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Name: __________________________

Today, seven types of figurative language will be discussed; simile, metaphor,
hyperbole, idiom, personification, onomatopoeia, and alliteration. Pay close attention to
how each use of language helps an author describe his particular viewpoint. The
following text examples are from Sharon Creechs Walk Two Moons.

SIMILE: A comparison using like or as.

Just over a year ago, my father plucked me up like a weed and took me and all
our belongings...and we drove three hundred miles straight north and stopped in
front of a house in Euclid, Ohio (page 1)
Here, the author is describing how the young girl felt like a weed, easily picked up and
placed somewhere else.

METAPHOR: A comparison without using like or as.

We stood out almost perceived of being pickles in a pea patch. (page 234)
The author is describing how the family stands out clearly when compared to other families.

HYPERBOLE: An extreme exaggeration to prove a point.

As we pulled onto the Ohio Turnpike, which is the flattest, straightest piece of
road in God's whole creation, Gram interrupted my prayers. (page 7)
Here, the author is describing the flattest, straightest road in Gods creation. However,
can she possibly know that just by looking?

IDIOM: An expression what says one statement, but has another meaning entirely.
Well Ill be jittered! (page 133)
Here, the author is using an expression. Grandpa does not really want to be shaken, he
is simply showing enthusiasm.

PERSONIFICATION: Giving a human characteristic to an animal or object.

Rush, rush, rush whispered the wind, the sky, the clouds, the trees. (page 25)
Here, the author is explaining how the wind seemed to be speaking to the girl, however
the wind cannot really speak.

ONOMATOPOEIA: A word that expresses a type of sound.

In the air over their heads was a cartoon bubble with a chicken saying, "Bawk,
bawwwk, bawwwk." (page 211)
Here, the author is expressing the noise that a chicken makes.

ALLITERATION: The repetition of the same letter sound in a sentence.

We stood out like pickles in a pea patch. (page 234)
Here, the author is playing on word sounds, repeating the p consonant.
Name: __________________________

Independent Work:
Instructions: Go back to the PowerPoint presentation. There are ten examples given
that are not labeled explaining what type of figurative language they are. Your job will be
to label the figurative language (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification,
onomatopoeia, or alliteration) and then explain what the author is trying to suggest.
Example: The bird was as small as an ant.
Figurative Language type: SImile
Explanation: The author uses as to compare the bird to an ant.











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