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- is a hollow percussion instrument. In spite

of the name, it is not a true drum but an
idiophone, usually carved or constructed
- is an African musical instrument consisting
from bamboo or wood into a box with one
of a wooden board (often fitted with a
or more slits in the top. Most slit
resonator) with attached staggered metal
drums have one slit, though two and
tines, played by holding the instrument in
three slits (cut into the shape of an "H")
the hands and plucking the tines with the
thumbs. The mbira is usually classified as
musical bow
part of the lamellaphone family, and part
of the idiophone family of musical

african harp

- is a simple string musical instrument

part of a number of South African
cultures, also found in other places in
the world through the result of slave

- It is an instrument traditionally played by

young men and boys. A similar type of harp
played by the Nzakara people. The instruments
are well known for their ornately carved heads.
The instrument has generally fallen from
popularity, though in 1993 some older players
were recorded on the album Music from the
Bandia Courts.

- A lamellophone (also lamellaphone

or linguaphone, from the Latin root
slit drum lingua meaning "tongue", i.e., a long
thin plate that is fixed only at one end)
is any of a family of musical
other materials, causing a different sound
to be heard.
rock gong


- A rock gong is a lithophone. Found in

Africa, Asia, and Europe, the gong is a slab
of rock that is hit like a drum. .These
names are all onomatopic, except for
"kuge" which is the Hausa word for a - A kontigi or kuntigi is a one- or two-
double iron bell and "dawal" which is the stringed lute used in Hausa music, used
Ge`ez word for a church's stone gong. primarily in northern Nigeria and Niger,
but also used in Hausa minorities in Benin,
adungu Ghana, Burkina Faso and Cameroon.


- The zeze is a stringed instrument from

Sub-Saharan Africa. It is also known by the
names tzetze and dzendze, and on
- The adungu, also called the ekidongo or Madagascar is called lokangavoatavo or
ennenga, is a stringed musical instrument lokangovoatavo. It has one or two strings,
of the Alur people of northwestern made of steel or bicycle brake wire.
Uganda. It is an arched harp of varying
dimensions, ranging from seven to ten African fiddle
strings or more.


- The term African fiddle may be applied to

any of several African bowed string
- The erikundi is a percussive instrument
that is shaken much like a maraca. Unlike
the maraca, however, it is made from
instruments of
Latin Africa


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