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I :,r'1,-:1",m :' :;ii:S?'
Lightweight, high strength and corrosion resistance poles, McGraw-Edison uses the most modern, up-
are among the advantages of aluminum poles. toiate applied finish technology avajlable. The
The McGraw-Edison line of aluminum poles in- result is more durable, 'esilient and abrasion resis-
cludes seamless extruded square and round non- tant finishes than was previously possible. The
tapered shafts, round tapered shafts of spun powder coating system utilizes a thermoset acrylic
aluminum, all with cast aluminum bases. They are resin resu lting in a finish that is virtually unaffected
available for a variety of lighting fixture mounting by humidiw, salt spray, the suns ultraviolet rays
configurations to cover most application require- and other weather extremes.
ments. All aluminum poles in this catalog are furnished
ln addition to the natural advantages of aluminum with anchor bolts and anchor bolt templates.

Marimum Effocllvo Proicted Aroa -Sq. Fl.

Shalt Base Wind Volocity- M.P.H.
Crrrlog Cross Shatt
Hi9hl Sciion 70 77 90 100
- Ft. -ln. Dia. Gusl wind Volocity -M.P.H-
91 100 117 130
PA1000-{ Jt 8 3 .065 4.1 2.1 1.6
PA1001-( ) 8 4 .125 14.8 12.1 8.5 6.7
PAr0o2-( ) 10 3 .083 4.0 3.'1 1.9
PA1003-( )
't0 4 .125 11.6 9.3 6.4 4.9
PAlO05-( 10 4 .2 50 17 .O '13.9 9.7 7.6

PAl006-( ) 12 3 125 4.0 3.1 1.9 1.2

PAlO07-( ) 12 4 125 9.2 7.3 4.9 3.6
PAl01G( ) 14 4 125 7.4 5.8 3.6 2.5
PAlOlr-( ) 14 4 188 8.6 6.7 4.3 3.1

PAlOtT-( ) 20 4 .188 4.5 1.4 0.6

PArOl8-( ) 20 4 .250 6.5 4.9 2.7
PA102s-( ) 20 6 .188 18.S 15.7 11.0 8.8
PA1026-( ) 24 6 188 14.6 12.O 8.3 6.6
PA1027-( ) 30 6 188 LS 8.0 5.4 4.1

tLuminaires are limited to a weight of 20 pounds.

.rl .r-r: | : r,.i,,l r:.!r : j :f ;r rf! I ni,:ji $iAtiOfi fix for configuration selected. Add to basic catalog
number e.g.: PA1017 5 This is a pole for use with
Before making pole selection refer to page 7 for three Concourse luminaires mounted ai 909 Befer
explanation of wind loading and pole selection to table on page 7 ior EPA adjustment iactor.
When photocontrols are specified tor Concourse
To order a pole for use with pol6-lop mountod lum- luminaires provision for mounting is in the pole
inaires. Select one with an EPA equal to or greater shaft, one for each fixture. Add suiiix P to catalog
Series PA1000 than the total luminaire EPA. Select basic pole cat-
alog number and add suffix O e.s.: PAlOO1-O. See
number, e.q.: PA1017-5P NOTE: Direct mount lOOO-
watt units limited to mounting heights of 20 feet
page 3 for available pole-top mounting brackets.
To order a pole for lse with dirsct pol mountd Finish
- Standard fin ish is thermoset enamel in alu-
Concourse luminaires, select basic pole catalog m num (AP), black iB K) or bronze (BZ). Clear anod-
number e.g.: PA1017-( ). Beferto configuration se- ized finish (AA) is available on special order. Specify
lectorlable on page 7 and find catalog number sui- as catalog number suffix, e.g.: PA1017-5PAP.

