiency of Yang qi. Also dispels wind & dampness that seep into lower jiao
Dried Ginger
SP ~ Rescues devastated Yang & expels interior cold very weak pulse, cold limbs Yang collapse.
~ Warms LU & transforms thin mucous for LU cold w/ expectoration of thin, watery or white sputum
*Caution Pregnancy ST
~ Warms channels & stops bleeding cold from Def. that might cause hemorrhage, esp. uterine bleeding.
Used in treating hemorrhage only if the bleeding is chronic & pale in color, accompanied w/ cold limbs, ashen
white face, & soggy thin pulse.
**NOT Gan Jiangs functions Quells channels Heat & stops bleeding**
**Contraindicated w/ Internal Heat, Yin Def. Heat**
Rou Gui Spicy HT ~ Fortifies KD & SP Yang, warms the HT Yang & fortifies the Yang for insufficiency of KD Yang
Sweet KD aversion
Cinnamon Bark
Hot LV to cold, cold limbs, weak back, impotence, urinary frequency. Insufficient SP & KD Yang abd. pain & cold,
reduced appetite, diarrhea. Wheezing due to failure of KD to grasp Qi. Def. HT Yang causing chest Bi.
*Caution Pregnancy SP
~ Disperses deep cold, warms the channels, unblocks the channels & vessels, & A.P deep cold
Qi stag. or blood stasis. Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, cold-damp Bi, chronic sores, sores or abscesses that
dont heal. Can enhance blood moving action of other herbs.
~ Leads the fire back to the source the principal herb used for treating upward floating of deficient Yang.
Flushed face, wheezing, severe sweating, weak & cold lower limbs, deficient pulse. False Heat / True Cold,
Heat above/cold below. Upper body hot & lower body cold
~ Encourages the generation of qi & blood chronic def. of qi & blood. Auxiliary herb used w/ qi & blood
**Has the function of tonifying Ming Men fire, expelling cold, warming channels, it is also good for treating chronic
Yin sores & ulcers w/ clear discharge**
Wu Zhu Yu Spicy LV ~ Warms the middle, disperses cold, promotes the movement of qi, & A.P. for LV & ST channel
Evodia Fruit Bitter SP disorders
Hot ST due to congealing of cold or phlegm. Headache, epigastric pain w/ nausea, drooling, reduced taste, pale
tongue, wiry or weak pulse. Cold bulging disorders in area traversed by LV channel, dysmenorrhea.
Sl. toxic
~ Redirects rebellious qi downward & stops vomiting acid reflux w/ vomiting. Either hot or cold.
~ Warms the SP, stops diarrhea, expels cold-dampness diarrhea due to cold from Def. of SP & KD, &
cold-damp leg qi.
~ Leads fire downward sores in mouth & on tongue. Ground into powder, mixed w/ vinegar & put on the
center of the soles of the feet.
**For headaches, abd pain, nausea, acid regurgitation, diarrhea & hernia due to Yang Def. w/ coldness, one of
the most common herbs is Wu Zhu Yu**
**A patient has flank pain for 2 days w/ headache, epigastric pain w/ nausea, drooling, decreased taste, pale
tongue, wiry or weak pulse, regurgitation of sour fluid, also pinworms. Wu Zhu Yu is best**
Chuan (Hua) Spicy KD ~ Warms the middle burner, disperses cold, & A.P. for SP or ST cold from Def. cold & pain in abdomen,
Hot SP vomiting, diarrhea
Sl. toxic ST ~ Kills parasites & alleviates abdominal pain abdominal pain due to roundworms
Sichuan Pepper
**Which of the following herbs is best for warming the middle jiao, alleviating pain & killing intestinal
*Caution Pregnancy
Ding Xiang Spicy KD ~ Warms the middle jiao & directs rebellious qi downward for ST cold w/ vomiting, hiccups, abd. pain,
Warm SP diarrhea. For SP or ST cold from Def. w/ lack of appetite, vomiting, & diarrhea.
ST ~ Warms the KD & aids the Yang impotence, clear vaginal discharge due to KD Yang Def. (manifestation of
cold womb from deficiency & usually accompanied by weakness of legs)
Xiao Hui Xiang Spicy LV ~ Disperses cold, warms the LV & KD, and stops pain used to warm & encourage the LV channel or lower
Fennel Warm KD jiao, as in cold bulging disorders or any kind of lower abd. pain due to cold.
SP ~ Regulates the Qi & harmonizes the ST for ST cold w/ abd. pain, indigestion, reduced appetite, vomiting.
**Best for warming KD, smoothing LV Qi, used to treat abd. pain & distention, vomiting, hernia pain due to LV Qi
stagnation & coldness**
Gao Liang Jiang Spicy SP ~ Warms the middle & A.P. for epigastric & abd. pain, vomiting, hiccups, diarrhea due to cold in middle jiao.
Galangal Rhizome Hot ST
Related to Ginger
Bi Ba Spicy ST ~ Warms the middle, disperses cold from the ST & Intestines, & A.P. for cold congealing & leading to qi
Hot LI stagnation in the epigastrum & abdomen. Nausea, vomiting, belching, acid reflux, loss of appetite, abd. pain
Long Pepper Fruit
ST cold = epigastric pain, vomiting. LI cold = abdominal pain, diarrhea
~ Applied as a powder for toothache, often w/ Hu Jiao
**Bi Ba & Bi Cheng Qie are very similar in functions, but the main difference is: Bi Ba powder is topically applied
for toothache, but Bi Chen Qie treats cold hernia pain & cloudy urine due to damp-cold**
Hu Jiao Spicy LI ~ Warms the middle & disperses cold for ST cold w/ vomiting, diarrhea, abd. pain
Pepper Hot ST
*CI Pregnancy
Bi Cheng Qie Spicy SP ~ Warms the middle & stops pain for epigastric & abdominal cold & pain, vomiting, belching, hiccups
Cubeb Fruit Warm ST ~ Dispels cold qi from the Bladder urinary dysfunction or turbid/cloudy urine due to cold from deficiency of
KD the lower burner. **Cloudy urine

Regulate Qi
Chen Pi Spicy LU ~ Regulates Qi, adjusts the middle, & relieves the diaphragm for SP & ST Qi stag. w/ epigastric or abd.
Bitter SP distention, fullness, bloating, belching, nausea, vomiting. Helps promote the movement of Qi in general while
Aged Tangerine Peel
Warm ST specifically directing it downward. Commonly used for many types of nausea & vomiting.
Old Skin
~ Dries dampness & transforms phlegm phlegm-damp cough w/ stifling sensation in chest &/or
copious, viscous sputum. Also damp turbidity obstructing middle w/ stifling sensation in chest, abd. distention,
loss of appetite, fatigue, loose stools, thick greasy tongue fur. Important Qi level herb for SP & LU channels.
~ Helps prevent stagnation used w/ tonifying herbs to prevent their cloying nature from causing stagnation.
~ J. Su Strengthens SP & harmonies the center SP Def. creates a better environment for SP, moves
& dries dampness.
*very good for Excess, also used for Def. can use alone as a tea. Overuse will move/disperse qi too much &
make patient weak, careful for patients w/ very weak Qi.
**NOT functions of Chen Pi Smooth LV Qi, breaks up Qi stag.**
Ju Hong Spicy LU *spicier & stronger, more drying & aromatic than Chen Pi, but less effective for harmonizing the middle &
Bitter ST regulating SP & ST. Used primarily for vomiting & belching for Excess.
Red part of
Warm ~ Regulates Qi & expends the chest while drying dampness & transforming phlegm & reducing food
Tangerine Peel
stagnation cough w/ profuse sputum, food stag. or accumulation as long as no significant signs of heat.
tangerine red
~ J. Su Regulates ST Qi vomiting, nausea better at Chen Pi at regulating ST
Ju Luo Bitter LV ~ Transforms phlegm, regulates Qi, unblocks meridians & collaterals best for stagnation in meridian
Neutral LU system (is the network of the tangerine symbolic). Phlegm stag in channels, collaterals, cough w/ chest &
Tangerine Net
Sweet SP flank pain. Really effective for distention in the vessels of the LU due to rebellion of Wei qi.
J. Su nodules, cysts, breast cysts, cough, wheezing w/ lots of mucous
Ju He Bitter LV ~ Promotes movement of Qi, dissipates clumps, & stops pain stagnation in lower body. Inguinal
Neutral KD hernia,
Tangerine Seeds
testicular swelling & pain, breast cysts, nodules. Internal & external for acute mastitis.
*Should be crushed b4 using.
Qing Pi Bitter GB *more aggressive than Chen Pi, not aromatic, used for Excess very powerful. Can weaken Qi, use caution.
Spicy LV ~ Spreads LV Qi & breaks up stagnation for LV Qi Stag w/ distention & pain in chest, breast,
Unripe Tangerine Peel
Warm ST hypochondrium regions, or bulging disorder pain. Also depression, serious PMS, bad hernia.
green skin/peel
~ Dissipates clumps & reduces stagnation food stagnation w/ accumulation & pain, distention, stifling
sensation in epigastrum. Severe food stagnation, masses stag. qi progresses to blood stasis.
**Which of the following herbs has the strongest effect for breast lump & abd. bloating due to LV Qi Stag?**
Zhi Shi Bitter LI *Energy of Zhi Shi goes down guides Qi down. Trad. used for uterus, ST, rectum prolapse w/ qi tonics.
Spicy SP ~ Breaks up stagnant Qi & reduces accumulation epigastric or abd. pain & distention or indigestion w/
Unripe Bitter Orange
Sl. cold ST focal distention or gas. Works well w/ Zhi Ke.
~ Transforms phlegm & expels focal distention focal distention & fullness in chest & epigastrum due to
*Caution Pregnancy
phlegm obstruction. Unblocks Bi chest pain, mucous, cough.
~ Also used w/ qi tonifying herbs for gastriectasis, gastroptosis, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse.
~ Raises blood pressure**
**Spicy, bitter, sl. cold. Can be used to treat food stagnation, dysentery w/ tenesmus due to Qi stag. & phlegm
obstruction in the focal area**
Zhi Ke Bitter SP ~ Promotes the flow of Qi Qi Stag. leading to problems in the flow of Qi cough, distention, constipation.
Spicy ST *Milder than Zhi Shi b/c mature fruit. Abdominal fullness, food stagnation, poor digestion.
Bitter Orange
Sl. cold LI
Xiang Fu Spicy LV ~ Spreads & regulates LV Qi for LV Qi Stag. w/ hypochondriac pain, epigastric distention, disharmony of
Sl. bitter SJ LV & SP. Neutral quality makes it very useful. Also its ability to disperse & harmonize
Sl. sweet GB ~ Regulates menstruation & A.P. for gyno. Disorders w/ dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation.
smells good
*J. Su Moves Blood & regulates menses very important womens herb any menstrual problems.
attached Neutral
**Good for regulating LV Qi & menstruation. Very popular to be used for treating irregular menses & dysmen.**
Mu Xiang Spicy GB ~ Promotes movement of Qi & stops pain SP or ST Qi Stag. w/ poor appetite, feeling of food sitting in ST,
Bitter LI epigastric or abdominal pain or distention, nausea, vomiting. Also for LV or GB Qi Stag. w/ flank pain,
Costus Root
Warm SP distention, soreness.
wood smells/tastes
~ Adjusts & regulates stagnant Qi in the Intestines diarrhea, dysenteric disorder, abd. pain, tenesmus.
good ST
Astringent property makes it great for tenesmus.
SJ ~ Strengthens SP & prevents stagnation used w/ tonifying herbs to ameliorate their side effects. Esp.
useful when the transformative & transportive functions of SP are weak. *Used w/ tonifying herbs to keep
Qi moving when treating Qi Def.
**Tian Xiang, Mu Xiang, & Chen Xiang are spicy & warm; to be used to move Qi, alleviate pain. Characteristic
of Tian Xiang prefers rising up for treating Qi stag. in upper Jiao; Mu Xiang prefers moving in the middle
Jiao for regulating ST TRUE**
Wu Yao Spicy UB ~ Promotes the movement of Qi & A.P. for stifling sensation in chest, flank pain, epigastric & abdominal
Warm KD pain & distention due to Cold & Qi Stag. Warms & disperses, is effecting in spreading & unblocking.
Lindera Root
LU *Smoothes the flow of Qi, facilitates the middle, disperses cold, & stops pain in many areas. Cold accum.
dark/black medicine
& Qi Stag. manifesting in lower abdominal pain, bulging disorders, menstrual pain.
~ Warms KD for urinary frequency or incontinence due to insufficiency of KD Yang & Cold from Def. of UB.
**Good for moving Qi & A.P., warming the KD & expelling Cold. Used for treating freq. urination & bedwetting**
Chen Xiang Spicy KD ~ Promotes the movement of Qi & A.P. distention, pain, or pressure in epigastric or abdominal region.
Bitter SP Esp. good for problems due to Cold from Deficiency or Blood Stasis.
Aquilaria Wood
Warm ST ~ Directs rebellious Qi down & regulates the middle rebellious qi wheezing from Excess or Def.,
vomiting, belching, hiccups due to Cold from Def. of ST or SP. Guides ST Qi down. Often w/ Chen Pi.
smells/tastes good Aromatic
~ Aids the KD in grasping Qi for asthma, wheezing due to KD Def. Shortness of breath, cant take in deep
**Best to treat fullness in abd., shortness of breath, cough & wheezing due to KD Yang Def. w/ Cold, & KD
failure to grasp Qi. Best to treat fullness in abdomen, shortness of breath due to KD Def., cough w/
copious sputum**
Tan Xiang ~ Promotes movement of Qi & A.P. pain associated w/ Qi Stag. in chest & abdomen. Chest pain, LU Qi
Sandalwood Spicy LU
Warm SP stagnation/congestion, epigastric pain.
~ Recently used in treatment of coronary artery disease
Aromatic ST
Xie Bai Spicy LI ~ Unblocks the Yang Qi & disperses turbid phlegm cold-damp Bi of chest due to Cold, turbid phlegm
Bitter LU stagnating in chest & preventing dissemination & flow of Yang Qi. Chest, flank, upper back pain, dyspnea,
Garlic Chives,
Warm ST cough, wheezing, stifling sensation in the chest.
Chinese Garlic
~ Directs Qi down & reduces stagnation for damp stagnation in LI assoc. w/ dysenteric disorders
**Most appropriate for Chest Bi syndrome w/ Cold phlegm obstruction in chest, chest/flank pain, shortness of
breath. Most appropriate for patient w/ chest/flank or upper back pain, dyspnea, blood obstructing HT
channel & flow of Yang Qi**
Fo Shou Spicy LV ~ Spreads & regulates LV Qi LV Qi Stag. w/ chest or hypochondriac pain or stifling sensation in chest.
Bitter LU *Strongly promotes movement of Qi, but doesnt alleviate pain well weak function. Not as strong as Qing Pi
Finger Citron Fruit
Warm ST Emotional symptoms, hypochondriac pain
Buddhas Hand
~ Harmonizes the ST & strengthens SP for SP & ST Qi Stag. w/ epigastric pain, fullness, distention, lack
of appetite, belching &/or vomiting.
~ Transforms phlegm & stops cough sub-acute or chronic cough w/ copious phlegm. Esp. good for
stubborn cough w/ chest pain. Phlegm transforming action is rather weak, not used in treatment of early
stages of externally contracted coughs.
*Not as strong as Chen Pi at transforming phlegm. Qing Pi is stronger at smoothing the LV.
Chuan Lian Bitter UB ~ Dredges LV Qi, releases constraint, stops pain, & conducts heat out from below for a variety of LV
Cold LV Qi
Zi Sl. toxic SI Stag. symptoms. Pain in chest & ribs, distention & pain from LV/ST disharmony, bulging disorders. Most
Toosendan Fruit Useful for problems involving Heat, but b/c so effective is also used for Cold.
Sichuan Chinaberry ~ Kills parasites & stops pain for roundworms & tapeworms. Not great at expelling parasites, but able to
alleviate pain associated w/ accumulation of parasites. Also used topically as powder for dermatitis of scalp.
**Can not only regulate Qi & stop pain, but can also kill parasites & treat skin diseases**
Shi Di Bitter LU ~ Directs Qi down & stops hiccups for belching or hiccups due to ST dysfunction. For both Hot & Cold
Astringent ST patterns. Also vomiting, nausea.
Persimmon Calyx
Remove Food Stagnation
Shan Zha Sour LV ~ Reduces food stagnation & transforms accumulation - *for accumulation due to meat or greasy foods w/
abdominal distention, pain, diarrhea, vomiting
Sweet SP
Crataegus Fruit
Sl. warm ST ~ Transforms Blood Stasis & dissipates clumps postpartum abdominal pain & clumps due to blood stasis.
Hawthorn Fruit
Also for bulging disorders.
*J.Su Trad. used for womens health insufficient uterus discharge after childbirth, dysmenorrhea.
*Large doses
*Lowers cholesterol, treats HT disease, used as weight loss product
CI Pregnancy
**When treating food stagnation, esp. indigestion of meat, abd. bloating, pain & diarrhea, best to use Shan Zha**
**Among the herbs that help relieve food stag., Which of the following herbs is effective for invigorating the blood
& moving blood stasis Shan Zha**
Mai Ya Sweet LV ~ Reduces food stagnation & strengthens ST for poor digestion due to stagnation & accumulation of
Neutral SP starchy foods, as well as poorly digested milk in infants. Also for weak digestion & loss of appetite in SP Def.
Barley Sprouts
ST Strengthening function weak.
~ Restrains lactation for women discontinuing nursing, distended & painful breasts. Large dose 60-120 gr.
*CI during
~ Facilitates the smooth flow of LV Qi stifling sensation & distention in epigastrum or ribs, belching, loss of
appetite. Helper for this.
**Dissolves food stagnation, strengthens SP & restrains lactation. Mai Ya can not only relieve food stagnation,
harmonize the middle Jiao, but can also: Inhibit lactation**
Gu Ya Sweet SP ~ Reduces food stagnation & strengthens ST for poor digestion due to stagnation & accumulation of starchy
Warm ST foods. Also for weak digestion & loss of appetite associated w/ SP Def.
Grain Sprouts
~ J. Su Nourishes ST & strengthens SP speeds up absorbing of tonifying herbs. Poor appetite, weak SP, ST
Shen Qu Sweet SP ~ Reduces food stagnation & harmonizes the ST for ST Cold w/ food stagnation or accumulation, epigastric
Spicy ST & abdominal fullness or distention, loss of appetite, borborygmus, diarrhea.
Medicated Leaven
Warm ~ Also added to pills that contain minerals to aid in their digestion & absorption
~J. Su Strengthens SP & harmonizes ST can protect SP for use w/ hard to digest materials such as
animal bones, minerals, shells, metals
Jie Nei Jin Sweet UB ~ Strongly reduces food stagnation & improves SPs transportive function various types of food stag. Used
Neutral SI alone for mild cases. Usually dry fried & powdered. Childhood nutritional impairment.
Chicken Gizzard
SP ~ Secures Essence & stops enuresis for bed-wetting, urinary frequency, urination at night
~ Transforms hardness & dissolves stones stones in urinary or biliary tract. GB, bladder, KD stones. Treats
symptoms of stones.
**Reduces food stagnation, transforms accumulation, secures the essence, transforms hardness & dissolves
Lai Fu Zi Spicy LU ~ Reduces food stagnation & eliminates distention for food stag. accumulation in middle jiao w/ fullness &
Sweet SP distention, belching w/ rotten smell, acid reflux, abd. pain w/ diarrhea
Radish Seed
Neutral ST ~ Causes Qi to descend & reduces phlegm for chronic productive cough or wheezing. Due to Excess.
~ Recently used for hypertension
**Reduces food stagnation, transforms accumulation, descends Qi & reduces phlegm**
Expel Parasites
Shi Jun Zi Sweet SP ~ Kills parasites roundworms & pinworms. Can be used alone for mild cases.
Warm ST ~ Strengthens the SP & dissolves accumulation childhood nutritional impairment, abdominal distention,
Rangood Creeper
poor appetite, weak constitution. Sweetness makes it really good for children.
Fruit w/ seeds
**Which herb that kills worms is used esp. for treating roundworms & childhood nutritional impairment?**
**Major side effects of using too much Shi Jun Zi: nausea, vomiting, & dizziness**
Ku Lian Gen Bitter LV ~ Kills parasites roundworms, hookworms, pinworms, also vaginal Trichomonas infection. Pretty strong &
Cold SP effective can be used alone.
Toxic ST ~ Used topically to treat tinea infection either as a wash or ground into a powder & made into a thick paste w/
Chinaberry Bark
**Which of the following herbs for killing parasites not only can be used for roundworms, hookworms & pinworms,
*CI Pregnancy
but also for vaginal trichomonas infections & tinea? Ku Lian Gen Pi**
Fei Zi Sweet LI ~ Kills parasites & reduces accumulation wide variety of intestinal parasites tapeworms, pinworms,
Neutral LU hookworms, roundworms, fasciolopsis flukes. Nontoxic & doesnt harm ST Qi. Has slight laxative effect. Can be
Torreya Seeds
ST used alone.
beautiful pattern
~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels for constipation, esp. w/ hemorrhoids. Can be taken alone,
dry-fried & eaten.
~ Moistens the LU & stops cough for mild coughs due to dry LU
**Which herb kills parasites, moistens LU, & stops cough? Fei Zi**
He Shi Bitter SP ~ Kills parasites & A.P. for many disorders due to intestinal parasites, but primarily for abdominal pain caused
Spicy ST by
Carpesium Fruit
Neutral roundworms, pinworms, hookworms, or tapeworms.
Crane Flea
*Primarily used for pain caused by parasites
*Caution Sl. toxic
Lei Wan Bitter LI ~ Kills parasites primarily for tapeworms, also for hookworm & roundworm
Cold ST ~ Opens up areas of stagnation & reduces childhood nutritional impairment childhood nutritional
Omphalia fruiting
Sl. toxic impairment,
Body fungus
esp. if accompanied w/ intestinal parasites.
thunder storm ball
~ Clears heat, resolves dampness, unblocks the Yang Organs, kills bugs for wind-rashes or urticaria when
accompanied by damp-heat in Intestines & ST
*J. Su has an enzyme that cuts off tapeworm
Wu Yi Bitter SP ~ Kills parasites for expelling roundworms & tapeworms. Often used in childhood nutritional impairment or
Spicy ST abdominal pain & accumulation due to parasites.
Elm Cake
Warm ~ Also used topically for tinea infections

