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AIM - Section 1A

bonjour = hello
tout le monde = everyone
fait = make/do
cercle = circle
je =I
m'appelle = am called
madame = Mrs.
Monsieur = Mr.
t'appelles = are called (you)
s'appelle = is called (he/she)
tu = you
Comment a va? = how are you?
dit = says
a va bien = (I am) fine
mal = (I am) not well
comme ci, comme a = so-so
et = and
toi = you
Lve-toi! = get up
Assieds-toi! = sit down
saute = jump
arrte = stop
trs = very
marche = walk
court = run
c'est = it is/its
fantastique = fantastic
les = the (plural)
action = action
quand = when
la = the (feminine)
classe = class
de = of/from
d' = of/from
franais = French
commence = start
finit = finish
au revoir = goodbye
eau = water
boit = drinks
si = if/so
veut = want
aller = to go
toilettes = toilets
est-ce que = precedes a question
peut = can
AIM - Section 1B

o = where
est = is
non = no
oui = yes
j'ai = I have
oubli = forgot
fou = crazy (masc.)
folle = crazy (fem.)
me rappelle = remember (I)
se rappelle = remembers (he/she)
ici = here
l-bas = over there
maintenant = now
doit = has to
parle = speak/talk
seulement = only
en = in
pas = negative
anglais = English
tombe = falls
se lve = gets up
s'assoit = sits down
a = this/that
un = a/one
chapeau = hat
met = puts on
enlve = takes off
comme = like
le = the (masc.)
(le/un) soulier = (the/a) shoe
(le/un) manteau = (the/a) coat
qu'est-ce que? = what?
cherche = looks for
trouv = found
il = he
elle = she
ou = or
AIM - Section 1C
coute = listens
= to/at
(la/une) porte = (the/a) door
ouvre = open
ferme = close
(le/un) livre = (the/a) book
(la/une) bouche = (the/a) mouth
(les) yeux = (the) eyes
une = a/one (f.)
excellent = excellent (m.)
excellente = excellent (f.)
Je sais. = I know.
Je ne sais pas. = I dont know.
va = go
vient = come
reste = stay
nepas = negative
(l'/une) cole = (the/a) school
regarde = look
bravo = bravo
(la/une) fille = (the/a) girl
(le/un) garcon = (the/a) boy
pour = for
comprend = understand
on = one/we
sort = go out
entre = enter
frappe = hit
avec = with
moi = me
(la/une) salle = (the/a) room
traverse = cross
(la/une) ligne = (the/a) line
magique = magical
fatigu(e) = tired
vite = quick/quickly
lentement = slowly
(la/une) chaise = (the/a) chair
(le/un) mot = (the/a) word
donne = give
prend = take
garde = keep
laisse = leave
(le/un) crayon = (the/a) pencil
merci = thank you
de rien = youre welcome
s'il te plat = please
(la/une) feuille de papier = (the/a) piece of paper
AIMSection 1D

sur = on
sous = under
(la/une) table = (the/a) table
(le/un) pupitre = (the/a) desk
(le/un) plancher = (the/a) floor
(la/une) tte = (the/a) head
avoir = to have
autre = other
chaud = hot (m.)
chaude = hot (f.)
froid = cold (m.)
froide = cold (f.)
choisit = choose
a/as = has/have
premier = first (m.)
premire = first (f.)
deuxime = second
troisime = third
mais = but
alors = so
aussi = also
(la/une) gomme = (the/an) eraser
des = some
(le/un) stylo = (the/a) pen
masculin = masculine
fminin = feminine
singulier = singular
pluriel = plural
mon = my (m.)
ma = my (f.)
mes = my (pl.)
ton = your (m.)
ta = your (f.)
tes = your (pl.)
son = his/her (m.)
sa = his/her (f.)
ses = his/her (pl.)
(le/un) chat = (the/a) cat
(le/un) chien = (the/a) dog
(le/un) cochon = (the/a) pig
(le/un) loup = (the/a) wolf
efface = erase
(la/une) faute = (the/a) mistake
AIMSection 1E
voici = here is
l' = the
(l/une) histoire = (the/a) story
trois = three
grand = big (m.)
grande = big (f.)
petit = small (m.)
petite = small (f.)
joue = play
(la/une) guitare = (the/a) guitar
gentil(le) = nice
mchant = mean (m.)
mchante = mean (f.)
travaille, (le/un) travail = work, (the/a) work
(un) peu = (a) little
beaucoup = a lot
aime = likes/loves
(la/une) musique = (the/a) music
danse = dance
chante = sing
(la/une) maison = (the/a) house
paille = straw
content = happy (m.)
contente = happy (f.)
triste = sad
(le) bois = (the) wood
(la/une) brique = (the/a) brick
(le/un) jour = (the/a) day
du = of the/from the
entend = hears
parce que = because
Qu'est-ce qui se passe? = Whats happening?
crie = shouts
tout coup = all of a sudden
voit = sees
souffle = blows
fort = strong (m.)
forte = strong (f.)
tellement = so
que = that
monte = goes up
descend = goes down
par = through/by
(la/une) chemine = (the/a) chimney
fait attention = pay attention
il y a = there is/are
(la/une) soupe = (the/a) soupe
(le/un) feu = (the/a) fire
dans = in
Au secours! = Help!
frappe = clap
(la/une) main = (the/a) hand
pleure = cries
(la/une) fin = (the/an) end

