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SID: My guest learned the ancient mystery of the Jewish power of the blessing. Now whatever
he blesses prospers. He even prayed for someone who had a quadruple bypass and the man grew
new arteries.

Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Is there life after death?
Do angels exist? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real? Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of Its Supernatural.

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where its naturally supernatural. My guest is
naturally supernatural. His name is Kerry Kirkwood and he has such a precise gift of
prophecy. He literally even knows people's names. Give me an example, Kerry.

KERRY: Well there's a lady that was asking the Lord for a particular direction in her life; and
she wanted to know whether she was going to be remarried or not. And she wanted to be, but
didn't know if it was the will of God. She said, "Lord, if you want me to be remarried then have
them tell me my name." And so we called her out of the audience and spoke over her. And to me,
it was just like I was giving a verse of Scripture. I heard the Lord says, "She's a pearl of great
price." Didn't mean that much to me, but I knew what was a word to her. I said, "You're a pearl
of great price." She got so excited because her last name was Pearl. Her name was Annie Pearl.

SID: Did youWhen you said it, you were just like a secretary just saying, you didn't know the

KERRY: Right. Yeah, I didn't know anything of what she was asking. And then secondly, the
Word was to her, "And the Lord wants you to you to know that you're married to him." And so
she got so excited that I had answered the questions; that it was like a code language to her,
because I didn't know anything about it. I was just giving the Scripture at that point. But it spoke
things to her. So sometimes prophecy is interpreted by the Holy Spirit, to that person, as to what
they're hearing.

SID: Now when you were six years of age, you had a very significant experience. Just briefly tell
me about that.

KERRY: Well one of the first encounters I had I was out in the backyard, under a cottonwood
tree playing. And all of a sudden, nature seemed to stop. The birds quit singing, and I can hear
just nothing. It became so still. And so I became very scared, and I didn't want to look up. But I
finally ran in to the house; to see if my mother was there, because if she had been taken away. I
thought maybe I was the only one left.

SID: Left behind.


KERRY: Exactly. And I looked at her and I said, "I thought you were gone." So I told her what
had happened. And she said, "You had an experience with the Holy Spirit. It's like an
overshadowing, and the hand of God is upon you." And I knew at that moment there was
something that God wanted me to do.

SID: So that was almost your call. But then a few years later, you were dragged to a church
where they prophesy; and someone prophesied that event that happened when you were six! Tell
me about that.

KERRY: Exactly. A friend of mine, we were going to play on a tennis team together in high
school, and he invited me to go to church. I thought it was pretty strange. He never asked me
before. We had known each other for a number of years. And so he asked me. Then I called him
back and declined; because I heard about them prophesying to people. And I told him, that's not
God because that's fortune telling, and so God wouldn't do that. He forced me to go with him
anyway. And I was seeing people there rejoicing. They were very happy. And I thought, if I
could get out of here alive, then I'm just going to be happy. I was very nervous.

SID: About how old were you?

KERRY: I was a senior in high school; eighteen.

SID: Okay.

KERRY: And at the end of the meeting, someone came up behind me, and lay their hands on
me; and began to prophesy the very thing, the experience that I had underneath that cottonwood
tree. And I was so moved by it. I was on my face just sobbing before God, because I knew at that
very moment, that You are the God that You say You are; and that You are my God. You're not
just a religious thing and figment. You are literally the God who calls me. And I knew at that
moment that He became more personal than just a theological thing.

SID: And you saw these prophets operate. And one day, you breathed a prayer to God. What was

KERRY: Yes. I made a vow inside. The prophets were coming and they were calling people out,
and just speaking over the direction of their lives. And I saw the joy that it brought these people,
and the change it brought in their lives. And I said to myself, you know internally, I said, "One of
these days I want to do that." And I heard the Lord say back to me that, "Whatsoever you desire
when you pray, believe you have it." And I said, "Yes, Lord, I will."

SID: And that was your destiny. But then, Kerry received a revelation. Let me ask you a
question. Do you feel sometimes that your prayers aren't getting beyond the ceiling? Do you feel
sometimes that your prayers are on instant pause; and wouldn't it be wonderful if you could put it
on fast-forward? I mean, just like that. Boom! It's on fast-forward. It happens. It's done. Kerry
has a revelation that will allow that to happen. Your prayers are going to go on fast-forward.
Kerry, tell me the circumstances of how you got this revelation.

KERRY: Well, I was driving on Interstate 30 in Dallas, Texas. Traffic was just horrendous,
bumper-to-bumper. Had a young man pull in front of me and bout caused a wreck. And to my
surprise, I just blurted out, "Idiot!"

