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How does the shape of a parachute,

with constant surface area, affect the

rate at which terminal velocity is
reached for an object in free fall?

Falling objects, because of their weight, experience acceleration as they fall. Their
speed increases continuously until they hit the ground. They also experience an
upward force opposite to gravity called air resistance/drag, which counters this
The velocity of a falling object increases continuously up to terminal speed, which is
reached when the value of forces due to air resistance and weight are equal.

There are four fundamental forces of flight: lift, weight, thrust and drag. 2 of these
affect a parachute: lift in the form of air resistance and weight caused by the mass.

The downward force due to gravity is the force that pulls all objects towards the
earth. Gravity is a weak force of nature but it has the ability two attract planets and
stars to even allow the rotation of our earth.

We can find the weight in the downward direction using the equation

F gravity=ma (a=g)
F gravity=mg

Falling objects
When an object is dropped from a height, its velocity increases continuously. The
force responsible for this acceleration is the force of gravity which pulls any object
towards the center of the Earth.
Due to earths atmosphere, as they fall down through the air, they also experience an
upward force which counters the force of gravity which is called air resistance
The larger the surface area of the falling objects, slower
they fall because of more air resistance.
This understanding is used in the parachute designing
depending upon the purpose.
The magnitude of frictional forces experienced by the
falling object can be decreased by streamlining the

Often times a parachute is used to slow down the free fall of objects or even people,
so the things or the people are not damaged or hurt in any way. The mass of the
objects/people will accelerate downwards due to gravity in a free fall however an
opposing force is air resistance. To increase the rate at which the air resistance
allows for lift to reduce the rate at which the mass is accelerating a parachute is
used. A parachute deploys to allow more surface area for the air to push the mass up
and cause lift thus decreasing the acceleration caused by gravity rapidly. When air
resistance and the force of gravity become equal and opposite the object stops
accelerating and falls at a constant speed known as terminal velocity.

A parachute is used by skydivers, dropping objects such as food during wars and
even slowing down a space craft when it lands, because a parachute accelerates the
process of reaching terminal velocity by increasing the surface area for air
resistance to oppose gravity.

These phenomena can be explained by the equation

F Air Resistance = (pCDAv2)

This force of air resistance is called lift. It depends upon density of air, Cross
sectional area, velocity of falling object and a coefficient called lift coefficient which
depends on several parameters and is usually determined experimentally. Lift is
directly proportional to the cross sectional area of the object facing flow. Thus
increasing the surface area by attaching a parachute to an object increases the
surface area facing the flow, thus increasing air resistance.

Parachute is a device designed to reduce the drop time and velocity of a body falling
in atmosphere by providing a large force of drag to counter force of gravity. Drag is a
force which resists the motion of an object through a fluid (in this case, fluid is
atmosphere!). A drag is created when the air fills the canopy of the parachute.
Parachutes become a tool of extreme importance in case of floods to drop food
packages and for other creational purposes. Different shapes and sizes of parachute
are used to for different purposes.
It is speculated that by varying the shape of the canopy of the parachute, there would
be change in the timings of the fall of the parachute. This is due to the fact that different
shapes have different drag coefficients; and as the force of drag is proportional to the
drag coefficient. The relationship between these two can be given by the formula
FD = CD A v 2
FD = force of drag
CD = Drag Coefficient
A= frontal/surface area
= density of medium

Aim and Real Life Application

As discussed previously there is a predominant and clear relationship between
surface area and air resistance. So in this experiment rather than changing the
variable of surface area, different shapes of parachutes of constant surface area and
attached to a constant mass will be dropped to test the difference in the rate of
increase in air resistance and time taken to reach terminal velocity.

There are advantages to knowing how different shapes in parachutes must be

implemented for different situations.

Often Military veteran parachutists have many spine problems, due to the large
magnitude of pressure on the human spine caused by sudden vertical deceleration
when the parachute is opened while parachuting. A study by Rheumatism Research
Unit, University of Leeds found 84.7% of ex military parachutists of a sample of 109
veterans had lumbar disc degeneration, which are long-term fractures in the spine
due to parachuting.

