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Life History, Biographical and Narrative Approaches in Education:

Significant Bibliographical References

in the English-Speaking Field of Education
Version 3.1 (September 24th 2008)

Michel Alhadeff-Jones, Ph.D.

Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Laboratoire EXPERICE, University of Paris 8, France

Jean-Louis Le Grand, Ph.D.

Laboratoire EXPERICE, University of Paris 8, France

This bibliography has been composed based on the consultation of the ERIC database (1966-2007) and the
Milbank Library catalogue (Teachers College, Columbia University)1. Since 2002, many references have
been added, based on additional research on the Internet (including commercial websites), in books, or
through personal contacts. The third version of this bibliography has been organized by themes and by
types of sources (chapters, books and documents; papers, journals and conference proceedings). Despite
the fact that this bibliography brings together approximately 450 references it is not an exhaustive one2.
Instead, its purpose is to introduce a broad field of study illustrating its diversity, as it can be observed in
the English-speaking field of education and mainly in the American, Canadian and British field of
education3. From an international perspective, this bibliography can also be a complement to non English-
speaking bibliographies already existing4.

If it appears to you that some other significant references should be added to this list, please feel free to
send them to Michel Alhadeff-Jones (education.critiques@gmail.com) to keep this list updated. Thank you.

Quotation: Alhadeff-Jones, M. & Le Grand, J.-L. (2008). Life History, Biographical and Narrative
Approaches in Education: Significant Bibliographical References in the English-speaking Field of
Education. (Version 3.1; September 24th 2008). Available at: www.implexus.org.

Research by title or keyword including: "autobiography", "biography", "life history", "narrative approach
/ inquiry", "personal narrative", etc.
For example, the field of "story telling" and education remains to be included in this bibliography.
A shorter version of this bibliography is published in the special issue edited by the international journal
Pratiques de Formation / Analyses (in press) focusing on non French-speaking trends in Life History and
Biographical Approaches in Education. 
Josso, M.-C. (Dir.) (2000). La formation au cur des rcits de vie: expriences et savoirs universitaires.
Paris: lHarmattan. The bibliography provided in this book is available at: www.implexus.org

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 1

Table of Contents

1. Action Research  

2. Adult Education, Higher Education & Vocational Studies  
2.1 Books, chapters and documents 
2.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings 
3. Art & Drama Education  
4. Autoethnography, Self-study & Researcher's Experience  
4.1 Books, chapters and documents 
4.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings 
5. Child & Adolescent Life Stories
5.1 Books, chapters and documents 
5.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings 
6. Curriculum Theory, School Leadership & School Reform 
6.1 Books, chapters and documents 
6.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings 
7. English Teaching & Literature 
7.1 Books, chapters and documents 
7.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings 
8. Environmental Education 
9. Faith, Religion & Education 
10. Family & Intergenerational Issues 
11. Feminist Perspective, Women Studies & Gender Studies
11.1 Books, chapters and documents  
11.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings  
12. Historical Inquiry in Education & Documentary Research 
12.1 Books, chapters and documents   
12.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings   
13. Identity, Self, Adult Psychology & Adult Development 
13.1 Books, chapters and documents  

13.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings   
14. Migration  
15. Moral Development & Moral Education  
16. Multiculturalism, Race & Racism in Education 
17. Narrative Theory & Literature
18. Oral History & History
19. Organizational & Communication
20. Qualitative Methodology & Educational Research 
20.1 Books, chapters and documents  
20.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings  
21. Qualitative Methodology & Narrative Inquiry (General) 
22. Queer Studies 
23. Science Education 
24. Social & Human Sciences (Sociology, Anthropology & Ethnography)
24.1 Books, chapters and documents  

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 2

24.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings  
25. Special Education & Learning Disabilities
26. Teacher Education 
26.1 Books, chapters and documents  
26.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings  
27. Teaching Methods 
28. Various 
29. List of Main Journals Quoted 

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 3


Arvay, M.J. (2002). Talk as Action: A Narrative Approach to Action Theory. Canadian-Journal-of-
Counselling, 36, 2, 113-120.
Lewis, M. E. (2004). A teacher's schoolyard tale: Illuminating the vagaries of practicing participatory
action research (PAR) pedagogy. Environmental Education Research, 10, 1, 89-114
Price, J. N., & Valli, L. (2005). Pre-service teachers becoming agents of change: Pedagogical implications
for action research. Journal of Teacher Education, 56, 1, 57-72.