F{]li:,, a.ii jt:!l,ai!teiicfi Table Base Cover Dimensiong

C.t. No. Sufritr Stufl Cross B Dimsnsion
Sgction -lnch6s lnch6s-Sq.
Provision for Receptacle R1
3 61%6
Duplex Receptacle R2
4 83,1
Single Receptacle R3
6 Square 12%
%-inch Pipe Nipple N
6 Round 10/A
Handhole Consult Factory
Toorder modiiicallons add suff x to cata og number
and spec'y drsrance fro- loo o' oole e.9
PA1017 5PAR2 (12 inches).
'Modjfication may change EPA of pole-consult

i:,i +: r"
e.,: ifr,,r"ilr.l$ f-;rria m enta I A I u rn i n u m Pol es
These poles with ornate appointments reflect the elegance and charm of earlier times and blend in
extremely well with period a.chitecture. The cast base with a sculptured appearance complements the
fluted shaft. The graceful scroll underbracing for the support arm, the poie-top and support arm finials
add the final touches. Poles are available with tenon for use w:th pole-top mounted tixtures such as
McGraw-Edison Traditionaire. Not only are the poles attractive in appearance, they are virtually mainte-
nance iree. Fabricated from high strength, lightweight, corrosion resistant aluminum, they are extremely
Series PA7OOO durable. Poles are available for mounting heights through 25 feet.

2 Area Liqhtins Division McGraw-Edison Company


Ordering lnformation
Series PA4000
Maximum Ell6ctly6 Projclsd Aroa-Sq. Ft.
shrfi Base Wind Vslocily-M.PH.
Catalog Cross Shafl
Height Sectlon 70 90 100
-ln. Dla. -ln. Gusl Wind Voloclty- M.P.H.
9t 100 117 130
PA4000 10 3x4 125 5.1 3.S
PA4001 12 3x4 125 7.3 5.8 3.8 2.4
PA4002 14 3x4 125 5.8 4.5 2.8 1.9
PA4003 19 3x5 4.O 2.1 1.2
PA4004 24 3x5 188 3.0 1.8 0.3 0.0

Series PA4O00
with Pedestal Base
Series PA4100
Maximum E toctivs Prolcled A.oa -Sq. Ft.

Shaft 86se Wind Vslocity-M.P.H.

Caralog Cross Sh!tr 70 77 9(} 100
Highl S6ction !hI I
-ln. -ln. Gust Wind V6loclty- M.P.H.
91 1(}0 11'f 130 .i
PA4t00 10 3x4 125 11.8 6.6 5.1
PA4101 12 3x4 125 9.5 7.6 5.1 3.8
PA4102 14 3x4 125 7.7 6.1 3.9 2.8
PA4103 20 3x5 125 5.6 4.1 2.1 1.1
PA4 r 04 24 3x5 188 6.5 47 2.4 1.2

Additional Ordering lniormation: B6ss-Ssris PA4OOo-Cast aluminum pedestat base.

Before making pole selectjon refer to page 7 for Access door openins 7%" x 5%" x 7%'; Anchor bolt
explanation of wind loading and pole selection nuts are concealed in base.
Baso-Srias PA4lOO See base detajls on page 3.
Finish-Brushed aluminum Modllicallons - See Modification Table on page 2.

A variety ot pole-top mounting brackets are a vailable lor Series PA51O0 poles. Contact lactory for

details and dimensions.

Series PA4100
4 Area Lighting Division McGraw-Edison Company
Ordering lnformation
Series PA5100
Marimum Eflecrivo Prol6ct6d A.ea -Sq- Ft.
Bas6 Wind Vslocity- M.P.H.
Cstalog H6isht 70 90
Numtr6r 77 100
Gusl Wind Vlocily -M PH
91 100 '117 130
PA5101-( )" 20 7.7 7.7 6.0 4.9
PA51O3-( ) 20 11.8 11.8 9.2 7.4
PAslll-( r 4.'l
PA51 ) 8.3 8.3 6.6 5.1
PA51t5-( ) 25 12.2 12.2 9.4 7.5
P45121-( ) 30 6.0 6.0 4.7 3.5
P45123-( ) 30 9.3 9.3 7.2 5.6
PA5125-( ) 30 13.0 13.0 10.1 8.0
PA5127-( ) 30 19.4 19.4 14.7 11.1
PA5131-( ) 35 6.2 6.2 4.7
PA5133-( ) 9.1 9.1 7.0 5.6
PA5t36-( ) 35 16.1 16.1 12.2 9.2
P45142-( ) 39 7.1 7.1 5.4 4.0
PA5144-( ) 39 '11.2 11 .2 8.1 5.7
PA5145-( ) 39 13.2 13.2 9.7 7.O

Aciditional Ordering lnlormation:

