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Mohamad Fais

Environmental Engineering

In structure, texting has loose structure. That is can decrease writing ability. Texting
is when any people write in media electric; keyboard and keypads on cell phone that
operation by fingers exactly is finger speech. Texting arose in this era that affected by
developing technology. Texting can equated with speech, why did happen? Because when
we are writing on that media electric, alphabet and capital letter are not using when we are
talking with each other. That matter which is equated texting with talking (speech).

Word texting is words that came out when we will do daily conversation without
unmonitored. According lingulistic, word texting will came out maybe 7 -10 words everday.
The things is make speech is very weakness and only telegraph. Diffrent about writing, when
we write, we often see language and that is make us more remember something when
writing. But in fact, the true language is speech.

New language form in this era that used on texting and it can make new stucture
when we write. That stucture can not the expresion of people when he write, like
kwkwkw. In Indonesia, most of people using kwkwkw when there is funny thing exactly
is laughing. According from my experience, i always using kwkwkw as familiarize for my
friend. Why i said that? Because when you out your expresion about laugh, maybe people
look you is friendly and calm. But, that is my opinion that can diffrent from other people.
Just go to the example when two people chat.

Fais : Hai nigga, how about your skill in game? I think you still noob till now

Frskha : Dont piss me up!

Fais : Dont angry man hahaha it is funny i think

Friskha : Wkwkk!!!. There is not funny. I think.

Fais : Are you angry really?? I apologize with my words friends.

Fais :Wkwkkw!! I dont think so .

According above example, the words about wkwkwk is not to expresion when there is
funny thing, excatly is upset. Friskha is upset with fais, because he was bullying friskha, she
can not playing game well. On my second example is noob. Noob in dictionary of
abbreviation is newbie. That words will be appear when somepeople has bad skill in video
game. Noob always use when we got bad team or teamate, we always talk using noob when
we meet my friends in internet cafe.

Bidialectal is when people have two stye language to talk and write, as formal and
casual. Example of formal like when we talk or write with older parents, we must use
impolite and wise to them. Different from casual, we always us casual in everyday
Mohamad Fais
Environmental Engineering

(percakapan sehari-hari). Like, when you chat with your friends, we are enjoy the time and
relax, like daily conversation. That ability already available in my self from when we were
born that from in our mind.

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