2.1 Books, chapters and documents

Alhadeff-Jones, M. (2008). Promoting Scientific Dialogue as a Lifelong Learning Process. In F. Darbellay,

M. Cockell, J. Billotte & F. Waldvogel (Eds.) A Vision of Transdisciplinarity. Laying Foundations
for a World Knowledge Dialogue (pp.94-102). Lausanne, Switzerland: EPFL / CRC Press.
Alheit, P. (1992). The biographical approach to adult education. In W. Mader (Ed.), Adult Education in the
Federal Republic of Germany: Scholarly Approaches and Professional Practice. Vancouver:
University of British Columbia.
Alheit, P. (1994). Taking the Knocks: Unemployment and Biography: a Qualitative Analysis. London:
Alheit, P., Bron-Wojciechowska, A., Brugger E., Dominic, P. (1995). The Biographical Approach in
European Adult Education. Vienna: Verband Wiener Volksbildung.
Anderson, L. (2000). Telling Modernization: Three Voices. Life History, Gender and the Discourse of
Modernization. Roskilde University Life History Project Paper. Roskilde Univ. Center (Denmark).
Birren, J.E., Deutchman, D.E. (Eds.) (1991). Guiding Autobiography Groups for Older Adults: Exploring
the Fabric of Life. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopskins University Press.
Dominic, P. (2000). Learning from Our Lives: Using Educational Biographies with Adults. San Francisco:
ESREA (2001). Wider Benefits of Learning: Understanding and Monitoring the Consequences of Adult
Learning. Lisbon: ESREA & Universidade Lusfona de Humanidades e Tecnologias.
Fordon, A.E. (1999). Advocates, Barriers, and Responses: The Personal Narratives of Nine Female
Doctoral Students. Available: ERIC: ED438743.

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 4

Goldman, A.E. (1996). Take my Word: Autobiographical Innovations of Ethnic American Working Women.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
McLaughlin, D., Tierney, W.G. (Eds.) (1993). Naming Silenced Lives: Personal Narratives and Processes
of Educational Change. New York: Routledge.
Neumann, A., Peterson, P.L. (Eds). (1997). Learning from Our Lives: Women, Research, and
Autobiography in Education. New York: Teachers College Press.
Olesen, H. S. (2000). Professional Identity as Learning processes in Life Histories. Life History Project,
Roskilde University, Paper n12.
Olesen, H.S. (2000). Experience and Learning: Theorizing the Subjective Side of Work. [Publications from
the Adult Education Research Group]. Roskilde Univ. Center (Denmark).
Ward, C.L., Westbrooks, K. (2000). Oral Histories and Analysis of Non Traditional Women Students: A
Study of Unconventional Strengths. Lewiston, NY: Meller Press.
West, L. (2003). Researching Lives and the challenge of auto/biographical perspectives. In A. Edwards
(Ed.), Narrative Based Guidance. Canterbury: CCCUC / Centre for Career and Personal
West, L. (2001). Doctors on the Edge; general practitioners, health and learning in the inner-city. London:
Free Association Books.
West, L., Alheit, P., Andersen, A. S., & Merrill, B. (Eds.). (2007). Using Biographical and Life History
Approaches in the Study of Adult and Lifelong Learning: European Perspectives. Frankfurt am
Main: Peter Lang.
West, L., Fraser, W. (1992). The Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning in Universities' Admissions
Procedures. Canterbury (England): Kent Univ.

2.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings

Abes, E. S., & Jones, S. R. (2004). Meaning-making capacity and the dynamics of lesbian college students'
multiple dimensions of identity. Journal of College Student Development, 45(6), 612-632.
Aguirre, A., Jr. (2005). The personal narrative as academic storytelling: A 'search for presence and voice in
academe. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 18, 2, 147-163.
Alheit, P., Dominic, P., Merrill, B., Siig Anderson, A., West, L. (Eds.) (2002). European Perspectives on
Life History Research: Theory and Practice of Biographical Narratives. Papers from the ESREA-
Biography and Life History Network Annual Conference (Geneva, Switzerland, March 7-10,
2002). Available on: http://www.unige.ch/fapse/esrea02/participants.htm
Antikainen, A. (1998). Between Structure and Subjectivity: Life-Histories and Lifelong Learning.
Internationale-de-l'Education, 44, 2/3, 215-234.