Belore making pole selection refer to page 7 for When photocontrols are specified for Concourse
explanation of wind loading and pole selection luminaires. provision for mounnng is in the pote
shaft, one for each tixture. Add suffix P to catatog
To order a pole for use with polo-lop mountd lum- number, e.g.: PA5101-5P.
inaires. Select one with an EPA equal to or greater Finl3h-Brushed aluminum.
lhan the total luminaire EPA. Select basic pole cat- Bas6-Castaluminum anchor base, Nutcovers fuF
alog number and add suffix O, e.o.: PA5101-0. See nished as standard to concealanchor bolt nuts.
Series PA5100
page 4 lor available pole-top mounting brackets.
T6non - Other sizes available.
To order a pole lor use wath dirct !'016 mountgd
Concourse luminaires. Select basic pole catalog Handholg-4" x 6" standard size on all poles except
number, e.g.: PA5101-( )- Refer to configuration se- those marked with asterisk("). These are 3" x 5ll
lectortable on page 7 and fand catalog number suf- Mod iticslions- R efe r to Modif ication Table on
fix for configuration slected. Add to basic catalog page 2.
number, e.g.: PA5101-5. This is a pole for use with Translormer Bas6-Available on special order-
three Concourse luminaires mounted at 9O9

Ordering lntormation Round Tapered Shaft with Tapered Elliptal Brackets

PA6000 20 1.9 1.9
PA6001 25 1.9 1.9 1.9
PA6002 30 1.9 1.9 1.9
PA6003 35 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
PA6004 40 1.9 1.9 1.5
PA620t 20 1.9 'LI 1.9
PA'6202 1.9 1.8
PA6203 30 1.9 '1.9 1.8
PA6204 1.9 1.9 1.4 0.8
PA6205 40 1.3 0.0
"All brackets have 2" NPS (2%" o.D.) tenons. Maximum tuminaire weight 75 tbs. EpA vatues shown are for each

Additional Ordering lnlormation Bass-Cast aluminum. Anchor bolt nut cove.s in,
Before making pole selection refer to page 7 for Handhole 4" x 6" included.
explanation of wind loading and pole selection pro- Modilications- Befer to Modifjcation Table on page 2.
Transtormer Bas6-Available on.special order-con- Series PA6000
Finlsh- Brushed aluminum sult factory.

Area Lighting Division McGraw-Edison Company 5

Ordering lnlormation: Series PA2000 and PA3OOo
Maximum Elt6ctly6 Projoclod A16.-Sq. Fl.
Bas Wind Velocity-M.Pl-
A Shelt
Car'log C1036 shatt 70 77 90 1(}0
Numb. Hoight Section VYrll
_ Ft. -ln. Sq. -ln. Gust wlnd Vloclty-MPH
9-l 1()(} 117 130
PA2OoG( ) 8 .125 9.2 4.8
PA2OOT-( ) 8 4 16.6 9.0 6.8
PA2O02-( ) 10 .125 5.0 3.0 2.0
PA2O03-( ) 10 4 .125 12.4 9.7 6.2 4.4
PA2O04-( ) 10 4 .250 23.9 14.4 11.5
PMO05-( ) 12 3 .125 4.7 1.6 o.7
PA2OoS( ) 1t 4 .125 9.2 7.O 4.0 2.5
PA2OOT-( ) 12 4 .250 21 .5 17 .O 11 .4

PA2OO8-( ) 14 .125 3.t 1.9 0.5 0.0

PA2O09-( ) 14 4 .'t25 6.7 4.7 2.2
PA2O1G( ) 14 4 .250 '17.3 13.5 8.6 6.1

PMOI5-( ) 4 .125 4.7 2.9 0.7 0.0

PA2011-t ) 16 4 .250 14.0 '10.6 6.3 4.'l
PA2O13-( ) 20 4 .250 8.8 6.1 2.6 0.8
PA3OO8-( ) 20 6 .125 9.7 6.3 'I .8 u.0
PA3OOg-( ) 20 6 .188 '18.9 13.9 7.3 4.O
PA3OOT -( ) 20 6 .250 29.6 22.7 13.7 9.2
PA2014-( ) 24 4 .250 4.9 2.6 1.7 0.0
P43012-( ) 24 6 .'125 4.3 1.4 0.0 0.0
PA3013-( ) 24 6 .188 '12.'l 7.8 2.3 0.0
PA30O3-( ) 24 6 .250 21.0 15.2 7.7 3.8
PA3O17-( ) 30 6 .188 4.0 o.7 0.0 0.0
PA30O6-( ) 6 .250 't1.2 6.5 0.5 0.0