Nan Gui Zi Sweet LI ~ Expels parasites & A.P. for tapeworms & roundworms. Used alone for this. Also used for schistosomiasis.
Neutral ST ~ Also used for insufficient lactation w/ swollen hands & feet imbalance of body fluid
Pumpkin Seeds
Da Fu Pi Spicy LI *In Regulate Qi category in Bensky
Sl. warm SI ~ Drives Qi downward & eases the middle for patterns of dampness or other process obstructing the middle &
Areca Husk/shell
SP leading to Qi Stag. w/ epigastric & abdominal distention, focal distention & stifling sensation, belching w/ acid
big abdomen skin
regurgitation. Esp. useful when accompanied by incomplete & irregular bowel movements.
~ Promotes urination & reduces edema for abdominal distention w/ edema, esp superficial edema, or
of food stagnation. Also for damp leg qi. *doesnt kill parasites but can help w/ abdominal pain & help regulate BM
Bing Lang Spicy LI ~ Kills parasites best for treating tapeworms, also useful in killing a wide variety of intestinal parasites including
Bitter ST fasciolopsis, pinworms, & roundworms, as well as blood flukes. Ability to drain downward help in expelling the
Araeca, betel nut
Warm bodies of parasites.
The nut inside
~ Promotes movement of Qi, reduces accumulation, & leads stagnation out by mildly draining downward
Da Fu Pi
unblocking the bowels food accumulation & stagnant Qi w/ abdominal distention, constipation, tenesmus
~ Promotes the movement of Qi & promotes urination damp leg qi & edema due to Excess
~ Also used for malarial disorder
**Which herb kills parasites, moves the Qi & promotes urination? Bing Lang**
Stop Bleeding
Pu Huang Sweet LV ~ Stops bleeding external bleeding associated w/ trauma, internal bleeding such as uterine bleeding,
Spicy HT vomiting blood, nosebleed, coughing blood, blood in urine, blood in stool, subcutaneous bleeding.
Cattail Pollen
Neutral SP Astringent nature is really good to stop bleeding. Bleeding above & below.
Pollen Yellow
~ Invigorates the blood & dispels blood stasis chest pain, postpartum abdominal pain, menstrual pain
due to blood stasis. Very good pain herb trauma/injury. HT attack, disease
*Caution Pregnancy
~ Promotes urination & stops bleeding hot painful urinary dribbling
**When used to invigorate the blood & stop pain, such as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, & postpartum abd. pain,
Wu Ling Zhi is often combined w/ which herb? Pu Huang**
Xian He Cao Bitter LU ~ Restrains leakage of blood & stops bleeding widely used for various bleeding vomiting blood,
Astringent LV coughing
Neutral SP blood, nosebleed, bleeding gums, blood in urine, uterine bleeding. Bleeding above & below, bleeding due to
immortal crane herb
Heat, Cold, Def., Excess depending on how its combined.
~ Alleviates diarrhea & dysenteric disorders chronic problems restraining in nature
~ Kills parasites trichomonas vaginitis, tapeworm, malaria. Topically for trichomonas vaginitis
**Xan He Cao not only can restrain blood, stop bleeding, but can also: stop dysentery & kill parasites**
**A female patient comes in w/ blood in urine, uterine bleeding, diarrhea & tapeworm. Which would be most
suitable? Xian He Cao**
San Qi Sweet LV ~ Stops bleeding & transforms blood stasis internal & external bleeding vomiting blood, nosebleed,
Sl. bitter ST blood
Notoginseng Root
Warm in urine or stool. Can stop bleeding w/o causing blood stasis, so is widely used.
three seven
**Tonifies when cooked, Raw is good for stopping bleeding**
~ Reduces swelling & A.P. trauma, swelling & pain due to falls, fractures, contusions, sprains. Chest &
*Caution Pregnancy
pain, joint pain caused by blood stasis. Sores & abscesses.
**A coronary HT disease patient has sustained a fall & gotten some sprains. Which of the following would be
most suitable? San Qi** Not only can stop bleeding & transform blood stasis, but also can reduce swelling
& A.P.. It is a popular herb to be used for treating traumatic injury w/ pain, swelling & blood stasis**
Bai Ji Bitter LU ~ Restrains leakage of blood & stops bleeding mainly for bleeding from LU & ST. vomiting blood,
Sweet ST coughing
Bletilla Rhizome
Cool LV blood, nosebleed. Traumatic injury causing bleeding applied locally.
white root
~ Reduces swelling & generates flesh applied topically for sores, ulcers, chapped skin. At any stage of
sores. Helps accelerate healing of ulcers. Esp. useful w/ chronic, nonhealing ulcers.
**Which of the following herbs not only can restrain leakage of blood & stop bleeding, but also reduces swelling
& generates flesh. It is also effective for treating LU bleeding & ST bleeding**
**Which of the following herbs are incompatible w/ Wu Tou? Bai Ji**
Da Ji Sweet LV ~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding nosebleed, vomiting blood, blood in urine or stool, uterine bleeding.
Cool SP Esp. good at alleviating vomiting or coughing of blood.
Large Thistle
HT ~ Reduces swelling & generates flesh at sores used topically for carbuncles, sores, & swellings. Used
big coil hair style
fresh for this.
~ Benefits GB & reduces jaundice jaundice, esp. due to damp-heat
~ Treats hypertension esp. when accompanied by signs of LV heat
**Which of the following herbs not only can cool blood & stop bleeding, but also can eliminate stasis & generate
flesh? Da Ji** Which of the following pairs of herbs are used to treat hypertension? Da Ji, Huai Hua Mi**
Di Yu Bitter LV ~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding esp. for bleeding in lower jiao due to damp-heat w/ blood in stools,
Sour LI bleeding hemorrhoids, bloody dysenteric disorders, excessive uterine bleeding. Also for vomiting blood &
Sl. cold ST nosebleed. Esp good for blood in stools related to hemorrhoids.
earth elm
~ Clears heat & generates flesh topically for sores, ulcers, injuries from burns. Reduces oozing by
in fluids, promotes generation of new flesh often used for burns.
**Which of the following sets of herbs can treat blood in stool & hemorrhoid bleding due to heat in lower jiao?
Di Yu, Huai Hua Mi**
Huai Hua Bitter LV ~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding for damp-heat of LI w/ bleeding. Bleeding hemorrhoids & bloody
Cool LI dysenteric disorders. Also for coughing blood, nosebleed, uterine bleeding. *Mostly for bleeding below.
(Mi) ~ Cools the LV red eyes, headache, dizziness due to LV Heat. Can be taken as daily beverage for this.
Huai Mi *Treats hypertension lowers blood pressure large dose 15-30 grams
Sophora Bud **Which of the following herbs is esp. useful for bleeding hemorrhoids & bloody dysentery-like disorders?**
Pagoda tree bud
Qian Cao Bitter HT ~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding vomiting blood, nosebleed, coughing blood, blood in stool, uterine
Cold LV bleeding, any bleeding due to chaotic movement of hot blood. Gynecology Herb
Gen ~ Invigorates the blood & dispels blood stasis for pain associated w/ blood stasis, esp. chest & flank
Qian Cao pain.
Madder Root Also for retained lochia (after-birth), pain from trauma, joint pain, early stages carbuncles
Rubia Root
Ce Bai Ye Bitter LU ~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding vomiting blood, bleeding gums, coughing blood, blood in stool or urine,
Astringent LV blood dysenteric disorder, uterine bleeding. Good for heat related bleeding b/c cold.. Can also be used for
Sl. cold LI Cold patterns if combined w/ warm herbs.
~ Stops cough & expels phlegm LU heat patterns w/ cough & accumulation of phlegm. Esp. in cases of
cyperus leaf
viscous, difficult to expectorate sputum streaked w/ blood.
~ Promotes healing of burns used topically in powdered form for early stages of burns over small areas.
*also used for hair loss
Ai Ye Bitter SP ~ Warms the Womb & stops bleeding prolonged menstrual bleeding & uterine bleeding due to cold from
Spicy LV def.
Mugwort Leaf
Warm KD Calms fetus, lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding as in threatened miscarriage. Also used for infertility.
~ Disperses cold & A.P. cold abdominal pain, esp. menstrual pain
~ Eliminates dampness & stops itching decocted & applied as external wash for skin problems w/ damp
& itching.
*J. Su Warms meridians & stops bleeding
**Which of the following herbs not only can warm the womb, stop bleeding & calm the fetus, but also can
disperse the cold & alleviate pain. It is also used for moxabustion**
**A pregnant patient comes in w/ cold abd. pain. Which would be most suitable? - Ai Ye**
Ou Jie Sweet LU ~ Stops bleeding for many types astringent & also reduces stasis. Bleeding associated w/ heat in LU or
Astringent ST ST
Lotus Rhizome Node
Neutral LV w/ vomiting or coughing blood. Also chronic bleeding when combined properly
*Raw is more aggressive & better for moving blood. *Dry-fried or charred enhances astringent property, so
better for stopping bleeding. *Honey roasted can tonify/nourish SP/ST
Bai Mao Gen Sweet LU ~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding nosebleed, vomiting blood, coughing blood, blood in urine
Cold ST ~ Clears heat & promotes urination hot painful urinary dribbling & other heat patterns w/ edema & urinary
Imperate Rhizome
SI difficulty. Enters Qi & Blood levels to treat heat
Wooly Grass
~ J. Su Clears heat & generates fluids Qi level heat profuse sweating w/ thirst rehydrates.
white spear root UB
~ Clears heat from ST & LU nausea & thirst due to ST heat, wheezing due to LU heat
**Cools the blood & stops bleeding, clears heat & promotes urination, & clears heat from ST & LU**
**Is sweet & cold, enters LU, ST, UB, SI channels for various types of bleeding due to reckless movement of hot
blood, & vomiting & cough due to LU & ST heat**
Invigorate the Blood
Chuan Xiong Spicy LV ~ Invigorates the blood & promotes movement of Qi for any blood stasis pattern important
Warm GB Gynecology
Szechuan Lovage Root
PC herb dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, difficult labor, retained lochia. Qi Stag & Blood stasis w/ pain &
soreness in chest, flanks, & hypochondrium.
*Caution Pregnancy
~ Expels wind & A.P. a leading herb for any externally-contracted wind disorder headache, dizziness, Bi
syndrome (painful obstruction). Particularly good for headaches. Also for a variety of skin problems caused
by wind.
**Most effective in invigorating blood, promoting the Qi, expelling wind & stopping pain. It is good for treating
menstruation pain, headaches & Bi pain, & also called the Qi herb in the Blood. Enters LV, GB, PC,
invigorates the blood, promotes the circulation of Qi, expels wind & A.P, a principal herb for any externally
contracted wind disorder w/ headache, dizziness or painful obstruction. Good for coronary HT disease &
ischemic cerebrovascular disease, angina pectoralis**
Dan Shen Bitter HT ~ Invigorates the blood & dispels stasis wide variety of blood stasis disorders in any part of the body.
Sl. cold PC Most commonly used for problems affecting the lower abdomen, chest, or hypochondria. *Very important
Salvia Root
LV Gynecology herb*
Red Root
~ Clears heat & soothes irritability esp. useful for restlessness, irritability, palpitations, insomnia due to
heat entering nutritive (ying) level. Can also use in patterns of HT & KD Yin Def.
*CI Pregnancy
~ Cools the blood & reduces abscesses as a helper to treat sores or early stages breast abscess
~ Nourishes the blood & calms the spirit for palpitations & insomnia due to either heat in Ying & blood
levels or insufficient HT blood.
*Lowers blood pressure, treats HT disease, high cholesterol, degenerative arteries/vessels
**Can invigorate blood, break up stasis, cool blood, nourish blood, & calm the spirit. Used for treating pain
related w/ menstruation & injury, & w/ some heat signs, such as fever, irritability, delirium & insomnia**
**Clears heat & soothes irritability & is good for insomnia**
Ji Xue Teng Bitter HT ~ Promotes the movement of & tonifies blood for Blood Def. patterns w/ dysmenorrhea, irregular
Sweet LV menses,
Spatholobus Root
Warm SP amenorrhea w/ abdominal pain
~ Invigorates the channels & relaxes the sinews numbness of extremities, lower back pain, knee pain,
*CI w/ profuse menses
generalized joint soreness from wind-damp Bi, w/ either blood def. or stasis. Also for weakness of
extremities in the elderly or paralysis & vertigo due to blood stasis or wind-stroke
Can increase the number of red blood cells
**Activates the channels & relaxes the sinews, used for numbness of extremities, shoulder, arm, back & knee
Yan Hu Suo Spicy HT ~ Invigorates the blood, promotes movement of Qi, & A.P. pain of almost any kind affecting the chest,
Bitter LV abdomen, or limbs due to blood stasis & trauma. Esp. good for epigastric pain & dysmenorrhea.
Xuan Hu Suo
Warm ST **Used as a painkiller in Chinese medicine for treating various types of pain**
Corydalis Rhizome
**Invigorates the blood, moves qi, A.P. & is good for hernia**
*CI Pregnancy
Yu Jin Spicy HT ~ Invigorates the blood & stops pain while promoting the movement of Qi & resolving constraint
Bitter LU topically & internally for pain due to traumatic injury, hastens healing process of chronic sores. Treats
Curcuma Tuber
Cold LV chest, abdominal, flank, or menstrual pain from constrained LV Qi esp. good when heat is involved.
depression gold
~ Clears heat & cools the blood heat in blood causing chaotic movement of blood nosebleed, vomiting
blood, blood in urine. Esp. good for nosebleed at the onset of menstruation or instead of menstruation
*Caution Pregnancy
(inverted menses)
~ Clears the HT & opens the orifices for hot phlegm obstructing HT orifices anxiety, agitation, seizures,
mental derangement. Opening orifices action is weak.
~ Benefits GB & reduces jaundice for GB disorders & jaundice
*Major menopause herb
**Facilitates GB function & is good for jaundice** Can invigorate blood, dispel stasis, benefit GB & reduce
Jiang Huang Spicy SP ~ Invigorates the blood & unblocks menstruation chest or abdominal pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea
Bitter ST due to blood stasis from cold or deficiency. Also for pain & swelling due to trauma or early stages of sores &
Turmeric Rhizome
Warm LV abscesses.
yellow ginger
~ Promotes the movement of Qi & A.P. epigastric & abdominal pain
~ Expels wind & promotes movement of blood wind-damp Bi w/ blood stasis, esp in shoulders
*CI Pregnancy
**Can invigorate blood, move Qi, expel wind & A.P., esp. shoulder & elbow pain due to wind-damp Bi**
**Expels wind & moves blood, used for wind-damp painful obstruction w/ congealed blood, esp. in the shldrs**
Yi Mu Cao Spicy HT ~ Invigorates the blood & dispels stasis commonly used for Gynecological disorders such as irregular
Bitter LV menstruation, PMS pain, heavy menstruation w/ clots, fixed abd. masses, infertility, postpartum abd. pain
Sl. cold UB w/ retained lochia. Also for trauma pain.
benefit mother herb
~ Promotes urination & reduces swelling for acute systemic edema. Esp. w/ blood in urine
~ Clears heat & resolves toxicity for sores, abscesses, & toxic swellings. Also itchy rashes from damp
*CI Pregnancy
heat collecting & steaming in muscles & subcutaneous tissues. Internal & topical use.
*Lowers blood pressure, can cause uterine contractions
**Very popular & used for treating blood stasis in ob/gyn, is also for difficulty of urination & edema. Is called
benefit mother grass in Chinese**
Ze Lan Bitter LV ~ Invigorates the blood & dispels stasis for pain due to blood stasis obstructing menses, postpartum
Spicy SP abd.
Lycopus, Bugleweed
Sl. warm pain from blood stasis. Also topically or internally for pain & swelling from trauma or abscess.
lake very aromatic
*Esp. good for blood stasis in lower back & knees
*Caution Pregnancy
~ Promotes urination postpartum edema, postpartum painful urinary dribbling, systemic or facial edema.
Tao Ren Bitter HT ~ Breaks up blood stasis important herb in resolving many kinds of blood stasis problems. Menstrual
Sweet LI disorders, abd. pain, traumatic injury, flank pain, LU abscess, Intestinal abscess w/ fixed abd. mass.
Peach Kernel/seed
Neutral LV ~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels constipation due to dry Intestines.
**For traumatic injury, abd. pain due to blood stasis, & constipation. Best to choose Tao Ren**
*CI Pregnancy LU
**Invigorates the blood. Moistens dryness & lubricates the intestines**