By finding which shape of parachute causes the slowest rate of increase in force of
air resistance, this can be implemented in military parachutes to decrease the
magnitude of force on the spine while parachuting to reduce chance of spine
problems. The shape with the least rate of increase in air resistance and longest time
taken to reach terminal velocity will be the ideal shape of parachute to be used by
military parachutists. This is because if the rate of increase in air resistance is low
there will be less jerking when the parachute it opened and the force applied on the
spine. The decrease in acceleration will be less sudden and calmer for the militants
body and could even result in a healthy spine after retirement.

On the other hand in some cases a high deceleration is required. For example during
wars or crisis often times counties help people of other countries by providing food
and water. These supplies are given by dropping them from a plane and are
parachuted down. In this case a high deceleration, or reach terminal velocity
quickly, is required in order for the supplies not to be damaged when the land. In
this case a shape of parachute that results in fast increase in air resistance would be
most appropriate to use.

The round parachute will have the slowest terminal velocity meaning the air
resistance on it will be greatest causing it to reach terminal velocity the quickest.
This is because the round shape of the parachute will leave minimum space for air
to pass around, utilizing its surface area most effectively. Furthermore the shape
that utilizes its surface area to the maximum efficiency will have the slowest
terminal velocity because more air resistance will be achieved at a faster rate to
oppose gravity and slow down the object fastest. I hypothesize that as the shape of
the parachute increases in sides i.e. becomes more round the rate of deceleration of
the object will increase and the parachute will reach terminal velocity faster.

Hypothetical Graph:

Time To Reach Terminal Velocity

Time (s)

circle square rectangle triangle

1. Garbage Bags (4m2)
2. Scissors
3. 16 nylon strings of 50 cm
4. 8 50g bolt
5. Camera
6. 15 m measuring tape (0.0005m)
7. Stopwatch (0.01s)
8. ruler

First make the parachute itself. To make the parachutes you must use the same type
of material and each shape must have the same surface area. I set a constant surface
area of 0.81m2. To make the square parachute a laid out one layer of a thin garbage
bags and with scissors cut out a square of equal sides each side being 0.9m so that
the area would be exactly 0.81m2 (0.9m x 0.9m = 0.81m2). To attach the string,
which will connect the mass and the parachute, tape is used. 4 nylon strings each of
0.5m are attached to each vertex of the shape. Tie the 4 strings on the opposite end
of the vertex to 2 50gram bolts making a total mass of 100g, which will be used as
the constant weight when dropping the parachutes. In order to make the triangle
parachute, simultaneous equations are used, because the triangle must be
equilateral i.e.: all three equal sides and all internal angles must be 60o, further the
total surface area of the equilateral triangle must be 0.81m2.

Triangle: side length = x vertical height = y as shown in Figure 1.1


Equation 1: Area of triangle = 0.5(base)(height)

x x
Equation 2 Pythagoras theorem = a2+b2=c2 y
y2+(0.5x)2 = x2
Figure 1.1
Through simultaneous equations you can find that the base must
be 1.37m (x=1.37) and the vertical height must be 1.18 m (y=1.18) in order for the
triangle to have an area of 0.81m2 (0.5(1.37)(1.18)=0.81), and all equal sides. Use
scissors to cut of the required dimensions from the garbage bags. Attach 3 nylon
strings of 0.5m each to the three vertexes if the triangle and tie the opposite end of
the strings to 2 50gram bolts. To make the round parachute the equation area =
r2 is used to find which radius would give a circle of 0.81m2 surface area.

0.81= r2
0.258= r2

0.81= (0.51)2

Draw a circle of 0.51m radius on the garbage bag and cut it out using scissors. Draw
a cross section on the circle, i.e. draw the diameter of the circle and draw the
perpendicular diameter of the circle to get the exact point middle of the circle and 4
points on the circumference of the circle, as shown is figure 1.2.

Attach 4 (0.5m) nylon string to the 4 points drawn on the

circumference of the circle and then attach the 4 strings to 2
50gram bolts at the ends of the strings.