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 5

Boxler, H. N. (2004). Grounded practice: Exploring criticalities in a job reeducation setting. Adult
Education Quarterly, 54, 3, 210-223.
Brady, E.M. (1990). Redeemed from Time: Learning through Autobiography. Adult-Education-Quarterly,
41, 1, 43-52.
Brookfield, S. (1994). Tales from the dark side: a phenomenography of adult critical reflection.
International Journal of Lifelong Education, 13, 3, 203-216.
Bujold, C. (2004). Constructing career through narrative. Journal of vocational behavior, 64, 3, 470-484.
Clark, M. A., Severy, L., & Sawyer, S. A. (2004). Creating connections: Using a narrative approach in
career group counseling with college students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Journal of
College Counseling, 7, 1, 24.
Clark, W. (2004). Brown as personal narrative. Black Issues in Higher Education, 21, 23, 98.
Cohen, J.B. (1996). Rewriting our Lives: Stories of Meaning-Making in an Adult Learning Community.
Journal of Narrative and Life History, 6, 2, 145-156.
Daniels, D. (2002). Using the Life Histories of Community Builders in an Informal Settlement To Advance
the Emancipation and Development of Women. Available at:
Davies, B. (2006). Women and transgression in the halls of academe. Studies in Higher Education, 31, 4,
Dilley, P. (2005). Which way out? A typology of non-heterosexual male collegiate identities. Journal of
Higher Education, 76, 1, 56.
Edwards, R., Usher, R. (1996). What stories do I tell now? New times and new narratives for the adult
educator. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 15, 3, 216-229.
Edwards, R., Miller, N. (2000). Go your Own Way: Lifelong learning and reflexive autobiographies in
postmodernity. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 19, 2, 126-140.
Farnes, N.C. (1996). New Methods for Life Course Analysis of Lifelong Education. International Journal
of Lifelong Education, 15, 5, 341.
Ferguson, F.J. (1991). Voices of Their Own: Students' Biographies and the College Application. College-
Board-Review, 158, 18-21,32.
Fries-Britt, S., & Turner Kelly, B. (2005). Retaining each other: Narratives of two African American
women in the academy. Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Public Education, 37, 3, 221-242.
Gannon, S. (2004). Out/Performing in the academy: Writing "the breast project". International Journal of
Qualitative Studies in Education, 17, 1, 66-84.
Gasman, M., Gerstl-Pepin, C., Anderson-Thompkins, S., Rasheed, L., & Hathaway, K. (2004). Negotiating
power, developing trust: Transgressing race and status in the academy. Teachers College Record,
106, 4, 689-715.
Hauserman, C. (1993). Peer Support and Professional Development through Collaborative Autobiography.
Education-Canada, 33, 2, 17-23.

