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Brave New World: Glossary

Awonawilona: the creator of the world, according to Zuni belief

Bokanovsky Process: The creation of a number of identical twins (between eighty to ninety) from
one fertilized egg
Caste: the types of beings; there are five: [higher caste] Alphas, Betas and [lower caste] Gammas,
Deltas and Epsilons
Centrifugal Bumble-puppy: an advanced, futuristic game resembling today's tetherball, played by
children. The players group around a tower; the ball is thrown up to the roof of the tower; it falls
down onto a revolving disk, hurls through an aperture in cylindrical casing, which then has to be
caught by a player.
Corpus Luteum: a temporary system of glands that develops in the ovary. If the egg is fertilised it
releases hormones that will thicken the lining of the uterus, which is essential for maintaining
Decanting Process: decanting basically means 'to pour out'. This process is the pouring out of
embryos from their bottles
Ectogenesis: creating an embryo outside of the female body through artificial means
Electro-magnetic Golf/Tennis: the futuristic form of the sport. It contains electric and magnetic
Feely: a film that allows the audience to experience the same physical sensations as its characters
Freemartins: a female embryo injected with male sex-hormone to become neutral, sterile
Hypnopaedia: the sleep-teaching of moral and social conditioning
Malthusian Belt: a clothing belt worn by females that contains a supply of contraceptives
Malthusian Drill: a drill that ensures proper contraceptive precautions are taken
Mescal: a colourless liquor made from the maguey plant
Neo-Pavlovian: post-decanted child conditioning.
Orgy-Porgy: an orgy, normally carried out in a solidarity service
Peyotl: a spineless, dome-shaped cactus native to Mexico and Southwest America
Podsnap's technique: the technique of ripening all the eggs in the ovary at once so that thousands of
embryos can be made within two years
Pookong: the Zuni God of war
Pregnancy Substitute: different substances taken that mimic the hormonal effects of pregnancy
Savage Reservation: A place that has not been worth the expense of civilizing due to unfavourable
climate, geological conditions or poverty of natural resources
Scent-organ: an object which releases scents and sounds
Sexophone: a fictional saxophone that creates sexual sensations
Social Predestination Room: the room in which the decanted embryos begin their conditioning
according to their caste
Solidarity Service: like a Christian mass, in which a group of believers get together, sing hymns,
worship and connect with one another through showing devotion to Ford
Soma: a dream-inducing drug. It deters bad feelings and brings calm and happiness.
Spermatozoa: a mature sperm cell
Stereoscopic feely: meaning that the feely is three-dimensional (3D)
Synthetic-talking: the artificial production of human speech
V.P.S: Violent Passion Surrogate. Simulated passion, fear and rage, causing a flood of adrenaline.
Vibro-vacuum machine: a massaging machine used to keep clean and relax
Zippicamiknicks: a female undergarment that can be shucked by the single zipper to reveal the
whole body
Zuni: one of the puebloan tribes of north america

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