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Wben can I hav+ a Vehicle ? Bicycle, Motor-cycle or Car ?
Balance of Kethu Dasa Saturn (
2yearc,8 months, 7 days. 25-44 Moon
II 21o30', 8-r3 rv 20-30 v 15-30
Rahu In 23-20
Vcblcle: l2-55
Vehicle is considered
to be a permanent pos- l+2G40 l-12-t968 vI 12-30
session, even though it ,5-30P.M.
I.S.T: l&55 N
can be sold and cashed No. 217
at any time. Sc, one is Ayanamla 23o 19' vII
to judge the 4rh house :14-2G4O
wbich also indicates the
molher, the land, the fup. 9-03
IX Ket l2-55
building one'$ education, 23-30
furniture etc. VIII 21.

Itis necessary to find out whether it refers towhicle or to

any of the other matters.
Only Krishnamurti Padhdhati is useful to pinpoint. tf thc
sub-lord of the 4th cusp in the Horary Chart is eithcr Venus be-
ing the significator of 4 or if the sub-lord is deposited in the
coostellafion of tbe signifcator of the 4th who has any connec-
tion with Venus, one will have either a vchicle or buy some
furniture. lVenus, if not the significator of 4 it can't indicate
thougb it is said to be the chief governor of vehicle.)

Again to differentiate between these two, judge as follows ;

If the sub-lord or the lord of the sonstellation in which the
sub-lord is deposited (being the significator af the 4th andalso
connected with Venus) were to be deposited in z movable sign, it
shows vehicle.

But if it is in a common sign, it may be vehicle or eradle-

li&e furniture which can move to and fro.
But if it is in a fixed sign, it is onlyfurniture.
If the sub-lcrd c.f rhe 4rh is Mars or if the eub-lord is
deposited in a constellation who-is tbe significator ofrhe4th

and in any manner connected with Mars, it refers to land or

t building.
If thc sub-lord is Moon or if the sub-lord is deposited in the
constellation of a planet who is the significator of the 4th and
is in aoy manner connectcd with Moon, the mother is isdica.
ted by the 4ta.

lf lhe sub-lord of the 4th cusp is fupiter or Mercury,or if

the sub-lord is in tbe ccnstellation of the planet n.ho is the
significator of the 4rh and is any manner connected with either
Jupiter or Mercury or both, the matter refers to one's education

If thesub-lord of the 4th cusp is Saturn or if tbe sub-tord is

in the conste llation of a plane t which is the significator of the 4th
and also connected witb Saturn, it refers to mine, mineproducts,
cxcavation, treasurc etc.
Thus we have to diffcrentiate.

Will the vehicle be 2 wheeled or 3 wheeled or 4 wheeled

or, multi, like train or 6 or 8 wbecled lorries elc , or two
wheeled ship or the flying helicopter or plane may be the next

l. If it is a bicycle, manual labour is needed. Hence Saturn

will bc cosnected with the significators indicating purchase of a

2. If it is.a motor cycle, there is the machinery; petrol or

oil is used. Hence the significator shculd be connected with
Mars, Venus and Moon. Venus and Mc'on indicate petrol, Mars

3. If it is 4 wheeled" one, lhen also these tbree planets

should be connected with tbose significalors who promise rhe
purchase of the vehicle.

4 If the significator of the fourth house promising pur-

chase of a vehicle is deposited in the sub, the lord of wtrich is in
any of the signs Gemini, Virgo, first half of Sagittarius or Aqua-
riue ,then it is two wheeled.

;l 4

. 5. lf the significatcr indicating purchase of a vehicre and if

it were to be in the sub, the lord or wricn is deposited io u.rti"t
or 4 legged sign, or its constelration rord, then it can be car
and anything similar to it. Aries, Taurus, Leo, second half
Sagittarius and Capricorn are the bestial signs: 4 wheeled.

6. lfthe significatorof thc purchase of the car is connected

with saturn. it shows serf-drive. If it is conaected with Jupiter
there is a driver appointed. Ifboth Jupiter and saturn
the"r. "oo-
nected sometimes he himself will drive and sometimes
lf thc significaror of the.fourth is arso the significator of z,drivcr.
l0 he will buy one and drivc for other's usc like one,s own ^ia
or private rourist car. If the significator if also conoected
Rahu or Kethu and is also the significator of l0 then nu
ofrce car. "rr"
7. If the significator is depo.sited in the sub of a pranet
who is the significator of the 4th house and it is in theconstella-
tion ruled by a planet, deposited in the watery sign, it may be a
boat-band driveo, if Saturn is one of the planets oiif Marr, V"oo,
and Moon are connected motor boat. If only Mars and Moon j

are connected it should be driven on steam when it will bc a i

ship: saturn shows submarine. If the significator of tne ctu housc
is very strong and it is deposited in the sub of a planet deposited
io the constellation of one occupying airy sign, oo" n"ru boy
aeroplane or helicopter. This significator should be connectei
with Mars, Vcnus and Moon.