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 6

Higgins, J. (2004). Sharing sociological stories: Reflections on teaching sociology in prison. International
Journal of Lifelong Education, 23, 3, 243-257.
Hones, D.F. (1996). Adult Learning, Generativity and "Successful" Aging in Multicultural Perspective: A
Hmong American Educational Biography. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (New York, NY, April 8, 1996).
Howell, S.L., Coates, C.J. (1997). Utilizing Narrative Inquiry to Evaluate a Nursing Doctorate Program
Professional Residency. Journal-of-Professional-Nursing, 13, 2, 110-123.
Iaffaldano, M. & al. (1985). Life History Antecedents of Vocational Indecision. Journal-of-Vocational-
Behavior, 27, 3, 276-297.
James,-D.-T.-D. & al. (1996). Introducing Older Learners to Information Technology through Life History
Writing. International-Journal-of-Lifelong-Education, 15,1, 50-58.
Jansen, T., van-der-Veen, R. (1992). Reflexive Modernity, Self-Reflective Biographies: Adult Education in
the Light of the Risk Society. International-Journal-of-Lifelong-Education, 11, 4, 275-286.
Johnson-Bailey, J., Cervero, R.M. (1996). An Analysis of the Educational Narratives of Reentry Black
Women. Adult Education Quaterly, 43, 3, 142-157.
Jongeward, C. (1999). Shifting the Ground of the Familiar: Using Autobiography and Intercultural
Learning in a Time of Transition. Canadian-Journal-for-the-Study-of-Adult-Education, 13, 1, 21-
Karpiak, I. (2000). Writing Our Life: Adult Learning and Teaching through Autobiography. Canadian-
Journal-of-University-Continuing-Education, 26, 1, 31-50.
Miller, N., West, L. (Eds.) (1992). Changing Culture and Adult Learning. Papers from the SCUTREA
Annual Conference (22nd, Canterbury, England, United Kingdom, July 8-10, 1992).
Moore, A.W. (1990). Beyond the Surface: Problems and Challenges in Young Adult Biographies. School-
Library-Journal, 36, 8, 94-95.
Moore, E. (2006). Educational identities of adult university graduates. Scandinavian Journal of
Educational Research, 50, 2, 149-163.
Muller, L., Steinberg, M. (1992). Beyond Ageism: The Life History Approach Educates and Empowers
Health Care Providers To Improve the Quality of Life of Elderly Patients. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (Anaheim, CA,
November 4-7, 1992).
Mumford, M.D., Owens, W.A. (1982). Life History and Vocational Interests. Journal-of-Vocational-
Behavior, 21, 3, 330-348.
Nelson, A. (1994). Researching Adult Transformation as Autobiography. International-Journal-of-
Lifelong-Education, 13, 5, 389-403.
Olesen, H.S. (2001). Professional Identity as Learning Processes in Life Histories. Journal-of-Workplace-
Learning, 13, 7/8, 290-297.

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 7

Olesen, H. S. (2001). Professional Learning, Life History and Sociology of Knowledge. Paper presented at
the ESREA Conference 2001: Wider Benefits of Learning, Understanding and Monitoring the
Consequences of Adult Learning, Lisbon, Portugal.
Pietrukowicz, M.E., Johnson, M.M.S. (1991). Using Life Histories to Individualize Nursing Home Staff
Attitudes toward Residents. Gerontologist, 31, 1, 102-106.
Reichel, L.S., Muchinsky, P.M. (1995). Life-History and Developmental Antecedents of Female
Vocational Preferences. Journal-of-Career-Assessment, 3, 1, 21-34.
Rossiter, M. (1999). A Narrative Approach to Development: Implications for Adult Education. Adult-
Education-Quarterly, 50, 1, 56-71.
Scott, O., Castles, J. (1975). Aptitude, Motivation, and Life History as Predictors of the Non-Academic
Accomplishments of High School Seniors. Measurement-and-Evaluation-In-Guidance, 8, 1, 37-
Stewart, D.W. (1987). Biography as History in Adult Education. Historical-Foundations-of-Adult-
Education, 3, 3, 21-25.
Thrif, E., & Amundson, N. (2005). Hermeneutic-narrative approach to career counselling: An alternative to
postmodernism. Perspectives in Education, 23, 2, 1-12.
Trapedo-Dworsky, M., Cole, A.L. (1996). Teaching as Autobiography: Connecting the Personal and the
Professional in the Academy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association (New York, NY, April 8-12, 1996).
Warren, C.E. (1982). The Written Life History as a Prime Research Tool in Adult Education. Adult-
Education, 32, 4, 214-228.
West, L. (1995). Beyond Fragments: Adults, Motivation and Higher Education. Studies-in-the-Education-
of-Adults, 27, 2, 133-156.
West, L. (1996). The Poetics of Fishing: Change, Learning and Civil Society. Adults-Learning-England, 8,
3, 68-70.
West, L. (2000). Stories from the Edge: Doctors and Their Learning. Adults-Learning-England, 12, 3, 24-
West, L. (2001). The Auto/biographical Imagination: The impact of learning on psychological health.
Paper presented at the ESREA Conference 2001: Wider Benefits of Learning, Understanding and
Monitoring the Consequences of Adult Learning, Lisbon, Portugal.
Wurr, A.J. (2002). Language Experience Approach Revisited: The Use of Personal Narratives in Adult L2
Literacy Instruction. Reading-Matrix:-An-International-Online-Journal, 2, 1.
Zemon, C.B. (2002). Midlife Career Choices: How Are They Different from Other Career Choices?
Library-Trends, 50, 4, 665-672.

