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(Informacin extrada del MSDN de Visual Studio)
Fecha de publicacin: Noviembre del 2006.

UINT WINAPI WinExec(LPCSTR lpCmdLine,UINT uCmdShow);

[in] The command line (file name plus optional parameters) for the
application to be executed. If the name of the executable file in the
lpCmdLine parameter does not contain a directory path, the system searches
for the executable file in this sequence:
1. The directory from which the application loaded.
2. The current directory.
3. The Windows system directory. The GetSystemDirectory function
retrieves the path of this directory.
4. The Windows directory. The GetWindowsDirectory function
retrieves the path of this directory.
5. The directories listed in the PATH environment variable.
[in] The display options. For a list of the acceptable values, see the
description of the nCmdShow parameter of the ShowWindow function.

Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is greater than 31.
If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error values.

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Return code/value Description

0 The system is out of memory or resources.
ERROR_BAD_FORMAT The .exe file is invalid.
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND The specified file was not found.
ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND The specified path was not found.

Aqui un ejemplo de codigo para estos mensajes, programar el siguiente codigo a un boton
y ejecutelo.
int x;
x=MessageBox("Mensaje del contenido del cuadro",
"Mensaje del titulo",
if (x==IDYES) MessageBox("Has presionado si");
if (x==IDNO) MessageBox("Has presionado no");
if (x==IDCANCEL) MessageBox("Has presionado cancelar");

int MessageBox( LPCTSTR lpszText, LPCTSTR lpszCaption = NULL, UINT nType =

MB_OK );
Return Value
Specifies the outcome of the function. It is 0 if there is not enough memory to create the
message box.
Points to a CString object or null-terminated string containing the message to be
Points to a CString object or null-terminated string to be used for the message-box
caption. If lpszCaption is NULL, the default caption Error is used.
Specifies a set of bit flags that determine the contents and behavior of the dialog box.
This parameter can be a combination of flags from the following groups of flags.
Specify one of the following flags to indicate the buttons contained in the message box:
Flag Meaning
MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE The message box contains three push buttons: Abort, Retry,
and Ignore.

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MB_OK The message box contains one push button: OK. This is the
MB_OKCANCEL The message box contains two push buttons: OK and Cancel.
MB_RETRYCANCEL The message box contains two push buttons: Retry and
MB_YESNO The message box contains two push buttons: Yes and No.
MB_YESNOCANCEL The message box contains three push buttons: Yes, No, and

Specify one of the following flags to display an icon in the message box:
Flag Meaning
MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, An exclamation-point icon appears in the message box.
MB_ICONINFORMATION, An icon consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle appears in
MB_ICONASTERISK the message box.
MB_ICONQUESTION A question-mark icon appears in the message box.
MB_ICONSTOP, A stop-sign icon appears in the message box.

Specify one of the following flags to indicate the default button:

Flag Meaning
MB_DEFBUTTON1 The first button is the default button.
MB_DEFBUTTON1 is the default unless MB_DEFBUTTON2,
MB_DEFBUTTON3, or MB_DEFBUTTON4 is specified.
MB_DEFBUTTON2 The second button is the default button.
MB_DEFBUTTON3 The third button is the default button.
MB_DEFBUTTON4 The fourth button is the default button.

Specify one of the following flags to indicate the modality of the dialog box:
Flag Meaning
MB_APPLMODAL The user must respond to the message box before continuing work in
the window identified by the hWnd parameter. However, the user can
move to the windows of other threads and work in those windows.
Depending on the hierarchy of windows in the application, the user
may be able to move to other windows within the thread. All child
windows of the parent of the message box are automatically disabled,
but popup windows are not.
MB_APPLMODAL is the default if neither MB_SYSTEMMODAL
nor MB_TASKMODAL is specified.
MB_SYSTEMMODAL Same as MB_APPLMODAL except that the message box has the
WS_EX_TOPMOST style. Use system-modal message boxes to notify
the user of serious, potentially damaging errors that require immediate
attention (for example, running out of memory). This flag has no effect
on the user's ability to interact with windows other than those

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associated with hWnd.
MB_TASKMODAL Same as MB_APPLMODAL except that all the top-level windows
belonging to the current thread are disabled if the hWnd parameter is
NULL. Use this flag when the calling application or library does not
have a window handle available but still needs to prevent input to
other windows in the calling thread without suspending other threads.

In addition, you can specify the following flags:

The desktop currently receiving input must be a default desktop; otherwise, the function
fails. A default desktop is one an application runs on after the user has logged on.
Adds a Help button to the message box. Choosing the Help button or pressing F1
generates a Help event.
The text is right-justified.
Displays message and caption text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew and
Arabic systems.
The message box becomes the foreground window. Internally, the system calls the
SetForegroundWindow function for the message box.
The message box is created with the WS_EX_TOPMOST window style.
Windows NT: The caller is a service notifying the user of an event. The function
displays a message box on the current active desktop, even if there is no user logged on
to the computer.
If this flag is set, the hWnd parameter must be NULL. This is so the message box can
appear on a desktop other than the desktop corresponding to the hWnd.
For Windows NT version 4.0, the value of MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION has
changed. See WINUSER.H for the old and new values. Windows NT 4.0 provides
backward compatibility for pre-existing services by mapping the old value to the new
value in the implementation of MessageBox and MessageBoxEx. This mapping is only
done for executables that have a version number, as set by the linker, less than 4.0.
To build a service that uses MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION, and can run on both
Windows NT 3.x and Windows NT 4.0, you have two choices.
1. At link-time, specify a version number less than 4.0; or
2. At link-time, specify version 4.0. At run-time, use the GetVersionEx function to
check the system version. Then when running on Windows NT 3.x, use
MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_NT3X; and on Windows NT 4.0, use

Windows NT: This value corresponds to the value defined for
MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION for Windows NT version 3.51.
Return Values
The return value is zero if there is not enough memory to create the message box.
If the function succeeds, the return value is one of the following menu-item values returned by
the dialog box:

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Value Meaning
IDABORT Abort button was selected.
IDCANCEL Cancel button was selected.
IDIGNORE Ignore button was selected.
IDNO No button was selected.
IDOK OK button was selected.
IDRETRY Retry button was selected.
IDYES Yes button was selected.