The final shape is the rectangle, which is simple. Cut out a 1.15m
by 0.7m rectangle thus giving an area of 1.15(0.7)=0.81m2.
Although there are alternate combinations to attain the same area,
this specific combination of length and width was used because a
similar ratio of 1.15:0.7 is used in standard rectangular parachutes.
Figure 1.2
To attach the string, which will connect the mass and the parachute, tape
is used. 4 nylon strings each of 0.5m are attached to each vertex of the
shape. Tie the 4 strings on the opposite end of the vertex to 2 50gram bolts making a
total mass of 100g.

After making the parachutes we must now put them to the test. Set up a camera 5m
perpendicular away from the drop site. Find an elevated area of 4.8m such as a
balcony or rooftop, us a measuring tape to
measure the total height of the vertical
drop site. Tape a ruler to the top of the drop
site, as this will be used as a pointer so all
drop will have the same starting height.
From the ground make 4 marking on the
wall up to the drop site every 1.2m, i.e.
make a marking at 1.2m, 2.4m, 3.6m and
4.8m, which is the maximum height.
As shown in figure 1.3
Start recording on the camera and have one person hold the parachute at the drop
site, and make sure to have the bolt weights on the same height as the ruler/pointer,
drop the parachute and a second person on the ground must start the stopwatch

Figure 1.3

simultaneously and stop the stopwatch when the bolts touch the ground. It is better
to use a stopwatch instead of the camera time because the camera will have an fps
that will give an inaccurate time reading. Repeat the drop process for all the
parachutes and do each shape for a minimum of 5 trials.
Controlled Variables

Variable Why it was controlled? How it was controlled?

Mass attached for all It was controlled because It was controlled by using
parachutes the initial downward force the same 2 50g (0.05kg)
had to be kept constant so bolt for each parachute,
air resistance will be the and all bolts were
only factor. weighed on a mass
Height of drop The height at which all the This was controlled by
parachutes is dropped is attaching a ruler to the
kept constant because at drop site so it can be used
higher heights the mass as a pointer and the
would have higher dropper can align the
potential energy because mass with the ruler, with
GPE=mgh, but the only no parallax error, and
testing factor is air drop the parachute from
resistance so it would be the same height every
unfair to drop some time.
parachutes at higher
heights as the have more
time to increase air
Surface area of all The surface area must be It will be controlled by
parachutes and different controlled because the setting a constant surface
shapes variable tested is shape area of 81m2 and using
rather than surface area. A different dimensions and
higher surface area will measurements to cut all
cause the parachute to the shaped with constant
slow down faster because surface area.
more air resistance will be
present as there is more
area for air to be trapped
and cause an upward
force, and vice versa.
The material of parachute, The same material and So the same type of
and strings. type of material must be garbage bangs and nylon
used for the parachute strings are used.
and strings because
different materials will
have different elasticity
and extend more or less,
against the same mass.

Uncontrolled variable
The uncontrolled variable in this experiment was speed of flow of air across the
room. The variation in the flow of air in the room caused parachute to land on
slightly different places in different trials due to variation in the drag force
experienced by the parachute. The movement of air and hence its effects cannot be
controlled but could be lessened by blocking the air from outside. It is important to
shut down doors and windows of the room and closing down the fan prior to the

Dependent Variable
The variable that will be measured is rate at which terminal velocity is reached. This
will be done by timing and videoing the drop for each parachute, making markers
for different heights, and calculate the acceleration at each marker. By doing this I
will be able to identify the rate of decrease in vertical acceleration and how fast the
object will reach terminal velocity. Thus answering the question and identifying the
best shape of parachutes for different situations.
Independent Variable

The variable that will be changed in the experiment is the shape of the parachute
used. However, the surface area, mass attached to the parachute and type of
material used will be kept constant. This will ensure that the only altering factor is
the shape of the parachute.