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 8


Esser-Hall, G., Rankin, J., & Ndita, D. J. (2004). The narrative approach in art education: A case study.
International Journal of Art and Design Education, 23, 2, 136-147.
Kellman, J. (1999). Drawing with Peter: Autobiography, Narrative, and the Art of a Child with Autism.
Studies-in-Art-Education, 40, 3, 258-274.
Hawke, D. (1996). Autobiography as an Approach to Research of Artistic Practice. Australian-Art-
Education, 19, 3, 31-36.
McCammon, L.A., Miller, C., Norris, J. (1998). Using Personal Narrative and Storytelling To Promote
Reflection and the Development of Teacher Voice in Drama Teacher Education. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (50th, New
Orleans, LA, February 25-28, 1998).
Trzebiski, J. (2005). Narratives and understanding other people. Research in Drama Education, 10, 1, 15-


4.1 Books, chapters and documents

Ellis, C., Bochner, A.P. (2000). Autoethnography, Personnal Narrative, Reflexivity: Researcher as Subject.
In N. K. Denzin, Lincoln, Y.S. (Ed.), Handbook of Qualitative Research (pp. 733-768). Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage.
Heshusius, L., Ballard, K. (Ed.). (1996). From Positivism to Interpretivism and Beyond. Tales of
Transformation in Educational and Social Research (The Mind-Body Connection). New York:
Teachers College Press.
Josselson, R., Lieblich, A. & McAdams, D.P. (Eds) (2002). Up Close and Personal: The Teaching and
Learning of Narrative Research (The Narrative Study of Lives). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.
Russell, T. (2004). Tracing the Development of Self-Study in Teacher Education Research and Practice. In
J.J. Loughran, M.L. Hamilton, V. Kubler LaBoskey, & T. Russell (Ed.), International Handbook
of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices (pp.1191-1210). Springer Netherlands.

4.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 9

Hanrahan, M., Cooper, T., Burroughs-Lange, S. (1999). The place of personal writing in a PhD thesis:
epistemological and methodological considerations. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in
Education, 12, 4, 401-416.
Harris, K. R., Graham, S., & Mason, L. H. (2006). Improving the writing, knowledge, and motivation of
struggling young writers: Effects of self-regulated strategy development with and without peer
support. American Educational Research Journal, 43, 2, 295-337.
Kimpson, S. A. (2005). Stepping off the road: A researcher's story of challenging Method/Changing
methodology. McGill Journal of Education, 40, 1, 157-178.
Lewis, M. E. (2004). A teacher's schoolyard tale: Illuminating the vagaries of practicing participatory
action research (PAR) pedagogy. Environmental Education Research, 10, 1, 89-114
Malcolm, J., Miller, N., Armstrong, P., Cervero, R.M., Edwards, R., Gosling, D., Hayes, E.R.,; Johnson-
Bailey, J., West, L., Wilson, A.L., Zukas, M. (2001). Touring a Text: The Handbook of Adult and
Continuing Education. [and] Unravelling the Story of a Milestone Text: Tales from the Handbook
of Adult and Continuing Education. Studies-in-the-Education-of-Adults, 33, 2, 143-46; 147-62.
O'Loughlin, M. (1990). Self-Reflexive Pedagogy: A Narrative Inquiry. Paper presented at the Annual
Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice (12th, Dayton, OH, October 1990).
Pacino, M.A. (2000). A Journey of Inquiry: A Researcher's Personal Narrative. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA, April 24-
28, 2000).


5.1 Books, chapters and documents

Lodico, M. G., & Voegtle, K. H. (2005). Child and adolescent life stories: Perspectives from youth,
parents, and teachers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

5.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings

Davies, J.S., Adams, N.G. (2000). Exploring Early Adolescent Identity through Teacher Autobiography.
Middle-School-Journal, 31, 3, 18-25.
Torstenson, T. (2007). Children's life paths through preschool and school: Letting youths talk about their
own childhood--theoretical and methodological conclusions. Childhood: A Global Journal of
Child Research, 14, 1, 47-66.