SID: How does someone in the ministry say, "Idiot"? Now I didnt say that to you (points at the

KERRY: It just blurted out. And my wife who's with me says, "Pardon me?" And I said, "Well,
I think he is." And so the Lord spoke to me in my heart and said, "Why did you call me an

SID: You weren't calling Him an idiot. You were calling the other driver an idiot.

KERRY: Yes. But the Lord began to speak to me. He says, "How can you curse man, whom you
cannot see and excuse me, how you curse man whom you can see and bless God who you
cannot see? Because, as you've done it to the least of these, you've done it to me; and I created
this young man." And then He said to me, "Now bless him." So I kind of flippantly said, "Oh
okay, I bless him." And He said, "No, bless him the way that you would want me to bless you."

SID: Wow.

KERRY: And so I thought for a moment, wow. So I said, "I release him to fulfill all the
purposes of God. I declare over this young man that he would come into the knowledge of the
Son of God; that he would be a joy for his family, and that he would fulfill the calling and
essence of his own life as well." And when I did that, it was like the endorphins; I hear about
runners, they get a runner high. I felt the pleasure of God just coursing through me physically,
emotionally, spiritually; and I thought, this is what it means to delight yourself in the Lord; and I
was pleasing God by doing it.

SID: How would you like to feel the pleasure of God? Kerry has found a key that when you call
things that are not as if they are, according to God's Word and not as they are; but what you see
with your eyes; you release blessings in your family, you get rid of curses, the devil can't touch
you, sickness goes. Your finances increase. Your job gets better. I mean, it is amazing as he's
teaching this principle, and people grab hold of it; you start acting like the son and daughter of
God you were called to be. Don't go away. We'll be back right after this word.


Well be right back to Its Supernatural.


We now return to Its Supernatural.


SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Kerry Kirkwood. And Kerry, you received a revelation. It was
a revelation to you, but it was an ancient revelation. It's in the Jewish Scriptures. It's the power of
the blessing. Give me an example, like the pastor that would go by the topless bar and curse it
every day; and he'd go by it everyday, every month, every year, and nothing would change.
Nothing! Tell me about him.

KERRY: Well he thought he was really doing what God wanted him to do, to curse. And so he'd
go by and he would just say, "I command that place to burn down" or "I command those people
to feel the fear of God upon them." So nothing happened. In fact, he actually saw the parking lot
get more full. And so we began to talk about this. And I said, "You know, the will of God is
speaking what is on the heart of God; and you're just cursing the very thing that God wants to
change in their lives." And so he said, "What do you mean?" And I said, "Well just consider: the
Bible says that it's not God's will that any should perish; but all shall come to the knowledge of
the Son of God. So why not get on the same page as what God is for those people." So when he
started going by, he said, "I bless them to come into the knowledge of the Son of God. I bless
them to have a revelation of the Lord himself."

SID: That's really a different thing coming out of his mouth. It's a different spirit.

KERRY: Exactly. He felt empowered by the cursing. But now he began to see that it really was;
he was in agreement with Heaven itself. And so when he started doing that, after about a week of
this, he came by one day and there was a For Sale sign in the parking lot; and the place was for
sale, and they moved out. And it wasn't for a lack of business. But he saw things began to change
because he came into agreement with the Word of God.

SID: Explain to me briefly, what the power of the blessing is, as you understand it.

KERRY: Well we all understand and we use the word "generally". But blessing is not just about
material things. But it's actually a prophetic declaration. In the Old Testament the word,
"barach;" in the New Testament: "eulegeo." Eulegeo is the idea of "speak well of". We get the
word "eulogy from it. People have a eulogy at a funeral.

SID: And they usually speak well of someone even if he hasn't been such a good guy.

KERRY: That's exactly it. But when you begin to see things from the perspective of God and
you're beginning to bless them, not for where they are, and here's really the difference. Blessing
is not reporting to God the way things are, but declaring the intentions of God, the way He
intended for them really to be; and cursing means to declare for something to be in a lower place,
lower position than what God really intended for it to be.

SID: So it's really Hebraic understanding. How does that comes from the Jewish Scriptures?

KERRY: Well you look in Genesis 49, where Jacob is laying hands on his sons, and he's
prophesying over them their destiny; not just of their past reporting of their experience. But he
says, "Joseph, you shall be a fruitful bow." Well what happens to Joseph? He's moved into
Egypt, and now he is exactly that, a fruitful bow who's there to save his own race. And, so you
see that blessing is a prophetic destiny; that can release people into what God intended for them
all the while.