Drop Time (s)

Shape Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Average
Rectangle 10 7 11 10 9 9.4
Circle 12 15 11 8 13 11.8
Square 8 9 12 10 9 9.6
Triangle 7 5 8 7 7 6.8

Uncertainty= (Min-Max)/2

Shape Max. drop time (s) Min. drop time (s) Uncertainty (s)

Rectangle 11 7 2
Circle 15 8 3.5
Square 12 8 2
Triangle 8 5 1.5
Shape Drop time (s)

Rectangle 9.4 2
Circle 11.8 3.5
Square 9.6 2
Triangle 6.8 1.5

This table is parallel to the hypothesis, showing that the triangle parachute drops
fastest with the lowest drop time of 6.8s, because it has the fewest vertexes out of
the other shapes. However, as hypothesized the circle has the longest drop time as it
may have reached terminal velocity in less time, causing it to fall at a lower constant

Graph 1

Title-Avg. drop time for different shapes



Drop time (in sec)

Circle Rectangle Square Triangle
Graph 2:

Title-Avg. drop time for different shapes with

Uncertainties marked

Drop time (in sec)



Rectangle Circle Square Triangle

Terminal velocity is reached when the net force is 0, and the net force will be 0
when the acceleration of the mass attached to the parachute is 0.

Drop height
4.8 m

3.6 m

2.4 m

1.2 m


Acceleration Of Parachute at different heights at t(max) (ms-2)

Shape 0m 1.2m 2.4m 3.6m 4.8m
Square 9.8 0.6 0.5 0.0 0.0
Rectangle 9.8 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.0
Circle 9.8 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.0
Triangle 9.8 0.6 0.49 0.3 0.1

Acceleration Of Parachute at different heights with uncertainties (ms-2)

Shape 1.2m 2.4m 3.6m 4.8m

Square 0.72 0.12ms-2 0.55 0.06ms-2 - -

Rectangle 0.82 0.12ms-2 0.42 0.02ms-2 0.10 0.01ms-2 -
Circle 0.3 0.03 ms-2 - - -
Triangle 0.72 0.12ms-2 0.55 0.06ms-2 0.34 0.04ms-2 0.11 0.01ms-2
Graph 3:

Following are 4 graphs, one for each shape between drop height and
corresponding minimum acceleration recorded.

Drop Height vs Acceleration


10 9.8
acceleration (ms)

0.6 0.5
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drop Height (m)

Drop Height vs Acceleration

10 9.8
acceleration (ms)

0.7 0.4
0 0.1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drop Height (m)

Drop Height vs Acceleration


10 9.8
acceleration (ms)

0 0.27 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drop Height (m)

Drop Height vs Acceleration

10 9.8
acceleration (ms)

0.6 0.49 0.3
0 0.1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drop Height (m)
Graph 4:
Following are 4 graphs, one for each shape between drop height and
corresponding average acceleration along with uncertainties.

Note: Uncertainties along horizontal axis was not possible to plot on a graph of
this scale (x-axis: 1 unit=1.2m) due to their much smaller magnitude compared to
graphs scale. The uncertainties in height are 1 mm which corresponds to least
count of our measuring scale. Hence, uncertainties only along y-axis are plotted.


Drop Height vs Acceleration:Uncertainty

acceleration (ms)

0.7 0.72

0 0 0
1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8
Drop Height (m)

Drop Height vs Acceleration:Uncertainty

acceleration (ms)

0.8 0.82
0.4 0.42
0.1 0.1
0 0
1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8
Drop Height (m)


Drop Height vs Acceleration:Uncertainty


0.3 0.3
acceleration (ms)






0 0 0 0
1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8
Drop Height (m)

Drop Height vs Acceleration:Uncertainty

acceleration (ms)

0.7 0.72
0.1 0.11
1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8
Drop Height (m)

Graph 5:
Following are 4 graphs, one for each shape between drop height and
corresponding minimum acceleration and maximum acceleration

Drop Height vs Acceleration:Max and

acceleration (ms)

0.8 0.84

0.6 0.6 0.61



0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drop Height (m)


Drop Height vs Acceleration:Max and

acceleration (ms)


0.4 0.44

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drop Height (m)

Drop Height vs Acceleration:Max and

acceleration (ms)

0 0 0 0
-0.05 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drop Height (m)


Drop Height vs Acceleration:Max and Min

acceleration (ms)