If a message box has a Cancel button, the function returns the IDCANCEL value if either the esc
key is pressed or the Cancel button is selected. If the message box has no Cancel button,
pressing esc has no effect.
When you use a system-modal message box to indicate that the system is low on memory, the
strings pointed to by the lpText and lpCaption parameters should not be taken from a resource
file, because an attempt to load the resource may fail.
When an application calls MessageBox and specifies the MB_ICONHAND and
MB_SYSTEMMODAL flags for the uType parameter, the system displays the resulting message
box regardless of available memory. When these flags are specified, the system limits the length
of the message box text to three lines. The system does not automatically break the lines to fit in
the message box, however, so the message string must contain carriage returns to break the lines
at the appropriate places.
If you create a message box while a dialog box is present, use the handle of the dialog box as the
hWnd parameter. The hWnd parameter should not identify a child window, such as a control in a
dialog box.
Windows 95: The system can support a maximum of 16,364 window handles.
Windows CE: Windows CE does not support the following styles for the uType parameter:
The following return values are not supported:

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PlaySound (mmsystem.h)
The PlaySound function plays a sound specified by the given filename, resource, or system
event. (A system event may be associated with a sound in the registry or in the WIN.INI file.)
BOOL PlaySound(
LPCSTR pszSound,
DWORD fdwSound

A string that specifies the sound to play. If this parameter is NULL, any currently playing
waveform sound is stopped. To stop a non-waveform sound, specify SND_PURGE in
the fdwSound parameter.
Three flags in fdwSound (SND_ALIAS, SND_FILENAME, and SND_RESOURCE)
determine whether the name is interpreted as an alias for a system event, a filename, or a
resource identifier. If none of these flags are specified, PlaySound searches the registry
or the WIN.INI file for an association with the specified sound name. If an association is
found, the sound event is played. If no association is found in the registry, the name is
interpreted as a filename.
Handle of the executable file that contains the resource to be loaded. This parameter must
be NULL unless SND_RESOURCE is specified in fdwSound.
Flags for playing the sound. The following values are defined:
The sound is played using an application-specific association.
The pszSound parameter is a system-event alias in the registry or the WIN.INI file. Do
not use with either SND_FILENAME or SND_RESOURCE.
The pszSound parameter is a predefined sound identifier.
The sound is played asynchronously and PlaySound returns immediately after beginning
the sound. To terminate an asynchronously played waveform sound, call PlaySound
with pszSound set to NULL.
The pszSound parameter is a filename.
The sound plays repeatedly until PlaySound is called again with the pszSound parameter
set to NULL. You must also specify the SND_ASYNC flag to indicate an asynchronous
sound event.
A sound event's file is loaded in RAM. The parameter specified by pszSound must point
to an image of a sound in memory.
No default sound event is used. If the sound cannot be found, PlaySound returns silently
without playing the default sound.
The specified sound event will yield to another sound event that is already playing. If a
sound cannot be played because the resource needed to generate that sound is busy

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playing another sound, the function immediately returns FALSE without playing the
requested sound.
If this flag is not specified, PlaySound attempts to stop the currently playing sound so
that the device can be used to play the new sound.
If the driver is busy, return immediately without playing the sound.
Sounds are to be stopped for the calling task. If pszSound is not NULL, all instances of
the specified sound are stopped. If pszSound is NULL, all sounds that are playing on
behalf of the calling task are stopped.
You must also specify the instance handle to stop SND_RESOURCE events.
The pszSound parameter is a resource identifier; hmod must identify the instance that
contains the resource.
Synchronous playback of a sound event. PlaySound returns after the sound event

BOOL CreateFont( int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int
nWeight, BYTE bItalic, BYTE bUnderline, BYTE cStrikeOut, BYTE nCharSet, BYTE
nOutPrecision, BYTE nClipPrecision, BYTE nQuality, BYTE nPitchAndFamily, LPCTSTR
lpszFacename );
Return Value
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Specifies the desired height (in logical units) of the font. The font height can be specified in
the following ways:
Greater than 0, in which case the height is transformed into device units and
matched against the cell height of the available fonts.
Equal to 0, in which case a reasonable default size is used.
Less than 0, in which case the height is transformed into device units and the
absolute value is matched against the character height of the available fonts.
The absolute value of nHeight must not exceed 16,384 device units after it is
converted. For all height comparisons, the font mapper looks for the largest font that
does not exceed the requested size or the smallest font if all the fonts exceed the
requested size.

Specifies the average width (in logical units) of characters in the font. If nWidth is 0, the
aspect ratio of the device will be matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the
available fonts to find the closest match, which is determined by the absolute value of the
Specifies the angle (in 0.1-degree units) between the escapement vector and the x-axis of
the display surface. The escapement vector is the line through the origins of the first and
last characters on a line. The angle is measured counterclockwise from the x-axis.
Specifies the angle (in 0.1-degree units) between the baseline of a character and the x-
axis. The angle is measured counterclockwise from the x-axis for coordinate systems in
which the y-direction is down and clockwise from the x-axis for coordinate systems in which
the y-direction is up.