Spicy HT
Hong Hua Warm LV ~ Invigorates the blood, dispels stasis, & unblocks menstruation particularly good at unblocking
Safflower, Carthamus menses
red flower Amenorrhea, abd. pain, postpartum dizziness, retained lochia, abdominal masses. Trauma, nonsuppurative
Sores, carbuncles, dark purplish erythema. Also for incomplete expression of measles rash or chest Bi.
*CI Pregnancy *Smaller dose nourishes/tonifies Blood; larger dose moves blood & transforms stasis
**Invigorates the blood. Which one is safflower, invigorates the blood & promotes menstruation, dispels
congealed blood & A.P? Hong Hua**
E Zhu Bitter LV ~ Breaks up blood stasis, promotes the movement of Qi, & A.P. abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea,
Spicy SP amenorrhea, abdominal masses, & epigastric masses due to blood stasis
Curcuma Rhizome
Warm ~ Dissolves accumulation & A.P. pain, distention, fullness & constriction in chest & abdomen due to food
stagnation. Childhood nutritional impairment
*CI Pregnancy
**Breaks up congealed blood, moves qi & A.P., used for abd. pain, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abd. masses
& epigastric masses from congealed blood**
San Leng Bitter LV ~ Forcefully breaks up blood stasis, promotes the movement of Qi, & A.P. for blood stasis patterns
Spicy SP w/
Neutral amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, & abdominal masses
Burr Reed Rhizome
~ Dissolves accumulations for severe abdominal pain & distention due to food stagnation & stagnant Qi
three age
*Can inhibit Cancer cells
*CI Pregnancy
Ru Xiang Spicy HT ~ Invigorates the blood & promotes the movement of Qi for traumatic pain due to blood stasis, early
Bitter LV stages of carbuncles, sores, swellings, & pain. Chest, epigastric, or abdominal pain due to bl. stasis
Warm SP ~ Relaxes the sinews, invigorates the channels, & A.P. wind-damp Bi, rigidity, & spasms
milk aromatic
~ Reduces swelling & generates flesh topically as ointment or powder to reduce swelling, generate flesh,
A.P., promote healing of sores, carbuncles, & traumatic injury. Also for pain, redness, & swelling of gums,
*CI Pregnancy
mouth, & throat.
**Reduces swelling & promotes healing in sores, carbuncles & traumatic injuries**
Mo Yao Bitter HT ~ Invigorates the blood & dispels blood stasis, reduces swelling & A.P. pain from trauma, sores,
Neutral LV carbuncles, swellings, fixed abdominal masses, painful obstruction, chest pain, abd. pain, amenorrhea
SP ~ Promotes healing topically to promote healing of chronic non-healing sores
*CI Pregnancy
Niu Xi Bitter LV ~ Invigorates the blood & dispels blood stasis dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, retained lochia. Post-
Sour KD trauma
Archyranthes Root
Neutral pain
Ox Knee
~ Tonifies LV & KD, strengthens sinews & bones, benefits the joints pain & soreness affecting the
*CI Pregnancy
back & knees due to deficiency. Guides other herbs to the low back & knees
~ Induces downward movement of blood & fire for chaotic movement of blood in the upper jiao or Yin
Def. w/ ascending fire. Nosebleed, vomiting blood, toothaches, bleeding gums. Dizziness, headache,
Blurred vision due to ascendant LV Yang.
~ Clears damp-heat in the lower jiao knee pain or lower back damp Bi. Helper herb for painful urinary
dribbling or vaginal discharge. Esp. useful in painful urination w/ stones & lower back pain & blood in urine
*Huai Niu Xi better at tonifying KD & LV, strengthening sinews & bones. Chuan Niu Xi better at moving
blood & expelling stasis
**CAN NOT treat scrofula & plum seed sensation. **Induces downward movement of blood**
Wang Bu Liu Xing Bitter LV ~ Promotes the movement of blood & invigorates the channels promotes lactation. Unblocks menses.
Vaccaria Seeds Neutral ST For insufficient lactation of amenorrhea due to blood stasis.
king not movement ~ Reduces swellings for painful swellings, esp. of the breasts or testes.
stop **Which pair of herbs can invigorate blood, reduce swelling & promote lactation? Chuan Shan Jia, Wang Bu
Liu Xing** Which of the following herbs moves blood & promotes circulation through the channels &
*CI Pregnancy promotes lactation? Wang Bu Liu Xing**
Zi Ran Tong Spicy LV ~ Dispels blood stasis & promotes the healing of bones & sinews for swelling & pain related to stasis
Neutral of
qi & blood caused by external injury (trauma) esp. fractures. Also promotes healing of fractures.
natural copper
*must cook longer if you decoct. Mostly used in pill or powder form
**Which herb dispels congealed blood & promotes the healing of bones & sinews? Zi Ran Tong**
Su Mu Sweet HT ~ Invigorates the blood, reduces swelling & A.P. postpartum abdominal pain, amenorrhea, pain &
Salty LV swelling from falls, fractures, contusions, or sprains
Sappan Wood
Spicy SP ~ Stops bleeding excessive postpartum bleeding w/ dizziness, vertigo, & shortness of breath
Aroma Wood
*CI Pregnancy Neutral
Wu Ling Zhi Bitter LV ~ Disperses blood stasis & A.P. amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, epigastric pain
Sweet ~ Transforms stasis & stops bleeding uterine bleeding & retained lochia due to blood stasis
Flying Squirrel Feces
Warm ~ Also used for childhood nutritional impairment w/ focal distention
Five magic fat
**Which one is used for childhood nutritional impairment w/ focal distention? Wu Ling Zhi**
*CI Pregnancy
**Used w/ caution during pregnancy traditionally, this herb was considered to be antagonized by Ren Shen**
Chuan Shan Salty LV ~ Disperses blood stasis, unblocks menstruation, & promotes lactation amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea,
Cool ST & lack of or insufficient lactation due to blood stasis.
Jia ~ Reduces swelling & promotes discharge of pus toxic swellings such as abscesses & boils. Can
Pangolin Scales dissolve as yet unformed pus, it is more useful in promoting the healing of supppurative lesions. Applied
Anteater Scales topically for this.
penetrate mountain ~ Expels wind-dampness from the channels pain due to painful obstruction (Bi), stiffness or spasms of
armour the
limbs, or pain that prevents bending & stretching
*CI Pregnancy **Which one disperses congealed blood, promotes menstruation & promotes lactation? Chuan Shan Jia**
Shui Zhi Salty LV ~ Breaks up & drives out blood stasis & reduces fixed masses amenorrhea & fixed abdominal masses
Bitter UB due to blood stasis, as well as traumatic injury
*CI Pregnancy Neutral
Sl. toxic
Tu (Di) Bie Chong Salty LV ~ Breaks up & drives out blood stasis wide variety of disorders due to blood stasis. Abdominal masses
Ground Beetle Cold HT & amenorrhea. Also for numb & swollen tongue due to blood stasis.
dirt land soft shell turtle Sl. toxic SP ~ Knits together sinews & joins bones lacerations, contusions, & fractures. Toasted & ground into a
*CI Pregnancy powder, it is used for acute lumbar strain. **Can break up & drive out blood stasis, renews sinews & joins
bones for pain of menses & injury, esp. for lower back strain**