0.6 0.6 0.61
0.5 0.49
0.4 0.38
0.3 0.3
0.1 0.12
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drop Height (m)
Note: Only two significant digits after decimal are taken into

At 1.2 m

t (max) = 3s (time at 1.2m attained from video.)

s = ut + at2
1.2 = 0(t) + at2
1.2 = a(3)2
a=0.27 ms-2

t (min) =4.1
s = ut + at2
1.2 = 0(t) + at2
1.2 = a(2.7)2
a=0.33 ms-2

uncertainty= (0.33-0.27)/2=0.06/2=0.03 ms-2

a (avg)= 0.3 0.03 ms-2

Acceleration of circle parachute at 1.2m is 0.3 0.03 ms-2

At 1.2 m,

t (max) = 2s (time at 1.2m attained from video.)

s = ut + at2
1.2= 0(t) + at2
1.2 = a(2)2
a=0.6 ms-2

t (min) =1.7s
s = ut + at2
1.2= 0(t) + at2
1.2 = a(1.7)2
2.4=2.89 a
a=0.83 ms-2

uncertainty= (0.83-0.6)/20.12ms-2
a (avg) 0.72 0.115ms-2

Acceleration of triangular parachute at 1.2m is 0.7152 0.12ms-2

At 2.4 m,

t (max) = 3.1s (time at 1.2m attained from video.)

s = ut + at2
2.4= 0(t) + at2
2.4 = a(3.1)2

t (min) =2.8 s
s = ut + at2
2.4= 0(t) + at2
2.4 = a(2.8)2

uncertainty= (0.61-0.49)/2=0.06 ms-2

a (avg)= 0.55 0.06ms-2

Acceleration of triangular parachute at 2.4m is 0.55 0.06ms-2

At 3.6 m,

t (max) = 4.9s (time at 3.6m attained from video.)

s = ut + at2
3.6= 0(t) + at2
3.6 = a(4.9)2
a0.3 ms-2

t (min) = 4.4s
s = ut + at2
3.6= 0(t) + at2
3.6 = a(4.4)2
a0.37 ms-2

uncertainty= (0.37-0.3)/20.04 ms-2

a (avg) 0.34 0.04ms-2

Acceleration of triangular parachute at 3.6m is 0.34 0.04ms-2

At 4.8 m,

t (max) = 9.8s (time at 4.8m attained from video.)

s = ut + at2
4.8= 0(t) + at2
4.8 = a(9.8)2
a0.1 ms-2

t (min) = 9.1s
s = ut + at2
4.8= 0(t) + at2
4.8 = a(9.1)2
a=0.12 ms-2

uncertainty= (0.12-0.10)/2=0.01 ms-2

a (avg)= 0.11 0.01ms-2

Acceleration of triangular parachute at 4.8m is 0.11 0.01ms-2

At 1.2 m,

t (max)= 1.85s (time at 1.2m attained from

s = ut + at2
1.2= 0(t) + at2
1.2 = a(1.85)2
a=0.70 ms-2

t (min)=1.6s
s = ut + at2
1.2= 0(t) + at2
1.2 = a(1.6)2
a0.94 ms-2

uncertainty= (0.94-0.70)/2=0.12 ms-2

a (avg)= 0.82 0.12ms-2

Acceleration of rectangular parachute at 1.2m is 0.82 0.12ms-2

At 2.4 m,

t (max) = 3.46s (time at 2.4m attained from video.)

s = ut + at2
2.4= 0(t) + at2
2.4 = a(3.46)2
a0.40 ms-2

t (min) = 3.3s
s = ut + at2
2.4= 0(t) + at2
2.4 = a(3.3)2
a=0.44 ms-2

uncertainty= (0.44-0.40)/2=0.02 ms-2

a (avg)= 0.42 0.02ms-2

Acceleration of rectangular parachute at 2.4m is 0.42 0.02ms-2

At 3.6 m,
t (max) = 8.5s (time at 3.6m attained from video.)
s = ut + at2
3.6= 0(t) + at2
3.6 = a(8.5)2
a=0.99 ms-2

