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Bienvenid@ a tu primera semana de trabajo, donde se abordan algunos

temas tales como: diferentes formas de saludar, dar y seguir direcciones,

escribir informacin personal, entre otros. Se sugiere primero, estudiar la
pre-unidad y unidad I de su libro de texto y luego hacer lo siguiente:

1. Abrir y estudiar el archivo "material de apoyo" en la carpeta de

Grammar and vocabulary unit 0/ pre-unit1Libro

Luego de esto realiza los siguientes ejercicios en tu libro "Stand Out 1

Grammar Challenge " (libro de ejercicios pginas blanco y negro) y
envalos en un archivo de Word con hoja de presentacin.

Exercise D and E Page P3

Exercise D

Students in My Class
1. Andrew 5. Gilberto
2. Esmeralda 6. Ivan
3. Eva 7. Roberto
4. Gabriela 8. Tri

Exercise E: Write Sentences about Exercise D

1. My name is Andrew.
2. Esmeralda is a fine student.
3. Eva and I eat pizza.
4. Gabriela is beautiful.
5. Gilberto is driver of school bus.
6. Ivan is single.
7. Roberto is my best friend.
8. Tri is divorced.

Exercise D. Page P5: Rewrite the sentences with its.

1. The phone number is 555-3755. Its 555-3755.

2. The address is 14 Main Street. Its 14 Main Street.
3. The phone number is 555-2876. Its 555-2876.
4. It is 555-2933. Its 555-2933
5. It is 25821 West Birch Street. Its 25821 West Birch Street.
6. It is 555-9912. Its 555-9912
7. It is 373 Cypress Ave. Its 373 Cypress Ave.
8. The phone number is 555-9090. Its 555-9090
Exercise F. Page P5: Read the class list in Exercise A again. Answer the
questions with sentences.

1. Whats Evas address? Its 333 Western Circle.

2. Whats Evas phone number? Its 555-3534
3. Whats Tris phone number? Its 555-2876
4. Whats Robertos phone number? Its 555-6903
5. Whats Gabrielas address? Its 14 Main Street
6. Whats Robertos address? Its 2315 Wilshire Circle

Exercise C. Page P7: Circle the corret word or words.

1. ___________ Stand up Stands up Stood up

2. ___________ your books. open opens Open
3. ___________ the papers. Reads reading Read
4. ___________ the teacher. Listen to listens to Listens to
5. ___________ your name. Open Sit Down Write
6. ___________ a piece of paper. Take out open Listen
7. ____________ a student. Stand up Help Sit down
8. ____________ stands up Sit down Sits Down

Exercise D. Page P7: Look at the pictures. Write the action verb.

1. Open
2. Read
3. Help
4. Stand up
5. Sit Down
6. Listen to
7. Listen
8. Write
Listen and complete the missing information. (Unit 1 track 11-12-13)

1 2 3
Name: Eva Malinska Name: Gabriela Ramirez___ Name: Felipe Rodriguez__

Marital status: Divorced Marital status: _Single__ Marital status: __Married ___

She lives in: United State She is from: _ Argetin __ She is from: __Cuba___

Age: __60___ Age: __26___ Age: ___33____

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