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Def of JMS : It is responsible for processing/sending messages

---> In WAS 5.1 version MESSAGING QUEUE(MQ) is used for sending the messages

---> But in WAS 6.1 version JMS (JAVA MESSAGING SERVICE) is used for sending the messages to the clients/end users


Step 1: Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) or Service Integration Bus (SIB) :

Def of SIB : The service integration bus is a JMS provider that provides reliable message transport and uses intermediary

logic to adapt message flow intelligently into the network.

----> The service integration bus is often referred to as just a bus. When used to host JMS applications, it is often referred to as

a messaging bus.

---> Its capabilities are fully integrated into product architecture, including the security, system administration, monitoring, and

problem determination subsystems.

---> Create a Bus

---> Click New Button

---> Create MyBus

----> Next

----> Click Save Button

Step 2 : Messaging Engine

Def of Messaging Engine : The component that manages bus resources. It provides a connection point for clients to produce or

from where to consume messages

---> JMS support enables applications to exchange messages asynchronously with other JMS clients by using JMS

destinations (queues or topics). Applications can use message-driven beans to automatically retrieve messages from JMS

destinations and JCA (JAVA CONNECTOR ARCHITECTURE) endpoints without explicitly polling for messages.

---> Goto Bus Member

---> Add Bus Member : Application servers added to the bus.

---> Next

---> Choose File Store

----> Next

----> Next

----> Finish

----> Save

Step 3: Creating Destination

Def of Destination : The place within the bus to which applications attach to exchange messages. Destinations can represent

Web services endpoints, messaging point-to-point queues, or messaging publish and subscribe topics. Destinations are created
on a bus and hosted on a messaging engine.

---> Goto Browse

---> Create Package Receive Destination

----> Next

----> Finish

----> Save

----> Goto Resources

----> JMS

----> JMS Provider

----> Server 1

----> Default Message Provider (Service Integration Bus)

--> The default messaging provider uses the service integration bus for transport.

--->The default message provider provides point-to-point functions, as well as publish and subscribe functions.

Step 4 : Create Queue Connection Factory (JNDI Name)

----> Goto Bus Name

----> My Bus

----> ok

----> Save

Step 5: Create Queue

---> Goto Queues

---> Click New

---> QName : PackageReceivedQueue---> Select Bus

Step 6 : Activation Specification :

---> Name : Received Activation spec

----> JNDI Name : JMS/Package Received

----> Bus Name

----> Next

----> Save

To invoke any client


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