Transform Phlegm-Heat
Qian Hu Bitter LU ~ Directs qi downward & dispels phlegm for cough or wheezing w/ thick sputum. LU system & Interior LU
phlegm. Best for heat-phlegm but used for cold also b/c so great for phlegm.
Peucedanum Root
Sl. cold ~ Disperses & scatters wind-heat for exterior wind-heat w/ headache & cough. Best for when WH constrains
the LU.
**Bai Qian & Qian Hu have very similar properties. However, there are some differences. What is true? Qian Hu
releases exterior wind, Bai Qian does not**
Chuan Bei Bitter HT ~ Clears heat & transforms phlegm for many types of cough. *best for chronic cough, cough w/ signs of fire due
Sweet LU to Yin Def, cough w/ slight sputum that is difficult to expectorate, or cough w/ blood streaked sputum. Best at
Sl. cold treating cough accompanied by constrained qi, causing reduced appetite & stifling sensation in chest & upper
Sichuan Fritillaria
~ Clears heat & dissipates nodules phlegm-fire collects & produces nodules, sores, swellings, scrofula, & LU or
Shell mother from
breast abscess. Enlarged glands.
Sichuan province
~ Enters HT meridian & treats deficient HT palpitations, poor memory, insomnia, depression, chest pain
**For which of the following symptoms is it better to use Chuan Bei Mu than Zhe Bei Mu? Cough due to LU Yin Def**
Zhe Bei Mu Bitter HT ~ Clears & transforms phlegm-heat for acute LU heat patterns w/ productive cough. Acute Excess phlegm-heat.
Zhejiang Fritillaria Cold LU Good for both surface & internal organ phlegm-heat.
Bulb ~ Clears heat & dissipates nodules for phlegm-fire which congeals & causes neck swellings. Enlarged thyroid
goiter. Also important for LU & breast abscess & swellings.
**Which group is for treatment of LU or breast abscess? Zhe Bei Mu, Jie Geng**
**To dissipate nodules, one would like to use: Zhe Bei Mu**
Gua Lou Sweet LI **Contraindicated for diarrhea due to deficiency & weakness of SP & ST. Shouldnt be combined w/ drugs of Aconitum
Cold LU complex.
Trichosanthes Fruit
ST ~ Clears heat & transforms phlegm-heat heat induced cough w/ thick sputum that is difficult to cough up. Can
melon vine
used alone, esp. in children.
~ Unbinds the chest & dissipates nodules qi accumulation in chest causing stifling or distention of the chest,
constriction, pain or pressure in the diaphragm.
**Which group is contraindicated in combination w/ Wu Tou? Ban Xie, Gua Lou**
Gua Lou Pi Sweet LU ~ Clears the LU & transforms phlegm for phlegm-heat in chest or dry cough w/ thick difficult to expectorate
Cold ST sputum
Trichosanthes Peel
LI & dry throat due to wind-heat.
melon vine skin
~ Regulates Qi & expands the chest for chest Bi, clumping in the chest, & early stage of breast abscess.
*HT disease chest pain & tightness, HT conditions.
Gua Lou Ren Sweet LU ~ Clears & transforms phlegm-heat for phlegm-heat cough. Cools & moistens. Esp. good for cough w/ chest
Seeds Cold ST pain
melon vine seeds LI & thick, difficult to expectorate sputum.
~ Expands the chest for accumulation of phlegm in the chest leading to stifling sensation, pain, or diaphragmatic
~ Moistens the Intestines for dry constipation, esp. when in a pattern of LU heat w/ dry mouth, thirst & irritability
**Which herb is the best choice for patient w/ hot phlegm, cough due to LU heat, chest pain, LU abscess, &
sometimes dry constipation? Gua Lou Ren**
Tian Zhu Sweet GB heaven bamboo yellow crystallized bamboo juice
Cold HT ~ Clears & transforms phlegm-heat for phlegm-heat in LU w/ thick difficult to expectorate sputum.
LV **Clears phlegm-heat in HT & GB HT = mania, fever, change of Shen, loss of consciousness, delirium, rattling
Bamboo Sugar
sound in throat, coma. LV/GB = fever, headache, tremors & spasms, thick yellow tongue fur, childhood convulsions,
stroke** - not great at phlegm in LU doesnt enter LU.
~ Clears the HT & settles tremors & convulsions spasms & convulsions due to phlegm-heat, wind-stroke w/
phlegm obstruction & gurgling sound in throat, childhood convulsion. Esp. useful in treating children.
**For which of the diseases is it better to use Tian Zhu Huang than Zhu Ren? Stroke & convulsions due to HT heat**
**best used by pouring decocted formula over its powdered form**
Zhu Li Sweet HT ~ Clears heat, transforms phlegm, & penetrates to the channels for phlegm obstructing the HT (sensory)
Cold LU orifices. Fainting, paralysis of hands or feet, or hemiplegia. *LU cough, chest pain, thick yellow sputum.
Bamboo drop
ST *HT seizure, stroke, change of consciousness, mental diseases
Bamboo Sap
~ Transforms phlegm-heat & stops cough small doses as a powerful adjunctive herb for phlegm-heat cough.
**Zhu Lis contraindication: patients w/ cold cough or loose stools from deficient SP**
**Which herb is contraindicated in case of loose stools due to SP Def? Zhu Li**
Zhu Ru Sweet LU ~ Clears & transforms phlegm-heat for heat in LU w/ thick sputum, stifling sensation in chest, or coughing blood.
Sl. cold ST Also for GB fire harboring phlegm & phlegm-heat. *ST = vomiting, nausea, bitter taste in mouth, bad breath,
Bamboo Shavings
GB Restlessness, disturbed sleep, insomnia. GB = nervous, very irritable, mucous, bitter taste in mouth, not able to
bamboo soft
make decisions, insomnia.
~ Clears heat & stops vomiting - *very good for vomiting. For vomiting or bitter or sour taste due to heat in ST, bad
breath, aversion to heat, & yellow greasy tongue fur. ST heat due to Excess or Def. Morning sickness.
~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding not common use
Fu Hai Shi Salty LU ~ Clears heat from LU & transforms heat for heat accumulation in LU w/ sputum that is thick & difficult to cough
Cold up
Fu Shi
Coughing blood. Most commonly used for chronic long-term disorders.
~ Softens hardness & dissipates phlegm nodules scrofula & similar disorders of phlegm-fire. Enlarged glands.
~ Promotes urination & unblocks the upper source of water for hot or stony painful urinary dribbling.
*good for urinary tract stones w/ painful urination or urination that stops mid-stream.
Hai Ge Ke Bitter LU ~ Clears heat & transforms phlegm for cough & wheezing due to phlegm-heat or constrained clumping of
Salty ST phlegm-
Ge Ke
Cold fire, which impairs the LUs clarifying & descending functions. Thick yellow sputum that is difficult to expectorate w/
Clam Shell
chest & rib pain.
~ Softens hardness & dissipates nodules phlegm-fire goiter & scrofula.
~ Controls acidity & stops pain used in powdered form, for epigastric pain & acid regurgitation. Currently used
pain due to excess ST acid as well as gastric & duodenal ulcers. Stops symptoms.
~ Mildly promotes urination superficial edema & urinary dysfunction
**Contraindicated in those w/ LU deficiency accompanied by cold, or in those w/ insufficient Yang**
**Which of the following is sl. toxic? Hai Ge Ke**
Kun Bu Salty KD ~ Reduces phlegm & softens areas of hardness for various kinds of nodules in the neck. Scrofula, goiter, or
Cold LV sensations of fullness & obstruction in the chest caused by phlegm. Recently used w/ substances that invigorate the
ST blood & transform stasis for thyroid tumors, TB lymphadenitis, & cirrhosis. *only treats enlarged gland type phlegm.
green material
~ Promotes urination & reduces swelling weak action, used as a helper for edema & leg qi.
Hai Zao Bitter KD ~ Reduces phlegm & softens areas of hardness for neck nodules such as goiter & scrofula. Also for bulging
Salty LV disorders, esp. those involving scrotum & testicles. *paired w/ Kun Bu often used together.
Cold LU ~ Promotes urination & reduces edema weak function. Used as helper for edema w/ urinary difficulty.
**Which of the following can promote urination & reduce edema? Hai Zao**
ocean grass ST
Pang Da Hai Sweet LI ~ Clears & disseminates LU qi for sore throat, hoarseness, phlegm-heat cough, constrained LU qi. Used alone
Sterculia Seed Cold LU as
fat big ocean a tea for hoarseness.
~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks bowels for mild to moderate constipation due to heat in Intestines, often
headache, red eyes, & fever. Can be used alone for mild cases.
~ Encourages the expression of rashes as helper, as external wash, for incomplete expression of rashes.
**caution in those w/ loose stools or diarrhea**
**For sore throat & hoarse voice, one can take: Pang Da Hai**
Huang Yao Zi Bitter LV (HT according to J. Su and Bensky 2)
Dioscorea Cold LU ~ Dissipates nodules & reduces goiter for goiter. Can be used alone in a tincture. **masses, nodules, Cancer of
Bulbifera tuber (toxic) Ht esophagus, ST, breast, thyroid, uterus, colon is the main use as decoction or powder, can also apply topically**
yellow medicine ~ Clears heat & resolves toxicity toxic swellings, swollen & painful throat, animal bites. Emergency phase of
snakebite never as a substitute for antivenom. Many types of Cancers esp. esophagus, ST, uterus, colon.
~ Cools blood & stops bleeding vomiting blood, coughing blood, uterine bleeding
~ Stops coughs & calms wheezing for cough of both acute & chronic bronchitis, whooping cough. Can be used
w/ rock candy Bing Tang. **toxic side effects = dry mouth, reduced appetite, nausea, abd pain, burning
sensation in mouth, tongue & pharynx, salivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, contracted pupils**
*can damage LV & blood if used too much, hair loss
Transform Phlegm-Cold
Ban Xia Spicy LU ~ Dries dampness, transforms phlegm & causes rebellious qi to descend cough w/ copious sputum, cold-
phlegm in LU. Esp. effective in transforming phlegm due to dampness in SP. Abdominal distention, fullness, poor
Warm SP
Zhi Ban Xia
Toxic ST appetite. Also used for heat-phlegm b/c so good for phlegm often combines w/ Zhu Ru for phlegm-heat.
Pinellia Rhizome
~ Directs rebellious qi downward & stops vomiting for nausea, vomiting due to many things cold, thin
half summer
ST Def., ST heat, or pregnancy
~ Dissipates nodules & reduces clumps for nodules, pressure, distention or pain due to phlegm in chest, phlegm
nodules in neck goiter, scrofula. Obstruction anywhere caused by phlegm. Focal distention in chest & epigastrum.
*Warm & drying, use w/ caution in patients w/ dry cough from Yin Def., sore throat from fire excess or bleeding.
**Contraindicated in combination w/ Wu Tou Ban Xia, Gua Lou. Which group is used for lingering damp-phlegm in
ST that rebels upwards causing nausea & vomiting? Xuan Fu Hua, Ban Xia**
**Which of the following can stop vomiting? Ban Xia**
Tian Nan Bitter LV ~ Dries dampness & expels phlegm for cough & stifling, distention sensation in chest due to stubborn phlegm.
Spicy LU *Extremely drying. Ray is very toxic
Warm SP ~ Disperses wind-phlegm & stops spasms for obstruction due to wind-phlegm, usually in channels, w/ dizziness,
vertigo, numbness of limbs, facial paralysis, spasms of hands & feet, opisthotonos, stroke, seizures, lockjaw.
star heaven Toxic
~ Reduces swelling & alleviates pain topically for deep-rooted sores, ulcers, carbuncles. Swelling due to trauma,
joint pain secondary to phlegm. Used unprepared for this use. Recently used topically for cervical cancer.
**Which of the following herbs are both toxic? Tian Nan Xing, Bai Fu Zi. Contraindicated during pregnancy**
*CI Pregnancy
Contraindicated for dry cough from Yin Def or stirring of wind from either intense heat or blood def,
**For wind & phlegm obstructing the channels & causing dizziness & seizures, one can use: Tian Nan Xing**
Dan Nan Bitter LV ~ Expels heat-phlegm thick yellow phlegm
Cold LU ~ Disperses wind-phlegm & stops spasms same as above.
SP *very similar to Tian Nan Xing but Cold so can be used to treat phlegm-heat.

Bai Fu Zi Spicy LV ~ Dries dampness, transforms phlegm, expels wind, stops spasms for wind-phlegm affecting the head
Sweet SP causing
white fu zi
Warm ST wind-stroke, facial paralysis, hemiplegia, migraines. **Bells Palsy used for over 1,000 yrs.
~ Resolves toxicity & dissipates nodules snakebite, scrofula, other nodules due to phlegm & toxicity. Generally
*CI Pregnancy Toxic
used topically for this in fresh form.
~ Dries dampness & stops pain & itching wind-cold-damp Bi, damp skin problems eczema can be powdered
applied topically.
**Contraindicated during pregnancy. Do not exceed 5 grams for internal consumption to avoid toxicity.
**This herb is spicy, sweet, warm & poisonous. Enters SP & ST & some say LV. It expels wind & cold & dampness &
alleviates pain, expels wind-phlegm, cleans toxins & reduces distention. Also used for snakebite**
**Which of the following is used for wind-phlegm affecting the head resulting in facial paralysis? Bai Fu Zi**
Xuan Fu Bitter LV ~ Reduces phlegm & promotes the dissipation of pathogenic water for phlegm & fluids clogging LUs or
Spicy LU problems due to accumulation of phlegm & thin mucous. Most appropriate for Cold, can be used for heat when
Hua Salty ST combines properly. *Plum Pit Qi.
Inula Flower Sl. warm SP ~ Redirects the qi downward & stops vomiting for vomiting, hiccups, belching rebellious ST qi.
turning come Morning sickness.
back flower **Needs to be wrapped when decocted**
*Inappropriate for dry cough due to Yin Def. or for debilitated patients w/ loose stools.
**Which of the following needs to be decocted in cheesecloth bag? Xuan Fu Hua**
Bai Qian Spicy LU ~ Redirects the qi downward, dispels phlegm, & stops cough cough w/ copious sputum & gurgling in throat.
Sweet Very important for LU qi blockage & stagnation. Wheezing. Not drying.
Cynanchum Root
Sl. warm *Only for Excess LU conditions wind-heat, wind-cold, phlegm-heat, phlegm-cold. Not for LU Qi or Yin Def. b/c spicy
Bai Jie Zi Spicy LU ~ Warms LU, regulates the qi, & expels phlegm for coughing of copious thin sputum, chest distention, pain due
White mustard Warm to
Seed accumulation of cold-phlegm, esp. in chronic disorders. **can be used to stimulate points topically**
~ Promotes movement of qi, disperses clumps, unblocks collaterals, & stops pain for phlegm-dampness
obstructing channels & collaterals, yin flat abscesses & spreading sores, phlegm nodules scrofula.
*Contraindicated in patients w/ chronic cough from LU deficiency or fire due to yin deficiency or blazing ST fire.
Overdose causes diarrhea.
**Dissipates nodules, reduces swellings & alleviates pain. Used when cold phlegm collects in channels causing
symptoms of joint pain & body aches**
Jie Geng Bitter LU ~ Opens up & disseminates the LU qi, dispels phlegm, & benefits the throat for cough, wheezing w/ profuse
Spicy sputum, throat pain, loss of voice. Can be used for cold or heat. *can thin phlegm & make it easier to cough up.
Platycodon Root
Neutral ~ Promotes discharge of pus LU abscess (pneumonia), throat abscess. LU abscess = fever, chest pain, yellow
straight hard
sputum w/ fishy smell, coughing up blood & pus.
~ Opens up & raises the LU qi while directing the actions of other herbs to upper region of body
to reinforce actions of other herbs that clear & drain the upper jiao, also to focus actions of a formula on upper jiao.
*B/c spicy, dispersing & draining, it is Contraindicated for chronic cough w/ yin def. or in patients w/ a tendency to
cough up blood.
**Jie Geng is bitter, spicy, & neutral. It is used for coughs. If a patient presents w/ cough, fever, & chills, no sweat,
stuffy nose & tight, floating pulse, which herbs should Jie Gen be used w/? Zi Su Ye, Ma Huang**
**Which of the following can direct the effect of other herbs to the upper region of the body? Jie Geng**
Zao Jiao Spicy LV ~ Draws out toxicity, discharges pus, invigorates the blood, & reduces swelling frequently used during early
Warm ST stages of swollen sores to encourage healing, or to induce those already formed to burst. External use.
soap bean
LU ~ Expels wind & kills parasites tinea, leprosy.
Gleditisia Thorn
~ Dispels phlegm & opens orifices & revives the spirit - **phlegm misting orifices = disconnection from outside
world, improper response to stimuli, coma, loss of consciousness
*CI Pregnancy
Contraindicated in those w/ open sores & pregnancy
**Which group is good for treatment of coma, stroke or seizures due to wind & cold phlegm? Zao Jiao, Tian Nan Xing**

Relieve Cough & Wheezing

Xing Ren Bitter LU ~ Stops cough & calms wheezing used broadly for many kinds of cough disorders caused by heat or cold,
depending on the combinations. B/c it is moist in nature, it is esp. useful for externally contracted dry cough.
Sl. warm LI
Apricot Seed
Sl. toxic ~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels secondary use. High in oil content.
**Which herb is bitter, warm, slightly poisonous? Enters the LU & LI. Functions to relieve cough & stop
wheezing, moisten the intestines & moves the stools. It should be decocted later.**
**Which of the following is sl. toxic? Xing Ren**
Zi Wan Spicy LU ~ Relieves cough & expels phlegm important for stopping coughs of various etiologies including wind-cold,
Bitter wind-heat, LU deficiency, & consumption. Mildy moistening cuz doesnt dry.
Aster Root
Sl. warm **Zi Wan & Kuan Dong Hua are often used together, but they have different functions. Which of the following
Purple Aster
functions is NOT correct? Zi Wan is spicy & warm & is used for cold cough**
purple soft
Kuan Dong Spicy LU ~ Moistens the LU, directs qi downward, stops coughs, & transforms phlegm commonly used for
Warm cough &
Hua wheezing from many different etiologies.
Tussilago flower
Special flower [b/c it guides qi down
slow winter flower
(Zi) Su Zi Spicy LI ~ Stops cough & calms wheezing, redirects qi downward, & dissolves phlegm for cough & wheezing w/
Warm LU copious phlegm. Esp. useful when exhalation is more labored than inhalation & there is a stifling sensation in
Perilla Fruit
the chest. (+ cold induced cough)
~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks stools for constipation due to dry Intestines
Pi Pa Ye Bitter LU ~ Transforms phlegm, clears LU heat, & redirects LU qi downward for LU heat or LU dryness patterns
Neutral ST w/
Loquat Leaf
cough & wheezing.
~ Harmonizes the ST, clears ST heat, & redirects ST qi downward nausea, vomiting, hiccups, &
due to ST heat
**Which herb is special for clearing LU & ST heat & redirecting Qi of both organs downward? Pi Pa Ya**
**Pi Pa Ya has actions of: Harmonizing ST (maybe Moistening LU & stopping coughing)**
Bai Bu Sweet LU ~ Moistens the LU & stops cough for both acute & chronic cough. Esp. useful for cough from deficiency,
Bitter including yin deficiency.
Stemona Root
Sl. warm ~ Expels parasites & kills lice topically as either a tincture or a decoction for head or body lice or fleas. Also
hundred parts
used as a wash for bacterial vaginosis & as a nightly retained enema for pinworm.
**Which herb is used to expel parasites, kill lice, moisten the LU & alleviate cough?**
Sang Bai Pi Sweet LU ~ Drains heat from LU, stops coughs, & calms wheezing for cough & wheezing due to LU heat
~ Promotes urination & reduces edema disorders where LU heat obstructs the downward movement of LU
Mulberry Root Bark Cold qi, preventing water from moving & cutting off perspiration. Manifests as floating edema, facial edema, swelling
of extremities, fever & thirst, urinary difficulty, & floating pulse.
~ Also recently used for hypertension can soak feet to lower blood pressure
**Which herbs are used to expel water & reduce edema? Sang Bai Pi, Ting Li Zi**
**Used to alleviate cough & wheezing, quell heat in the LU, promote urination & reduce edema. It is also used
in treating hypertension**
Ting Li Zi Spicy LU ~ Drains the LU, reduces phlegm, & calms wheezing excess-type wheezing or cough w/ copious sputum
Bitter UB &
Tingli Seed
V. cold a gurgling sound in the throat due to phlegm accumulation or LU heat.
Lepidium Seed
~ Moves water & reduces edema for facial edema or fluid accumulation in the chest or abdomen w/ urinary
tal standing up seed
difficulty due to excess-type obstruction of the LU or UB qi.

