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Combinations of Happily and Complete Love/Sex Marriage!

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The different between arranged marriage and love marriage is understood

by all. Briefly, settled/ arranged marriages of the natives are finalized by
parents but love marriages are finalized by the natives themselves. Face- love
at first sight becomes itself an important factor in the matter of love
marriages. In inter- caste love marriages, Rahu has an important role to play
but that topic need separate consideration as and when you go in for inter-
caste marriages either by love or by arrangement. Here it would suffice to say
that Rahu- Ketu are indications of inter- caste marriages and position of these
two Nodes in giving or obstructing love marriage is very important. Apart from

the following principles for love marriages, the position of 5th house and

5thlord must also be considered as 5thhouse governs your emotions and love/
romance is the result of such emotions. Failure or success would depend on the totality of the horoscope and dasha under which the natives are
running at the time of love or love marriage. In some cases, the love continues or lingers on for a long time- why- the answer lays in the planets in
the horoscope of the natives.

Lagna Lord specially Venus and its placement in the birth chart becomes an important instrument for love/ romance. The native would become
more passionate if under the influence of Mars/ Saturn/ Rahu.

Intimate relationship between 5thand 7thLord also speak of love marriage i.e. by aspect/ association and change of signs (Rasi parivartan yoga).

As already pointed out with regards to Nodes- Rahu/ Ketu, if in 5thor 7thplaces or lords of 5th/ 7thhouse are afflicted by Nodes, love marriage
including inter- caste love is indicated.

Lagna Lord if associated with 5thor 7thlord also speaks of strong Will to marry independently.

Love marriage and extra romance is indicated by the 9thhouse form Lagna specially if the 9thLord occupies its own sign i.e. Mercury in Gemini for
Libra Ascendant.

From Surya Lagna also, see the position of 9thLord and how they are aspected/ associated with Rahu/ Ketu- this combination also speak of love

Strong Venus- neither combust nor ineffective without association of the Sun alos speak of love marriage. But the Sun and Venus together especially
in lagna speak of skilled adultery.

Exalted 5thLord with some planet including Rahu and Ketu assist Love marriage. (Exaltation signs for planets are: Sun in Aries, Moon in Taurus, Mars
in Capricorn, Mercury in Virgo, Jupiter in Cancer, Venus in Pisces and Saturn in Libra.)

Twelfth house of the horoscope is also house of bed pleasures. Though it may not directly be involved in love- marriage but chances of love

marriage are bright including extra- marital relationship between 6th- 8thlords and also between 2ndand 12thlords. This may not apply to Leo/
Cancer Lagna persons as the Sun and the Moon owns one sign only.
Mars the powerful and energetic Planet has the requisite capacity to disturb the emotional part when it aspects/ associates with 1st/ 5th/


With experience it has been found that in the case of love marriages, Lagna Lord is found in Kendras (angles)- 1st, 4th, 7thor 10thhouses, trines

(5thhouse and 9thhouses) and also in 12thhouses. The exception is provided when the particular planet happens to be in its own sign or in
exaltation signs.

When significations of marriage- Venus for men and Jupiter for Ladies (though some Astrologers take Mars) happen to be under the influence of
Rahu- Ketu.

Check 5thor 9thposition Rahu and determine the ambition for love or romance with reference to the position of planet.

The Moon in 5thor 11thposition signifies mind- emotions. If the Moon is alone (no planet on either side) chances of native being swayed by feelings
of others are bright.

Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) may afflict 3rdhouse as well as 3rdLord. Rahu in 3rdaspecting the 7thhouse and also 9thhouse having Mercury with Ketu
may enable the native to make efforts to make secret love affairs. Third house is representative of arm and valor- thus speaks of efforts.

Now a word about 2ndhouse and its lord. Being a family house, its lord and aspects of other planets may also speak of love etc. including with some

With the Moon in the2nd house, the native develops romantic and imaginative mind. With Mars in the 2ndhouse and if lord of 2ndhouse happens to

be malefic, the marriage is delayed and/ or also denied. In some cases 2ndmarriage is also indicated and Mars in Taurus. Virgo, Capricorn is capable

of causing separation. Mercury in 2ndhouse can give wealth through wife but also speak of more than one wife. Afflicted Jupiter in 2ndhouse gives

late marriage. Venus in 2ndhouse gives working wife and in most cases luck favors after marriage. In few cases chances of 2ndwife are also

indicated. Saturn in the 2ndhouse gives romance/ love in a foreign land and sensual life and Saturn of Libra and Aquarius denotes two marriages
depending on totality of the Horoscope. Ketu keeps the natives agitated always.

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