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 10


6.1 Books, chapters and documents

Brubaker, D. L. (2004). Revitalizing curriculum leadership: Inspiring and empowering your school
community. Second edition. Tousand Oals: Sage.
Craig, C.J. (2003). Narrative Inquiries of School Reform: Storied Lives, Storied Landscapes, Storied
Metaphors. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Goodson, I.F., Ball, S.J. (1984). Defining the Curriculum: Histories and Ethnographies. New York: Falmer
Milburn, G. (1989). How much Life is there in Life History? In G. Milburn, Goodson, I.F., Clark, R.G.
(Eds.) Reinterpreting Curriculum Research Images (pp.160-168). London: Lewes Falmer.
Pinar, W. (1994). Autobiography, Politics and Sexuality: Essays in Curriculum Theory 1972-1992. New
York: Peter Lang.
Silin, J. G., Schultz, S., Bevacqua, S., Laslocky, J., Tobin, J., & Taubman, P. et al. (2005). Rethinking
resistance in schools: Power, politics, and illicit pleasures. Occasional paper series 14. Bank
Street College of Education. New York, NY.

6.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings

Adalbjarnardottir, S., & Runarsdottir, E. M. (2006). A leader's experiences of intercultural education in an

elementary school: Changes and challenges. Theory Into Practice, 45, 2, 177-186.
Berk, L. (1980). Education in Lives : Biographic Narrative in the Study of Educational Outcomes. Journal
of Curriculum Theorizing, 2, 2, 88-154.
Clandinin, D.J., Connelly, M.F. (1998). Stories to Live By: Narrative Understandings of School Reform,
Curriculum Inquiry, 28, 2, 149-164.
Craig, C.J. (2001). The Relationships Between and Among Teachers' Narrative Knowledge, Communities
of Knowing, and School Reform: A Case of "The Monkey's Paw", Curriculum Inquiry, 31, 3, 303-
Craig, C. J. (2007). Story constellations: A narrative approach to contextualizing teachers' knowledge of
school reform. Teaching & Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies,
23, 2, 173-188.
Craig, C. J. (2006). Why is dissemination so difficult? The nature of teacher knowledge and the spread of
curriculum reform. American Educational Research Journal, 43, 2, 257-293.
DeNicola, D.R. (1973). Biography And The Curriculum. Journal-of-Thought, 8, 3, 180-82.

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 11

English, F.W. (1994). Biography as a Focus for Teaching Leadership. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA, April 4-8, 1994).
English, F.W. (1995). Toward a Reconsideration of Biography and Other Forms of Life Writing as a Focus
for Teaching Educational Administration. Educational-Administration-Quarterly, 31, 2, 202-23.
Kelchtermans, G. (2005). Teachers' emotions in educational reforms: Self-understanding, vulnerable
commitment and micropolitical literacy. Teaching & Teacher Education: An International Journal
of Research and Studies, 21, 8, 995-1006.
McClaren, P., Mayo, P. (1999). Value Commitment, Social Change, and Personal Narrative. International-
Journal-of-Educational-Reform, 8, 4, 397-408.
Pinar, W. (1980). Life History and Educational Experience. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 2, 2, 159-
Ryan, F.J., Soven, M., Smither, J., Sullivan, W.M., VanBuskirk, W.R. (1999). Appreciative Inquiry: Using
Personal Narratives for Initiating School Reform. Clearing-House, 72, 3, 164-167.
Yu, W. M., & Lau, C. K. (2006). Understanding education reform: Insights from stories of the changing
school context. Planning and Changing, 37, n3-4, 219-233.


7.1 Books, chapters and documents

Braham, J. (1995). Crucial Conversations: Interpreting Contemporary American Literary Autobiographies

by Women. New York: Teachers College Press.
Curtis, A., (Ed.), & Romney, M., (Ed.). (2006). Color, race, and English language teaching: Shades of
meaning. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Feldman, C.F., Kalmar, D.A. (1996). Autobiography and fiction as modes of thought. In D.R. Olson,
Torrance, Nancy et al. (Eds) Modes of thought: Explorations in culture and cognition. (pp. 106-
122). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Fleming, M., McGinnis, J. (Eds). (1985). Portraits: Biography and Autobiography in the Secondary
School. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Hicks, D. (2002). Readings Lives. Working-Class Children and Literacy Learning. New York: Teachers
College Press.
Trzyna, G.D.; Miller, S. (1997). A Case Study of Learning in an Integrated Literature-History Class:
Personal Narrative, Critical Reflection, and Kris's Way of Knowing. Report Series 7.10. Albany,
NY: National.