t (min) = 8.1s
s = ut + at2
3.6= 0(t) + at2
3.6 = a(8.1)2
a=0.11 ms-2

uncertainty= (0.11-0.09)/2=0.01 ms-2

a (avg)= 0.10 0.01ms-2

Acceleration of rectangular parachute at 3.6m is 0.10 0.01ms-2


At 1.2 m
t (max) = 2s (time at 1.2m attained from video.)
s = ut + at2
1.2 = 0(t) + at2
1.2 = a(2)2
a=0.60 ms-2

t (min) = 1.7
s = ut + at2
1.2 = 0(t) + at2
1.2 = a(1.7)2
a=0.84 ms-2

uncertainty= (0.84-0.60)/2=0.12 ms-2

a (avg)= 0.72 0.12ms-2

Acceleration of square parachute at 1.2m is 0.72 0.12ms-2

At 2.4 m,
t (max) = 3.1s (time at 2.4m attained from video.)
s = ut + at2
2.4= 0(t) + at2
2.4 = a(3.1)2
a=0.49 ms-2

t (min) = 2.8s
s = ut + at2
2.4= 0(t) + at2
2.4 = a(2.8)2
a=0.61 ms-2

uncertainty= (0.61-0.49)/2=0.06 ms-2

a (avg)= 0.55 0.06ms-2

Acceleration of square parachute at 2.4m is 0.55 0.06ms-2

Height, at which acceleration is 0, is when the parachute has reached terminal



Shape Height Range (m) in which parachute reached terminal velocity

Square 2.4-3.6
Rectangle 3.6-4.8
Circle 1.2-2.4
Triangle >4.8

Calculation for errors

Logarithmic errors for acceleration:

s = ut + at2
Taking log on both sides,
ln a=ln (2(s-ut)/t2)
ln a=ln 2 +ln (s-ut) ln t2

Taking derivative on both sides,


Since u=0 for each case,


= .

dt is the least count of time measuring method which in our case is video recording
done at 30 fps (frames per second).So the value of dt is equal to 1/30 s.

= | |

Where, da is the log error for corresponding acceleration calculated.

We would take t(min) in above formula to get maximum log error.


At 1.2 m,
a=0.33 ms-2
da=0.008 ms-2


At 1.2 m,
a=0.83 ms-2
t = 1.7s
da=0.83/15(1.7) ms-2
da=0.032 ms-2

At 2.4 m,
a=0.61 ms-2
t = 2.8s
da=0.014 ms-2

At 3.6 m,
a=0.37 ms-2
t = 4.4s
da=0.006 ms-2

At 4.8 m,
a=0.12 ms-2
t = 9.1s
da=0.001 ms-2


At 1.2 m,
a=0.94 ms-2
t = 1.6s
da=0.039 ms-2

At 2.4 m,
a=0.44 ms-2
t = 3.3s
da=0.009 ms-2
At 3.6 m,
a=0.11 ms-2
t = 8.1s


At 1.2 m,
a=0.84 ms-2
t = 1.7s
da=0.033 ms-2

At 2.4 m,
a=0.61 ms-2
t = 2.8s
da=0.014 ms-2

Log Error in acceleration Of Parachute at different
heights (ms-2)
Shape 1.2m 2.4m 3.6m 4.8m
Square 0.033 0.014 - -
Rectangle 0.039 0.009 0.001 -
Circle 0.008 - - -
Triangle 0.032 0.014 0.006 0.001
Graph 6:
Following is a graph between drop height (on x-axis) and corresponding log error in
acceleration (along y-axis) values for each shape.

Height vs Log error in acceleration

log error in accel. (ms-2)

0.025 Square
0.02 Rectangle
0.015 Triangle
0.01 circle
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
drop heights (m)
The experiment involved systematic and random errors.

Systematic errors

Systematic errors generally come from the faulty measuring instruments or poor
experimental design. They cannot be reduced by taking averages. They may occur

The instrument may not be calibrated properly.

because the instrument is not properly used by the experimenter.