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Specifies the font weight (in inked pixels per 1000). Although nWeight can be any integer
value from 0 to 1000, the common constants and values are as follows:
Constant Value
















These values are approximate; the actual appearance depends on the typeface. Some fonts
have only FW_NORMAL, FW_REGULAR, and FW_BOLD weights. If FW_DONTCARE is
specified, a default weight is used.
Specifies whether the font is italic.
Specifies whether the font is underlined.
Specifies whether characters in the font are struck out. Specifies a strikeout font if set to a
nonzero value.
Specifies the fonts character set. The following constants and values are predefined:

Constant Value






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The OEM character set is system-dependent.

Fonts with other character sets may exist in the system. An application that uses a font with
an unknown character set must not attempt to translate or interpret strings that are to be
rendered with that font. Instead, the strings should be passed directly to the output device
The font mapper does not use the DEFAULT_CHARSET value. An application can use this
value to allow the name and size of a font to fully describe the logical font. If a font with the
specified name does not exist, a font from any character set can be substituted for the
specified font. To avoid unexpected results, applications should use the
DEFAULT_CHARSET value sparingly.
Specifies the desired output precision. The output precision defines how closely the output
must match the requested fonts height, width, character orientation, escapement, and
pitch. It can be any one of the following values:




Applications can use the OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS, OUT_RASTER_PRECIS, and

OUT_TT_PRECIS values to control how the font mapper chooses a font when the system
contains more than one font with a given name. For example, if a system contains a font
named Symbol in raster and TrueType form, specifying OUT_TT_PRECIS forces the font
mapper to choose the TrueType version. (Specifying OUT_TT_PRECIS forces the font
mapper to choose a TrueType font whenever the specified font name matches a device or
raster font, even when there is no TrueType font of the same name.)
Specifies the desired clipping precision. The clipping precision defines how to clip characters
that are partially outside the clipping region. It can be any one of the following values:




To use an embedded read-only font, an application must specify CLIP_ENCAPSULATE.

To achieve consistent rotation of device, TrueType, and vector fonts, an application can use
the OR operator to combine the CLIP_LH_ANGLES value with any of the other
nClipPrecision values. If the CLIP_LH_ANGLES bit is set, the rotation for all fonts depends
on whether the orientation of the coordinate system is left-handed or right-handed. (For
more information about the orientation of coordinate systems, see the description of the
nOrientation parameter.) If CLIP_LH_ANGLES is not set, device fonts always rotate
counterclockwise, but the rotation of other fonts is dependent on the orientation of the
coordinate system.
Specifies the fonts output quality, which defines how carefully the GDI must attempt to
match the logical-font attributes to those of an actual physical font. It can be one of the
following values:
DEFAULT_QUALITY Appearance of the font does not matter.

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DRAFT_QUALITY Appearance of the font is less important than when
PROOF_QUALITY is used. For GDI raster fonts, scaling is enabled. Bold, italic,
underline, and strikeout fonts are synthesized if necessary.
PROOF_QUALITY Character quality of the font is more important than exact
matching of the logical-font attributes. For GDI raster fonts, scaling is disabled and
the font closest in size is chosen. Bold, italic, underline, and strikeout fonts are
synthesized if necessary.
Specifies the pitch and family of the font. The two low-order bits specify the pitch of the
font and can be any one of the following values:


Applications can add TMPF_TRUETYPE to the nPitchAndFamily parameter to choose a

TrueType font. The four high-order bits of the parameter specify the font family and can be
any one of the following values:
FF_DECORATIVE Novelty fonts: Old English, for example.
FF_DONTCARE Dont care or dont know.
FF_MODERN Fonts with constant stroke width (fixed-pitch), with or without serifs.
Fixed-pitch fonts are usually modern faces. Pica, Elite, and Courier New are
FF_ROMAN Fonts with variable stroke width (proportionally spaced) and with
serifs. Times New Roman and Century Schoolbook are examples.
FF_SCRIPT Fonts designed to look like handwriting. Script and Cursive are
FF_SWISS Fonts with variable stroke width (proportionally spaced) and without
serifs. MS Sans Serif is an example.
An application can specify a value for nPitchAndFamily by using the Boolean OR
operator to join a pitch constant with a family constant.
Font families describe the look of a font in a general way. They are intended for
specifying fonts when the exact typeface desired is not available.
A CString or pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the typeface name of the
font. The length of this string must not exceed 30 characters. The Windows
EnumFontFamilies function can be used to enumerate all currently available fonts. If
lpszFacename is NULL, the GDI uses a device-independent typeface.
Initializes a CFont object with the specified characteristics. The font can subsequently be
selected as the font for any device context.
The CreateFont function does not create a new Windows GDI font. It merely selects the
closest match from the fonts available in the GDIs pool of physical fonts.
Applications can use the default settings for most of these parameters when creating a
logical font. The parameters that should always be given specific values are nHeight and
lpszFacename. If nHeight and lpszFacename are not set by the application, the logical font
that is created is device-dependent.
When you finish with the CFont object created by the CreateFont function, first select the
font out of the device context, then delete the CFont object.

CBrush( );
CBrush( COLORREF crColor );
CBrush( int nIndex, COLORREF crColor );
CBrush( CBitmap* pBitmap );

Specifies the foreground color of the brush as an RGB color. If the brush is hatched, this
parameter specifies the color of the hatching.

