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g Proj: Admin
Ref :
Tel:d Date: 14/08/17

Design of surface water drains

Basic Data
Rainfall intensity Ri = 50 mm/hour
Effective catchment area Ar = 10000 m2
Impermeability factor P = 0.85

Fall of the drain h = 1.2 m

Run of the drain L = 250 m
Slope of the drain s = 0.0048
= 1 in 208.33
Design pipe for flow of 1 times full bore
Mean Hydraulic Depth Factor m = 0.25
Surface roughness ks = 0.6 mm (Drains for Adoption)

Design flow in drain (Q) Q = (Ar*P*Ri/1000)/3600

= (10000*0.85*50/1000)/3600
= 0.12 m3/s

(i) Using Chezy formula

V = C*(m*D*s)^0.5 (where C is a constant typically taken as 56)

Diameter of sewer required D = 1000*(Q2/(0.792*562*m*s))0.2

= 1000*((0.12)2/(0.792*562*0.25*0.0048))0.2
= 359.56 mm
Nearest Pipe size = 375 mm

Slope of 1 in 208.33 greater than 1 in 530 recommended by Escritt, OK

Velocity V = 56*SQR(m*D/1000*s)
= 56*SQR(0.25*375/1000*0.0048)
= 1.19 m/s

(ii) Using Escritt's universal formula

(see Drainage & Sewerage, the Clay Pipe Development Association)

Diameter of sewer required D = (Q*1000*(1/s)0.5/0.00035)0.38

= (0.12*1000*(1/0.0048)0.5/0.00035)0.38
= 356.82 mm
Nearest Pipe size = 375 mm

Velocity V = 26.74*D0.62/(SQR(1/s)*60)
= 26.74*(375)0.62/(SQR(1/0.0048)*60)
= 1.22 m/s

(iii) Check for sewer running partially full

(see HR Wallingford's Hydraulics Research Papers Nos 2 & 4)
For pipe running full V = -2*Z*loge(ks/3.7*D+2.51*v/(D*Z)) m/s
where v = viscosity and Z = (2*g*D*s)0.5

For pipe only part full V = -Y*loge(ks/14.8*m+1.225*v/(m*Y)) m/s

where v = viscosity and Y = (32*g*m*s)0.5

(a) For pipe only part full

Depth as proportion of D x = 0.72
Velocity of flow V = 1.4 m/s

(b) For pipe running full

Velocity running full V = 1.25 m/s
Max discharge running full Q = 0.14 m3/s

Design discharge 0.12 m3/s
Slope of pipe 1 in 208.33
= 0.0048

Using Chezy formula

Diameter of pipe required 375 mm
Velocity of flow 1.19 m/s

Using Escritt's formula

Diameter of pipe required 375 mm
Velocity of flow 1.22 m/s

Using Colebrook-White formula

Diameter of pipe 375 mm
Velocity of flow 1.4 m/s
Proportional depth 0.72
Capacity of pipe (full) 0.14 m3/s
Velocity running full 1.25 m/s

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