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Life Patterns


What do we know about the patterns of life and the cycles in human life? First
of all, that they exist.
A huge number of researchers, based on observations, statistics or common
sense, described the various states of a person who is at that or other age. We
live cycles of growing up, learning, social integration with other people, de-
veloping one's personality and one's business, friendship and love, seeking
answers to existential questions. Some of the names of these cycles have be-
come common names. Who has not heard about the "middle age crisis." As
soon as the state of the "second youth" of a person of retirement age was not
First a few short theses about how he looks at the life cycles of Human De-
We are connected with planets. Each person has a huge thematic connection
with every object of the solar system. The patterns of human life are influ-
enced by four of them: the Sun, Saturn, Chiron and Uranus (the Sun is con-
sidered a star, Saturn and Uranus by planets, and Chiron is an asteroid).
The movement of the planets affects human life. Key changes with people oc-
cur during the moments of so-called "returns" - when one of these space ob-
jects becomes in opposition to the place in which it was at the time of the
birth of a person. The return date itself is considered the peak of the change.
But these are changes that always occur smoothly and without sudden jumps,
starting their impact 2-3 years before and continuing as much after the point
of opposition.
Human life cycles are associated with the cycles of the planets. The very
rhythm and duration of the movement of these planetary bodies set for people
patterns of life that last a certain number of years. This is what we can call life
cycles. In them we grow up, develop, renew, change interests and life priori-
ties, we release some things and we greet others.
Time and themes of life cycles can be calculated and predicted. Imprint, cal-
culated at the time of opposition of a particular planet, will be a description or
forecast of those that will be relevant to a person's life for a certain period. In
other words, what colors will be reflected in the life of a person, in what role
will he live it, what kind of relationship with others will he build, etc.
And now a little more.
The influence of the planets
Human Design, despite its connection with astrology, does not attempt to ex-
plain human behavior "by the influence of retrograde Mercury", "the need to
pay karmic debt" or any other phenomena that cannot be felt or seen outside
the mechanics described on the wheel or bodyguard by Ra Uru Hu. Consider-
ing the life cycles, we are dealing with exact mathematics - a planet that en-
ters into certain gates, which in turn, carry this or that quality. And on a deep-
er level, no gate, of course, does not exist. By "gates" we mean the space por-
tion of the universe specified in space, in which there are stars producing neu-
trino flux.
Few people truly realize what kind of power the objects of the solar system
are, unhurriedly floating in the distant cosmos. Think about it: if the planets
fixed the life force in you at the time of your birth, then why should they not
continue to influence you after this moment? If you make a map of your trans-
it program, for example, over the past year, you will surely see your life with
frightening accuracy in the description. People unfamiliar with the Human
Design world live their annual transit program, determined by the Solar Re-
turn, like the actors in the second plan in the cinema. Without the right to im-
provise and not a word from the script.
You will also be amazed when you compare the dates of the beginning or
completion of certain historical events with the beginning or completion of
planetary transit. For example, the sexual revolution of the 60's began in the
summer of 1958 after Pluto entered the gate of Intimacy. The terrible Tutsi
genocide in Rwanda began on April 6, 1994, when the 51st Gate of Initiation
and Shock appeared in the Transit Program in the Sun, the 49th Gate of the
Revolutions in the Moon and the 36th Gate of Crisis in Mars. The noise phe-
nomenon that occurred at the time of the bees' disappearance manifested itself
a few weeks after Pluto entered the 5th gate in 2002, related to the design of
insects. Avian influenza began its spread after Pluto's visit to the 26th gate, a
key element in the design of birds and reptiles.
The simplest way to convey the impact of the transit of planets on an individ-
ual or a group of people living in the "false self" can be: "do it, think about it."
Saturn and the three parts of life
The life of people until 1781 was subordinated to the cycle of Saturn, which
makes a complete revolution around the Sun in approximately 29 years. In
this regard, by the age of 30 our ancestors in the Middle Ages and the New
Times had already been fully integrated into the society, had a family and
children, their business and life in general was considered lived. Based on the
work of historians or fiction like "Romeo and Juliet", we know that the age of
40-50 years was considered a very old age, and people who reached it -
daughters of fortune. The life cycle of people after 1781 is determined by
Uranus, which passes through its orbit around the Sun for 84 years. The life
of modern man is divided into three parts:
1. Childhood: from birth to the return of Saturn. By and large, psychological-
ly, you stop being a child only when you get to the beginning of Saturn's re-
turn; 28-30 years old. What does this mean? First, we are developing and
growing up much longer than our 7-cent ancestors. Secondly, we do not need
to hurry so much to join the society and make a contribution to it in the form
of children or some achievement in professional activity. Thirdly, do not write
yourself down as losers or winners on the basis of the "dry residue" that you
have by the age of 27-30 - your real life is just beginning.