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Specifies the hatch style of the brush. It can be any one of the following values:
HS_BDIAGONAL Downward hatch (left to right) at 45 degrees
HS_CROSS Horizontal and vertical crosshatch
HS_DIAGCROSS Crosshatch at 45 degrees
HS_FDIAGONAL Upward hatch (left to right) at 45 degrees
HS_HORIZONTAL Horizontal hatch
HS_VERTICAL Vertical hatch
Points to a CBitmap object that specifies a bitmap with which the brush paints.
Has four overloaded constructors. The constructor with no arguments constructs an
uninitialized CBrush object that must be initialized before it can be used.
If you use the constructor with no arguments, you must initialize the resulting CBrush
object with CreateSolidBrush, CreateHatchBrush, CreateBrushIndirect, CreatePatternBrush,
or CreateDIBPatternBrush. If you use one of the constructors that takes arguments, then no
further initialization is necessary. The constructors with arguments can throw an exception
if errors are encountered, while the constructor with no arguments will always succeed.
The constructor with a single COLORREF parameter constructs a solid brush with the
specified color. The color specifies an RGB value and can be constructed with the RGB
macro in WINDOWS.H.
The constructor with two parameters constructs a hatch brush. The nIndex parameter
specifies the index of a hatched pattern. The crColor parameter specifies the color.

CPen( );
CPen( int nPenStyle, int nWidth, COLORREF crColor );
CPen( int nPenStyle, int nWidth, const LOGBRUSH* pLogBrush, int nStyleCount = 0, const
DWORD* lpStyle = NULL );
Specifies the pen style. This parameter in the first version of the constructor can be one of
the following values:
PS_SOLID Creates a solid pen.
PS_DASH Creates a dashed pen. Valid only when the pen width is 1 or less, in
device units.
PS_DOT Creates a dotted pen. Valid only when the pen width is 1 or less, in device
PS_DASHDOT Creates a pen with alternating dashes and dots. Valid only when
the pen width is 1 or less, in device units.
PS_DASHDOTDOT Creates a pen with alternating dashes and double dots. Valid
only when the pen width is 1 or less, in device units.
PS_NULL Creates a null pen.
PS_INSIDEFRAME Creates a pen that draws a line inside the frame of closed
shapes produced by the Windows GDI output functions that specify a bounding
rectangle (for example, the Ellipse, Rectangle, RoundRect, Pie, and Chord
member functions). When this style is used with Windows GDI output functions that
do not specify a bounding rectangle (for example, the LineTo member function), the
drawing area of the pen is not limited by a frame.
The second version of the CPen constructor specifies a combination of type, style,
end cap, and join attributes. The values from each category should be combined by
using the bitwise OR operator (|). The pen type can be one of the following values:
PS_GEOMETRIC Creates a geometric pen.
PS_COSMETIC Creates a cosmetic pen.
The second version of the CPen constructor adds the following pen styles for

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PS_ALTERNATE Creates a pen that sets every other pixel. (This style is applicable
only for cosmetic pens.)
PS_USERSTYLE Creates a pen that uses a styling array supplied by the user.
The end cap can be one of the following values:
PS_ENDCAP_ROUND End caps are round.
PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE End caps are square.
PS_ENDCAP_FLAT End caps are flat.
The join can be one of the following values:
PS_JOIN_BEVEL Joins are beveled.
PS_JOIN_MITER Joins are mitered when they are within the current limit set by
the ::SetMiterLimit function. If the join exceeds this limit, it is beveled.
PS_JOIN_ROUND Joins are round.
Specifies the width of the pen.
For the first version of the constructor, if this value is 0, the width in device units is
always 1 pixel, regardless of the mapping mode.
For the second version of the constructor, if nPenStyle is PS_GEOMETRIC, the
width is given in logical units. If nPenStyle is PS_COSMETIC, the width must be set
to 1.
Contains an RGB color for the pen.
Points to a LOGBRUSH structure. If nPenStyle is PS_COSMETIC, the lbColor member of
the LOGBRUSH structure specifies the color of the pen and the lbStyle member of the
LOGBRUSH structure must be set to BS_SOLID. If nPenStyle is PS_GEOMETRIC, all
members must be used to specify the brush attributes of the pen.
Specifies the length, in doubleword units, of the lpStyle array. This value must be zero if
nPenStyle is not PS_USERSTYLE.
Points to an array of doubleword values. The first value specifies the length of the first dash
in a user-defined style, the second value specifies the length of the first space, and so on.
This pointer must be NULL if nPenStyle is not PS_USERSTYLE.
If you use the constructor with no arguments, you must initialize the resulting CPen object
with the CreatePen, CreatePenIndirect, or CreateStockObject member functions. If
you use the constructor that takes arguments, then no further initialization is necessary.
The constructor with arguments can throw an exception if errors are encountered, while the
constructor with no arguments will always succeed.

The CClientDC class is derived from CDC and takes care of calling the Windows functions
GetDC at construction time and ReleaseDC at destruction time. This means that the device
context associated with a CClientDC object is the client area of a window.
For more information on CClientDC, see Device Contexts in Visual C++ Programmer's

CDC Class Members

Data Members
Device-Context Functions
Drawing-Tool Functions
Type-Safe Selection. Helpers
Color and Color Palette Functions
Drawing-Attribute Functions

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Mapping Functions
Coordinate Functions
Region Functions
Clipping Functions
Line-Output Functions
Simple Drawing Functions
Ellipse and Polygon Functions
Bitmap Functions
Text Functions
Font Functions
Printer Escape Functions
Scrolling Functions
Metafile Functions
Path Functions
Data Members
m_hDC The output-device context used by this CDC object.

m_hAttribDC The attribute-device context used by this CDC object.

CDC Constructs a CDC object.