Ma Dou Ling Bitter LU ~ Clears the LU, transforms phlegm, stops coughing, & calms wheezing for cough or wheezing due to
Sl. cold LI LU heat w/ rebellious qi.
Birthwort Fruit
~ Clears & drains heat from excess in the LI while reducing swelling & pain for swelling & pain in &
Aristolochia Fruit
around the anus due to accumulation of heat in the LI bleeding hemorrhoids.
horse bag bell
*J. Su For Hypertension w/ lightheadedness & flushing often during menopause
**A male patient has cough & wheezing due to LU heat. Sometimes there is blood in the phlegm. He has had
high blood pressure & hemorrhoids for a few years. Which herb is good for him? Ma Dou Ling**
**Which of the following is toxic? Ma Dou Ling**
Bai Guo Sweet KD ~ Preserves the LU & arrests wheezing for wheezing w/ coughing. Esp. useful for chronic coughs or those
Bitter LU w/ copious sputum.
Ginko Nut
Astringent ~ Eliminates dampness, stops discharge, & contains the urine for vaginal discharge & turbid urine.
white nut
Used both in cases of deficiency & damp-heat. Leukorrhea.
*J. Su Stabilizes the Lower Jiao leakage of lower jiao KD cant store Essence frequent urination,
incontinence or urine, seminal emission, premature ejaculation. Often used w/ tonifying qi herbs
**Which herb is used to stop wheezing & treats leukorrhea? - Bai Guo**
**Which of the following can be used for urinary frequency or incontinence? Bai Guo**

Anchor, Settle, & Calm the Spirit

Long Gu / Sweet HT ~ Settles anxiety & calms the spirit for emotional restlessness, insomnia, palpitations w/ anxiety, or even
Astringent LV seizures or withdrawal-mania due to an agitated HT & spirit.
Chi Neutral KD ~ Calms the LV & anchors & preserves the floating Yang for irritability, restlessness, dizziness, vertigo,
Dragon Bone / teeth blurred vision, & bad temper due to LV Yin def. w/ deficient Yang transgressing upward.
Fossilized vertebrae ~ Prevents leakage of fluids for loss of fluids due to deficiency including spermatorrhea, night-sweats,
of bones of extremities spontaneous sweating, nocturnal emission, vaginal discharge, & uterine bleeding
of mammals *requires longer cooking time cook 30 min or so b4 adding other herbs bones, minerals, shells
~ Used topically (calcined & powdered) for chronic, non-healing sores & ulcers
Ci Shi Spicy KD ~ Anchors & calms the spirit restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, or tremors. Esp. in patients w/ Yin Def.
Salty LV & ascendent Yang. Particularly useful when KD Def. leads to upward blazing of LV fire that deranges &
Magnetite - magnet
Cold disturbs the HT spirit. Also used for dizziness or vertigo in patients w/ similar patterns, or convulsions in
children caused by shock.
~ Nourishes the KD, augments the LV, & improves hearing & vision impaired hearing or deafness,
tinnitus, or visual disturbances due to LV & KD deficiency (Excess above & Deficiency below LV Yang
Rising due to KD Def)
~ Aids the KD in grasping the qi for chronic asthma due to failure of KD to grasp the qi
**Which of the following is able to help KD to grasp Qi? Ci Shi**
Zhu Sha Sweet HT ~ Sedates the HT & calms the spirit restlessness, palpitations w/ anxiety, insomnia, or convulsions. Can
Cool be
Toxic used in treating patterns of heat from excess, phlegm, or blood def. depending on how its combined.
~ Expels phlegm & sedates jitteriness & convulsions while stopping tremors seizures, childhood
convulsions, & other problems due to phlegm-heat blocking the PC & HT. Often seen in warm pathogen
~ Clears heat, resolves toxicity, & prevents putrefaction topically for carbuncles, mouth sores, sore
and snakebite
Hu Po Sweet UB ~ Arrests tremors & palpitations & calms the spirit palpitations w/ anxiety, excessive dreams, insomnia,
Neutral HT forgetfulness, anxiety, & seizures due to disturbance of the spirit. Also childhood convulsions & seizures.
LV ~ Invigorates the blood, dissipates stasis, & unblocks the menses amenorrhea or pain associated w/
palpable fixed masses due to blood stasis. Can be used alone for this. Recently used in treating coronary
artery disease
~ Promotes urination & unblocks painful urinary dribbling urinary retention or painful urinary dribbling
esp. w/ bloody urine
~ Reduces swelling & promotes healing topically for sores, carbuncles, ulcerations of the skin. Also for
swelling & pain in the area of the scrotum or vulva.
**Which herb is the best one for retention of urine, anuria? Hu Po**
**Which of the following is often used in powder & pill forms? Hu Po**

Nourish HT & Calm the Spirit

Suan Zao Sweet GB ~ Nourishes the HT Yin, augments the LV blood, & quiets the spirit irritability, insomnia, & palpitations
Sour HT w/
Ren Neutral LV anxiety due to either blood deficiency (inability to nourish the HT) or yin def. (w/ upward-flaring fire)
Spiny zizyphus seeds ~ Prevents abnormal sweating for both spontaneous sweating & night-sweating
Sour Date Seeds **Which herb prevents abnormal sweating? Suan Zao Ren**
Bai Zi Ren Sweet HT ~ Nourishes the HT & calms the spirit irritability, insomnia, forgetfulness, & palpitations w/ anxiety due to
Neutral KD HT Yin Def. & insufficient blood. Also used alone in powder form for night terrors in children.
Arborvitae Seeds
LI ~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels constipation in elderly, debilitated, & postpartum
Cyperus Seeds
women due to blood or Yin Def.
~ Also used for night-sweats due to Yin Deficiency
**Which herb moistens the Intestines? Bai Zi Ren**
Yuan Zhi Bitter HT ~ Calms the spirit & quiets the HT insomnia, palpitations w/ anxiety, restlessness, & disorientation. Most
Spicy LU effective in cases related to excessive brooding or constrained, pent-up emotions as well as those related to
Polygala Root
Sl. warm lack of communication between the HT & KD for disharmony between HT & KD (enhances memory J.Su)
extend will
~ Expels phlegm, clears the orifices, & stops coughs used when phlegm envelopes the orifice of the
w/ emotional & mental disorientation, spasms, or seizures. Also for phlegm affecting the LU w/ copious
sputum, esp. when it is difficult to expectorate. Recently been used for angina pectoris.
~ Reduces abscesses & dissipates swellings boils, abscesses, sores, & swollen, painful breasts.
Topically in powder form for early stages of sores.
**This herb has the action of expels phlegm: Yuan Zhi**
He Huan Pi Sweet HT ~ Calms the spirit & relieves constraint bad temper, depression, insomnia, irritability, & poor memory
Neutral LV due
Silktree Bark
to constrained emotions. (J.Su mostly used for sleep problems, also in Dermatology for itching making
patient irritable & unable to sleep)
tree of harmony &
~ Harmonizes the blood, stops pain, & reconnects the sinews & bones pain & swelling, also pain
associated w/ chronic, degenerative disease of the joints & muscles.
~ Dissipates swelling & reduces abscesses pain & swelling of abscesses, both external & internal
*Caution Pregnancy
**Which herb invigorates the blood & alleviates pain? He Huan Pi**
**Which of the following can calm the spirit & relieve constraint? He Huan Pi**

Aromatic Herbs that Open the Orifices

She Xiang Spicy HT ~ Vigorously opens the orifices, revives the spirit, & unblocks closed disorders - intensely aromatic &
penetrating treats wide variety of problems that impair consciousness related to heat or cold. Heat
Warm SP
Naval gland secretions
Aromatic LV penetrating the PC due to warm-heat pathogen disease (convulsions, delirium, stupor, & fainting), closed
of deer Musk
disorders, titanic collapse, phlegm collapse, & seizures.
~ Invigorates the blood, dissipates clumps, reduces swelling, & A.P. fixed, palpable masses, toxic sores,
*CI Pregnancy
& carbuncles. Also used to clear obstructions to the channels & collaterals due to trauma or painful obstruction.
& Heat conditions
Recently used in treating coronary artery disease ingested or applied topically
~ Hastens delivery & facilitates the downward passage of stillborns when dead fetus or placenta fails to
descend. Can induce abortion.
**Which of the following is contraindicated during pregnancy? She Xiang**
Su He Xiang Sweet HT ~ Opens the orifices & penetrates through turbidity to awaken the spirit closed disorders, phlegm
Spicy SP collapse,
Reson of Rose Maloes
Warm & epidemic toxic diseases. Esp. indicated for cold disorders. (J.Su phlegm blocking orifices change of
consciousness, coma)
smooth harmony Aromatic
~ Opens up areas of constraint & clears away filth stifling sensations, cold, fullness, & pain in the chest &
abdomen. Recently used for coronary artery disease & biliary colic. Applied topically for chilblain.
*Caution Pregnancy
*J.Su severe chest pain blood stasis HT attack
Bing Pian Spicy HT ~ Opens the orifices, awakens the spirit, & unblocks closed disorders impaired consciousness, various
Bitter LU types of fainting & convulsions
Mildly SP ~ Clears heat, drains fire, resolves toxicity, clears the eyes, removes superficial visual obstruction, &
eyes small pieces
stops pain heat leading to headache, red & swollen eyes, superficial visual obstruction, sores in the mouth
~ Clears heat, A.P., dissipates nodules, & alleviates itching topically for pain & swelling of the throat, skin
*Caution Pregnancy
diseases such as sores & scabies, eye disorders such as photophobia or excessive tearing. Commonly used
in topically-applied powders to regenerate flesh.
**Which herb is used for pain & swelling in the throat, scabies, photophobia, excessive tearing? Bing Pian**
Shi Chang Spicy HT ~ Opens the orifices, dislodges phlegm, removes filth, & quiets the spirit phlegm-dampness veiling &
blocking the sensory orifices w/ deafness, dizziness, forgetfulness, dulled sensorium, as well as seizures or
Pu Bitter ST stupor.
Warm ~ Transforms turbid dampness, awakens the SP, & promotes movement of qi chest & epigastric
Aromatic fullness
rock growing by
& abdominal distention & pain due to dampness & turbidity obstructing the middle jiao
~ Promotes blood flow & reduces swelling both internally & topically for wind-cold-damp Bi, trauma, sores
**Which herb harmonizes the middle burner & transforms turbid dampness? Shi Chang Pu**

Extinguishes Wind & Stops Tremors

Ling Yang Jiao Salty HT ~ Drains LV heat, calms the LV, extinguishes wind & controls spasms & convulsion childhood
convulsions & seizure disorders as well as stubborn high fevers & internal stirring of wind due to intense
Antelope Horn Cold LV
heat. Important for treating internal stirring of LV wind. Commonly used for childhood convulsions due to
high fever.
~ Calms LV & anchors the Yang for ascendant LV Yang w/ dizziness, vertigo, irritability & restlessness,
splitting headaches. Can be used as part of a formula for hypertension.
~ Clears the LV & improves the vision headache, red & swollen eyes, photophobia due to blazing LV
~ Drains heat & resolves fire toxicity warm-heat pathogen diseases w/ high fever, delirium, manic
behavior, & in extreme cases loss of consciousness. Heat in PC.
~ Clears damp-heat also used for wind-damp-heat painful obstruction
**Which herb cures heat & detoxifies fire poison for warm febrile diseases? Ling Yang Jiao**
**Which of the following clears heat & fire toxicity? Ling Yang Jiao**
Gou Teng Sweet PC ~ Extinguishes wind & alleviates spasms patterns of LV heat w/ internal stirring of LV wind w/ tremors,
Sl. cold LV seizures, & eclampsia.
Uncaria Vine
~ Drains LV heat & pacifies LV Yang for LV fire & ascendant LV yang patterns w/ headache, irritability,
Hook Vine
eyes, & dizziness. *Recently used for hypertension, esp. of this type.
~ Releases the exterior exterior WH patterns w/ fever, headache, & red eyes
**When preparing a decoction, one should not cool what herb for more than 10 minutes? Gou Teng**
Tian Ma Sweet LV ~ Calms the LV, extinguishes wind, & controls spasms & tremors very important herb for internal LV
Neutral wind, whether caused by heat or cold. For headache, dizziness, childhood convulsions, epilepsy, tonic-
Gastrodia Rhizome
clonic spasms, opisthotonos, tetany, & wind-stroke.
~ Extinguishes wind & A.P. headaches, dizziness, migraine headaches that occur w/ wind-phlegm
patterns. Also for wind-stroke w/ hemiplegia, dizziness, & numbness in extremities. Can be used for both
Excessive & Deficient conditions.
~ Disperses painful obstruction wind-damp Bi w/ pain & numbness of the lower back & extremities.
**Which herb disperses painful obstruction, used for pain & numbness in the lower back & extremities**
Bai Ji Li Spicy LV ~ Calms the LV & anchors the Yang for headache, vertigo, dizziness from ascendant LV Yang.
Bitter ~ Dredges the LV Qi to smooth its flow while dispersing constraint & clumping for pain & distention
Caltrop Fruit
Neutral in
the chest or flanks, irregular menstruation, or insufficient lactation from constrained LV Qi.
White Weapon
~ Dispels wind-heat & brightens the eyes for red, swollen, & painful eyes as well as increased tearing.
~ Dispels wind & stops itching for any type of skin lesion w/ significant itching, such as hives. Also used
*Caution Pregnancy
for vitiligo, sometimes used alone.
Shi Jue Ming Salty KD ~ Drains LV fire & anchors & sedates the LV Yang for LV fire & ascendant LV Yang patterns w/
Cold LV headache, dizziness, red eyes. *Commonly used for hypertension w/ ascendant LV Yang.
Abalone Shell
~ Improves the vision & causes superficial visual obstruction to recede for LV heat patterns that
the eyes causing photophobia, pterygium or other superficial visual obstructions, red eyes, & blurred vision.
~ Recently also used for increased gastric acidity & topically for bleeding due to trauma.
**When preparing a decoction, this herb often needs to be cooked first: Shi Jue Ming**
**Shi Jue Ming is: Cold**
Di Long Salty UB ~ Drains heat, settles convulsions, extinguishes wind, & stops spasms for extremely high fever
Cold LV leading
LU to changes in consciousness, incoherent speech, convulsions, & seizures. Can be used alone. *Recently
also used for schizophrenia of the hot-manic type.
~ Clears heat & unblocks & promotes movement in the channels & collaterals swollen & painful
w/ reduced range of motion. Most commonly for hot Bi, but also can be used for cold Bi if combines
properly. Also used for hemiplegia due to lack of flow in the channels, such as the sequelae of wind-stroke.
~ Clears heat & calms wheezing wheezing, esp. due to LU Heat. Can take alone for this as a powder
ingested directly (or in capsules) or the fresh product can be decocted w/ added sugar to form a syrup.
~ Clears heat & promotes urination for hot painful urinary dribbling, & in severe cases, edema. Esp.
useful for problems associated w/ heat clumping in the UB w/ urinary difficulty or inability to urinate (alone if
you want)
~ Also used recently for hypertension associated w/ ascendant LV Yang patterns
**Which herb promotes urination & stops wheezing? Di Long**
(Bai) Jiang Spicy LV ~ Extinguishes wind & stops spasms & convulsions for childhood convulsions or facial paralysis. Also
Salty LU for seizures from either internal stirring of LV wind or wind-phlegm-heat, esp. the latter.
Can Neutral ~ Dispels wind, disperses wind-heat, & stops itching & pain headache, red eyes, & sore, swollen
Silkworm throat, as well as itching skin lesions such as heat rash, from either externally-contracted wind-heat or LV
wind. Also for loss of voice.
~ Transforms phlegm, softens what is hard, & dissipates nodules phlegm-heat scrofula & other
~ Expels wind & stops itching itching skin lesions such as wind rash
**Which herb clears & benefits the throat? Bia Jiang Can**
**This herb can be used for skin rash & itching due to wind Bai Jiang Can**
Quan Xie Salty LV ~ Extinguishes wind & stops tremors & convulsions LV wind & phlegm patterns w/ spasms, acute or
Spicy chronic childhood convulsions, tetany, opisthotomos, tics, muscular tetany, & seizures. One of the more
Neutral effective wind-extinguishing substances.
~ Tracks down wind, unblocks the collaterals, & stops pain for stubborn headaches (including
*CI Pregnancy Toxic
migraines) & painful obstruction.
~ Attacks & resolves fire toxicity & dissipates nodules used topically for toxic sores, swellings, &
scrofula - in accordance w/ the maxim use toxin to attack toxin
**Which herb contraindicated in deficient blood generated wind patterns & pregnancy? Quan Xie**
**Which of the following is toxic? Quan Xie**

