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Analysis and Reflection of

Feedback from Questionnaire

What is your sex?

This means that most of my feedback is from a

feminine point of view; however I do have a couple of
male perspective so I should also keep that in mind.
How old are you?

I should probably target my trailer to people of the age of 16-

20 years old. Typically, horror movies are targeted to this
demographic due to its context and tone. Horror movies tend
to be rated either 15 or 18 (and very rarely 12A).
What is your FAVORITE film genre?
Please select one.
31% of my sample
stated their favourite
film genre is comedy.
This was then followed
by action and thriller
being joint second
favourite. This has
helped me to decide to
go down the genre of
comedy-horror for my
trailer with elements of
action and thriller to
appeal to a wider
What SUB-GENRE of horror is your
favourite? Please select one.

My results show that comedy horror is the most

popular (43%) sub-genre of horror. This is why I want
my trailer to be of comedy-horror to appeal to the mass
What are your TOP THREE favourite
horror films?

Most popular movies rated as one of their favorite three horror films
are: Scary Movie (4 votes), Conjuring (1/2)- 5 votes, The Cabin in the
Woods (3 votes), House at the End of the Street (2 votes) and The
Shining (2 votes). Scary Movie is the movie that my trailer is inspired by
and it seems to be popular among my sample. The other favorite
horror movies all include action and thriller which explains why these
genres were voted favorites.
How do horror movies make you FEEL?
Please select one.

36% of my sample said they felt quite anxious while

watching horror films. This allows me to either make my
horror movie feel this way or disrupt conventions, instead
create my horror film trailer to make my audience feel
disgusted or excited as this isnt something my audience
will normally expect (difference).
What is the most important ELEMENT
of a film to you? Please select one.

13 out of 14 said that the plot of the film is the

most important element. This means when
planning my film trailer, I should put a lot of
emphasis and focus on having a strong and gripping
Does a horror movie APPEAL to you
more if it's based on a real life event?
The majority of my
sample stated that they
prefer a horror movie
based on a real life
event, however it isnt
essential as 2 voted
that they dont mind.
So, this means that
even if my trailer isnt
based on a real life
events, it isnt going to
gravely impact viewing
of film.
When someone mentions the word
HORROR, what's the first thing that
pops into your head?
The most popular word is scary or scared- said by 4
people. Other words include clowns, nightmares,
disguised murderer, ghost, murder, blood, the mask
of scream, dull, demons and paranormal activity
which are all generic conventions of horror movies. This
means my trailer should really focus on the scare factor
and as my trailer is a comedy horror, I should over
emphasise and exaggerate this to take the mick and play
on prototypical horror conventions.
What FEATURES do you believe always
REOCCUR (prototypical) in horror
movies? Please select one.

The most prototypical convention of horror movies seems

to be an isolated house and serial killers. These are
features that I must include in my trailer in order to
appeal to horror fans. Knives and clowns were the least
popular so I dont need to include these in my trailer.
Why do you think comedy horror
movies are FUNNY?
The main gist I got from my results is that irony
and the script is what causes the most humour.
This means I should take time when planning
and crafting my script in order to add humours
jokes. I should also cast actors who can deliver
the script without corpsing. Another recurring
point that made horror movies funny is that
humour eases the fear and tensions (i.e. mock
something that actually should be scary).
What makes horror movies appear
LESS real and more fake?
Bad graphics/ special effects and acting was the most
popular answer. Other included: far fetched story line.
As my horror movie would be taking the mick of
normal/ good conventions of horror. I should really play
on this pointers. So I need to use cheesy graphics to
constantly remind the audience my movie is just a
laugh. I should try to recruit good actors who can act
badly to not make it just a bad movie.
Have you ever watched SCARY MOVIE,

67% of the people I surveyed said that they have watched

scary movie and only 2 said they never heard of the
movie. This shows that if my trailer references
(intertextuality) Scary Movie, these will be understood
among the viewers.
If you answered yes on the previous
question, please (briefly) explain why
(or why not) you found it funny?
From my research, I concluded in order to make
my spoof comical I should cast funny actors that
are good at bad acting. I should also consider
the references I make. Here are some other
Do you prefer a horror movie to follow the
is well), middle (problem), resolution
(solving problem) and end (restoration of
balance- all is well again)?
According to my research, it
would be best if I dont follow
a traditional narrative as 58%
of my respondents said they
preferred a disjointed narrative
which isnt chronological. My
trailer should contain plot
twists in order to appeal to my
target market of older
Why do you (or not) find horror
movies SCARY?
Some of my respondents
didnt find horror movies
scary as the trailer gives a
lot of it (storyline) away.
Popular views of why horror
movies are scary is mainly
down to the suspense and
tension. Unexpected jump
scenes and fears that are
relatable seems to be factors
that scare people.
What do you think is the most
PERSUASIVE/ EFFECTIVE feature for horror
movie trailers? Please select one.

My research has taught me that in order to make

my trailer effective I should focus on appropriate
sound. Sound is very important in establishing
atmosphere and creating uneasiness among the
Is there any SPECIFIC actor that
ATTRACTS you to films? Please
All the answers to this
question were female state one.
actors. This maybe
because a majority of
my respondents were
female but it also tells Vera Farmiga
me that I should
maybe consider having
a strong female lead to
make my movie
Does BLOOD & GORE (slasher) frighten
you more that GHOSTS & the
SUPERNATURAL (paranormal)?

I found out that 83% of my

respondents found violence and
gore more frightening than the
supernatural. To make my trailer
scary I could use violence but as I
am looking at doing a spoof, I
could over exaggerate what should
be a scary feature in order to make
it comical.

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