SID: How would you like to feel the pleasure of God? How would you like your mouth; which
God says has been called to bless and not curse, and change everything around you? Kerry, you
told me even generational curses are broken when you do this. How's that work out?

KERRY: Yes. Well for years, people have reported the facts around their life. They just talk
about how bad things are. They talk about how bad the economy is. Their family is negative in a
sense. And so I've seen families where they begin to reverse that curse by declaring God's
intention for their family; and blessing their children, and speaking over them. Isaiah 54 is that:
"That your children shall be blessed of the Lord."

SID: So rather than reporting, You never pay attention! You're never going to amount to
anything! You're going to end up in prison! What should they be saying?

KERRY: Well all they have to do is say, what the heart of God in this? As a parent, what would
you like to see happen for your children?

SID: How about your children? Tell me what you did with one of your children.

KERRY: We started targeting a particular blessing. I have a son that began a general contracting
business. So he began to bless the contracts and the people that he was going to do business with
that day. I bless them that they are given by God as an effective tool to bless me, and I bless
them. And his first contract out, he made $80,000 and never saw the people, never saw the work.
It was done through the Internet.

SID: And it was done by the power of the Jewish blessing. When we come back, you're going to
find the power that can occur in your marriage; the power that can occur in your job; the power
that can occurBelieve this or not. Someone took; a pastor, took this teaching to heart and
started blessing their body; and new arteries, after a quadruple bypass occurred, started growing.
Don't go away. We'll be right back after this word.


Well be right back to Its Supernatural.


We now return to Its Supernatural.

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Kerry Kirkwood. We're talking about the ancient power of the
Jewish blessing. Kerry, tell me about the man that got ahold of this teaching and what happened.
He had a quadruple bypass, and that means his arteries were clogged up. And what happened
when he started blessing himself?

KERRY: Well he began to hear about the blessing. And so he said, "I bless my arteries.
According to Psalm 139, 'I'm wonderfully made' and these are the arteries that God gave me.
Thank you, Lord, for these arteries." And he did that over a period of time. Everyday he'd get up.
"Lord, thank you for these arteries that they're wonderfully made" So he went back to the
doctor to have his checkup. And the doctor showed him, he said, "This is very unusual." He said,
"What's this?" And he said, "Look here. Here is the bypass that I put in, but you have grown a
natural bypass. Your body had grown a natural bypass to go around the bypass that I put in." He
said, "It's phenomenal."

SID: I think that's phenomenal. But even more phenomenal is the understanding from Scripture
when happens when you curse someone rather than bless them.

KERRY: Exactly. When you curse you're declaring something in the dark side. And then we put
ourselves in opposition with what God is really saying.

SID: You were talking about Galatians 3:13. Explain that.

KERRY: Yes. Well Galatians 3, when he talks about that Jesus died on the cross to redeem us
from the curse of the law; and that curse means that a lower position than he what he really
intended for us to be. So if I'm cursing you, then that means that, because Jesus died for you, he
will defend those who are under the curse. And so that means that I'm put on pause because I
can't go any farther because of the cursing that I've done. And many families have seen prayers
unanswered; and it's like they pushed the pause button to their life; and they don't see anything
good happening because they have a mouth full of cursing; and their opposition to the very thing
that Jesus came and died to do.

SID: Tell me about the woman that did not like her boss for beans.

KERRY: Yes. She was sitting in a school where I was teaching this. And she said, "I need to
bless my boss, but I really should blast him," is what she said. And I said, well the principle is
true, that when you bless those who despitefully use you, then things can be reversed. So I just
challenged her to try it. It's not how you feel. It's what the Word of God says. So that was on a
Wednesday. Thursday, she went in. She was the office manager. And she went around and she
started blessing the place, actually the sanctuary there of where they worked in the business. And
so she went to where her boss would be setting and blessed the place, and this is a place of peace
and so on. Well she did that again on Friday, and she blessed everyone around her that she was
connected with, coworkers and so on. She noticed that the environment began to change
somewhat. And so on Friday afternoon, her boss called her in to the office and said, "Sit down."

And she thought, "I'm going to be fired because we haven't been getting along." And he said, "I
know that we have been confrontive with one another, and I need to apologize to you. I withheld
raises from you just simply because I've been upset with you."

SID: Now I believe that Kerry is speaking to you right now. Did you hear what the boss said? I
withheld raises from you. What happened after he repented?

KERRY: Well he said to her, "From this day on, retroactive..."

SID: Retroactive?

KERRY: Three months earlier. "You should have had this raise three months earlier." He gave
her the raise retroactive three months. So where she was withheld and her life was on pause;
when she started blessing it released what was God's intention for her to have; which was this

SID: Now briefly, tell me about someone's marriage that was restored.

