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The aim of this research was to determine the performance of BOD and TSS removal

efficiency in anaerob
baffled-aerob . Wastewater was used in this research from canteen wastewater at FST-UA.
BOD analysis
with winkler titration. TSS analysis with gravimetric method. and biofilter anaerob Analyses
had been done
in 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The results showed the addition of aeration could increase the
allowance BOD
and TSS and peaked at day 21, then declined. BOD removal, in 7 days BOD removal
efficiency from baffled
reactor increased from dari 7,4% became 34,6% cause of contribution of aeration process.
In 14 days,
aeration process contributed of increasing BOD removal efficiency from 56,2% became
88,6%. In 21 days,
aeration process increased BOD removal efficiency from 42,5% became 96,9% and in 28
days aeration
increased BOD removal efficiency from 41,2 % became 64,6%. In the other side, in 7 days
TSS removal
efficiency from baffled reactor increased from dari 29,4% became 35,08% cause of
contribution of aeration
process. In 14 days, aeration process contributed of increasing TSS removal efficiency from
96,5% became
97,57%. In 21 days, aeration process increased TSS removal efficiency from 96,1% became
96,88% and in
28 days aeration increased TSS removal efficiency from 55,6 % became 68,85%.

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