Additional Ordering lnlormation: table on page 7 for EPA adjustment factor NOTE:
.125" wall will not accommodate looo-watt lumi-
Belore making pote selection refer to page 7 for
explanation of wind loading and pole selection
When photocontrols are specified for Concourse
To order a Dole for oolo-lop mountsd luminaires. luminaires, provision lor mounting is in the pole
Selecl one with an EPA equal to or greater than the shaft, one for each fixture. Add suffix P to catalog
totalluminaire EPA. Select basic pole catalog num- number, e.g.: PA2O13-3P.
ber and add suffix O, e.g.: PA2Ol3-O. See page 3 lor Finish-Standard finish is thermoset enamel in alu-
available pole top-mounting brackets- minum (AP), black (BK) or bronze (BZl. Clear ano-
To order a pole for diroct pole mounted Concourse dized finish (AAl is available on special order
luminaares. Select basic pole cataloq number, e,g.: Specifyascatalog numbersuflix, e.g-: PA201 3-5PAP.
PA2O13-( ). Refer to configuration selector table Moditications- Refer to Modification Table on page
on page 7 and find catalog number suffix for config- 2.
uration selected, add to basic catalog number, e.g.: For base cover dimensions see page 2.
Series PA2O13-3.This is a poleforusewith two Concourse
luminaires mounted at goo to each other Refer to
For pole base details see page 3.

PA1-Collet A Pole Baso PA2- Base Cover

A unique system of collettyDe clamps within a cast For use with PAI pole base, it is cast aluminum
aluminum base which permits use of 2% inch IPS construction. Designed to conceal the anchor bolt
PA1 pipe or 3 inch O.D. tubing up to 14 ft. long as shafts nuts and blend with the base to provide a smooth,
to make a complete pole assembly for post-top clean, pleasing appearance.
mounted luminaires.
The base and anchor bolts are packaged in a single Ordering lnlormation
compact carton lor easy handling and storage. C.t. No. Oo3cdpllon
Appropriate pole shafts can be obtained locally.
8Yr" Dla. *l The collet assembly provides a wedging action PA.1 Collet "A" Base

resulting in high clamping lorces between the col- PA2 Base Cover
lets and pole shaft. The lorces are applied over a
relatively large surface area eliminating concen- Finish/Natural aluminum. Standard wind loading rat
trated high stress areas. Base and shaft are as- ings for various shaft lengths and material are avail-
sembled without drilling, threading or welding. able, contact factory-

Area Lightinq Division McGraw-Edison Company
Pole Contiourrtion Soloctor Tabls [1)

Squa16 or Round Units


TWtN 1800
Ir-l Y
3 4
(1) For dir6ct mounlod POWER OBAWER Concou.se Luminairss lor us6 with Seriss PAlOOO, PA2OOO, PA3OO0
snd PA51OO polos.