Thus if one calmly studies, he can find out t'he difference.

one can have many if Mercury and dual sign are connected with
thc significators.

Number given is 217. The horoscope is as foltows.

The 4th cusp is Rishaba 20o 3l' i.e. in Venus sign Moon
star andVenus sub. The tub.lord Venus is deposited in th,.e
second half of Dhanus. Dhanus is a common sign and rts
second half falls in a bestial or four legged sign. Further l!{ais
aspects Venus by its 4th aspect. Therefore you will have a four-
whceled vehicle.

The next atep is to find out cignifi-cators of 4, 9, 10 and ll.

The significetors of all the houses are tabulated as under :

House Planets eignifying

significators houses

I Sun, Mercury, Saluro, Rahu, Sun 1,2,7r9,12,

Ketbu. Moon 2,3, 5,6, 7.
II Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, g, g, 10.
Jupiler, Salurn, Rahu, Kethu. Mars 2, 3,6,7, 10.
ITI Moon, Mars, Rabu, Kethu. Mercury l. 2, 5, 8, 9
IV Venus. t2.
v Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter 2,'l , 9, ll.
Rahu, K.erhu. Venus 4, I I
VI Moon, Mars, Rahu, Kethu. Saturn l, l, 5, 81 9,
VII Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupirer, t2.
Rahu, Ketbu. Rabu-All houses except
VIII Moon, Mercury, Saturn, the 4th.
Rahu, Kethu. Kethu-All houses cxcept
lX Sun, MooD, Mercury, the 4-th
Jupiter, Vcnus, Salurn, Rabu,
r.; X Moon, Mars, Rabu, Kethu.
XI Moon, Jupiter, Venus,
Rahu, Kethu.
XII Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Rabu,

F'rom the above table lt can be seen that the significators

of thehouses4.,9, l0and ll are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Kethu; all the nine ptaneis
signify. When so much group signifies the best course and the
only scientifrc method is to go for ruling planets and find out the
common bctween the significators and the ruling planets The
ruling pl rnets are the lords of the day, M.:ron sign, star and lagana,
at the moment of judgmeot.

t The day is Sunday ruled by Sun, Moon, transils Kethu star

Aswini in the sign Aries owned by Mars. The lagna is Rishaba
owned by Venus.


All the ruling pronets are not arways beneficiar. Thoso which
arc in the constelration or sub of a retrograde planer wil not
givc results. sun is in the consteilatioo or rutrograde
Reject it. others are in lthe consteilation and ,uu or pranetc
in direct motion. Take thcm. They are Kethu, Mars and

They will give you car during rheir conjoined pcriod.

_ According to dasa-bhukti at the time of judgment

!asa-balance is 2 years, months and ? days flom t-12_;g.
The bhukties which are still to operate are those
Saturo and Mercury. None of thim is a ruling planet.
of Jupiter,
comes Venus Dasa. (Venus is the strongest
in rhe iuling pt"o.ti,
as it is the lord of the lagna. ln ruling
llanets, ;r"r, i;;i;;;
of lagna is stronger than the lord of tn-e star, the
lord of star is
stronger than the lord of Moon sign and the
lord or rrooo
sign is strooger than the lord of tbe day.,
Venus Dasa Venus
bhukti runs berween g.g-1971 and g-t2-trllq. In
rhis Vou ,iif
get vehicre either in Mars Anthra or
in Kerhu Anthra. Mars is
thelord of Moon sign in the ruling planets.
lord of the constellation. So fetnl is strongerKethu than
is the
and therelore Kethu will give you
between 28-9-19?{ and ^An-thra
car. It rung

To find out the exact date of pur.chase of cdr

consider the
transit of sun. sun transits venus sign Mars star
lietnu sub
on r8'r0'r974. Therefore you must havc the vehicre
date only (Never earlier-nor later). "" iui,

When can I dispose may vehiclc ?

Number 37 was given at Bombay ilat. 19%56, N) at

P.M. I.S.T. on l9-4-1969 by the consulrant.

The 12 cusps for this number for the Latitude of Bombay

and the planetary position for the above date and time
follows : "r, ",

Purcbasc of a vehiclc
is to be judged from the
houses 4,9, l0 and ll,
lecausc 4th house shows
vebiclc, houses 9 and 10,
sbow enjoyment in this
birth due to meritorious
deeds done in the previ-
ous birth and the llth
house indicates fulfilment
of one's deoire.