CreateDC Creates a device context for a specific device.

CreateIC Creates an information context for a specific device. This provides a

fast way to get information about the device without creating a
device context.

CreateCompatibleDC Creates a memory-device context that is compatible with another

device context. You can use it to prepare images in memory.

DeleteDC Deletes the Windows device context associated with this CDC

FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CDC object when given a handle to a device

context. If a CDC object is not attached to the handle, a temporary
CDC object is created and attached.

DeleteTempMap Called by the CWinApp idle-time handler to delete any temporary

CDC object created by FromHandle. Also detaches the device

Attach Attaches a Windows device context to this CDC object.

Detach Detaches the Windows device context from this CDC object.

SetAttribDC Sets m_hAttribDC, the attribute device context.

SetOutputDC Sets m_hDC, the output device context.

ReleaseAttribDC Releases m_hAttribDC, the attribute device context.

ReleaseOutputDC Releases m_hDC, the output device context.

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GetCurrentBitmap Returns a pointer to the currently selected CBitmap object.

GetCurrentBrush Returns a pointer to the currently selected CBrush object.

GetCurrentFont Returns a pointer to the currently selected CFont object.

GetCurrentPalette Returns a pointer to the currently selected CPalette object.

GetCurrentPen Returns a pointer to the currently selected CPen object.

GetWindow Returns the window associated with the display device context.

Device-Context Functions
GetSafeHdc Returns m_hDC, the output device context.

SaveDC Saves the current state of the device context.

RestoreDC Restores the device context to a previous state saved with SaveDC.

ResetDC Updates the m_hAttribDC device context.

GetDeviceCaps Retrieves a specified kind of device-specific information about a given

display devices capabilities.

IsPrinting Determines whether the device context is being used for printing.

Drawing-Tool Functions
GetBrushOrg Retrieves the origin of the current brush.

SetBrushOrg Specifies the origin for the next brush selected into a device context.

EnumObjects Enumerates the pens and brushes available in a device context.

Type-Safe Selection Helpers

SelectObject Selects a GDI drawing object such as a pen.

SelectStockObject Selects one of the predefined stock pens, brushes, or fonts provided by

Color and Color Palette Functions

GetNearestColor Retrieves the closest logical color to a specified logical color that the given
device can represent.

SelectPalette Selects the logical palette.

RealizePalette Maps palette entries in the current logical palette to the system palette.

UpdateColors Updates the client area of the device context by matching the current
colors in the client area to the system palette on a pixel-by-pixel basis.

GetHalftoneBrush Retrieves a halftone brush.

Drawing-Attribute Functions

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GetBkColor Retrieves the current background color.

SetBkColor Sets the current background color.

GetBkMode Retrieves the background mode.

SetBkMode Sets the background mode.

GetPolyFillMode Retrieves the current polygon-filling mode.

SetPolyFillMode Sets the polygon-filling mode.

GetROP2 Retrieves the current drawing mode.

SetROP2 Sets the current drawing mode.

GetStretchBltMode Retrieves the current bitmap-stretching mode.

SetStretchBltMode Sets the bitmap-stretching mode.

GetTextColor Retrieves the current text color.

SetTextColor Sets the text color.

GetColorAdjustment Retrieves the color adjustment values for the device context.

SetColorAdjustment Sets the color adjustment values for the device context using the
specified values.

Mapping Functions
GetMapMode Retrieves the current mapping mode.

SetMapMode Sets the current mapping mode.

GetViewportOrg Retrieves the x- and y-coordinates of the viewport origin.

SetViewportOrg Sets the viewport origin.

OffsetViewportOrg Modifies the viewport origin relative to the coordinates of the current
viewport origin.

GetViewportExt Retrieves the x- and y-extents of the viewport.

SetViewportExt Sets the x- and y-extents of the viewport.

ScaleViewportExt Modifies the viewport extent relative to the current values.

GetWindowOrg Retrieves the x- and y-coordinates of the origin of the associated window.

SetWindowOrg Sets the window origin of the device context.

OffsetWindowOrg Modifies the window origin relative to the coordinates of the current
window origin.

GetWindowExt Retrieves the x- and y-extents of the associated window.

SetWindowExt Sets the x- and y-extents of the associated window.

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ScaleWindowExt Modifies the window extents relative to the current values.

Coordinate Functions
DPtoHIMETRIC Converts device units into HIMETRIC units.

DPtoLP Converts device units into logical units.

HIMETRICtoDP Converts HIMETRIC units into device units.

HIMETRICtoLP Converts HIMETRIC units into logical units.

LPtoDP Converts logical units into device units.

LPtoHIMETRIC Converts logical units into HIMETRIC units.

Region Functions
FillRgn Fills a specific region with the specified brush.

FrameRgn Draws a border around a specific region using a brush.

InvertRgn Inverts the colors in a region.

PaintRgn Fills a region with the selected brush.

Clipping Functions
SetBoundsRect Controls the accumulation of bounding-rectangle information
for the specified device context.

GetBoundsRect Returns the current accumulated bounding rectangle for the

specified device context.

GetClipBox Retrieves the dimensions of the tightest bounding rectangle

around the current clipping boundary.

SelectClipRgn Combines the given region with the current clipping region
by using the specified mode.

ExcludeClipRect Creates a new clipping region that consists of the existing

clipping region minus the specified rectangle.

ExcludeUpdateRgn Prevents drawing within invalid areas of a window by

excluding an updated region in the window from a clipping

IntersectClipRect Creates a new clipping region by forming the intersection of

the current region and a rectangle.

OffsetClipRgn Moves the clipping region of the given device.

