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Mood: The emotional feeling or atmosphere that a work of literature produces in a


Examples: Aggravated, Cranky, Confused, Angry, Content, Calm and Blissful.

Tone: This is an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience.

Examples: Aggressive, Pessimistic, Sympathetic and Sarcastic.

Metaphor: The comparison of one thing to another without the use of like or as.

Example: She was a soldier in the battles of life.


Olfactory: This allows the reader to imagine the smell of odors and scents in the

Example: The rancid odor of the coconut oil left Patrice nauseous.

Visual: This allows the reader to see, or imagine in their mind, what scenes or
settings the author is describing.

Example: Her curly blonde hair fell in her face hiding her freckled cheeks.

Tactile: This allows the reader to imagine the feel or texture of certain things.

Example: Sofias hands were very sticky after playing with the Elmers glue.

Gustatory: This is where the reader can imagine the taste of certain things.
Example: As she bit the chocolate cookie, she was hit with a sweet, heavenly taste
which she complemented with a cup of fruity juice.

Symbolism: This is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving
them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense.

Example: Lifes like a game of chess. The pawns: those that sacrifice to help us.
The Bishops, Knights, Rooks and most importantly the Queen: those that
continually protect us no matter the situation.

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