2. Your own life. We call this stay "on the roof". With the release of "on the
roof" there is the ability to start your life. In fact, until this moment a person
does not have his own life. He still lives with his parents in some way. "On
the roof" he begins to free himself from the addictions with which he lived his
childhood, when he was forced to reckon with his parents. At this stage - the
search for yourself, your role, your identity, the time for discovery, objectivity
in looking at things, a deeper perspective on what is happening in life, build-
ing up financial independence, family and the birth of children.
3. Flowering: back to the world, Chiron's return. This stage is associated with
the return of Chiron, an asteroid-comet, and occurs about 51-52 years. It is
called "descent from the roof". It is at this stage that a person gets the oppor-
tunity to puzzle his self-realization and achieve his life's goals with big ques-
tions. And it is at this stage that it blossoms - allowing its potential and accu-
mulated experience to move from quantity to quality.
The wonderful perspective of the Human Design mechanics breaks down into
the realities of our world, in the legal, psychological and medical norms of
which the old Saturian cycle is now valid, where at the age of 15-16 you be-
come an adult. The human species has become so refined that, in principle,
we are in a state of immaturity up to 40 years. It is interesting that in the sci-
entific world, I think, has accumulated a sufficient number of statistical stud-
ies confirming this. Men later start a career. Women are in no hurry to give
birth. Both of them live much longer in their parents' family and do not hurry
to build their own. We do have a longer growing process. But it seems that we
do not pay enough attention to this in how we raise our children or how we
treat ourselves. And, despite guesswork and research, our social institutions
and public morality are pushing us to ensure that our children live their lives
in the same way as our ancestors. Most people decide that their life failed be-
cause they did not succeed in their chosen career when they are 20-something
with something years. And in fact, they just did not live their childhood -
that's why we are surrounded by a huge number of immature people. Pay at-
tention to how the people around you in public transport seem to be going
through their leisure time - they plug into mobile phones and ... play.
Brighter and stronger, these three parts of the life process are felt and lived by
people with a profile of 3/6, 4/6, 6/2 and 6/3, in other words, people of the 6th
line. It is they who spend the first part of their life almost on the principle of
"live fast, die young", the second show detachment and indifference to every-
thing trivial and in the third part they are people who start living an active and
eventful life and often look much better than their peers .
Uranium: another perspective
Approximately 40 years, Uranus becomes in opposition to his position at the
time of birth. As it approaches this point, the perspective, i.e., then, as a per-
son looks at life, begins to change, and as he moves away from the place of
the opposition, the previous way of seeing the world changes forever. It is this
life span in terms of psychology that can be called a middle age crisis. A
change in perspective can be overwhelming. It will most often be a diametri-
cally polar view of things. Mechanically this is due to the fact that the very
perspective in our map is formed by hexagrams that are in polarity to each
other, on opposite sides of the wheel. And if, for example, the first part of
your life you paid attention to one thing, saw in people some features, often
were in some life situations, then after 40 years, the opposition of Uranus will
give you something completely opposite.
As a consequence, a person who has reached this age will start to think:
(to myself) "I look at life with new eyes"
(about life) "My life has completely changed, who am I now"
(relatives) "I thought we were like-minded, but we are no longer ..."
(about work) "I'm disappointed in what I'm doing"
(friends) "I grew up and changed; they're still busy with nonsense"
And in the footsteps of the main characters for someone naive, and for some-
one with a very thoughtful movie like "What Men Talk About", at the
prompts of wise men with similar experiences of parents or on conclusions
made at a psychologist's reception, a person can try to dramatically and radi-
cally change His life, to make a kind of "breakthrough". It may be about leav-
ing the family, the beginning of spiritual search, or vice versa, the desire to go
to work. And knowing that most people make a decision based on the work of
the mind, one can only sigh, presenting the consequences of such a "break-
The truth is that you do not need to change anything in your life specifically.