Here, in our experiment they consisted of

-Difference in initial conditions since the parachutes were dropped manually. Slight
change in angular inclination of the surface of parachute with respect to ground causes
change in lift experienced by it and hence altering its landing time.

-Since the camera was kept at a constant height and distance from the setup, angular
relations between the line (passing through lens and falling weight) and horizontal must
be considered while measuring the time at which the weight crosses a marker on wall.
Since it was not possible to track every coordinate of the path of parachute, failure to
comply to this would have caused slight errors in readings.

Random errors

Random errors are errors in experimental measurements caused by random changes in the
experimental conditions. They are random in nature and can be reduced by taking
averages.They may occur in the measuring instrument itself or in the environmental
conditions of the set-up.


change in electrical properties of material due to heating,

Irregular changes in time period of oscillation of a simple pendulum.
In our case it was the effect of air movement which caused change in landing time of
parachute due to complex change in aerodynamics which include lift, drag etc. Stronger
the flow, greater is the impact. Further, it causes parachute to go through random
trajectories each trial.

We could lessen the effects of random errors caused by air movement by choosing
and small compact room with all doors and windows sealed along with all holes and
gaped covered in order to minimize flow of air through them. This would ensure
that parachutes trajectory would be less affected by it.
There should be no loud noises near the setup as strong sound creates a change
pressure variation as sound propagates as a periodic variation in air pressure.
Another improvement which can be made is employing the use of an altimeter
which would yield much precise and accurate reading. This would also eliminate
error in measuring height at any instance due to non-consideration of angular
relations between the line (passing through lens and falling weight) and the
For improvements in accuracy and precision of reading of time, a higher fps
(preferably 60 fps instead of 30 fps used in this study) video recorder can be
employed. A higher fps recording device also means reduction in logarithmic error
in deduction of acceleration from experimental data as higher fps means lower least
count. As derived earlier,
= .


Higher fps would mean lower dt and hence lower logarithmic error.
As per hypothesis, the round parachute has the slowest terminal velocity whereas
the triangular one has the fastest out of the 4 shapes tested for this study. In case of
circular parachute, least amount of air escaped from the circular canopy enabling it
to utilizing its surface area in most efficient way by building up air resistance and
therefor creating drag.

The circular canopy accelerates the rate at which terminal velocity is reached
resulting in taking it longest time to reach the ground (11.8 s). The triangular
canopy took the least amount of time to reach the ground which summed up to an
average of 6.8 s. The rectangular and square parachuted didnt have much difference
in drop time which was 9.4 s for the former and 9.6 s for the latter.

It should be noted that circular canopy took as much as 173% more time to land
when compared to triangular canopy in this trial!

This study shows that even for a constant area material, shape of parachute does
affect the landing time making it an important factor to consider while designing

The shape of the parachute is important because of its effect on drop timings. The
surface area is responsible for creation of drag force/ air resistance which in turn
helps in slowing down the descent rate. The surface blocks the air which results in
creation of the drag. One problem is that the force of the air can change the shape of
parachute. This causes the air to unevenly spill out of the parachute. A distorted
surface has less exposed surface area which leads to less air resistance build up and
decrease in effectiveness.

The round shape further ensures even distribution of stress across fabric and lines
providing it more strength.
This knowledge of the effect of shape on the landing time of parachute can be used
in different ways. The deceleration caused by parachute can be controlled leading to
a much safer landing for soldiers and skydivers.

In wars, the military used parachutes to drop paratroopers and supplies. At present,
they are used mainly for helping purposes; to deliver medicines, food and other
supplies to inaccessible areas (these areas may be inaccessible because of their
remoteness or it may be a case of natural disasters). For extreme sports enthusiasts,
parachutes are used for skydiving and base jumping.

Most emergency and military personnel parachutes are round so as to provide a

stable and directionless fall.

In an emergency situation, aircrew users are most probably untrained in using

parachutes (so do not know how to control a canopys direction) and they may also
already be injured. At such cases, round parachute is the safest choice.

For skydiving and BASE jumping, the parachutes are generally square, called a ram-
air parachute. This type of canopy is highly steerable, making it an obvious choice
for a professional.


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