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Course Policies: Spanish--All Levels

Ms. Schneider
Welcome to a new school year and a new Spanish class! These serve as the policies and procedures for
our classroom. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at kschneider@rsd6.org.

Absences and Tardiness: You are expected to be in your seat when the bell rings. If you
are not, you are tardy. All school policies regarding absences and tardiness are effective
in this course.

BYOD: You are expected to have your device with you in class; however, we may not
use it every period. They are to be turned off and kept off of your desk unless I say to
take them out.

Cell phones: Great for calling or texting your family and friends; not great for doing this
inside of the classroom. Cell phones: SEE IT, TAKE IT!! Cell phones should NOT be out in class
(unless specifically given permission by teacher). Students that abuse their cell phones in class
can expect the following:
First offenseteacher takes phone until the end of class
Second offenseteacher takes phone and gives to office to return to student at the end
of the day.

Schoology: All assignments and resources for the class can be found on rsd6.schoology.com.

Extra Help: I am available for extra help in our classroom before/after school, during WIT, and during
block 3 A/C days, block 3 B/D days and block 2 B/D days (I have study hall during these times, but you
are more than welcome to come). If you would like extra help, please let me know when you are
coming so that I know to be in the classroom. Additionally, you can always email me if you have a
question; I will respond as soon as I can.

Grading Scale: Your grade will be calculated by the following percentages.

55% Summative (tests, projects) 35% Interim (quizzes) 10% Formative (homework)

Missed Assignments Due to Absence: If you miss assignments (either handing them in or receiving
them) due to absence, you will receive a 0% in PowerSchool with the yellow M square next to it. This
indicates that you are allowed to make up the assignment and is in no way intended to be punitiveit
merely draws your attention to a missing assignment. You have until the end of the quarter to make up
the assignment and have the 0% changed. However, we move quickly with material and it is of benefit
to you to make up the assignment as soon as possible. I suggest that you review your missed
assignments weekly.
Required Materials: I expect each student to have the following:
3-ring binder specifically for Spanish (we have LOTS of handouts)
Notebook with lined paper or loose-leaf paper in the 3-ring binder for taking notes
At least one pen and one pencil

Electronic Translators (Google Translate, Spanishdict.com, etc.): The only appropriate use of electronic
dictionaries/translators is to look up single words or look up verb conjugations. The only acceptable
online dictionary is WordReference.com. Google Translate is probably easier, but it is often incorrect
and makes you sound less intelligent than you are. YOU ARE SMARTER THAN GOOGLE TRANSLATE.

When you are required to write sentences/paragraphs for homework, I expect that YOU write them, not
a translator. It is evident when you have used a translator instead of writing the sentence on your own. I
want your work and to see the improvement that you make during the year. This is impossible if you use
a translator.

Wamogo Word Language LATE work policy:

Homework (10%): Only homework that is submitted ON TIME will receive FULL CREDIT. Students can
earn 50% if homework is submitted the following class. No credit will be given for homework submitted
beyond the next class day.

Interim (35%): Interim assessments will follow the homework policy if they are submitted after the
designated due date (this includes work that is expected to be completed in class)--Interim assessments
submitted late will only receive 50% credit. If the interim assessment is a formal quiz, the student
should make contact with the teacher upon returning to school to schedule its completion.

Summative (55%): If the summative assessment is a formal test, the student should make contact with
the teacher upon returning to school to schedule its completion. Other forms of summative assessments
will that are submitted late (i.e. projects, essays, etc) will have an automatic 10% deduction (Cannot
earn higher than 90% on the assessment). After ten school days have passed and the student has not
submitted the assessment, only 50% of the total assessment value can be earned.

** Formative and summative assessments will NOT receive multiple opportunities for completion.
Students have one opportunity to earn up to half credit (50% of lost points) back on interim
assessments. **
Acknowledgement of Reading

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,

Please read and discuss the course policies together. Once you have done this, please sign the
bottom of this sheet and return it to me the next class period.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me ASAP either by email or in class.

Thank you,

Ms. Kaitlyn Schneider

Spanish Teacher, grades 9-12
Wamogo Regional High School


By signing this, I acknowledge that I have read and discussed the course policies for my Spanish
class with my parent/guardian. I agree to abide by the policies and will speak with Ms.
Schneider if I have any questions or concerns.

Student name: __________________________________________________________

Student signature: _______________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________

By signing this, I acknowledge that I have read and discussed the course policies for my
students Spanish class. I agree to support my student this year in Spanish class and will contact
Ms. Schneider if I have any questions or concerns.

Parent/Guardian name: ___________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature: ________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________

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