~ Extinguishes wind & stops spasms & convulsions for acute & chronic childhood convulsions,
Wu Gong Spicy LV opisthotonos, lockjaw, & seizures.
Centipede Warm ~ Attacks toxin & dissipates nodules used topically for toxic nodules in general including sores,
Toxic carbuncles, & neck lumps. Also used for poisonous snakebite.
*CI Pregnancy ~ Unblocks the collaterals & stops pain for stubborn headaches (including migraines) & painful
**Which herb is contraindicated during pregnancy? Wu Gong**
(Dai) Zhe Shi Bitter HT ~ Sedates & anchors the LV Yang & clears LV Fire for ascendant LV Yang w/ dizziness, vertigo,
Cold LV headaches, sensation of pressure around the eyes, or tinnitus.
PC ~ Strongly directs rebellious qi downward for belching, vomiting, hiccups, & acute wheezing.
~ Cools the Blood & stops bleeding for vomiting blood & nosebleeds. Primarily used for bleeding due to
*Caution Pregnancy
hot blood, but can also be used for bleeding due to cold from Deficiency when combined properly. Can be
used alone for this.
**Which herb stops bleeding & guides blood downward? Die Zhe Shi**
**Which of the following is used for belching & vomiting caused by rebellious Qi? Dai Zhe Shi**
Mu Li Salty LV ~ Heavily settles & calms the spirit for palpitations w/ anxiety, restlessness, & insomnia.
Astringent KD ~ Benefits the Yin & anchors the floating Yang for irritability, insomnia, dizziness, headache, tinnitus,
Oyster Shell
Cool blurred vision, bad temper, or a red, flushed face due to Yin Def. w/ ascendant Yang.
~ Prevents the leakage of fluids for continuous sweating in patients w/ steaming bone disorder or in the
aftermath of a warm-heat pathogen disease. Also used as an astringent for spontaneous sweating,
night-sweats, nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea or vaginal discharge, & uterine bleeding due to deficiency.
~ Softens hardness & dissipates nodules various kinds of lumps. Particularly useful for lumps in the
such as scrofula & goiter.
~ Absorbs acidity & A.P. used in calcined form for excessive ST pain w/ sour taste in the mouth.
**Which herb prevents the leakage of fluids good for leukorrhea & uterine bleeding from deficiency?**

Tonify Qi
Ren Shen Sweet LU ~ Powerfully tonifies the primal Qi for extreme collapse of the Qi or abandoned conditions that
Sl. bitter SP manifest in shallow breathing, shortness of breath, cold limbs, profuse sweating, & a pulse so minute
Ginseng Root
Sl. warm or weak that it is almost imperceptible. Can occur after loss of blood, overly profuse sweating, or
other problems related to severe fluid loss; can be used alone for this.
~ Strengthens the SP & tonifies the ST for lethargy, lack of appetite, chest & abd. distention,
diarrhea, & prolapse of ST, uterus, or rectum.
~ Tonifies the LU & augments the Qi wheezing, shortness of breath, labored breathing on exertion
due to LU Qi Def. Usually also failure of KD to grasp Qi.
~ Generates fluids & stops thirst wasting & thirsting, also cases when the Qi & fluids have been
injured by high fever & profuse sweating.
~ Benefits the HT Qi & calms the spirit palpitations w/ anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, &
restlessness due to Qi & Blood Def.
~ Miscellaneous adjunctive effect b/c it strongly tonifies the primal qi, which underlies & supports all
Qi activities of the body, it is used in a wide variety of situations where the stronger primal Qi will
Indirectly aid in their resolution.
**Which ones function is powerfully tonifies the original Qi? Ren Shen**
**The properties of Ren Shen are: sweet, sl. bitter, sl. warm**
Xi Yang Shen sweet HT ~ Benefits the Qi, generates fluids, & nourishes the Yin for Yin Def. w/ heat signs & chronic,
sl. bitter KD unabating fever. Also for the aftermath of a febrile disease w/ weakness, irritability, & thirst.
American Ginseng cold lU ~ Nurtures the LU Yin & clears fire from the LU LU Qi & Yin Def. w/ depleted fluids & blazing fire
Root from deficiency, which impairs the clearing & dispersing functions. Long-term wheezing & coughing
up blood-streaked sputum. Also for cough, coughing blood, & loss of voice due to LU Yin Def.
**The Following are Qi Tonifying Herbs. Which ones function is benefits the Qi, generates fluids,
nourishes the Yin? Xi Yang Shen**
Dang Shen Sweet LU ~ Tonifies the middle jiao & augments the Qi lack of appetite, fatigue, tired limbs, diarrhea,
Neutral SP vomiting,
Codonopsis Root
or any chronic illness w/ SP Qi Def. Also for symptoms of prolapse of uterus, ST, or rectum due to
Poor Mans Ginseng
collapse of SP Qi.
~ Tonifies the LU LU Deficiency w/ chronic cough & shortness of breath, or copious sputum due to
Qi Deficiency.
~ Also used w/ herbs that release the exterior or drain downward when the presentation
significant Qi Def. supports the normal while the other herbs expel the pathogenic influences.
**Which ones function is general tonifies Qi? Dan Shen**
Tai Zi Shen Sweet LU ~ Strengthens the SP & augments the Qi for SP & ST Def. w/ fatigue & lack of appetite. Also for
Sl. bitter SP LU
Pseudostollaria Root
Neutral Qi Def. w/ spontaneous sweating.
Baby Ginseng
~ Generates fluids thirst & injury to fluids after a febrile disease. Also for unrelenting fever or
summer-heat in children.
**Which ones function is generates fluids used for unremitting fever or for summer heat in children?**
Huang Qi Sweet LU ~ Tonifies the Qi & Blood postpartum fever due to Qi & Blood deficiency. Also used in recovery
Sl. warm SP stage
Astragalus Root
from severe loss of blood.
Yellow Qi
~ Tonifies the SP & raises the Yang for SP Def. w/ lack of appetite, fatigue, & diarrhea. Use for a
wide variety of problems related to SP Qi Def. including Qi failing to contain the blood, sinking &
collapse of the middle Qi, LU & SP Qi Def., insufficiency of both Qi & Blood, & fever from Qi Def.
~ Augments the protective Qi & stabilizes the exterior for def. w/ spontaneous sweating (b/c it
stabilizes the protective Qi). Tonifies the LU & used for frequent colds or shortness of breath. Can be
used for excessive sweating assoc. w/ Qi, Yang, or Yin Def. depending on how its combined. Can be
used to produce a therapeutic sweat when diaphoretics dont work.
~ Promotes urination & reduces edema for edema from Def. marked by superficial edema &
reduced urination. Can be used alone for this.
~ Promotes the discharge of pus & generates flesh for chronic ulcerations & sores due to Def.
either have trouble forming pus or have formed pus but are not draining or healing well.
~ For wasting & thirsting disorder, numbness of limbs, paralysis, & painful obstruction
**Which of the following herbs raises the yang qi of the SP & ST? Huang Qi**
**For chronic sores due to deficiency that have formed pus but have not drained well, one can use**
Shan Yao Sweet KD ~ Tonifies & augments the SP & ST for SP or ST Def. w/ diarrhea, fatigue, spontaneous sweating,
Neutral LU & lack of appetite.
Dioscorea Rhizome
SP ~ Tonifies the LU Qi & augments the LU Yin for chronic cough or wheezing due to LU Def.
Chinese Yam
~ Tonifies the KD & stabilizes & binds b/c it moistens & is neither hot nor cold, it benefits both the
Mountain Medicine
Yin & Yang of LU & KD. It is therefore used in treating wasting & thirsting, sometimes in large dosage
as a stand-alone herb. It also secures the Essence & treats spermatorrhea, urinary frequency, &
vaginal discharge.
Bai Zhu Bitter SP ~ Tonifies the SP & augments the Qi for SP or ST Def. w/ diarrhea, fatigue, sallow complexion, &
Sweet ST lack of appetite.
Atractylodes Rhizome
Warm ~ Dried dampness & promotes water metabolism for accumulation of fluids affecting digestion as
White Tree
well as edema & reduced urination due to SP Def. & its failure to transform & transport. Used as an
auxiliary herb for damp Bi.
~ Stabilizes the exterior & stops sweating for spontaneous sweating due to Qi Def. Can be used
for other types of sweating when combined properly.
~ Calms the fetus for restless fetus , esp when due to SP Def.
**Which of the following herbs stops sweating & restless fetus? Bai Zhu**
**Which of the following is able to calm the fetus? Bai Zhu**
Da Zao Sweet SP ~ Tonifies the SP & augments the Qi for weakness, shortness of breath, lassitude, reduced
Warm ST appetite,
& loose stools due to SP & ST Def. Can be prepared w/ rice or milled gruel for this purpose.
Chinese Date
~ Nourishes the Blood & calms the spirit for the wan appearance, irritability, & severe emotional
Big Date
lability associated w/ restless organ disorder.
~ Moderates & harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
Gan Cao Unprepared: All ~ Tonifies the SP & augments the Qi commonly used for SP Def. w/ shortness of breath, lassitude,
Sweet 12 & loose stools. Also for Qi or Blood Def. patterns w/ irregular or intermittent pulse &/or palpitations.
Licorice Root
Neutral HT ~ Moistens the LU & stops coughs cough & wheezing. B/c its neutral, it can be used for either
Sweet Medicine
*CI w/: Yuan Hua Dry-Fried: LU
or cold in the LU & for either productive or nonproductive coughs.
Da Ji Sweet SP ~ Moderates spasms & A.P. for painful spasms of the abdomen or legs. Traditionally this effect is
Gan Sui Warm ST only seen when combined w/ Bai Shao.
Hai Zao
~ Clears heat & resolves fire toxicity used unprepared for carbuncles, sores, or sore throat due to
fire toxin. Can be taken internally or applied topically.
~ Used as an antidote for a variety of toxic substances, both internally & topically
~ Moderates & harmonizes the characteristics of other herbs
**Which of the following herbs moderates & harmonizes the characteristics of other herbs?**
(Bai) Bian Sweet SP ~ Strengthens the SP, nourishes the ST, transforms dampness, & harmonizes the middle for
Neutral ST chronic diarrhea w/ loud ST growling & reduced appetite due to SP Def. Also for vaginal discharge due
Dou to SP Def.
~ Clears summer-heat accompanied by dampness for summer-heat patterns, esp. w/ pronounced
diarrhea or vomiting.
Hyancinth Bean
~ Treats poisoning for a variety of food related poisoning, including from spoiled food.
White Flat Bean
**Which of the following herbs clears summer-heat? Bian Dou**
Yi Tang Sweet LU ~ Tonifies the Sp & augments the Qi for overexertion that injures the SP w/ shortness of breath &
Sl. warm SP reduced appetite.
Malt Sugar, Maltose
ST ~ Tonifies the middle jiao Qi & A.P. for abdominal pain due to cold from deficiency of the middle jiao
w/ excessive salivation, pale tongue w/ white coating, & a deep, slow pulse.
~ Moistens the LU & stops coughs for dry, nonproductive coughs w/ labored, slow breathing, & a
weak voice due to LU deficiency.