PtVisible Specifies whether the given point is within the clipping


RectVisible Determines whether any part of the given rectangle lies

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within the clipping region.

Line-Output Functions
GetCurrentPosition Retrieves the current position of the pen (in logical

MoveTo Moves the current position.

LineTo Draws a line from the current position up to, but not
including, a point.

Arc Draws an elliptical arc.

ArcTo Draws an elliptical arc. This function is similar to Arc, except

that the current position is updated.

AngleArc Draws a line segment and an arc, and moves the current
position to the ending point of the arc.

GetArcDirection Returns the current arc direction for the device context.

SetArcDirection Sets the drawing direction to be used for arc and rectangle

PolyDraw Draws a set of line segments and Bzier splines. This function
updates the current position.

Polyline Draws a set of line segments connecting the specified points.

PolyPolyline Draws multiple series of connected line segments. The

current position is neither used nor updated by this function.

PolylineTo Draws one or more straight lines and moves the current
position to the ending point of the last line.

PolyBezier Draws one or more Bzier splines. The current position is

neither used nor updated.

PolyBezierTo Draws one or more Bzier splines, and moves the current
position to the ending point of the last Bzier spline.

Simple Drawing Functions

FillRect Fills a given rectangle by using a specific brush.

FrameRect Draws a border around a rectangle.

InvertRect Inverts the contents of a rectangle.

DrawIcon Draws an icon.

DrawDragRect Erases and redraws a rectangle as it is dragged.

FillSolidRect Fills a rectangle with a solid color.

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Draw3dRect Draws a three-dimensional rectangle.

DrawEdge Draws the edges of a rectangle.

DrawFrameControl Draw a frame control.

DrawState Displays an image and applies a visual effect to indicate a


Ellipse and Polygon Functions

Chord Draws a chord (a closed figure bounded by the intersection of
an ellipse and a line segment).

DrawFocusRect Draws a rectangle in the style used to indicate focus.

Ellipse Draws an ellipse.

Pie Draws a pie-shaped wedge.

Polygon Draws a polygon consisting of two or more points (vertices)

connected by lines.

PolyPolygon Creates two or more polygons that are filled using the current
polygon-filling mode. The polygons may be disjoint or they
may overlap.

Polyline Draws a polygon consisting of a set of line segments

connecting specified points.

Rectangle Draws a rectangle using the current pen and fills it using the
current brush.

RoundRect Draws a rectangle with rounded corners using the current pen
and filled using the current brush.

Bitmap Functions
PatBlt Creates a bit pattern.

BitBlt Copies a bitmap from a specified device context.

StretchBlt Moves a bitmap from a source rectangle and device into a destination
rectangle, stretching or compressing the bitmap if necessary to fit the
dimensions of the destination rectangle.

GetPixel Retrieves the RGB color value of the pixel at the specified point.

SetPixel Sets the pixel at the specified point to the closest approximation of the
specified color.

SetPixelV Sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the closest approximation of the
specified color. SetPixelV is faster than SetPixel because it does not need to
return the color value of the point actually painted.

FloodFill Fills an area with the current brush.

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ExtFloodFill Fills an area with the current brush. Provides more flexibility than the
FloodFill member function.

MaskBlt Combines the color data for the source and destination bitmaps using the given
mask and raster operation.

PlgBlt Performs a bit-block transfer of the bits of color data from the specified
rectangle in the source device context to the specified parallelogram in the
given device context.

Text Functions
TextOut Writes a character string at a specified location using the
currently selected font.

ExtTextOut Writes a character string within a rectangular region using the

currently selected font.

TabbedTextOut Writes a character string at a specified location, expanding

tabs to the values specified in an array of tab-stop positions.

DrawText Draws formatted text in the specified rectangle.

GetTextExtent Computes the width and height of a line of text on the

attribute device context using the current font to determine
the dimensions.

GetOutputTextExtent Computes the width and height of a line of text on the output
device context using the current font to determine the

GetTabbedTextExtent Computes the width and height of a character string on the

attribute device context.

GetOutputTabbedTextExtent Computes the width and height of a character string on the

output device context.

GrayString Draws dimmed (grayed) text at the given location.

GetTextAlign Retrieves the text-alignment flags.

SetTextAlign Sets the text-alignment flags.

GetTextFace Copies the typeface name of the current font into a buffer as a
null-terminated string.

GetTextMetrics Retrieves the metrics for the current font from the attribute
device context.

GetOutputTextMetrics Retrieves the metrics for the current font from the output
device context.

SetTextJustification Adds space to the break characters in a string.

GetTextCharacterExtra Retrieves the current setting for the amount of intercharacter


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SetTextCharacterExtra Sets the amount of intercharacter spacing.

Font Functions
GetFontData Retrieves font metric information from a scalable font file.
The information to retrieve is identified by specifying an
offset into the font file and the length of the information to

GetKerningPairs Retrieves the character kerning pairs for the font that is
currently selected in the specified device context.

GetOutlineTextMetrics Retrieves font metric information for TrueType fonts.

GetGlyphOutline Retrieves the outline curve or bitmap for an outline character

in the current font.

GetCharABCWidths Retrieves the widths, in logical units, of consecutive

characters in a given range from the current font.

GetCharWidth Retrieves the fractional widths of consecutive characters in a

given range from the current font.

GetOutputCharWidth Retrieves the widths of individual characters in a consecutive

group of characters from the current font using the output
device context.

SetMapperFlags Alters the algorithm that the font mapper uses when it maps
logical fonts to physical fonts.

GetAspectRatioFilter Retrieves the setting for the current aspect-ratio filter.