A lighting pole must support the weight of all equipment which will rating of the pole will actually increase- An adjustment factor can
be mounted on it and withstand the effect of the maximum wind be used to adjust the loading capacity of the pole by multipiying
velocities to which it will be subjected. Luminaires, mounting it times its respective EPA rating. These adjustment factors for
brackets, and any known auxiliary equipment that may be added McGraw-Edison poles are found in the table below.
to the pole must all be taken into consideration during the pole
Geographical lsotach Zones Pol6 Hoighl
To determine the maximum wind velocity of a given area, a 50 Year a 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2a-30
Mean Becurrence Interval Map has been included in the catalog
(see back cover). The wind values on the isotach chart represent Adjustment
wind velocities 30'above ground. lt is because of the drag effect Factor 1 .20 1 .16 1 .13 1.1 1 .10 1.09 1 .08 1 .O7 1.06 1.O5
of the earth's surface that the wind velocity increases with height. "Does not apply to Series PA51OO, PAoOOO and PA62OO poles.
These elevated wind velocities are taken into consideration in the
Because winds are rarely steady, wind gusts are also taken into An industrial parking lot in Mobile, Alabama is to be illuminated
consideration in the design of McGraw-Edison poles by using what with 4-400 watt floodlights on 30' aluminum poles.
is called a gust factor of 130%. Wind velocities on the lsotach map Step 1. Determine base wind velocity at the installation site.
do not account for gusts. They are referred to as base velocity MOBILE, ALABAMA IS 90 IVIPH WIND ZONE.
winds. The peak velocity resulting from short time duration gusts
Step 2. Determine the total EPA of all the luminaires and brackets
can be determined by multiplying the base velocity times the gust
factor. Both the base velocity and maximum velocity are indicated to be mounted on the pole.
for your convenrence above each EPA co/umn.
Tilt Adiusled
When determining the wind zone in which the poles will be installed, Qtv. Catalog No. EPA F cror EPA
special consideration must be given to assure that the correct one
is selected. lf the pole installation appears midway between two 4 Ft2261 10.4 .74 =
x 7.7
different wind zones, the higher wind zone should be selected. (Floodlight)
Within the continental United States, there are several areas that 1 FA44 (Bracket) 2.1 _ 2.1
experience unusual winds. The effect of these are not necessarily
included on the isotach chart: TOTAL EPA 9.8
Santa Ana Wrnds Southern Cdlrlornra
Gorge Winds-Columbia River Valley of Washington and Oregon. Step 3. Economics dictate that a round tapered pole listed on
Wasatch Mountains Winds- utah Page 5 of the cataiog be used.
Chinook Winds-Eastern slope of Rockies in Montana, Wyoming
and Colorado. EPA 90 MPH
ln all cases, it is necessary to take extra precaution by referring to PA51 21 4.7
both localand state codes. PAs123 7.2
P45125 10.1
Etfective Projected Area (EPA) P45127 14.7
The totalwind force that a pole is subjected to depends upon not Step 4 Select lMcGraw-Edison catalog number PA5125 rated 10.1
only the wind velocity but also the size and shape of all equ ipment EPA at S0 MPH.
mounted on the pole. This equipment is measured in square feet of
projected area as silhouetted against the wind. Because the shape POLE SELECTION EXAMPLE +2-DIBECT MOUNTING
of lighting equipment has a substantial effect on the arnount of Twin 250 watt Power Drawer Concourse luminaires are to be in-
wind drag, correction for the shape is done by using what is called stalled in Green Bay, Wisconsin using 14'square non-tapered
the drag coefficient. By multiplying the drag coefficient times the aluminum poles.
projected area of the luminaires, the result is an area value ad-
justed for the iuminaires shape and is called the Effective Pro- Step 1. Determine base wind velocity at the installation site.
Step 2. Determine total EPA of all the luminaires and brackets to
Drag coeificients for McGraw-Edison's luminaires have been de-
be mounted on the pole.
veoped through standard wind tunnel testing procedures. lt is
through the EPA values of luminaires and pole shaft, multiplied by Ou antity Catalog No. EPA
the velocity pressure of the wind, that the total force of wind acting 1 cs10522 2.4
on a pole is found. Each pole listed in the catalog is designed to - Brackets included
withstand a specific luminaire wind load which is expressed in in abovo
EPA at a given wind velocity. TOTAL EPA
Active Lenglh Step 3. Page 6 lists three 14'square aluminum poles:
One other factor that affects the load capacity of a po e is the loca- EPA Adi-
tion of the applied load (luminaires and brackets) with respect to Catalo! No. EPA 90 MPH Facror Adiustod EPA
the terminal end of the tenon. This distance which wi I be referred
to as ' E" is measured from the end of the tenon to either the center 1 . PA2008 0.5 x 1.11 - 0.6
oi area of the luminaire or the center of gravity of the urf naires, 2. PA2009 2.2 x 1.11 - 2.4
whichever is greater. McGraw-Edison po es are destgned to an 3. PA20t 0 8.6 x 1.11 = 9.6
'E value of 12 inches.
When a luminaire such as the POWER DRAWER Concourse is Step 4 Select Mccraw-Edison Catalog No. PA2}O? rated 2.4
mounted at an elevation lower than the tenon top, the capacity E PA.

Area Llghting Divislon McGraw-Edison Company 7


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