Tonify Yang
Lu Rong Sweet KD ~ Tonifies the KD & fortifies the Yang patterns of KD Yang Def. w/ fatigue, impotence, cold extremities,
Salty LV lightheadedness, tinnitus, soreness & lack of strength in the lower back & knees, & frequent, copious, clear
Deer Velvet
Warm urination
Deer Small Hair
~ Warms the Yang, regulates the Penetrating & Conception Vessels, & stabilizes the Girdle Vessel for
vaginal discharge or uterine bleeding due to cold from Def. Also for infertility w/ a cold Womb can be used
alone for this.
~ Tonifies the Du Vessel, augments the Essence & blood, & strengthens the sinews & bones esp. for
cases of def. Essence & Blood in children w/ such physical &/or mental development disorders as failure to
thrive, mental retardation, Learning disabilities, insufficient growth, or skeletal deformities (including rickets).
Also for non-healing fractures w/ KD Def. & exhaustion of Essence. Nonhealing ulcers. Can be used alone for
~ Tonifies & nourishes the Qi & blood chronic ulcerations or yin-type boils (concave, ooze clear fluid, & dont
**Does NOT calm the fetus** **Which of the following can tonify Du meridian & treat skeletal deformities?**
**Which of the following are salty? Lu Rong, Rou Cong Rong, Ge Jie** **Lu Rong enters KD & LV**
Ge Jie Salty LU ~ Tonifies the LU Qi & assists the KD Yang KD & LU Def, when KDs are unable to grasp the qi, manifesting
Neutral KD as wheezing. Also for consumptive cough or cough w/ blood-streaked sputum
~ Assists the KD Yang & augments the Essence & Blood impotence, daybreak diarrhea, & urinary frequency
from KD Yang Def.
Dong Chong Sweet LU ~ Augments the KD & tonifies the Yang for impotence & sore & weak lower back & lower extremities
Warm KD associated w/ KD Yang Def.
Xia Cao ~ Tonifies the KD Yang, augments the LU Yin, transforms phlegm, & stops bleeding chronic coughs,
wheezing from def., or consumptive coughs w/ blood-streaked sputum. Tonifies both Yin & Yang & can be
Chinese catipillar
taken long term.
**Which one nourishes the LU Yin? Dong Chong Xia Cao**
winter bug
**For chronic cough w/ blood-streaked sputum & wheezing from deficiency, one uses: Dong Chong Xia Cao**
summer herb
**Which of the folliwing has the actions of tonifying KD Yang, augmenting LU Yin, transforming phlegm, & stopping
bleeding? Dong Chong Xia Cao**
Rou Cong Sweet LI ~ Tonifies the KD Yang & augments the Essence & Blood KD Yang Def. w/ impotence, spermatorrhea,
Salty KD urinary incontinence, post-urinary dribbling, & cold pains in the lower back & knees. In women w/ cold from
Warm def. of the Womb w/ infertility, excessive uterine bleeding, or vaginal discharge
~ Moistens the Intestines & facilitates passage of stool for constipation involving dry Intestines from
flesh/meat know
inadequate fluids, esp. in the elderly, but also in the debilitated or those w/ def. blood or qi.
how to well in a
**Which one tonifies the KD, fortifies the Yang & moistens dry Intestines? Rou Cong Rong**
relaxed way
**Which one can moisten the intestines & open the bowels? Rou Cou Rong**
Suo Yang Sweet LI ~ Tonifies the KD, assists the Yang, & augments the LV Yin & Blood KD Yang Def. leading to impotence,
Warm KD infertility, urinary frequency, & spermatorrhea. Also for atrophy disorder from LV & KD def.
Fleshy Stem
LV ~ Moistens the Intestines, unblocks the bowels, augments the Essence & nourishes the Blood
Of Cynomorium
lock/secure yang
from Qi or Blood Def.
Yin Yang Huo Spicy KD ~ Tonifies the KD & fortifies the Yang KD Yang Def. w/ impotence, infertility, urinary frequency, forgetfulness,
Sweet LV withdrawal, & painful cold lower back & knees
Xian Ling Pi
Warm ~ Dispels wind-cold-dampness & warms & unblocks the flow of Yang Qi for wind-cold-damp Bi w/ spasms
Aerial parts of
cramps in hands & feet, joint pain, & numbness in extremities. Also for contractures, numbness, or hemiplegia
immortal magic sp
following wind-stroke **shouldnt be decocted for long periods of time b/c it injure the Yin
excessive goat
Ba Ji Tian Spicy KD ~ Tonifies the KD & fortifies the Yang for KD Yang Def. w/ impotence, male or female infertility, premature
Sweet ejaculation, urinary frequency, incontinence of urine, irregular menstruation, cold & painful lower abdomen,
Morinda Root
Sl. warm & weak & sore back.
a place traditional
~ Disperses wind-dampness & strengthens the sinews & bones wind-cold-damp Bi w/ underlying KD def.
weapon, heaven
w/ tight musculature of the lower back & legs, joint pain, & difficulty moving.
Hu Lu Ba Bitter KD ~ Warms the KD, disperses dampness & cold, & A.P. KD Yang Def. accompanied by accumulation of cold
Warm or stagnant qi. Abdominal or flank distention & pain or bulging disorders. Also cold-damp leg qi.
Fenugreek Seed
Hu Tao Sweet KD ~ Tonifies the KD & strengthens the back & knees KD Def. w/ cold & painful back & knees & urinary
Warm LI frequency
Rou LU ~ Warms the LU & helps the KD grasp qi def. LU chronic cough & wheezing that worsens w/ any exertion due
/Ren to LU & KD Def.
~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels constipation in the elderly or that associated w/ injured fluids
following a febrile disorder
foreign peach
meat seed
Bu Gu Zhi Spicy KD ~ Tonifies KD & fortifies the Yang KD Yang Def. w/ impotence, premature ejaculation, enuresis, urinary
Bitter SP frequency, cold & painful lower back, or weakness of the lower back & extremities. *Helps KD grasp Qi to treat
Psoralea Fruit
V. warm wheezing.
tonify bone fat/oil
~ Tonifies & warms the SP Yang & stops diarrhea diarrhea due to cold from def. of SP, borborygmus, &
abdominal pain. Most appropriate in those w/ both SP & KD Def.
~ Used topically as a tincture for vitiligo
**Which one aids the KDs grasp the Qi, used for wheezing Bu Gu Zhi**
Yi Zhi Ren Spicy KD ~ Warms KD, retains the Essence, & secures the urine frequent & copious urination, incontinence of urine,
Warm SP spermatorrhea, or dribbling of urine from KD Yang Def. Also for irregular uterine bleeding
Alpinia Fruit
~ Warms SP, stops diarrhea, & controls salivation SP or ST cold from def. w/ diarrhea, cold abdominal pain,
Black Cardamon
excessive salivation, a thick unpleasant taste in the mouth. Also for abd. pain, vomiting, & diarrhea from cold
benefit will/
entering the SP & KD
wisdom seed
**This herb is often used for such symptoms as spermatorrhea, frequent & copious urination, urinary incontinence,
or dribbling of urine from deficiency of KD Yang Yi Zhi Ren**
Xian Mao Spicy KD ~ Tonifies the KD & fortifies the Yang impotence, urinary incontinence, nocturnal emission, & irregular menses
Hot from KD Yang Def. For infertility from either a cold Womb (in women), or cold Essence (in men)
Toxic ~ Expels cold & eliminates dampness obstinate cold-damp Bi w/ generalized pain, a sense of weakness in the
immortal spear
bones & sinews, & lower back & knee pain. Esp. useful for cold abd. or lower back pain.
**Which of the following is toxic? Xian Mao**
Du Zhong Sweet KD ~ Tonifies the LV & KD, strengthens sinews & bones for LV & KD def. w/ weak, sore, or painful lower back
Sl. spicy LV or knees, fatigue, & urinary frequency
Eucommia Bark
Warm ~ Aids in the smooth flow of Qi & Blood used to promote circulation, esp. in those w/ weakness of sinews,
~ Calms the fetus patterns of cold from def. of KD w/ bleeding during pregnancy. Also prevents miscarriage when
the fetus is restless or agitated, & when a pregnancy woman has significant back pain or is deficient
~ Recently used for dizziness & lightheadedness (hypertension) from rising LV Yang
**Which of the following is recently used for hypertension? Du Zhong**
**This herb is used to prevent miscarriage when the fetus is agitated & when the pregnant woman has significant
back pain Du Zhong**
Gou Ji Bitter KD ~ Tonifies the LV & KD & strengthens sinews & bones LV & KD Def. w/ stiffness, soreness, or weakness in
Sweet LV the lower back, spine, & lower extremities
Cibotium Rhizome
Warm ~ Expels wind & dampness wind-damp Bi w/ pain, soreness, or numbness. Esp. useful in patients w/ wind-cold-
Chain Fern
dampness who have an underlying def. of LV & KD
dog spine
~ Warms & stabilizes the KD incontinence of urine & vaginal discharge due to KD Yang Def.
**Which of the following can expel wind-damp? Gou Ji**
Xu Duan Bitter KD ~ Tonifies the LV & KD, strengthens sinews & bones sore & painful lower back & knees, stiffness in the joints,
Sweet LV & weakness in the legs from LV & KD Def. Esp. useful for these b/c it tonifies w/o causing stagnation. Also used
Spicy for urinary dribbling from KD def.
Japanese Teasel
~ Calms the fetus & stops leakage restless fetus, bleeding during pregnancy, threatened miscarriage. Also for
Root Sl. warm
def. related uterine bleeding & vaginal discharge
restore what is
~ Promotes the movement of blood, A.P., & reconnects sinews & bones often used for trauma & external
disorders (sores), & esp. for pain & swelling in the lower back & limbs from trauma. Can be applied topically or
taken internally. Also for painful obstruction.
**The following herbs expel wind, dampness & tonifies KD, except: Xu Duan (Gou Ji, Yin Yang Huo, Xian Mao do)
Gu Sui Bu Bitter KD ~ Tonifies the KD & strengthens bones weak low back & knees, diarrhea, tinnitus, diminished hearing, & loose,
Warm LV painful teeth & bleeding gums assoc. w/ KD def.
Drynaria Rhizome
~ Promotes mending of sinews & bones traumatic injuries sucha s falls, fractures, contusions, & sprains.
Esp. useful for ligamentous injuries & simple fractures
~ Stimulates the growth of hair used topically as a tincture for alopecia
**Which of the following is used for promiting mending of sinews & bones? Gu Sui Bu**
Tu Si Zi Spicy KD ~ Tonifies the Yang, augmenst the Yin, & secures the Essence & the urine KD Yang Def. w/ impotence,
Sweet LV nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, tinnitus, urinary frequency, sore painful back , or vaginal discharge
Neutral ~ Tonifies the KD & LV & improves vision LV & KD Yin & Yang Def. w/ dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision,
Chinese Dodder
or spots before the eyes.
~ Benefits the SP & KD & stops diarrhea diarrhea or loose stools w/ a lack of appetite from def. of both SP &
~ Calms the fetus for habitual or threatened miscarriage
**Which of the following can calm the fetus? Tu Si Zi**
Sha Yuan Ji Sweet KD ~ Fortifies the Yang & secures the Essence KD Yang Def. lower back pain, tinnitus, impotence, premature
Warm LV ejaculation, urinary frequency or incontinence, or vaginal discharge
Li ~ Nourishes the LV & improves vision diminished visual acuity or blurred vision from LV Def.
Sha Yuan Zi
**Which one tonifies the LV & KD, & brightens the eyes? Sha Yuan Ji Li**
Zi He Che Sweet LV ~ Tonifies the LV & KD & augments the Essence for infertility, impotence, spermatorrhea, decreases libido,
Salty LU low
Human Placenta
Warm KD back pain, lightheadedness, & tinnitus from insufficiency of KD qi & debility of the Essence & Blood
~ Augments the Qi & nourishes the Blood for emaciation, pallor, &/or insufficient lactation due to exhaustion of
qi & blood, esp. in the aftermath of a major illness. Also for unremitting seizure disorders
~ Tonifies the LU Qi & augments the KD Essence wheezing due to LU & KD Def. Esp. useful between acute
attacks or for consumption w/ nightsweats, emaciation, & debility, as well as chronic cases of cough & wheezing
**Which of the following herbs tonifies powerfully the qi, blood & yang & benefits the Essence? Zi He Che**
Jiu Cao Zi Spicy KD ~ Warms the KD, fortifies the Yang, & secures the Essence impotence, spermatorrhea, urinary incontinence
Sweet LV or
Leek Seeds
Warm frequency, vaginal discharge, & weak & sore lower back & knees

Tonify Blood
Shu Di Huang Sweet HT ~ Tonifies the Blood for Blood Def. w/ facial pallor, dizziness, palpitations, & insomnia. Commonly used
Sl. warm KD when bl. def. leads to irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, & postpartum bleeding. Best when there
Cooked Rehmannia Root
LV is Def. but no significant stagnation.
cooked earth yellow
~ Nourishes the Yin LV & KD Yin Def. w/ weak lower back & limbs, dizziness, tinnitus, tidal fevers,
night-sweats, nocturnal emission
~ Strongly enriches the Yin & relieves wasting & thirsting esp. useful for lower burner wasting, can
used alone in large doses for this.
~ Nourishes the blood & tonifies the Essence for problems w/ both blood & Essence such as delayed
development during childhood, blunted affect, premature aging, diminished mental acuity, graying of hair,
impotence, & memory loss
**The following are herbs that tonify the blood. Which is the best one to tonify the Essence to benefit the
marrow? Shu Di Huang**
He Shou Wu Bitter LV Ton Liv Kid
Sweet HT Aug essence Stop Leakage
Fleezeflower Root
(Sheng He Shou Wu) Astringent LI
~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels for constipation, esp. associated w/ blood def., as
mr. he head black Neutral
even unprepared form of this herb has a mild blood-tonifying action
~ Relieves fire toxicity for fire toxin carbuncles, sores, scrofula, goiter, & neck lumps
~ Checks malarial disorder chronic malarial disorder w/ signs of qi & blood deficiency
**The following herbs tonify the blood. Which is the best one to moisten the intestines & move the stools?
He Shou Wu**
Dang Gui Sweet HT ~ Tonifies the blood & regulates the menses blood def., esp. when affecting the HT & LV, w/ pallid,
Spicy LV ashen complexion, lusterless nails, tinnitus, blurred vision, & palpitations. Also for blood def. associated w/
Warm SP such menstrual disorders as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, & dysmenorrhea
Chinese Angelica Root
~ Invigorates & harmonizes the blood & dispels cold stops pain due to blood stasis. Abdominal pain,
should return
traumatic injury, & carbuncles due to blood stasis, esp. when accompanied by cold from deficiency.
Important in postpartum period, & even during pregnancy if used w/ caution. Also for blood def. w/ chronic
wind-damp Bi.
~ Moistens the Intestines & unblocks the bowels dry Intestines due to blood deficiency
~ Reduces swelling, expels pus, generates flesh, & A.P. sores & abscesses b/c it both tonifies &
moves the blood. Also topically for this.
~ Treats coughs weak function
**The following are herbs that tonify the blood. Which is the best one to tonify & vitalize the blood?**
**Which of the following can moisten the Intestines & unblock the bowels? Dang Gui**
Bai Shao Bitter LV ~ Nourishes the blood & regulates the menses for blood def. w/ menstrual dysfunction, vaginal
Sour SP discharge, & uterine bleeding accompanied by a pale, lusterless complexion, & dull, lusterless nails. Very
White Peony Root
Mildly cold commonly used for womens disorders
Forget me not
~ Calms & curbs the LV Yang & A.P. flank, chest, or abdominal pain, from either constrained LV qi or
disharmony between the LV & SP. Used to soften & comfort the LV, stop painful spasms in the abdomen,
stop cramping pain or spasms in the hands & feet, & alleviate abd. pain associated w/ dysenteric disorders.
Also for headache & dizziness due to ascendant LV Yang.
~ Preserves the Yin & adjusts the Ying & Wei levels for spontaneous sweating, vaginal discharge &
spermatorrhea, as well as exterior wind-cold from def. patterns w/ continuous sweating that does not
resolve the problem.
**The following herbs tonify the blood. Which is the best one to pacify the LV & A.P.? Bai Shao**
**Which of the following is a sour herb? Bai Shao**
E Jiao Sweet KD ~ Tonifies the Blood dizziness, sallow or pale complexion, palpitations due to blood def. Can be used
Neutral LV alone or melted in warm rice or millet wine.
Donkey Skin Gelatin
LU ~ Nourishes the blood & stops bleeding any type of bleeding. Best for consumptive disorder w/
coughing of blood, blood in stools, excessive menstrual bleeding, or uterine bleeding.
~ Nourishes & moistens the Yin Yin Def. w/ irritability & insomnia in the aftermath of a febrile disease.
Also for dry LU cough due to Yin Def. or consumption.
**The following herbs tonify the blood. Which is the best one to nourish the Yin & moisten the LU?**
**Which of the following can nourish Blood & stop bleeding? E Jiao**
Gou Qi Zi Sweet LV **In Tonify Blood Category in Bensky
Neutral LU ~ Nourishes & tonifies the LV & KD for Yin & Blood Def. w/ sore back & legs, low-grade abdominal
KD pain,
Goji Berry
impotence, nocturnal emission, wasting & thirsting disorder, & consumption. Neither hot or cold, so
commonly used in treating LV & KD Def.
~ Benefits the Essence & brightens the eyes for LV & KD def. where Essence & Blood are unable to
nourish the eyes. Dizziness, blurred vision, & diminished visual acuity.
~ Enriches the Yin & moistens LU for consumptive cough & wasting & thirsting disorder.
Sang Shen Sweet HT **in Tonify Blood Category in Bensky
Cold LV ~ Tonifies the Blood & enriches the Yin for dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, & premature graying of the
KD hair.
Also for wasting & thirsting disorder due to Yin Def.
~ Moistens the Intestines for constipation due to Blood Def. or insufficient fluids
Long Yan Rou Sweet HT ~ Tonifies & augments the HT & SP, nourishes the blood, & calms the Spirit for insomnia, heart
Warm SP palpitations, forgetfulness, or dizziness due to HT & SP def. Commonly used for problems associated w/
Longan Fruit Flesh
excessive pensiveness or overwork. Can be taken alone as a tea.
dragon eye
**The following herbs tonify the blood. Which one best tonifies the HT & SP, nourishes the blood & benefits
the Qi? Long Yan Rou**
Tonify Yin
Sha Shen Sweet LU ~ Nourishes LU Yin & clears LU heat for dry, nonproductive cough from heat injuring LU Yin marked by
Sl. bitter ST a
Bei Sha Shen dry mouth & thirst.
Glehnia Root Sl. cold
~ Nourishes the ST Yin & generates fluids dry & parched mouth, thirst, & irritability. Esp. useful when
problem is due to pathogenic heat, such as that of a warm pathogen disease injuring ST Yin.
Mai Men Dong Sweet HT ~ Moistens the LU & nourishes the Yin used when the LU Yin has been injured w/ either hacking, dry
Sl. bitter LU cough or cough w/ thick sputum that is difficult to expectorate, or coughing up blood. Most suitable when
Mai Dong Sl. cold ST the cause is pathogenic warm-dryness or dryness that has transformed into fire, as the herb has some
Ophiopogon Tuber ability to cool the LU
wheat door/entrance ~ Augments the ST Yin & generates fluids for dry tongue & mouth due to insufficient ST Yin
winter ~ Moistens the Intestines for constipation, dry mouth, & irritability, as in the aftermath of a febrile disease
or any pattern of Yin Def.
~ Clears the HT & eliminates irritability for irritability due to Yin Def. or a warm-heat pathogen disease
the Ying level w/ fever & irritability worse at night.
**The following are moisten Yin herbs. Which is the best one to moisten the LU & clear heat? Mai Men Dong
& Sha Shen**
**The following are moisten Yin herbs. The best one to moisten the HT & clear heat is Mai Men Dong**
Tian Men Sweet KD ~ Nourishes KD Yin & clears LU heat for Yin Def. w/ heat signs in the upper jiao, typically dryness of the
Bitter LU mouth. Also for dry LU patterns w/ dry mouth & cough that is either nonproductive or productive of scanty,
Dong V. cold viscous sputum that may be streaked w/ blood.
Tian Dong ~ Moistens LU, nourishes KD, & generates fluids for LU & KD Yin Def., esp. wasting & thirsting &
consumption, w/ low-grade afternoon fever. Can be used for upper, middle, & lower jiao types of wasting
Asparagus Tuber
& thirsting disorders. Also for constipation due to dry Intestines.
heaven door/entrance
**The following are moisten Yin herbs. Which is the best one to moisten the LU & clear heat?**
**The best one that nourishes the KD & stops cough is Tian Men Dong**
Shi Hu Sweet KD ~ Nourishes the Yin, clears heat, & generates fluids for parched mouth, severe thirst, or intractable
Sl. salty ST fever
Bland assoc. w/ Yin Def. Most commonly occurs when fluids are injured in the course of a warm pathogen
stone cup
disease, but other reasons as well.
Sl. cold
~ Enriches KD Yin & reduces heat from Deficiency for heat from Yin Def. & depleted fluids w/ a
recalcitrant low-grade fever, dry & painful throat, & a red tongue w/ no coating.
~ Tonifies KD, augments Essence, & brightens the vision for diminished visual acuity, dizziness, &
weakness of the lower back & legs assoc. w/ KD & LV Def.
**Which of the following brightens vision? Shi Hu** **Which of the following is salty? Shi Hu**
**Which of the following is good at nourishing ST Yin? Shi Hu**
Yu Zhu Sweet LU ~ Nourishes Yin & moistens dryness for LU & ST dry-heat or Yin Def. patterns w/ cough, dry throat,
Sl. cold ST irritability, & thirst. Also steaming bone disorder & wasting & thirsting w/ intense hunger & constipation.
~ Extinguishes wind & softens & moistens the sinews for wind generated by insufficient fluids leading
jade bamboo
pain & spasms in the sinews. Also for dizziness caused by Yin Def. & internal stirring of wind. Used alone
in those w/ Yin Def. constitutions in cases of externally-contracted wind-heat
**The following herbs moisten the Intestines & are good for constipation except: Yu Zhu**
Bai He Sweet HT ~ Moistens the LU, clears heat, & stops coughs for dry LU or LU-heat coughs & sore throat. Esp.
Sl. bitter LU useful
Lily Bulb
Sl. cold when a chronic cough due to LU heat has injured the Yin.
hundred harmony
~ Clears the HT & calms the Spirit for intractable low-grade fever, insomnia, restlessness, & irritability in
the aftermath of a febrile disease. Also for palpitations brought on by insufficiency of Qi & Yin.
**This herb is used for clearing heat & calming the spirit: Bai He**
Han Lian Cao Sweet KD ~ Nourishes & tonifies LV & KD Yin for LV & KD Yin Def. w/ dizziness, blurred vision, vertigo, &
Sour LV premature gray hair.
Mo Han Lian ~ Cools the blood & stops bleeding for Yin Def. w/ bleeding due to heat in the blood, w/ vomiting or
Eclipta Cool
coughing blood, nosebleed, blood in stools, uterine bleeding, & *esp. bloody urine
dry lotus herb **Which of the following can cool Blood & stop bleeding? Han Lian Cao**
Nu Zhen Zi Bitter KD ~ Nourishes & tonifies LV & KD for Yin Def. of LV & KD w/ dizziness, spots before the eyes, soreness of
Sweet LV the lower back, premature graying hair, & tinnitus.
Ligustrum, Pivet Fruit
Cool ~ Augments the LV & KD & clears heat from Deficiency for internally-generated heat from Yin Def.
women faithful seeds
~ Augments the LV & KD & improves vision for diminished visual acuity in patients w/ LV & KD Def.
Hei Zhi Ma Sweet KD ~ Nourishes & fortifies the LV & KD for Yin Def. of LV & KD w/ blurred vision, tinnitus, & dizziness. Also
Neutral LV used to help patients recover from severe illnesses. Increases quantity of breast milk.
Black Sesame Seeds
LI ~ Nourishes the blood & extinguishes wind headaches, dizziness, & numbness due to blood or Yin Def
Particularly useful for dizziness that worsens w/ activity.
~ Moistens & lubricates the Intestines for constipation due to dry Intestines or blood deficiency
Gui Ban Salty HT ~ Nourishes Yin & anchors Yang for Yin De. w/ ascendant Yang w/ such symptoms as fever,
Sweet KD nightsweats,
Fresh-water Turtle Shell
Cold LV dizziness, tinnitus, & steaming bone disorder. Also for Yin Def. of LV & KD that generates internal wind
(abdominal piece)
symptoms such as facial spasms & tremors of the hands & feet.
~ Benefits the KD & strengthens the bones for KD Yin Def. w/ soreness of the lower back, weakness in
*CI during Pregnancy
the legs, retarded skeletal development in children, or failure of the fontanel to close.
~ Nourishes the blood, enriches the Yin, & stabilizes the Chong & Ren vessels for red &/or white
vaginal discharge (leukorrhea) or stroke in the debilitated.
~ Cools the blood & stops uterine bleeding for excessive menstruation or uterine bleeding caused by
chaotic movement of hot blood
~ Nourishes blood & tonifies HT for HT deficiency w/ anxiety, insomnia, & forgetfulness
~ Also for non-healing sores & carbuncles
**Which is the best one to benefit the KD & strengthen the bones? Gui Ban**
**This herb is used for excessive menstruation or uterine bleeding caused by reckless movement of hot
blood Gui ban** **Which of the following needs to be cooked first? Gui Ban**