Printer Escape Functions

QueryAbort Calls the AbortProc callback function for a printing application and queries
whether the printing should be terminated.

Escape Allows applications to access facilities that are not directly available from a
particular device through GDI. Also allows access to Windows escape
functions. Escape calls made by an application are translated and sent to the
device driver.

DrawEscape Accesses drawing capabilities of a video display that are not directly available
through the graphics device interface (GDI).

StartDoc Informs the device driver that a new print job is starting.

StartPage Informs the device driver that a new page is starting.

EndPage Informs the device driver that a page is ending.

SetAbortProc Sets a programmer-supplied callback function that Windows calls if a print job
must be aborted.

AbortDoc Terminates the current print job, erasing everything the application has written
to the device since the last call of the StartDoc member function.

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EndDoc Ends a print job started by the StartDoc member function.

Scrolling Functions
ScrollDC Scrolls a rectangle of bits horizontally and vertically.

Metafile Functions
PlayMetaFile Plays the contents of the specified metafile on the given device. The
enhanced version of PlayMetaFile displays the picture stored in the
given enhanced-format metafile. The metafile can be played any
number of times.

AddMetaFileComment Copies the comment from a buffer into a specified enhanced-format


Path Functions
AbortPath Closes and discards any paths in the device context.

BeginPath Opens a path bracket in the device context.

CloseFigure Closes an open figure in a path.

EndPath Closes a path bracket and selects the path defined by the bracket into the
device context.

FillPath Closes any open figures in the current path and fills the paths interior by
using the current brush and polygon-filling mode.

FlattenPath Transforms any curves in the path selected into the current device context,
and turns each curve into a sequence of lines.

GetMiterLimit Returns the miter limit for the device context.

GetPath Retrieves the coordinates defining the endpoints of lines and the control
points of curves found in the path that is selected into the device context.

SelectClipPath Selects the current path as a clipping region for the device context,
combining the new region with any existing clipping region by using the
specified mode.

SetMiterLimit Sets the limit for the length of miter joins for the device context.

StrokeAndFillPath Closes any open figures in a path, strikes the outline of the path by using
the current pen, and fills its interior by using the current brush.

StrokePath Renders the specified path by using the current pen.

WidenPath Redefines the current path as the area that would be painted if the path were
stroked using the pen currently selected into the device context.

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CComboBox Class Members

General Operations
String Operations
CComboBox Constructs a CComboBox object.

Create Creates the combo box and attaches it to the CComboBox

InitStorage Preallocates blocks of memory for items and strings in the

list-box portion of the combo box.

General Operations
GetCount Retrieves the number of items in the list box of a combo box.

GetCurSel Retrieves the index of the currently selected item, if any, in the list
box of a combo box.

SetCurSel Selects a string in the list box of a combo box.

GetEditSel Gets the starting and ending character positions of the current
selection in the edit control of a combo box.

SetEditSel Selects characters in the edit control of a combo box.

SetItemData Sets the 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a combo

SetItemDataPtr Sets the 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a combo
box to the specified pointer (void*).

GetItemData Retrieves the application-supplied 32-bit value associated with the

specified combo-box item.

GetItemDataPtr Retrieves the application-supplied 32-bit value associated with the

specified combo-box item as a pointer (void*).

GetTopIndex Returns the index of the first visible item in the list-box portion of the
combo box.

SetTopIndex Tells the list-box portion of the combo box to display the item with
the specified index at the top.

SetHorizontalExtent Sets the width in pixels that the list-box portion of the combo box can
be scrolled horizontally.

GetHorizontalExtent Returns the width in pixels that the list-box portion of the combo box
can be scrolled horizontally.

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SetDroppedWidth Sets the minimum allowable width for the drop-down list-box portion
of a combo box.

GetDroppedWidth Retrieves the minimum allowable width for the drop-down list-box
portion of a combo box.

Clear Deletes (clears) the current selection (if any) in the edit control.

Copy Copies the current selection (if any) onto the Clipboard in CF_TEXT

Cut Deletes (cuts) the current selection, if any, in the edit control and
copies the deleted text onto the Clipboard in CF_TEXT format.

Paste Inserts the data from the Clipboard into the edit control at the current
cursor position. Data is inserted only if the Clipboard contains data in
CF_TEXT format.

LimitText Limits the length of the text that the user can enter into the edit
control of a combo box.

SetItemHeight Sets the height of list items in a combo box or the height of the edit-
control (or static-text) portion of a combo box.

GetItemHeight Retrieves the height of list items in a combo box.

GetLBText Gets a string from the list box of a combo box.

GetLBTextLen Gets the length of a string in the list box of a combo box.

ShowDropDown Shows or hides the list box of a combo box that has the

GetDroppedControlRect Retrieves the screen coordinates of the visible (dropped-down) list

box of a drop-down combo box.

GetDroppedState Determines whether the list box of a drop-down combo box is visible
(dropped down).

SetExtendedUI Selects either the default user interface or the extended user interface
for a combo box that has the CBS_DROPDOWN or

GetExtendedUI Determines whether a combo box has the default user interface or the
extended user interface.

GetLocale Retrieves the locale identifier for a combo box.

SetLocale Sets the locale identifier for a combo box.

String Operations
AddString Adds a string to the end of the list in the list box of a combo box or at the
sorted position for list boxes with the CBS_SORT style.

DeleteString Deletes a string from the list box of a combo box.

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InsertString Inserts a string into the list box of a combo box.

ResetContent Removes all items from the list box and edit control of a combo box.

Dir Adds a list of filenames to the list box of a combo box.

FindString Finds the first string that contains the specified prefix in the list box of a
combo box.

