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Asado(a) Roasted Bocadillo Sandwich

A la plancha Grilled Montadito tiny bocadillo

Ahumado(a) Smoked picos: little breadsticks (usually free)
Barbacoa BBQ canape: tiny open-faced sandwich
Caliente Hot pulguita: small closed-baguette sandwich
Camarero(a) Waiter, waitress flauta: sandwich made with a thin baguette
Cubiertos cuchillo, tenedor, cuchara pepito: another word for a little sandwich
Cutlery knife, fork, spoon pinchos: bite-size portions
Fro(a) Cold pinchito: tiny portions
Frito Fried media racin half a meal-size portion
Guiso stew racines larger meal-size portions
Pan Bread la plancha: sauteed
Picante Spicy Quanto cuesta un tapa?: How much for a tapa?
Plato, platito Plate, little plate almendras: fried almonds
Ponme una caa! Get me a beer! bombas fried meat and potato ball
Sal y pimienta Salt and pepper empanadas pies filled with meat or seafood
Salsa Sauce pisto: mixed sauted vegetables
la cuenta por favor the bill please queso: cheese
queso manchego: sheep cheese
revuelto de: scrambled eggs with
tabla serrana: a plate of cured meat and cheese.
Carne Meat Habas con jmon Broad beans and cured ham
Albndigas Meatballs Hamburguesa Hamburger
Caracoles Snails Jamn Serrano (curado)/York (cocido) Ham, cured/cooked
Carne picada Minced meat Lomo de cerdo Pork loin
Cerdo Pork Morcilla Black pudding
charcuteria: selection of cured meats () Pinchos/brochetas Meat (or veg) on skewers
Chorizo Cold sausage, spicy Pollo Chicken
Conejo Rabbit rabo de toro oxtail stew
Cordero paletilla or pierna Lamb shoulder or leg Salmorejo Cold tomato soup with cured ham and boiled egg
Croquetas Potato croquettes often made with jamn Salchichon sausage
Embutidos Sausage selection Ternera Veal
Pescados y mariscos Fish & seafood Ensaladilla (rusa) Russian salad of vegetables, potato, tuna and
Anchoas Salted achovies mayonnaise
Almejas Clams Gambas Prawns (large)
Atn Tuna Huevas Fish roe
Boquerones Anchovies in sweet vinegar or small Mejillones Mussels ()
fried fish , pescaditos fritos: assortment of fried little fish often include
Calamares frito/a la plancha Squid, fried/grilled meat and seafood
Cangrejo Crab Pulpo Octopus
Chanquetes Whitebait puntallitas/chiperones: fried whole baby squid
Chocos fried cuttlefish rabas squid tentacles
cazon en adabo: marinated white fish variado fritos: typical Andalusian plate of mixed fried fish
Tapas vegetarianas y verduras (vegetables) Patatas a lo pobre potatoes fried with peppers and
Aceite de oliva Olive oil onions in lashings of olive oil
Aceitunas Olives Patatas asadas Roast potatoes
Ajo Garlic Patatas bravas Potatoes in spicy tomato sauce
Arroz Rice pimiento (relleno): peppers (stuffed)
Berenjenas aubergine Tortilla Spanish omelet (with potatoes)
Esprrago Asparagos Tortilla francesa Plain omelet
Espinacas Spinach setas: wild mushrooms
Gazpacho Cold tomato soup. Verduras Vegetables
Huevos revueltos/fritos Eggs scrambled/fried
flan: crme caramel Desserts
arroz con leche: rice pudding fruta del tiempo: fruit in season
helados: ice cream
Bebidas Drinks refresco: soft drink
Agua con gas/natural Sparkling water/still water caa: small glass of draft beer
Agua del grifo Tap water cerveza: beer
Con hielo/sin hielo With ice/without ice vaso or copa: a glass
Cerveza caa, tubo, quinto, tercio Beer vino de mesa: table wine
small glass, medium glass, small bottle 20/25 ml., tinto de la casa: red house wine
medium bottle 33 cl. The local beer is Alhambra. blanco de la casa: white house wine
Clara Beer and lemonade essentially the Spanish rosada de la casa: ros house wine
equivalent to shandy and a great option on a hot day. un tinto: a glass of house red wine
Mosto Local non-alcoholic wine Rioja: the best known of the Spanish wines (red, white or
Tinto de Verano A refreshing summer drink of red ros).
wine and lemonade. Similar strength to beer. Can be sangria: a mix of red wine, brandy, fruit and anything else
made in house or bought in so it varies from bar to they might have handy. (Strictly for the tourists, this one!)
bar. tinto verano: red wine with a light lemonade
Vino tinto/blanco/rosado Red wine/white wine/ros afrutado: fruity
una copa*/una botella de vino A glass/a bottle of seco: dry
wine dulce: sweet
Zumo de naranja vermu: vermouth
(natural)/pia/manzana/pera/melocotn Juice, Salud!: cheers!
orange (freshly queezed)/pinapple/apple/pear/peach
aqua con/sin gas: bottled water with/without fizz
Un vaso de aqua del grifo: glass of tap water
Una jarra de agua: jug of tap water

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