pourquoi = why
aujourd'hui = today
pense = thinks
(l'/un) ami, (l'/une) amie = (the/a) friend (m.), (the/a) friend (f.)
pardon = pardon
(la/une) vido = (the/a) video
(la/une) tl/television = (the/a) TV/television
(la/une) pice = (the/a) play
(l'/un) acteur = (the/a) actor
rpte = repeat
mmorise = memorize
prsente = present
(la/une) famille = (the/a) family
(la/une) mre (maman) = (the/a) mother (mom)
(le/un) pre (papa) = (the/a) father (dad)
(la/une) grand-mre (grand-maman) = (the/a) grandmother (granny)
(le/un) grand-pre (grand-papa) = (the/a) grandfather (grampa)
(le/un) frre = (the/a) brother
(la/une) soeur = (the/a) sister
(la/une) gardienne = (the/a) babysitter
(le/un) animal = (the/an) animal
(la/une) poubelle = (the/a) garbage
apporte = brings
(la/une) lettre = (the/a) letter
deux = two
quatre = four
cinq = five
six = six
sept = seven
huit = eight
neuf = nine
dix = ten
(la/une) minute = (the/a) minute
(le/un) parent = (the/a) parent
(la/une) personne = (the/a) person
(la/une) chose = (the/a) thing
ce n'est pas = it is not
prt = ready (m.)
prte = ready (f.)
mme = same
diffrent = different (m.)
diffrente = different (f.)
(un/le) groupe = (the/a) group
(le/un) point = (the/a) point
aide = helps
compte = counts
AIM - Section 1G

(le/un) nombre = (the/a) number

onze = eleven
douze = twelve
treize = thirteen
quatorze = fourteen
quinze = fifteen
seize = sixteen
dix-sept = seventeen
dix-huit = eighteen
dix-neuf = nineteen
vingt = twenty
trente = thirty
quarante = forty
cinquante = fifty
soixante = sixty
combien de = how many
(le/un) nom = (the/a) name
(la/une) chanson = (the/a) song
qui = who
(le/un) lecteur de disque compact = (the/a) compact disc player
(le/un) disque compact = (the/a) compact disc
peur = afraid
(la/une) fois = (the/a) time
lit = reads
(le/un) doigt = (the/a) finger
tourne = turn
(la/une) page = (the/a) page
(le/un) narrateur = (the/a) narrator
(le/un) personnage = (the/a) character
taille = sharpen
casse = break
(le/un) problme = (the/a) problem
par accident = by accident
dsol(e) = sorry
bon = good (m.)
bonne = good (f.)
crit = write
copie = copy
coche = checkmark
tout le temps = all the time
AIMSection 1H

passe = pass/hand out

ramasse = collect
colorie = colour
(la/une) couleur = (the/a) colour
rose = pink
gris = grey (m.)
grise = grey (f.)
jaune = yellow
brun = brown (m.)
brune = brown (f.)
rouge = red
(le/un) cahier = (the/a) workbook
(la/une) chemise = (the/a) folder (also shirt)
(le/un) ct = (the/a) side
presque = almost
(la/une) chance = (the/a) chance
(le/un) couloir = (the/a) hallway
(la/une) carte = (the/a) card
(la/une) bote = (the/a) bin/box
encore = again
(la/une) question = (the/a) question
(la/une) rponse = (the/a) answer
aprs = after
(la/une) marionnette = (the/a) puppet
tre = to be
en ordre = in order
dessine = draw
gagn = won
(le/un) prix = (the/a) prize
plus = more
(le/un) test = (the/a) test
change = change
(la/une) phrase = (the/a) sentence
complet = complete (m.)
complete = complete (f.)
bizarre = bizarre
corrige = correct
(la/une) poche = (the/a) pocket
(le/un) sac = (the/a) bag
mange = eat
AIM - Section 1I

(la/une) balle = (the/a) ball

(la/une) semaine = (the/a) week
hier = yesterday
tait = was
c'tait = it was
demain = tomorrow
prochain = next (m.)
prochaine = next (f.)
coupe = cut
(la/une) queue = (the/a) line
(le/un) numro = (the/a) number
quel(le) = what/which
(la/une) date = (the/a date
(le/un) mois = (the/a) month
(l/une) anne = (the/a) year
mille = thousand
chuchote = whisper
(la/une) signe = (the/a) sign

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