FindStringExact Finds the first list-box string (in a combo box) that matches the specified

SelectString Searches for a string in the list box of a combo box and, if the string is
found, selects the string in the list box and copies the string to the edit

DrawItem Called by the framework when a visual aspect of an owner-draw combo box

MeasureItem Called by the framework to determine combo box dimensions when an owner-
draw combo box is created.

CompareItem Called by the framework to determine the relative position of a new list item in
a sorted owner-draw combo box.

DeleteItem Called by the framework when a list item is deleted from an owner-draw
combo box.

CRecordset Class Members

Data Members
Recordset Attributes
Recordset Update Operations
Recordset Navigation Operations
Other Recordset Operations
Recordset Overridables
Data Members
m_hstmt Contains the ODBC statement handle for the recordset. Type HSTMT.

m_nFields Contains the number of field data members in the recordset. Type UINT.

m_nParams Contains the number of parameter data members in the recordset. Type UINT.

m_pDatabase Contains a pointer to the CDatabase object through which the recordset is
connected to a data source.

m_strFilter Contains a CString that specifies a Structured Query Language (SQL)

WHERE clause. Used as a filter to select only those records that meet certain

m_strSort Contains a CString that specifies an SQL ORDER BY clause. Used to control
how the records are sorted.

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CRecordset Constructs a CRecordset object. Your derived class must
provide a constructor that calls this one.

Open Opens the recordset by retrieving the table or performing

the query that the recordset represents.

Close Closes the recordset and the ODBC HSTMT associated

with it.

Recordset Attributes
CanAppend Returns nonzero if new records can be added to the recordset via the
AddNew member function.

CanBookmark Returns nonzero if the recordset supports bookmarks.

CanRestart Returns nonzero if Requery can be called to run the recordsets query

CanScroll Returns nonzero if you can scroll through the records.

CanTransact Returns nonzero if the data source supports transactions.

CanUpdate Returns nonzero if the recordset can be updated (you can add, update, or
delete records).

GetODBCFieldCount Returns the number of fields in the recordset.

GetRecordCount Returns the number of records in the recordset.

GetStatus Gets the status of the recordset: the index of the current record and
whether a final count of the records has been obtained.

GetTableName Gets the name of the table on which the recordset is based.

GetSQL Gets the SQL string used to select records for the recordset.

IsOpen Returns nonzero if Open has been called previously.

IsBOF Returns nonzero if the recordset has been positioned before the first
record. There is no current record.

IsEOF Returns nonzero if the recordset has been positioned after the last record.
There is no current record.

IsDeleted Returns nonzero if the recordset is positioned on a deleted record.

Recordset Update Operations

AddNew Prepares for adding a new record. Call Update to complete the addition.

CancelUpdate Cancels any pending updates due to an AddNew or Edit operation.

Delete Deletes the current record from the recordset. You must explicitly scroll to

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another record after the deletion.

Edit Prepares for changes to the current record. Call Update to complete the edit.

Update Completes an AddNew or Edit operation by saving the new or edited data on
the data source.

Recordset Navigation Operations

GetBookmark Assigns the bookmark value of a record to the parameter object.

Move Positions the recordset to a specified number of records from the current
record in either direction.

MoveFirst Positions the current record on the first record in the recordset. Test for
IsBOF first.

MoveLast Positions the current record on the last record or on the last rowset. Test
for IsEOF first.

MoveNext Positions the current record on the next record or on the next rowset. Test
for IsEOF first.

MovePrev Positions the current record on the previous record or on the previous
rowset. Test for IsBOF first.

SetAbsolutePosition Positions the recordset on the record corresponding to the specified

record number.

SetBookmark Positions the recordset on the record specified by the bookmark.

Other Recordset Operations

Cancel Cancels an asynchronous operation or a process from a second

FlushResultSet Returns nonzero if there is another result set to be retrieved, when

using a predefined query.

GetFieldValue Returns the value of a field in a recordset.

GetODBCFieldInfo Returns specific kinds of information about the fields in a recordset.

GetRowsetSize Returns the number of records you wish to retrieve during a single

GetRowsFetched Returns the actual number of rows retrieved during a fetch.

GetRowStatus Returns the status of the row after a fetch.

IsFieldDirty Returns nonzero if the specified field in the current record has been

IsFieldNull Returns nonzero if the specified field in the current record is Null
(has no value).

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IsFieldNullable Returns nonzero if the specified field in the current record can be set
to Null (having no value).

RefreshRowset Refreshes the data and status of the specified row(s).

Requery Runs the recordsets query again to refresh the selected records.

SetFieldDirty Marks the specified field in the current record as changed.

SetFieldNull Sets the value of the specified field in the current record to Null
(having no value).

SetLockingMode Sets the locking mode to optimistic locking (the default) or

pessimistic locking. Determines how records are locked for

SetParamNull Sets the specified parameter to Null (having no value).

SetRowsetCursorPosition Positions the cursor on the specified row within the rowset.

Recordset Overridables
Check Called to examine the return code from an ODBC API function.

CheckRowsetError Called to handle errors generated during record fetching.

DoBulkFieldExchange Called to exchange bulk rows of data from the data source to the
recordset. Implements bulk record field exchange (Bulk RFX).

DoFieldExchange Called to exchange data (in both directions) between the field data
members of the recordset and the corresponding record on the data
source. Implements record field exchange (RFX).

GetDefaultConnect Called to get the default connect string.

GetDefaultSQL Called to get the default SQL string to execute.

OnSetOptions Called to set options for the specified ODBC statement.

SetRowsetSize Specifies the number of records you wish to retrieve during a fetch.

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