Bie Jia ~ Nourishes the Yin & anchors the Yang for Yin Def. w/ fever, steaming bone disorder, nightsweats, or
Soft-shelled Turble Shell Salty LV
consumption. Often used when there are symptoms of internal stirring of LV Wind
Sl. cold SP
~ Invigorates the blood, promotes menstruation, & dissipates nodules chest & flank accumulations
*CI during Pregnancy causing pain & amenorrhea, as well as malarial disorders w/ palpable masses. Also for excessive
menstruation due to hot blood.
~ Heavily anchors & causes to descend, unblocks & facilitates the functions of the blood vessels
problems in children due to internal clumping
**The following herbs nourish Blood & Yin, good for premature grayin of hair except: Bia Jia (Nu Zhen Zi,
Sang Shen, He Shou Wu do** **Which of the following can dissipate nodules? Bie Jia**
Huang Jing Sweet KD **In Tonify Qi Category in Bensky
Neutral LU ~ Tonifies the SP Qi & augments the SP Yin for SP & ST Qi Def. w/ lassitude, fatigue, & loss of
Polygonatum Rhizome
SP appetite.
yellow essence
Also for SP & ST Yin Def. w/ dry mouth, loss of appetite, loss of taste, dry stools, & a dry, red tongue
~ Enriches the Yin & moistens the LU for dry cough w/ little sputum production due to LU Qi & Yin Def.
cough due to consumption. For any type of cough where dryness is significant. Also fro exhaustion of
KD Essence w/ lower back pain, lightheadedness, & weakness of lower extremities along w/ wasting &
thirsting disorder.
**The following herbs nourishes the Yin & brighten the eyes except: Huang Jing**
**Which is the best one to tonify the SP & moisten the LU? Huang Jing**
**This herb is used for wasting & thirsting disorder Huang Jing**
**For SP Qi & SP Yin Def. one can use: Huang Jing**

Astringent Herbs / Stabilize & Bind

Shan Zhu Yu Sour KD ~ Stabilizes the KD & secures Essence for leakage of fluids due to weak Essence w/ urinary frequency,
incontinence, spermatorrhea, & excessive sweating
Sl. warm LV
Shan Yu ~ Stops excessive sweating & supports that which has collapsed for excessive sweating,
Rou esp. in cases of devasted Yang & collapsed Qi, as in shock. Also when sweating was mistakenly
induced as a treatment.
~ Tonifies & augments the LV & KD for LV & KD Def. w/ lightheadedness, dizziness, soreness &
weakness of the lower back & knees, or impotence.
~ Tonifies the Essence & assists the Yang
~ Stabilizes the menses & stops bleeding for Def. patterns of excessive uterine bleeding & prolonged
menstruation. Weak function.
**Which herb tonifies KD & benefits the LV? Shan Yu Rou**
**A 66 yr old male patient had suffered from lightheadedness, dizziness, sore & weak knees, & impotence. He
was diagnosed as LV & KD Def. Which of the following can help him? Shan Zhu Yu**
**Since it can stabilize KD & retain the Essence, this herb is often used for excessive urination, incontinence,
spermatorrhea, & excessive sweating: Shan Zhu Yu**
Wu Wei Zi Sour HT ~ Contains the leakage of LU Qi & stops coughs for chronic cough & wheezing due to LU Def., or
Sweet KD patterns of LU & KD deficiency. Inhibits the leakage of LU Qi above, enriches the KD Yin below, & also
Schisandra Fruit
Warm LU stops coughs. *Chronic coughs
~ Tonifies the KD, binds the Essence, & stops diarrhea for nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, vaginal
discharge, & urinary frequency due to KD def. Also for daybreak diarrhea assoc. w/ SP & KD def.
~ Inhibits sweating & generates fluids excessive sweating, esp. when accompanied by thirst or dry
throat. W/ other herbs used for spontaneous sweating, night-sweats, or wasting & thirsting.
~ Quiets the Spirit while calming & containing the HT Qi for irritability, palpitations, dream-disturbed
sleep, & insomnia due to injury to the blood & Yin of HT & KD or lack of communication between these
two organs. Commonly used for various types of insomnia.
**Which herb calms the Spirit & is good for insomnia? Wu Wei Zi**
**This herb is used for quieting the Spirit & clearing the HT: Wu Wei Zi**
**A 55 yr old female patient had suffered from chronic cough & wheezing. She was diagnosed as LU & KD Def.
Which of the following can help her? Wu Wei Zi**
Wu Mei Sour LI ~ Inhibits the leakage of LU Qi & stops coughs for chronic cough due to LU Def.
Astringent LV ~ Generates fluids & alleviates thirst for thirst due to heat from Def., or Qi & Yin Def. Often used for
Mume Fruit
Warm LU wasting & thirsting disorder due to heat from Def.
~ Expels roundworms & A.P. for roundworm induced vomiting & abdominal pain. Also occasionally used
for abd. pain & vomiting not associated w/ parasites.
~ Binds up the Intestines & stops diarrhea for incessant chronic diarrhea or dysenteric disorders. Also
used for blood in the stool. Can be used alone for these purposes.
~ Stops bleeding for blood in stools & excessive uterine bleeding w/ blood Def. symptoms of dryness &
thirst, together w/ parched mouth. Can be used alone usually in charred form & powdered, for bleeding
from the vagina, anus, or urethra.
~ Used topically as a plaster to treat corns & warts
**The following herbs stop excessive sweating except: Wu Mei (Wu Wei Zi, Wu Bei Zi, Fu Xiao Mai do)**
**Which herb expels roundworms & A.P.? Wu Mei**
He Zi Bitter LU ~ Binds up the Intestines & stops diarrhea for chronic diarrhea & dysenteric disorders. For both hot &
Sour ST cold patterns, depending on how combines. Also for Intestinal Wind w/ blood in stools.
Astringent LI ~ Contains the leakage of LU Qi, stops coughs, & improves the condition of the throat for chronic
cough, wheezing, & particularly loss of voice. Can be used for cough due to phlegm-fire obstructing LU
if combined properly
**The following herbs contain Blood & stop bleeding except: He Zi (Chi Shi Zhi, Wu Bei Zi, Wu Mei do)**
**The following herbs stabilize the KD & contain Essence good for spermatorrhea except: He Zi (Shan Yu Rou,
Jin Ying Zi, Sang Piao Xiao do)** **He Zi has the action of: Binding up the Intestines & stopping diarrhea**
Rou Dou Spicy LI ~ Binds up the Intestines & stops diarrhea for chronic, intractable diarrhea or daybreak diarrhea due to
Warm SP cold from Def. of SP & KD
Kou ST ~ Warms the middle jiao, moves Qi, & A.P. for pain & distention of the epigastrum & abdomen, reduced
Nutmeg Seeds appetite, & vomiting due to cold from Def. of SP & ST
Myristica **The following herbs contain leakage of LU Qi & stops coughing except: Rou Dou Kou (Wu Wei Zi, Wu Mai,
Wu Bei Zi do)**
Chi Shi Zhi Sweet SP ~ Binds up the Intestines & stops diarrhea for chronic diarrhea due to cold from Def., or chronic dystnteric
Sour ST disorders w/ mucous & blood in stools. Usually the diarrhea is chronic & is often accompanied by undigested
Holloysite, Kaolin
Astringent LI food in the stool.
~ Contains the blood & stops bleeding for uterine bleeding, excessive menstruation, blood in stools, &
*Caution Warm
bleeding prolapsed rectum due to cold from deficiency of the lower jiao. Also topically for bleeding from trauma
~ Promotes healing of wounds used in ground form & applied topically for chronic non-healing ulcers.
Also used topically for weeping damp sores & prolapsed rectum
**Which herb promotes healing of wounds & is good for chronic non-healing ulcers? Chi Shi Zhi**
Lian Zi Sweet HT ~ Tonifies the SP & stops diarrhea for SP Def. w/ chronic diarrhea & loss of appetite. Both augments &
Astringent KD binds, so very useful for these.
Lotus Seed
Neutral SP ~ Tonifies the KD & stabilizes the Essence for premature ejaculation & spermatorrhea due to unstable
KD. Also for excessive uterine bleeding & vaginal discharge.
~ Nourishes HT & Calms the Spirit for palpitations w/ anxiety, irritability assoc. w/ def., & insomnia. Esp.
useful for problems assoc. w/ lack of communication between the KD & HT.
**A 34 year old male patient had been suffering from poor sleep & diarrhea. He was diagnosed as SP Def. &
HT Def. Which of the following can help him? Lian Zi**

Qian Shi ~ Strengthens SP & stops diarrhea for chronic diarrhea caused by weakness in transportative function of
Euryale Seeds Sweet KD
SP (internal accumulation of dampness). Esp. useful in children.
Astringent SP
~ Stabilizes KD & secures the Essence for KD Qi Def. w/ nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation,
Neutral spermatorrhea, & urinary frequency or incontinence.
~ Expels dampness & stops discharge for vaginal discharge (leukorrhea) due to either def. or damp-heat
Jin Ying Zi Sour UB ~ Stabilizes the KD & secures Essence for spermatorrhea, urinary incontinence, & vaginal discharge due
Astringent KD to
Cherokee Rosehip
Neutral LI def. & instability of the lower jiao.
~ Binds up the Intestines & stops diarrhea for chronic diarrhea & dysenteric disorders.
Fu Pen Zi Sweet KD ~ Augments & stabilizes KD, binds Essence, & contains the urine for urinary frequency or enuresis,
Astringent LV impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, or wet dreams due to KD Yang Def.
Chinese Rasberry
Neutral ~ Assists the Yang & improves vision for poor vision, soreness of lower back, & impotence due to LV &
KD Def.
Wu Bei Zi Sour KD ~ Contains the leakage of LU Qi & stops coughs for chronic cough due to LU Def.
Salty LI ~ Binds up the Intestines & stops diarrhea for chronic diarrhea, dysenteric disorders, chronic blood in
Gallnut of Chinese
Cold LU stools,
& rectal prolapse.
~ Preserves & restrains for a wide variety of leakage problems, including nocturnal emission &
spermatorrhea, excessive sweating, & bleeding.
~ Absorbs moisture, reduces swellings, & resolves fire toxicity topically as a powder or wash for
sores, dermatosis, toxic swellings, & damp & ulcerated skin. Also topically for scar tissue
Fu Xiao Mai Sweet HT ~ Inhibits sweating for many kinds of sweating from deficiency including spontaneous sweating from qi def.
Sl. salty & night-sweats from Yin Def.
Light Wheat Grain
Cool *CI when sweating is caused by a pathogen in the exterior
**A patient had been suffering from night sweats due to HT Yin Def. Which of the following can be used for
him? Fu Xiao Mai**
Ma Huang Sweet LU ~ Stops sweating many kinds of sweating due to qi def, nightsweats due to Yin Def., & postpartum sweating
Neutral *CI for exterior disorders
Ephedra Root
Wu Zei Gu Salty KD ~ Restrains, holds in, & stops bleeding for wide variety of bleeding patterns, esp. those from deficiency.
Astringent LV Also topically as a powder to stop bleeding from trauma.
Hai Piao Xiao ~ Secures the Essence & stops discharge for nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, or vaginal
Cuttlefish Bone Sl. warm ST
discharge due to KD Def. *Very effective at stopping vaginal discharge & used for this for variety of causes
~ Controls acidity & A.P. used to harmonize ST acidity w/ stomach or epigastric pain, distasteful belching &
acid regurgitation.
~ Resolves dampness & promotes healing topically as power for chronic, non-healing skin ulcers or damp
rashes of long duration.
**The following herbs strengthen the SP & stop diarrhea except: Wu Zei Gu (Lian Zi, Qian Shi, Rou Dou Kou
do)** extended use can lead to constipation
**Which herb controls acidity & A.P.? Hai Piao Xiao (Wu Zei Gu)**
Sang Piao Xiao Sweet KD ~ Tonifies KD, assists the Yang, secures Essence, & contains urine for KD Yang Def. w/ dribbling urine,
Mantis Egg-Case Salty LV urine frequency, & nocturnal emissions (esp. w/o dreams). Very important in treating enuresis in children.
Also for impotence

Li Lu Spicy LV In Transform Phlegm & Stop Cough Category
Bitter LU ~ Induces vomiting to treat wind-phlegm for wind-stroke, seizures, & painful obstruction of the
Veratrum Root or Rhizome
Cold ST throat
due to a welling up of phlegm. Also used to induce vomiting shortly after ingesting poisons.
*CI during Pregnancy Toxic
~ Kills parasites & stops itching used externally for scabies, tines, & lice.
**CI w/ Xi Xin, Bai Shao, Chi Shao, Ren Shen, Bai Sha Shen, Sha Shen, Xuan Shen, Ku
**Which of the following is toxic? Li Lu**
She Chuang Zi Spicy KD In Substances for Topical Application
Bitter ~ Dries dampness, kills parasites, & stops itching topically as a wash, powder, or ointment for
Cnidium Seed
Warm any
kind of weeping, itchy skin lesions, esp. in genital area. Also for scabies & tines.
Sl. toxic
~ Disperses cold, dispels wind, & dries dampness for vaginal discharge due to cold-dampness or
lower back pain due to wind-cold-dampness affecting KD & Du
~ Warms KD & fortifies Yang taken internally for impotence or infertility (male or female) due to KD
Def. or cold Womb.
**Which of the following tonifies Yang & warms KD? She Chuan Zi**
**A patient had itchy weeping skin lesions in the genital area. Which of the following can be used
topically as a wash for the patient? She Chuang Zi**

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