KERRY: Yes. It's an incredible story. I was in Houston and a man came up to me, and he was
very angry and upset. He said, "My wife is at the courthouse filing for divorce right now." And
he says, "This blessing, does it work - for anything?" And I said, "Yes it does. I can tell you
stories where it does." And he said, "I've been married 32 years, never been in love in my life at
all. I've been in Iraq, away as a contractor; and I don't know why I married her in the first place."
And I said, "Sir, you have the wife that you cursed because you created this environment in your
home. Or you have the wife you bless. The power of life and death is in the tongue. You choose
which one you want." And so he listened to a CD that afternoon. And when his wife came home
from the courthouse, he was standing at one end of the hall and she came in the front door. And
when he saw her, he practiced it. He said to her, "You are a gift from God; and the Lord has put
us together as a helpmate, and I love you." And she said that the words became tangible. And as
he was speaking to her coming down the hallway, they were tangible; like they were rolling. And
she said, "It smote me in the chest. For the first time, I felt liquid love running through me; and I
began to see this man in a different way than I've ever seen him before in my life." And when I
was back there in a month or so later, he came up to me and said, "Hey, you remember me?" And
I said, Yeah. I thought this is that angry man. He said, "I want you to meet my wife." And her
countenance was aglow. It all changed by changing the way he spoke, changed his marriage and
the covenant he had.

SID: That quickly while she was in the courthouse! That is phenomenal. And by the way, we've
checked these things out. We've actually interviewed people that were eyewitnesses of many of
these things that we're talking about. Kerry, I love it when you perform a Bar Mitzvah. Explain
why you do that and give me one example, quickly.

KERRY: Well there's an old saying we have, I grew up with anyway, and that is, "You're never
a man until your father says you are." It's a right of passage. Of course, in the Jewish culture,
they have their rights of passage, the Bar Mitzvah; Bat Mitzvah for the ladies. And so I've been in
meetings to where, that were ministry, those who have been preaching for a number of years;
their ministries have been good, but they felt like there was something lacking there. And so we
would do a Bar Mitzvah. One dramatic example I know was a pastor. And he was thinking, as
we were ministering to the other leaders there in the room; he thought to himself, "This isn't
necessary. This is just a so outward thing." And he didn't think anything about it. We came to
him. His name is Bruce. We laid hands on him and said, "This is my son in whom I'm well
pleased." Same words that were spoken at Jesus' baptism. And we blessed him, began to speak
over him that he was a son; created in the imagination and the thought of God. Something
happened to him so strongly. He fell out of his chair; he rolled up in a fetal position and began to
weep. He told us later, he said, "My father, my natural father, never said anything good about me
at all. And when you said that, I felt like I had been accepted." And since that time, his ministry
has taken off. It's taken on a whole other dimension; simply because of him being blessed.

SID: In the next two minutes, I want you to bless those that are watching us. Would you do that
right now?

KERRY: May the Lord release you to fulfill the very purpose of God; that He's called you to
and ordained you. May you fulfill all the desires that God has for you, and may you sense the
longing and the hunger of God for your own life. And may you not be intimidated or threatened
by anything. You'll not be the tail, but you shall rise up, and see your life come into its full
destiny, in the name of the Lord.

SID: And God is telling you about certain people right now. Very quickly.

KERRY: Yes. There's a lady that's in Atlanta, Georgia. Your name is Barbara. And Barbara, you
feel like your life has been, the best spent as the years over. And the Lord is saying to you right
now, that your best years are still ahead. In fact, the very things that you feel like were mistakes
in your life, and you can't get over them; and that has brought you into a level of cursing; to
where you hear things spewing out of your own mouth, that's very negative and very
opinionated. The Lord is giving you a taste of who He is. And it's going to be like, O taste and
see the goodness of the Lord. And He's changing your life right now. That out of your heart,
you're going to be seeing the goodness of the Lord in the land of your living; and things are
going to change for you. Let Him change your heart and change your tongue.

SID: If you want to experience the pleasure of God, make Jesus your Lord. With your mouth,
ask him to live inside of you. Ask for the forgiveness of your sins because of his shed blood, and
begin to use your tongue to bless. As you do that, for the first time in your life, I tell you; I tell
you! You are going to experience such a pleasure. You're going to be like that runner that says,
"I was born to run."


SID: Next week on Its Supernatural. My next guest has prayed for eight dead people who have
come back to life. His associates have prayed for over a hundred dead people, who have come
back to life. Is it possible that you and I can tap into such miraculous power?


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