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 12

Wolff, J.M. (Ed.). (2002). Professing in the Contact Zone: Bringing Theory and Practice Together.
Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Zarnowski, M. (1990). Learning about Biographies: A Reading-and-Writing Approach for Children.
National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, IL.; National Council for the Social Studies,
Washington, DC.

7.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings

Benton, M. (2005). Literary biography: The Cinderella of literary studies. Journal of Aesthetic Education,
39(3), 44-57.
Bray, C.S. (1995). Using Biography in the English Classroom. English-Quarterly, 28, 1, 42-44.
Carey-Webb, A. (1991). Auto/Biography of the Oppressed: The Power of Testimonial. English-Journal,
80, 4, 44-47.
Daisey, P. (1997). Promoting Literacy in Secondary Content Area Classrooms with Biography Projects.
Journal-of-Adolescent-and-Adult-Literacy, 40, 4, 270-278.
Davidson, P. (1989). Context and Critical Perspective: Meeting Black Autobiography Halfway. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (79th, Baltimore,
MD, November 17-22, 1989).
Kajder, S. B. (2004). Enter here: Personal narrative and digital storytelling. English Journal, 93, 3, 64.
Kouritzin, S.G. (2000). Bringing Life to Research: Life History Research and ESL. TESL-Canada-Journal,
17, 2, 1-35.
Lehman, B.A., Hayes, D. (1985). Advancing Critical Reading through Historical Fiction and Biography.
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11.1 Books, chapters and documents

Alpern, S. & al. (Eds) (1992). The Challenge of Feminist Biography. University of Illinois Press.
Asher, C. & al. (Eds). (1993) Between Women. New York: Routledge.
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11.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings

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Women. Adult Education Quaterly, 43, 3, 142-157.
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become teachers: sociocultural perspectives. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in
Education, 15, 3, 269-290.
Menard-Warwick, J. (2006). "The thing about work": Gendered narratives of a transnational, trilingual
Mexicano. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9, 3, 359-373.
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Rodriguez, A.J. (2000). Linking Bakhtin with Feminist Poststructuralism to Unravel the Allure of
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12.1 Books, chapters and documents

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Ambrosius, L. (Ed.) (2004). Writing Biography. University of Nebraska Press.
Asher, C. & al. (Eds). (1993) Between Women. New York: Routledge.
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12.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings

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Campbell, R.B. (1979). History through Biography: A Review Essay. Teaching-History:-A-Journal-of-
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13.1 Books, chapters and documents

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13.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings

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Illness. Journal-of-Poetry-Therapy, 11, 2, 113-117.
De Vries, B. & al. (1990). Adult Development through Guided Autobiography: The Family Context.
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Betz-Zall, J. (1993). Balancing Quality and Relevance: Selecting Series Biographies for Children about
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a research process. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 12, 6, 659-670.
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Lynn, M. (2006). Dancing between two worlds: A portrait of the life of a black male teacher in south
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Education, 15, 3, 269-290.
Norton, N. E. L. (2006). Talking spirituality with family members: Black and Latina/o children co-
researcher methodologies. Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Public Education, 38, 4, 313-334.
Preskill, S. (1992). Biography and Leadership: Exploring Issues of Race and Gender. Paper presented at
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20.1 Books, chapters and documents

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20.2 Papers, journals and conference proceedings

Arellano, E.L., Barcenal, T.L.; Bilbao, P.P., Castellano, M.A., Nichols, S.E., Tippins, D.J. (2001). Using
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Choi, J. (2006). Doing poststructural ethnography in the life history of dropouts in South Korea:
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2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 35

Steeves, P. (2006). Sliding doors--opening our world. Equity & Excellence in Education, 39, 2, 105-114.


Adult Education Quarterly

American Educational Research Journal
Curriculum Inquiry
International Journal of Lifelong Education
International Journal of Oral-History
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
Journal of Counseling and Development
Journal of Narrative and Life History
Research in Science Education
Teaching and Teacher Education

See also Vitae Scholasticae, the journal edited by The International Society for Educational Biography.

2008 M. Alhadeff-Jones & J.-L. Le Grand 36

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