You live within yourself something deeply mystical - a relationship with the
ancient, as the world, planet. Ra poetically called this period a point where the
breath of our lives changes to exhale. With you everything is in order - and
for heaven's sake, do not try to correct yourself or cure yourself with the help
of decisions made by the mind based on the strategies of the "false self" of
your open centers. All these changes in perception are part of the mechanics.
Living the cycles correctly
Human Design offers practical ways to live life cycles correctly, based on an
individual analysis of cycles that a professional system analyst can perform.
The depth of these analyzes is simple. If you are trying to live your design -
you are on a constant journey. If you travel without a map - you lose time and
energy. Therefore, the analysis of returns for people experimenting with the
Strategy of their type and making decisions from the Internal Authority is a
guide and guide. They will tell you what and how you will see during your
trip, what temptations you will have, what you can learn on the road, and
where real dangers await you. They will show you road signs that remind you
that you are you, and this is the road. Let us see the mechanistic nature of the
illusion in which we are. To see the predictability of the pattern of the cycle
and to exhale with this "yes, if I did not live my design, I would fall into this
Perhaps the most useful for a person trying to experiment with their design,
may be an analysis of the solar return. Ra called this analysis an anti-
prediction. The logic is simple: every person can live his life by avoiding dai-
ly transit by the party and independently solving, relying on his Strategy and
Internal Authority, which is correct for him and what is not. Therefore, what
the analyst will say during the analysis of the upcoming cycle, will sound
strange, because This will enumerate those things that may not happen to you
if you live your design and your life. This will be an anti-prediction.
This is a completely different perspective on your life. You look at it as a
training project. We are here to see and to be witnesses of our own lives. "I
am my passenger consciousness" - and all the beauty of this phrase and its es-
sence cannot be understood intellectually. But when you see the theme of
your Rave Return around each other day or how other people blindly act on
the transit program, either by notes or instructions - you understand some-
thing with yourselves "yes, there is no choice, and we are just looking at it
Practical recommendations
How can you use this information? Here are some tips:
First, do not rush to grow up. If you are a "teenager" from 15 to 30 years - do
not even try to answer the question "what should I do in life". Play it - in the
sense that just let yourself, your work and your hobbies happen. Do not be in
a hurry to become an adult in the understanding of other people or the images
that are promoted by films and books. Especially - to have a family and chil-
dren. If one of your friends is already firmly on his feet, for example, he cre-
ated his own business or achieved success in the career field, and you want to
travel or devote yourself to incomprehensible art projects - relax. You still
have time to become an adult. Remember that the most important is the Strat-
egy of your type and your Internal Authority, follow them
Secondly, do not rush to make your child's adult. If you are the parent of such
a "teenager," please reconsider your beliefs about what terms your child
should become an adult. Take a pause - do not put pressure on him with high-
er education, searching for a life calling or building a career. From the per-
spective of Human Design, today it's insane - asking the child right after leav-
ing school "you've already decided what would you like to do in your life?".
Do not demand from him a truly adult responsibility and at the same time un-
derstand that he cannot carry it. Yes, outwardly it is a healthy fold, which by
law can drink beer and have sex, but inside it is a child who still needs train-
ing and a certain framework. Give him information about his genetic type and
the Strategy - this will allow him to really tune in with his nature, to start the
intimate relationship correctly (for example, as a Generator - not to initiate
them), to find the right job or specialty in the university, being himself
Thirdly, live all the 84 years allocated to us (and even more). Note that the
life span of a modern person is determined by Uranus with its 84-year-old or-
bit. This period of 84 years, among other things, shows the possible average
duration of our lives. Therefore, if you are already over 50 and you have just
become acquainted with Human Design, you do not need to despair and write
yourself down as "old people who are already very short". Most people who
come to the world of this wonderful science come to it in the middle of their
lives. And, relying on the Strategy of your genetic type, listening to your In-
ternal Authority, you can get to the right place for you, in which your life will
cease to meet resistance and will continue ... I would like to write "longer",
but it will be more appropriate "as long as it is programmed Continue and as
long as your body, planted with its own incorrectness, will allow." And for
this you as anyone need to love yourself and try a radical experiment.

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