The number given by

tbe consultant denolco
his tagna. Anybody with whon he transacts is shown by tho
7th house lf the consultant wants to sell his c8r, the ?th
house rhows the purchaser. Houses 4, 9, lO and ll countcd
from the 7th house are 10, 3, 4 and 5. Therefore the houses
to be judgcd for disposal of vehicle are 3, 4. 5 and 10. Salc
of a car by one means its purchase and possession by another.

To fiud out the time of disposal of tbe vehicle, one shoutd

workout the significators ofthe houses 3,4, S and 10, find out
the ruling planets at the moment of judgment, take out the
common planers between the significator and thc ruling plancts
and theo calculate rhe dasa ohukti period of these commort
plaaels and nually pinpoint rhe exuct date and time by transit.

The significators of the houses 3, 4, S and l0 arc Moox,

Suo, Juprter, Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, Mars, Mercury, Venus;
so all the nine planels signify.

To-day is Saturday ruled by Saturn. The sign transited by

Moon is Rishaba owned by Vcnus. Ihe constellation traasited
by Moon is Krittika ruled by Sun and the lagna is Tulam ruled
by Venus. Venus has come twice in the ruling planets, once ac
lord of Moon sign and oDce as lord of lagna. Not bnly rhat,
the number given by him also falls in Rishaba. So Veous is a
vry strong ruling planet. Why should the consultaot come

lo-day to put his query when Venus is so strongly signifylng ?

This is because his query is about vehicle and Veous govcrns
Vahana. (It may beto buy or sell.) So he comes when Venus
is strongly signifying.

Rahu is conjoined with Venus in Meena and Kethu is

aspected by Venus by its 7th aspect. Therefore Rahu and Kcthu
will also give the results of Venus. (Node ,first' gives the
results of the planet or planets with which it is conjoined, then
tbe results of the planet in whose constellation it is deposited,
theq of rhe planets aspecting it and lastly of the planet in whose
star and sign it is deposired.)
Therefore the ruling planets are Saturn, Venus, Sun, Rahu
and Kethu

Of thesc ruling planets, see if any one is deposited eithcr io

the constellation or sub of a retrograde planet. If rhere is any,
then reject it and take the remaining as the ruling planets.

None of the ruling planers is deposited either in the

constellation or sub of a retrogradc planet. So atl are to be
taken. Venus is by itself retrograde. But this does not preveot
it from giving results all throughout. However, it canoot giv
as long as it is retrograde. Once it becomes direct it will give.

Now check up how many of the ruling planets are also the
signrficators of the houses 3, 4, 5 and 10 All the ruling planets
are significators. Therefore you will sell your vehicle during
their conjoined period.

According to dasa-bhukti, Sun's dasa balance is 0 years 8

monlhs and ll days from l9-4-1969. ln Sun Dasa, Venus Bhukti
is already on. Venus is retrograde at present. As Venus will
give results only after it becomes direct, find out when it
becomes direct. It bccomes direct on 30-4-1969. ,So we have
to consider the period only after this date.) Rahu Anthra will
commence on 9-5-1969 and will run upto 3-7-1919. Venus is
very strong ruling planet and Rahu conjoined with it is still
stronger to give results. So in Rahu Anthra you will sell your
' 188

Moon ir the only significator of 3rd housc. Third housc

is l2th to 4rh. So in Moon Shpoksbam-a, on a Moon rtar day
the car will bc sold and handcd over to the purchaser.' Moon
sboolshma runs between 2l-6-1969 and 30.6-1969. Oo 23-6.t969
Moon transitc its owtr star Hasta. The day is Monday rulcd
by $oon. The exact time of handing over the veticlo to thc
ptrehacer on 23-6-1969 will be 3.30 P.M. whcn the lagna is 18"
Tulam, i.e. Venus sign, Rahu star and Sun eub. (Nccd not bo
said that the prcoiction was 100% correct; otherwi-ee this
article will not bc published).

Wtll I sit for Competitive Examination l

Wftat is the Result ?
Ntrmber given by rhe coneultant is l7l at Bombay at Z-30
P.M. I S.T. on l3-8-1969.
Horoscope is as follows:-
Balance of Kerhu
4-46-40 Dasa6years3months
en.18-j and 18 d ys.

In cases of competitive
, r3-8-1969 examination the points
7-30 P.M. I.S.T. to be seen are:
18" 55', N
No. l7l Moon l-Z
Ayanamsa 2ro20'
tx 9-46 l. Whether he has
l7- 22 the necessary cou-
ragd to compete ?
2. Whether he will
lx 13-46 l{gpl"1'?9
be able to appear ?

3. Whether he comes out successful?

Whether one has tbe courage to compete is to be judged

from thc 3rd house. lf thc sub lord of tho 3rd cusp is Moon,
one tries to adjust himself io thE prcsent circumstances and docc
not take bold decisions. If it is Saturn one will be very cautious
and facks in confidence. If Mercury, the sative will be in two

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